Civil War Era Newspaper Items - June 1862
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann
The Daily Gazette
City of Davenport
Tuesday Morning
June 3, 1862Local Matters
In Town-Mr. James F. Morton, formerly postmaster at Hickory Grove, is in town and stopping at the Pennsylvania House. We are informed he is now adjutant general of Dacotah Territory, and is on his way to join Gov. Jayne at Springfield.
New Methodist Minister.-Rev. Landon Taylor is expected this week to take charge of the Methodist church in this city for the balance of the conference year, in place of Rev. J. G. Dimmitt. We believe Mr. Taylor has been stationed here before.
Serious Scuffling.-James Conners and Patrick Hennessy, lately employed as deck hands on the steamer Bill Henderson, got into a playful scuffle on the platform in the rear of R. M. Prettyman's store, and while so engaged they fell over the low railing into the cellar beneath. Both seemed to be seriously injured-one in the leg, the other in the breast. They were able to walk home, however.
Suicide by Poison.-Mr. Richard Platt, of Rock Island, poisoned himself yesterday in that city by taking a large dose of strychnine. When discovered he was in spasms. He died at 4 1-2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mer. Platt was a picture-frame maker, and was formerly a resident of this city, doing business in Merwin's block. He had been much dejected, and indeed always seemed to be unfortunate, which weighed on his mind very much. He was about fifty years old, and leaves a wife and large family in really destitute circumstances.
A Fellow Citizen Turned Up.-It has been a question in our mind, from his long silence, whether our former active fellow-citizen and correspondent, Hiram A. Reid, had not gone to the shades. We did not suppose he could live so long in this active world of ours and amid times so stirring, without us seeing his name figuring in some capacity connected to the war. Here it is at last. In the report of the Western Sanitary Commission, located at St. Louis, occurs the following sentence, "A very energetic and efficient relief agent, Rev. H. A. Reid, is employed to procure transportation, and superintend the debarkation of the furloughed and discharged men, form all the hospitals of the city."
Death of a Davenport Soldier.-The Cincinnati Israelite, of the 30th ult., contains a notice of the death, at Paducah, Ky., of Louis Schoen, of this city. Mr. Schoen was a sergeant in Capt. Wentz's company, in the first Iowa regiment, and was honorably noticed in the accounts of that battle. He subsequently endeavored to raise a company for a new regiment, and, failing in that went to St. Louis, and enlisted there in a Missouri regiment. Mr. Schoen was a native of Kalserslantern, in the kingdom of Bavaria, and was about 26 years old at the time of his death. He came to the his city in the fall of 1857, and was in the employ of Mr. Isaac Mass and Straus & Billstein till the breaking out of the war. His death was caused by typhoid fever.
Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors assembled for the June term at 11 1-2 o'clock yesterday. In the absence of the President, Mr. Shaw, of Buffalo was chosen President pro tem. The following members answered to their names: Thos. K. Fluke, Homer Carpenter, Giles M. Pinneo, Dan B. Shaw, Phillip Earhart, John Coleman, George M. Matthes, Jno. C. Quinn, William M. Murray.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Wednesday Morning
June 4, 1862From the Second Iowa Cavalry
Army of the Mississippi
Camp 4 Miles From Corinth, Miss.
Monday, May 26, 1862Fitz Henry Warren, Colonel of the First Iowa Cavalry, was confirmed a Brigadier General by the Senate on Thursday last.
Friend Sanders: Though from the quiet that has reigned supreme through this region round-about for a few days, a superficial observer might be disposed to transpose a well remembered phrase to "all quiet near Corinth" yet the millions of loyal hearts who are anxiously awaiting the lightning flash that shall reveal the eventful result, may rest assured that the keeping of their vast interests are entrusted to those worthy the confidence reposed. Gen. Halleck is slowly yet surely encircling his wily foe within his mighty grasp; one from which, when he chooses to dictate, there can be, will be, but on choice for the poor deluded, misguided dupes here-the "Corinthians." "Skedaddling" has been the final scene in their part of the play in all the acts of the victorious army of the West. Let the curtain drop and that scene now be recorded in connection with our victory at Corinth. Possess your souls in patience; all is working smoothly, quietly and successfully for the good of the nation, the welfare of the troops, and the final compete success of our glorious cause.
The 2d cavalry moved to this camp a week since, being now a little southeast of Farmington. The health of the men is good. The sick and wounded were sent from our last camp to Hamburg, from whence many of them have returned to St. Louis and perhaps some to Iowa. Sergt. Waterman of Co. G, and John S. Brush of Co. B, died at Hamburg and St. Louis, of wounds received in the charge of the 9th. From John Burgh, who was captured in the skirmish on the 8th and taken to Columbus, Miss, we learn that Lieut. B. F. Owen, Co. H, was a prisoner, severely wounded in the head. Burgh, with a hundred others, was released because "secesh" lacked the wherewithal to feed them.
In my last I took occasion to speak disparagingly of the Chicago Times and its "army correspondent," but since seeing the Chicago Tribune of a late date detailing the immortal glories won by the "6,000 brave Illinois boys," who whipped and "drove back 30,000 rebels" on the 9th, we wish to be excused from drawing any line of distinction between the two. This army may be composed exclusively of "Illinois boys," and they may (as per Tribune) do all the fighting; but if so, "bigger" papers with abler correspondents make some awful mistakes, and these New York papers ought to know, for their men were on the ground. But alas for "Illinois boys," New York reporters don't live in Chicago.
On the night of the 22d Col. Worthington, of the Iowa 5 lost his life. He was general officer of the day, and in visiting the line of sentinels got outside the line and on approaching the sentinel was shot dead, the ball passing through his head.-No blame attaches to the sentinel, as he had been fired upon that night from persons coming from the direction in which the Col. came. A week since the pickets kept up a constant firing during the day, but for the past few days all is quiet. This afternoon there was some sharp cannonading on the right of Gen. Pope's division. The Adjutant of the 10th Michigan was killed and several wounded. To-day Capt. Lundy of Co. G, was out on picket-guard; he lost two men, Corporal Wm. Smith and Daniel Ferguson. In going to water their horses, they probably got astray and were "picked up."
On riding over the field where the charge of the 9th was made I found some of the horses were killed at the very mouth of their guns. Some of the missing may have been captured, as their horses went down at the cannon's mouth. The desperate but brilliant charge of the 2d Iowa cavalry, against 30,000 rebels and three batteries, on the 9th of May, will ever be remembered by the participators therein, as well as by some 6,000 Illinois boys, who will remember it as having proved to them a "saving efficacy." The line of entrenchments here are over thirteen miles long, and the line of the army longer yet; to visit from one portion or division to another is more if a circumstance than to visit from your goodly city Muscatine or Iowa City.
Yesterday we had a visit from Major Purcell and to-day from Lt. Col. Sanders, Capt. Frazer, and from Ira. M. Gifford, Esq., of your city, as also from Dr. Maxwell, from whom we receive of late frequent pleasant visits. Col. Sanders had been on his back for some six weeks and is much reduced in flesh. It was the advice of physicians that he should return to Iowa to recover his health, but like a true soldier and well knowing "Iowa men" could ill be spared at these times, he has weathered the storm. He has been up now three days and is fast regaining health and strength. That he may rapidly recover and be again enabled to win laurels in our glorious cause, is the earnest wish of his brethren in arms.
Until within a week past the weather had been quite warm, since which, and a day's rain, it is rather cool.
To-day Co. E, Capt. Kendrick, were chosen to act as escort to Gen. Pope. They have left the regiment and are snugly ensconced at their new quarters. To-night the 2d and 3d battalions, with Col. Hatch, started off with a day's rations, perhaps to see, learn, or do something. Offering you "lack of items," in excuse for dullness.
Yours, &c
Diff~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Funeral of Col. Worthington (of Lee County, Iowa)
The funeral of the late Colonel Worthington was attended yesterday by a large concourse of citizens. The Episcopal services were performed in the church by Rev. Mr. Jope, who preached a very pertinent and feeling sermon. After these services the procession formed in the following order: the City Rifles, the hearse, (the coffin enveloped the American Flag,) the horse of Col. Worthington, the family and friends, the officers and soldiers from the Hospital, members of the Bar, Rolla Fire company, and citizens. Arrived at the Cemetery, the remains were committed to their long resting place,--"dust to dust, earth to earth, ashes to ashes," and many tears were shed in sympathy with the bereaved family.-Gate City, 31st.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ The smallest baby in the world, perhaps, is now at Barnum's Museum, to be entered in the baby show. The little fellow is eight months old, and weighs one pound and seven ounces-on ounce less than he weighed when he was one month old. The child is well formed and quite healthy, but its hand and arm up to the elbow, and its foot and leg up to the knee, can be passed through a man's finger ring. Dr. J. O. Kohn, of Cincinnati, furnishes a certificate of the age, health and perfect formation of this little specimen of humanity, which is at times very lively and playful. The child is accompanied by its father and mother, and their daughter, a fine looking girl of eight years. The prize for the smallest baby is $1,000.
The Daily Gazette
City of Davenport
Saturday Morning
June 7, 1862Indians About.-About a dozen red men arrived in town last night on the Western train. They belong to the Foxes and Ottawas, and live in Michigan.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Bird Shooting.-The children of Mr. True's German school in the lower part of the city, took a trip to Weldeman's place, on the hill, back of the court house, yesterday, to have their second annual bird-shooting. They marched in procession to the place, preceded by Strasser's band, where they had a day's enjoyment such as the little ones only can have.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Western Armory.-The prospects of yet securing a National Armory on Rock Island is brightening. On Thursday Mr. Grimes introduced a bill which was referred to the military committee, providing for the establishment of arsenals at Columbus, Ohio, Indianapolis, Ind., and Rock Island, Ill.; and for deposits and repair of arms and other munitions of war. The bill appropriates $100,000.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Lt. Col. Sanders.-The following has been handed us for publication, by Rev. Mr. Kynett:
A private letter, dated May 29th, from Rev. C. G. Truesdell, Chaplain 2d Iowa Cavalry, says: "Col. Sanders called on me a few days ago. He looks very badly, but will not own that he is sick. His big patriotic heart, and spunky spirit, are enough to kill such a little light body, and I fear he will be compelled to give himself a little rest or he will break down altogether."
From the 11th Iowa Regiment
Camp Before Corinth, Miss.
May 28, 1862.Dear Editor:--The army of the West is still moving slowly but surely; justice overtakes crime, law and order subdue rebellion. True conservatism, annihilates such radical heresies as assert the divine origin and necessary existence of human slavery. The army of the West is a great institution. Visit the camp, you shall see the hardy resolute Hawkeye soldiers sitting under the shady greenwood tree ("merry, merry archers we,") some writing, some reading, some dozing, a few studying the history of the four kings, and some perchance storing away in a safe place the two days' rations which we are ordered to keep on hand. The story, song, jest, and laugh go around, while away to the right or to the left, or perchance to the front, the boom of cannon and roll of musketry denote "heavy skirmishing with the enemy," and now none of us know how soon we shall all be called in.
For a few days the cars have been very quiet, but yesterday, last night, and this morning, the whistle is constantly giving out its warnings of coming and going. Either the enemy are leaving Corinth or getting heavy reinforcements. Gen. Rosecrans landed at Crump's Landing last night 12 miles from Purdy, and to-day all our cavalry are ordered out in the direction of the latter place. Our forces have scouted to M.& O. RR. West of Purdy several times, and have torn up the track; it is surmised now that an effort is to be made to take and hold the road north of Corinth.
Our division has not yet been assigned its place in the new lines, but is at present held as a reserve, sending out each day a regiment on picket duty. The Eleventh were out Friday night last on our right, and within half a mile of the rebel works; a small creek separated the armies, and it is thought the next forward move there will be resisted. Meanwhile wherever the army camps a line of strong entrenchments are thrown up, the underbrush cleaned and everything prepared to overwhelm the enemy if they attack our camp.
The work of moving such an army of besiegers is no slight one. We have now built over 25 miles of breastwork, of logs and earth, filling three to four feet high, and about four feet thick, rifle pits inside and generally ditching outside. Much of this work is now behind us, and we hope will never be needed, for we build new fortifications as we go, and unless Beauregard and Bragg have heavier guns than we have they must either capitulate or evacuate.
Our army has opened over 200 miles of new road, bridging streams, cleaning off the timber, corduroying swamps, &c. We have a telegraph running all around through the woods from Halleck to each army commander, disturbing no doubt, many an owl and squirrel as the lightning track goes through their nests.
I shall not be surprised any day to see the railroad cars, and hear the whistle of the locomotive tearing through our camp. Such is the power of a grand army that I do not undertake to limit its executive ability, and I believe that Gen. Halleck handles his command with consummate skill. Every move tells in his favor, and no impatient carpet knight at home is half so anxious for a more rapid forward movement as Black (I speak the language of chess,) Beauregard. A checkmate of this rebellion is sure in the southwest in two more moves. Every one praises the gallant conduct of the Iowa 2d Cavalry, at the skirmish of Farmington. "Diff" will of course give you particulars. It gets the greater credit from the fact that hitherto the cavalry has done but little good in this wooden country.
The health of our regiment is now pretty good. Some 200 are absent sick and wounded, and we have lost at (sic) and since the battle of Pittsburg Landing, including the killed, died of wounds and disease there contracted, an aggregate of 40 men. Our assistant Surgeon, Dr. Lloyd, of Iowa City, is a man much liked by the men, and respected by all who know him for his gentlemanly conduct and kind attention to the sick. He serves promotion. Kindness and devotion to the welfare of his men is as honorable in the surgeon as courage and fortitude in the soldier.
The sacred (?) soil of Mississippi is better than that of Tennessee around Pittsburg. The forests are really magnificent, and my conviction is, that free labor, free schools, and free speech would make this wilderness blossom like the rose. We are surprised and pained to hear of the death of our chaplain, Rev. Mr. Whittlesey. He was a good, brave man. He exposed himself freely to danger at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, to aid and relieve the wounded.
Lt. Col. Sanders, of the 16th Iowa, is very poor in appearance as to health but still keeps up his courage, and thinks he is getting better. So of Col. Hall, who has been sick, but is again "on duty." Ira M. Gifford is here, and we were all mightily pleased to see his smiling face among us.-Maj. Van Hosen, of the 13th, and Capt. Foster seem to be bullet proof and sickness proof.
The Daily Gazette
City of Davenport
Tuesday Morning
June 10, 1862;Local Matters
Lt. Col. Hall.-This gallant officer returned home last evening, to recruit his health, being quite feeble. We hope that, with the pure air and genial surroundings of home, Col. H.'s health will soon be mended.
Soldiers Missing.- By reference to "Diff's" letter, on the 2d Cavalry, detailed to destroy the railroad track, are missing. Messrs. Lyman C. Loomis, J. B. Ellis, James Finley, James Kennedy and Jacob Diffendorfer were from Atalissa, Muscatine county, and Charles Hilton and Caleb Sweet were from Iowa City.
Another Old Settler Dead.- Mr. A. A. McLoskey, a citizen of this place and an old settler, died at his residence in East Davenport on Sunday morning last. Mr. McLoskey was well known in this city and county from having acted as Assessor for some years. A notice to the members of the Pioneer Settlers Association will be found in our columns this morning.
Runaway.- A horse, attached to a wagon, in front of Messrs. Kelly's meat shop, ran off last evening and dashed up Brady and down Fourth streets, leaving the wagon body at the corner, and the wheels at Davies' Lumber Yard. At the last accounts, there was no legal evidence of the horse having been caught.
Later.- he was caught in Cooperstown, bound for the far West.Lieut. Flanagan.- Our fellow-citizen, Lt. John Flanagan, Co. B, 2d Iowa Regiment, who, it will be remembered, was mustered out of service for some slight informality, we are informed by Gov. Baker, will soon again be assigned to an honorable position among the Iowa boys.
Second Lieut. Co. B.-Sergeant Frank M. Sulter has been appointed Second Lieutenant of Co. B, 2d regiment, in place of lt. Flanagan. We congratulate Frank on his appointment, and feel that he is every way worthy of it.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Notice.
Pioneer Settlers AssociationMembers of this Association are requested to be present at the funeral of A. A. McLoskey, from his late residence, near Mt. Ida Female College, with badges of the Society, at 2 o'clock this P. M. It was the earnest request of the deceased that he might be attended to his last resting place by the members of this Association, to which he belonged. A full attendance is expected.
W. Barrows, President.
The Daily Gazette
City of Davenport
Tuesday Morning
June 11, 1862Local Matters
The Ladies of St. Luke's Church will give a strawberry Festival at Metropolitan Hall on Friday Evening, June 13th. Admission 10 cents.
Off for the Army.-Eight boys, from 16 to 19 years of age, sons of citizens of Davenport, left here yesterday morning for Chicago, to go into a three months regiment, to guard prisoners. Success to the youngsters.
Col. Percel, of the 10th regiment, arrived in this city night before last. It is reported he has resigned his position as Colonel. We regret that any cause should have induced the Colonel to take this step, and sincerely hope that he may be prevailed on to retain his former position, or to accept one where his services can yet be secured to the country.
Another Brigadier.- Col. Tuttle was on Monday confirmed by the senate as Brigadier General of volunteers, and he is therefore now Gen. Tuttle, Iowa has now one Major General and five Brigadiers, including Gen. Steele, promoted from the Colonelcy of the 8th regiment. There are three Colonelcies of Iowa regiments now vacant-those of 3d, 4th and 5th regiment.
Major Joseph Andrews.-We are in receipt of a letter from this gentleman, Major of the 8th Iowa regiment, written from the residence of his mother at Providence, R. I. The Major it will be remembered, had his horse shot from under him and was afterwards struck by a ball in the neck at the battle of Shiloh. He was sent home, with the remark from the surgeon "he'll die." The Major is not yet able to walk, but he writes his is slowly recovering from his wound.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Fast Time and a Machine for Making It.
A horse and wagon made "smashing" time through Fourth street yesterday, fetching up in Wood's lumber yard, with the wagon in pieces. By the way, the instrument that went up Perry street yesterday morning, attached to a farm wagon, was splendidly calculated to start runaways, better a good deal than locomotives with screeching whistles. It was a portion of a "Buckeye" reaper, and is probably good enough in its place, but isn't along the streets of a town.
Cows Dying.-Dr. Witherwax found his cow lying dead near the old market on Iowa street on Monday evening; cause, too much clover. Mr. Thos. Brockett and Mr. E. Sherman have each lost a cow from the same cause lately. In one of these cases, the unlucky owner had the advice of somewhere about forty individuals, with about forty remedies, but the animal feeling no interest in scientific matters, went on with the dying and finished it up, the forty offering no assistance save their valuable advice.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ The Race
The Democrat of this city has a leader in its yesterday morning's issue commencing with the following assertion:--"The argument made by the higher law-ites of to-day is that the is just as good as a white man, and is worthy of rank and position of equality with the best Circassian (?) stock." He there adds that, "when the Black Republican party was organized it was with the view of drawing its strength from the same doctrine." As many of our Republican citizens patronize the Democrat and permit it to be left at their residences for their wives and children to peruse, for fear the latter, who are not presumed to know much about political matters, attach credit to the assertion of that paper and believe the head of the family to belong to a party of blacks, if not to be actually in favor of a black man for President, we will file one or two exceptions. It always seems to us a waste of time to contradict assertions that every sensible man knows to be false, but yet as people will read them and the uninitiated believe them, it sometimes becomes necessary.
What would have been had he from the beginning been placed under the same enlightening influences that the white man has enjoyed, we leave to the speculations of anthropologists. The question is, what is he now and what is he capable of doing. To admit, that after hundreds of years of enslavement both of body and mind, denied access to every means of mental culture and taught from his earliest infancy that he is of an inferior race, the is now capable of occupying high position in the Government, is to argue that he is naturally of a race superior to the white man. Philanthropists are now taking the from his low estate and arousing his dormant faculties to an appreciation of the truths of the Christian religion. That lies at the foundation of all human knowledge and excellence, and until men and nations learn to appreciate its truths they cannot occupy as high position in the scale of being, or secure to themselves the full amount of happiness that man was destined to enjoy in this state of existence.
The simple circumstance that the most ultra anti-slavery men and women, those who were formerly termed abolitionists, are seeking now to elevate the moral and mental conditions of the , by instilling into his mind the primary principles of education, is proof positive of the absurdity of the position assumed by our erudite neighbor.
The Republican party never sought to draw strength from the doctrine that the was worthy of rank and position in his present condition; or that he is now, or ever was as good, mentally or morally, as the white man. As politicians they viewed the question from a political stand-point. Without reference to the capabilities for even self-government, they saw that his enslavement was a curse to the people that indulged in it. It rested like a mildew upon those States that sanctioned it, blighting the prospects of the people, effeminating their minds, and rooting out the principles of Christianity. All history told them a nation could not live happily with such an incubus preying upon it. They saw the evil was growing continually. Freedom could not keep pace with its advance. So, as a party they planted the stakes; they threw a wall around the curse, and said to the Democratic party, all of the territory outside of this wall is forever dedicated to freedom; we respect your rights within these bounds, our's you must regard without them; henceforth we are two parties, and slavery is the dividing line between us. From that day until now, every political question has been merged in this; like Aaron's rod, it has swallowed up all the rest; and the Republican party is as ready to-day, as in 1856, to meet its opponents, and contend for the abridgement of slavery, or the glorious principles of freedom to all men.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Military Items from Adj't Gen. Baker's Offices
Promotions and Appointments.-Sam'l D. Brodtbeck, late Major of the 12th Iowa Infantry, to be Special Aid-de-Camp to Governor.
Maj. John M. Corse, to be Lieut. Col. Of the 6th Iowa Infantry, vice Cummins.
Capt. John Williams of Co. G, 6th Iowa Infantry, promoted to Major of said regiment, for gallant conduct at the battle of Shiloh, vice Corse, promoted.
Capt. Samuel R. Edgington, Co. A, 15th Iowa Infantry, to be Major of said regiment, vice Brodtbeck, resigned.
Ass't Surgeon Richard J. Mohr, to be Surgeon of the 10th Iowa Infantry, vice Davi resigned.
1st Lieut. W. Dean, to be Capt. Of Co. A, 5th Iowa Infantry, vice Childs resigned.
1st Lieut. Daniel S. Melvin, to be Capt. Co K, 5th Iowa Infantry vice Comstock, mustered out.
1st Lieut. Wesley Moreland, to be Capt. Co. C, 7th Iowa Infantry, vice McMullen promoted.
Serg't Frank M. Suiter, to be 2d Lieut. Co. B, vice Flanagan mustered out.
5d Lieut. Benj. Owen, to be Capt. Co, H. 2d Iowa Cavalry, vice Sanford resigned.
Resignations-Wilson T. Smith, Capt. Co. B, 15th Iowa Infantry, May 23. M. R. Ridreick, 2d Lieut. Co. G, 3d Iowa Infantry, May 23d. Phillip H. Goode, 1st Lieut. Co. F, 15th Iowa Infantry, May 23. Lieut. Col. Thomas Drummond, 4th Iowa Cavalry, to take effect June 2d, 1862. Lieut. A. B. Reyburn, 5th Iowa Infantry, mustered out by order of Gen. Halleck.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Thursday Morning
June 12, 1862Local Matters
Death by Sun-Stroke.-A boy named James McGuire, about five years old, son of Mr. John McGuire, the blind man, living on the bluff, died a few days ago from sun-stroke, as is supposed, received last Friday afternoon. We understand the little fellow had been sun-struck before, which made him susceptible to similar attacks.
Barometer.-Mr. Robert Christie has the agency of Scott county, for Woodruff's barometer, or improved weather indicator. It is the best instrument of the kind manufactured and is furnished at an unusually low price. Every farmer should be provided with one of these instruments, as it will tell him hours before a rain, when the sky is cloudless and not a sign in the heavens to indicate a change of weather, just how soon he may expect rain and thus enable him to be prepared to meet it. It well save its cost in a single season.
A Small Contraband.-A citizen dropped into our sanctum yesterday, with a juvenile contraband of the male species, that he had picked up in a semi starved condition the evening before, and fed and lodged him. The little fellow was a refugee from Missouri, and our friend slyly said, talked just as though he had been reading the Gazette. What tempted a child, almost too young to know the difference between right and wrong, to flee from his home, we know not, but certainly he could not have been an admirer of the practical operations of slavery.
Trinity Church.-From a sermon preached by Rev. Mr. Judd, at Trinity Church, we gather the following statistics: Number of families under the care of the rector 90, comprising 404 individuals, of whom 86 are under six years of age. Of the adults, 128 have been confirmed, most of whom are communicants. There are 148 children in the Sunday school, with 20 teachers, inclusive of officers. The communion alms during the last convention year amounted to $52.33; the parish distributing fund realized $203; $145 has been raised for the Sunday school and choir; and through the liberality of three individuals claims to the amount of $2,442.52 have been donated to the parish. Total of contributions $2, 842. 85, exclusive of pew rents, Sunday collections, and valuable gifts to the rector and his family. This exhibits a healthy condition of affairs in one of the oldest religious societies in the city.
Died.-At Fort Haskins, Benton Co, Oregon, April 4th of typhoid pneumonia, Arthur C., aged 4 years and 28 days only son of H. and S. A. Carpenter, formerly of Blue Grass, Scott Co, Iowa.
Dr. H. Carpenter.-This gentleman, so long a resident of Blue Grass, in this county, is now, as is known, a citizen of Oregon. In a recent letter to Dr. Tomson, of this city, he says he has visited the best portion of Oregon, and greater part of California, and his conclusion is, "There is no better country than Scott county." He would advise all who are doing well here not to go to the pacific coast to better their condition. Mechanics and laborers, however, do well there.
The Doctor is acting assistant surgeon of the army, and is stationed at Fort Haskins, about eighty miles south-west of Portland. He is also physician for a tribe of Indians, numbering 2, 700 in all, who give him plenty to do, and pay him well. He recently extracted an arrow-head from the shoulder of an Indian, who had carried it three years. He sends it, under the care of Dr. Tomson, to the county medical society, with whom he expresses the hope of re-uniting. The death of Dr. C.'s only boy, noticed in another part of this paper, seems to have turned his thoughts more towards his old home, and we should not be surprised, from the tone of his letter to hear that he had concluded to return.
The Daily Gazette
City of Davenport
Friday Morning
June 13, 1862Local Matters
Arm Broken.-Mr. Nathaniel Squires, while trying to stop a runaway horse Wednesday evening, in East Davenport, had his right arm broken. He was properly cared for.
A Call.-We were favored with a call yesterday, in our absence, from Mr. Upham, the "local" of Muscatine Journal, who came up with the excursionists on the Ad Hine. Come again, friend Upham, and stay a little longer, and we'll try to be on hand.
Excursion to Muscatine.-Thirty of forty couples of young people went to Muscatine, on the Ad Hine, on Wednesday evening to enjoy the delightful moonlight, see the eclipse, and to have a good sociable time. They had a very pleasant time, and returned yesterday morning at an early hour.
Off for the Army.-Lieutenant Benton, Co. B, 8th regiment, left for Gen Halleck's army on Wednesday. Lt. Byng, of Co. C, 2d regiment, left yesterday. Both of these officers have recovered their health, and are now ready to resume active service. Capt. Egbert, Co. C, 2d cavalry, and Mr. Wm. H. H. Sutliff, of Co. C, 2d Infantry, will leave today for the army.
Personal.-We had a call yesterday from Mr. James Donnell, formerly of the LeClaire and DeWitt Journal, and more recently of this city. He informs us that he has been in Uncle Sam's service since leaving here, being a private in the 1st Michigan regiment, in the three month's term, and subsequently captain in the same regiment. He has since left the army and is now on his way to Burlington, looking for a location.
The 8th Iowa Prisoners.-Letters were received here night before last, form Messrs. Orlando B. Finke and Matthew Hender, soldiers of the 8th regiment, recently released from confinement by the secesh, and now at Nashville. They tell of having endured much hardship since their capture. They were taken to Memphis, thence to Tuscaloosa, Selins, Milledgeville, and other places. Their treatment generally was pretty rough, but they give no details. They were released upon taking an oath not to take up arms against the South till legitimately exchanged. They are, however, still prisoners, and are confined at Nashville, and will remain so till exchanged. But, as Mr. Finke says, they would rather be Uncle Sam's prisoners than in the hands of the amiable secesh. They anticipate, when exchanged, a short furlough, so that they may see their friends before re-entering the service. They expect to leave for St. Louis soon.
Mr. Hender says that before the regiment was surrounded and taken, they had made four successful charges on the enemy. They were told, after their capture, that an Alabama regiment, which had attempted to take the battery which the 8th had the care of, had only eighteen men uninjured at the close of the day. All of Co. B (Capt. Cleaveland) are released. Mr. Wm. Platts, who was wounded at Shiloh and taken prisoner, is among the released, and is entirely recovered.
Penniless Soldier.-We were called upon early yesterday by a wounded soldier for money to assist him in reaching Dubuque, where he said his parents resided. He showed us a furlough stating his name to be John Kinney, a private in the 16th U.S. Infantry. We do not suppose that any of our best officers would refuse him deck passage to Dubuque and so told him. His reply was that he didn't like to ask them! We suggested to him that that would be less objectionable than going around the streets begging pittances to help him along. He coincided in the suggestion and concluded to try it. Imposters in soldier's garb will be very common for some time to come, and as this is a central point measures should be adopted to send home the genuine defenders of our country who reach here penniless, unable to prosecute their journey for want of means.
The Daily Gazette
City of Davenport
Monday Morning
June 16, 1862Sick and Wounded.-The steamer Empress left Pittsburg Landing on the 4th Inst., with five hundred sick and wounded soldiers on their way to different hospitals. Among them we find the following from Scott county companies, viz: D. Miclot, Co. B, 2d regiment; J. H. Woods, Co. B, 16th; and Wm. W. Gerden, Co. C, and L. W. Coleman, Co. E, 2d cavalry.
Returned.-Rev. C. G. Vanderveer arrived on the eastern train Saturday evening. We are pleased to know that he is in good health, though he looks as if he had seen something of war, as he truly has. Mr. Vanderveer has resigned the chaplaincy of the Eight, and his resignation has been accepted. HE will now resume his pastoral charge of the Reformed Dutch Church of this city, where he will preach this morning at half past ten o'clock.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ A Davenport Soldier is Taken Prisoner and Escapes.-We make the following extract from a letter written by P. M. McGuire to his father, James McGuire, Esq., giving an account of his capture, forced travels in Secessia, and final escape from the rebels. Mr. McGuire belongs to Co. A., Curtis' Horse, and although a young man, is an old citizen of this place. His letter is dated Fort Hieman, June 5th.
"I have arrived back safe to my company after nearly three months' imprisonment. I was taken prisoner at Paris, Tenn. On the 11th of March; from there was taken to Humboldt, from there to Memphis, from there to Columbus, Miss.; from there to a little town in Louisiana; from there to Mobile, Ala.; from there to Tuscaloosa, Ala.; from there I made my escape on the night of the 6th of May, after cutting my way out through a brick wall. I traded my uniform for a secesh uniform, and part of the time traveled as a Confederate soldier, and a part of the time I kept in the timber, killed young hogs and roasted them, and eat them without salt or bread. I finally got to our forces across the river from Decatur, Ala. Gen Mitchell's division; from there to Shelbyville by wagon train; from there to Louisville, by way of Bowling Green and Nashville; by cars from Louisville down the Ohio to Paducah, and up the Tennessee river by steamboat, and arrived here on the 3d inst."
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ A Day for Runaways.-A span of fine bay horses attached to a wagon belonging to Robert Murray, came tearing down Second street Saturday afternoon and turned up Brady. Here they came in contact with a wagon belonging to Mr. Henley, which was upset and broken, the horses starting off on a race with the wheels. Next they struck the strawberry wagon of Mr. Munson and upset his berries. At the corner of Third street they were arrested in their mad career by a young man, who periled his life and lost his breeches in the act, and was afterwards rewarded by Mr. Murray with the sum of two dollars, which would scarcely replace the badly dislocated unmentionable. Henley's team is running yet, if not stopped, as they were making good time when last seen. Mr. Murray was not fined for his part in the transaction as he assured the Marshal he had left his horses hitched.
Another team, belonging to Mr. Calderwood, started from opposite LeClaire Block, on Second street, Saturday afternoon, and dashed down that street at a flying rate. A person who undertook to arrest their progress was thrown down and narrowly escaped being run over. The team knocked down the lamp in front of the bank, which has been standing useless a number of years, but was soon to be used for illumination.
The wagon of the U.S. Express Co. was run off with Saturday morning, caused by the horse taking fright, and the express messenger was thrown partly under the horse, but escaped without serious injury, though almost by a miracle. The horse was stopped before he had gone far.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Local Matters
Recovering.-We were pleased to see Adj't George McCosh riding out yesterday. He has much improved under the judicious care of Dr. Gibson, but is still feeble. He will soon, however, we hope, be completely restored to health.
Dead Soldiers.-The following deaths of Iowa soldiers occurred in the Keokuk hospital at the dates mentioned: June 11th, J. W. Guthrie, co. B, 15th regiment; 13, H. LeValley, Co. A, 17th regiment, and A. C. Scrivens, Co. A, 15th regiment.
A Little boy from Davenport, named Wm. Grovenberry, was taken from the Kate Cassel and sent home yesterday. Not being satisfied with his residence, it appears he took French leave. A telegram from his parents to the Marshal made the thing all right, however.-Muscatine Journal.
More Cows Dying.-Mr. John A. Guy, of East Davenport, lost a fine Devon heifer a few days since from "bloat," or the swelling that follows eating white clover. We have heard of several others dying recently from the same cause. Although many sovereign remedies are known for this complaint, yet sometimes, as in this case, they die before aid reaches them. We should think someone would discover a remedy for a disease so common.
Sick Soldiers.-Mrs. Wittenmyer, in a letter to the Soldiers' Aid Society of Keokuk, says, that owing to the distance necessary to transport the sick, the army being so far from the Tennessee river, none but those laboring under chronic difficulties will be removed, and it is the intention to send such cases as far north as hospital facilities will allow, 'Keokuk,' she adds, 'is put down for 1,000 and Davenport 800.' It may be that that hospital boat, so often referred to, may yet visit us.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Proceedings of the Board of Education.
Saturday, June 14, 1862.Board met, the President in the chair, and all the members present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurer made the following report:
Received from Co. Treasurer from taxes of:
1858 $2.00 1859 $8.90 1860 $181.68 1861 $859.32 Total $1,051.90 The following report was presented form the Superintendent of City School Schools., Mr. A. S. Kissell, and referred to the committee on teachers and salaries.
To the Board of Directors Dis. City of Davenport:
Gentlemen:--I herewith recommend the following teachers, at the named salaries per month, for the year 1862-63;
High School-Mr. Gustavus Heinrichs, $35. Miss Hannah T. Phillips, $35.
Grammar School #1-Mr. F. M. Witter, $40; Miss M. S. Tripp, $30.
District School #2--Miss Sarah F. Bennett, $25, Miss Cornelia McCarn, $30.
District School No. 4-Mr. A. H. Brooks, $35; Miss Agnes Norval, $30; Miss Sarah J. Timanus, $25.
District School No. 6-Mr. Jas. A. Ryan, $30.
Grammar School No. 2-Miss P. W. Sudlow, $40; Mrs. R. Hacke, $30.
District School No. 3-Miss Selina M. Bradwhaw, $25; Miss Frank J. Fidlar, $20; Miss Mary A. Johnson, $30.
District School No. 1-Mr. Geo. W. Tallman, $40; Miss Julia Humphrey, $25; Miss Lizzie B. Allen, $20.
District School No. 5-Mrs. Mary E. Culbertson, $35; Miss Ellen L. Cook, $25.
Respectfully submitted,
A.S. Kissell, Supt. City Schools.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Tuesday Morning
June 17, 1862Local Matters
Improvement.-Mr. Israel Hall is replacing the plank sidewalk in front of his residence, with a brick pavement. May his example be generally followed.
Brownlow's Book.-Mr. G. H. Thompson, agent for Parson Brownlow's book, informs us that he has sold one hundred copies of the Parson's life in this city and vicinity. If every other point does as well the publishers will have made a good thing of it.
District Court
Hon. John F. Dillon, Judge. Ira M. Gifford, Clerk.
Monday, June 16, 1862
Court opened at 9 o'clock A.M.
The Court called the Criminal docket.
6,886. State of Iowa vs. Robert Moore, Defendant filed his plea of guilty of petit larceny. 6,889. State vs. G. H. Sutton et. Al. Stricken from docket. 6,914. State vs. John Helser. Dismissed on payment of cost. 6,916. State vs. A. C. Best. Continued.-order for a capias. 7,007. State vs. Lafayette Franks. Defendant called-no answer; bond forfeited and order for a scite tacias. 7,090. State vs. Christopher Cullen. To be tried. 7,150. State vs. Ann Burns. Dismissed on payment of costs. 7,158. State vs. John Johnson-assault and battery. Defendant pleads guilty; fined $10 and costs. 7,161. State vs. Franklin Ball-assault and battery. Continued at defendant's cost. 7,170. State vs. Jane Ward-vagrancy-Dismissed on payment of costs. 7,171. State vs. Cyrns Keider. Dismissed on payment of costs. 7,175. State vs. A. Tully.-vagrancy. Dismissed on payment of costs. 7,177. State vs. F. Asendorf. Dismissed on payment of costs. 7,191. State vs. H. Wilhelm. Continued at defendant's instance and costs.
The list of civil cases was then resumed.
Alfred Churchill vs. James Thorington.-Trial by jury. Cook & Drury for pltff.; Dow and Brown for Deft. The examination of witnesses in this case was finished to-day and will be argued before the jury to-morrow. Court adjourned at 6 o'clock p.m. till 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Released Prisoners-Their Treatment by the Rebels.-We have been handed two letters from released prisoners now at Nashville, one from Mr. O. K. Fluke, the other from Mr. John Rager, both of this county,--from these letters, by permission, we make an abstract of the adventures of the prisoners. They were made prisoners, as is known, towards the close of the first day of the Pittsburgh fight. They were marched across the field at the point of the bayonet to their camping place for the night, and reached Corinth next afternoon, and Memphis Tuesday evening. About 12 o'clock that night they each received two hard crackers, the first food they had had since Sunday morning.-From Memphis they went by railroad to Mobile, and thence to Tuscaloosa by steamboat, at which place they arrived on the 15th of April. They were treated tolerably well while on the cars, and were met by crowds of citizens, who were anxious to see "live Yankees." They remained at Tuscaloosa till May 15th. While there, the ration to each man was a piece of corn bread, five inches long, two inches wide, and one and a half thick, every day; and small piece of boiled beef, or mule meat, a plate of beans, a cup of rice and three tablespoonfuls of molasses every other day.
After they had "dwindled down to almost nothing," they were taken back to Mobile, and thence to Montgomery; where they were paroled. They then went east to West Point and Atlanta, and thence to Chattanooga, Tenn., where they remained a couple of days. Afterwards they took the cars to Bridgeport, on the Tennessee river, under a flag of truce, about thirty miles to the national lines. Mr. Fluke says, "I tell you there was then a set of glad boys: how we cheered and shouted when we saw the glorious stars and stripes!" Arrived at Huntsville, they got something to eat for the first time since they left our lines; the coffee, too, was very welcome, for they got none of it in the Confederacy, because as far as they know or could hear of, that interesting portion of creation hadn't any coffee, but used instead rye and wheat "coffee." From Huntsville they marched eighty miles to Columbia and there took the cars to Nashville. At the conclusion of his letter Mr. Fluke says:
"I don't think the South can stand it much longer: they have not enough to eat. Their soldiers are living very poorly and they are pressing men into their army now. I have seen lots of rebel soldiers, who told me they were forced into the service."
"They have neither silver nor gold at all, and instead use bills of from five cents to one dollar in each town; and they won't pass from one town to another."
The following portion is the form of oath which the paroled prisoners subscribed: "I do hereby solemnly swear and pledge my most sacred word of honor, that I will not, during the existing war between the Confederate States and the United States of America, bear arms, or aid and abet the enemies of said Confederate States or their friends, either directly or indirectly in any form whatsoever, until regularly exchanged or released."
The Daily Gazette
Monday Morning
June 30, 1862Local Matters
A Soldier Dead.-A soldier named Lamon arrived here last Wednesday morning, sick with chronic diarrhoea. He was conveyed to his home in the northern part of the county, where he died Saturday morning. The deceased was a brother-in-law of Mr. Skiles, of Conrad Grove, and a member of the Sixteenth Regiment.
First Shipment from Memphis.-Mr. George Yapp, of this city, arrived yesterday morning from Memphis, where he has been since before the war. He brought with him six hogsheads of N. O. sugar, the first shipment of any kind received here from Memphis since the blockade began. Mr. Yapp's family, we are told, had not heard from him in a year.
Dr. Asa Morgan.-We met this gentleman, surgeon of the Iowa 7th regiment, in our city a day or two since on his return home. After following this heroic regiment through its brilliant engagements, he has at length been obliged on account of persistent ill health, to resign his commission and return to his home at DeWitt. Dr. Morgan is an indefatigable, hard-working physician and it will be difficult to supply his loss to the regiment.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Melancholy Case of Drowning.-On Saturday morning, Mr. Fritz Bloomer, a workman at Mr. G. K. Bard's mill, while at work on a raft in front of the mill, discovered the body of a man in the water. At once procuring assistance he got it out, and conveyed it ashore, where it was recognized as the body of Mr. Thomas Temple, gardener, residing near the corner of Main and Fourth streets, whither it was at once conveyed. The coroner held an inquest on the body during the afternoon, Messrs. C. S. Ackley, William Trout, and G. G. Hickox being the jury. We give the more important part of the testimony below.
Mary Ann Temple, wife of deceased-Saw her husband last on Wednesday morning, she went away from home that morning, leaving him there; he was absent on her return in the evening; he never slept away from home except occasionally a night; since the opening of spring he had drank more than usual; he had had a small dog, which he frequently played with and fondled, and which subsequently went mad; at that time, Mr. T. had a blister on his hand, through which he fancied some virus had entered his system, and worried a great deal about it. Mr. Temple was 43 years old last March, and was married nineteen years ago in England. He seemed to be out of his mind. She had no reason to suppose he had destroyed himself; they lived happily.
John J. Temple, son of deceased, 18 years old-Saw my father about 9 o'clock Wednesday evening; talked with him about half an hour; he was sober then; said he would be home in a quarter of an hour; he took supper that evening at home; my father was afraid he might go mad; he was in the habit of crossing the river by both ferry and bridge.
James Humphrey-Saw deceased on Wednesday night about 12 o'clock in John Cortis' saloon; took a drink with him; he appeared under the influence of liquor; left him at the saloon.
J. Cortis-Mr. Temple was in the saloon for half an hour after Mr. Humphrey left, said he had to go to Mr. Oliver's next day; was intoxicated when he left; saw him start towards home.
R. D. Congdon-Known Mr. Temple since 1856 or '57; saw him Thursday afternoon; thinks it was in rear of Cortis' saloon; is not sure it was not Friday, but thinks it was Thursday.
L. Grubbs-Saw Mr. Temple on Thursday morning in my shop; I shaved him; he was sober at that time; have not seen him since; he told me he went over the river on Wednesday.
The jury returned a verdict of death by accidental drowning.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Democratic County Convention
This body assembled at the court House Saturday afternoon, for the purpose of re-electing delegates to their various conventions.
Mr. A. H. Davenport, of LeClaire, was chosen chairman, and Mr. J. W. Van Hosen, of Davenport, secretary. R. D. Congdon, W. L. Clark, and Jas. W. Clark were appointed committee on credentials. Seven townships were represented. Allen's Grove, Cleona, Liberty, Blue Grass, and Rockingham had no regular delegates. Persons present were allowed to represent Blue Grass and Rockingham. A motion was adopted to admit as delegates any persons present, known to be 'sound,' belonging to Allen's Grove, Liberty or Cleona township; but owing to the scarcity of Democrats in those townships the invitation was extended in vain.
The following delegates were elected to the Congressional Convention. Chas. E. Putnam, Otho S. Mason, J. W. Churchill, Thos. Dermody, H. M. Wetherbee, Simon Barr, G. G. Dennis, Frank Plumer, R. Smetham, Jas. E. Burnsides, Wm. T. Ditloe, George Murray, George H. Parker, G. W. Baker, John Madden, John F. Newman, and Jas. Hogarty. Having now more than was wanted, a motion was made to add the whole county convention, but it was not passed. The following were appointed to the State Convention; D. N. Richardson, Benj. Painter, Frank Plumer, T. T. Dwight, John D. Evans, John F. Newman, Peter Kirker, Chas. P. Disney, M. D. Youman, David S. True, Isaac M. Talmage, Jabez A. Birchard, G. C. R. Mitchell, C. M. Lewis, James Grant and W. L. Clark.
The delegates to the convention were allowed to choose substitutes.
The convention was dissolved.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Keokuk, June 28, 1862
Ed. Davenport Gazette: Will you please insert the enclosed list of articles needed in hospitals, in your paper and greatly oblige.
Lucretia Knowles, Cor. Sec'y Sol. Aid Society, Keokuk.To the Soldiers Aid Societies of Iowa:
The following is a list of articles needed in hospitals which are not supplied by Government, or not furnished in sufficient quantities to meet the demand: Bed sacks, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, comforts or quilts, socks, blankets, bandages and rags, dressing gowns, slippers, towels, handkerchiefs, shirts, drawers, codfish, dried beef, green tea, nutmegs, sponges, combs, crackers, eggs, butter, dried and canned fruit, cheese, pickles, cordials, prunes, wines, jellies, pepper, white sugar, lemons, oranges, fine soap, pins, needle books, brooms, wash bowls, tincups, reading matter.
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