Some the of Sioux County Rural School Teachers, January 1897
Alton Democrat of Jan 30, 1897
A Good Attendance and Interesting Program
The teachers meeting held in this city last Saturday, was very
largely attended notwithstanding the inclement
weather. Several interesting and instructive papers were read and
discussed, and the meeting proved
one of mutual benefit to all present.
These meetings reflect much credit upon Mr. Mishler, our county
superintendent, and he is proving himself a model and efficient
officer in promoting the best interests schools of our county, and
proud of the fact that each year schools have shown a marked improvement
over the previous one.
The following teachers were in attendance from various parts of the
Capel—Delia Gosline, Lulu West.
Center—Hattie Carder.
East Orange—Lena Hein, Mary Willgen, Mary Desmond, Marie Barry,
Jacob Noethe.
Floyd—Dora Werkhoven, Jennie Hein, Edith Snydera, P. Eulberg, Frank
Grant—P B Fitzwater, Ellen Griffin.
Holland—"W. Van der Kamp, A. W. Leard, Maggie Burns, Gertrude
Logan—Ella Waite.
Nassau—H. TePaske, Prudence Pierce, II. Schalekamp, Anna Weldon,
Emeline Scribner.
Reading—Hattie Keith.
Sheridan—Porter Webb, F. W. Moon.
Sherman—Bessie Visser, Percy Kolthor, Nora Buckley, Sadie Alderson,
Bessie Kennedy, Peter Van Peursem.
Washington—Bessie Buck, Clara Sinclair.
West Branch—W. W. Johnson, Sarah Hospers, Lou Gerla.
Welcome—Anna Rouwenhorst, Julius Abroe.
Alton—T. 13. Hutton, Helen Riddle, M. 11. Douglas, Ella Robins,
Tressie Waldo, Anna Strong.
Hawarden—E. E. Rail.
Boyden—S. C. Huffman.
Hospers—F. K. Noordhoft.
Granville—J. H. Schroeder, Louise Langenhorst.
Maurice—Maggie Murray. '
Ireton—J. N. Stahl, Lola Stansberry.
Orange City—D. W. Gross, J. C. Trainer, Katie Vos, Nora Held, G. J.
Muilenburg, O. W. Herr, Gordina Shoup, Sue Johnson, Lulu Robinson,
Josie DeBooy, Lillie Hutchinson
Anna Mouw, Hendrina Zwemer, Carrie Finch, Miss Vander Linden
Sioux Center—Allie Boer.