RESIDENCE: Tama (171), Iowa (72) PLACE OF ENLISTMENT: Cedar Rapids Iowa (7217) DATE OF ENLISTMENT: December 4, 1942 GRADE: Private (8) BRANCH: Judge Advocate General's Department (99) EDUC. SPEC: DEFER. MONTH: 12 DEFER. YEAR: 43 SOURCE OF ARMY PERSONNEL: Civil Life (0) NATIVITY: Iowa (72) YEAR OF BIRTH: 1922 RACE AND CITIZENSHIP: White, citizen (1) EDUCATION: 3 years of college (7) CIVILIAN OCCUPATION: Undefined Code (992) MARITAL STATUS: Single, without dependents (6) COMPONENT OF THE ARMY: Reserves - exclusive of Regular Army Reserve and Officers of the Officers Reserve Corps on active duty under the Thomason Act (Officers and Enlisted Men -- O.R.C. and E.R.C., and Nurses-Reserve Status) (3) BOX NUMBER: 254 FILM REEL NUMBER: 2.111 |