submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Emily Hammond Hays]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 14, 1935    p. 4

Mrs. Emily Hayes Dies in Colorado

Mrs. Emily [Hammond] Hays, 90, a former resident of Bedford, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Beck, in Boulder, Colo., Tuesday, Feb. 12.  The body is being returned to Bedford, accompanied by Mrs. Beck, and is expected to arrive here Friday morning.

The funeral services will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bebout Friday afternoon and burial will be made in the Siam cemetery.  Rev. T. J. Overholt of Shambaugh will conduct the services.

Mrs. Hays is survived by four children, Mrs. John Beck [Carrie] of Boulder, Mrs. Bruce Bebout [Minnie] of Bedford, Ivan Hays of Chicago, and Everett Hays of California.  Ivan Hays arrived in Bedford this morning.

[Emily Hammond Hays]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    February 28, 1935    p. 8

Bury Mrs. Hays

The body of Mrs. Emily [Hammond] Hays of Boulder, Colo., was interred at the Siam cemetery Friday afternoon by the side of her husband [Thomas Lupher], who was buried there many years ago.  Her funeral was held the week before at Bedford but they were unable to come to Siam on account of the bad roads.  Mrs. Hays was an old time resident of Siam.

[John Nelson Weatherly]


Thursday    June 4, 1925    [p. 4]

J. N. Weatherly

J. [ohn] N. [elson] Weatherly, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weatherly, was born near Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa, Aug. 14, 1860, and departed this life Friday morning, May 29, 1925, aged 64 years and 7 months.  He grew to manhood near Marshalltown, later moving to Carroll, Ia., where he was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Chase, Oct. 16, 1882.  To this union were born 4 children:  Ernest A., of Fremont, Nebraska; Mrs. Alta M. [ay] Miller of Sheridan, Mo.; Frank [George Franklin] and Roy of Bedford, Ia., who with his wife, six grandchildren, seven sisters, one brother and a host of friends survive him.  They spent a part of their earlier married life near Manning, later moving near Bedford, Ia., which has since been their home.  Mr. Weatherly united with the Gilead M. E. church early in life.  He was always noted for his rugged, steadfast character and temperate life, always having advocated every good movement for the moral welfare of the community in which he lived.

Funeral services were held in the M. E. church in Bedford on Sunday, May 31, conducted by Rev. Warrior of Gravity and Rev. Roberts of Bedford.

[John Nelson Weatherly]

Bedford Free Press

Thursday     June 4, 1925    [p. 1]

J. N. Weatherly Buried in Mausoleum Saturday

J. [ohn] N. [elson] Weatherly of this city, past 64 years of age, died at his home last Friday, May 29th, 1925, after an illness of several months of heart trouble.  While his health had been poorly for some time, he had continued to be about excepting for attacks that kept him confined to his home for a few days at a time, until the severe illness of a few days duration last week that were his last.

The funeral services were conducted at the home last Saturday afternoon by Rev. G. T. Roberts of the Methodist Church and interment was in the mausoleum.  Following is the sketch of his life as read by the minister:

J. [ohn] N. [elson] Weatherly, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weatherly, was born near Marshalltown, Iowa, August 14, 1860 and departed this life Friday morning, May 29th, 1925.  He grew to manhood near Marshalltown, later moving to Carrol, Iowa, where he was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Chase, October 16, 1882.  To this union were born four children: Ernest A. of Fremont, Nebr., Mrs. Alta M. [ay] Miller, Sheridan, Mo., Frank and Roy of Bedford, Iowa, who, with the wife, survive him.  There are six grandchildren, seven sisters, one brother and a host of friends.  Mr. and Mrs. Weatherly spent a part of their early married life near Manning, Iowa, later moving to near Bedford, which has since been their home.  Mr. Weatherly united with the Gilead M. E. church early in life.  He was always noted for his rugged, steadfast character and temperate life, always having advocated every good movement for the moral welfare of the community in which he lived.

 [Sarah Matilda Sherbeck Dresher]


Thursday    May 28, 1925    [p. 4]

Mrs. J. A. Dresher

Sarah Matilda Sherbeck was born in Woodhull, Ill., August 21, 1872, and died at Handel, Sask., Canada, May 10, 1925, aged 52 years, 8 months and 19 days.

She was the eldest of the 12 children of Tilda Marie [Matilda Maria] and Swan [Sven] Sherbeck.  At the age of 3 she, with her younger sister and parents, moved to a farm 5 miles west of Bedford, Ia., her elementary education being acquired in the rural school in that neighborhood.  Very early in life she united with the Morning Star Presbyterian church, this membership being transferred later to the First Presbyterian church of Bedford.

On December 25, 1891, she was united in marriage to Jesse Albert Dresher, two children being born to this union, Helen and Charles, who, with her husband, survive her.  In addition to the immediate family, she leaves a father, Swan Sherbeck, of Bedford, Iowa; three brothers, Charles and James of Bedford, and Frank of West Chester, Iowa.   There are also six sisters surviving her, Carrie Sherbeck of Colorado Springs, Colo., Mrs. Lou [Lon] Bristow [Mary Louise] of Southie, Sask., Canada, Mrs. Robert Patton [Martha] of Dawn, Mo., Mrs. C. [ecil] A. Douglas [Edith] of Ft. Morgan, Colo., Mrs. Claude Bowers [Clara] and Mrs. Roy Leighton [Grace], both of Bedford, Iowa.

In the spring of 1912 the family moved to Handel, Saskatchewan, where the rest of her life was spent.  On May 14th, 1918, she had a stroke of paralysis, from which she never completely recovered, and her last sickness being a second stroke occurring on May 7, 1925, which she did not survive.

The funeral service [was] in charge of Rev. Paul G. Luce at the First Presbyterian church, Bedford, Ia.  Interment in Fairview cemetery, May 19, 1925.

[James E. Ross]

Bedford Times-Republican

August 1 & 4, 1921    p. 4


James E. Ross, an old and respected citizen of this county, passed away at the home of a relative near Sharpsburg on Tuesday of last week and was buried in Memory cemetery Saturday.  Funeral services were held in the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. Penn.

James E. Ross was born in Benton Township, Taylor County, Iowa, on July 10, 1859, and died July 19, 1921, aged 62 years and 9 days.  He grew to manhood and spent nearly all his life in the county in which he was born, most of the time being spent at farming.  In 1883 he was married to Jenny Combs, who preceded him in death April 1, 1907.  To this union three children were born, two of whom still survive.  They are Earl of Boulder, Mont., and Mrs. Pearl Langlois of Butte, Mont.  He also leaves three brothers, four sisters, three grandchildren, many other relatives and a host of friends.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, July 28, 1921
SHARPSBURG – Mr. Ross, who came here to visit his nephew, Cleave Ross, was taken seriously sick one day last week and died. His body was taken to New Market for burial.
NEW MARKET – Jas. Ross, an old citizen of this community, died Tuesday evening at the home of a nephew near Sharpsburg.

[Charles Franklin Dresher, 1896-1939]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    August 24, 1939    p. 5

C. F. Dresher

Charles Franklin Dresher was born at Bedford, Iowa, February 14, 1896, the son of Jesse Albert and Sarah M. [atilda Sherbeck] Dresher.  He attended the public schools in Bedford until his sophomore year.  He joined the Presbyterian Church here at the age of twelve.

In 1912 he moved with the family to Handel, Saskatchewan, Canada, where he made his home until 1925.  During 1916 and 17 he studied at the University of Iowa.  He was a World War veteran in British service with the Canadian troops.  He went to Vancouver, British Colombia, in 1925 and worked there as a building contractor.

At the time of his last illness he was working on the Pacific Coast on buildings for the Canadian Fishery Association.  He was taken to the Prince Rupert hospital on July 21 for an operation for perforated stomach ulcers.  He made excellent progress at first but complications started after two weeks and he passed away August 9.  The body was taken to Vancouver and services held there on August 16.

He leaves his wife Maudie in Vancouver; a daughter, Hope Nicholson of Hardy Bay, British Columbia; his father, J. [esse] A. [lbert] Dresher of Sharpsburg; and sister, Mrs. M. J. Albert [Helen] of Cedar Falls.  An infant daughter, Gretta Gail and his mother preceded him in death.

The body was brought to Bedford and funeral services were held at the Wetmore Funeral Home Monday afternoon, August 21, conducted by Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson.  Burial was in Fairview cemetery.

[Dora Bell Johnson McCurdy Gilleland]

Taylor County Herald

Tuesday    August 29, 1939    [p. 1]

Stroke Fatal To Mrs. Gilleland

A paralytic stroke, suffered late last week, Sunday, proved fatal to Mrs. C.[harles] W. [esley] Gilleland [Dora Bell Johnson], 57, the wife of a prominent Taylor County stockman.  Mrs. Gilleland died Sunday afternoon in St. Francis hospital at Maryville where she was rushed after being stricken.

Surviving are her husband; two sons, Guy McCurdy of Savage, Mont. and Charles McCurdy, Scottsbluff, Nebr.; a daughter, [Opal] Mae Keith, of Bedford; two brothers, E. [lbert E. [dson] Johnson of Conway and Lester Johnson of Lenox.

Funeral services were at two o'clock Tuesday from the home in north Bedford, conducted by the Rev. C. M. Buck.  Burial was in Fairview cemetery.

[Dora Bell Johnson McCurdy Gilleland]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    August 31, 1939    p. 4

Mrs. C. W. Gilleland Died Sunday, Aug. 27

Dora Bell Johnson, daughter of Reuben and Elizabeth Johnson, was born on December 12, 1881 at Sabina, Ohio, and died, after a brief illness, at the St. Francis Hospital in Maryville, Mo., on Sunday afternoon, August 27, 1939, at the age of 57 years, 8 months, and 15 days.

In December of 1888 when she was seven years old she came with her parents to Iowa and settled near Hamburg in Fremont County.  After five years they moved to a farm near Clarinda, where she grew to young womanhood.

She was united in marriage to E. [rie] S. McCurdy on December 21, 1898 and to this union four children were born, Erie, Mae, Guy and Charlie.

On November 23, 1925, she was united in marriage to C. [harles] W. [esley] Gilleland.  After their wedding they spent the winter in Texas, and came back to Bedford where they remained for a year before moving to a farm south of Bedford.  Here they made their home until 1934, when they moved into Bedford.

Mrs. Gilleland was preceded in death by her parents and her daughter Erie, who passed away on Feb. 22, 1911.  She is survived by her husband C. [harles] W. [esley] Gilleland, her two sons, Guy McCurdy of Savage, Montana, and Charlie of Scotts Bluff, Nebraska and her daughter, [Opal] Mae Keith of Bedford, two brothers, E. [lbert] E. [dson] Johnson of Conway and Lester Johnson of Lenox, three grandchildren, other relatives and a host of friends.

Mrs. Gilleland was baptized at Brice, Mo. in 1917 by Rev. Paul Bennet, and she and Mr. Gilleland placed their membership in the Bedford Church of Christ in July of 1937.  Mrs. Gilleland will be greatly missed in the life of the church.  She was always interested in all it was doing, especially in the work of the women.  Her spirit of willingness and her readiness to do whatever she could to help has endeared her to all.  The entire church group extend their sympathies to Mr. Gilleland and to her children at this time.

Mrs. Gilleland has been a member of the Rebekah Lodge for many years and at he time of her death she was a member of Golden Rule Rebekah Lodge No. 134 of Bedford.  Her lodge sisters will miss her greatly and extend their sympathies to the family.

Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon August 2 at the Gilleland home by Rev. C. Max Buck and burial was in Fairview cemetery.

[Lillian Wakeman Beck]

Taylor County Herald

Thursday    August 29, 1939    [p. 1]

Rites Sunday For Mrs. Francis Beck

Funeral services were held Sunday from the Bedford Baptist church for Mrs. [William] Francis Beck [Lillian Wakeman], 65, who died Friday after an extended illness.

An active member in Bedford religious circles, Mrs. Beck is survived by her husband and by a daughter, Mrs. Allen Barnes [Hazel], all of Bedford.

The rites were conducted jointly by the Bedford church and by the Rev. Irving Putnam of the First Methodist church of Sioux Falls, S. D.

Burial was in Fairview cemetery.

[Beck, Lillian Wakeman]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday       September 7, 1939      p. 8


Mrs. William Francis Beck

Lillian J. Wakeman was born in Ringgold County, Iowa December 14, 1873 on a prairie farm near the present site of Lenox, and died at her home in Bedford, Friday afternoon, August 25, 1939 at the age of 65 years, 8 months and 11 days.

In 1874 she moved with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. [lfred] B. Wakeman to another prairie farm in Taylor County, Iowa about 3 miles northwest of Bedford where she had since resided except for a three-year residence in Shenandoah, Iowa from 1930 to 1933.

She was graduated from the Bedford high school with the class of 1894.

In 1887, during the pastorate of the Rev. J. H. Scott, who later was a missionary to Japan, she was converted and joined the Baptist church at Bedford. She remained a loyal and devoted member throughout her life.

In February 1902, she was married to William Francis Beck. To this union was born a daughter, Hazel Pauline, now Mrs. Allen E. Barnes.

Mrs. Beck was ever interested in the welfare of the community in which she lived and gave much of her time and strength to its educational, civic and religious enterprises.

Survivors of her immediate family are her husband, a daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Barnes of Bedford and a brother, Frank E. Wakeman of Long Beach, Calif.

Mrs. Beck will be greatly missed in her home and in her large circle of friends who unfailingly remembered her with cards, letters and personal visits during her illness. She regarded her months of suffering as affording her an opportunity for greater service among her many friends to whom she was ever grateful for their kindly ministries and expressions of sympathy.

The members of the Bedford church and a host of friends extend their sincere sympathy to the family.

Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the Baptist church. Rites were conducted jointly by the Rev. O. H. Hallgrimson of Bedford and Rev. Irving Putnam of the First Methodist church of Sioux Falls, S. D.  Burial was in Fairview cemetery.

[Elizabeth Thornton Bailey]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    January 28, 1965    p. 6

E. Bailey Rites Held Jan. 20

Funeral services for Mrs. David (Elizabeth) Bailey, held Jan. 20 at State Street Shum-Novinger Funeral Home, were conducted by Rev. Leonard Wilson.  Mrs. Bailey died Jan. 16 at the Court Street Rest Home in Bedford at the age of 84 years, four months and 20 days.  Interment was at Platte River Cemetery, Ringgold County, Iowa.

Elizabeth (Thornton) Bailey, daughter of John and Laura (Woodside) Thornton, was born August 27, 1880 in Taylor County, Iowa.

She was the oldest of a family of nine children, six of whom preceded her in death.  Also preceding her in death was her parents and husband.

She was married to David Bailey on Sept. 5, 1915.  To this union one son, Don, who lives at Scotts Bluff, Nebr., was born.

When health permitted, she attended services at the Baptist church of which she was a member.

Attending the service were her son Don Bailey, and her sister, Mrs. Viola Clark of Clarinda, Iowa.

[Susan Kemery Haun]                    [William Henry Haun]


Thursday    October 24, 1901    p. 3


Miss Susan Kemery was born in Pennsylvania March 23, 1837, and died at her home in Jackson Township, Taylor County, Iowa, October 14, 1901.  She was married to Calvin H. Haun in Taylor County, Iowa, July 13, 1856.  To this union were born 4 sons and 3 daughters, John, Samuel, Charles, Mrs. J. [oseph] W. [arren] Davidson [Laura], Mrs. A. [rchibald] B. [oyd] Davidson [Lilly May], and Mrs. H. [orace] E. Miller [Rosa Effie].

William Henry Haun was born April 23, 1860, and died December 10, 1881, at the age of 21 years.

The funeral service for both mother and son was preached at the Woodman Hall October 15 at 1 p.m., Rev. D. W. Griffith officiating in the presence of a large company of old friends and neighbors who taxed the capacity of the hall.  No funeral service had ever been held for the young man who died and it was the desire of the family that a combined service for mother and son should be held.

Mrs. Haun was an old settler, having lived in the community for many years.  She had the respect and confidence of the whole community, as shown by the deference paid her by the large number present.  She made a profession of religion when very young and united with the Lutheran church.  Like many others, after coming west, she neglected to identify herself with Christian people.  Her children speak of her as one who believed in Christianity and one who had faith in God.  She was in poor health for many years.  Her last illness, however, was only of 3 or 4 days duration.  She invoked God's blessing upon her children before she passed away.

The text used for the occasion was II Samuel 12:23, "I shall go to Him, but He shall not return to me."  The singing was very effective and appropriate.  The interment took place at Forest Grove cemetery [Jackson Township, Taylor County, Iowa]. [Note: Her gravestone gives her birth date as March 28, 1837.]

[Susan Kemery Haun]


Thursday    October 17, 1901    [p. 1]

Mrs. Cal Haun Is Dead.

(From Tuesday Daily)

Mrs. Cal [vin] Haun [Susan Kemery] died at about 2 a. m. Monday, October 14th, 1901, at her home in Jackson Township.  She was aged about 60 years.  She leaves a husband and six children, three sons and three daughters, all grown to maturity, to mourn the death of wife and mother.

Funeral services were held at 1 p. m. today at the Woodmen Hall in Jackson Township, Rev. D. W. Griffith, pastor of the Bedford Baptist Church, conducted the services.  The attendance was large.  The interment was in Forest Grove Cemetery.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, October 17, 1901
Passed Away
Died, at her home in Jackson township, Monday, October 14, at 2 o'clock a. m. Mrs. Cal Haun, aged 60 years. She leaves a husband and six children, all grown. The funeral services were conducted by D. W. Griffith on Tuesday at Woodman hall. Interment in Forest Grove cemetery.

[George W. Clark]


Thursday    April 28, 1927    [p. 1]

George W. Clark Died Suddenly In His Office Wed.

Lived In Bedford Several Years, Active Insurance Man Here.

Had Heart Attack

Had Apparently Been In Good Health His Entire Lifetime Until Stricken

A big surprise came about to the business section of Bedford when George Clark, well known real estate and insurance man here, died suddenly in his office yesterday afternoon about 3:00 o'clock.

Mr. Clark had been out in the street in front of his office pumping up a tire previously and went back into his office in the building also occupied by Stephens & Brice.  He told the boys that he had a pain in his chest and complained to the extent that a doctor was summoned, and when he arrived, Mr. Clark was on the couch in the front room passing away.  It was very evident that an over-exertion pumping up the tire brought about the sudden demise.  However, the local physician pronounced it a blood clot over the heart.

George Clark has been a life long highly respected citizen of Taylor County.  He lived at New Market about thirty years and the balance of the time in Bedford, where he has been very active in selling insurance of all kinds.

George W. Clark was born in the year 1855, and died April 27, 1927.  Funeral services will be held at the M. E. church in Bedford tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, with Rev. G. T. Roberts officiating.  Interment will be made in the cemetery at New Market.

Obituary will be published in next week's paper.

[The same article was published in the Bedford Free Press, April 28, 1927   [p. 1]

 [Retta Bell Dowell Henry]


Monday    May 5, 1924    [p. 4]


Mrs. Retta Henry passed away at her home near Crookston, Minn., Friday, April 25, 1924, aged 31 years, 5 months and 18 days.  Short services were held at the home, after which the remains were brought to Bedford by her parents.

Retta Bell Dowell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe [Joseph Thomas] Dowell [Viola Allison], was born Nov. 7, 1892, near Hopkins, Mo.  When about 9 years of age she came with her parents to Bedford, where she lived for about 5 years, when the family returned to Hopkins.  She attended the public schools at Bedford and also at Sheridan, Mo., having graduated from the latter high school in 1909.  She united with the Baptist church at Bedford when about 14 years of age, later uniting with the Christian church at Sheridan, Mo.

In March 1910, she was united in marriage to Raleigh Henry.  To this union were born 7 children, all of whom, with the husband, survive.  Mr. and Mrs. Henry lived for 2 years near East Mission, when they moved to Alberta, Canada, where they resided until recently, when they moved to Crookston, Minn.  Mrs. Henry was only sick a short time, having only been in her new home eleven days.  Her children are all sick and the husband remained at home to care for them.

Bedford Free Press (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, May 1, 1924
Joe Dowell's Daughter Dead
Mrs. Rolla Henry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell of this city died April 25th at her home in Crookston, Minn., where they had moved a short time before from Canada. The family of seven children and the mother were all ill with the flu and the mother died. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell went to Minnesota the first of the week and accompanied the body back here for burial. The husband was unable to leave the children. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon (Friday) at the Baptist church with Rev. Fletcher in charge and interment made in the New Hope cemetery south of Bedford.

Bedford Times-Republican (Bedford, Iowa), Thursday, May 1, 1924
Mrs. Raleigh Henry Dies In Minnesota
The body of Mrs. Raleigh Henry (nee Dowell), oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dowell, who died at her home in Crookston, Minn., Tuesday, arrived in Bedford this morning, accompanied by the father who was called to her bedside. The funeral will be held at the Baptist church tomorrow, Friday afternoon at 1:30, after which the body will be interred in the New Hope cemetery south of Bedford. The husband was unable to accompany the body owing to the sickness of the entire family of 7 children who have been left without a mother's care. The family will have the sympathy of all in their great sorrow.

[Captain John Flick]

Taylor County Democrat

Thursday    January 11, 1894    [p. 4]

Flick---Friday, Jan. 5, 1894, at the home of his son, Hon. J. [ames] P. [atton] Flick, in Bedford, at 2 a. m., Capt. John Flick, aged 76 years, 7 months and 3 days.

Capt. John Flick was born in Allegheny County, Penn., May 8, 1817.  In 1852, after having been united in marriage to Miss Margaret Patton, he came to Wapello County, Iowa.  In 1857 he removed to Taylor County and located on a quarter section of land near what is now the village of Platteville.  During the early period of the great civil war he enlisted in a Missouri regiment and was promoted to the rank of captain.  He afterwards raised a company of volunteers, which was mustered into the service as Company B of the 9th Iowa Calvary.  With that regiment he participated in many of the great battles of the civil war.  While his career as a soldier and officer were honorable and such as reflected credit upon himself, it was as a private citizen that he was best known to the people of Taylor County.  In private life he was irreproachable.  He died honored and revered by his acquaintances.  Gifted in a rare degree with a kindliness of manner and a dignity of personal presence without austerity, he made lasting friendships with those with whom he came in contact.

The funeral services were under the management of Sedgwick Post G. A. R., of Bedford.  The S. of V. and W. R. C. joined in the funeral service and assisted in paying the last tributes of respect to the dead soldier and citizen.  The remains were escorted to Platteville by members of the Sedgwick Post Sunday, Jan. 7, where the funeral services were conducted by Rev. M. C. Waddell, of the M. E. church of Bedford.

[Norma Miller McMahan]


Thursday    June 4, 1925    [p. 4]

Norma Miller McMahan

Norma Miller was born Feb. 10, 1886, and died at her home at Parnell, Mo., May 24, 1925.  She was married to William McMahan on Feb. 15, 1905.  She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, three children, four brothers and six sisters.  No comment is needed on the life of Mrs. McMahan; the crowd that gathered to pay their last respects spoke for that.  She was laid to rest by her father and mother in Myrtle Tree Cemetery.  She gave her heart to God some years ago, and was baptized a few hours before her death.  The husband and little children have the deepest sympathy of all in this sad taking away of their loved one.

[Samuel Paul Hunter]


Thursday     January 5, 1928    [p. 1]

Paul Hunter Dies At The Maryville Hospital Tuesday

Prominent Farmer And Office Holder Passes Away.

Was 61 Years Old

Was Well Known Over Taylor County For the Past Several Years

[Samuel] Paul Hunter, aged 61 years, whose accident was mentioned in the Times-Republican last week, died at the St. Francis Hospital at Maryville where he had been taken on Tuesday, the immediate cause being given as nephritis and double pneumonia, which was no doubt hastened by the shock the system received from the severe accidental cut in his throat as mentioned in these columns, and was quite a shock to his family and their many friends.

His remains were returned to his home in Bedford on Tuesday where his body lies in state.

[Samuel] Paul Hunter was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter [Mary Weir]; grew to manhood on his father’s farm in Gay Township and acquired his early education in the common schools.  He later supplemented this training by a course of study in the Shenandoah Normal College, and during the latter part of his course there taught during the fall and winter terms.  After his graduation from the normal college he was engaged in teaching in Taylor County for seven years.  On the 13th of September 1891, he was married at Bedford to Miss Perthena A. Payton, a native of Illinois, who was reared and educated in Taylor County.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunter commenced their married life on the Payton farm in Ross Township where they resided one year and then moved to another farm and lived there until 1896, when Mr. Hunter was elected to the office of Clerk of Taylor County.  He then moved to Bedford and took up his duties of office in January 1897.  He served one term and was then re-elected for another term, remaining in office four years.  At the close of his tenure in office he returned to his farm in Ross Township and continued farming until 1906 when he moved to Bedford.  He was then elected to the office of member of the Board of Supervisors of Taylor County.  He was re-elected in 1908.  He was a man of good business ability, and was progressive and up-to-date in the manner of conducting his business on the farm.

He was a staunch republican and was active in politics generally and was an authority on many subjects and questions coming up in the various political campaigns in which he took part.  After having quit active farming a few years ago, he moved to Bedford with his family at 209 Jefferson Street, the home at the time of his death.

Besides his wife he leaves to mourn his departure a son, John Payton Hunter, two daughters, Mrs. Frank Longfellow [Eula] and Mrs. Emmett Osburn [Opal] of this place; also six [seven] grandchildren, William Paul, Anita, Louise and Lloyd Osburn, and Jean, Francis and Dorothy J. Longfellow.

Funeral services will be held from the family home in this city tomorrow, Friday, at 1:30, conducted by Rev. John Curry, a former pastor of the Bedford Presbyterian church, and interment will be in the Fairview cemetery.

The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of the community in this their hour of sad bereavement.

[Pearl Rose Patch Stephens]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 16, 1966    p. 3

Final Rites Held June 9 For Mrs. Stephens

Funeral services for Mrs. Vennie G. (Pearl) Stephens, 82, long time Taylor county resident, were held June 9 at the Bedford Christian Church conducted by Rev. Wilbur G. Travis.  Mrs. Stephens died June 7 at Pearl Terrace Manor here.  Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Pearl Rose Stephens, daughter of John Patch and Celonia Patch, was born April 7, 1884, in Columbus, Ohio.  When a young girl, her family moved to Taylor County, Iowa.  She became a member of the Church of Christ at Berea when a girl, later transferring her membership to the Christian Church in Bedford.

On Jan. 24, 1906, she was united in marriage to Vennie G. [ordon] Stephens.  To this union were born four children, (Letha) Mrs. George Schurr, (Elva) Mrs. L. D. Akers, (Doris) Mrs. Howard Coon, and Orville.

She and her husband enjoyed celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary in January of this year.

Survivors include her husband Vennie; four children; seven grandchildren; ten great grandchildren; sisters, Mrs. Cora Cornish, Alamosa, Colo., Mrs. Emma Phillips, Parsons, Kans., Mrs. Ethel Roe and brother E. P. Patch, both of Brush, Colo.

Pearl was a loving mother and greatly enjoyed her grandchildren and great grandchildren.  She was patient in suffering and loyal and helpful to her friends and relatives, and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.

[Howard William Pierce]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 16, 1966    p. 3

Howard Pierce Rites Here June 11

Funeral services for Howard Pierce, 68, long time resident of the Bedford community, were held here June 11 at the Shum-Novinger Funeral Home on Madison Street with Rev. Ollie Odle officiating.  Mr. Pierce died at his home in Bedford June 9.  Interment was at Fairview Cemetery, Bedford.

Howard William Pierce, son of J. [ames] William Pierce and Laura John Pierce, was born November 30, 1897, in Charleston, Ill.  At the age of eight the family moved to the Bedford community where he lived until his death.

He was married to Bernice C. Russell on August 8, 1916, and to this union six children were born.

He was preceded in death by his father, mother, and only sister, Ethel.

He was engaged in farming in Taylor County until his retirement last fall.  He joined the Baptist Church at Bedford in October 1910.

Mr. Pierce is survived by his wife, Bernice, and his six children:  Hal Pierce, Clearfield, Mrs. Francis McNutt [Wanda Lucille], Bedford, Russell Pierce, Des Moines, Mrs. Robert Dowlin [Donna Jean], Blockton, Mrs. Donald Smith [Shirley Anne], Council Bluffs and Jackie [Franklin] Pierce, Bedford; 11 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.

He will be greatly missed by the family and many friends.

[Lillie Anderson Nichols]

Bedford Times-Press

Thursday    June 16, 1966    p. 3

Mrs. Joe Nichols Rites June 11

Funeral services for Mrs. Joe (Lillie) Nichols, 69, a Pymosa Township resident, were held June 11 at Rolands Funeral Home in Atlantic, Iowa.  Mrs. Nichols died June 8 at the Atlantic Memorial Hospital where she had been a patient for nine days.  Interment was at the Atlantic Cemetery.

Mrs. Nichols was born in Brighton Township Jan. 2, 1897.  She spent most of her life in the Atlantic vicinity.  She was married to Joe Nichols Feb. 16, 1921.

Surviving are her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Glen Hartman, of Bedford; six grandchildren and one great grandchild; five sisters:  Mrs. Henry Hoover, Atlantic, Mrs. Harlan Shrauger, Atlantic, Mrs. Lewis Curry, Massena, Mrs. Max Brown, Moberly, Mo., Segra Anderson, Massena; and one brother, Adolph Anderson, Massena.

She was preceded in death by her mother and father, Frank and Sophia Anderson.