
Submitted by Wilma J. Vande Berg of the Greater Sioux County Genealogical Society.

MATLOCK - (Morris - former name) - renamed Matlock 1887, Incorporated 1893, Grant Township, Sioux County.


  • Greenwood Cemetery is the Grant Township Cemetery which is located in Section 9 south of Matlock. First burial was made in 1871. Earliest records are in 1876. Records show plot ownership and burial information only. Volney Rolston is record keeper, address 2829 Log Ave., Sheldon IA 51201.


  • Reformed Church was organized 9 September 1915 and a 50th anniversary Booklet was published. The church disbanded in 1987. 
  • A Baptist Church existed in Matlock in the past also.


  • No real history book appears to exist. There is a cookbook put out at the 100 year anniversary of the incorporation of Matlock that has a small amount of history in it. It can be seen at the Matlock Farmers Store.


  • Matlock Messenger in existence a short time in the 1940’s. Most of the local Matlock News was reported and read in the Sheldon Mail.


  • Contact - Farmers Store Matlock gave me the following person to contact.
    Mr. Talsma, currently in the Chr. Retirement Home in Sheldon lived on a farmed near Matlock for 63 years. He saw two elevators burn down, there once was a bank, grocery store, implement shop, and a produce run by Brinkman which was a big business in it’s day. He recalls a newspaper, the Matlock Messenger when he was a young man about 1945, which reported the ball games in which he participated. Matlock has a varying population of about 100 people. The Talsma’s had many good times in the past with the people of Matlock.