Term Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing September 5, 1900, and ending November 16, 1900,
Fall Term of School year J. E. Rolston Teacher
1 Lizzie Kimmel
2. Fanny Kimmel
3Thela Kimmel
4 Laura Kinzie
5. Belva McKinnie
6. Earl McKinnie
7. Kan Kimmel
8. Arno Kinzie
9.Ralph Kimmel
10. Sam Kimmel
11. Ben Kimmel
12. Hale Kinzie
13. Delta McKinnie
14. Roy Evans
15. Gordon Kinzie
16. Willie McKinnie
17. Rylie Kinzie
Term Record of No.6 , School, for the Term Commencing November 19, 1900, and ending March 14, 1901,
Winter Term of School year J. E. Rolston Teacher
1. Kimmel, Lizzie 17
2. Kimmel, Fanny 14
3. Kimmel, Milton 14
4. Kimmel, Theda 12
5. McKinnie, Belva 13
6. McKinnie, Earl 10
7. Kimmel, Ralph 10
8. Kimmel, Sam 10
9. Kimmel, Dan 11
10. Kimmel, Ben 10
11. Evans, Roy 8
12. McKinnie, Delta 8
13. McKinnie, Willie 6
Here some pages are gone.
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing September 1, 1902, and ending November 7, 1902, Term of School year Ellen Griffin Teacher
No list of students available. Probably the same students listed below. I think these children are from 2 or 3 families.
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing November 24, 1902, and ending March 14, 1903,
Winter Term of School year J. E. Rolston Teacher
1. Theda Kimmel 14
2. Bessie Kimmel 6
3. Fannie Kimmel 16
4. Ralph Kimmel 12
5. Dan Kimmel 13
6. Ben Kimmel 12
7. Sam Kimmel 12
8. Jessie Kimmel 8
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing March 23, 1903, and ending April 26, 1903,
Spring Term of School year J. E. Rolston Teacher
1. Ralph Kimmel 13
2. Dan Kimmel 13
3. Ben Kimmel 12
4. Jesse Kimmel 8
5. Sam Kimmel 1
6. Bessie Kimmel 6
7.Hattie Van Der Burg 5
8. Gertie Van Stelton 12
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing November 16, 1903, and ending March 18, 1904, Winter Term of School year J. E. Rolston Teacher
1. Theda Kimmel 15
2. Bessie Kimmel 6
3. Hattie Vander Burg 6
4. Dan Kimmel 14
5. Ben Kimmel 13
6. Ralph Kimmel 13
7. Sam Kimmel 13
8. Jesse Kimmel 9
9. Fred Connel 12
10. Hans Kiel 16
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing April 4, 1904, and ending June 10, 1904, Spring Term of School year Mrs. W.E. Sifert Teacher
1. Winnefred Jones 16
2. Theda Kimmel 15
3. Ralph Kimmel 13
4. Ben Kimmel 13
5. Fred Connel 13
6. Verna Jones 12
7. Virgie Jones 12
8. Harriet Jones 10
9. Bertha Jones 9
10. Jesse Kimmel 10
11. Besse Kimmel 7
12 Roy Robinson 8
13. Alfred Clark 6
14. Beulah Clark 8
15. Hattie Vanderberg 6
16. George Gardner 6
17. Adriel Gardner 5
18. Seigh Jones 6
19. Cris Vanderberg 4
20. Adrien Blok 5
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing September 5, 1904, and ending November 18, 1904, Fall Term of School year Molly Muhern Teacher
1. Jesse Kimmel 10
2. Theda Kimmel 16
3. Bessie Kimmel 7
4. Teddie Kimmel 4
5. Verga Jones 13
6. Verna Jones 13
7. Leigh Jones 6
8. Harriet Jones 10
9. Bertha Jones 9
10. Andrew Blok 5
11. George Gardner 6
12. April Gardner 5
13. Roy Robison 8
14. Beulia Clark 8
15. Alfred Clark 6
16. Christ Vanderburg 5
17. Hattie Vanderburg 6
18. Nilma Robison 4
19. Charlie Clark 5
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing November 28, 1904, and ending March 9 , 1905, 2nd Term of School year Dessie E Gosline Teacher
1. Theda Kimmel 16
2. Vernie Jones 13
3. Vergie Jones 13
4. Bertha Jones 9
5. Harriet Jones 10
6. Beulah Clark 8
7. Bessie Kimmel 7
8. Hattie Vander Berg 7
9. Dan Kimmel 14
10. Ben Kimmel 13
11. Sam Kimmel 13
12. Ralph Kimmel 14
13. Jesse Kimmel 10
14. Roy Robison 8
15. Alfred Clark 7
16. George Gardner 7
17. Andrew Blok 7
18. Chris Vander Berg 5
19. Charlie Clark 5
20. Feddie Kimmel 5
21. Leigh Jones 6
Daily Record of No.6, School, for the Term Commencing March 20, 1905, and ending June 1, 1905,
Spring Term of School year Dessie E Gosline Teacher
1. Theda Kimmel 16
2. Verna Jones 13
3. Verga Jones 13
4. Bertha Jones 10
5. Harriet Jones 11
6. Bessie Kimmel 8
7. Jenny Hayse 11
8. Hattie Vander Berg 7
9. Dora Hayse 6
10. Annie Haze 12
11. Dan Kimmel 15
12. Ben Kimmel 14
13. Sam Kimmel 14
14. Ralph Kimmel 14
15. Jesse Kimmel 11
16. Leigh Jones 6
17. George Gardner 7
18. Cris Vander Berg 5
19.Teddie Kimmel 5
20. Marion Hayse 7
21. Roy Robinson 8
22. Adyrl Gardner 5
23. Naomia Robinson 5
24.George Evans 12
Teachers Daily Record
for the Winter & Spring Term Commencing: January 24, 1910------ Ending June 3, 1910
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Sadie Peters
Primary Division: B Class
1. Anna Rolston Age 5
2. Cobie Vander Burg 5
3. Edgar Clark 6
4. Aline Harter 5
First Grade
5. Paul Rolston 6
6. Ruth Milliken 6
7. Laurens Blankers 6
8. Abel Vander Burg 6
Second Grade
9. Cecil Milliken 8
10. Percy Gardner 6
11. Alida Vander Burg 7
12. Floyd Clark 8
13. Goldie Robison 7
Intermediate Division:
Third Grade
14. Cornelius Blankers 9
15. Edith Kruse 8
Fourth Grade
16. Naoma Robison 9
17. Dora Haze 11
18. Adryl Gardner 10
19. Tena Vanden Brink 11
Fifth Grade
20. Marion Haze 12
21 Gerrit Blankers 10
22. Teddy Kimmel 9
23. Chris Vander Burg 10
24. Charley Clark 11
Advanced Division
Sixth Grade
25. Archie Brewster 10
26. Hattie Vander Burg 11
27. George Gardner 11
28. Jesse Kimmel 15
29. Roy Robison 13
30. Art Vanden Brink 13
Teachers Daily Record
for the Fall Term Commencing: September 5, 1910------ Ending December 23, 1910
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Ethel Murray
Primary Division: B Class
1. Bert Bankers 6
2. Cobie Vander Burg 5
3. Aline Harter 6
A Division
4. Anna Rolston Age 6
First Grade
5. Edgar Clark 6
6. Paul Rolston 7
7. Abel Vander Burg 7
8. Ruth Milliken 7
9. Laurens Blankers 7
Second Grade
10. Cecil Milliken 9
11. Percy Gardner 7
12. Alida Vander Burg 9
13. Floyd Clark 8
Intermediate Division:
Fourth Grade
14. Adryl Gardner 11
15. Cornelius Blankers 9
16. Edith Kruse 9
Advanced Division
Fifth Grade
17. Henry Kruse 15
18. Chris Vanderburg 11
Sixth Grade
19 Gerrit Blankers 11
20. Charley Clark 11
21. Teddy Kimmel 11
22. Alfred Clark 13
Seventh Grade
23. George Gardner 13
24. Hattie Vander Burg 12
25. Archie Brewster 11
Teachers Daily Record
for the Winter Term Commencing: January 28, 1911------ Ending May 26, 1911
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Ethel Murray
Primary Division: C. Class
1. Wendell Ralston Age 5
B. Class
2. Bert Bankers 6
3. Cobie Vander Burg 5
4. Martha Kruse 6
5. Edgar Clark 6
A Class
6. Anna Rolston Age 6
First Grade
7. Paul Rolston 7
8. Abel Vander Burg 7
9. Ruth Milliken 7
10. Laurens Blankers 7
Intermediate Division:
Third Grade
10. Cecil Milliken 9
11. Percy Gardner 7
12. Alida Vander Burg 9
Fourth Grade
14. Adryl Gardner 11
15. Cornelius Blankers 9
16. Edith Kruse 9
Fifth Grade
17. Henry Kruse 15
18. Chris Vanderburg 11
Advanced Division
Sixth Grade
19 Gerrit Blankers 11
20. Charley Clark 11
21. Teddy Kimmel 11
Seventh Grade
22. Archie Brewster 12
23. Hattie Vander Burg 12
24. George Gardner 13
Teachers Daily Record
for the Fall Term Commencing: September 4, 1911------ Ending January 19, 1912
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Annie Huffman
Primary Division: A. Class
1. Wendell Ralston Age 6
2. Bert Bankers 6
3. Edgar Clark 7
4. Anna Rolston 7
5. Martha Kruse 7
6. Cobie Vander Burg 6
B. Class
7. Floyd Clark 9
8. Alice Buijsman 8
Intermediate Division:
Third Grade
9. Paul Rolston 8
10 . Abel Vander Burg 8
11 . Ruth Milliken 8
12. Laurens Blankers 8
13. Marie Buijsman 13
Fourth Grade
14. Cecil Milliken 10
15. Percy Gardner 8
16. Alida Vander Burg 9
Fifth Grade
17. Adryl Gardner 12
18. Cornelius Blankers 11
19. Edith Kruse 10
Advanced Division
Seventh Grade
20. Gerrit Blankers 12
21.. Henry Kruse 16
22. Chris Vanderburg 12
23. Charley Clark 12
24. Alfred Clark 14
25. Teddy Kimmel 11
Eighth Grade
26. Archie Brewster 11
27. Henry Brewster 13
28. Hattie Vander Burg 13
29. George Gardner 13
Teachers Daily Record
for the Winter Term Commencing: January 19, 1912------ Ending May 24, 1912
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Annie Huffman
Primary Division: A. Class
1. Wendell Ralston Age 5
2. Bert Bankers 6
3. Edgar Clark 7
6. Cobie Vander Burg 6
B. Class
4. Anna Rolston 7
5. Martha Kruse 7
7. Floyd Clark 9
8. Alice Buijsman 8
Intermediate Division: Third Grade
9. Paul Rolston 8
10 . Abel Vander Burg 8
11 . Ruth Milliken 8
12. Laurens Blankers 8
Fourth Grade
13. Marie Buijsman 13
14. Cecil Milliken 10
15. Percy Gardner 8
16. Alida Vander Burg 9
Fifth Grade
17. Adryl Gardner 12
18. Cornelius Blankers 11
19. Edith Kruse 10
Advanced Division
Seventh Grade
20. Gerrit Blankers 12
21.. Henry Kruse 16
22. Chris Vanderburg 12
23. Charley Clark 12
24. Alfred Clark 14
25. Teddy Kimmel 11
Eighth Grade
26. Archie Brewster 11
27. Henry Brewster 13
28. Hattie Vander Burg 14
29. George Gardner 14
Teachers Daily Record
for the Fall Term Commencing: September 2, 1912------ Ending January 10, 1913
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Ethel Brewster
Primary Division: A. Class
1. Henry Buijsman Age 5
2. Johnnie Buijsman 5
3. Emmie Van der Burg 5
4. Anthony Blankers 6
B. Class
5. Wendell Ralston 7
6. Bert Bankers 7
7. Cobie Vander Burg 7
Intermediate Division: Third Grade
8. Anna Rolston 8
9. Martha Kruse 8
10 . Alice Buijsman 9
Fourth Grade
11 . Paul Rolston 9
12 . Abel Vander Burg 8
13. Laurens Blankers 8
Fifth Grade
14. Marie Buijsman 13
15. Percy Gardner 10
16. Alida Vander Burg 11
Sixth Grade
17. Adryl Gardner 12
18. Cornelius Blankers 11
19. Edith Kruse 11
Advanced Division
Eighth Grade
20. Gerrit Blankers 13
21.. Henry Kruse 17
22. Chris Vanderburg 13
25. Teddy Kimmel 13
24. George Gardner 14
25. Alpine Harter 8
26. Wayne Harter 7
27, Ruth Miliken 9
28. Alice Koster 6
29.Henry Brewster 14
Teachers Daily Record
for the Winter & Spring Term Commencing: January 27, 1913------ Ending May , 1913
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Ethel Brewster
Primary Division:. Class A
1. Emmie Vander Burg Age 5
2.. Anthony Blankers 6
Laurence Rolston 6
Henry Buijsman 5
Class B
3. Wendell Ralston 7
4. Bert Bankers 8
5. Cobie Vander Burg 7
Intermediate Division: Third Grade
6 . Alice Buijsman 9
7. Anna Rolston 8
8. Martha Kruse 8
9. Ruth Milliken 9
Fourth Grade
10 . Paul Rolston 10
11. Laurens Blankers 9
12 . Abel Vander Burg 9
13. Alida Vander Burg 11
14. Jake Van Twist 13
Cecil Milliken 12
Fifth Grade
15. Edith Kruse 12
16. Cornelius Blankers 12
Advanced Division; Seventh Grade
17. Chris Vanderburg 13
Eighth Grade
18. Teddy Kimmel 13
19. Gerrit Blankers 13
20.Henry Brewster 14
21. Ivan Brewster 16
Teachers Daily Record
for the Fall & Winter Term Commencing: September 1, 1913------ Ending January 19 , 1914
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Nettie M. Kanost
1. Laurence Rolston Age 6
2. Henry Buijsman 6
3. Anthony Blankers 7
4. Emmie Vander Burg 6
5. Wendell Ralston 8
6. Bert Bankers 8
7. Cobie Vander Burg 8
8. Martha Kruse 9
7. Anna Rolston 9
9. Ruth Milliken 10
10. Paul Rolston 10
11. Abel Vander Burg 10
12. Cecil Milliken 12
13. Laurens Blankers 11
14. Alice Buijsman 10
15. Alida Vander Burg 12
15. Edith Kruse 12
16. Cornelius Blankers 13
17. Chris Vanderburg 14
18. Teddy Kimmel 14
19. Marie Buijsman
Teachers Daily Record
for the Winter & Spring Term Commencing: January 20, 1914------ Ending May 22, 1914
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Nettie M. Kanost
1. Laurence Rolston Age 6
2. Henry Buijsman 6
3. Anthony Blankers 7
4. Emmie Vander Burg 6
5, Clara Kruwstoh 6
6. Owen Rolston 6
7. Wendell Ralston 8
8. Bert Bankers 8
9. Cobie Vander Burg 8
10. Martha Kruse 9
11. Anna Rolston 9
12. Paul Rolston 10
13. Abel Vander Burg 10
14. Laurens Blankers 11
15. Alice Buijsman 10
16. Alida Vander Burg 12
17. Edith Kruse 12
18. Cornelius Blankers 13
19. Chris Vanderburg 14
20. Teddy Kimmel 14
21. Marie Buijsman 15
Teachers Daily Record
for the Fall & Winter Term Commencing: August 31, 1914------ Ending:
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Nettie M. Kanost
1. Theda Vander Burgh 5
2. Bertha Blankers 5
3. Henry Buijsman 7
4. Owen Rolston 6
5. Laurence Rolston 7
6. Anthony Blankers 8
7. Emmie Vander Burgh 7
8. Wendell Ralston 8
9. Bert Bankers 10
10. Cobie Vander Burgh 9
11. Anna Rolston 10
12. Alice Buijsman 11
13. Alida Vander Burgh 12
14. Abel Vander Burgh 11
15. Lawrence Blankers 11
16. Paul Rolston 11
17. Chris Vanderburg 15
18. Cornelius Blankers 14
19. Blanche Clark 9
20. Edgar Clark 10
21. Floyd Clark 12
Teachers Daily Record
for the Winter & Spring Term Commencing: January 25, 1915------ Ending:May 27, 1915
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Nettie M. Kanost
1. Theda Vander Burgh 5
2. Bertha Blankers 5
3. Henry Buijsman 7
4. Owen Rolston 6
5. Laurence Rolston 7
6. Edgar Glessner 6
7. Anthony Blankers 8
8. Emmie Vander Burgh 7
9. Blanche Clark 9
10. Wendell Ralston 8
11. Bert Bankers 10
12. Cobie Vander Burgh 9
13. Edgar Clark 10
14. Anna Rolston 10
15. Floyd Clark 12
16. Alice Buijsman 11
17. Alida Vander Burgh 12
18. Abel Vander Burgh 11
19. Lawrence Blankers 11
20. Paul Rolston 11
21. Chris Vanderburg 15
22. Cornelius Blankers 14
Teachers Daily Record
for the Fall Term Commencing: August 30, 1915------ Ending:January 21, 1916
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Nettie M. Kanost
1 Edgar Glessmer 6
2. Theda Vander Burgh 6
3. Bertha Blankers 6
4. Owen Rolston 7
5. Laurence Rolston 7
6. Henry Buijsman 8
7. Emmie Vander Burgh 8
8. Blanche Clark 9
9. Anthony Blankers 9
10. Edgar Clark 11
11. Cobie Vander Burgh 10
12. Bert Blankers 11
13. Wendell Ralston 10
14. Anna Rolston 11
15. Floyd Clark 13
16. Alice Buijsman 12
17. Alida Vander Burgh 13
18. Abel Vander Burgh 12
19. Paul Rolston 12
20. Jake Van Twist 17
21. Lawrence Blankers 12
22. Cornelius Blankers 15
Teachers Daily Record
for the Winter & Spring Term Commencing: January 24, 1916------ Ending:June 1, 1916
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Nettie M. Kanost
1 Edgar Glessmer 6
2. Theda Vanderburgh 6
3. Bertha Blankers 6
4. Owen Rolston 7
5. Mabel Clark 6
6. Dorothy Rolston 6
7. Laurence Rolston 8
8. Henry Buijsman 8
9. Delta Kimmel 7
10. Emmie Vander Burgh 8
11. Blanche Clark 9
12. Anthony Blankers 9
13. Flossie Fredrichsen 9
14. Edgar Clark 11
15. Cobie Vanderburgh 10
16. Bert Blankers 11
17. Wendell Ralston 10
18. Wesley Fredrickson 11
19. Ray Kimmel 10
20. Anna Rolston 11
21. Floyd Clark 13
22. Alice Buijsman 12
23. Alida Vanderburgh 13
24. Abel Vanderburgh 12
25. Paul Rolston 12
26. Jake Van Twist 17
27.Roy Kimmel 14
28. Lawrence Blankers 12
29. Cornelius Blankers 15
Teachers Daily Record
for the Fall Term Commencing: September 4, 1916------ Ending: (This book ends Dec 29, 1916
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Nettie M. Kanost
1. Delta Kimmel 7
2. Mabel Clark 6
3. Dorothy Rolston 6
4 Kathrine Bell 6
5. Owen Rolston 8
6. Edgar G;essmer 7
7. Bertha Blankers 7
8. Theda Vanderburgh 7
9. Laurence Rolston 9
10. Henry Buijsman 9
11. Flossie Fredrichsen 9
12. Blanche Clark 10
13. Emmie Vander Burgh 9
14. Anthony Blankers 10
15. Cobie Vanderburgh 11
16. Edgar Clark 12
17. Bert Blankers 12
18. Ray Kimmel 11
19. Wendell Ralston 10
20. Alice Buijsman 13
21. Anna Rolston 12
22. Floyd Clark 14
23. Wesley Fredrickson 12
24.Roy Kimmel 16
25. Alida Vanderburgh 15
26. Abel Vanderburgh 13
27. Paul Rolston 13
28. Lawrence Blankers 14
The Welch System of CLOSE SUPERVISION: Daily Attendance Record; for the Goodwill School Dist. Of No 6, Township of Grant, County of Sioux.
Beginning Spring Term commencing January 17, 1927 and Ending May 20, 1927.
Teachers: Coba Vander Burgh & Wendell Ralston
1. Dwaine Brewster----5----Grade Primary----Entered April 4
2. Clarence Evans----5----Grade Primary------Entered April 4
3. Virginia Gordon—5----Grade Primary------Entered April 5
4. Dayton Kimmel----5----Grade Primay-------Entered April 4
5. John Gordon-----7----2nd Grade
6.Frances Brewster----7----2nd Grade
7. Ada Ruth Ralston —6----2nd Grade
8. Maxine Kimmel-----7-----2nd Grade
9. Joe Hof-----7----2nd Grade
10. Lonnelle Brewster----8----3rd Grade
11. Claire Glessner----8----3rd Grade
12. Rodney Gordon—10—4th Grade
13. Gladys Kimmel----8----4th Grade
14. Loren Kimmel----9----4th Grade
15.Evelyn Ralston----5th Grade
16. Harold Evans-----5th Grade
17. Laurence Hage-----5th Grade
18. James Brewster-----5th Grade----- Left Feb. 28.
19. Donald Brewster-----5th Grade
20. Doris Brewster------5th Grade-----Left Feb 28.
21. Homer Kimmel-----6th Grade
22. Esther Kimmel-----6th Grade
23. Evelyn Glessner----6th Grade
24. Wilbur Hof------6th Grade
25. Lyle Brewster-----7th Grade------Left Feb 28.
26. Gerrit Hof-----7th Grade
27. Clifton Brewster-----8th Grade-----Left Feb. 28.
28. Maurice Blankers—8th Grade
29. Galen Glessner----8th Grade------Quite May 9
30. Arlene Ralston—8th Grade-----Quite May 5
31. Willie Zylstra----8th Grade-------(note middle of March) quit
Approved: Oct. 17, 1927 by Chas H. Tye
Beginning Fall Term commencing Sept 5, 1927 and Ending January 13, 1928.
Teachers: Coba Vander Burgh
1. Gerrit Hof----13----8th Grade
2. Wilbur Hof-----11----7th Grade
3. Evelyn Glessner----11—7th Grade
4. Esther Kimmel-----12---7th Grade
5. Homer Kimmel-----13--7th Grade
6. Evelyn Ralston—11----6th Grade
7. Harold Evans----11----6th Grade
8. Laurence Haze-----10----6th Grade
9. Donald Brewster----10----6th Grade
10. Gladys Kimmel----9-----5th Grade
11. Rodney Gordon----10----5th Grade
12. Loren Kimmel----9-----5th Grade
13. Lonnelle Brewster—8----4th Grade
14. Claire Glessner----8-----4th Grade
15. Maxine Kimmel----7----3rd Grade
16. John Gorden----7-----3rd Grade
17.Frances Brewster ----7----3rd Grade
18. Ada Ruth Ralston----7----3rd Grade
19. Joe Hof------7-------3rd Grade
20. Richard Hof----4-----Primary
21. Clarence Evans —5----Primary
22. Dayton Kimmel-----5----Primary
23. Virginia Gordon ----5----Primary
24. Ida Van Dokkumburg----9----4th Grade
25. Edith Van Dokkumburg—7—3rd Grade
26. Wilhelmina Dokkumburg-----6----1st Grade
27. Roy Brown-------11----5th Grade
28. Wesley Brown—9-----4th Grade
29. Vera Brown-----6-----1st Grade
Notes on the year.
Most pupils do fairly well in their work, although they need penmanship badly.
A new flag is needed.
The second grade children have read the Aldine Primer, Aldine First Reader and Balwin & Bender Book I. They are all ready for the second reader except Clarence, who reads poorly.
The Brown children entered the first of April, most of their work is good with exception of Arith. Which is very poor.
A set of new maps is necessary.
Harold Evans and Laurence Haze are passed on condition.
Approved: April 2, 1932 by Chas. H. Tye
Beginning Spring Term commencing January 16, 1928 and Ending May 18, 1928.
Teachers: Coba Vander Burgh
1. Gerrit Hof----13----8th Grade
2. Wilbur Hof-----11----7th Grade
3. Evelyn Glessner----11—7th Grade
4. Esther Kimmel-----12---7th Grade
5. Homer Kimmel-----13--7th Grade
6. Evelyn Ralston—11----6th Grade—gone all of February
7. Harold Evans----11----6th Grade
8. Laurence Haze-----10----6th Grade
9. Donald Brewster----10----6th Grade
10. Gladys Kimmel----9-----5th Grade
11. Loren Kimmel----9-----5th Grade
12. Rodney Gordon----10----5th Grade
13. Roy Brown-------11----5th Grade
14. Lonnelle Brewster—8----4th Grade
15. Claire Glessner----8-----4th Grade
16. Ida Van Dokkumburg----9----4th Grade
17. Wesley Brown—9-----4th Grade
18. John Gorden----7-----3rd Grade
19. Joe Hof------7-------3rd Grade
20. Ada Ruth Ralston----7----3rd Grade
21.Frances Brewster ----7----3rd Grade
22. Maxine Kimmel----7----3rd Grade
23. Edith Van Dokkumburg—7—3rd Grade
24. Dayton Kimmel---------1st Grade
25. Clarence Evans —----1st Grade
26. Richard Hof----4-----1st Grade
27. Vera Mae Brown-----6-----1st Grade
28. Wilhelmina Dokkumburg-----6----1st Grade
29. Virginia Gordon ----5----1st Grade
Notes: 8th completed all his subjects
#s 7 & 8 very poor in reading
#5. Very careless and lazy
Approved April 12, 1932 by Chas. H. Tye
Beginning Fall Term commencing September 3, 1928 and Ending January 11, 1929.
Teachers: Mrs. Chris Vander Burgh & Paul Rolston
1. Alice Bangma —6----1st Grade
2. Dale Kimmel—5—1st Grade
3. Stanley Brewster—5—1st Grade
4. Clarence Evans —7----2nd Grade
5. Dayton Kimmel-----6----2nd Grade
6. Wilhelmina Dokkumburg-----6----2nd Grade
7. Vera Brown-----67-----2nd Grade
8. Velmalyn Bishop—7—3rd Grade
9. Maxine Kimmel----8----4th Grade
10.Frances Brewster ----8----4th Grade
11. Edith Van Dokkumburg—8—4th Grade
12. Ada Ruth Ralston----8----4th Grade
(There seems to be a division of grades here.)
13. Evelyn Glessner----—8th Grade
14. Evelyn Ralston—----8th Grade
15. Donald Brewster--------7th Grade
16. Laurence Haze---------7th Grade
17. Harold Evans--------7th Grade
18. Gladys Kimmel---------6th Grade
19. Loren Kimmel---------6th Grade
20. Roy Brown-----------6th Grade
21. Wesley Brown—-----5th Grade
22. Lonnelle Brewster—----5th Grade
23. Claire Glessner---------5th Grade
24. Ida Van Dokkumburg--------5th Grade
Notes under Remarks:
No. 4 is very slow in everything. He will get more out of first grade,
No. 6. Is very bright and is ahead of the rest of those in second grade. She will be able to do third grade work very satisfactorily.
(Final page never filled out)
Beginning Spring Term commencing January 14,, 1929 and Ending May 17, 1929.
Teachers: Mrs. Chris Vander Burgh & Paul Rolston
1. Alice Bangma —6----1st Grade (only goes to school sporadically)
2. Stanley Brewster—6—1st Grade
3. Dale Kimmel—5—1st Grade
4. Clarence Evans —7----2nd Grade
5. Elizabeth Boomgarden—6—1st Grade—Entered the middle of March
6. Dayton Kimmel-----6----2nd Grade
7. Vera Mae Brown-----7-----2nd Grade
8. Velmalyn Bishop—7—3rd Grade
9. Wilhelmina Dokkumburg-----7----2nd Grade----Moved away in March
10. Lucille Boomgarden—8----3rd Grade—Entered the middle of March
11. Edith Van Dokkumburg—8—4th Grade—Moved away in March
12. Ada Ruth Ralston----8----4th Grade
13.Frances Brewster ----9----4th Grade
14. Maxine Kimmel----9----4th Grade
15. Norma Jean Kimmel----4-----Beginner
16. Willard Kimmel-----4-----Beginner
17. Betty Lou Van Der Berg—6-----
(There seems to be a division of grades here.)
13. Evelyn Glessner----—8th Grade
14. Evelyn Ralston—----8th Grade
15. Donald Brewster--------7th Grade
16. Laurence Haze---------7th Grade
17. Harold Evans--------7th Grade
18. Gladys Kimmel---------6th Grade
19. Loren Kimmel---------6th Grade
20. Roy Brown-----------6th Grade
21. Wesley Brown—-----5th Grade
22. Lonnelle Brewster—----5th Grade
23. Claire Glessner---------5th Grade
24. Ida Van Dokkumburg--------5th Grade—Dropped School on Feb. 28.
Note for this year: #1. & #5. did not attend very regular so Reading is rather hard for them. #2. & #3. read Bald & Bend 2nd Reader and can begin with 3rd grade next year. It will be necessary to have 3rd grade reading twice a day. No.4. is very slow and needs extra help. Make him work as he is apt to idle away his time. No 8. is very slow in Arith. but very bright otherwise. #15, #16, #17 have a good beginning, #17 is much brighter than #15 & #16 and by fall ought to be able to go a great deal faster than they. With extra help she could catch up with #1. & #5. #4. #6.# 7. read required books also Free Treadwell 2nd Reader. They could finish it before beginning 3rd work. Pupils in 5th, 6th,7th need writing very bad. Poor penmanship.
Approved Oct 31, 1930 by Chas. H. Tye
Beginning Fall Term commencing September 2, 1929 and Ending January 17, 1930.
Teacher: Edgar Lee Glessner
1. Harold Evans-----13----8th Grade
2. Donald Brewster----12----8th Grade
3. Laurence Haze----12-----8th Grade
4. Gladys Kimmel-----11----7th Grade
5. Loren Kimmel----11-----7th Grade
6. Roy Brown-----13------7th Grade
7. Wesley Brown—–11---6th Grade
8. Lonnelle Brewster—10----6th Grade
9. Claire Glessner----10-----6th Grade
10.Frances Brewster ----9----5th Grade
11. Maxine Kimmel----9----5th Grade
12. Ada Ruth Ralston----9----5th Grade
13. Velmalyn Bishop—8—4th Grade
14. Lucille Boomgarden—9----4th Grade
15. Stanley Brewster—6—3rd Grade
16. Dayton Kimmel-----7----3rd Grade
17. Vera Mae Brown-----8-----3rd Grade
18. Clarence Evans —8----3rd Grade
19. Dale Kimmel—6—3rd Grade
20. Elizabeth Boomgarden—7—2nd Grade—
21. Alice Bangma —7----2nd Grade
22. Betty Lou Van Der Berg—7-----1st Grade
23. Willard Kimmel-----5-----1st Grade
24. Norma Jean Kimmel----5-----1st Grade
25. Mildred Armstrong----13-----Entered the beginning of Oct.
26. Marie Armstrong—13-----Entered the beginning of Oct
27. Irene Armstrong-----14------Entered the beginning of Oct
28. Emmert Armstrong-----9------Entered the beginning of Oct
Note: after #12. Rather slow. #23, #20, #19, #18, #17, # 13, are rather slow in Arithmetic and need a great deal of drill. #18 needs a great deal of help in most things, but can do the work.
Approve Oct 31, 1930 by Chas. H. Tye
Beginning Spring Term commencing January 20, 1930 and Ending May 23, 1930.
Teacher: Dorothy Rolston & Edgar Lee Glessner
1. Irene Armstrong-----14-----8th Grade
2. Donald Brewster----12----8th Grade
3. Harold Evans-----13----8th Grade
4. Laurence Haze----12-----8th Grade
5. Mildred Armstrong----13----7th Grade.
6. Marie Armstrong—13----7th Grade
7. Roy Brown-----13------7th Grade
8. Gladys Kimmel-----11----7th Grade
9. Loren Kimmel----11-----7th Grade
10. Lonnelle Brewster—10----6th Grade
11. Wesley Brown—–11---6th Grade
12. Claire Glessner----10-----6th Grade
13.Frances Brewster ----9----5th Grade
14. Maxine Kimmel----9----5th Grade
15. Ada Ruth Ralston----9----5th Grade
16. Velma Bishop—8—4th Grade
17. Lucille Boomgarden—9----4th Grade
18. Vera Brown-----8-----4th Grade
19. Emmert Armstrong-----9-----3rd Grade
20. Clarence Evans —8----3rd Grade
21. Dale Kimmel—6—3rd Grade
22. Dayton Kimmel-----7----3rd Grade
23. Alice Bangma —7----2nd Grade
24. Elizabeth Boomgarden—7—2nd Grade—
25. Stanley Brewster—6—2nd Grade
26. Norma Jean Kimmel----5-----1st Grade
27. Willard Kimmel-----5-----1st Grade
28. Betty Lou Van Der Berg—7-----1st Grade
Notes: #10 is very slow. # 9 is slow in Arith. The pupils in the first four grades have completed their work according to the course of Study in a very satisfactory manner. #19 and #22 are a great deal quicker to grasp things or facts than #20 and #21.
Approved Oct 31, 1930 by Chas. H. Tye
Beginning Fall Term commencing September 1, 1930 and Ending January 9, 1931.
Teacher: Edgar Lee Glessner
1. Norma Jean Kimmel----6-----2nd Grade
2. Willard Kimmel-----6-----2nd Grade
3. Elizabeth Boomgarden—8—3rd Grade—
4. Stanley Brewster—7—3rd Grade
5. Emmert Armstrong-----10-----4th Grade
6. Clarence Evans —9----4th Grade
7. Dale Kimmel—8—4th Grade
8. Dayton Kimmel-----8----4th Grade
9. Velma Bishop—9—5th Grade
10. Lucille Boomgarden—10----5th Grade
11. Vera Brown-----8-----5th Grade----Leaves late November
12.Frances Brewster ----10----6th Grade
13. Maxine Kimmel----10----6th Grade
14. Ada Ruth Ralston----9----6th Grade
15. Lonnelle Brewster—11----7th Grade
16. Wesley Brown—–12—7th Grade
17. Claire Glessner----11-----7th Grade—Leaves late November
18. Marie Armstrong—14----8th Grade
19. Mildred Armstrong----14----8th Grade.
20. Gladys Kimmel-----12----8th Grade
21. Loren Kimmel----12-----8th Grade
22. Roy Brown-----17------8th Grade–Enters in Oct & Leaves late November
Notes: All work to be continued in the same manner for the next term.
The "Weekly program" as given in the large "State Course of Study has been used. From experience I believe that the weekly program works better or gives better results than a daily program in this size school.
Approved April 12, 1932 by Chas.H. Tye
Beginning Spring Term commencing January 12, 1931 and Ending May 15, 1931.
Teacher: Edgar Lee Glessner
1. Norma Jean Kimmel----6-----2nd Grade
2. Willard Kimmel-----6-----2nd Grade
3. Elizabeth Boomgarden—8—3rd Grade—
4. Stanley Brewster—7—3rd Grade
5. Emmert Armstrong-----10-----4th Grade
6. Clarence Evans —9----4th Grade
7. Dale Kimmel—8—4th Grade
8. Dayton Kimmel-----8----4th Grade
9. Velma Bishop—9—5th Grade
10. Lucille Boomgarden—10----5th Grade
11.Frances Brewster ----10----6th Grade
12. Maxine Kimmel----10----6th Grade
13. Ada Ruth Ralston----9----6th Grade
14. Lonnelle Brewster—11----7th Grade
15. Claire Glessner----11-----7th Grade
16. Marie Armstrong—14----8th Grade
17. Mildred Armstrong----14----8th Grade.
18. Gladys Kimmel-----12----8th Grade
19. Loren Kimmel----12-----8th Grade
20. Richard Kimmel----1st Grade
Notes: All pupils advanced to next grade except the following: #2 Reading, #6 Reading & Spelling & Arith., #7, Arith. "These must be taken again.
There is a greater need of cooperation between patrons and teacher, and parents and pupils. The spirit of friendship does not exist as it should. The patrons should visit school oftener.
Approved April 12, 1932 by Chas. H. Tye
Beginning Fall Term commencing August 31, 1931 and Ending January 12, 1932.
Teacher: Mabel L. Glessner
1. Richard Kimmel----1st Grade
2. Norma Jean Kimmel----7-----3rd Grade
3. Willard Kimmel-----7-----3rd Grade
4. Elizabeth Boomgarden—9—4th Grade—
5. Stanley Brewster—8—4th Grade
6. Emmert Armstrong-----11-----5th Grade
7. Clarence Evans —9----5th Grade
8. Dale Kimmel—8—5th Grade
9. Dayton Kimmel-----9----5th Grade
10. Velma Bishop—10—6th Grade
11. Lucille Boomgarden—11----6th Grade
12.Frances Brewster ----11----7th Grade
13. Maxine Kimmel----11----7th Grade
14. Ada Ruth Ralston----10----7th Grade
15. Lonnelle Brewster—11----8th Grade
16. Claire Glessner----11-----8th Grade
17. Rodger Gordon—8th Grade—Enter middle of Dec.
18. John Gordon—12—7th Grade—Enter middle of Dec.
19. Virginia Gordon----10-----5th Grade----Enter middle of Dec.
20. Dorthea Gordon----6------2nd Grade----Enter middle of Dec.
Next term continues the same, with the exception of Civics which will be put in place of "Iowa Hist." as Iowa History was completed.
Iowa History in VII & VIII grades. Finished text and workbook. Are reviewing.
Approved 1932 by Chas. H. Tye
Klipto Complete School Register of Attendance—Classification----Achievement-----Six Weeks Period
for the Goodwill School Dist. Of No 6, Township of Grant, County of Sioux.
Beginning January 13, 1932 and Ending May 17, 1932
Daily Attendance Record Spring term.
For the year beginning January 13, 1932 and ending May 17, 1932
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Mabal L. Glessner
Every study book is listed in the ledger for every year.
1. Richard Kimmel----son of B.H. Kimmel
2. Norma Kimmel—daughter of B.H. Kimmel
3. Willard Kimmel—son of J.R. Kimmel
4. Beth Boomgaarden—daughter of O.H. Boomgaarden
5. Stanley Brewster----son of Earl Brewster
6. Emmert Armstrong—son of J.E. Armstrong
7. Clarence Evans—Paul Evans
8. Dale Kimmel—son D. P. Kimmel
9. Dayton Kimmel----son of B.H. Kimmel
10. Velma Bishop—daughter of Chester Bishop
11. Lucille Boomgaarden----daughter of O.H. Boomgaarden
12. Frances Brewster-----daughter of Earl Brewster
13. Maxine Kimmel----daughter of J.R. Kimmel
14. Ada Ruth Rolston----daughter of J.E. Rolston
15. Lonnelle Brewster----daughter of Earl Brewster
16. Claire Glessner-----daughter of R.H. Glessner
17. Rodger Gordon----son of Frank Gordon
18. John Gordon------son of Frank Gordon
19. Virginia Gordon----daughter of Frank Gordon
20. Dorathea Gordon-----daughter of Frank Gordon
21. Morley Brewster----son of Earl Brewster
Notes about this year, All Pupils have been promoted to the next grade with the exception of Clarence Evans who will take 5th grade Geography and Language again.
Dale Kimmel will take 5th Arithmetic. No. 4,5,7,8, Needs lots of drill in Arithmetic.
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning September 5, 1932 and ending May 17, 1933
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Owen Rolston
1. Maxine Kimmel----12------8th Grade
2. Ada Ruth Rolston—12-----8th Grade
3. Frances Brewster—12-----8th Grade
4. Lucille Boomgaarden—12----7th Grade
5. Emmert Armstrong—12-----7th Grade
6. Velma Bishop-----11----7th Grade
7. Dale Kimmel----9----6th Grade
8. Dayton Kimmel—10----6th Grade
9. Clarence Evans----11----5th Grade
10. Beth Boomgaarden----10----5th Grade
11. Stanley Bewster—9------5th Grade
12. Willard Kimmel----- 8-----4th Grade
13. Norma Kimmel----8----4th Grade
14. Morley Brewster----- 6-----1st Grade
15. Magdaline Va Der Syde----6----1st Grade
16. Richard Kimmel------- 6----2nd Grade
17. Wilma Maassen------5-----Primary
18. Katherine Van Der Syde—5----Primary
19. Harriet Hector----9------5th Grade
20. Clarence Hector-----11—6th Grade
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning September 4, 1933 and ending May 12, 1934
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Dorothy Rolston
1. Katherine Van Der Syde—15----Grade 1 (I think this is Freshman in High School)
2. Lucille Boomgaarden----13----8th Grade
3. Geraldine Siebesma—13----8th Grade
4. Dale Kimmel----10----7th Grade
5. Dayton Kimmel----11----7th Grade
6. Clarence Hector----12----7th Grade
7. Harriet Hector----10----6th Grade
8. Clarence Evans----12----6th Grade
9. Beth Boomgaarden----11----6th Grade
10. Stanley Brewster----10----6th Grade
11. Willard Kimmel----9----5th Grade
12. Norma Kimmel-----9—5th Grade
13. Stephen Siebesma----9----4th Grade
14. Richard Kimmel-----7—3rd Grade
15. Morley Brewster----7—2nd Grade
16. Julius Giebesma----7----2nd Grade
17. Magdaline Van Der Syde----7—2nd Grade
18. Wilma Maassen----5—1st Grade
19. Carl Bosch----11----6th Grade------Entered in the middle of the year
20. Danny Reagan----7----3rd Grade----Entered later in the year
21. Darlene Kimmel----5----Primary-----Entered end of the year
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning September 3, 1934 and ending May, 1935
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M Kimmel
1. Dale Kimmel----11----8th Grade
2. Clarence Hector----13----8th Grade
3. Dayton Kimmel----12----8th Grade
4. Clarence Evans----13----7th Grade
5. Harriet Hector----11----7th Grade
6. Beth Boomgaarden----12----7th Grade
7. Stanley Brewster----11----7th Grade
8. Willard Kimmel----10----6th Grade
9. Norma Kimmel-----10—6th Grade
10. Stephen Siebesma----10----5th Grade
11. Richard Kimmel-----8—4th Grade
12. Dan Reagan----8----4th Grade
13. Morley Brewster----8—3rd Grade
14. Julius Siebesma----8----3rd Grade
15. Magdaline Van Der Syde----8—3rd Grade—Dropped
16. Wilma Maassen----6—2nd Grade
17. Katherine Van Der Syde----6----2nd Grade----Dropped
18. Darlene Kimmel----6----1st Grade
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning September 2, 1935 and ending May22, 1936
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M Kimmel
1. Clarence Evans----8th Grade
2. Beth Boomgaarden----8th Grade
3. Stanley Brewster----8th Grade
4. Harriet Hector----8th Grade-----Dropped
5. Willard Kimmel----7th Grade
6. Norma Kimmel—7th Grade
7. Stephen Siebesma----6th Grade-----Dropped
8. Dan Reagan----5th Grade
9. Dickie Kimmel—5th Grade
10. Morley Brewster—4th Grade
11. Julius Siebesma----4th Grade------Dropped
12. Wilma Maassen—3rd Grade
13. Darlene Kimmel----2nd Grade
14. Bernice Balkema----1st Grade
15. Cornie Siebersma -----1st Grade-----Dropped
16. Lucille Vander Burg----1st Grade
17. Helen Maasssen
18. Faith Mory-----7th Grade------Dropped
No School Feb. 4, 5, 6 & 10. Also Feb 26, 27, 28 (Snow Storms??????)
(Looks like the Siebersma family moved)
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning August 31, 1936 and ending May20, 1937
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M Kimmel
1. Willard Kimmel----12-------8th Grade----son of J. R. Kimmel
2. Norma Kimmel—12------8th Grade-----daughter of B. H. Kimmel
3. Dickie Kimmel—10-----6th Grade-----son of B. H. Kimmel
4. Dan Reagan----10------6th Grade-----son of John Reagan
5. Morley Brewster—10-----5th Grade-----son of Earl Brewster
6. Wilma Maassen—8-----4th Grade------daughter of Henry Maassen
7. Darlene Kimmel----7------3rd Grade-----daughter of D. P. Kimmel
8. Lucille Vander Burg----6------2nd Grade----daughter of Abe Vander Burg
9. Helen Maasssen------5------2nd Grade-----daughter of Henry Maassen
10. Bernice Balkema----6-----2nd Grade-----daughter of Wm. Balkema
11. Margaret Maassen------4-----1st Grade----daughter of Henry Maassen
12. Robert Shaffer------6-------1st Grade----son of Grant Shaffer-------Dropped
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning August 30, 1937 and ending May13, 1938
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M Kimmel
1. Dan Reagan----11------7th Grade-----son of John Reagan
2. Dickie Kimmel—11-----7th Grade-----son of B. H. Kimmel
3. Morley Brewster—11-----6th Grade-----son of Earl Brewster
4. Wilma Maassen—9-----5th Grade------daughter of Henry Maassen
5. Darlene Kimmel----8------4th Grade-----daughter of D. P. Kimmel
6. Lucille Vander Burg----7------2nd Grade----daughter of Abe Vander Burg
7. Helen Maasssen------6------2nd Grade-----daughter of Henry Maassen
8. Bernice Balkema----7-----3rd Grade-----daughter of Wm. Balkema-----Dropped
9. Margaret Maassen------5-----1st Grade----daughter of Henry Maassen
10. Everdeane Zylstra------6-----1st Grade-----daughter of Dick Zylstra
11. Beverly Kimmel-----5-------Primary-----daughter of Kenneth Kimmel
12. Myron Rolston------5------Primary-----son of Lawrence Rolston
13. Bobby Shaffer------6------1st Grade-----Dropped
?Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning September 6 , 1938 and ending May25, 1939
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Alice Weaver
1. Dan Reagan----12------8th Grade-----son of John Reagan
2. Dickie Kimmel—12-----8th Grade-----son of B. H. Kimmel
3. Morley Brewster—12-----7th Grade-----son of Earl Brewster
4. Wilma Maassen—10-----6th Grade------daughter of Henry Maassen
5. Darlene Kimmel----9------5th Grade-----daughter of D. P. Kimmel
6. Jerene Kish-----10--------6th Grade-----daughter of Harold Kish
7. Lucille Vander Burg----8------3rd Grade----daughter of Abe Vander Burg
8. Helen Maasssen------7------3rd Grade-----daughter of Henry Maassen
9. Margaret Maassen------6-----3rd Grade----daughter of Henry Maassen
10. Everdeane Zylstra------6-----2nd Grade-----daughter of Dick Zylstra
11. Beverly Kimmel-----5-------1st Grade-----daughter of Kenneth Kimmel
12. Myron Ralston------5------1st Grade-----son of Lawrence Ralston
13. Joyce Vander Burg-----5-----1st Grade-----daughter of Abe Vander Burg
14. Donna Ralston----5-----1st Grade-----daughter of Paul Ralston
15. Dorothy Zylstra----5—1st Grade----daughter of Dick Zylstra
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning September 4 , 1939 and ending May23, 1940
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Clara Vander Wal
1. Morley Brewster—13-----8th Grade-----son of Earl Brewster
2. Wilma Maassen—11-----7th Grade------daughter of Henry Maassen
3. Darlene Kimmel----10------6th Grade-----daughter of D. P. Kimmel
4. Lucille Vander Burg----9------5th Grade----daughter of Abe Vander Burg
5. Helen Maasssen------8------5th Grade-----daughter of Henry Maassen
6. Margaret Maassen------7-----4th Grade----daughter of Henry Maassen
7. Everdeane Zylstra------7-----3rd Grade-----daughter of Dick Zylstra
8. Beverly Kimmel-----6-------2nd Grade-----daughter of Kenneth Kimmel
9. Myron Ralston------6------2nd Grade-----son of Lawrence Ralston
10. Joyce Vander Burg-----6-----2nd Grade-----daughter of Abe Vander Burg
11. Donna Ralston----6-----2nd Grade-----daughter of Paul Ralston
12. Dorothy Zylstra----6—1st Grade----daughter of Dick Zylstra
13.Glen Glessner-----5----1st Grade----son of Edgar Glessner
14. Esther Maassen------5----1st Grade-----daughter of Henry Maassen
15. Kermit Hoffs-----5-----1st Grade-----son of John Hoffs
16. Kerwin Hoffs----5-----1st Grade-----son of John Hoffs
17.Shirley Kimmel----5-----Primary----daughter of Kenneth Kimmel
Daily Attendance Record Fall term.
For the year beginning September 1 , 1941 and ending May 20, 1942
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M Kimmel
1. Darlene Kimmel----12------8th Grade-----daughter of D. P. Kimmel
2. Helen Maasssen------10------7th Grade-----daughter of Henry Maassen
3. Margaret Maassen------9-----6th Grade----daughter of Henry Maassen
4. Beverly Kimmel-----8-------4th Grade-----daughter of Kenneth Kimmel—Dropped
5. Myron Ralston------8------4th Grade-----son of Lawrence Ralston
6. Esther Maassen------7----3rd Grade-----daughter of Henry Maassen
7.Glen Glessner----7----3rd Grade----son of Edgar Glessner
8. Kermit Hoffs-----7----3rd Grade-----son of John Hoffs
9. Kerwin Hoffs----7-----3rd Grade-----son of John Hoffs
10.Shirley Kimmel----7-----2nd----daughter of Kenneth Kimmel----Dropped
11. Lois Maassen----5------Primary-----daughter of Henry Maassen
12. Marlys Glessner -----5----Primary----daughter of Edgar Glessner
Klipto Complete School Register of Attendance—Classification----Achievement-----Six Weeks Period
for the Goodwill School Dist. Of No 6, Township of Grant, County of Sioux.
Beginning August 31, 1942 and Ending May 18, 1949
Daily Attendance Record
For the year beginning August 31, 1942 and ending May 14, 1943
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M. Kimmel
Every study book is listed in the ledger for every year.
1. Maassen, Helen, ---11---Gr.8---daughter of Henry Maassen
2. Maassen, Margaret ---10—Gr.7---daughter of Henry Maassen
3. Rolston, Myron---9—Gr.5---son of Laurence Rolston
4. Maassen, Esther—8—Gr.4—daughter of Henry Maassen
5. Glessner, Glen—8----Gr.4—son of Edgar Glessner
6. Hoffs, Kerwin—8—Gr.4----son of John Hoffs
7. Hoffs, Kermit----8—Gr.4—son of John Hoffs
8. Maassen, Lois—6—Gr.1—daughter of Henry Maassen
9. Glessner, Marlys—6—Gr.1—daughter of Edgar Glessner
10. Hoffs, Vernon—5—Gr.P—son of John Hoffs
11. Rolston, Wanda----5----Gr.P----daughter of Laurence Rolston
12. Kimmel, Judith—5—Gr.1—daughter of Kenyon Kimme–Entered early April
Notes: 9 of the students were out with mumps, 1 out with the measles
10 had Diptheria Immunizations & 7 were given smallpox immunizations.
Daily Attendance Record
For the year beginning August 30, 1943 and ending May 12, 1944
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M. Kimmel
1. Maassen, Margaret ---11—Gr.8---daughter of Henry Maassen
2. Rolston, Myron—10—Gr.6---son of Laurence Rolston
3. Maassen, Esther—9—Gr.5—daughter of Henry Maassen
4. Glessner, Glen—9----Gr.5—son of Edgar Glessner
5. Hoffs, Kerwin—9—Gr.5----son of John Hoffs
6. Hoffs, Kermit----9—Gr.5—son of John Hoffs
7. Maassen, Lois—7—Gr.2—daughter of Henry Maassen
8. Glessner, Marlys—7—Gr2—daughter of Edgar Glessner
9. Kimmel, Judith—6—Gr.2—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
10. Hoffs, Vernon—6—Gr.1—son of John Hoffs
11. Rolston, Wanda----6----Gr.1----daughter of Laurence Rolston
12. Norma Brink—5—Gr.P—daughter of Henry Brink
Daily Attendance Record
For the year beginning August 28, 1944 and ending May 11, 1945
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M. Kimmel
1. Rolston, Myron—11—Gr.7---son of Laurence Rolston
2. Maassen, Esther—10—Gr.6—daughter of Henry Maassen
3. Glessner, Glen—10----Gr.6—son of Edgar Glessne
4. Hoffs, Kerwin—10—Gr.6----son of John Hoffs
5. Hoffs, Kermit----10—Gr.6—son of John Hoffs
6. Carlson Patricia----9—Gr.3.—daughter of Einar Carlson—Entered Oct. 11
7. Maassen, Lois—8—Gr.3—daughter of Henry Maassen
8. Glessner, Marlys—8—Gr.3—daughter of Edgar Glessner
9. Kimmel, Judith—7—Gr.3—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
10. Hoffs, Vernon—7—Gr.2—son of John Hoffs
11. Rolston, Wanda----7----Gr.2----daughter of Laurence Rolston
12. Norma Brink—6—Gr.1—daughter of Henry Brink
13. Rolston, Janice—5—Gr.P—daughter of Magrum Rolston
14. Rolston, Jerry----5----Gr.P—son of Magrum Rolston
15. Glessner, Colleen—5—Gr.P—daughter of Edgar Glessner
16. Brink, Wayne—5—Gr.P—son of Henry Brink
Notes: Myron & Wanda Rolston have Chicken Pox this year
Norma & Wayne Brink get their diptheria & smallpox
Daily Attendance Record
For the year beginning September 3, 1945 and ending May 17, 1946
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Helen M. Kimmel
1. Rolston, Myron—12—Gr.8---son of Laurence Rolston
2. Maassen, Esther—11—Gr.7—daughter of Henry Maassen
3. Glessner, Glen—11----Gr.7—son of Edgar Glessner
4. Hoffs, Kerwin—11—Gr.7----son of John Hoffs
5. Hoffs, Kermit----11—Gr.7—son of John Hoffs
6. Carlson Patricia----10—Gr.4.—daughter of Einar Carlson
7. Maassen, Lois—9—Gr.4—daughter of Henry Maassen
8. Glessner, Marlys—9—Gr.4—daughter of Edgar Glessner
9. Kimmel, Judith—8—Gr.4—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
10. Hoffs, Vernon—8—Gr.3—son of John Hoffs
11. Rolston, Wanda----8----Gr.3----daughter of Laurence Rolston
12. Norma Brink—7—Gr.2—daughter of Henry Brink
13. Rolston, Janice—6—Gr.1—daughter of Magrum Rolston
14. Rolston, Jerry----6----Gr.1—son of Magrum Rolston
15. Glessner, Colleen—6—Gr.1—daughter of Edgar Glessner
16. Brink, Wayne—6—Gr.1—son of Henry Brink
17. Kimmel, Janet—5—Gr.P—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
Daily Attendance Record
For the year beginning September 2, 1946 and ending May 29, 1947
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Lucile Blumeyer
1. Hoffs, Kerwin—12—Gr.8----son of John Hoffs
2. Hoffs, Kermit----12—Gr.8—son of John Hoffs
3. Glessner, Glenn—12----Gr.8—son of Edgar Glessner
4. Maassen, Esther—12—Gr.8—daughter of Henry Maassen
5. Carlson, Patricia----10—Gr.5.—daughter of Einar Carlson
6. Maassen, Lois—10—Gr.5—daughter of Henry Maassen
7. Glessner, Marlys—10—Gr.5—daughter of Edgar Glessner
8. Kimmel, Judith—9—Gr.5—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
9. Rolston, Wanda----9----Gr.3----daughter of Laurence Rolston
10. Hoffs, Vernon—9—Gr.4—son of John Hoffs
11. Norma Brink—7—Gr.3—daughter of Henry Brink
12. Rolston, Janice—7—Gr.2—daughter of Magrum Rolston
13. Rolston, Jerry----7----Gr.2—son of Magrum Rolston
14. Glessner, Colleen—7—Gr.2—daughter of Edgar Glessner
15. Brink, Wayne—6—Gr.2—son of Henry Brink
16. Kimmel, Janet—6—Gr.2—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
17. Brewster David–5—Gr.P—
18. Evans, Mary----4----Gr. P----
19. Vander Burgh, Linda Lee----4—Gr.P
Notes: 5 day storm during Feb. Had two storm days in April/May and 2 days sick.
All students were promoted.
Daily Attendance Record
For the year beginning September 1, 1947 and ending May 21, 1948
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher: Lucile Blumeyer
1. Carlson, Patricia----12—Gr.6.—daughter of Einar Carlson
2. Maassen, Lois—11—Gr.6—daughter of Henry Maassen
3. Glessner, Marlys—11—Gr.6—daughter of Edgar Glessner
4. Kimmel, Judith—10—Gr.6—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
5. Rolston, Wanda----10----Gr.5----daughter of Laurence Rolston
6. Wallinga, Janet----10----Gr. 5—daughter of Harry Wallinga
7. Norma Brink—9—Gr.4—daughter of Henry Brink
8. Rolston, Janice—8—Gr.3—daughter of Magrum Rolston
9. Rolston, Jerry----8----Gr.3—son of Magrum Rolston
10. Glessner, Colleen—8—Gr.3—daughter of Edgar Glessner
11. Brink, Wayne—8—Gr.3—son of Henry Brink
12. Kimmel, Janet—7—Gr.3—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
13. Brewster David–6—Gr.1—son of Donald Brewster
14. Vander Burgh, Linda Lee----6—Gr.1----daughter of Corneluis Vander Burgh
15. Evans, Mary----6----Gr.1----Daughter of Harold V. Evans
16. Wallinga, Patty—6----Gr.1—daughter of Harry Wallinga
17. Robert Brewster—5—Gr.P----son of Donald Brewster
18. Sterk, Marlyn—5—Gr.P—son of Lambert Sterk
End of the year seems to have been finished by Substitute Teacher Virginia Brewster Miller. Starting Jan 19, 1948
Daily Attendance Record
For the year beginning August 30, 1948 and ending May 18, 1949
Of the School, # 6; District: Grant Township, Sioux County, Iowa
Teacher:Elnora Johnston
1. Glessner, Marlys—12—Gr.7—daughter of Edgar Glessner
2. Kimmel, Judith—11—Gr.7—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
3. Maassen, Lois—12—Gr.7—daughter of Henry Maassen
4. Carlson, Patricia----12—Gr.7.—daughter of Einar Carlson
5. Wallinga, Janet----11----Gr. 6—daughter of Harry Wallinga
6. Norma Brink—9—Gr.5—daughter of Henry Brink
7. Rolston, Janice—9—Gr.4—daughter of Magrum Rolston
8. Rolston, Jerry----9----Gr.4—son of Magrum Rolston
9. Kimmel, Janet—8—Gr.4—daughter of Kenyon Kimmel
10. Brink, Wayne—8—Gr.4—son of Henry Brink
11. Glessner, Colleen—9—Gr.4—daughter of Edgar Glessner
12. Wallinga, Patty—7----Gr.2—daughter of Harry Wallinga
13. Evans, Mary----6----Gr.2----Daughter of Harold V. Evans
14. Brewster David–7—Gr.2—son of Donald Brewster
15. Vander Burgh, Linda Lee----6—Gr.2----daughter of Corneluis Vander Burgh
16. Robert Brewster—6—Gr.1----son of Donald Brewster
17. Sterk, Marlyn—6—Gr.1—son of Lambert Sterk
18. Kimmel, Larry—5—Gr.P--
19. Brewster, Graig—5—Gr. P
20. Glessner, Carol—5—Gr.P
21. Evans, George—5—Gr. P
22. Van Zee, Dennis —5—Gr.P–Entered Feb. 28,1949
14 of these children had chickenpox & 2 had the measles, 1 had both.
Attendance Log, the Good Will School District # 6 Grant , Sioux County, Iowa 1952
Teacher: Mrs. Marie Wiekamp
Sept, 1, 1952 to May 23, 1953
Janet Kimmel; age 8, daughter of Kenyon Kimmel, Sheldon, IA.
Colleen Glessner; age 8, daughter of Edward Glessner, Sheldon, IA.
Janice Ralston; age 8, daughter of Magrum Ralston, Sheldon, IA.
Jerry Ralston; age 8, son of Magrum Ralston, Sheldon, IA.
Wayne Brink; age 8, son of Henry Brink, Sheldon, IA.
David Brewster; age 6, son of Donald Brewster, Sheldon, IA.
Mary Evans; age 6, daughter of Harold Evens, Sheldon, IA.
Linda Vander Burgh; age 6, daughter of Corneluis Vander Burgh, Sheldon, IA.
Patricia Wallinga; age 6, daughter of Harry Wallinga, Sheldon, IA.
Robert Brewster; age 5, son of Harold Brewster, Sheldon, IA.
Marlyn Sterk; age 5, son of Lammert Sterk
~Submitted by volunteer, Minerva Van Peursem