If seven is the
number that signifies perfection in biblical symbolism, it must be a
good omen that
is now twenty-one years (three times seven) old.
When the Dutch colony in Sioux County is
commemorating, with thankful hearts to God, her "twenty-five years'
existence", DE VOLKSVRIEND certainly may participate heartily, now
that she has fulfilled her "first three weeks." She has
reason, for, since her arrival, her existance and her growth have been
tied closely with the Dutch settlement since 1874. And besides -- it may
be said safely -- her share in the success of her fellow colonists is
calculable: in the organization of the colony, in publicizing the
opportunities for everybody, in the drawing of many Dutchmen here from
elsewhere, even from the Old Fatherland overseas. Till up to this day
she holds faithful to the principle: To seek the wellbeing in general,
and for Sioux County and the Dutch in the first place.