Sioux County Capital

Orange City School Students in 1892-1893 school year.



Sioux County Capital, Orange City, Mar. 18, 1948
CLASS OF 1893 the First Registered in Old School

From the records furnished the Capital by Mrs. Hattie Vogelaar about all the information is at hand needed to reconstruct  the first year of classes in the old school.  There were 412 pupils listed for the 1892-1893 term with nine teachers, R. W. Olmsted was principal with Miss Louisa Collins his assistant.

H. Grace Hunter taught grammar, Maita Mishler, Maude McManus, and Libbie Singer Taught the intermediate classes, and Ida Orebaugh, Mary Brooke, and Julia Henry all taught the primary grades.

Members of the school board when the school was built were John Vande Steeg, president, F. J. Lohr, secretary, Henry Hospers Treasurer, H. P. Oggel, M. D. and Rev. J. A. De Spelder (terms expired in 1894), A. J. Betten Jr. and H. Slikkerveer (terms expired in 1895), and A. Vnader Meide whose term expired in 1896.  Standing committees for the Board were: supplies, Vander Meide and Slikkerveer; visiting schools, Oggel and De Spelder. The first term started the first Monday in September and continued for sixteen weeks; the second term started the Monday following New Year’s and continued for twelve weeks; and the third term commenced after one week of vacation and continued for twelve weeks. 

Some of the old books used were destroyed in the fire – they were stored in the attic of the school.  Especially in number were Robinson’s higher arithmetic and some Steele’s Hygienic Physiology, abridged. 

In spite of the fact that the school records listed 198 males and 213 females, only two managed to get through the year without being absent or tardy.  Physiology seemed to be the least attractive subject as only seven were in this class.

R. W. Olmsted, the superintendent, was especially proud of the average cost of tuition per month per pupil – the sum of $1.40, which was 14 cents under the previous year.  In Mr. Olmsted’s own language, A saving of 14 cents per pupil per month amounts to $40.88; in ten months the amount saved equals $408.80, a little over a year’s salary for one teacher. 

Students enrolled in the school on its opening year, 1892-1893 are as follows:

                  Minnie Betten, Willie Brant, Henry Brinks, Rhoda Brinks, Netta Bruin, John Buren, Nealy Buren, Fred De Boer, Rensje De Boer, Nettie DeGooyer, Mamie De Kraay, John Dryer, Katie Dykstra, Eltje Dykstra, Mary Ellerbroek, Max Finch, Pietje Groenboom, Hendrieka Hofmeyer, Mary Hofland, Jennie Jacobsma, Janie Jongejan, Annie Jongejan, Minnie Jongewaard, Jacob Kalsbeck, Sarah Kalsbeck, Peter Keizer, Mary Kleinjan, Effie Kampstra, Frank Kuiken, Arie Lokes, John Maris, Henry Mouw, Anna Muilenburg, Cora Noomen, Clarence Oelrich, Yakja Pietens, Mary Punt, Albert Sliekers, Helen Slob, Allie TePaske, Arie Te Paske, Eddie Te Veltrup, Annie Van Gorp, Mamie Van Numwegen, Harry Vander Burg, Minnie Van Gorp, Minnie Van Engen, Gertie Van Saane, Gerrit Vande Steeg, Gertie Van Kerkhoff, Gerrit Wassen, Isaac Westra, Henry Westra. 

                  Thomas Baker, Jacob Betten, John Brants, George Brolsma, May De Crane, Etta De Kraay, Jennie De Jong, Cornie Den Beste, Lena Den Hartog, Archie Den Hartog, Sarah Dykstra, Claude Fitzgerald, Hallie Fitzgerald, Paul Frick, George Haverkamp, Louis Hellenga, Severic Hoveland, Dyrkie Hyrsma, Johanna Kas, Willie Kastein, Dena Kastein, Johannes Kooima, Jacob Kuiken, Nessie Kleinjan, John Kleinjan, Paul Lenderink, Leonard Lokes, Isaac Luymes, Kurkie Lumsma, John Maris, Ben Marra, Hattie Muilenburg, John Muyskens, Henry Neimeyer, Annie Noteboom, Frank Popma, Nellie Post, Nellie Popma, Mary Pietens, Minnie Raak, Cobie Rozeboom, Lizzie Schalekamp, Peter Snyders, Agnes Vander Aarde, Willie Vander Burg, Emma Vander Burg, Ida Vander Burg, Dena Vander Burg, Jennie Vander Meide, Henry Vander Waa, Mary Van Driel, Herman Van Engen, John Van Engen, Ella Van Steenwyk, Annie Van Kerkhoff, Albert VerSteeg, John Veenschoten, John Vander Ploeg, Alice Wassen, Dena Warntjes, Alice Westra, William Westra, John Westra, Jennie Ypma, Aarendt Zoete. 

                  Ada Betten, Jessie Betten, John Betten, John Brolsma, Willie Den Beste, Finley De Spelder,  Ben Dryer, Dick Dykstra, Harry Dykstra, Sieve Dykstra, Lee Finch, Nellie Finch, Bertha Harsma, Netter Hesse, Aggie Hoekstra, Katie Hoekstra, May Hospers, Hannah Hofland, Dyrkie Haarsma, Lizzie Jongejan, Harriet Jongewaard, Mattys Jongewaard, Rena Kos, Nessie Kleinjan, John Keizer, Pearl Kelly, Martha Kleinjan, Nellie Kleinjan, Albert Kok, Gerrit Kok, Claus Kooima, Siemon Kooima, Siebot Kooima,  Tiemon Kooima, Lukie Lursma, Winnie Lypstra, Cora Muilenburg, Katie Niewenhof, Albert Popma, Dick Post, Katy Post, Jennie Schat, Peter Schut, Fleta Trainer, Willie Terpstra, Francena Van Citters, Willie Vander Burg, John Vander Laan, Peter Van Driel, John Van Nimwegen, Willie Van Saane, Abram Van Steewyk, Johanna Veenschoten,  Albert VerSteeg, Harry Workhoven, Fay Wilcox, Katie Ypma. 

GRADE 4:  (Division 2)
                   Antony Betten, Eva Beyer, Nealy De Bey, Minnie De Bruin, Kate De Gooyer, Aggie Den Hartog, Herman Den Hartog, Hannah De Jong, Jacob De Vries, Johanna De Vries, Antonie Grandia, Isaac Haarsma, Dora Hospers, Jacob Hospers, Maggie Hoveland, Bertha Jacobsma, Pietje Kuiken, Willie Kuyper, Martha Lenderink,  Herman Luymes, Hattie Maris, Peter Marra, Teunis Marra, Albert Mouw, Clara Mouw, Willie Muilenburg, George Pietens, Walter Popma, Ida Raak, Dick Rhynsburger, Anna Slikkerveer, Gerrit Slob, Jelle Thomassen, Julius Van Bruggen, Henry Vander Aarde, Anna Vander Meer, Mary Vander Meer, Coba Van Driel, Willie Van Driel, Alice Van Engen, Anna Van Gelder, Dena Van Saane, Ida Van Steenwyk, Johnny Workhoven, Alice Wielinga.
                  (Division 1)
                  Harry Bolks, Lizzie De Vries, Gertie Dykstra, Anna Hofland, Edith Hobson, Nettie Jongewaard, Adam Jacobsma, Arie Kuyper, Fredrika Kok, Gertie Kleinjan, Lyda Lenderink, Cornelius Muilenburg, Dick Muyskens, Lizzie Neimeyer, Lendert Popma, Herman Rhynsma, Dick Rhysma, Henry Snyder, Cornie Schaap; Henrietta Vos, Hubert Vander Meide, Teunis Veenschoten, Alice Van Bruggen, May Vander Steeg, Jacob Vereps, Cornelius Van Citters, Mary Worsmer, Ree Wilcox. 

GRADE  5: (Division 2)
                  Nettie Betten, Willie Betten, Seids Dykstra, John De Bey, John De Gooyer, Mary Druger, John Den Hartog, Mamie Doesburg, Jacob Grandia, Cornelius Grandia, Cornelius Hospers, Jennie Jongejan, Albert Jongewaard, Clara Kelley, Martin Kramer, Christie Luymes, Jennie Muilenburg, Nicholas Noteboom, Mary Noteboom, Cornelius Noordhoff, Albert Popma, Cornelius Schalekamp, Antony Slikkerveer, Henry Vander Wilt, Lena Wormser.
                  (Division 1)
                  John Baas, Jenie Brolsma, Winnie Brolsma, Harry De Kraay, Harry De Jong, Frank De Jong, Earl Finch, Arie Groenboom, Simon Jacobsma, Hendricka Kramer, Richard Kelley, Cornelius Keizer, Gerrit Maris, Helena Muilenburg, Coba Muyskens, Katie Rowennhorst, Herman Sliekers, John Thomassen, Sarah Vander Laan, Fannie Vander Wilt, Alice Vander Burg, Artie Vos, Eppije Van Bruggen, Willie Westra, Katie Warntjes. 

                  Hattie Beyer, Ella Beyer, Jennie Bos, Richard Dykstra, Yelta Dykstra, Matthew Ellerbroek, Minnie Fisher, Daniel Hoverland, Sarah Kalsbeek, Gertie Kas, Gerrit Labberton, William Labberton, Sophia Luymes, Cora Maris, Fred Nieuwendorp, Jessie Niemansverdriet, Gerrit Neimeyer, John Popma, Hattie Roelofsen, Lyda Roelofson, Jennie Seaton, Gertie Ter Horst, Gerrit Vander Schoor, Etta Vande Waa, John Ver Steeg, Henry Ver Steeg, John Van Bruggen, Lou Vander Laan, Anna Wormser, Jakie Ypma. 

                  Allie Bolks, Katie De Lange, Fred De Lespinasse, Kittie De Kraay, Mabel Fitzgerald, Pliny Finch, Charles Heemstra, Lena Knook, Cornelius Kuyper, Ruth Kelley, Mamie Lenderink, Lena Lohr, Iry Mullen, Clara Madison, Jennie Noordhoff, John Nieuwendrop, Jennie Oggel Nellis Popma, Katie Schalekamp, Jessie Seaton, Willie Slob, Etta Snyders, George Vande Steeg, Mary Vander Burg, Coba Ver Steeg, Johanna Van Veldhuizen, Effie Veenschoten. 

                  John Bos, Matthew De Booy, Nellie Fischer, Henry Haarsma, Etta Hospers, John Hospers, Mary Kuyper, Henry Lenderink, Clara Muilenburg, Bessie Popma, Mamie Vander Ploeg, Gerrit Vande Waa, Cornelia Workhoven, Sena Warntjes. 

                  Roelf Dykstra, Albert Jongewaard, Leslie Lohr, Ora Mullen, Minnie Rhynsburger, Eda Snyders, Minnie Vander Meide, John Vos.

                  Jaocb Brolsma, Henry Dykstra, Phillip Fluth, Cora Fisher, Gertie Maris, Jennie Spaan, Gertie Thomassen.

                  May Borrows, Bertie Bolks, Lizzie Den Hartog, Olive Finch, Christian Nieuwendorp, Dena Oggel, Jacob Snyders. 

                  Cornelius Betten, Bessie Visser.