Alton Democrat, June 22, 1918
Sioux County Eight Grade Graduates 1918, in the Rural Schools.
Buncombe Township
Mary Stevenson, Hawarden.
Capel Township
Irene Harmon, Boyden;
Henry J. Wissink, Boyden;
Bertha Wissink, Boyden;
Katherine Vander Wilt, Orange City;
Henry Vanden Bosch, Sheldon;
Johanna Vander Berg, Orange City;
Jennie Van Orth, Orange City.
Center Township
Earl Opdahl, Ireton;
Minnie DeVries, Maurice;
Orville Dittmer, Maurice;
Bertha Ramker, Ireton;
Marion dykshorn, Ireton;
Vera Mueller, Ireton.
Eagle Township
Orwin Hemmingson, Ireton;
Elmer Hufsaker, Ireton;
Lewis Abbey, Hawarden.
Floyd Township
Jennie Van Veldhuizen, Hospers;
Nellie Fonkert, Hospers;
Gertrude Lyzen, Alton;
Herman Hofmeyer, Granville;
Jeanette Scholten, Alton;
Charles Spykerman, Granville;
Nick J. Klein, Alton.
Garfield Township
Josephine Toft, Hudson, SD;
Marcella, Anderson, Hudson SD.
Grant Township
Anna Ralston, Sheldon;
Lorris Kane, Sheldon;
Alida Vanderberg, Sheldon;
Abel Vanderberg, Sheldon;
Nellie Groendyke, Sheldon;
Alvin Lynch, Sheldon;
Minnie Heikens, Matlock;
Mabel Washer, Alton;
Jeb Uden, Boyden.
Holland Township
Marion Balkema, Alton;
Elsie Deroo, Hospers;
Johnny Mouw, Orange City;
Harry Hagens, Orange City;
Margaret Muilenburg, Orange City;
Lillian Vander Schaaf, Hospers;
Bernice Van Meveren, Alton;
Frank DeGraf, Alton;
Harrietta Noteboom, Alton;
Martin Van Der Maten, Alton;
Adolph Luchtenburg, Orange City;
Margaret Muyskens, Alton.
Lincoln Township
Walter Smit, Hull;
Andrew Jansen, Perkins;
Angeline Clearfoot, Perkins;
Harrietta Westra, Perkins;
Gertrude VerMeer, Hull;
Peter Van Batavia, Hull;
Renus Nettinga, Perkins;
Ester Buckley, Perkins;
Jennie Nettinga, Perkins;
Susan Nettinga, Perkins.
Lynn Township
Sadie Kruse, Sheldon;
Walter Kruse, Sheldon;
Carolina Hoffs, Hospers;
Matilda TeGrootenhuis, Hospers.
Nassau Township
Harold Kraai, Orange City.
Rock Township
Mabel Klein, Rock Valley;
Halda Klein, Rock Valley;
Henry Noble, Rock Valley;
Arthur Klein, Rock Valley;
Delia Noble, Rock Valley;
Alice DeJong, Rock Valley;
Manus DeJong, Rock Valley.
Sherman Township
Gertrude Brink, Maurice;
Bertha Vanden Brock, Maurice;
Mervin Moir, Orange City;
Ethel Moir, Orange City;
Fern Chapman, Maurice;
Edith Darville, Orange City;
Ethel Darville, Orange City.
Sioux Township
Clarence Kempema, Rock Valley;
Martin Culliman, Rock Valley;
Cecilia Baatz, Hudson, SD;
Helen Austin, Ireton;
Emma Cannegieter, Rock Valley.
Reading Township
Nelson Westra, Ireton.
Washington Township
John McCabe, Hawarden;
Nick Biesbrock, Hawarden;
Marie Busch, Hawarden;
Herbert Ziln, Ireton;
Frances O’Meara, Ireton;
Frank Evans, Ireton;
Mary Dannenbring, Ireton.
Welcome Township
Johanna Schut, Sioux Center;
Arie Vand Der Weide, Sioux Center;
Sadie DeVries, Sioux Center;
Allie Kempers, Hull;
John Pap, Doon;
Fannie Schut, Sioux Center;
Julia Hollander, Sioux Center;
Gerrit Van Patten, Sioux Center.
West Branch Township
Jennie Pater, Sioux Center;
Gertrude Rozeboom, Sioux Center;
Ester Beernink, Sioux Center;
John Doornink, Sioux Center;
Wilimena Eppink, Sioux Center;
Harrietta Mol, Maurice;
Carrie Proper, Maurice;
Anthony Muilenburg, Maurice;
Mary Ekema, Orange City;
Peter Punt, Maurice;
Martha Rozeboom, Maurice;
Minnie Mieras, Maurice;
Evelyn Van De Brake, Maurice.
This list includes the rural schools only. We do not have a complete list of the graduates of the eighth grade in all the town and Christian schools.
If we have omitted your name by mistake, write us and we’ll publish it next week.
We did not have diplomas for all the graduates. If you did not receive yours, it will be sent to you just as soon as we receive another supply.
Each and every graduate should plan to attend high school next year. Finishing the 8th grade is only a beginning. An 8th grade education is not enough for the future. It may have done pretty well for the past, but the future is calling for men and women of careful training.
~Transcribed by volunteer researcher, Linda Ziemann