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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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loyal and progressive in citizenship, displaying no greater faithfulness to his country and its welfare in times of war than he does in days of peace. He has now passed the seventy-sixth milestone on life's journey and his has been an honorable and creditable record, his life history showing what may be accomplished by determined purpose, close application and unfaltering energy. He started out empty-handed and is today the possessor of a comfortable competence, supplying him with all of the necessities and many of the comforts of life.


Among the well known and prosperous farmers of Warren township, Story county, is Frank Frederick Menzel, who was born in Stephenson county, Illinois, in 1863, and is a son of Carl and Amelia (Richter) Menzel. The father was born in Prussia, Germany, on the 4th of July, 1832, a son of Frederick and Teresa Menzel, both natives of Prussia, where they spent their entire lives. Frederick Menzel was a farmer and was highly respected in the community where he lived. Of the six children in his family his son Carl was the only one to come to the United States. Mrs. Amelia Menzel was a daughter of John Fred and Rosa Richter, the fourth child in a family of eleven. Her parents spent their entire lives in the fatherland.

Carl Menzel, our subject's father, came to America in 1860, landing in New York on the 5th of July and going to Freeport, Illinois, where he remained until 1871, when he migrated to Warren township, Story county, Iowa, and has since continued to make this his home. He was actively engaged in farming until '900, at which time he retired and removed to McCallsburg, where he now resides. He was successful in his undertakings and is now able to live comfortably on the revenue derived from his various properties. He owns his residence in McCallsburg and is a stockholder in the McCallsburg State bank. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Menzel, as follows : Albertina M., the wife of J. A. M. Irvine; Charles H., a resident of Warren township; Frank F., our subject; Amelia, who married A. L. Dayton; and Emma, the wife of Lars H. Bakka. The mother is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Ever since his naturalization the father has identified himself with the republican party. Both of these worthy people are highly respected and esteemed in their locality, where they have many friends.

Frank F. Menzel was only eight years of age when his parents located in Warren township. He started to school in Illinois but the greater portion of his education was acquired in the district schools of Story county. He remained under the paternal roof until he had reached the age of twenty-two years, when he felt he should become independent of his

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