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Microfilm Catalogs

The National Archives and Records Administration has microfilmed more than 2,000 series of federal records that contain a wealth of valuable information for genealogists and other researchers. In these records lie many of the details necessary to document the everyday lives of individuals in the past and to trace your own family's history. A comprehensive catalog lists titles of microfilm publications by record group, and catalogs for the federal population censuses from 1790 to 1920 and subject catalogs list publications by topic and provide roll-by-roll lists of contents.

To order, or for further information, call 1-800-234-8861 (8 am-4:30 pm ET)
within the continental U.S. or fax 202-501-7170.
[Please note: Currently, U.S. sales only.]

Census Catalogs

Federal decennial population census schedules are a rich source of information for genealogists, historians. and social scientists. Census schedules are essential to the family historian and researcher investigating regional and local history, immigration, naturalization, westward expansion, the status of free and slave labor, and other topics.

Subject Catalogs

NARA microfilm publications are related to specific subjects of particular interest to researchers. Each catalog was compiled through an extensive review of all microfilmed records and includes a detailed descriptions of the records and roll-by-roll content listings for each publication.

    Immigrant & Passenger Arrivals
    8½ x 11, 192pp.
    National Archives, 1991 (2d edition )
    ISBN 0-911333-05-3

    Genealogical & Biographical Research
    8½ x 11, 96pp.
    National Archives, 1983
    ISBN 0-911333-06-1

    Military Service Records
    8½ x 11, 348pp.
    National Archives, 1985
    ISBN 0-911333-07-X
    Black Studies
    8½ x 11, 112pp.
    National Archives, rev. 1996
    ISBN 0-911333-08-8
    American Indians
    8½ x 11, 108pp.
    National Archives, rev. 1995
    ISBN 0-911333-09-6

    Diplomatic Records
    8½ x 11, 260pp.
    National Archives, 1986
    ISBN 0-911333-10-X

        National Archives Microfilm Resources for Research
        A Comprehensive Catalog

        8½ x 11, 126pp.
        National Archives 1986, 1990
        ISBN 0-911333-34-0
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