Townships of Sioux County--Photos & Early History
Sioux County in 1878
In the Independent of 1878 published in East Orange Sioux county were found some articles on the then current status of Sioux county. This was only about 8 years after a substantial movement of settling began occurred in Sioux County Iowa. Interesting to observe as things were at that time, how about $3 an acre land, which some land today sells for upwards to $20,000 an acre in North West Iowa!
These 1878 news articles do include ten townships in Sioux County. ~Contributed by Wilma J. VandeBerg

The Independent published in East Orange Jan 16, 1878
Sioux Couty It’s Adantages and (?_Oesanices)
Geographical Position, Sioux county is the most wester county in the 2d tier, from the northern boundary of the State; being situated south of Lyon, north of Plymouth and west of O’Brien. The Sioux river separates it from Dakota on the west. In size it contains 23 congressional and fractional townships, forming 13 civil townships.
Soil and Physical Characteristics. The soil is light loam, very fertile and well adapted to grain raising, formed from the debris left by prairie fires, which for ages have swept over the north west, being in many places several feet in depth, forming an inexhaustible bed of tillable soil. There is a little broken land along the bluffs of the Sioux River. Hay land is well distributed. Water is readily obtained from streams or wells, there being no springs.
Prices of Land Land can be obtained at from $4. To $11. Per acre. Speculators land being the cheapest and Railroad lands the dearest. The land in the southern tier of townships not entered under the homestead and preemption laws, is mostly owned by the Iowa R. R. Land Co. That further north by the Sioux City and St .Paul Co. both these companies will sell on long time and at low, rates of interest.

The Independent published in East Orange the week of July 17, 1878
Sioux County
Its Inducements to Settlers
“Take time by the forelock,” says the old proverb, and as there is every probability of a large influx of land seekers into North Western Iowa this fall, we do not want to be found sleeping on our post of duty in regard to the matter. Sioux county offers many inducements to those who may wish to secure homes in this part of the state. Within twelve months, we well have four lines of railroad in operation in our limits, leaving no portion of the county but a few miles from a station. Land is as yet comparatively Cheap, ranging from $3 to $20 per acre, a few choice farms, of course unimproved, may be had at the former figure for cash. We have a remarkably healthy climate, no malaria to poison the atmosphere. Our county debt now amounts in round numbers to about $30,000; it is being rapidly diminished, and has been recently refunded at a much lower rate of interest. County warrants are at par. Any reflecting man can see the advantage in settling in a county where the debt is small compared with many other counties in this section; where warrants are at par and taxes proportionally low. Our soil is a light loam, several feet in depth, excellent for crops of all kinds; water is of good quality and easily obtained; the land is rolling enough to secure thorough drainage; educational advantages are good; stated religious services are held in every neighborhood. The railroads in operation and prospect are the Sioux city & St. Paul, and the branch of same road down Rock River, to be built next year; The McGregor extension of the Milwaukee & St. Paul, to be also constructed across the north tier of townships, east and west, in 1879. We advise all persons who contemplate locating in this part of the state to take a look at Sioux county before locating, we will assure you a hearty welcome, and every facility, without expense, for examining lands whether you purchase or not. Pay us a visit, and see our truly beautiful county.
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