Funeral home records vary greatly. One book may contain hand written information as to the name of the deceased, date, cost of funeral services and who paid for it. Another book might give age at death, date of death, date of burial, place of internment, itemized components of the funeral and their cost. Notes could include who ordered the services and their address. In recent years funeral homes have been keeping copies of obituaries in their files. Many now have web sites and offer access to current and post obituaries on-line.

Kruse-Phillips Funeral Homes
209 East 7th Street, Tama, IA
Phone: (641) 484-3400
311 Curtis Street, Clutier, Iowa
(319) 479-2746

Overton Family Funeral Homes
Dysart, Traer, Garrison, Waterloo

714 1st Street, Traer, IA
Phone: (319)478-2775

Vogel Family Funeral and Creamation Care
Goettsch-Perrin Funeral Home

410 Johnstons Street, Gladbrook, IA
Phone: (641) 473-2282

The websites of these funeral homes seem to be down. I will update this page if they come back.


Page created August 15, 2011 by Lynn McCleary, updated 16 Nov 2019 by the Tama County Coordinator