Arkfeld | Henry | 23 | 80 | Acreage estimated |
Arkfeld | Henry | 25 | 220 | |
Arkfeld | Joseph | 25 | 100 | |
Assmann | Albert | 3 | 40.08 | |
Baughman | Martha N. | 6 | 40/164.90 | "Englenook Stock Farm" Map shows 40 acres, is actually 164.90 |
Behrend | Jos. | 23 | 3.59 | Acreage estimated; tiny print, difficult to read. Property just north of school (narrow band) |
Behrendt | Jos. | 8 | 160 | |
Blum | John J. | 35 | 160 | "Pleasant Hill Stock Farm" Owns adjoining property in Section 36 |
Blum | John J. | 36 | 80 | "Pleasant Hill Stock Farm" Owns adjoining property in Section 35 |
Blum | Michael | 26 | 535.75 | |
Blum | Michael | 35 | 100 | |
Buckley | Daniel | 10 | 120 | Owns adjoining property in Section 15 |
Buckley | Eugene | 3 | 80 | "School" located inSW corner of propertyOwns adjoining property in Section 10 |
Buckley | Eugene | 10 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 3 |
Buckley | Jas. | 4 | 160 | |
Buckley | John | 4 | 42.41 | |
Buckley | John | 5 | 80/166.96 | Map shows 80 acres, actually 166.96 |
Buckley | John | 15 | 40 | Owns adjoining property in Section 10 |
Buckley | Patrick | 2 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 3 |
Buckley | Patrick | 3 | 40 | Owns adjoining property in Section 2 |
Buckley | Thomas | 10 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 3 |
Buckley | Timothy | 3 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 10 |
Buckley | Timothy | 4 | 160 | |
Carey | Jas. A. | 28 | 80 | Owns adjoining property inSection 29 |
Carey | Jas. A. | 29 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 28 |
Carey | John | 15 | 280 | "School" located on SW corner of property |
Carey | John | 19 | 40 | |
Carey | John | 19 | 40/124.32 | Map shows 40 acres, is actually 124.32 |
Carey | M. R. | 32 | 160 | |
Carey | Minnie | 19 | 40 | |
Carey | Patrick | 29 | 400 | "School" located on SW corner of property |
Carey | Patrick | 32 | 160 | |
Carroll | John S. | 18 | 160 | |
Carroll | Marion J. | 7 | 160 | |
Cemetery | | 15 | 2 | Located on southerly border of property owned by Martin Kwaprezaski |
Cemetery | | 22 | 3 | Located on northern border of property owned by J. Schomer |
Chamberlain | S. S. | 26 | 96 | Owns adjoining property in Section 35 |
Chamberlain | S. S. | 35 | 46 | Owns adjoining property in Section 26 |
Church | | 6 | 1 | Located in SW corner of property owned by Edwin Robertson; assume 1 acre allotted to it. |
Colburn | Delila A. | 11 | 203.58 | |
Colburn | Wm. | 11 | 50 | |
Collins | H. A. | 21 | 160 | |
Conley | Wm. | 28 | 80 | |
Coughlin | Patrick M. | 32 | 160 | |
Coughlin | Mary A. | 31 | 80 | |
Coughlin Est | Thos. | 31 | 160 | |
Cowan | Harry | 15 | 80 | |
Cowen | Harry | 3 | 80 | |
Coyne | Richard R | 10 | 40 | Owns adjoining property in Section 9 |
Coyne | Richard R. | 9 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 10 |
Dayton | S. W. | 4 | 40 | |
Dayton | S. W. | 5 | 120/162.67 | "Highland Meadow Stock Farm" Map shows 120 acres, actually 162.67 |
Eckley | Mrs. Wm. | 34 | 80 | |
Engle | Michael | 22 | 160 | |
Eskley | A. | 35 | 14 | acreage estimated; unable to read small print |
Fahn | Jos. | 3 | 56.33 | 2 parcels |
Fahn | Jos. | 4 | 42.62 | Owns adjoining property in Section 3 |
Feser | John | 3 | 188.41 | Map indicates 106 acres, actually 188.41 |
Flittner | Valentine | 23 | 127.8 | |
Flynn | Jennie | 7 | 40.83 | |
Flynn | Michael | 7 | 120/160.73 | Map indicates 120 acres, actually 160.73 |
Franck | Jos. | 2 | 158.42 | |
Gillette | Clara B. | 33 | 240 | |
Goeser | Nicholas | 34 | 120 | Owns adjoining property in Section 35 |
Goeser | Nicholas | 35 | 61.4 | Owns adjoining property in Section 34 |
Greiner | Nicholas | 36 | 120 | |
Greve | Frank | 12 | 120 | |
Gross | Jerry | 18 | 80/162.04 | Map indicates 80 acres, is actually 162.04 |
Hahn | Wenzel | 2 | 75.06 | |
Hart Est. | J. W. | 11 | 80 | |
Heese | Henry | 1 | 156.4 | |
Hendricks et al | Mrs. | 27 | 360 | |
Higgins | Chas. T. | 32 | 160 | |
Higgins | Chas. T. | 33 | 120 | |
Hinkle | Chas | 4 | 82.48 | Map indicates 40 acres, actually 82.48 |
Hinkle | Jos. | 4 | 122.55 | Map indicates 80 acres, actually 122.55 |
Hoffman | Anna | 24 | 40 | |
Hoffman | Anna | 24 | 40 | |
Hoffman | Anton | 10 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 11 |
Hoffman | Anton | 11 | 20 | |
Hoffman | Fred | 33 | 120 | |
Hoffman | John | 24 | 40 | |
Hubert | Heinrich | 13 | 160 | |
Hurbert | Henry | 30 | 160 | |
Jones | A. K. | 6 | 138.69 | |
Kabolt | Louis | 2 | 130 | |
Kaufmann | Henry | 16 | 80 | |
Kaufmann | Peter | 21 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 22 |
Kaufmann | Peter | 22 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 21 |
Kean | Julia | 30 | 160 | |
Keane | Thos. | 30 | 120 | |
Keene | Thos. | 19 | 120 | |
Kelley | Wm. W. | 16 | 80 | |
Kelley | Wm. W. | 19 | 120 | |
Keogh | Ellen | 31 | 43.28 | |
Klein | Andreas | 21 | 120 | |
Klepper | John | 1 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 12 |
Klepper | John | 12 | 80 | |
Korth | Peter | 33 | 80 | |
Kramer | Jos. | 11 | 20 | |
Kramer | Jos. | 10 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 11 |
Kwaprezeski | Martin | 14 | 95.66 | Owns adjoining property in Section 23 |
Kwaprezeski | Martin | 15 | 38 | "Cemetery" on southerly border of property; assume 2 acres allotted to it. |
Kwaprezeski | Martin | 23 | 42 | Acreage estimated; owns adjoining property in Section 14 |
Kwaprezeski | Martin | 28 | 160 | |
Langenfeld | Aug | 1 | 280 | |
Leuschen | Jos. | 34 | 40 | |
Loehr | N. C. | 21 | 120 | |
Mahlberg | Peter | 24 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 25 |
Mahlberg | Peter | 25 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 24 |
Maiwald | Geo. | 7 | 120.63 | Map indicates 80 acres, is actually 120.63 |
Mamon | Martin J. | 19 | 40/81.44 | Map shows 40 acres, is actually 81.44 |
Manhart | Catherine | 27 | 80 | |
Maysehl | Hattie | 2 | 34 | |
Maysent | Geo. T. | 11 | 57.15 | |
McAndrews | John J. | 19 | 42.88 | Owns adjoining property in Section 30 |
McAndrews | John J. | 30 | 83.25 | Map indicates 40 acres, actually 83.25 |
McAndrews | Mary | 30 | 43.51 | |
McAndrews | Michael | 30 | 44.03 | Owns adjacent property in Section 31 |
McAndrews | Michael | 31 | 160 | Owns adjacent property in Section 30 |
Mertens | A. | 11 | 63.27 | Acreage estimated from Section totals |
Mertens | A. | 14 | 80 | |
Miller | J. P. | 27 | 40 | Owns adjoining property in Section 34 |
Miller | J. P. | 34 | 80 | |
Monahan | Patrick J. | 33 | 80 | |
Muell | Johann | 25 | 160 | "Clover Hill Stock Farm" Owns adjoining property in Section 36 |
Muell | Johann | 36 | 159 | "Cloverhill Stock Farm" "School" located on western border of property, assume 1 acre allotted. |
Muell | John | 35 | 92.3 | |
Muell et al | Johann | 34 | 160 | |
Munn | H. B. | 18 | 80/161.32 | Map indicates 80 acres, is actually 161.32 |
Nash | John | 31 | 80/167.31 | Map indicates 80 acres, actually 211.34 |
Nollen | Mathias | 28 | 160 | |
Olinger | Mrs. Etta | 28 | 160 | |
Panama (Town/Municipality) | | 23 | 64 | |
Petche | Mrs. M. | 8 | 240 | "School" located in NW corner of property |
Pitts | Carrie A. | 8 | 80 | |
Puckett | W. B. | 7 | 120 | |
Queeney | J. M. | 30 | 43.77 | |
Reinig | John | 35 | 40 | |
Robertson | Edwin | 6 | 159/203.95 | "Church" located in SW corner of property; Map indicates 159 acres, actually 203.95 |
Robertson | John | 9 | 160 | |
Robinson | Samuel | 20 | 160 | |
Roundy | A. R. | 8 | 80 | |
Roundy | Geo. | 18 | 80 | |
Roundy | N. J. | 8 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 17 |
Roundy | N. J. | 17 | 320 | Owns adjoining property in Section 8 |
Roundy | N. J. | 18 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 19 |
Roundy | N. J. | 19 | 80 | Owns adjoining property inSection 18 |
Roundy | N. J. | 20 | 160 | |
Schechinger | Geo. | 14 | 160 | |
Schechinger | Geo. | 11 | 46 | Owns adjoining property inSection 14 |
Schiltz | Michael | 9 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 16 |
Schiltz | Michael | 16 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 9 |
Schomer | J. | 22 | 76 | "Cemetery" located at northern border of property; assuming 3 acres allotted to it |
Schomer | Jacob | 22 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 27 |
Schomer | Jacob | 27 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 22 |
School | | 2 | 1 | Located on SW corner of property owned by Chas. W. Thompson |
School | | 3 | 0 | Located on SW corner of property owned by Eugene Buckley |
School | | 8 | 0 | Located on NW corner of property owned by Mrs. M.Petche |
School | | 15 | 0 | Located on SW corner of property owned by John Carey |
School | | 23 | 0 | Located on property owned by Gertrude Theisen (western border of Section) |
School | | 24 | 0 | Located on NW corner of proprty owned by Walburga M. Thielan |
School | | 29 | 0 | Located on SW corner of property owned by Patrick Carey |
School | | 36 | 1 | Located on western border of property owned by Johann Muell |
Schwery | Gottfried | 24 | 80 | |
Schwery | Gottfried | 34 | 160 | |
Schwery | Gottfried | 36 | 160 | |
Schwery | M. J. | 25 | 80 | |
Schwery | Margaret | 23 | 163.8 | |
Schwery | Theodore | 17 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 20 |
Schwery | Theodore | 20 | 120 | |
Schwery | Theodore | 21 | 79 | Owns adjacent property in Section 17 |
Smith | Elmer H. | 5 | 280/324.29 | Map shows 280 acres, actually 324.39; Owns adjoining property in Section 6 |
Smith | Elmer H. | 6 | 160 | |
Stessman | Theodore | 14 | 106.34 | Owns adjoining property in Section 15 |
Stessman | Theodore | 15 | 80 | |
Stewart | I. G. & Rich'd | 17 | 160 | |
Sullivan | B. M. | 9 | 160 | |
Sullivan | D. L. | 9 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 16 |
Sullivan | D. L. | 16 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 9 |
Sullivan | D. L. | 35 | 120 | |
Sullivan | John | 14 | 32 | Owns adjoining property in Section 23 |
Sullivan | John | 23 | 34 | |
Swenning | F. J. | 10 | 120 | |
Swenning | Minnie | 10 | 40 | |
Theilen | Jos | 29 | 160 | |
Theiles | Irene | 7 | 40.53 | |
Theiles Est. | Henry | 20 | 40 | |
Theisen | Gertrude | 23 | 23.09 | "School" located on property |
Theisen | John | 13 | 160 | Owns adjoining property in Section 14 |
Theisen | John | 14 | 40 | Owns adjoining property in Section 13 |
Theisen | John | 27 | 80 | |
Thielan | Walburga M. | 13 | 80 | |
Thielan | Walburga M. | 24 | 360 | "School" located on NW corner of property |
Thillen | B. | 23 | 22.13 | Owns adjoining property in Section 22 |
Thillen | B. | 22 | 80 | |
Thillen | Balthasar | 36 | 120 | |
Thomas | Ezra H. | 11 | 80 | |
Thomas | Ezra H. | 12 | 80 | |
Thompson | Chas. W. | 2 | 79 | "School" located in SE corner of property |
Thompson | J. R. | 11 | 20 | Acreage estimated. Difficult to read. |
Thompson | J. R. | 12 | 120 | 2 parcels in same Section |
Thompson | W. F. | 12 | 120 | |
Thompson | J. M. | 12 | 120 | |
Wagner | Paul | 15 | 120 | |
Weatherill | Marie | 16 | 80 | |
Weatherill | T. & J. | 16 | 80 | |
Williams | Peter J. | 14 | 120 | Owns adjoining property in Section 23 |
Williams | Peter J. | 23 | 80 | Owns adjoining property in Section 14 |
Wingert | Chas. | 16 | 80 | |
Wingert | Peter | 13 | 240 | |
Wingert | Wm. | 16 | 80 | |
Winterhausen | Nicholas | 20 | 160 | |