This is from a Union School Register record book that is in storage at the Little White School House on the Historical grounds in Orange City, IA. Copies of these pages are also on file in the Greater Sioux County Genealogical Society rooms housed at the Sioux Center Library.
~Information taken from the books by Minerva Van Peursem with the permission of Phares Lefever who takes care of the school house.
List of books used by these students.
School Register: Union
Speller: *Surnton
1st to 5th Reader: *Harpers
Penmanship: Spencerian
English Grammar: *Reed and Kellog
Higher Arithmetic: *Robinson’s Milne’s
United States History: Barnes
Physiology: *Smiths
* New Text Books adopted April 20, 1895
The spelling of some of the names changes but they are the same people.
This is from a book marked Holland Township District No 5.
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Spring term Term Commencing March 14th, 1893, and Ending June 30th , 1893.
Teacher: Maggie vande Kamp
1. Mary Peters--13
2. Martha Peters--8
3. Johanna Mouw--11
4.Minnie Mouw--9
5. Matilda Mouw--7
6. Nettie Jongawaard--7
7. Minnie Mouw--8
8. Etta Mouw--4
9. Nellie Den Hartog--13
10. Gertie Den Hartog--11
11. Nellie Ver Steeg--9
12. Eva Beyer--10
13. Gertie Beyer--7
14. Bertha Beyer--5
15. Henrietta Mouw--4
16. Annie Muilenburg--7
17. Hattie Van Reuler
18. Albert Jongawaard--10
19. Herman Jongawaard--5
20. Dinganin Denhartog--10
21. Otto Mouw–13
22. Okko Peters–10
23. Gerrit Peters–5
24. Henry Muilenburg–6
25. Walter Van Reuler–10
26. Dim Ver Steeg–11
27. John Ver Steeg--
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Fall & Winter term
Term Commencing September 18th , 1893, and Ending , 1894.
Teacher: Maggie vande Kamp (Note by this name; Mrs. Burns)
1. Johanna Mouw--11
2. Minnie Mouw--9
3. Matilda Mouw --7
4. Mary Peters--13
5. Martha Peters--8
6. Eva Beyer--10
7. Gertie Beyer–8
8. Bertha Beyer–6
9. Nellie Ver Steeg–10
10. Minnie Mouw--8
11. Etta Mouw--4
12. Nettie Jongawaard--7
13. Hattie Ver Reulder–9
14. Anna Muilenburg--7
15. Henrietta Mouw–5
16. Dingaman Ver Steeg–11
17. Albert Jongawaard--11
18. Herman Jongawaard--5
19. Henry Muilenburg–6
20. Gerrit Peters–6
21. Walter Ver Reulder–12
22. John Ver Steeg--
23. Okko Peters–10
24. Otto Mouw–13
25. Kate Hofland--
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Spring term
Term Commencing March 5, 1894, and Ending June 8, 1894.
Teacher: (No Teacher identified here)
1. John Ver Steeg–14
2. Dingaman Ver Steeg–12
3. Nellie Ver Steeg–10
4. Albert Jongawaard--11
5. Nettie Jongawaard–8
6. Herman Jongawaard–6
7. Anna Muilenburg–8
8. Henry Muilenburg–7
9. Willie Muilenburg–5
10. Eva Beyer--11
11. Gertie Beyer–8
12. Bertha Beyer–6
13. Mary Peters--14
14. Martha Peters–9
15. Gerrit Peters–7
16. Johanna Mouw--12
17. Matilda Mouw –8
18. Henrietta Mouw–5
19. Minnie Mouw–10
20. Walter Ver Realder–12
21. Hattie Ver Realder–9
22. Kate Hofland--
23. Ade Dykstra–5
24. Minnie Mouw–9
25. Etta Mouw–5
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Fall term
Term Commencing September 17, 1894, and Ending December 17, 1894.
Teacher: Hart Beyer ( this person has the most beautiful penmanship)
1. Dingaman Ver Steeg –12
2. Eva Beyer--11
3. Nellie Ver Steeg–11
4. Minnie Mouw–10
5. Martha Peters–9
6. Hattie van Realder–10
7. Gertie Beyer–9
8. Matilda Mouw –9
9. Bertha Beyer–7
10. Henry Muilenburg–7
11. Willie Muilenburg–5
12. Gerrit Peters–6
13. Henrietta Mouw–6
14. Anna Muilenburg–8
15. Aggie Dykstra–6
16. Walter van Realder–13
17. Johanna Mouw--12
18. Henrietta Van Surksum–10
19. Okko Peters–12
20. John Ver Steeg–15
21. Sieve Dykstra–15
22. Otto Mouw–14
23. Marinus Hofland–20
24.John Luinstra–13
25. Kate Hofland–15
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Winter term
Term Commencing January 2, 1895, and Ending February 22, 1895.
Teacher: Hart Beyer
1. Dingeman Ver Steeg –13
2. Eva Beyer--11
3. Nellie Ver Steeg–11
4. Minnie Mouw–11
5. Martha Peters–10
6. Hattie van Reulder–10
7. Gertie Beyer–9
8. Matilda Mouw –9
9. Bertha Beyer–7
10. Henry Muilenburg–7
11. Willie Muilenburg–5
12. Gerrit Peters–8
13. Henrietta Mouw–6
14. Annie Muilenburg–9
15. Aggie Dykstra–7
16. Walter van Reulder–13
17. Johanna Mouw--13
18. Kate Hofland–15
19. Okko Peters–12
20. John Ver Steeg–15
21. Sieve Dykstra–15
22. Otto Mouw–14
23. Marinus Hofland–20
24. John Luinstra–14
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Spring term
Term Commencing March 11, 1895, and Ending June 14, 1895.
Teacher: Hart Beyer
1. Dingeman Ver Steeg –13
2. Eva Beyer--12
3. Nellie Ver Steeg–11
4. Minnie Mouw–11
5. Martha Peters–10
6. Hattie van Reulder–10
7. Gertie Beyer–9
8. Matilda Mouw –9
9. Bertha Beyer–7
10. Henry Muilenburg–7
11. Willie Muilenburg–6
12. Gerrit Peters–8
13. Henrietta Mouw–6
14. Annie Muilenburg–9
15. Aggie Dykstra–7
16. Johanna Mouw--13
17. Walter van Reulder–13
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Fall & Winter term
Term Commencing September 23, 1895, and Ending December, 1895.
Teacher: Gertrude Thomassen
1. Johanna Mouw--13
2. Nellie Ver Steeg–12
3. Minnie Mouw–11
4. Hattie van Reulder–11
5. Gertie Beyer–10
6. Matilda Mouw –10
7. Martha Peters–10
8. Annie Muilenburg–9
9. Henry Muilenburg–8
10. Aggie Dykstra–8
11. Bertha Beyer–8
12. Gerrit Peters–7
13. Henrietta Mouw–7
14. Willie Muilenburg–6
15. Jennie Beyer–5
16. John Mouw–5
17. Christina Rowenhorst–5
18. Walter van Reulder–14
19. Dingeman Ver Steeg–14
20. John Ver Steeg–16
21. Otto Mouw–15
22. Sieve Dykstra–16
23. Okko Peters–13
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Fall & Winter term
Term Commencing January, 1896, and Ending February , 1896.
Teacher: Gertrude Thomassen (Note after this name, Mrs. Severson)
1. Johanna Mouw--13
2. Nellie Ver Steeg–12
3. Minnie Mouw–11
4. Hattie van Reulder–11
5. Gertie Beyer–10
6. Matilda Mouw –10
7. Martha Peters–10
8. Annie Muilenburg–9
9. Henry Muilenburg–8
10. Aggie Dykstra–8
11. Bertha Beyer–8
12. Gerrit Peters–7
13. Henrietta Mouw–7
14. Willie Muilenburg–6
15. Jennie Beyer–5
16. John Mouw–5
17. Christina Rowenhorst–5
18. Walter van Reulder–14
19. Dingeman Ver Steeg–14
20. John Ver Steeg–16
21. Otto Mouw–15
22. Sieve Dykstra–16
23. Okko Peters–13
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Spring term
Term Commencing March 23, 1896, and Ending June 23, 1896.
Teacher: Gertrude Thomassen (Note after this name, Mrs. Severson)
1. Nellie Ver Steeg–12
2. Minnie Mouw–12
3. Dingeman Ver Steeg–14
4. Hattie van Reulder–11
5. Gertie Beyer–10
6. Matilda Mouw –10
7. Martha Peters–10
8. Annie Muilenburg–10
9. Henry Muilenburg–9
10. Aggie Dykstra–8
11. Bertha Beyer–8
12. Gerrit Peters–8
13. Henrietta Mouw–7
14. Willie Muilenburg–7
15. Jennie Beyer–6
16. John Mouw–5
17. Christina Rowenhorst–5
18. Bernie Peters–5
19. Johanna Mouw--14
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Fall term
Term Commencing September, 1896, and Ending February, 1897.
Teacher: Gertrude Thomassen (Note after this name, Mrs. Severson)
1. Nellie Ver Steeg–13
2. Minnie Mouw–12
3. Hattie van Reulder–11
4. Gertie Beyer–11
5. Matilda Mouw –11
6. Martha Peters–11
7. Annie Muilenburg–10
8. Henry Muilenburg–9
9. Aggie Dykstra–9
10. Bertha Beyer–9
11. Gerrit Peters–9
12. Henrietta Mouw–8
13. Willie Muilenburg–7
14. Jennie Beyer–6
15. John Mouw–6
16. Christina Rowenhorst–5
17. Georgie Muilenburg–5
18. John Baas–5
19. Okko Peters–15
20. Walter Van Reulder–15
21. Dingeman Ver Steeg–14
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Spring term
Term Commencing April, 1897, and Ending July, 1897.
Teacher: Gertrude Thomassen
Note: Term last into July. (Bad Winter???????)
1. Gertie Beyer–11
2. Matilda Mouw –11
3. Martha Peters–12
4. Annie Muilenburg–11
5. Henry Muilenburg–10
6. Aggie Dykstra–9
7. Bertha Beyer–9
8. Gerrit Peters–9
9. Henrietta Mouw–8
10. Willie Muilenburg–8
11. Jennie Beyer–7
12. John Mouw–6
13. Christina Rowenhorst–6
14. Bernie Peters–6
15. Georgie Muilenburg–5
16. John Baas–5
17.Jennie Rowenhorst–5
18. Jakie Peters –5
19 Clara Muilenburg–7
20. Dick Muilenburg–6
21. Edward Muilenburg–9
Holland Township # 5
Record of Scholars’ Attendance and Punctuality during the Fall & Winter term
Term Commencing September 20, 1897, and Ending December 31, 1897.
Teacher: Cora Fisher (Note with this name, Mrs. Oggle)
1. Christina Rowenhorst–6
2.Jennie Rowenhorst–5
3 Clara Muilenburg–8
4. Bertha Beyer–10
5. Annie Muilenburg–11
6. Martha Peters–12
7. Matilda Mouw –12
8. Jennie Beyer–7
9. Agnes Dykstra–10
10. Gerrit Peters–10
11. Willie Muilenburg–8
12. George Muilenburg–6
13. Dick Muilenburg–6
14. John Mouw–6
15. Bernie Peters–6
16. Henrietta Mouw–8
17.Ella Muilenburg–5
18.. Edward Muilenburg–10
19. Henry Muilenburg–10
20. Jakie Peters –5
Teachers’ Classification Register
Classification and Standing for the 1896 Term
1. Nellie Versteeg—12------Fifth Grade
2. Minnie Mouw-----12------Fifth Grade
3. Hattie Van Rendler-----11-----Fourth Grade
4. Gertie Beyer----10-----Fourth Grade
5. Martha Peters----11-----Fourth Grade
6. Annie Muilenburg-----10-----Fourth Grade
7. Matilda Mouw—10----Third Grade
8. Bertha Beyer------8----Third Grade
9. Henry Muilenburg----9-----Third Grade
10. Aggie Dykstra—8-----Second Grade
11. Gerrit Peters—8-----Second Grade
12. Henrietta Mouw—7------Second Grade
13. Willie Muilenburg-----7-----Second Grade
14. Jennie Beyer-----5-------First Grade
15. John Mouw—5----First Grade
16. Chistina Rowenhorst----5-----First Grade
17. Bennie Peters-----5-------First Grade
Classification and Standing for the 1896 Term
Teacher: Gertie Thommas
1. Gertie Beyer----11-----Advanced Division
2. Martha Peters----11-----Advanced Division
3. Annie Muilenburg-----10-----Advanced Division
4. Matilda Mouw—10----Intermediate Division
5. Bertha Beyer------9-----Intermediate Division
6. Henry Muilenburg----9------Intermediate Division
7. Aggie Dykstra—8-----Third Grade
8. Gerrit Peters—8-----Third Grade
9. Henrietta Mouw—7------Third Grade
10. Willie Muilenburg-----7-----Third Grade
11. Clara Muilenburg----7-----Third Grade
12. Edward Muilenburg—9-----Third Grade
13. Jennie Beyer-----7-------Second Grade
14. John Mouw—6----First Grade
15. Chistina Rowenhorst----6-----First Grade
16. Bennie Peters-----6-------First Grade
17. Georgie Muilenburg----5----First Grade
18. Jennie Rowenhorst----5-----First Grade
19. Jakie Peters-----4-----First Grade
20. Dick Muilenburg----6-----First Grade
Classification and Standing for the Term, Fall & Winter, Sept. 20, 1897 to Feb 25, 1898
Teacher: Cora Fisher
1. Ella Muilenburg------Chart Class
2. Jakie Peters----------Chart Class
3. Jennie Rowenhorst---------Chart Class
4. Christina Rowenhorst---------First Reader
5. Georgie Muilenburg--------First Reader
6. Dick Muilenburg---------First Reader
7. Bennie Peters------------First Reader
8. John Mouw—----First Reader
9. Jennie Beyer------------Second Reader
10. Henrietta Mouw—------Second Reader
11. Aggie Dykstra—-----Third Reader
12. Clara Muilenburg---------Third Reader
13. Edward Muilenburg—-----Third Reader
14. Ben Muilenburg---------Third Reader
15. Willie Muilenburg----------Third Reader
16. Henry Muilenburg----------Third Reader
17. Gerrit Peters—-----Third Reader
18. Bertha Beyer----------Fourth Reader
19. Annie Muilenburg----------Fourth Reader
20. Martha Peters---------Fourth Reader
21. Matilda Mouw—----Fourth Reader
Classification and Standing for the Term, Spring, March 14, 1898 to June 17, 1898
Teacher: Cora Fisher
1.Garrie Byer----Chart Class
2. Jakie Peters----------Chart Class
3. Jennie Rowenhorst---------First Reader, (B)
4. Ella Muilenburg------First Reader, (B)
5. Georgie Muilenburg--------First Reader, (A)
6. Dick Muilenburg---------First Reader, (A)
7. Bennie Peters------------First Reader, (A)
8. John Mouw—----First Reader, (A)
9. Christina Rowenhorst---------First Reader, (A)
9. Jennie Beyer------------Third Reader
10. Henrietta Mouw—------Third Reader
11. Agnes Dykstra—-----Fourth Reader
12. Clara Muilenburg---------Fourth Reader
13. Edward Muilenburg—-----Fourth Reader
14. Ben Muilenburg---------Fourth Reader
15. Willie Muilenburg----------Fourth Reader
16. Henry Muilenburg----------Fourth Reader
17. Gerrit Peters—-----Fourth Reader
18. Bertha Beyer----------Fifth Reader
19. Annie Muilenburg----------Fifth Reader
20. Martha Peters---------Fifth Reader
21. Matilda Mouw—----Fifth Reader
Classification and Standing for the Term, Spring, March 20, 1899 to June 23, 1898
Teacher: Cornelia Workhoven
1. Annie Rowenhorst------Chart Class
2. Jakie Peters----------Chart Class
3.Garrie Byer----Primer Class
4. John Mouw—----First Reader, (B)
5. Jennie Rowenhorst---------First Reader, (B)
6. Dick Muilenburg---------First Reader, (A)
7. Ella Muilenburg------First Reader, (A)
8. Georgie Muilenburg--------First Reader, (A)
9. Bennie Peters------------First Reader, (A)
10. Christina Rowenhorst---------First Reader, (A)
11. Jennie Beyer------------Third Reader
12. Henrietta Mouw—------Third Reader
13. Agnes Dykstra—-----Fourth Reader
14. Clara Muilenburg---------Fourth Reader
15. Ettie Mouw—-------------Fourth Reader
16. Edward Muilenburg—-----Fourth Reader
17. Willie Muilenburg----------Fourth Reader
18. Henry Muilenburg----------Fourth Reader
19. Gerrit Peters—-----Fourth Reader
20. Bertha Beyer----------Fifth Reader
21. Matilda Mouw—----Fifth Reader
22. Anna Muilenburg----------Fifth Reader
Classification and Standing for the Term, Fall & Winter , September 25, 1899 to March 2, 1900
Teacher: Cornelia Workhoven
Advanced Division
1. Anna Muilenburg-----13-----Fifth Reader
2. Matilda Mouw—-14---Fifth Reader
Intermediate Division
3. Agnes Dykstra—-12----Fourth Reader
4. Etta Mouw—-----10--------Fourth Reader
5. Clara Muilenburg-----10----Fourth Reader
6. Willie Muilenburg----10------Fourth Reader
7. Edward Muilenburg—-12----Fourth Reader
8. Gerrit Peters—-11----Fourth Reader
9. Ben Muilenburg-------Fourth Reader
10. Henry Muilenburg----------Fourth Reader
11. Henrietta Mouw—------Fourth Reader
Primary Division
12. Dick Muilenburg----8-----Second Reader,
13. Bennie Peters-------8-----Second Reader,
14. Ella Muilenburg----7------Second Reader,
15. George Muilenburg----8------Second Reader,
16. Christina Rowenhorst-----8----Second Reader,
17. John Mouw—–9--------First Reader
18. Jennie Rowenhorst-----7----First Reader
19. Jakie Peters----7------Chart Class
20. Annie Rowenhorst----6-----Chart Class
Classification and Standing for the Term, Spring , March 12, 1900 to June 15, 1900
Teacher: Cornelia Workhoven
Advanced Division
1 Clara Muilenburg.-----10-----Fifth Reader
2. Etta Mouw—-----11---Fifth Reader
Intermediate Division
3. Agnes Dykstra—-12----Fourth Reader
4. Willie Muilenburg----11------Fourth Reader
5. Edward Muilenburg—-13----Fourth Reader
6. Gerrit Peters—-12----Fourth Reader
7. Henrietta Mouw—-11-----Fourth Reader
Primary Division
8. Dick Muilenburg----9-----Second Reader,
9. Bennie Peters-------9-----Second Reader,
10. Ella Muilenburg----7------Second Reader,
11. George Muilenburg----9------Second Reader,
12. Christina Rowenhorst-----9----Second Reader,
13. Jennie Rowenhorst------8------Second Reader
14. Jake Peters----8------First Reader
15. John Mouw—–9--------First Reader
16. Annie Rowenhorst----6-----First Reader
17. Irene Peters-----5-----Chart Class
18. Harry Muilenburg----5------Chart Class?
Classification and Standing for the Term, Fall & Winter , September 24, 1900 to March 1, 1901
Teacher: Cornelia Workhoven
Advanced Division
1. Anna Muilenburg-----14-----Sixth Reader
Intermediate Division
2. Agnes Dykstra—-13----Fifth Reader
3. Etta Mouw—-----11---Fifth Reader
4. Clara Muilenburg.-----11-----Fifth Reader
5. Willie Muilenburg----------Fifth Reader
6. Edward Muilenburg--—-----Fifth Reader
7. Henry Muilenburg--------Fifth Reader
8. Ben Muilenburg—--------Fifth Reader
9. Gerrit Peters—-----Fifth Reader
10. Henrietta Mouw—-12-----Fourth Reader
11. Dick Muilenburg----9-----Second Reader,
12. Ella Muilenburg----8------Second Reader,
13. George Muilenburg----9------Second Reader,
14. Christina Rowenhorst-----9----Second Reader,
15. . Bennie Peters-------9-----Second Reader
Primary Division
16. Jennie Rowenhorst------8------Second Reader
17. Jake Peters----8------First Reader
18. Annie Rowenhorst----7-----First Reader
19. John Mouw—–10--------First Reader
20. Irene Peters-----5-----Chart Class
21. Harry Muilenburg----5------Chart Class
22. Herman Rowenhorst-----5----Chart Class
23. Engelina Mouw----------------Chart Class?
Classification and Standing for the Term, Spring , March 20, 1901 to June , 1901
Teacher: Minnie Fisher
Advanced Division
1. Anna Muilenburg-----14-----Sixth Reader
Intermediate Division
2. Agnes Dykstra—-13----Fifth Reader
3. Etta Mouw—-----11---Fifth Reader
4. Willie Muilenburg----------Fifth Reader
5. Edward Muilenburg--—-----Fifth Reader
6. Henrietta Mouw—-12-----Fourth Reader
7. Agnes De Vries------------Fourth Reader
8. Dick Muilenburg----9-----Third Reader,
9. Ella Muilenburg----8------Third Reader,
10. George Muilenburg----9------Third Reader,
11. Christina Rowenhorst-----9----Third Reader,
12. Bennie Peters-------9-----Third Reader
13. Anna De Vries-------------Third Reader
14. Dora Heemstra------------Third Reader
Primary Division
15. Jennie Rowenhorst------8------Second Reader
16. Annie Rowenhorst----7-----Second Reader
17. Jake Peters----8------Second Reader
18. John Mouw—–10--------Second Reader
19Gertie Heemstra---------Second Reader
20. Harry Muilenburg----6------First Reader
21. Herman Rowenhorst-----5----First Reader
22. Irene Peters-----6-----First Reader
23.Steve De Vries------6-------Chart Class
24.Bert Heemstra-----5-------Chart Class
25. Engelina Mouw--------5--------Chart Class
Classification and Standing for the Term, Fall & Winter, September 23, 1901 to February 28, 1902
Teacher: Minnie Fisher
Advanced Division
1. Agnes Dykstra—-----Fifth Reader
2. Etta Mouw—--------Fifth Reader
3. Clara Muilenburg.----------Fifth Reader
4. Edward Muilenburg--—-----Fifth Reader
5. Willie Muilenburg----------Fifth Reader
6. Gerrit Peters—-----Fifth Reader
Intermediate Division
7. Henrietta Mouw—-12-----Fourth Reader
Agnes De Vries--------Fourth Reader
8. Dick Muilenburg---------Third Reader
9. Ella Muilenburg----------Third Reader,
10. George Muilenburg----------Third Reader,
11. Christina Rowenhorst---------Third Reader,
12. Bennie Peters------------Third Reader
13. Anna De Vries-------Third Reader
14. Dora Heemstra--------Third Reader
Primary Division
15. Jennie Rowenhorst------------Second Reader
16. Annie Rowenhorst---------Second Reader
17. Jake Peters----------Second Reader
18. John Mouw—–--------Second Reader
19. Gertie Heemstra----------Second Reader
20. Harry Muilenburg----------First Reader
21. Irene Peters----------First Reader
22. Herman Rowenhorst---------First Reader
23. Engelina Mouw----------------Chart Class
24. Steve De Vries----------------------Chart Class
25. Bert Heemstra-----------------------Chart Class
Classification and Standing for the Term, Spring, March 11, 1902 to June 13, 1902
Teacher: Minnie Fisher
Advanced Division
1. Etta Mouw——13---------Fifth Reader
2. Edward Muilenburg--—15 -----Fifth Reader
Intermediate Division
3. Henrietta Mouw—-12-----Fifth Reader
4. Dick Muilenburg--------11-----Fourth Reader
5. Ella Muilenburg-------9-----Fourth Reader,
6. George Muilenburg------10------Fourth Reader,
7. Christina Rowenhorst-------11-----Fourth Reader,
8. Bennie Peters-------11--------Fourth Reader
9. Anna De Vries----10------Fourth Reader
Primary Division
10. Jennie Rowenhorst-----10-------Second Reader
11. Annie Rowenhorst-----9----Second Reader
12. John Mouw—–-11-------Second Reader
13. Jake Peters-----9--------Second Reader
14. Harry Muilenburg-----7-----First Reader
15. Irene Peters-----7-----First Reader
16. Herman Rowenhorst----6-----First Reader
17. Steve De Vries--------8--------------Chart Class
18. Engelina Mouw-------6---------Chart Class
19. Hattie Mouw--------5---------Chart Class?
Classification and Standing for the Term, Spring, March 11, 1902 to June 13, 1902
Teacher: Minnie Fisher
Advanced Division
1. Etta Mouw——13---------Fifth Reader (Good pupil)
2. Edward Muilenburg--—15 -----Fifth Reader (Good work if interested)
Intermediate Division
3. Henrietta Mouw—-12-----Fifth Reader
4. Dick Muilenburg--------11-----Fourth Reader
5. Ella Muilenburg-------9-----Fourth Reader
6. George Muilenburg------10------Fourth Reader
7. Christina Rowenhorst-------11-----Fourth Reader
8. Bennie Peters-------11--------Fourth Reader
9. Anna De Vries----10------Fourth Reader
Primary Division
10. Jennie Rowenhorst-----10-------Second Reader
11. Annie Rowenhorst-----9----Second Reader
12. John Mouw—–-11-------Second Reader
13. Jake Peters-----9--------Second Reader
14. Harry Muilenburg-----7-----First Reader
15. Irene Peters-----7-----First Reader
16. Herman Rowenhorst----6-----First Reader
17. Steve De Vries--------8--------------Chart Class
18. Engelina Mouw-------6---------Chart Class
19. Hattie Mouw--------5---------Chart Class
The Iowa Teachers Daily Attendance Register
Arranged for the Public Schools of Iowa
Teachers Daily Record—for the Fall Term commencing September 22, 1902 and
Ending March 3, 1903
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Mary Kraai
1. Dick Muilenburg----12----Out of school 1 week of Nov. & half of Dec.
2. Ella Muilenburg-----10----Out of school most of Nov. & Dec.
3. George Muillenburg----11----Out of school last half of Nov. & first half of Dec.
4. Etta Mouw----13----Out of school last week of Oct. & 1st week of Nov. Dropped out Jan.30
5. John Mouw----12----Out of school more than a week during Thanksgiving vacation.
6. Henrietta Mouw-----14----
7. Harry Muillenburg-----7----Out of school 4 weeks of Nov. & Dec.
8. Herman Rowenhorst----7----
9. Jennie Rowenhorst----10------
10. Jake Peters-----10-----Out of school 5 wks of Nov. & Dec.
11. Bennie Peters-----11-----
12. Englina Mouw-----6-----Out of school 2 wks before Christmas vacation.
13. Irene Peters-----7----
14. Hattie Mouw----5----
15. Steve De Vries-----8----
16. Onno De Vries----10—Out of school 3 wks of Nov & Dec.
17. Minnie Mouw----17----
18. Clara Muilenburg----13----Began this school Nov. 3 but left Dec. 1, 2001
19. Anna Rowenhorst----9----Began Nov. 3, 2001
20. Gerrit Peters----15-----Began Dec. 1, 2001
21. Willie Muilenburg----14----Began Dec. 15, 2001
22. Edward Muilenburg----16-----Began Dec. 15, 2001
23. Okko Peters----20-----Starts school January 5. 2002
24. Martin Dykstra-----14----Began January 6, 2002 but left Feb 27.
25. Agnes De Vries------12----Began January 14, 2002
Teachers Daily Record—for the Spring Term commencing March 16, 1903 and
Ending June 19, 1903
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Cornelius Noordhoff
1. Etta Mouw----14----Out of school 4 weeks of April & May.
2. Henrietta Mouw-----14----Out of School most of April & May, Note: stopped in May.
3. John Mouw----14----Out of school for 2 weeks in May.
4. Dick Muilenburg----12----Out of school most of the time from April 20, on.
5. Ella Muilenburg-----10----Out of school for 3 weeks end of April & first of May.
6. George Muillenburg----11----Out of school 1 week in April
7. Bennie Peters-----12-----Out of school for 2 weeks in May
8. Onno De Vries----11—Out of school 1 week in March
9. Jennie Rowenhorst----10------Out of school from April on. Noted. Stopped in May.
10. Jake Peters-----11-----Out of school 1 week in May.
11. Anna Rowenhorst----9----Began Nov. 3, 2001
12. Harry Muillenburg-----7----Out of school 3 weeks in May.
13. Irene Peters-----7----
14. Herman Rowenhorst----7----Out 1 week in May.
15. Englina Mouw-----6----
16. Steve De Vries-----8----Out of school a week and half in May
17. Hattie Mouw----5----Out of school three & one half weeks in April & May.
18. Winnie Mouw----5----
19. Elmer Pals-----5-----
20. Otto Mouw—5----Began school April , 2003.
21. Gerrit De Vries----5----Began school April 23, 2003.
Teachers Daily Record—for the Fall Term commencing September 14, 1903 and
Ending December 23, 1903
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Mary Kraai
1. Etta Mouw----14----Out of school a lot this term, really starts first of November.
2. Henrietta Mouw--15---Out of School a lot this term and really starts first of November
3. John Mouw----13----Out of school a lot this term and really starts first of November
4. Ella Muilenburg-----11----
5. George Muillenburg----12----Out of school two weeks last of Oct.
6. Dick Muilenburg----11----Out of school until Dec 1.
7. Harry Muillenburg-----8----
8. Bennie Peters-----12-----Out of school last half of October
9. Jake Peters-----11-----Out of school last half of October
10. Jennie Rowenhorst----10------Out of school one week middle of Dec.
11. Herman Rowenhorst----7----
12. Otto Rowenhorst------5----
13. Englina Mouw-----7----
14. Winnie Mouw----5----
15. Hattie Mouw----5----.
16. Martina Mouw----5-----
17. Katie Van Surksum----5-----missed a lot in Dec.
18. Emory Pals----5-----missed a lot in Nov & Dec.
19. Gerrit De Vries----5----
20. Onno De Vries----12—Out of school two weeks end of Oct.
21. Steve De Vries-----9----Out of school
22. Irene Peters-----8----Out of school most of October
23. Anna Rowenhorst----10----Only starts school Dec. 14.
24. Martin Dykstra---15---Only starts school after Dec.
25. Edward Muilenburg----16----Starts school Dec. 22.
It seems that all the pupils that were missing in Oct. were probably out picking corn.
Teachers Daily Record—for the Winter Term commencing December 7, 1903 and
Ending March 4, 1904
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Mary Kraai
1. Etta Mouw----14----.
2. Henrietta Mouw--15---
3. Edward Muilenburg----16----Starts school Jan. 11.
4. Willie Muilenburg----15----Began Jan. 11.
5. Ella Muilenburg-----11----missed more than a week of school the end of January.
6. George Muillenburg----12----
7. Onno De Vries----12—Out of school every Friday of this term.
8. Bennie Peters-----12-----
9. Dick Muilenburg----11---
10. John Mouw----13----
11. Jennie Rowenhorst----11----Stops coming to school January 25, 1904
12. Anna Rowenhorst----10----
13. Jake Peters-----11-----Out of school last half of October
14. Harry Muillenburg-----8----
15. Irene Peters-----8----
16. Herman Rowenhorst----8----
17. Englina Mouw-----8----
18. Steve De Vries-----9----
19. Hattie Mouw----9----.
20. Emory Pals----6-----
21. Winnie Mouw----6----Out of school a lot end of Jan & Feb.
22. Martina Mouw----5-----
23. Otto Rowenhorst------5----
24. Gerrit De Vries----5----
25. Gerrit Van Surksum---5-----misses most of Jan. & Feb.
26. Martin Dykstra---15---Stops coming to school Jan 15.
Teachers Daily Record—for the Spring Term commencing March 14, 1904 and
Ending June 4, 1904
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Mary Kraai
1. Ella Muilenburg-----11----.
2. George Muillenburg----12----
3. Onno De Vries----12-----
4. Dick Muilenburg----13---
5. John Mouw----13----
6. Anna Rowenhorst----10----
7. Harry Muillenburg-----9----
8. Irene Peters-----8----Stops going to school June 20.
9. Herman Rowenhorst----8----
10. Steve De Vries-----9----
11. Hattie Mouw----7----.
12. Emory Pals----6-----
13. Winnie Mouw----6----
14. Martina Mouw----5-----
15. Otto Rowenhorst------5----
16. Gerrit De Vries----5----
17. Gerrit Van Surksum---5-----
18. Englina Mouw-----8----
19. Hattie Pals----5----Starts March 16, 1904 but out a lot of April.
20. Katie Van Surksum---5-----Starts March 21, but out more than a week in April.
21. Lester Muilenburg---5-----Out of school lot of this term.
Teachers Daily Record—for the Fall Term commencing September 19, 1904 and
Ending December 9, 1904
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Jennie Kraai
1. Ella Muilenburg-----12----.
2. Lester Muilenburg---5-----
3. Harry Muillenburg-----9----
4. Anna Rowenhorst----11----
5. Herman Rowenhorst----9----
6. Otto Rowenhorst------6----
7. Katie Van Surksum---5-----
8. Gerrit Van Surksum---6-----
9. Hattie Pals----5----
10. Emory Pals----6-----
11. Tina Mouw---6-----
12. Hattie Mouw----7----.
13. Angelina Mouw-----8----
14. Winnie Mouw----6----
15. Dick Muilenburg----13---Began school Oct 17 this term but out again in Oct. & Nov.
16. George Muillenburg----13----Began Nov. 28
17. John Mouw----14----Began Nov. 28.
Teachers Daily Record—for the Fall Term commencing September 19, 1904 and
Ending December 9, 1904
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Jennie Kraai
1. Ella Muilenburg-----12----.
2. Lester Muilenburg---5-----
3. Harry Muillenburg-----9----
4. Anna Rowenhorst----11----
5. Herman Rowenhorst----9----
6. Otto Rowenhorst------6----
7. Katie Van Surksum---5-----
8. Gerrit Van Surksum---6-----
9. Hattie Pals----5----
10. Emory Pals----6-----
11. Tina Mouw---6-----
12. Hattie Mouw----7----.
13. Angelina Mouw-----8----
14. Winnie Mouw----6----
15. Dick Muilenburg----13---Began school Oct 17 this term but out again in Oct. & Nov.
16. George Muillenburg----13----Began Nov. 28
17. John Mouw----14----Began Nov. 28.
Teachers Daily Record—for the Winter Term commencing December 12, 1904 and
Ending March 10, 1905.
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Jennie Kraai
1. Ella Muilenburg-----12----.Out of school one & half weeks in Feb.
2. Dick Muilenburg----14---
3. Harry Muillenburg-----10----Out for two weeks in a row beginning of Feb.
4. Lester Muilenburg---5-----Out the same two weeks as Harry and Ella.
5. George Muillenburg----13----Out the for one week in Feb.
6. John Mouw----14----Left school end of Feb.
7. Anna Rowenhorst----11----Left school January 18,
8. Herman Rowenhorst----9----
9. Otto Rowenhorst------6----
10. Angelina Mouw-----8----
11. Winnie Mouw----6----
12. Hattie Mouw----8----.
13. Martina Mouw---6----
14. Gerrit Van Surksum---6-----
15. Katie Van Surksum---5-----Out of school Jan. 25. to Feb. 9. Two weeks
16. Emory Pals----7-----
17. Hattie Pals----5----
Teachers Daily Record—for the Spring Term commencing March 20, 1905 and
Ending June 9, 1905.
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Jennie Kraai
1. Ella Muilenburg-----12----Dropped out of school April 11,
2. Dick Muilenburg----14---Dropped out May 15.
3. Harry Muillenburg-----10----Out for one week in May.
4. Lester Muilenburg---6-----Out the same weeks as Harry.
5. George Muillenburg----13----Out the after May 8.
6. Herman Rowenhorst----9----
7. Otto Rowenhorst------6----
8. Angelina Mouw-----9----
9. Winnie Mouw----7----
10. Johnny Mouw---5-----
11. Hattie Mouw----8----.Out May 1. to May 5.
12. Martina Mouw---6----
13. Henrietta Mouw----5----
14.Gerrit Van Surksum---7----
15. Katie Van Zurksum---6----
16. Emory Pals----7-----
17. Hattie Pals----5----
18. Mary Ver Steeg---6-----
19. Jennie Rouwenhorst---13-----Really left school April 12, 1905
Teachers Daily Record—for the Fall Term commencing September 25, 1905 and
Ending November 24, 1905.
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Harriet Muilenburg
1. Herman Rowenhorst----10----
2. Harry Muillenburg-----10----Out of school all of November
3. Hattie Mouw----8----.
4. Angelina Mouw-----9----
5. Winnie Mouw----7----
6. Otto Rowenhorst------7----
7. Martina Mouw---7----
8. Mary Ver Steeg---7-----
9. Katie Van Zurksum---6----
10.Gerrit Van Surksum---7----
11. Hattie Pals----6----
12. Emory Pals----7-----
13. Lester Muilenburg---6-----Out a lot of November
14. Guy Ver Steeg----5-----
15. Henrietta Mouw----5----
16. Johnny Mouw---6-----
17. Corny Veenstra----5-----Out of school most of Oct & November.
18. Jennie Rouwenhorst---13-----
19. Bennie Peters----14-----Not in school for this term
20. Dick Muilenburg----15---Not in school for this term
21. George Muillenburg----14----Not in school for this term
Teachers Daily Record—for the Winter Term commencing December 18, 1905 and
Ending March 15, 1906.
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Harriet Muilenburg
1. Herman Rowenhorst----10----
2. Harry Muillenburg-----11----
3. Hattie Mouw----8----.
4. Angelina Mouw-----9----
5. Winnie Mouw----7----
6. Otto Rowenhorst------7----
7. Martina Mouw---7----
8. Mary Ver Steeg---7-----
9. Katie Van Zurksum---6----
10.Garrit Van Surksum---7----
11. Hattie Pals----6----
12. Emory Pals----7-----
13. Lester Muilenburg---6-----
14. Guy Ver Steeg----5-----
15. Henrietta Mouw----5----
16. Johnny Mouw---6-----
18. Jennie Rouwenhorst---13-----
20. Dick Muilenburg----15---Came back to school March 18 and then missed school a lot.
21. George Muillenburg----14----Came back to school March 18 and then missed school a lot.
19. Bennie Peters----14-----Came back to school March 11 and then missed school a lot
Teachers Daily Record—for the Spring Term commencing March 26, 1906 and
Ending June 15, 1906.
Of the # 5. District, Holland Township, Sioux County, State of Iowa.
Teacher: Harriet Muilenburg
1. Herman Rowenhorst----10----
2. Harry Muillenburg-----11----
3. Angelina Mouw-----10----
4. Winnie Mouw----8----
5. Otto Rowenhorst------7----
6. Jennie Rouwenhorst---13-----
7. Mary Ver Steeg---7-----
8. Guy Ver Steeg----5-----
9. Emory Pals----8-----
10. Hattie Pals----6----
11. Lester Muilenburg---6-----
12. Johnny Mouw---6-----
Only the ages were on this page, no record of attendance.