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Story County Iowa Birth Records

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Results for the surname "MULLEN"

(Click on Name in Left Column to Display the Complete Record.)
Results from Child's Surname...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
MULLEN 31 Aug 1880 01 Oct 1880 George MULLEN Dora ALDERMAN Nevada Twp Story Co IA
MULLEN 23 Nov 1882 25 Nov 1882 Albert MULLEN
MULLEN 12 Apr 1885 29 Jun 1885 Albert MULLEN Nevada Twp Story Co IA
MULLEN 26 Dec 1889 27 Dec 1889 Henry W. MULLEN Ella FARRINGTON Richland Twp Story Co IA
C. Sidney MULLEN 18 Sep 1885 14 Oct 1885 Henry W. MULLEN Ella FARRINGTON Nevada Twp Story Co IA
E. Glendora MULLEN 30 Jun 1901 W.H. MULLEN Victoria E. FARRINGTON Nevada Twp

Results from Mother's Maiden Name...
Child Birth
Father Mother Birth Place
Ruth BALLOU 18 Mar 1887 Apr 1887 V.A. BALLOU A. MULLEN Nevada Story Co IA
SHOCKLEY 07 Jul 1883 12 Jul 1883 I.A. SHOCKLEY Carrie MULLEN
SMITH 08 Apr 1890 29 Apr 1890 Tillman SMITH Sarah MULLEN Colo Story Co IA
SMITH 29 Oct 1887 02 Nov 1887 T.M. SMITH Sarah Ann MULLEN New Albany Twp Story Co IA
Reuben Mullen SMITH 05 Feb 1883 26 Mar 1883 Tilliman M. SMITH Sarah M. MULLEN New Albany Twp Story Co IA
Oak George SMITH 08 Feb 1885 21 Feb 1885 Tillman M. SMITH Sarah M. MULLEN Ablany

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