submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Hunter, William H.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 14, 1934    [p. 1]

Long Time Conway Resident Is Dead

W.[illiam] H. Hunter, 85, a resident of Conway for many years, died at his home Tuesday, June 12.  The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Conway Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. E. E. Garrett.  Burial was in the Conway cemetery.

He was born Dec. 10, 1848, at Zanesville, O.  When a young man he moved to Springfield, Ill., where he was married Oct. 13, 1874, to Lucy Breckenridge.  To them were born eleven children, three of whom died in infancy, and Homer J., 27, in 1920.

He was a member of the I. O. O. F. lodge at Conway and of the Christian church for many years.

Sept. 26, 1893, the family moved to New Sharon, Iowa, where they resided one year, and then moved to Taylor County, which place had been his home for forty years.  Mrs. Hunter died May 4, 1919.

Surviving relatives are the seven children, fifteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren.  The children are Fred H. Hunter of Tetonia, Ida., Preston D.[avid] Hunter of Tonganoxie, Kans., Inez H. Abbott of Wenatchee, Wash., Bettie M. Miller of Saint Anthony, Ida., Lester A. [rthur] Hunter, Lena D.[iana] Hunter, and Ralph H.[erman] Hunter of Conway.  They were all with their father when the end came.

[Stephens, Ed]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 14, 1934    [p. 1]

Ed Stephens Is A Suicide

Body of Former Resident Is Found At Maryville

Ed Stephens, middle-aged farmer, formerly a resident on a farm west of Bedford on Route 6, shot himself through the head with a .23 caliber automatic pistol Friday night, at Maryville, Mo.

His body was found early Saturday morning by a boy delivering papers, slumped over against the west abutment of the Wabash overhead railroad crossing on Main Street.

In an unfinished nine-page letter found in his pocket, Stephens gave domestic trouble as the cause of his act, and on a small piece of paper found in his pocket book was the information that the $31.60 he had belonged to George Stephens of Bedford.

Stephens and his wife had been separated about four years.  He is survived by his sister, Mrs. E. Mackey of Bedford; two brothers, George and Venny of Bedford; two sons, James and Henry of Bedford; and a daughter, Mrs. Delma Stringer of Hopkins.

Funeral services were held at the High Prairie church southwest of Bedford Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. L. M. Kirby of New Market.  Burial was in the Siam cemetery.

Stephens was born in Taylor County, in the High Prairie community, July 7, 1877.  He was married to Maude Trulinger at David City, Nebr.  The first two years of their married life was spent in Montana, when they then moved to Clarks, Nebr.   Five years ago they moved to the Bedford community.

They were the parents of three children, James and Henry of Bedford and Mrs. Delma Stringer of Hopkins.

Surviving relatives are the wife, children, two grandchildren, Betty Louise and Harold Dean Stringer, two brothers, George Stephens and Vennie Stephens, and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Patch and Mrs. Nettie Mackey, all of the Bedford community.

 [Campbell, Orr]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 26, 1934    p. 8

Rev. Orr Campbell Dies At Corydon

Rev. Orr Campbell, a resident of Bedford for many years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Cecil McConnell [Leafy Lois], in Corydon, Thursday, April 19, after having been in failing health for several years.  The body was taken to the home of another daughter, Mrs. Edwin Sundburg [Katherine] at Madrid, Iowa, where funeral services were held Sunday afternoon.  Burial was made at Madrid.  He was a cousin of Miss Irene McCloud and Miss Eva McCloud of Bedford.

[Campbell, Orr]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    May 3, 1934    p. 5

Services Held For Rev. Orr Campbell

Funeral services for Rev. Orr Campbell, 79, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. [ecil] R. McConnell [Leafy Lois], near Corydon, Thursday, April 19, were held at the home of another daughter, Mrs. J. E. [dwin] Sundburg [Katherine], at Madrid, Iowa, the following Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Warren Taylor, pastor of the Forest Avenue Baptist church of Des Moines, of which the deceased was a member.  Burial was at Madrid.

Orr Campbell was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell [Esther McLain] and was born May 22, 1854, near Farmington, Lee County, Iowa.  When he was two years old he moved with his parents to Bedford where he grew to manhood.

He was married to Miss Ellen Evans of Bedford, October 3, 1878.  They were the parents of ten children, four of whom died in infancy.

He was a teacher in the public schools of Taylor and Ringgold counties for about twenty years.  He was ordained to the ministry of the Baptist church at New Market in 1872 and spent the remainder of his life in its service.  He held pastorates at New Market, Fremont, Oskaloosa, Hedrick, Greenfield, Cambria, and Humeston.  Also [he] was a district missionary to the Baptist churches in southern Iowa for a period of eight years.

Surviving relatives are the wife, six children, Mrs. C. [harles] E. Laffin [Laflin] [Mary Zee] of Govert, S. Dak., John E. Campbell of Des Moines, Mrs. J. E.[dwin] Sundberg [Katherine] of Madrid, Iowa, G. [lenn] H. Campbell of Centerville, Mrs. C. [ecil] R. McConnell [Leafy Lois] of Corydon, Paul Campbell of Lincoln, Nebr., and seventeen grandchildren.

 [Howe, E. L.]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 26, 1934    p. 8

E. L. Howe Dies

E. L. Howe, a former resident of Conway, died last week at his home in Long Beach, Calif.  After leaving Conway years ago, he served as postmaster in Omaha, Nebr. for a time before moving to his western home.

[Crow, Milford Wesley]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    April 26, 1934    p. 8

M. W. Crow, 80, Dies Monday

M. W. Crow, 80, a resident of Bedford for many years, died Monday April 23, after having been in failing health for some time.   The funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Clark M. Crowell.  Burial was in the Fairview cemetery.

Milford Wesley Crow was born Feb. 15, 1854, in Illinois.  When a small child he moved with his parents to Lockwood, Mo., moving to Taylor County when a young man and to Bedford in 1905.  He was married to Hattie L. [enora] Clevinger May 11, 1898.  To them were born four children, two daughters and two sons, one son having died in infancy.  The remaining children are: Mrs. Mary Harp and Mrs. Minnie Wright of Bedford and John R. B. Crow of Omaha.  There are also seven grandchildren, one brother, Perry A. Crow of Corpus Christi, Texas, and a sister, Mrs. Mary Jane Hunt of Saskatchewan, Canada.  Mrs. Crow died April 19, 1929.

Mr. Crow united with the U.B. Presbyterian Church when young.

[Crow, Hattie Lenora Clevinger]


Thursday    April 25, 1929    p. 4

Mrs. Wesley Crow

Hattie Lenora Clevinger was born in Tippecanoe County, Ind., on the 4th day of September, 1869, and departed this life from her home in Bedford, Iowa, on the 19th day of April, 1929, at the age of 59 years, 7 months, and 15 days.  Mrs. Crow came to Iowa with her parents in 1881.  She settled with her parents on a farm 6 miles west of Bedford, and has been a resident of Taylor County for 48 years.  On the 11th day of May, 1898, she was united in marriage to [Milford] Wesley Crow.  To this union 4 children were born, William Oatis, who has preceded his mother in death, Mary Harp and Minnie Wright of Bedford, and John Crow of Omaha, Nebr.  She is survived by her husband, three children, 5 grandchildren, 4 sisters and 1 brother.  In the year 1891 she was converted and united with the Baptist church, and was a member of that church in good standing at the time of her death.  She was also a member of the local Woman's Relief Corps.  Mrs. Crow was a mother, and will be greatly missed from her home and from among her friends.  Her sickness was of a very short duration, and before her family and friends could realize her serious condition, she passed on.  We are sure that Brother Crow and his children have the sympathy of this community during this their hour of sadness.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Clark M. Crowell.  The burial service of the Woman's Relief Corps was conducted at the church by the local organization.  The body was placed in the Mausoleum and later will be interred in Graceland cemetery.

 [Russell, William G.]


Thursday    April 18, 1929    p. 4

Will Russell

Will Russell passed away at his home in Omaha, Nebr., at 11 o'clock Tuesday forenoon.  Funeral services were held in Omaha this (Thursday) afternoon and the body will arrive in Bedford Friday morning.  Funeral services will be held at the Christian church at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J. C. Harris.  Interment will be made in the Fairview cemetery.

[Russell, William G.]


Thursday    April 25, 1929    p. 4

Wm. G. Russell

Wm. G. Russell was born at Aledo, Ill., Mar. 23, 1865.  He came to Bedford, Iowa, in 1881.  He was married to Florence Bailey, Sept. 22, 1891.  After some time spent here, and a four years' residence in Phillipsburg, Mont., they moved to Omaha, where they have resided for the past thirty years.  He was a member of the police force in Omaha for almost 23 years, having been appointed captain in 1921, and gained much prominence in his fearless work in capturing criminals.  He retired from active service Feb. 1, 1928, due to impaired health, following a stroke of paralysis.  His death occurred at 11:00 a. m. Tuesday, April 16th.  Funeral services were held at the First Christian church in Omaha Thursday afternoon.

Captain Russell is survived by his wife and daughter, Muriel; a brother, Clyde, and sister, Miss Viola Russell, both of Bedford; a sister, Mrs. J. [ohn] A. Carnahan [Jane] of Holyoke, Colo.; and a nephew, Ralph Hughes, of Omaha.  Many others will hold him in memory, and extend sympathy to this bereaved family.

 [Kemery, Henry, Sr.]


Thursday    January 9, 1902    p. 3

Laid To Rest

The funeral of Henry Kemery, Sr., occurred at 12 o'clock Saturday, January 4th, 1902, at the family residence in Jackson Township.  The services were conducted by Rev. E. N. Ware, pastor of the Bedford Presbyterian Church.  The attendance was very large.

Mr. Kemery was one of the pioneers who located in Jackson Township in the early settlement of Taylor County.  The interment was in Forest Grove Cemetery.

Henry Kemery was born in Union [County], Pennsylvania, June 17th, 1839.  Died at his home in Jackson Township January 2nd, 1902, aged 62 years, 6 months and 15 days. 

He came to Lee County, Iowa, with his parents in the year 1846, afterward locating in Taylor Co. in about 1854, where he has since resided.  He was married to Catherine Brown in 1861.  To this union was born seven children, of whom five are living, one daughter and four sons.  Wife of the deceased died in 1876.

He was married again, in 1877, to Maria Templeton, who died in 1892.

He united with the Church in his youth, being baptized in infancy.

[Kemery, Albert]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 13, 1941    [p. 1]

Al Kemery, Blockton, Dies In Hospital

Al Kemery of Blockton, died at the University Hospital in Iowa City Sunday.

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in Blockton, Wednesday afternoon and burial was in the Athelstan cemetery.

[Kemery, Albert]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 20, 1941    p. 5

Obituary - Albert Kemery

Funeral services for Albert Kemery, who died at the University Hospital in Iowa City Sunday, Nov. 9, at the age of 74 years and 19 days, were held at the Methodist church in Blockton Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 12, conducted by Rev. E. B. Stewart.  Burial was in the Athelstan cemetery.

Albert Kemery, son of William and Lodema Kemery, was born Oct. 21, 1867, in Taylor County, Iowa.  He joined the Baptist church early in life.

He was married to Hettie Jane Rusco August 19, 1893.  To them were born two children, Ira Kemery of Blockton and Mrs. Zelda Fluke of Athelstan.  Mrs. Kemery died April 17, 1928.

Feb. 17, 1931, he was married to Mrs. Millie Shaw of Athelstan.  She died May 24, 1939.

He is survived by his two children; four step children, Henry Shaw of Eunice, Mo.; C. L. Shaw of Rifle, Colo.; Mrs. Gladys Cline of Twin Falls, Idaho, and Mrs. Stella Waugman of Dexter, Iowa; four half-brothers, Frank Kemery and Lamont Kemery of Sheridan, Lynn Kemery of Parnell and Delay Kemery of Allendale, Mo.; three half-sisters, Mrs. Mable Russell, Mrs. Bessie McCormick and Mrs. Jennie Trumbo, all of Bedford; four grandchildren, Clyde Kemery of Blockton, Hazel Fluke and Cecil Fluke of Athelstan and Mrs. Rita Miller of Cle Elum, Washington; two great grandchildren, Jerry Kemery and Wayne Kemery of Blockton.

He was a faithful and loving husband and father, a kind and accommodating neighbor.  His friends were numbered by those who knew him.

[Bosch, Orta Albert]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    November 13, 1941    [p. 1]

Mrs. Reed’s Brother Killed By Cars

Mrs. G. [eorge] B. Reed of east of Bedford received word Wednesday night of the death of her brother, O. A. Bosch, who was fatally injured when he was struck by two cars, while crossing the street in Kansas City that evening.  He died upon reaching the hospital.

Orta Albert Bosch, eldest son of William and Della [Miller] Bosch, was born June 4, 1888, near Maryville, Missouri.  He attended school and spent most of his boyhood days on a farm near Blockton.

On March 3, 1910 he was married to Mary Elsie Mendenhall.  In the fall of 1913 he moved to St. Joseph, Mo., where he became affiliated with the moving picture machine operators’ Union Local 559 and in 1919 moved to Kansas City, where he had since been associated with the operators’ union Local 170.

He was a congenial, home loving, industrious man.

His parents and a brother George preceded him in death.  He is survived by his wife, the sister, Mrs. Ada Reed of Blockton; and two brothers, William Bosch of Independence, Mo., and Don Bosch of Overland Park, Kans.

The funeral services were held in Kansas City and burial made there.

[Fluke, Jacob Franklin]

South West Democrat

Friday    August 24, 1888    p. 6


At his residence three miles south of Platteville, on Monday, August 13, 1888, after a long and patient endurance of affliction, Mr. J. [acob] F. [ranklin] Fluke, aged about 37 years.

The subject of the above notice was one of the most respected residents of Jefferson Township, a man whose every day walk and conversation was an exemplification of the religion he professed, a consistent member of the M. E. church and a citizen beloved and respected by all who knew him.  The funeral services were conducted at Platteville on Tuesday by Rev. McDade, of Bedford, after which the mortal remains were laid to rest in the presence of a large congregation of sorrowing friends.  Our sympathy and kindest wishes are extended to the sorrowing wife and fatherless little ones.----Platte Valley Chronicle.

[Marsh, Ronald Paul]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 24, 1957    [p. 1]

Ronald Paul Marsh Rites Here Oct. 17

Ronald Paul Marsh, 20, son of Willard and Alice Marsh, was born August 21, 1937 in Taylor County, Iowa, and died at Glenwood, October 14, 1957.

He is survived by his parents, and three brothers:  Air Force S/Sgt. Thomas W. and Joanne, Orville F. and Ruth, Larry and Patricia, also one sister, Nancy A., of the home; two nephews and two nieces and his grandfather, T. H. Moore of Essex, Iowa.

Funeral services were held Oct. 17, 1957 at the Shum Funeral Home at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. Andre.  Interment in Guss cemetery.

[Raper, Floy Wesley Reed]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 24, 1957    [p. 1]

[Mrs.] T. H. Raper Died Monday At Blockton

[Mrs.] T. [ine] H. Raper [Floy Wesley Reed] died Monday at Blockton.  Funeral arrangements are being delayed pending the arrival of relatives from Texas.

[Raper, Floy Wesley Reed]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday     October 31, 1957    p. 6

Mrs. T. H. Raper of Blockton Dies

Last rites for Mrs. T. [ine] H. Raper of Blockton were held at the Shum Funeral Home in Bedford Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Colvin Caughey of the Baptist church.  Burial was in Platteville cemetery.  Mrs. Raper died at her home near Blockton, Monday, October 21, at the age of 75 years, seven months, 14 days.

Floy [Wesley] Reed, daughter of Vinson [Vinton M.] and Carolyn [Caroline] Reed, was born March 7, 1882, in Ringgold County, Iowa.  In 1898 she was united in marriage to T. [ine] H. Raper and to them three sons were born.  They are Wayland Raper of Kansas City, LeRoy Raper of Dallas, Texas, Garland Raper of Jackson, Michigan.

Mrs. Raper was preceded in death by two brothers, Robert and John Reed.

Surviving are her husband, the three sons; a sister, Mrs. Carey Boettcher of Durango, Colo.; seven grandchildren, three great grandchildren.

[Raper, Floy Wesley Reed]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday November 28, 1957    p. 7

Obituary - Mrs. T. H. Raper

Floy Wesley Reed was born to Caroline and Vincent [Vinton M.] Reed on March 7, 1882, and died at her farm home near Athelstan, Iowa, October 21, 1957, at the age of 75 years, seven months, 14 days.  Her father, mother and two brothers, John and Robert, preceded her in death.

She was born in Iowa and had lived in Taylor County all of her life except for two years she spent on a farm in northern Missouri.

On October 22, 1898, she was married to Tine H. Raper of Athelstan.  To them three sons were born:  Wayland of Kansas City, LeRoy of Dallas, Texas, Garland of Jackson, Mich., who, with Mr. Raper, survive.

She also leaves seven grandchildren, Vivian Raper of Sheridan, Gene Raper of Council Bluffs, Mrs. Ellen Phillips of Baltimore, Maryland, Mrs. Jolene Brown of Bensenville, Ill., Mrs. Janice Rider of Arlington, Texas, Dennis and Patty Raper of Jackson, Michigan.  Also 3 great grandsons; one sister, Mrs. Carrie Boettcher, Durango, Colo.

Services were held at the Shum Funeral Home in Bedford on October 24.  Rev. Colvin Caughey of the Bedford Baptist church officiated.  Interment in Platteville cemetery.

 [Boyd, Frank]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 24, 1957    [p. 1]

Graveside Services Here For F. Boyd

Graveside services were held Wednesday afternoon in Fairview cemetery for Frank Boyd of Des Moines.

[Ginn, Grover Cleveland]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 24, 1957    [p. 1]

Grover C. Ginn Buried Tuesday

Funeral services for Grover C. [leveland] Ginn were held in the Methodist Church in Conway Tuesday afternoon with Rev. DeVore in charge.  Burial was in the Conway cemetery.

Mr. Ginn died Saturday morning in the Rosary hospital in Corning.

[Ginn, Grover Cleveland]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 31, 1957    p. 6

Grover Ginn Rites Oct. 22 At Conway

Funeral services for Grover Ginn of Conway were held Tuesday, October 22, in the Methodist Church in Conway, with Rev. Howard DeVore in charge.  Masonic services were held at the last rites.  Burial was in the Conway cemetery.

Grover Cleveland Ginn, son of Andrew [Aaron] Thomas and [Mary] Ellen [Bates] Ginn, was born near Conway, Aug. 28, 1883, and died Oct. 19, 1957, in Rosary hospital at Corning, after a lingering illness at the age of 74 years, 1 month, 21 days.

He spent all his life in and around Conway and engaged in farming until 1930 when he became an employee of Taylor County.

He served in several official capacities during his life and was Mayor of Conway for a number of years.

On Feb.  9, 1910, he was united in marriage to Flora Ellen Beckett of Sharpsburg, Iowa.

He leaves to mourn his passing his wife and two daughters: Irene [Elizabeth] Cerny of Lone Tree, Iowa and Grace Kiesling of Cedar Falls, Iowa, and three grandchildren, John, Steven, and Carolyn Kiesling, and three sisters, Grace Beckett of Gravity, Bonnie Wilson of Arcata, California and Ethus [Ellen] Parsons of Hiawatha, Kansas, and his two sons-in-law.

He was preceded in death by his father and mother, two brothers and three sisters.  He was a member of the Methodist church and was a long time member of the Masonic order.

He was always interested in the affairs of the community and will be greatly missed by a host of relatives and friends.

[Kemery, James Francis]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 24, 1957    [p. 1]

Francis Kemery Rites Wednesday

[James] Francis Kemery, a resident of Taylor County all his life, died here Monday, October 21, at the age of 84 years.  In recent years he had made his home in a local nursing home.

Funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon, October 23, at the Wetmore Funeral Home, Rev. Colvin Caughey, minister of the Bedford Baptist church in charge.  Burial was in the Snow Hill cemetery at Coin, Iowa.

[Kemery, James Francis]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    October 31, 1957    p. 6

Francis Kemery Burial At Coin

Last rites for Francis Kemery were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home, Wednesday, October 23, with Rev. Colvin Caughey of the Baptist church officiating.  Burial was at Coin, Iowa.

James Francis Kemery, son of Henry and Katherine Brown Kemery, was born in Jackson Township, near Bedford, November 17, 1873, and died at the age of 83 years, 11 months, four days.

On May 31, 1918 he was united in marriage to Myrtle Violette Dunmire and to them one son was born, John Kemery of Villisca, Iowa.

He is survived by his son John, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren, Barton and Barbara Kemery, all of Villisca.