Obituaries |
submitted by: Julia Johnson - |
Bedford Free Press Thursday February 21, 1924 [p. 5] Mrs. C. C. Corson Died Monday. Mrs. C. [orwin] C. [alvin] Corson died at her home here Monday after a lingering illness of several weeks. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, February 19th, at the Methodist church at 2 o’clock conducted by the minister, Rev. Talley, and interment was in Fairview cemetery. Mrs. Corson was one of the very pleasing women of the community and her presence and place in the activities of the city will be greatly missed. She was stricken some time ago with the malady that finally caused her death and she met the end bravely. Following is the obituary as read: Coryl M. Walker was born Sept. 22, 1867 at Monroe, Iowa. She moved with her parents, Calvin and Rebecca [Johnston] Walker to their farm home near Gravity when she was but a child. After finishing school she began teaching and was for a while one of the teachers of the New Market school. She was married to C. [orwin] C. [alvin] Corson February 13th, 1895. They moved to Bedford soon after their marriage and this has been their home ever since. Her mother died in 1913, and her father in 1896. One sister, Mrs. Retta Scane, died in 1915. She has a brother living, A. [ndrew] S. [cott] Walker of Prole, Iowa. She joined the church in early life, probably soon after coming to Gravity with her parents. She was received into the Bedford church by Rev. A. H. Collins. She had been, for a number of years, a member of the Rebekah lodge of Bedford. Her life has been as an open book. Her friends are many in number. Her Christian life is revealed in her every day life, and is well known to you all. She loved life. One of my memories of her will be the uncomplaining way with which she met her sickness. In our visits to her home there was never a word of complaint. She treated the matter of her sickness lightly and tried to be always as cheerful and sunshiny in her meeting as one could be under such conditions of health as she faced. But to the last she was determined to keep up just as long as possible, and was not confined long to her [word missing] and on Monday morning of last week she fell asleep. [Corson, Coryl M. Walker] Bedford Times-Republican Tuesday February 19, 1924 p. 3 Death of Mrs. Corson Coryl M. Corson, wife of C. [orwin] C. [alvin] Corson of Bedford died early yesterday morning, after a lingering illness. Mrs. Corson was born on Sept. 22, 1867, the daughter of Calvin and Rebekah [Johnston] Walker. In early childhood she came with her parents to their home near Gravity. On February 13, 1895, she was united in marriage to C. C. Corson and moved to Bedford, where she has since resided. She is survived by one brother living at Prole, Iowa. A sister died in 1915. Mrs. Corson at one time taught school at New Market. She joined the Methodist church in early childhood, and was a member of the Rebekah Lodge. The funeral services will be held at the Methodist church today (Tuesday) at 2:00 o'clock. Interment will be made in the Bedford cemetery. [Corson, Coryl M. Walker] Bedford Times-Republican Thursday February 21, 1924 p. 3 Laid To Rest. The funeral of Mrs. Coryl M. Corson, who passed away Monday morning was held at the M. E. church Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Talley. The Rebekah Lodge had charge at the church. Following the impressive ceremony, which was attended by a large concourse of friends, the remains were laid to rest in Fairview cemetery, Friends everywhere have been deeply moved and hearts made sore by the untimely death of Mrs. Corson. She had not been in good health for many years. Mrs. Corson was one of the most highly respected ladies of our community, and enjoyed the utmost esteem of her neighbors and hosts of friends, and her passing is a shock to them, who however, realize the greater sorrow that prevails in the Corson home and extend most heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved husband. Once more we are called upon to announce the passing of one of Bedford's good and noble women, one whose influence for good will be missed. The Times extends sympathy to the bereaved husband and relatives. [Corson, Coryl M. Walker] Bedford Times-Republican Thursday February 21, 1924 p. 5 Vern Corson returned to his home in Elgin, Ill., today on the noon train after attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. C. [orwin] C. [alvin] Corson. [CORSON, CORYL M. WALKER] [CORSON, CORYL M. WALKER] [CORSON, CORYL M. WALKER]
Bedford Free Press Thursday February 21, 1924 [p. 5] Robert Hanson Died Monday The community was deeply grieved to learn Monday that Robert Hanson, 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanson, had passed away at his home here after a very few days illness of pneumonia. The family had just moved to Bedford from the East Mission neighborhood the day before the boy took sick. He became sick on Thursday and was unable to recover from the attack of double pneumonia. The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Wednesday, the 29th, by the pastor, Rev. Fletcher, and interment was in the Lexington cemetery. Below is the obituary read at the service. Robert Hanson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hanson was born September 23, 1913, and passed away on February 18th, 1924, age 10 years. Little Robert was born on a farm east of Bedford, where he lived and was loved by all who knew him, until a few days ago, when the family moved to Bedford. After a brief illness he went to live in the land with our heavenly father where sickness never comes. There is no flock however watched and tender, But one dead lamb is there; There is no fireside however de fended, But has one vacant chair. They are gone to that land On whose blissful shore There rests no shadow, falls no strain, Where those that meet shall part no more, And those long parted shall meet again. Little Robert leaves to mourn his early demise, his parents, one sister, Francis Lavan, and one brother, Walter Edwin, his two grandmothers and grandfather and other relatives and friends. The Free Press joins in extending kindest sympathy to the bereaved ones. Bedford Free Press Thursday June 25, 1925 [p. 8] Obituary - William Henry Lee William Henry Lee was born in Danville, Ill., July 8, 1833, and died at the home of his son in Lewisburg, Kansas, June 15, 1925, age 91 years, 11 months and 7 days. He came to Taylor County in the year 1874, and settled on a farm southeast of Gravity, where he resided until 1894, when he moved to Texas. He came to Kansas in 1907 where he spent the remaining days of his life. He was united in marriage to Elizabeth Mary Dick in 1857. To this union ten children were born, one daughter having died in infancy and one son, Ira, passed from this life in June 1886. He was a member of the Church of Christ, and served this congregation as Elder for a number of years. He was ever faithful in attendance and loyal to the Church. To him the Bible was a Holy Book through which God spoke to His children. Upon it he built his home; its teachings guided his life; its promises sustained and comforted him; and he has entered into the fellowship of immortals with his living faith confirmed and justified. Four daughters and four sons survive him. They are: Mrs. Eunice Moore of Three Lakes, Washington; Mrs. Jennie Reynolds of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. Ida Scales, of San Antonio, Texas; Mrs. Essie Millis, of Dallas, Texas; Levi and Carey Lee of Paolo, Kansas; Oda Lee of Lewisburg, Kansas, and Riley Lee of Gravity, Iowa. Truly, a good man has departed, but his memory will be cherished by those who knew him, and the sweet fellowship renewed in the Celestial Land. Funeral services were conducted by Chas. A. Burkhart, from the Gravity Church of Christ, Wednesday, June 17, at 2 o'clock. Interment was made in the Ladoga Cemetery. Bedford Times-Press Thursday April 27, 1933 p. 3 Miss Lotta Hills Funeral Friday Funeral services for Miss Lotta [Luetta] Hills, 52, who died very unexpectedly from an attack of heart failure, Monday night, April 17, were held Friday afternoon at the Christian church, conducted by Rev. Hall, pastor of the Christian Church of Clarinda. The pallbearers were members of her Sunday school class, Mrs. Ralph Kendrick, Mrs. Earl Ripsley, Mrs. Margaret Fuller, Mrs. Richard Wallace, Miss Corda Fuller, and Miss Fornia Fuller. Burial was at Memory cemetery. Miss Hills had been a resident of this community for forty-three years. She was very interested and active in church work, having taught in the Sunday School for twenty-six years, and had held offices in the county Sunday School organizations and W. C. T. U. society for a number of years. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Hills, of New Market, and a sister, Mrs. Lillie Crawford, of Saskatchewan, Canada. Bedford Times-Press Thursday August 31, 1933 p. 4 C. B. Kimpton, 75, Dies Gravity Man Had Been Ill for Several Months C. [harles] B. Kimpton, 75, died at his home in Gravity, Tuesday, August 22. He had been ill for several months. The funeral services were held at the Christian church Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Eppard of Clarinda. Burial was in the Guss cemetery. Mr. Kimpton was born Nov. 3, 1857, in New York. He had been a resident of Gravity for the past fourteen years. Surviving relatives are his wife [Frances Vandenberg] and two daughters. KIMPTON, CHARLES BURTON] Chas. Kimpton and wife had charge of Gravity's telephone office for several years, and he also has been in the employ of the Electric Light Co., reading meters. Services were conducted by Rev. C. M. Eppard of Clarinda in the Christian church Friday afternoon at 2:30. The music was furnished by Mrs. Leslie Chandler, Earl King, Mrs. Oliver Posten, Mrs. Cecil Morgan and George Roberts. The pallbearers were Cecil Morgan, Herbert Reeves, Eugene Posten, John Stephens, Thomas Cunningham and Leslie Chandler. Burial in the Guss cemetery. |