Newspaper Clippings..
Daily Gazette
Davenport, Scott Co, Iowa
Thursday, Jan. 5,
Local Matters
Thanks.-We beg to tender our grateful thanks to the patrons of the Daily
Gazette, for the many smiles and rich gifts showered upon us while making our
customary calls on New Year's Day. Our receipts far exceeded our expectation.
MIDDLETON, carriers.
Republican County Convention
The Republicans of Scott county, will assemble in mass Convention, at the Court
House, in Davenport on
Tuesday, the 3d day of January next, at 2 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of
selecting 11 delegates to attend the State convention.
The malt house of Mr. Wm. H. DECKER, corner of Scott and Fourth streets, has
been for some weeks in full operation.
Assault and Battery.-Frank E. COON accused Frank KESLER of being drunk, which
insulting remark was answered by his being knocked down by KESLER. Yesterday the
parties appeared before H. R. CLAUSSEN, Esq., when KESLER proved he was not
"even tight". He was let off with a fine of five dollars and costs.
Fire.-Last Tuesday night about 11 o'clock, a fire broke out in the dwelling of
Mr. BEUSHWOF, three quarters of a mile Northwest of Blue Grass, in this county,
and the house, a small frame, was very soon consumed. Mr. B. saved nearly all
the contents. The fire was undoubtedly accidental, occurring perhaps from a
stove pipe.
Large Hogs.-Yesterday Mr. V. R. ROWE purchased of Mr. Kinsel READING, of this
township, two hogs, one of which weighed 559 and the other 317 pounds. We think
Mr. READING can certainly take the "hat" as having raised the largest
hog ever raised in the county.
Council Proceedings
Regular Meeting, Jan 4, 1860.
Council called to order by Ald. MORLEY, Mayor pro tem.
On motion, the rules were suspended, and Hiram PRICE, Mayor elect, came forward
and was duly sworn in as Mayor of the city of Davenport.
Petition of Heinrich UHTORF, for reduction of assessment, referred to
Equalization Committee.
Petition of R. CHRISTIE granted.
Treasurers Report
The following bills were ordered paid:
P. MCGUIRE, removing nuisance.....$25
Geo. M. SCHRICKER, Fire Dept. ... $6.70
J. C. WASHBURN, sundries....... $28.33
Bill of F. JACOBY, amount $2.40, was referred to Committee on claims.
Petition of H. H. HOWARD was taken from the table.
On motion Council proceeded to ballot for Assessor, resulting in the re-election
of Strong BURNELL.
In this city, on the 2d inst., Albert REID, only son of Mark and Anna L. FULLER,
aged 5 months and 6 days.
On the 4th inst., Nelly, daughter of George C. and Dolly DAVIS. The relatives
and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral at 2 o'clock on the
5th inst. From the Pennsylvania House.
The Daily Gazette
January 7, 1860
Architect and Superintendent of Buildings-Office in Metropolitan Hall, Second
street, Davenport, Iowa.
Carpenter and Builder-Will contract for and superintend the construction of
buildings of every description. Shop and office corner of Third and Rock Island
streets. Davenport, Iowa
Carpenter and Builder-Shop on alley rear of Postoffice and LeClaire House.
Carpenter and Builder. Shop on Sixteenth street between Main and Brady streets.
Contractor and Builder,--Shop-On alley between Fifth and Sixth streets, rear of
Congregational and West of Methodist Church.
Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Produce Dealers and Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Dry goods, Queensware, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing, Salt,
&c. Cash paid at all times for produce. The Davenport Steam Flouring Mills
will be kept in constant operation and Farmers are informed that we pay at all
times, in cash, the highest price for wheat.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Oils, Nails &c. Also, in
patent Medicines.
Daniel GOULD
Wholesale and retail Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mats, Rugs,
Window Shades &c.
No. 6 West Second St. LeClaire Row, Davenport, Iowa. Wholesale and retail
dealers in Drugs, Medicines
Chemicals, Paints &c.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Havana and Domestic cigars, Virginia Plug, Cut,
Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Corner Brady and Front streets.
Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail dealer in furniture, chairs, &c.
Furniture made to order. Also school furniture and chairs.
Local Matters
Effects of New Year's Calls.-A party of three young men from the country, who
started out to have a "good time" last Monday, were complained of to
H. R. CLAUSSEN, Esq., day before yesterday, by Frederick NIELS, for assaulting
him at the saloon of Caspar WAGER, in East Davenport. Thos. HARVEY, the only one
arrested, was, after a hearing yesterday, acquitted. The other
"fellers" left for a new country.
Anyone in Scott county desiring to qualify for the business of Teacher, and to
have the recommendation of the County Superintendent can apply for the position
to Dr. T. J. SAUNDERS of this city.
Course of Lectures
To Be Delivered to the
Young Men's Association
Chairman Lecturing Committee.
Tickets for the Course-For Gentleman and Lady, $3, single Tickets $2. Tickets
can be had of the President and Chairman of the Lecture Committee, or of Wm.
The Daily Gazette
January 12,
John BOWMAN, the young man who hired a horse and cutter last week from THOMPSON
& BROWN'S stable, and forgot to return it was yesterday taken before D. P.
MCKNOWN, Esq., when his case was continued for a few days, by request of his
attorneys, Messrs. HUBBELL & JOHNS.
The Hop at the BURTIS House comes off this evening. The young gentlemen of the
Artillery deserve great credit for their gallant efforts to have some gaiety in
town this winter, and we hope the ladies will encourage them.
Cruel Treatment-A few weeks ago a little German girl named Mary RUCH (who has
been in this country but a few months), being out of a place went to live with a
married sister who resides down in Black Hawk. Her sister getting tired of
keeping her, procured a situation in town with a family she had previously lived
with, and on one of the coldest days this season she started the girl to town on
foot. Owing to the house being closed when she came, the child supposed the
family were absent, and went back to her sister's, who started her back again,
although the weather was intensely cold. The distance walked, in all, was about
nine miles. The result was, that her feet were so badly frozen that Dr. LANGER,
who was called to see her, has fears that he will have to amputate a part of
them. Dr. WUNDERLICH, one of the Township Trustees, has taken charge of the poor
girl and has removed her to comfortable quarters.
A Hard Set-The citizens in the vicinity of the O. K. Saloon, (a one horse
whiskey mill) on Front between Brady and main streets, have been frequently
annoyed by "musses" among the loafers who frequent the aforesaid
institution, the proprietors of which are Bill Jones, an overgrown African
specimen formerly the property of Judge Weisell, of Hagerstown, Md., and "anoder
white gemmen" as a silent partner. Night before last, about 10 o'clock, a
rough and tumble fight took place at this establishment, in which about half a
dozen "roughs" took part, which resulted in some of the party getting
badly beaten. Warrants have been issued for four of the party.
Prairie chickens are selling at 25 cents per pair from stores, and quails 75
cents per dozen. Some fine venison is offered for sale.
Dissolution Notice
The Co-Partnership Heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the style
of WUPPERMANN and HALL, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. H.A. WUPPERMANN,
Wm. P. HALL.
Dissolution. The law partnership heretofore existing between COOK, LINDLEY &
CLARK, has this day expired by limitation.
General Notice
Lost-On Friday last between Davenport and Dixon, on Hickory Grove road, a
memorandum book with the subscribers names on the outside, containing several
valuable notes, among which are one each on John HAIGHT, David FALE, Moses V.
BUTLER, Jas. L. HICKSON, &c. A liberal reward will be given on returning
same to No. 5 Burrows' block. GRAHAM & KEPNER
The Daily Gazette
January 18, 1860
Local Items
Mr. C. G. PLUMMER, No 10, LeClaire Row, has just received "Christian
Believing and Living"-"Sermons b F. D. HUNTINGTON, D. D.";
"American Almanac," &c.
Alleged Larceny.-James FLANAGAN was put on trial yesterday morning in the Police
Court, charged with the larceny of five dollars from James PETERS. After a full
hearing of the testimony, and it appearing that PETERS had been very drunk on
the occasion and was not capable of knowing who took his money, Justice JOHNS
discharged the prisoner.
New Appointment.-The Board of the Branch of the Iowa State Bank, in this city,
have increased their force, by appointing Mr. Jas. S. MACKENZIE to the position
of Paying and Receiving Teller.
A Serious Charge.-Yesterday Stephen ROLLINS was brought before the Police Court
charged with an indecent exposure of his person to some females in East
Davenport. After hearing the testimony, he was bound over in the sum of one
hundred dollars
The new division of the Sons of Temperance have named the following gentlemen
for the present term of office: Geo. G. CUSTER, F. H. IMPEY, J. J. SEVERANCE, J.
Acquitted.-Yesterday Mrs. CARVILL or CARROLL, appeared before C. G. BLOOD, Esq.,
to answer the charge of firing a loaded pistol at the children of Mrs. ROLLINS.
The evidence elicited the fact that the ladies are neighbors and reside in East
Davenport, where they occasionally indulge in the most unlordly disputations tot
he edification of the gossips of their locality. This trial was merely a
"turning the tables," as sometime last November Mrs. R. was fined
$6.75 for an assault upon Mrs. C., which disagreeable fact was retained in Mrs.
R.'s memory, and she had Mrs. C. arrested on a charge that she feared Mrs. C.
would shoot the brains off her boy. The court not being of similar opinion,
discharged Mrs. Carroll. FLETCHER for prosecution, HUBBELL & JOHNS for
Jewelry at Cost. A. C. BILLON, No 10 LeClaire Row, Jewelry at cost for the next
60 days.
The Daily Gazette
Morning, January 19, 1860
Business Cards
Real Estate and Collecting Agents, Davenport, Iowa.
Manufacturer and dealer in Hats, Caps, Gloves and Fur Goods of every
Local Matters.
Recovering.-The friends of Mr. J. E. DOUGLASS, will be pleased to learn that
their young friends, who for several days has been dangerously ill, is now much
At the last regular meeting of Scott Division no. 1, Sons of Temperance, the
following named gentlemen were installed officers: John EVANS, J. B. RICHES, S.
WASHBURN, Wm. BURRIS, chaplain.
Drunk Again.-Patrick MURPHY was yesterday brought before the police court for
about the twentieth time, charged with having been beastly drunk on the street
the day previous. The magistrate fined him one dollar and costs, and in default
of payment, and for fear Pat would if let go take some of the "hair of the
dog to cure the bite," and again give a public exhibition of the effects of
"tangle foot" and "forty rod" whisky, sent him to board at
the "ACKLEY House", where all communications for Pat MURPHY during
that time should be addressed.
Prompt Payment.-On the night of the 31st of December, one of the farm houses on
the farm of Mr. Wm. PLATTS, about a mile below town, was destroyed by fire. The
fire was the result of accident, and occasioned a loss of some $700. The
property was insured by the Atlantic Fire Insurance Company of New York City,
for $400, through John L. SWITS, Esq., the Agent of said company. The loss was
proved, adjusted and the money placed subject to MR. PLATTS' order, in twelve
days after the loss occurred.
A Wife Trapping Her Husband into the Penitentiary-Yesterday morning we visited
the Court now in session in Rock Island and were much surprised to see rather a
good looking man plead guilty to the charge of larceny. A casual observer would
have supposed him one of the attorneys, rather than a criminal. The prisoner,
Mr. Richard KERNS, was some six years ago married to an Irish lady, and now has
three children, the eldest aged five years. During the past year, owing to
financial reverses, the husband has been unable to provide for his wife and
family in the style to which they had been accustomed, which led to a
separation, the mother retaining the children. Some weeks ago, he tried to
induce his wife to return to him which she consented to do, provided he would
raise some money for the purchase of new furniture, &c., and actually
suggested the theft of five dry hides, as the means for raising it. The prisoner
informed the court that, just previous to the hard times, at his wi!
fe's request, he loaned her cousin $1,500 in cash, not one cent of which as he
ever got back. From the evidence adduced it appeared that the wife and husband
entertained different religious views, and the wife had actually set the trap to
get her husband and the father of her children into the penitentiary
Mr. KERNS was formerly a resident of Princeton in this county, and bore a good
character. The whole case is one of the most remarkable on record, in this part
of the country at least.
Wife Beating.-We do not know what has gotten into the men, but it seems this
cold weather some of them are amusing their minds and exercising their muscle by
practicing pugilism. Some are evidently afraid of getting "hurted" in
a contest with the sterner sex, so prefer to give their muscles play by
pummeling their dear spouses. Yesterday morning Jeremiah HARRINGTON, usually a
very steady, orderly citizen, and who has lived here eight years without
breaking the laws, was hauled up before the Police Magistrate for being drunk
and beating his wife. The magistrate fined him one dollar and costs, and in
default of payment sent him to the ACKLEY (late GRAHAM) House for a week to
meditate over his sins. Shortly after Jerry's departure for jail, his maltreated
spouse appeared before the Police magistrate and with tears begged his release.
But woman's tears had no influence on the stony hearted Judge, he evidently does
not believe in them, so Jerry was left to his fate.
Death of Theodore M. BROWN, Esq.-We are pained to hear of the death of this
gentleman, well recollected by many of our readers as a former contributor to
the Gazette chess column. He was probably the best Problem composer in the
country. We have received from him and published many problems, over which some
of our readers have reflected for hours. He was for a long time engaged in a
chess contest with Dr. LANGER, of this city, Mr. BROWN representing St. Louis.
But he not only excelled in chess, but was one of the most elegant pianists in
the West. During a visit here several months ago, some of his friends had an
opportunity of witnessing his skill on the piano at a private soiree. He had
promised us a visit during the winter with the design of giving a concert. He
made many friends here during his brief visit, who will sincerely mourn his
early death. His age was about twenty-three years. He died at St. Louis last
month, of disease of the heart.
The Daily Gazette
Morning, January 20, 1860
On the 11th inst. Of Scarlatina, Emma, Youngest daughter of H. G. and H. NEAL,
aged one year four months and seven days.
A Serious Charge.-The trial of Dr. TOMPSON, Adam REULING, and John PATTERSON and
wife, for murder, is now going on in Rock Island, before the District Court of
that county. The case was commenced day before yesterday, and will in all
probability occupy the attention of the Court the balance of this week. The two
first named defendants are citizens of Muscatine and occupy respectable
positions. The two last named reside upon the Illinois side of the river,
opposite Muscatine. These parties were arrested some weeks ago and brought to
Rock Island, and after remaining in jail several days, they were released on a
"habeas corpus", giving bonds for their appearance in the sum of
$3,000 each.
The trial attracts much attention, the Court Room being crowded most of the
time. The principal witness for the prosecution is Wilhelmina FINKE, a rather
pretty looking German girl about nineteen years of age. Her parents reside at
Muscatine, and were formerly from the Province of Westphalia, in the Kingdom of
Prussia. They have been in this country some ten years. She has been on the
stand nearly the entire time since the case came up. She is quite intelligent,
and apparently tells a plain, straight story. From her evidence it appears, that
some two years ago she was employed as a servant, in the family of RUELING, who
seduced her, and to avoid public exposure, placed her to board in the family of
Mr. PATTERSON, where she gave birth to a son, which she says the defendants
killed and made way with. After her recovery she was sent to Chicago, and
required to remain away for nearly a year, her parents, in the mean time,
believing her to be dead. Upon her return to Muscatine, s!
he acknowledged her indiscretion to them, when steps were taken to bring the
parties to trial. There are a number of citizens of Muscatine present as
witnesses. The prosecution is conducted by Mr. J. B. HAWLEY, District Attorney,
assisted by E. T. ELLS, Esq. The defence present a strong array of legal talent,
consisting of Messrs. WILKINSON & PLEASANT, REED & WEBSTER, and Joe
KNOX, Esq., of Rock Island, and Messrs. SCOTT, RICHMAN AND Mr. BRENNAN, of
Meeting of the Young Settlers Association.
Wednesday Evening, Jan. 18th, '60.-Meeting called to order by Vice President b.
W. CLARK, in the chair, who stated the object of the meeting to be to devise
ways and means for the next annual festival, and then read the statement to the
Society left by E. E. COOK, President, in which he briefly viewed the course of
the society.
On motion of Douglass EVANS
Resolved, That the chair now appoint Committees in different parts of the county
to ascertain the names of those who are entitled to membership. Also to
ascertain the feelings of the Old Settlers in regard to the getting up of a
contributed supper for the Young Settlers Festival, and to report at the next
The chair appointed the following persons: Alonzo RAMBO, D. N. LECLAIRE, R. P.
MOORE, W. E. COOK for Davenport. William FOSTER, Henry CATLIN, Culver CAMPBELL,
for Blue Grass. H. MOREHEAD, Buffalo. V. R. HYDE, O. M. EVANS, Pleasant Valley.
The Society then adjourned to meet in the Stone School House, on Perry street,
Wednesday evening next, at 7 o'clock, at which time it is requested all the
members will be present. B. W. CLARK, Vice President
Davenport Daily Gazette
Morning January 21, 1860
Local Matters
Hon. James W. GRIMES has our thanks for some really valuable public documents.
We also thank Hon. Wm. VANDEVER for documents of especial interest at this time.
Accident.-Last Thursday morning Mr. Matthias SUTTLE , in the employ of Mr. John
PORTER, of Hickory Grove, had his left leg broken below the knee by the
upsetting of a load of baled hay. The accident occurred near Maysville, and was
caused by the wagon "slewing" on the icy road.
Alleged Larceny.-Yesterday the case of State vs. Detlef ARP, attracted quite an
audience to Justice McKown's court. The defendant was charged with larceny in
having stolen from Mr. Herman WILHELMI a large quantity of oats, wheat, barley
and corn, which it was alleged came into his hands as a servant or Mr. WILHELMI.
It appeared that formerly ARP was the owner of a farm, which, as it was
encumbered, he conveyed to Mr. WILHELMI, who agreed to take the farm, and after
paying off the encumbrances, to re-convey it to ARP. ARP was retained on the
farm as managing man-the grain alleged to have been stolen was the product of
the farm. A few days ago the greater part of the grain was taken away without
the knowledge or consent of WILHELMI. ARP, on being asked what had become of the
grain, answered that he had sold it, and intended to retain the proceeds to pay
his debts with. WILHELMI then procured his arrest. In defence it appeared that
ARP had applied all the money he had received !
to the payment of the threshers, the interest due upon a mortgage, and various
other small creditors. The Court said the felonious intent necessary to
constitute larceny was wanting, and discharged the prisoner. For State CORBIN
& DOW; for defence PLUMER & VAN HOSEN.
Our thanks are due our contemporary of the Der Demokrat, Mr. H. LISCHER, for his
politeness in handing us "late News" last evening, from our special
correspondent at Des Moines, which place Mr. L. left on last Thursday morning.