Other Kinds of Federal Census Records
- Mortality Schedules, 1850-1880
Mortality schedules list deaths for the twelve months prior to the census
(1 June through 31 May 1849, 1859, 1869, 1879). This record predates the recording of vital statistics in most states; and though deaths are under reported (perhaps only 13 percent) they are invaluable. They give the name, age, sex, color, marital status, place of birth, occupation, month of death and cause of death. The 1880 schedule also includes the birthplaces of the parents of the deceased.
- Veteran's Schedules, 1840, 1890
Revolutionary War pensioners were recorded on the second page (verso) of the 1840 population schedule. Many elderly veterans or their widows were living in the households of married daughters or grandchildren who carried different surnames or who lived in places not yet associated with that family. The Iowa 1890 verteran schedules were destroyed by a fire in 1921.
- Slave Schedules
Slaves were enumerated separately during 1850-60 censuses. In most schedules they are listed first, second, third, etc., with age, sex, and color. Some include individual names. The names of owners are recorded.
- Agriculture
Agricultural schedules are little known and rarely used by genealogists. Every farm with an annual produce worth $100 or more for the year ending 1 June 1850 and 1 June 1860 was enumerated in 1870 and 1880. The name of the owner, agent or tenant and the kind and value of acreage, machinery, livestock and produce were given. The arrangement of the agriculture schedules is geographical with no name index. They are scattered among a variety of archives, where they were deposited by the National Archives Records Service in 1918-19. Most are un indexed, and only a few had been microfilmed until recently when the National Archives asked that copies be returned for historical research. The schedules for 1890 were burned and those for 1900-10 were destroyed by Congressional order.
- Manufactures and Industrial
The 1810 census includes some schedules or fragments dealing with that year's census of manufactures. In 1820 information was collected relating to the nature and names of articles manufactured. This census is indexed. From 1850 to 1870, the census was called the Industrial Schedule. The 1880 census reverted to the title "manufacturer's schedule." 1850 through 1880 enumerators collected information about manufacturing, mining, and fisheries for businesses if the annual gross product amounted to $500. There are no name indexes for the industrial schedules. Following years were destroyed by Congressional order.
- Social Statistics, 1850-80
The Social statistics schedules of 1850, 1860 and 1870 contain three items of specific interest for the genealogist:- The schedules list cemeteries facilities within city boundaries, including maps with cemeteries marked; names, addresses, and general descriptions of all cemeteries; procedures for interment, cemeteries no longer functioning, and the reasons for their closing.
- The schedules also list trade societies, lodges, clubs, and other groups with addresses, major branches, names of executive officers, and statistics showing members, meetings, and financial worth.
- The schedules list churches with a brief history, a statement of doctrine and policy, and a statistical summary of county-by-county membership.
- Dependent, Defective, Delinquent Classes
An enumeration and "account of their condition" of the insane, idiots, deaf-mutes, blind, homeless children and inhabitants in prison was taken in 1880. The arrangement is geographical with no name
- Native Americans - Iowa; 1848
Sac and Fox; Part of the Schoolcraft Roll.