Civil War Era Newspaper Items - October 1862
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Saturday Morning
October 11, 1862Local Matters
Meeting at Princeton To-night.-three will be a real patriotic meeting at Princeton to-night. Gentlemen from this city will make addresses. Let there be a full attendance.
Lost-from a carriage, on Tuesday, Oct. 7th, a drab overcoat. Finder will be rewarded on leaving it at office of Kent & Co., over P. O.
Fresh beer, warm meals, pies, cakes, &c always on hand at Timpe's Hall, west side of Brady street, near Front, one door above Schricker's bakery.
Col. Baker.-Our fellow citizen W. K. Lindsey and lady left Davenport yesterday morning on the Kate Cassel for Keokuk, there to meet Mrs. Baker, wife of Col. Baker, late of the Second Iowa Infantry, to assist in receiving the remains of the lamented Colonel, to whom Mrs. Lindsey is related.
Death of Lieut. E. Tichenor.-The sad news of the death of Lieut. Enos Tichenor has been too abundantly confirmed to admit of a doubt as to its truth. His earthly career is indeed closed and another vacancy is made in another Iowa home. The brief memorial of his life and the statement of his death is all that remains to be said for the public eye; but at the home fireside an dby loving hearts, his virtues, his affectionate regard for relatives and friends, and his patriot zeal for the cause to which he has devoted his life will not cease to be rehearsed.
Lieut. Enos Tichenor was born in Covington, Ky., on the 3d day of April, 1836, consequently was at the time of his death, aged 26 years and 6 months. In the spring of 1841, he removed with his parents to Davenport, where he continued to reside up to the period of his enlistment in the army of the Union. In August, 1861 he joined company B, Capt. Cleaveland, 8th Iowa Regiment, and was elected its Second Lieutenant. At the battle of Pittsburg Landing he was in the thickest of the fight, having his sword broken, and receiving a ball in his shoulder which was never extracted. This wound was severe and occasioned his return home on sick leave; but such was his anxiety to return to his company that it was with difficulty that he could be induced to remain until his furlough expired. Returning to his company he entered with it into the "Union Brigade," sharing in all the labors and dangers to which it was called. Lieut. T. was earnestly devoted to the welfare of his company, and he was fully committed to the cause in which the company had entered; thus it was that he so ardently performed the duties of camp and field. Having in early life suffered much from ill health, he had under the discipline of sickness acquired a patience which never allowed complaint. Kind to comrades and ever ready to assist them when required, he largely enjoyed their confidence and esteem. His duty to relatives, to friends and to country was nobly performed and relatives, friends and country will ever have cause to revere his memory.
Camp Hendershott.-The camp for the use of the sixth Iowa Cavalry is to be located between 10th and 12th streets west of Ripley. To-day Mr. J. Hornby commences the erection of the necessary building.-These are to consist of separate quarters and stables for each company. The quarters will be 24 by 64 feet, and each will contain sleeping accommodations for ninety men, with an office, pantry, and dining hall; the latter running through the centre, the berths being on each side. The stable swill be 24 by 200 feet, with stalls for the use of ninety-five horses. The buildings are to be well constructed and made warm for winter quarters. There is a well on the ground which will, it is believed, supply all the water needed. The camp will be delightfully situated, being on an elevation commanding a good view of the river, easy of access and with complete drainage.
From the Second Infantry.-The friends of Mr. Oliver C. Lewis will be gratified to learn that a letter has been received from him by his sister, stating that he has again passed safely through the dangers of a bloody battle field, being entirely uninjured at the close of the Corinth engagement, although in the thickest of the fight. The command of Co. B now devolves upon Mr. Lewis, and his acquaintances will not need to be told that the promotion is well deserved and acceptable to the members of the company.
Sixth Iowa Cavalry.-The various companies recruited for this regiment will be ordered to the rendezvous at Camp Hendershott as soon as the buildings can be prepared for their reception. The work of preparation commences to-day and will be pushed rapidly forward. Those who design entering the service in this regiment should enlist without delay; Col. Galligan is still receiving recruits at his office in Forrest's Block. We learn that a battery of mountain howitzers is to be attached to this regiment.
Adjt. Gen. Baker has drawn a requisition on the War Department for the howitzers, and it is expected that they will be forwarded at an early date.
On Thursday the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Reinhardt, Mr. A. G. Smallfield to Miss Eliza M. Jipp, all of this city.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Monday Morning
October 13, 1862The Attack on Corinth
Full Particulars of the Fight
Glorious Union Victory
Iowa Troops again "Bravest of the Brave"
Ten Iowa Regiments EngagedCamp at Corinth, Miss.
Saturday Night, Oct. 4, 1862Editors Gazette:--On the night of the 30th of May last I promised you and account of the successful termination of the memorial "Siege of Corinth." To-night I will endeavor to give you a faint idea of the brilliant termination to-day of "the battle of Corinth," a battle that will give Corinth a prominent place on the page of history; a day that has witnessed a well contested field, and one of the most daring and terrific charges ever witnessed on the Western Continent. A day that has proven to us the desperation to which our enemies are driven, has demonstrated to us the unequaled generalship of one who is the pride and idol of the army of the Mississippi, exhibited again to the nation the bravery and valor of our troops, and achieved for our arms a most glorious victory. Having been on the field, and an eye witness to the scene. I will also give you a faint description of the brilliant operations of the day, and the result of the glorious victory.
Some ten days since Price with his army was attempting to make his way to Kentucky by penetrating our lines eastward, between this place and Tennessee. Gen. Rosecrans being aware of his intentions, surrounded him to give battle-defeated him on a well contested field, and caused him to make a precipitate retreat. Gen. Rosecrans had arranged the programme for the capture of his entire army, and the lamentable failure of one of our Generals to act his part, on the occasion, is well known to the country. After his defeat there, Price turned southward and again fell back to Tupello and Baldwin-his old summer quarters. With an energy worthy of a better cause, he moved westward of Corinth. Having thus passed Jacinto and Rienza, (then occupied by our forces) in less than ten days from his defeat at Iuka, he had made three-fourths of a circuit, and in connection with Van Dorn and Lovell, appeared in force with their entire army on the north-west of Corinth. This movement of the rebels was accomplished rapidly and successfully.
While the rebels were throwing their forces from the east and southward to the northwest of Corinth, risking their all on the desperate attempt to take Corinth, intending while they held their forces at Jacinto and Rienza, to deceive our Generals, and by outflanking, to attack, and secure the rich prize-Corinth, with certainty and success.
The result proves to the nation what his army here knew before-that Gen. Rosecrans is unsurpassed for strategy and generalship by any General in the field. Never during this war has strategy been so well shown by our Generals as in this case, strategy being usually on the other side.
Though cognizant of the movements and ultimate design of Price, Gen. Rosecrans kept his forces at Jacinto and Rienza, as if yet watching for his wiley foe, where he might be supposed to be but was not.
Having but a small force at best and all that at the front (that was,) Gen. R. held them there until Price who had then been joined by Van Dorn and Lovell with forces from Baton Rouge and Jackson, had about completed their circuit, when Jacinto and Rienza were evacuated and all the available troops of his army thrown from those points twenty miles south into Corinth. On the night of the 2d, columns of infantry and artillery were marching all night, entering from the south and passing through and out at the north-west.
While things were thus progressing fortifications were being erected commanding the approach to Corinth from the north-west; it never having been fortified in that quarter; the rebels never having any force in that direction, and that point ever having been threatened since held by us.
During the evening of the 2d, heavy cannonading was heard and our advance were engaged at a point five or six miles from Corinth. On the morning of the 3d our line of battle was formed two and a half miles from Corinth, with the left resting on the Memphis R. R. and the right on the Mobile and Ohio, or Columbus Railroad. The artillery opened in the morning. About ten o'clock the rebels attacked in force, and the assault became general along the line; our forces being posted along a high ridge of ground. At one time the rebels charged our line in overwhelming force, and for a few moments our brave lads were forced back, but soon recovered themselves and rejoined their position.---Though Gen. Rosecrans had allowed them to get in that position, while they thought him ignorant of their whereabouts, he had not yet got them just where he wanted them. During the afternoon our forces steadily fell back in good order, gallantly contesting every foot of the way.
The battle of the first day, the 3d, lasted from morning until dark, when darkness closed the scene. Our line of battle, which in the morning had been two miles out was formed with the centre about half a mile from the railroad depot ant Tishomingo Hotel, and the right extending a mile north-east, and the left nearly a mile south-west. Five or six earthworks constructed within a week, commanded every approach from that quarter. The rebel line of battle was three fourths of a mile distant, and thus each army lay upon their arms during the night of the third. As our forces according to the programme, fell back, the wounded were brought off the field, only the dead being left.
A large new depot building was converted into a hospital, and the Tishimingo hotel was cleared out and so occupied. In company with Chaplain Truesdell, I visited both and saw four hundred of our brave wounded during the evening. Gen. Hackleman of Indians, died at the Tishimingo hotel. Gen. Oglesby was among the wounded. By nine o'clock the wounds were all dressed and generally doing well. The Seminary and the surrounding grounds has been occupied all summer as a general hospital; there were perhaps a thousand sick there, and it was directly in rear of our left line of battle, and in range of the enemy's fire. During the night the hospital tents were moved to south-east side of town. In the morning about day-break all the wounded were likewise removed to this point. That night was one of anxiety to many. The rebels had apparently driven us back by hard fighting, during the day, two miles inside our line of fortifications. They held the battle-field, an dour dead. Their line of battle was formed at dark within sight of the much coveted prize. Corinth, with its ample Deports and storehouses filled to overflowing with commissary and Quarter-master stores, and all the appliances of a well equipped and provisioned army, offered a most tempting bait to their eager gaze. They were flushed with apparent victory, and were promised by their "arch deceiver," (Price) that they should win honor and glory, a decisive victory, and much "booty" if not beauty, and enjoy in Corinth, on the morrow a bountiful repast, that should well repay all the hardships endured, and dangers braved.
Our troops, conscious of a strong position; of their well tried bravery; of the justice of their cause, and the great interest at stake, were determined to stand to their colors with unflinching bravery.
Second Day's Battle
Half an hour before break of day, the rebels broke the stillness by opening on the town from a battery posted during the night. One of the shots went crashing through the commissary depot-another striking the ground between the depot and Tishimingo hotel, and with the rebound went crashing through the building, killing a wounded man. They got the range from the lights in the house. Our batteries returned the fire, and one of the rebel batteries was captured. After a couple of hours cannonading there was a lull, and from eight to nine o'clock an entire cessation, except some firing by our sharpshooters on the extreme left. During this cessation I passed along our line from the centre to the left wing, where the 5th, 15th, 16th, and 13th Iowa were posted. All was very quiet. I then came back through the town, and our cavalry were just passing through, and Col. Hatch with his command was moving off to take position with his brigade on the extreme right of our line. This was about 10 o'clock. As Col. Hatch moved along to get to the flank, our line was being rapidly extended to the he right, as the "rebs" were then in motion trying to turn that wing. Regiment after regiment came up on double quick and wheeled into line. Batteries went thundering to the right, and the cavalry passed along the rear of the lien as it was rapidly extended. Col. Hatch finally formed on the extreme right of our line, flanking the rebel left.
The Attack On Our Right
During the lull the rebels had moved their troops from our left to the he centre and right, and with two heavy columns of the flower of their army, made a desperate and terrific charge. Their left column charged on battery F, on our right, and seriously threatened to turn that position, while their massed force mad simultaneously a deadly assault on our centre battery, E. In front of battery E scattering timber covered the advance until within three hundred yards, when the ranks were protected by an abattis (sic) work of felled trees, lying just as they fell, through which only one narrow wagon track wound through to the town, passing by the right corner of the fortification. Battery F was three-fourths of a mile to the right; in front of it thin timber extended to within four hundred yards of the works, but no abattis (sic) work, as it was intended more for a flanking fire. The rebels, however, by attempting to outflank and then charging it, brought this position in front and no obstructions impeded their onslaught, except several batteries of light artillery that took position, and poured in the grape and canister.
The rebels being in position, about ten o'clock they, with all the courage of desperation and with valor worthy of a better cause, commenced from nearly a half a mile distance, their terrible charge. The batteries were in full play upon them. Battery E poured on them its murderous fire, while a supporting fortification to the left delivered its heavy doses of Parrott pills. Battery F, on the right, was occupied by the first Missouri battery, while a score of guns took position on a line between the two fortifications, and for twenty minutes the heavy batteries and scores of field pieces poured in their deadly fire. Yet in the face of all this the assaulting lines moved bravely up. As soon as they cleared the cover of the timber our supporting lines of infantry opened their murderous fire. Then was witnessed, amid the dust and smoke of battle, a deadly fire. Yet in the face of all this the assaulting lines moved bravely up. As soon as they cleared the cover of the timber our supporting lines of infantry opened their murderous fire. Then was witnessed, amid the dust and smoke of battle, a deadly assault, the foe still braving the iron hail and storm of bullets, marched bravely on. Soon they reached the works.
Our Batteries Captured and Returned.
The light artillery limbered to the rear, and took a new position; the gallant First Missouri stood to their guns until the foe was upon them. Two "rebs" were on the work as they fired the last gun. They spiked a 10 pound Parrot, and left the works. Our line had then fallen back and taken a new position, and were pouring in a flood of canister and grape-which even the foe driven to desperation, could not withstand. The rebels were driven from the position they had waded up too, through death itself, and amid the storm of shot and shell-(for a battery of siege guns from a battery to the south east of the town had opened on them,) and canister and grape, with minnie accomplishments hurled against them, soon changed the scene. With thinned and scattered ranks, they fled in dismay over the field they had so gallantly stormed a few minutes before, and were soon in the timber again, turning not to look back on the bloody scene.
The Attack On The Center.
The column in the center at battery E, notwithstanding the rapid fire of the guns from the fortifications, advanced steadily, and fixed bayonets, emerged from the shelter of the timber-when they encountered for a distance of three hundred yards the abattis of fallen timber-and then the supporting lines of infantry, 43d and 63d Ohio, at that point opened with deadly volleys of musketry. On, on, amid carnage and death they drove-as they went down by scores, others took their places, and they pressed bravely on. Most gallantly they pressed forward to the ditch, in and over it, and up the breast work. Then came a hand to hand conflict. They planted on the works a small rattlesnake rag; the fortification to the left and rear directed its fire upon it, and the infantry gallantly stood up to the work.
The Rebels Totally Repulsed.
The rebels held the fort about three minutes-when they were repulsed and as the cheers of victory began to sound from the center, they were re-echoed from the left, and just then the tide of victory rolled along to the right, and the shouts and cheers reverberated in thunder tones throughout our lines as they advanced again in pursuit of the flying foe. Those cheers were such as only the hosts of freemen could give in the moment of victory. The 17th Iowa were on the right flank, and nobly redeemed themselves and done honor to their glorious State. Col. Hatch with his brigade and a battery then passed on five or six miles to outflank them on the right, and bag them should they attempt to retreat to the eastward.
The Field and Fortifications After The Battle
Shortly after the battle I passed over the field. Just to the rear of our battery on the right, I found about twenty of our brave lads who had met a soldier's death. Near by a caisson of the 1st Missouri battery was disabled, and all six of the horses lay dead, touching each other-literally shot to pieces. In the ditch at battery F lay seven dead rebels, and the eighth in the embrasure, on top of the works. The ground in front of that point was strewn with the dying and the dead. Passing over the ground I counted one hundred and fifty-two dead. A winding ravine just inside the belt of standing timber averaged a dead or wounded one every eight or ten feet for some distance. At one place lay two Captains and a Lieutenant wounded; and not far off Col. Johnston, of the 21st Arkansas dead. There were Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas troops. At another place I counted eleven dead within twenty-square feet. Passing around to the centre at battery E, I counted in the ditch fifteen dead, and sitting on my horse, counted twenty-five more dead within twenty feet of the ditch. Near the ditch lay the horse of Col. Rogers, of the 10th Arkansas regiment, and a few feet distant lay the Colonel dead. The dead lay scattered all about by every log and stump; in the road and round about. After counting over a hundred dead at this point, I found counting too slow a process and quit. For a mile to the front the dead and wounded lay scattered about, but not so thickly as at the works.
Scenes on the Day After the Battle
This is the day after the battle and I have been out three miles, and again over the field of the 3d. I found some of our wounded from yesterday's fight yet on the field, and our dead lay around unburied. A mile further, we came to the rebel hospital. We there found four of their wounded. Seventeen of their men had died of their wounds, and they had not time to bury; among them, Gen. Van Dorn's Aid, a very fancy looking chap. Under a tree lay a poor sufferer of the 46th Illinois, with his right arm amputated, his right thigh broken, and shot through the shoulder, yet he was patient, and begged to have his leg amputated, before removal. Oh! the horror of a bloody battlefield. It is well that friends and relatives may not, and that few but soldiers, ever witness the gory field. Immediately after the terrible charge, the rebels fled, and passing their reserve, commenced a precipitate retreat, and our army is now in hot pursuit.
From personal observations on the field, I sum up the results of the two days' fight as follows: On the 3d, our loss, one hundred killed and four hundred and fifty wounded; the rebels being the assaulting party, could not have got off with as little. On the 4th our loss, killed eighty, wounded one hundred; the rebel loss, killed five hundred, an done thousand wounded, and as many prisoners.
I saw on the field of the first day, (held by the rebels) Union dead stripped of coat, pants, and boots. I saw a soldier of the 14th Wisconsin, stripped clean, and a ticket left on the body by which to identify it. This is no hearsay, nor guess work, but fact, as ' I know whereof I speak.'
I omitted to mention that on the night of the 2d, the rebel army being in position, destroyed the railroad and telegraph-cutting off communication with Jackson and the north.So certain was Price of capturing Corinth, that they let the freight train (which precedes the express, half an hour) pass, then cut the line, hereby adding that much more to his booty. Price, Van Dorn, and Lovell, with their combined force made their last and desperate struggle; their all was at stake and with agonizing desperation they played their game.
A Live General and Brave Troops
Thanks to one real, live, energetic, able soldier and commander, and loyal patriot, Gen. Rosecrans. They were met by a force of half their number and their game lost. By a masterly handling of troops, seldom equaled, never excelled, a most glorious victory places another well earned laurel on the brow of our worthy General; gives to our gallant army the honor of a hard fought field, and to our glorious cause an earnest of the final victory rapidly drawing nigh. The enemy's force was thirty thousand, while our own was only fourteen thousand, all told.
The 2d, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Iowa Infantry and 2d Iowa Cavalry were on the field and nobly sustained "Iowa's former glory." The 15th Michigan were engaged throughout as skirmishers, and done splendid work. The 8th Wisconsin were in the fight-planted their live Eagle to the front, and brought it off victorious. The 47th Illinois suffered much, but where all done nobly it is idle to discriminate.
Breckinridge is in Kentucky, but the army of Price, Van Dorn and Lovell combined, that were to have captured Corinth, defeated Rosecrans' army and marched victoriously to the aid of their needy brother traitors in Kentucky, is now thoroughly whipped, and maid carnage and slaughter, scattered in shame and defeat to their desolated homes. That I may "thus ever be" is the earnest prayer of your humble servant. -- Diff.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Tuesday Morning
October 14, 1862The Gallant Second at Corinth
The following extracts from a letter received by Mrs. C. R. Marks of this city, from her brother, Sergt. W. M Campbell, of Co. C. Second Iowa Infantry, will be read with much interest by all our readers, but especially by those of them who have relatives of friends among the Fort Donelson heroes. The letter was written hastily in pencil immediately after the victory of the 4th inst.
"On the morning of the 3d at 2 a.m. we got orders to march at daylight and started; the enemy then within eight miles of us. By 8 a.m. our division in which the 2d was placed had taken our position in line about two miles from Corinth; soon the pickets were engaged and at 9 a.m. the enemy made a charge on the fortifications on our left within sight of us. They came up in four columns, each five or six ranks deep. Our artillery all opened on them, and they fell by fifties, but on they came, soon they had the works and our men were routed. They were ten to our one. We held our ground till they began to flank us then we fell back about three fourths or one mile and took a new position, they followed right up and halted in front of us and for three-fourths or one hour we had an artillery fight. We lay on the ground and the solid shot, shell, grape and canister came thick and fast, then they charged; we rode up and received them. They drove our left back. The 2d, 324 strong stood their ground fighting like mad-men. Some of the enemy were within 300 feet of us and though many to our one they could not stand it they faltered; our regiment perceived it and we made a charge on them without orders. We drove them from the ground about a quarter of a mile, other regiments on the right and left followed us up. Then their reserve came up. On they came by thousands. They drove us and now we fell back into Corinth. The fighting was terrific. We now lay in the edge of the town, and it was night. Our troop were still full of courage and were determined to do or die. Fighting for the night was ended, and our loss heavy; our brigade Gen. Hackleman, is killed; Col baker of the 2d wounded and many others killed and wounded. After dark our division changed its position. We laid down tired, oh how tired, but not to sleep. Morning came at last and about 4 a.m. the enemy had planted artillery and commenced to shell Corinth. Soon we opened on them hot and heavy; silenced their battery and at daylight charged and captured it. But the fighting was to come yet. At about 9 or ten o'clock they formed in the timber, and charged across the open field in front of us, (on the left they had entrenchments, we had none). Our whole line of artillery opened on them, but in spite of shot, shell and grape, on they came. Our brigade was in front, well supported on our right and left. The rebels took the battery on the right; our men on the right gave way; on they came and at the same time our troops gave way on the right. The gallant 2d Iowa still held its ground. Gen. Rosecrans now arrived and came right up to the centre of our regiment and called upon us to rally and stand by our flag. We have done it, and most nobly, too. At last we had to fall back or in ten minutes more we would have all been killed or wounded. We fell back about 500 yards to the outskirts of the town. We rallied, the tide turned, and we drove them again. The air was filled with the wild huzzas of our troops as we drove them; they were driven back all along the lines, and the day was ours. The ground for miles was covered with rebel dead and they have lost eight to our one in killed. I know it for I have seen them on the ground. I saw seventeen all in one pile where they had fallen, at the edge of one of our forts; the ground is literally covered with them.
Our division suffered heavily, and our brigade loses largely. Our regiment took in 324, after the second days fight we numbered 218-losing about every third man.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Monday Morning
October 20, 1862Return of Lt. Suiter.-Lieutenant Frank M. Suiter, Of Co. B, 2d Iowa, arrived here on Saturday from Corinth, which place he left on Thursday. Lieut. S. has been reported slightly wounded, which was done on the first day of the recent battles. A more severe wound, which he received next day, has hitherto been unnoticed. This time the ball passed through the leg just below the knee, but happily breaking no bone. He is doing well, and yesterday went to his home, near LeClaire.
The whole regiment suffered severely having over one third of the whole force either killed or wounded. Col. Baker was shot in the stomach, Lieut. Col. Mills in the foot, Lieut. Huntington near the right lung, all resulting fatally, Lieut. H. living till about 9 o'clock in the evening, having been shot near the beginning of the fight. The regiment is now in command of Maj. Weaver and Co. B under Sergt. Oliver C. Lewis, company B, took 46 officers and men, of whom one officer (Lt. Huntington) was killed, and seventeen wounded, several of them severely, though it is believed none of them dangerously except Burril Seymour, who was shot both in the shoulder and head, but it is thought he will recover. J. A. Quinn, of Long Grove, was among the first wounded in the fight, receiving a bad wound in the knee.
Coroner's Inquest.-A Coroner's Jury has been in session in this city for the past three or four days, presided over by Dr. J. J. Tomson, Coroner, to investigate the circumstances connected with the death of Jesse D. Herrick, a member of the 31st regiment, whose body was found near the river above New Boston, Ills. And was b whose body was found near the river above New Boston, Ills. And was brought here on Wednesday last. The evidence adduced, showed that the deceased was last seen on the night of the 23d ult., in company with another man; and that afterwards no traces of his whereabouts could be found, until his body was discovered as before stated. The inquest has adjourned to wait further developments.
The Sixteenth Iowa At Corinth
List of Casualties.The following is a list of the casualties in the 16th Iowa, from the battle of Corinth. The regiment was engaged Friday afternoon, and did some hard fighting, but fortunately the fight was in the timber, and the casualties are slight. We learn the regiment had last week 421 men reported for duty, and 491 in camp:
Killed. Private Peter Kiem, Company E. do Chas. H. Harle, Company C. Wounded Lt. Col. Add. H. Sanders, severely. 1st Lt. Jesse H. Lucas, Co. C, severely. Sergt. J. Claussen, Co. B, slightly. Corp. H. Muller Co. B, severely. Private E. Joobe Co. B., severely. do Jno. Bravend, Co. C, slightly. do A. H. Hettinger, Co. C., severely. do D. T. Weld, Co. C., severely. Corp. Jas. S. Gillispie, Co. E, severely. Corp. Phillip McMeamer, Co. E, severely. Private M. O. Halleck, Co. E, mortally. do Jackson A. Kuder, CO. E, slightly. do Briggs Olds, Co. E., slightly. do Ernest Amberg, Co. G, severely. do Wm. Diedrick Co. G, slightly. do William Scheib, Co. H. severely. do M. Cottenbaugh, Co. H. severely. do H. H. Barger, Co. I, severely. Missing. Capt. C. W. Williams, Company D. Private H. laudweir, do B. do C. Davonann do B. do N. Banse, do C. do Nicolaus Moringer, do G. do Owen Russel do I. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Deserters!
The following named soldiers enlisted for Old Regiments, have deserted from Camp McClellan Davenport, Iowa:
Werrill Morgan, born in Tippencanoe county, Ind, 23 years old, and by occupation a farmer, enlisted Aug. 30th at Ottumwa, by Lieut. A. A. Stewart. Grey eyes, dark hair, dark complexion, five feet ten inches high.
William H. Edwards, born in Morgan county Ohio, 21 years old and by occupation a farmer; enlisted August 30th at Ottumwa, by A. A. Stewart, Lieut; has blue eyes, light hair, light complexion; 5 feet 8 inches high.
Frank Forney, born in the city of Wurtemberg Kingdom of Germany; aged 23 years; by occupation a cooper, enlisted at Davenport, Iowa, August 11, has hazel eyes, dark hair and dark complexion; height, 5 feet 7 inches.
J. L. Braden, born in Decatur county, Indiana, aged 23 years; by occupation a farmer; enlisted at Davenport, Iowa, Aug. 16, has hazel eyes, black hair and dark complexion; height, 5 feet 10 inches.
W. J. Totten, born in Gallapolis, Ohio; aged 3_ years; by occupation a farmer; enlisted at Keokuk, Iowa, August 31; has blue eyes, brown hair and fair complexion; height, 5 feet, 5 inches.
William B. Jones, born in Orange county, New York; aged 24 years; by occupation a carpenter, enlisted at Iowa City, Iowa, July 31, has black eyes, sandy hair and dark complexion; height 5 feet, 5 inches.
John Houghton, born in Hardin county, Ohio, aged 19 years; by occupation a farmer; enlisted at Davenport, Iowa, Sept 20th, has grey eyes, light hair and light complexion; height, 5 feet, 61/2 inches.
Any one apprehending any one or all of said soldiers, will be paid all reasonable cost of transportation and subsistence, together with a reward of five dollars when said deserters are returned to the Commanding Officer of Camp McClellan.
R. M. Littler, Capt. 2d Iowa Inft. Com'd'g Camp McClellan. Davenport, Oct. 4, 1862.~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ State Items
A company of 103 men has been recruited in Dubuque for the Irish Regiment, and the following officers chosen:
Captain-James Brown
1st Lieutenant-Thomas Duffy
2d Lieutenant-Patrick Murray
Orderly Sergeant-William Jones.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Tuesday Morning
October 21, 1962Military Appointments.
The following appointments have been made, and commissions issued therefor:
B. Taylor Wise, 5th cavalry; Sept 27.
Assistant Surgeons.
Sergt. Kelsey S. Martin, Blackhawk co, (now of Co. E,) 5th inf. Oct. 1.
J. C. Morrison, of Iowa City, (now additional assistant surgeon,) 13th inf. Oct. 8.Adjutants
Corporal Thomas G. Ferrely, Marion, (14th inf.,) 1st lieut. 26th inf. Aug. 10.
Sergt. Theodore Sydenhand, 1st lieut. 2d cavalry. Oct. 1.Quartermasters
John C. Lockwood, Louisa co., 1st lieut. 30th inf. Vice Samuel Townsend, declined. Oct. 15.
Lieut. Obed Caswell, Ohio, Co. D, 5th inf., vice Branbury, promoted. July 14.
Paul McSweeney, Dubuque, Co. B, 9th inf. Aug. 25.
Ellsworth N. Bates, Cedar Rapids, Co. A, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Ed. Coulter, Cedar Rapids, Co. B, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Mark L. Thomson, Scott co., Co. C, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Dolphus Torrey, Davenport, Co. D, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Chester Barney, Davenport, Co. E, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Nathaniel M. Hubbard, Marion, Co. F, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Joseph B. Leake, Davenport, Co. G, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Charles Altman, Davenport, Co. G, 20th inf. Aug. 25, vice Leake, promoted to Lieut. Colonelcy. Aug. 26.
Rufus H. Lucore, Marion, Co. H, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Charles C. Cook, Cedar Rapids, Co. I, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Sylvanus B. Byram, LeClaire, Scott co., Co. K, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
William D. Crooke, Clayton co., Co. B, 21st inf. Aug. 18.
Jesse M. Harrison, Dubuque, Co. C, 21st inf. Aug. 20.
Elisha Boardman, Elkader, Co. D, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
Jacob, Swivel, Dubuque, Co. E, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
Leonard, Horr, Dubuque, Co. F, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
W. A. Benton, McGregor, Co. G, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
Joseph M. Watson, Manchester, Delaware co, Co. H, 21st inf. Aug. 23
David Greaves, Dubuque, Co. I, 21st inf. Aug. 23
Alexander Voorhies, Hopkinton, Co. K, 21st inf. Aug. 20.
N. Lee, Iowa City, Co. A, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
John H. Gearkee, Iowa City, Co. B, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
Adam T. Ault, Newton, Co. C, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
Robert M. Wilson, Albia, Co. D, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
Hiram C. Humbert, Agency City, Co. E, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
Alfred B. Cree, Iowa City, Co. F, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
Isaac V. Dennis, Iowa city, Co. G, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
John C. Schrader, Johnson co, Co. H, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
James Robertson, Iowa City, Co. I, 22 inf. Sept. 9.
George W. Clark, Iowa City, Co. K, 22d inf. Sept 9.
Algernon S. Patrick, Co. L, 5th cavalry. Aug. 1.
Lieut. David A. Walter, Osage co., Mo., Co. M, 5th cav., vice Kidd, resigned. Sept. 11First Lieutenants
Sergt. John E. Page, Marshall co., Co D, 5th inf., vice Caswell, promoted; July 14.
Sergt. Jacob Jones, Rome, Co. B, 9th inf.; Aug. 1.
Sergt. Julien Bausman, Polk co., Co. K, 19th inf.; Aug. 25.
Charles L. Drake, Cedar Rapids, Co. A, 20th inf.; Aug. 25.
James M. Dennison, Center Point, Co. B, 20th;p Aug. 25.
Harrison Oliver, Davenport, Co. C, 20th inf.; Aug. 25.
Alphonse H. Brooks, Ohio. Co. D, 20th inf.; Aug. 25.
John G. G. Cavendish, Hickory Grove, Scott co., Co. E, 20th inf.; Aug. 25.
William Corbett, Marion, Co. F, 20th inf.; Aug. 25.
Charles Altmann, Davenport, Co. G, 20th inf.; Aug. 25.
Frederick E. Starck, of New York city, Co. G, 20th inf., vice Altmann, promoted. Aug. 26.
Joseph J. Hollan, Cedar Rapids, Co. I, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Stephen L. Dows, Cedar Rapids, Co. I, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Elijah Stone, LeClaire, Scott co., Co. K, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Charles P. Heath, Strawberry Point, Clayton co., Co. B, 21st inf. Aug. 18.
Frank Dale, Cedar Falls, Co. C, 21st inf. Aug. 20.
William Grannis, Strawberry Point, Co. D, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
Samuel F. Osborne, Dubuque, Co. E, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
Peter M. Brown, Epworth, Dubuque co., Co. F, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
John Dolson, Clayton co., Co. G, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
J. B. Jordan, Dubuque co., CO. H, 21st inf. Aug. 23.
James Hill, Dubuque co., CO. I, 21st inf. Aug. 23.
William A. Roberts, Hopkinton, Co. K, 21st inf. Aug. 20.
David J. Davis, Iowa City, Co. A, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
John Remick, Iowa City, Co. B, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
Niel Murray, Jasper co., Co. C, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
William Phinney, Albia, Co. D, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
Ephraim G. White, Agency City, Co. E, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
John M. Porter, Iowa City, Co. F, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
James O. Hawkins, Iowa City, CO. I, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
James W. Sterling, Iowa City, Co. I, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
John Francisco, Johnson co., co. K, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
Lieut. Rowland J. Beatty, Osage co., Mo., Co. M, 5th cav., vice Walters, promoted. Sept. 11.Military Appointments.
Second Lieutenants.
Corporal Wm. G. McElrea, Cedar co., Co. A, 5th inf. Sept. 20.
Corporal Franklin N. McCoy, Keokuk, co., Co. F, 5th inf. Sept. 20
Corporal Jerome Darling, Masonville, Co. K, 5th inf. Sept 20.
Daniel Carvin, Center Point, Co. B, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Robert M. Lytle, new Liberty, Scott co., Co. C, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Charles E. Squires, Davenport, Co. D, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Edward E. Davis, Davenport, Co. E, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Munson H. Crosby, Marion,Co. F, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
John B. Purcell, Princeton, Scott co, Co. G, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
George A. Bennett, Walcott, Scott co., Co. G, 20th inf., vice Parcell, resigned. Aug. 26.
Wilson Wighton, Marion, Co. H, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
James W. Carver, Cedar Rapids, Co. I, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Elia Taylor, LeClaire, Co. K, 20th inf. Aug. 25.
Henry H. Howard, Strawberry Point, Co. B, 21st inf. Aug. 18.
John H. Alexander, Dubuque co., Co. C, 21st inf. Aug. 20.
Homer Butler, Elkader, Co. D, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
Andrew Y. N. Donald, Dubuque, Co. E, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
Thompson A. Spotswood, Dubuque, Co. F, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
John Craig, Clayton co., Co. G, 21st inf. Aug. 22.
J. L. Noble, Delphi, co. G, 21st inf. Aug. 23.
Samuel Bates, Dubuque co., Co. J, 21st inf. Aug. 23.
Henry Harger, Delphi, Co. K, 21st inf. Aug. 20.
William W. Hughes, Iowa city, Co. A, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
James A. Boarts, Iowa City, Co. B, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
Lafayette F. Mullins, Jasper co., Co. C, 22d inf. Sept. 10.
Mathew A. Robb, Albia co., Co. D, 22d inf. Sept 10.
Benjamin D. Parks, Agency City, Co. E, 22d inf. Sept 10.
William G. Haddock, Jackson co., co. f. 22d inf. Sept 10.
George H. Shockey, Iowa City, Co. G, 22d inf. Sept 10.
Daniel W. Henderson, Johnson co., Co. H. 22d inf. Aug. 9.
Westel W. Morsman, Iowa City, Co. I, 22d inf. Sept. 9.
Thomas Morrison, Iowa City, Co. K, 22d inf. Sept 9.
Sergt. Geo. M. Walker, Warren co., Co. D, 1st cav. July 1.
Private Jacob Hursh, Springfield, Mo, Co. F, 1st cav, vice Dustin, promoted Sept. 17.
Sergt. Lot Abraham, Henry co., Co. D, 4th cav. July 1.
Private Wm. McCamant, Osage co., Mo., Co. M, 5th cav, vice Beatty, promoted.Conditional Second Lieutenant
Hugo Hofbauer, Walcott, Scott co., 14th inf. Sept. 1.
Jerry K. Wetzel, Burlington, 39th inf. Oct. 16.
Owen Barnes, Des Moines, 42d inf. Oct. 14.
Norman C. Eaton, Iowa City, 6th cav. Oct. 10.
Gus A. Hesselberger, Cedar Rapids, 6th cav. Oct. 10.
Fred S. Hodges, Durant, Cedar co., 6th cav. Oct. 14.
James M. Kortz.
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