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Benjamin Hammitt The Toledo Chronicle Obituary Benjamin Hammitt was born near Wheeling, Virginia, July 29th, 1805. He removed soon after with his parents to Ohio, where he lived until 1853, since which time he has lived at his late residence in Howard Township, Tama County, Iowa. He was married to Miss Mary Overmire May 14th, 1826. He was the father of twelve children, four boys and eight girls. Five of his children have gone on before him to the "better land." He joined the Baptist Church about forty years ago, since which time he has lived a consistent and exemplary christian life. He served as Justice of the Peace for several years in Ohio and for six years in Howard township. He was highly respected for his trustworthiness and integrity by all who kenw him. After a severe and painful illness he sweetly fell asleep in Jesus Monday morning Jan'y. 19th, 1880. His funeral took place in the Giger Chapel near his former residence. The very large attendance of the old citizens and friends testified to their appreciateon of and the loss felt for their old friend and neighbor. He leaves an aged widow and seven children to mourn his loss. The funeral services wee conduted by Rev's Brown and Wilkins of Toledo, and Rev. Palmer of Howard. |