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Newspaper Clippings..

Daily Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday Morning, February 7, 1860

Robbery.-Last Sunday night a peddling wagon belonging to N. KUHNEN, tobacconist, corner of Second and Main streets, and which had the day previous returned from a trip, was broken open and tobacco and segars amounting to seventy dollars stolen there-from.

Mr. Samuel COWDRY, the driver, had left the wagon standing in a shed near his residence on East Third street, near the bridge, intending to load up on Monday. The rogues evidently took their time as portions of tobacco boxes were found under the wagon, they evidently not wishing to carry any "lumber" that would likely lead to detection. Eight small boxes of plug tobacco, one box fine cut, and 2000 segars was the result of their depredations. The end and one side of the wagon box were considerably broken by the rascals.

We think the following paragraph has been "going the rounds" about long enough. It was first published nearly a year ago, and during the last week we have seen it in two papers:

In Davenport, Iowa, a gentleman who, with a partner, transacted the heaviest grain and lumber business done in that section of the country, is now earning his bread by driving an express wagon. The city of Davenport is dead broke. No watchman, no gas, no money in the city treasury to pay for anything.-Iowa is, in fact, worse off than Minnesota, where a good crop of wheat was raised for exportation last year. Two good crops will restore the North-west to something like prosperity. But the pressure it is now undergoing will ruin thousands of individuals, and check the general growth of that region for several years.

The city of Davenport is by no means "dead broke." It has promptly paid the interest on its debt, which is small in comparison to that of several other cities in this region, and intends to do so. The speculation fever in our State is checked, but not its growth. Thousands of new comers will locate in Iowa before the beginning of next year. There never has been, and probably never will be again, so good an opportunity for "settling" in Iowa. Lands will never after this year be so cheap, while there is nothing in the present condition of things or in our future prospects to prevent property gradually and surely increasing in value.

District Court

{January Term}

Judge John F. DILLON, Presiding Ira M. GIFFORD, Clerk.

Monday, Feb. 7th

Court met pursuant to adjournment.

In the case of Tyler KINSELLA vs. City of Davenport, Geo. S. C. DOW concluded his argument for the defendant, and was followed by Js. T. LANE, Esq., (City Attorney) and Judge GRANT for the plaintiff-closing.

Court then adjourned until 2 o'clock when Court opened and the jury were charged by the Court and retired about three o'clock.

The criminal docket was then taken up.

The case of the State of Iowa vs. RITNER for murder, was then called, and a jury impaneled. Mr. Enos TICHENOR was challenged for cause; J. C. REED, peremptory challenge, by the defence. Robert MCCASH excused, being opposed to capital punishment. The following named gentlemen compose the jury in this case-No. 4918:--John JORDAN, merchant; Robert H. POPE, merchant; Leander L. CHAPMAN, farmer; Wm. A. REMINGTON, merchant; henry DODGE, teacher; Ezekiel R. GLASBY, blacksmith; Ebenezer W. CARVER, farmer; Henry TILDEN, clerk; Edwin PESTER, teamster; Washington G. ROBINSON, mason; Moses A. FARBER, farmer; Daniel SWAN, clerk.

The witness for the state and the defence were then sworn, and by agreement excluded from the court room

until called. (The State is represented by) Henry O'CONNOR, Esq., District Attorney. The defence is represented by Jas. T. LANE, Esq., and Messrs. PATTON & BRADLEY. This last named gentleman opened the case on behalf of the defence, and made a speech highly creditable to him as a lawyer. He is quite a young man, and has but lately become a resident of Davenport, and this we believe, is his first effort at the bar of this District. Wm. HAZELTON was the first witness called. Court adjourned at 6 p.m. until Tuesday (this) morning at 8 o'clock.

The following cases were called and by agreement set for trial on :

Wednesday, Feb. 8th, 1860

State of Iowa vs. PIEPER

State of Iowa vs. WALDEMAN

State of Iowa vs. JACKIE

Thursday, Feb. 9th, 1860

State of Iowa vs. W. SHERMAN

State of Iowa vs. J. GOFF

State of Iowa vs. MCLAUGHLIN

State of Iowa vs. BRADLEY

State of Iowa vs. BOWMAN

State of Iowa vs. Abraham Father, et. al.

Friday, Feb. 10th, 1860

State of Iowa vs. W. BROWN

State of Iowa vs. W. SHEW

Charles POWERS, Esq.,--At a meeting of the Vestry of St. Luke's Parish, Davenport, Dr. KEITH submitted the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to summon into His presence the soul of our highly esteemed friend and associate, Charles POWERS, in the prime of life and vigor of health; and whereas, in this afflictive dispensation of Providence, St. Luke's Parish has lost a Vestryman whose prompt and generous efforts, from the period of its organization to the present time, have contributed much towards its welfare;

Resolved, That while we cherish the memory of the many virtues of the deceased, and are penetrated with profound sorrow at the sudden death of one whose high toned honor, cultivated intellect, refined taste, social attractions and noble purpose gave promise of a long life of usefulness, and happiness, we will bow with reverence to the will of our Heavenly Father.

Resolved, That we cordially sympathise with the relatives of the deceased in their grief, and affectionately commend them to Him who has promised to be a father of the fatherless and the widow's God.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the Rector, who mourns for a dearly beloved brother, as well as to the widow of the deceased.


Sec'y of Vestry


On Lord's Day evening, 5th inst., Henry, youngest son of Wm. and Mary A. GRAY, aged 2 years and 4 months.

Local Matters

Prof. GRIFFITH, of this city, is now at Burlington, where he will probably form a class in elocution.

At a meeting of the Directors of the Branch of the State Bank in this city, Hiram PRICE, Esq., was re-elected a member of the State Bank Board of Directors.

We call the attention of our readers, especially the ladies, to Mr. J. C. CRAMPTON'S advertisement in to-day's paper. He has a fine stock of handsome goods, and as he says will sell them very cheap during the interval of a month preceding the auction sale of what may be left.

The Masonic fraternity attended the funeral of Mr. Charles POWERS last Sunday afternoon, and notwithstanding the disagreeably wet and chilly weather, and the still worse walking-slush an inch or two deep-proceeded on foot to Oak Dale Cemetery, two miles from the city. There were nearly sixty members present at the grave.

Identified-The chickens in the sack found on Third street, on Saturday morning last, proved to be the property of a Mr. Smidt of East Third street. The rogues had "cleaned the coop." A number of geese belonging to a Mr. EHMKER were also taken, but their owner and his "good frau" being awakened by the noise, made chase after the rogues without waiting to put on any extra clothing, and gained so rapidly upon them that they dropped the geese and bag of poultry to save themselves. Considering the weather, the thinly clad runner and his lady deserve the thanks of the community for so badly frightening the chicken thieves.

Recovery of Stolen Goods.-Mr. A. W. BAILEY, dry goods merchant of this city, some weeks ago missed from his stock a piece of delaine of peculiar pattern. He gave ex-Constable THOMAS a description of it. He has been on the watch, and last Saturday he observed a little girl whose dress corresponded with the lost goods, he followed her to her home on Second near Warren street, and upon interrogating her parents they claimed that they knew nothing about it, the child having brought the goods home. The officer upon searching the premises found the remains of the lost delaine, two dress patterns not being made up; he also found a large double shawl which was undoubtedly stolen. The officer arrested James COLLERS, the father, and upon examination before C. G. BLOOD, Esq., he was committed to jail in default of paying $10 fine and costs. His wife would also have been arrested had it not been for the family of eight children, the youngest a babe, who would have probably suffered in c!

Annual Meeting of the Old Settlers' Association.

The third annual meeting of the above named Association was held at Le Claire Hall yesterday afternoon. The President being absent Mr. D. C. ELDRIDGE was called to the chair and A. SANDERS appointed Secretary.

Mr. FINLEY, chairman of the committee appointed to obtain the names of absent or dead Pioneer Settlers, reported as follows:-That so far as the committee were able to ascertain, 47 had died during the year 1836; 30 in 1837; 20 in 1838; 23 in 1839; 13 in 1840, and 2 the year of the decease of whom could not be learned, making a total of 125 prior to the year 1841.

The report of Mr. FINLEY was accepted and committee continued.

The President appointed N. M. RAMBO, S. BARKLEY and A. MORTON a committee to inquire into qualifications of applicants for admission to the Association. The committee reported in favor of S. POWERS, of R. I., W. H. PETERS of Buffalo township, and Lucius WELLS of Hampton, who were elected members.

A notice having been given by E. S. BARROWS to alter the constitution so as to admit the whole of the second generation to our Association at a certain age, a resolution to that effect was introduced and laid on the table.

Agreeably to the motion given last year C. H. ELDRIDGE offered the following resolution which was adopted:

Resolved, That Section 4 of Article 5 of the Constitution of this Society be so changed as to read thus:

"All persons who were residents of Scott county on or before the 31st day of December, A. D. 1840, and who have since become non residents, may be elected honorary members in the same manner as provided for in the election of members."

N. M. RAMBO moved that a committee of one from each township represented be appointed by the President to report the names of officers to serve for the ensuing year; whereupon the chair appointed as said committee:--N. A. RAMBO, of Davenport township, Le Roy DODGE, of Buffalo, John COLEMAN, of Rockingham, J. E. BURNSIDE, of Blue Grass, T. C. READ, of Le Claire and John WANS, of Pleasant Valley.

After consultation the committee selected the following officers and reported to the meeting:-- For President, Ebenezer COOK; for Corresponding Secretary, W. BARROWS; for Recording Secretary, A. SANDERS; for Treasurer, G. L. DAVENPORT; for vice Presidents, D. C. ELDRIDGE, Jas. GRANT, J. E. BURNSIDE, E. RICKER, John EVANS, T. C. EADS, Sam'l LITTLE, L. S. CHAMBERLAIN, David SULLIVAN, R. BENNETT.

The President appointed the following committees:

Executive Committee:-- A. H. OWENS, H. S. FINLEY, S. K. BARKLEY, Israel HALL, and D. P. MCKOWN.

Com. On Address:--H. BROWN, A. C. BILLON and J. W. WILEY.


Com. On Reception of Guests:--Jas. MCCOSH, W. BARROWS, John OWENS, W. L. CLARK and Ch. WESTON.

Capt. DODGE moved that Executive Committee be instructed to prepare a supper for the evening of the 22d of February, which was unanimously adopted.

A. H. OWENS moved that Ex. Com. Make known the place of festival, price of tickets, etc., through the public press soon as possible.

The following resolution offered by Leroy DODGE was adopted: That only those recognized by the constitution as members of this Association are expected to participate at the Festival.

On motion of T. C. EADS it was moved that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Daily Gazette, the daily Democrat of this city and the Weekly Register, of Le Claire.



Daily Gazette
Davenport, Scott Co, Iowa
Monday, February 13, 1860

Local Matters

Making Good Time

A horse attached to a wagon the property of a Mr. HUGHES, left standing in front of one of the mills in the lower part of the city one of these cold days that closed the past week, took it into his head to seek more comfortable quarters. The last our informant saw of him he was traveling up Harrison street at full speed with a broken wagon following him.

Emigration,--Much is said about emigration in our country, and much is desired on this score. There is a hopeful feeling abroad, that with the advent of Spring, troops of people will come pouring into Iowa, with the intention of making our favored State their permanent home. And why should they not? We have a fertile soil which can be purchased at most reasonable rates, plenty of everything desirable that the heart could wish in the way of locations, and a most salubrious climate. Industrious men can make their fortunes here-drones will be like drones anywhere else, perfectly useless. Lawyers and doctors, land agents and speculators, of these we have enough and to spare. We want hardy farmers, the ingenious manufacturers, the intelligent merchants. We want producers instead of consumers, men who will increase the wealth of the country in which they find an abiding place among us.

On Friday last, we saw on Brady street, the first emigrant wagon of the season. A span of good horses, a hearty man driving, and children gazing from amidst bundles of warm clothing under the cover. We stopped on the sidewalk to examine its passing, and the thought struck us that we had seen something of the kind before. Heading westward, we hope the inmates of that moving house hold may find a lodgment on some fertile patch of soil in the Interior, and that the bright eyed boy peering out may be Governor of the State-that plenty may crown the board of the adventurous emigrant, and flocks and herds spring up around him in his latter days, such as encompassed Job of old. It is a hard time of year to be moving from place to place, and a man must have a stout heart to try it now. Perseverance like this deserves and will receive its reward.

The Stabbing Affair in Pleasant Valley

Our readers will recollect, that some time since, we gave an account of an assault with a butcher knife by one Patrick BRADLEY, who was in company with a younger brother and his father, upon Henry H. FENNO.

The Grand Jury indicted Patrick BRADLEY, Thomas BRADLEY, his brother, and John BRADLEY, the father. The case was commenced in the District Court, at this place, on Friday, and was submitted to the jury on Saturday afternoon. A large number of witnesses were examined on both sides. The testimony tended to who that there was no previous good feeling between the families; that Patrick struck henry FENNO with a large butcher knife on the back, inflicting a serious, but not fatal wound, and that the father was present. The father (John BRADLEY) was alone upon his trial-Patrick having escaped and not having been arrested.

The defence of the father was tested upon two grounds-1st, That the father was not responsible for the assault of Patrick, and that Patrick's assault was made in self-defence.-2d, That all that the father did was to attempt to separate Patrick BRADLEY and Henry FENNO.

Service of Notice on a Co. Partnership-James W. PARKER vs. E. GOLDEN & Co.-The return on the original notice stated in substance, that the defendants, E. GOLDEN & Co., were "not found," and that service of the notice was made by leaving a copy thereof with the wife of the said GOLDEN at his usual place of residence, &c. Held by DILLON, Judge, that the service was insufficient under Section 1728 of the Code, to place the firm of E. GOLDEN & Co., in Court. In such case service must be made upon one of the partners or upon some agent employed in the general management of the business of the partnership.

The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Tuesday Morning, February 14, 1860

Local Matters

The Rev. Mr. MAGOUN was quite sick last Sunday, and of course unable to attend to his pulpit duties. He was better yesterday.

Notice:--Miss A. W. SPRAGUE, by special request will give another course of lectures on the Philosophy and Religion of Spiritualism, at Wesley Chapel, Perry street, commencing this Tuesday evening, at half past seven o'clock. Admission 10 cents.

St. Valentine's Day,--This is St. Valentine's Day, and even yesterday the Post Office began to note the presence of the day. A lively exchange of love tokens and perhaps a brisker exchange of fun and malice will take place today, in the way of "Valentines." This sport seems now to be almost laid aside by the older folks, and left to the children.

District Court

Judge John F. DILLON, Presiding.

Ira M. GIFFORD, Clerk.

Monday, Feb. 13, 1860

The case of Sate vs. S. MOUNTS, Rufus B. CATLIN, L. BECKWELL and H. YANKS; judgment entered against the defendants for all costs of prosecution and witnesses.

The case of State vs. A. J. MASON, Abm. FARBER, William and Edward BRANNICK, for misdemeanor committed upon the property in three school houses of Winfield Township. There are a large number of witnesses in attendance to testify in this case; by order of Court they were all excluded from the Court room until called. H. O'CONNOR, Esq., District Attorney, J. J. LINDLEY, Esq., for the defence.

In this case, after a number of witnesses for the State had testified, the Judge ascertaining the fact that the sections of the "code" under which the indictment was found had been repealed in 1855, the case had to be dismissed. It appears that prosecutions for this offense must be had before a Justice of the Peace. The defendants left the courtroom apparently in much better spirits than they had entered it.

During the forenoon, Frank RITNER, convicted of manslaughter in killing Wm. HERRIG during an affray at the dance-house on the bluff, was brought into Court, and sentenced to three years imprisonment in the penitentiary, and to pay a fine of one hundred dollars, and the cost of prosecution.

Wm. BOWMAN, convicted of horse-stealing, (hired a horse and cutter from BROWN & THOMPSON to go to Blue Grass, and made tracks to Muscatine.) was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary.

Again in Limbo-Yesterday morning Jack DELANY, an individual whose name is likely to become well known to the present generation in this locality, was arrested by Marshal BECHTEL for assaulting a Teutonic gentleman, by occupation a scissor grinder, who was accosted by Jack on Front street, and given a job of fixing" Mister" DELANY'S knife. The operator very justly asked for pay, which idea not being relished by Jack, he knocked the "machinist" down and shut up his shop by breaking his machine. Justice CLAUSSEN being appealed to Jack was sent up to luxuriate at the "ACKLEY House" in default of paying five dollars fine and costs.

Sentence of Young RITTER

Judge DILLON yesterday sentenced young RITNER, convicted of manslaughter in the killing Wm. HERRIG one Sunday night at a dance in the public garden. Three years to the penitentiary. Mr. James T. LANE, one of his counsel, arose and made a brief and feeling statement of the history of the unfortunate young man, and closed his remarks by soliciting for his client the clemency of the court. From the remarks of Mr. LANE, it appears that young RITNER is a native of Pennsylvania, and is a relative of Joseph RITNER, who was once the Governor of that State. His parents, who are poor, reside at Reading, Pa. They were ignorant of the whereabouts of their son, until his imprisonment for the melancholy occurrence which is about to place their absent son in felon's cell.

He wandered off from home at an early age and by evil association, when beyond parental control, became employed as a cabin boy on the river. He is only seventeen years of age. His countenance is rather mild, yet he is evidently of quick passions; and from his youth readily susceptible to influence by others, and thus yielding to the associations which led him astray, finally culminated in a bloody rencountre in a dance room on the bluff in the sacred stillness of a Sabbath evening. RITNER appeared much affected while in Court.


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