Civil War Era Newspaper Items - September 1862
Contributed by Elaine Rathmann
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Monday Morning
September 1, 1862White Slavery.
A Correspondent writing from Helena, Arkansas, says:
I was greatly surprised the other day by the declaration of a person with whom I had been conversing in the post office of this place, when, in reply to a suggestion of mine about his loyalty, he answered, "Why, my dear Sir, I am a slave. I belong to Dr.____," I looked in his face, unable to believe my own eyes. His complexion was whiter than my own; his eyes a blue gray; his hair and features Caucasian; his language free from dialect. I asked him again, "Is it possible that you are a slave? Why don't you go North and claim the privileges of a free man?" He answered, I have a wife and children, and I don't want to go till I can take them with me. I have been allowed by my master to enjoy a measure of freedom, and to possess a little property of my own. As soon as I can realize something of this property I intend, while the opportunity exists, to secure the freedom of myself and family."
Our conversation had commenced upon a written document which he had been showing me, and which he could read as well as myself. When he left me I wondered greatly that such a man, at least 40 years of age, evidently a gentleman and a Christian, could be held a slave, and another white man be allowed to take his wages for naught in a Christian community. And then I remembered that the modern doctrine of the South, as taught by the Richmond Enquirer and other expounders of the system, is that slavery is not based upon complexion or race, but that capital should own labor, and the best condition of society is that in which the entire laboring population are slaves. This is the doctrine on which the leaders of this rebellion are striving to establish a Southern Confederacy, and thousands of laboring men in the South are blindly led to give it their aid by fighting against the Government of their fathers from mere sectional hatred and prejudice.
When the rebellion shall be crushed and the South opened to free institutions and a higher civilization, the people who will be most benefited by the change are those who are now, by conscription and ignorance, arrayed in battle against us. May God speed the day when their eyes shall be opened, and they shall be able to discern between light and darkness!
Indian Troubles in Northern Iowa.
Des Moines, August 29.We have nothing further from the reported Indian troubles in the northern part of the State. It is believed that the first reports were greatly exaggerated. The following letter is all that can be reliably traced.
Estherville, Iowa, August 27.
C. B. Richards, Fort Dodge:I write to inform you concerning the matters up this way. The whole settlement up at Jackson have just arrived-frightened off by the Indians. The facts are those: A Boy came in from the settlement to Jackson, wounded in the arm by a bullet, quite badly. He stated that the Indians came to his father's house and commenced killing hogs. He was frightened, and ran pursued by an Indian, who fired upon and wounded him. He succeeded in eluding his pursuer, and is now here. He heard firing after he left and thinks that his parents are murdered, and the Jackson folks think the whole settlement above Belmont, numbering nearly fifty persons, are murdered. I hope it will not prove as bad as that. That there is bad work up there I have no doubt. Could you not raise a company and come to our aid? I have been here five years, but this is the first alarming report I have heard from the Indians. The people up this way have cried 'wolf' so often, that now the wolf has come in earnest, I fear people up your way will be slow in coming to our aid.
--Jenkins, Postmaster, Estherville, Iowa.
Gen. Baker has sent arms and ammunition from Davenport to Fort Dodge, to be used for defense.
Doctors Certificates.-Divers doctors, lawyers, etc., in town got their certificates of disability yesterday, yet not one of them would refuse to be regimental Surgeon or a Colonel if they had a chance. At this rate not a thousand able bodied men will be left in Dubuque to stand the draft.-Dubuque Times.
A gentleman informs us that so far as he can ascertain not a single member of the legal profession at Dubuque has enlisted in the war. There is certainly no class of community that can better be spared.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Tuesday Morning
September 2, 1862Local Matters.
Fire.-The alarm of fire last evening came from Metropolitan Hall. A smoke was seen to come from under the stage, near the foot lights, just after opening the hall, when only a few persons had assembled. A few buckets of water put out the fire, before it had done any damage worth speaking of. It is supposed to have originated from a leak in the gas pipe.
Female Compositors.-So many printers have volunteered in the service of their country that there is a deficiency to supply the demand. Some offices are beginning to employ females in that capacity. The Muscatine Journal has got one printer of that gender and is intending to get more. As compositors, females are quite equal to the males and we see no reason why they should not be even more skillful in the use of their fingers. The only objection we ever heard to their employment was, that they used their tongues rather freely.
County Bounty.-the first of the new soldier's bounty warrants were printed last Saturday, and the press has been kept busy ever since working them off. A large force has been employed for the last two days filling up the blanks and getting them ready for issuing. An effort is being made to dispose of as many as possible at par, and yesterday $3,000 were realized in this way. We would like to see the whole $30,000 or thereabout taken, if possible. It is a duty we owe the soldiers, and it is the most practicable way many can aid the cause, especially those who from physical disability cannot enter the filed themselves.
Returned from Minnesota.-The families of Daniel Grace and Bennett Thompson, who left Allen's Grove last spring for Minnesota, arrived in town yesterday on their way to their old home. They had settled in Nicollet county, about twelve miles from New Ulm and fifteen from St. Peter's. Before they left home, they heard the Indians were only two miles off, plundering and massacring all in their families to their former home. They had a large amount of stock on their on their farm. After leaving, they met a man who had seen their place pretty well cleaned out.
Struck by Lightning.-The house on the corner of LeClaire and Ninth streets, occupied by Mr. J. W. Stewart, was struck by lightning during the thunder shower early Sunday morning. The lightning tore through the brick wall of the house, and entered the sleeping room of Mr. Stewart about five feet from the head of the bed, and tearing down the wall, struck the gas pipe, along which it went out of the room. The plaster, at the place where the lightning entered, was scattered all around the room, a mirror on the opposite side being shivered to pieces, while the furniture and carpet were covered with the rubbish. Fortunately no one was hurt, although Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and their two children were in the room at the time. There was a lightning-rod on the house with several points, the lightning striking the house about six feet from the rod. No trace of the lightning could be found after it left the room, nor of its leaving the house or entering the ground. The brick wall where it entered the house, which is very thick, was torn away for several feet. Altogether, it was a very singular freak of lightning.
Off For the camp!-Lieut. Col. Gifford left yesterday morning for our army at Corinth. He takes with him a large and choice supply of hospital stores, contributed from all parts of the country. He is accompanied by Hon. Homer S. Finley Esq., whose experience in handling fruit and vegetables will be invaluable. Mr. Theodore Holm goes along, also, on behalf of the German benevolent association. The prospect is, all of them will have enough to do. The confidence of the people in col. Gifford's doing the matter in good style, and that the wants of our soldiers, under his management, will soon be relieved, ah caused a great abundance of material to be offered by our farmers. Persons desiring to correspond with him at this place in reference to the he business in which he is engaged, will please direct their letters to Dr. Thos. J. Saunders, who will take care that such information as is desired, shall be transmitted. All goods from Davenport will be shipped by Mr. R. M. Prettyman, care of Partridge & Co., St. Louis.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ List of Names of Capt. Torrey's Company
Dolphus Torrey, Alphonso H. Brooks, Charles E. Squiers, George W. Thompson, Rufus L. Blair, Thomas F. Allen, John L. Bell, Gabriel Shirringer, Seth Cumins, Harrison Bird, Wm. H. Cook, Thomas Brockett, Jacob S. Surbey, M. Crawford Neely, John C. Kinkead, Wm. T. McLaughlin, Isaac Patterson, William Parmelee, Stephen Lorton, Charles Asher, Benj. F. Baughman, Jas. K. P. Baker, James Bishop, Thomas J. Bradley, Sullivan Hutt, John William Howe, Samuel W. Jones, Jonathan Kirkner, John W. Kimball, David Honse, Peter Lenmer, Samuel Lorton, Moses H. Miller, John North, James H. Owens, Joseph N. Parker, Theodore Plummer, John Paul, Avery A. Perry, Nathan A. Rambo, Augustus Reading, Peter Remine, David Ross, Aaron Lambert, Andrew J. Lindsay, William A. Akely, Eraiza A. Bennett, Sylvester Barber, William A. Carter, John B. Coons, Williwam M. Coles, Wm. E. Davis, Harlan Durand, Amos Fenno, Fames Forber, LeClaire Fulton, Charles M. Golden, Thomas Grant, Eli G. Gooden, Thomas M. Granfell, Charles H. Gardner, Eli S. Green, Jos. F. Heath, Charles Hawley, Edmund Lee Hunt, Walter J. L. Hunt, Anderson S. Harding, Amos F. Hoops, Lames C. Hers, Luellen A. Hawley, Samuel D. Risley, John E. Robeson, Madison M. Stuart, Frederick Seitz, Phillip Schneider, Joseph E. Stewart, Geo. W. Slade, John R. Stratton, Isaac Stathem, John A. Tisdale, John R. Williamson, Ira S. Wisner, Maxwell K. Walker, Noice A. Wooden, William W. Warrick, William B. Williams, Alexander A. Watson, Albert C. Van Epps, Wm. H. H. Van Epps, James Parmele, John W. Remine, Leonard R. McCulloch, Gideon Nickols, George W. Alter, John W. Jennings.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Married
On the 31st ult., at the Parsonage of M. E. Church, by the Rev. Landon Taylor, Mr. Wm. J. Johnson and Miss Lizzie Bentley, all of this city.
On the 1st inst., John Fearing, infant son of George W. Fearing Aged 6 months and 9 days. The funeral will take place to-morrow, (Tuesday) at Mr. Henry Randall, corner of Six and LeClaire streets. The friends of the family are invited to attend.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport Iowa
Wednesday Morning
September 3, 1862Local Matters.
Death of a Soldier.-Dr. J. D. Hummer, of Co. C, 17th regiment, died in camp near Jacinto, on the 17th ult. He enlisted as a private in the above company and was afterwards appointed Ward Master, which position he held at the time of his death.
Iowa's Quotas Full.-It has been ascertained that the quota of Iowa troops, under the two recent calls, is full. There is now, therefore, nothing required, but to fill the old regiments, and this should be done as speedily as possible.
Lively Appearance.-The city presented an unusually lively appearance yesterday.-People came in from all parts of the county to see their friends and acquaintances among the soldiers, and the camp was crowded with them all day. In the afternoon, music was obtained and dancing and general enjoyment ruled the hour. Since the arrival of the regiment here, matrimony has carried off three or four of the soldiers, and may do so with some more of them before the regiment gets away. They will be here at least a day or two longer.
"Exemption."-From the crowds that gather around the office of our friend J. W. Thompson, Esq., every day, our citizens must not confined to this city; witness the following from the Burlington Hawkeye:--
"Go it ye Cripples."-So great was the crowd of unsound men at the office of the examining surgeon, Saturday, that they came near breaking down the building. The weight was so great and the business so lively that the plastering gave way below and the floor came near to following it.The Exempts.-Between three and four hundred persons have applied to Commissioner Thompson for exemption from military duty. The mode of operation is as follows: the application is made and signed by the applicant, and if for disability an order is given for exemption by the surgeon. If not a citizen, the following questions are asked under oath: Where were you born? When did you emigrate to the United States? Where have you resided since? Have you ever voted, or exercised the rights of citizenship? Have you ever been naturalized?
Lint Societies.-By reference to the Gazette of yesterday morning, the little girls of our city will find a direct appeal made to them from the Surgeon General of the United States, that they revive their lint societies and go to work to pick lint for the poor wounded soldiers. Just to think, hundreds and thousands of soldiers, the brothers and fathers of little girls like yourselves, now suffering anguish from their bleeding wounds, when a little lint might stop the flow of blood and help to relieve their pain. Go to work little girls and pick lint-it will all be needed, more than your industrious fingers can supply.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Roster of the Twentieth Regiment.
Colonel - Wm. McE. Dye
Lieut. Col. _______
Adjutant - Constant S. Lake
Quartermaster - Jasper H. Rice.
Surgeon - Henry Ristine.
1st Asst. Surgeon -------
2nd Asst. Surgeon -------
Chaplain - Uriah Eberhart.
Serg't. Major - Fred E. Starke.
Quartermaster Serg't - Patrick Gaffney.
Commissary Serg't - Joseph S. Lake
Hospital Steward - Lockwood J. Center.
Drum Major - John Delong.Co. A - Captain Ellsworth N. Bates; 1st Lieut. Charles L. Drake, 2d Lieut. Joseph C. McClellan.
Co. B - Captain, Edward Coulter, 1st Lieut. James M. Dennison, 2d Lieut. Daniel Cavin.
Co. C - Captain, Mark L. Thompson, 1st Lieut. Harrison Oliver, 2d Lieut. Robert M. Lytle.
Co. D - Captain, Dolphus Torrey, 1st Lieut. Alphonso H. Brooks, 2d Lieut. Charles E. Squires.
Co. E. - Captain, Chester Barney, 1st Lieut. John G. G. Cavendish, 2d Lieut. Edward E. Davis.
Co. F - Captain, N. M. Hubbard, 1st Lieut. William Corbett, 2d Lieut. Monson M. Crosby.
Co. G - Captain, Joseph B. Leake, 1st Lieut. Charles Altman, 2d Lieut. John B. Parcell.
Co. H - Captain Rufus H. Lucore, 1st Lieut. Joseph J. Hollan, 2d Lieut. Wilson Wighton.
Co. I - Captain, Charles C. Cook, 1st Lieut. James W. Carver.
Co. K - Captain, Sylvanus B. Byam, 1st Lieut. Elijah Stone, 2d Lieut. Elias Taylor.
Cos. C, D, E, G, and K are Scott county companies, and the rest are from Linn county.
The Daily Gazette
Thursday Morning
September 4, 1862From the 2d Iowa Cavalry
Camp Near Rienza, Miss
August 26, 1862Editor Gazette:--Cannot and will not our Provost marshal pass an order against the selling of Liquors to soldiers? This evil is growing to be a serious one and is leading to constant broils in the streets. One soldier of the 20th regiment, had his head cut open at one of these dens on Front street, yesterday and turned out into the street beastly drunk.
Yours &c, Citizen.Painful Accident.-Mr. Jacob Litzen, of this city while driving a horse and buggy down to the ferry-boat at Rock Island yesterday, was thrown from his buggy, and his shoulder broken in three places, and his collar bone broken. He was brought over and conveyed to his home on Third street, near Iowa, insensible. Dr. Olshausen attended him and dressed his wounds. The accident caused by the horse taking fright at some bales of wool on the levee, and starting upsetting the buggy, which fell on top of Mr. Litzen. He has a large family, to whom this accident is a serious blow.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Friend Sanders:--I wrote you hastily last night of yesterday's proceeding, and to-night give you to-days. The regiments started out at daylight this morning, taking different roads; the Iowa 2d took the Kossuth road and penetrated some ten miles beyond Kossuth, twenty miles from camp, but found no foe.
The 7th Kansas, on a different road were fired on from an ambush and had five killed and several wounded. They sent to the 2d Iowa, some five miles distant, and they came at the top of their speed, but could find nary secesh.
Last night in a house near the guerrillas arms were found, and that house soon became an ash heap. To-day one near this bloody scene met a similar fate. Does any of your Iowa Vallandigham candidates think this too cruel, to our "Southern brethren?" What say Augustus Caesar Dodge, Jones, Thayer, &c? If you don't like it gentlemen, please step down this way, head the column of the 2d Iowa cavalry through Mississippi jungles, and as your "southern brethren extend their greeting, advocate to them your "peace policy." I might extend to you that invitation gentlemen, personally, but in behalf of the 2d cavalry, ask pardon, they prize their reputation too high, to be caught in such company, even in Mississippi swamps.
I think what our country needs at this time is a regiment of Butlers, make them all major Generals, and if some of them have their headquarters in cities not far from even Iowa, some might get their just deserts.
There will probably be some work done in this country this fall, probably some thrashing done on a larger scale and with larger machines than are used in Iowa, though our State has a life interest in the massive one improvised for this occasion.
I am not a "Major General," and have not yet determined that I ever will be. But if I were, there are some thing I wouldn't do and yet again there are some things I would do. And to keep from getting things mixed I'd do one thing first, and that would be this. As we swept onward in our march, I would say to every man between fifteen and sixty, we are Union men, we are living for the Union, we are fighting for the Union, and if necessary we will die for the Union. If you are a good Union man, here is a musket; join the hosts of freedom, fight for yourself, for your suffering family, for your country and your God. If he chose the "starry emblem" for his banner, we would greet him as a brother, and believe him a union man. Did he demur, I would say, we know no neutral ground, flee quickly to your master's domains, and share the fate of the traitor crew. But lest I say something harsh, I'll adjourn sine die. -- Diff.
The 16th of Iowa Regiment on Duty
The following is an extract from a private letter received from an officer in the 16th Iowa regiment, now near Bolivar, Tenn., dated August 31st.-
The 16th were ordered out Friday afternoon to get ready with three days rations and all their teams, to march to Summersville, about twenty-four miles distant. In a couple of hours they started under command of Col. Chambers, with about fifty cavalry and a howitzer. The camp guard, and fatigue and guard details out of camp were left. The regiment returned at 1 o'clock Tuesday morning. Pretty well tired out. They had marched over thirty miles on Monday, the weather hot and the roads rough and dusty. They brought with them one hundred and twenty-nine contrabands, including a few women and children. Also, some horses and mules, and twenty four bales of cotton. This was a pretty successful expedition, and the only expedition sent out from this brigade recently. They met no guerillas, but several thousand rebels were reported within a short distance of the 16th.
Of course no was taken against his will, none known to belong to Union men. They would come. They came to Headquarters, and begged to be taken. On the return, they were waiting at the fence corners with their bundles. The boys halloed "come on," and they came kicking up their heels like freed horses. The women and children piled into the wagons without asking anybody. One old fellow was asked how he could leave his wife and children. He replied that he had to leave them to go either South to be sold or North to be free, and he preferred the latter. He said he would die before he would return to slavery, and so would plenty of others. The owner of several of the women followed them to Bolivar. He was told that his slave could return with him if they wanted to, but could not be forced away. He went to them and begged and reasoned-tried everything in the way of bribes and good promises, and aid if they did not return they would be sent to jail. They refused to go most emphatically, sassed him scandalously, and declared their perfect readiness to go to jail, and there they did go temporarily.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Alfred Sanders, Editor
Monday Morning
September, 8, 1862To the Readers of the Gazette
On the 26th of August, 1841, I established the Davenport Gazette; to-day my connection with it ceases. For twenty-one consecutive years I have published it without the omission of a single number. It is now of age, and I part with it much as a father bids adieu to an only son, as he send him forth at manhood to battle with the world, or to engage in the nation's strife. A generation has passed away since as a small weekly sheet, located in a sparsely settled portion of the country, in a little town of some five hundred inhabitants, the Gazette was first issued. Who can estimate the influence for good or evil it has exerted in all that time? Working ever for what in my in my judgment I considered the real interests of the people with whom I had identified myself, and for the maintenance of the principles that I thought best calculated to promote the prosperity of the county, I cannot but flatter myself its influence has been for good.
In severing my connection with the Gazette it is with mingled feeling so pleasure and regret. I am happy in being rid of the constant labor and embarrassment of conducting alone an establishment that should require the concerted and indefatigable efforts of at least two active men. For the past year I have felt the responsibility of my situation and as though I was not doing full justice either to myself or to my readers in assuming so much labor, yet could see no method by which to evade it other than to dispose of the entire establishment, and this I did on the 1st inst. I regret parting with so many kind friends, some of whom have stood by me during the whole term of my editorial labors, but have the reflection that I shall still remain among them.
I leave the Gazette in a prosperous condition, permanently established and exercising an influence second to none in the State. My successors are gentlemen well known as citizens of this place-the principal one of whom is also an Old Settler. It was my object in selling the office to continue it in the hands of my fellow-citizens, and I disposed of it to them at a lower rate than I could have been induced to sell it to strangers. Its principles will be unchanged and I doubt not such improvements will be made in the paper as will cause its many readers to be perfectly satisfied with its future control.
It has been my aim, which in the long series of years I have never once departed from, to make the Gazette more of a local than general newspaper. First in importance, I have ever esteemed it my duty to urge the claims of the town in which the paper was located, with the view to induce immigration and build it up as the metropolitan city of the State. Next the county, then the State and finally the country at large came in for consideration. Contracting my sphere, under the conviction I could accomplish the more, I have labored assiduously to make the Gazette the exponent peculiarly of this portion of our State, and I am satisfied that it has been largely instrumental in inducing the immigration of the more intelligent class of citizens.
My duty to party has been discharged from principle, and if in the heat of discussion with my opponents I have inflicted unnecessary pain, let it be attributed to zeal and not to depravity, as I bear ill will to no man. But I leave the acts and influences of the paper to speak for themselves, trusting and believing its future usefulness will not be impaired by the change now made.
To my many readers for whom I have so long catered, I wish long life, prosperity and happiness; to my cotemporaries who still plod on in the laborious path of newspaper publication, I tender my sympathy, and with all ardently hope that the clouds which now loom so murkily upon our Southern horizon may soon be dispelled and peace and prosperity again rest upon our country. Alfred Sanders
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Wonderful.-The New York Evening Post tells a large story of the freaks of lightning in France. A young girl was struck by lightning and changed to a boy.
The very thing wanted in this vicinity. Our women are anxious to enlist, but under existing circumstances the Government will not receive them. Pass that lightning round, and let's have the objection removed.
A White Contraband.-Among the "contrabands" was found one white man sixty-three years old, of pure Anglo-Saxon blood, without any African taint, who has been a slave for sixty-three years. Reared in the slave-pens of Virginia, doubtless the child of misfortune, but thought to be more valuable for the "shambles" than to "strangle," he has been herded with the, compelled to live a lie for more than three-score years. What a field of anguish is open to the imagination? We immediately dispatched him north on the overground railroad to Governor Morton of Indiana, to show what are the specimens of the system that now defies the Government.-Cor. Cin. Com.
More Indian Troubles in Minnesota.
St. Paul, Sept. 5.
The Indians attacked Forest city on the 3d, and were repulsed. Capt. Strout writes to the Adjutant General from Hutchinson, 3d, they were attacked by 150 Indians. The fight lasted two hours and a half, when the Indians gave way. Our loss was 3 killed and 15 wounded. Capt. Strout also says the Indians had excellent guns, and were dressed partly in citizens dress, and rode fine horses. He thinks the difficulty in that vicinity will be very serious.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Tuesday Morning
September 9, 1862Local Matters.
Sheep coming Into Iowa.-A drove of a thousand head of sheep passed through town yesterday morning, on their way to that great centre of sheep growing in Iowa-Poweshiek county. We learn that 1, 500 more are coming this week. They are all from Illinois.
Not the Man.-It having been reported in Der Demokrat that a citizen who had once walked to Pike's Peak and back had claimed and obtained exemption from military duty on account of physical inability. Mr. Henry Tilden, who did walk to Pike's Peak and home again, was at once fixed upon by a circle of indignant acquaintances as "the man". Mr. Tilden resides a short distance from the city, is a subscriber to the Daily Gazette, which he receives on the morning of its issue through the kindness of a friend on the M. & M. R. R. Failing for two days to receive his usual supply of news, Mr. T. came to town yesterday to inquire the cause. Imagine his surprise when he learned that he was tabooed as a "sneak," and that his carrier friend positively refused to do aught for one who would try to dodge the draft.
The following note from commissioner Thompson's clerk completely exonerates Mr. Tilden, and restores to him all the privileges of honest and patriotic citizenship; the perusal of the Gazette of course included:
Henry Tilden has not made application to have his name stricken from the rolls or any account whatever, nor has he been in the office to my knowledge before this time, when he asked for this statement of facts.
A. J. Smith, Clerk.
Davenport, Sept. 8, 1862.Prepare for the Fair.-There is little danger that any of our readers will fail to remember that the Scott County Agricultural Fair commences its exhibition on the 22d Inst., nor that there will be crowds of people in attendance from neighboring counties in Iowa and from the contiguous region of Illinois, all anxious to see some evidence of the boasted skill and enterprise of Scott county farmers. There is danger, however, that very many will forget that whether the fair does credit to or reflects disgrace upon our agriculturists depends upon the individual efforts of those who are most deeply interested in having a successful exhibition-upon the farmers, and upon the farmers' wives, and sons, and daughters, those who till the soil and ply willing fingers at home, and who know well how to exhibit the products of filed, and garden, and dairy. If our readers want a good fair they must work for it. Let every citizen of Scott county, whether a resident of country or town, see what can be found on the farm, in the shop, office or home which can be sent to the fair to increase its interest and variety.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Married.
At LeClaire on Sunday, the 7th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by Ambrose Shirley, Esq., H. H. King, U.S.A. to Maria L. Marks. By Rev. D. H. Paul, on the 13th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, in Winfield Twp., Mr. Henry C. Highley, and Miss Emily Goodwin, all of this county.
September 5, Elizabeth Lucy; daughter of Francis H. and Mary Fitzpatrick, aged ten months and twenty-one days. Montreal papers please copy.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Military Exemption for Friends or Quakers
It will be observed that numbers of petitions have been presented to our Legislature from members of the Society of Friends, asking exemption from military duty, on the ground that they cannot conscientiously engage in warfare.
From the beginning, this highly respectable, and in some portions of our country numerous body of Christians, has held a consistent testimony against wars and fightings. In no instance that we are aware of, has there ever been any swerving from this if a single congregation in Philadelphia is excepted. During our revolutionary contest, a small fraction of the body in that city took the ground that defensive warfare was admissible, acted accordingly, and always after were denied association by the original society. In holding to their views, the Friends have borne contumely, have often been rudely despoiled of their property, and have endured patiently the burdens imposed, never failing in any other instance to come fully up to their requirements a citizens, and always manifesting an intense love for Republican institutions, and a willingness to sacrifice almost everything except the cherished principle of non-resistance. State laws, where they exist in large numbers, have generally been so framed of latter years, as to afford them relief from military duty, and the desires of an earnest and God-fearing people have been gratified. From the general respect which they inspire in all their intercourse with the rest of the world, and from their elevated moral and religious character, the sympathy of their fellow men has been secured, and a cordial acquiescence has been awarded to the exemption of the Quaker from the absolute bearing of arms. Indeed, it is universally conceded that he of the broad brim and drab clothing, would, in a regiment, be an anomaly, not to be reconciled.
In putting down this rebellion it is a remarkable fact, that in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, where the Friends congregate in the greatest numbers, measures for the relief of the suffering soldiers appear to have an intensity of which hardly any other portion of our Union can boast. We believe there is a more unreserved yielding up of private resources for the welfare of the soldiers in Philadelphia and its vicinity than any other part of our country-a great deal of that unostentatious kind of work which is based upon the principle of not letting the left hand know what the right hand doeth-and this, we as honestly believe, comes from the Quaker leaven so freely interspersed through the community, always quick to recognize the call of the suffering, and ever ready to bind up the broken heart. Young men occasionally unfetter themselves and step into the ranks, in obedience to what they consider their country's call. Sorrowfully their seniors look after them, their career is earnestly and prayerfully watched, but reproach (it cannot fail to have been noticed in this contest) scarcely, if ever, reaches the end of the tongue. Solemn words of advice, as to consistent moral conduct, have been uttered in our hearing, to such as have enlisted, by counselors from whom reproof would have come likewise had reproof been in the heart. The language was full to overflowing with tenderness, such only as Friends inspired by the deepest emotion can use: but, but-there is ceased. The wanderers from the fold evidently were not cast-aways; and for this state of feeling, the reader, probably can find a reason.
There are a number of Friends in Iowa. In Cedar, in Henry, in Marshall and in Muscatine counties, quite large congregations. We cannot help entertaining the hope that their petitions to the Legislature will meet with favorable consideration. As a people forced into the ranks, they cannot fight. In the army as men, voluntarily there, none would do the work better, for whatever they perform, as a general rule, is done strictly from a sense of duty. They are no eleventh-hour men in the enunciations of their views-not they. From the organization of the society down to the present moment, their utterances as to engaging in war have been the same. Let favorable and considerate legislation in their behalf obtain also in Iowa.
There is a rebellion among the English Quakers. The youthful fair of the sect have banded together in opposition to the poke bonnet and scant skirt. Crinoline of moderate periphery now surrounds their frames, and flowers and ribbons are invading precincts of the drab. The elders are moved to lamentations, and, through their organ, "The British Friend," urge plaintive remonstrances. The young men among them are also exciting consternation by joining rifle corps.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ The Attack on Fort Donelson
Iowa has a life interesting Fort Donelson, won by the gallant charge of the Second Regiment and the scarcely less eminent bravery of the Seventh, and Fourteenth, at the attack which subjugated that Tennessee rebel stronghold to Federal authority. Our readers will therefore be especially interested in the following extract from a letter written to the Cincinnati Commercial, by a. L. McKinney, Chaplain of the 71st Ohio, in which he recounts how the rebels sought to recapture the fort-but did'nt (sic) quite do it.
The Federal force at the fort was 155 men in all, of the 71st Ohio, and these were surprised on the 25th ult., by a summons to surrender by a force of 750 rebels under Col. Woodward, who had succeeded in getting a few of his men within the Federal lines by a skillful ruse, capturing eight of the pickets and with one field piece appeared in front of our unprepared forces. The letter says: The first warning we had of their approach was their appearance in force not to exceed half a mile from our camp. The 'long roll' sounded, and the men were in line in a few moments. A flag of truce was sent in by the rebels, and a surrender demanded. Major J. H. Hart commanding our forces, said that they should have a reply in thirty minutes. The commissioned officers were then called into headquarters, and the question put: Shall we surrender? The unanimous and firm reply was, 'No!' 'We fight.' This reply was made known to Lieut. Col. Martin, the bearer of the flag of truce, who returned to the rebel lines. In less than ten minutes another flag was sent in , accompanied by Col. Woodward, who again demanded the surrender of the fort, offering the most honorable terms (?) and protesting his reluctance to hurt us. On being asked by Major Hart if we might have the privilege of verifying his statements as to the strength of his forces, he very promptly and politely answered 'yes.' Capt. McConnell was accordingly deputed to pass along his lines and ascertain the facts and report; twenty minutes being given to make the 'reconnaissance.' The Captain, after as thorough examination as time would permit, reported that the enemy, in his opinion, did not number of 400 or possibly 500, and one small cannon, (which was captured from our boys at Clarksville) and that we could whip them. Col. Woodward, however informed him that he had part of his forces posted south of our camp, but that the twenty minutes were nearly up; hence no time was left to ascertain the fact. The rebel regimental flag was partially concealed form our view, and as we supposed it would be employed as a signal by them, we sent a flag of truce demanding that their colors be placed where they could be plainly seen by us. They complied and planted them in full view. We tied our flagstaff to the forward wheels of a howitzer resolved not to strike it without a desperate struggle. At about three o'clock P. M. the rebel cavalry raised the yell and charged in fine style down the hill, lying east of our entrenchments into the ravine and up the hill, and a portion of them up Main street, north of our position, which brought them in range of our musketry, when a terrible fire was opened on them by our boys, unhorsing a number, killing and wounding a number of horses and men. It was during this heavy musketry that col. Woodward's horse fell dead under him, struck by three bullets. The chivalrous colonel did some fine crawling for about twenty feet to escape the shot directed toward him. A bullet broke the skin slightly on the side of his head. Notwithstanding their leader was down, on dashed those of the charging column yet in their saddles till they reached Spring street when they wheeled to the left at right angles still coming at a furious speed and receiving our fire at every opening between the houses till they reached College street, down which they essayed to make a charge directly upon our earthworks, but the second platoon of company B, Capt. McConnell's, poured into them such a galling fire, that they were again repulsed and scattered in the wildest confusion. I saw more than a score of riderless horses careering over the hills and through the ravines." "from the time the enemy made the attack till he was repulsed and entirely driven off, was about one hour, thought the sharp firing did not continue more than thirty minutes. The rebel loss from all that we can gather, as information is constantly coming in, will not fall short of thirty killed and wounded. We took no prisoners as it was imprudent for any of our troops to leave the earth works, as our force was too small. Not a man among us was hurt. This is accounted for in the security of our entrenchment."
Work having been sent to Fort Henry for re-inforcements (sic), Col. Lorre, of the 5th Iowa cavalry arrived at Donelson the next morning with 130 men, started in pursuit of the enemy, overtook him at Cumberland Iron Works a distance of seven miles, attacked them in strong position, charged a battery and drove the rebels from their cannon and rendered it useless before retiring. After waiting a renewal of the fight for an hour, Col. Lorre retired, having lost fifteen or twenty men killed and wounded.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Friday Morning
September 12, 1862Local Matters.
Another Company came down on the steamer Denmark yesterday. They are from Jones county, and number 102 good looking, able-bodied men. We understand their average weight is 160 lbs. Capt. Austin is their commander. They are the sixth company for the 31st regiment, which will probably be mustered in this week.
The Change in the Gazette
The Muscatine "Courier" noticing the change in the management of the "Gazette" says: We judge from the first issue under the new arrangement, that the "Gazette" has fallen into hands able to maintain its present standing.
Davenport Gazette.-Alfred Sanders, the founder of this paper, gives notice that he has disposed of it, and takes leave of his readers, in its issue of the 8th. The "Gazette" was first published on the 26th day of August, 1841, and has been published by Mr. Sanders just twenty-one years. We judge he is the senior editor and publisher in the State. In parting with one so long connected with the press of Iowa, we must be permitted to express our earnest wishes that prosperity, to his heart's content, may attend him in his future pursuits.-Burlington Hawkeye. Changed Hands.-The Davenport "Gazette" has changed hands, Mr. Alfred Sanders, its founder, having retired from editorial cares. He is one of the oldest editors in the State, having started the "Gazette" twenty-one years ago, and has, as he expresses it in his valedictory, "seen it arrive to full age." We wish him abundant success in whatever he may undertake in the future. The new firm, called the Gazette Co., is composed of James McCosh, Edward Russell, Fred Koops, and Levi Davis. They are all old, well-known citizens of Davenport, and will with Ed. Russell for Editor, fully sustain the reputation the paper has heretofore enjoyed, of being one of the best dailies in the State. May you have plenty of "fat takes," gentlemen.-Muscatine Journal.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Found Drowned.-From a private letter, received in this city from Port Louisa, fifteen miles below Muscatine, we learn that on Sunday last some boys discovered the dead body of a soldier lying on a sand bank in the river about a mile above the Port. The boys went to town and told of it, when a number of citizens went out and brought in the body, when an inquest was held. There were on his person four likenesses, one of a girl and three of men; $5.10 in money, a note for $25, a canteen, an old comb and a tompion*. The body was decently interred. The people at Port Louisa supposed the deceased was a member of the Twentieth regiment, which passed down a day or two before. The Captain of the Metropolitan, however, denies that any one fell overboard during the trip. Some of the employees on the boat, however, say that two men fell into the river, one of whom was drowned. We will know positively in a few days.
Since the above was written, we have received the Muscatine Journal, which says the deceased was slender built, five feet three inches high, heavy sandy beard and hair. On his canteen was marked 'J. Bonnets.' The note of hand was signed J. W.. Duvlin, and was partly obliterated. These effects are in the possession of Justice Wm. Kennedy, at Port Louisa.
*(From Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary--tompion, aka tampion: obsolete old French, ca 1625--a wooden plug or a metal or canvas cover for the muzzle of a gun.)
Pastors of Churches Exempt from Draft
Executive Office, Iowa, Iowa City, September 11, 1862Editor Gazette:--The following has just been received by Gov. Kirkwood from the War Department, which will relieve the class referred to.
N. H. Brainerd, Mil. Sec'yEvery Minister who has pastoral charge of a church or congregation, shall be exempt from draft for military services.
By order of the Secretary of War
C. P. Buckingham, Brig. Gen. And A. A. G.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Wednesday Morning
September 17, 1862Local Matters.
The 21st on the Way.-The Henry Clay was at Dubuque yesterday morning taking on the 21st Iowa Infantry, Col. Merrill. They will be at the levee early this morning.
Personal.-Col. Wood, of the Iowa Twelfth, arrived in town yesterday morning, and put up at the LeClaire House. The Colonel has recovered form wounds received at Shiloh, where he was taken prisoner, but subsequently released by Beauregard, who had in vain endeavored to "pump" him about our army. The Colonel, we understand, is to drill one of the new regiments either here or at Muscatine.
Pastor or M. E. Church.-Rev. Mr. Trusdale, chaplain of the famous Second Iowa Cavalry, has been appointment by the Iowa Conference, now in session at McGregor, to the pastorship of the Methodist church in this city, corner of Brady and Fifth streets. Mr. Trusdale has noble performed his duty as chaplain, and his regiment will regret much to part with him.
Sixth Cavalry.-Col. Galligan has taken a store-room in Forrest's block, and opened a recruiting office there for the newest cavalry regiment of the State-the Sixth. This regiment will very probably be called upon to do frontier service, and it ought to be filled up rapidly. Now is the time to get into a cavalry regiment, and into a battalion, to rendezvous here. Call in and see Col. Galligan and Lieut. Kilbourn at the upper store-room in Forrests' block.
Serious Accident.-A boy, about four years old, son of Mr. T. J. Dodds, of LeClaire, while playing with some other children, was severely injured by a heavy log rolling over him, it is thought crushing two of his ribs, and bruising his face. It was with difficulty the log, which was over a foot in diameter, was removed. The little fellow was taken home, and was attended by Dr. Gamble. He is not thought to be dangerously hurt.
Returned.-Mr. A. F. Stonebraker, of company B, 2d infantry, arrived here yesterday morning on his way home. Mr. S. has been discharged on account of injuries received in the service. Mr. S. left Corinth last Wednesday. The Second regiment is now at Corinth, Rienzi having been evacuated. The Second cavalry is also there, and, in fact, there is a general falling back of our troops on Corinth. Price is reported advancing with 60,000 men, many of whom, however, are unarmed, but Price is furnishing the arms as fast as he can jayhawk them. Corinth itself is in danger of attack, and it is not impossible that place will be abandoned on the approach of the enemy, if reinforcements do not arrive.
Indian Troubles in Minnesota.-Our esteemed fellow-citizen G. L. Davenport, Esq., returned home from Minnesota yesterday morning, having left St. Paul last Friday evening. Our readers are aware that the object of Mr. Davenport's visit was to examine into the nature of the Indian troubles in Minnesota, and if possible, arrange for their settlement. The long and intimate acquaintance of Mr. D. with the character and habits of the Indian would have enabled him to be of great service in effecting a reconciliation had such a result been possible. Leaving our city with the supposition that the whole difficulty had originated between some quarrelsome band of Indians and some swindling or at least incautious whites, Mr. Davenport felt quite sanguine of success. The result has blasted all his expectations. Instead of a small band being the aggressors, he found whole tribes engaged in the fearful work of destruction. The Sioux being the originators of the attack, and ostensibly the only tribe at war, there is little reason to doubt that their number has been greatly swelled by the braves of the Chippewas and Winnebagoes. At least six hundred whites have perished in the massacres at Fort Ridgely, New Ulm, and neighboring settlements, while about two hundred women and children are held as prisoners by the Sioux. There can now be no doubt that the war inaugurated will, and must, be one of extermination or expatriation. The people of Minnesota are insisting with united voice that the entire State be cleared from the presence of Indians, friendly or otherwise. In the special session of the Legislature it was proposed to erect block-houses and stockades along the whole Indian frontier, at intervals of ten miles each to be occupied by fifty armed men, and keep the intervening space patrolled by cavalry. It is probable that this will be done; at any rate, the authorities are determined to secure the State from further ravages. Gov. Ramsey has about 4,000 men enrolled, and will soon have them equipped for the war. Large quantities of ammunition have arrived at St. Paul from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio. The details of the sufferings of the people driven from their homes are horrifying. Mr. Davenport thinks there is even reason to fear serious difficulty next winter on our border; and certainly his opinion is entitled to attentive consideration by our State Executive. We are indebted to Mr. D. for Minnesota papers from which we will give extracts hereafter.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Thursday Morning
September 18, 1862
The Girls at Work.-The following note explains itself, and shows how much the juveniles can do when they try:Princeton, Scott Co., Iowa
Mr. Eldridge, P. M., Davenport: Sir: We send one small box of lint and bandages gotten up by four small girls of this town. Their names are as follows: Mary M. Crouse, Mary J. Zimmerman, Fidelia E. Blackman, Rosa Warner. Mrs. Jane Warner, of Princeton, also sent two boxes of lint and bandages very nicely prepared for use. These were at once forwarded, with other supplies, to Mrs. Wittenmyer, at Corinth, Miss.Organize the Militia.-The Legislature at its extra session, as is known, passed an improved militia bill, but its provisions are not generally understood. The entire militia of the State are required to organize and drill themselves immediately, and the distinction between the active and reserve militia force is abolished. The Governor is authorized to issue a proclamation requiring the militia to assemble for drill at certain times. A failure to attend at such times, will be punished by a fine of one dollar. The Governor may authorize the formation of the militia into regiments, brigades and divisions, whenever he deems it necessary. It is thought the Governor will issue a proclamation in accordance with his bill, requiring a meeting for drill once in two weeks. Hon. James T. Lanes, of this city, is the author of the bill, which the Legislature didn't think they could improve on, and so passed it just as he introduced it, without a single alteration of any kind. Now that we have the law, let us go to work and get up our companies right off. No time ought to be lost.
Arrival of Prisoners.-The western train, last evening, brought in a number of persons arrested in the vicinity of Des Moines, on charges of disloyalty. They were in charge of Deputy U. S. Marshal Bowers. Their names are: C. C. Mann, John Galinger, James Naylor, John Beele, W. Evans, Jas. Evans, Vol. Gideon, Jack Porter, Joseph Gideon, ___ Knight, and Squire McCartey. They are said to comprise President, Vice President, Secretary and members of the K. G. C. Seven of them are from Madison county, three from Clark and one from Polk. The prisoners were escorted to Camp McClellan.
The Exempts.-Commissioner Thompson and Dr. Baker have about finished up the exemption business. Looking over the list of those who have applied for exemption, we have been very much alarmed for the health of the community at the sight of some of the names which appear on the list-names of men who have always been supposed to enjoy their brags of how much they could endure, and talked patronizingly to weaker bodies. Now, when those men are too feeble for military duty, what must be the condition of the general health of the county? No wonder the doctors are all making money.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Friday Morning
September 19, 1862Twenty First Iowa.-This regiment, as we have stated, encamped on Rock Island Wednesday night, and the ruins of the old military post there were again, after a quiet of more than a quarter of a century, enlivened by the tread of armed men. Three companies quartered for the night within the building of the old fort, recalling to mind the ancient time when it was garrisoned against another though hardly more savage foe than the one we have now to contend with; while suggesting the hope that the prostration of that enemy was not more complete than will be that of those now arrayed in arms against their country.
During the morning yesterday, a dispatch from Gen. Pope authorized the regiment to proceed on its way southward. They accordingly embarked again, and about 4 o'clock in the afternoon were on their way to St. Louis. Their further destination is unknown.
Postage Stamps Not Currency.-The following official communication from the Post Office Department to C. H. Eldridge, Esq., Postmaster of this city, settles a vexed question:
Post Office Department
Finance Office, Washington, Sept. 15.
Postmaster, Davenport, Iowa:There is no legal warrant for the use, as currency, of postage stamps, sold by Postmasters, nor are the latter required to redeem them. Hence you are instructed to limit sales to such amounts as are absolutely required for postal purposes. -- A. M. Zevely, Third Asst. P. M. General.
The Draft.-The Governor has addressed the following circular to the drafting commissioners of the several counties. It will be seen that everything is to be got ready for a draft, in case the same should be ordered, which the Governor considers imminent:
Executive Office, Iowa, Sept. 16, 1862Sir:--I have recently been instructed by the War Department, that the excess of volunteers over the quota of this State of the first Three Hundred Thousand men will be credited to the State on her quota of the second Three Hundred Thousand; and that if the State has filled both quotas by volunteering, no draft would at present be made except to fill the old regiments.
There are now, in process of organization two independent regiments at Dubuque-one the Irish regiment, under Colonel O'Brien, and a Cavalry regiment, under Colonel Wilson; also, a regiment in the southern part of the State, under colonel Summers. I will endeavor to procure credit to the State for these regiments.
Still the danger of a draft is imminent. The order may reach me on any day to commence the draft to fill the old regiments. You will therefore perfect all your arrangements for the draft. Heave everything done that is required of you by the instructions heretofore sent you, so that you will be ready to commence the draft on one day's notice, and await such further instructions as may be sent you. You need not attuned from day to day, as heretofore, but be ready to act when required.
You will ascertain and strike from your list of men liable to draft, all men in your county who may enlist in any of the old regiments or is either of the regiments named.
Samuel Kirkwood, Governor.Another View.-Der Demokrat of yesterday administered a fitting rebuke to our other cotemporary for its fulsome eulogies of Gen. McClellan at the expense of other officers who have nobly distinguished themselves in the service. It closes thus: "McClellan's register of sins is open to the world. He cannot be whitewashed, and although he may yet play a principal role in the political arena, his place in the field will appear at zero in the history of this war."
On Thursday, Sept. 18th, Wm. Henry Davis, son of James H. and Elizabeth Davis, born Nov. 13, 1860. Disease, consumption. Funeral from the residence this afternoon at two o'clock.
In Orfordville, Wis., on Monday morning the 15th inst., Orlana W., wife of Asa M. Mamblett, aged 40 years.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Monday Morning
September 21, 1862The Indian Troubles.-Mr. E. M. Knight, writing to the Des Moines Register from Esterville, Emmett county, Sept. 6th tells of a visit he had made to the scene of the late Indian outbreak. He found the new made graves of the murdered, and in the houses were trunks and boxes broken open, and also their contents. I appears, form good authority, that the outrages were perpetrated by a portion of Ink-pa-du-cha's band, who have been stealing horses for the last eight years through the border counties. The citizens up there think they can protect themselves if properly armed. The letter concludes as follows:
"I am afraid that too many designing persons on our border wish a large body of State troops quartered among them for speculative purposes. I have it from good authority that some of our border men affirm that in case a large body of troops are not quartered among them, that they would be justified in inciting the Indians to continue their depredations. Such men should be attended to at the earliest moment, and placed in "durance vile" during the remainder of their lives."
This is not at all improbable; it has been the case too frequently on the frontiers to doubt that it may be done again.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Takes the Prize.-A correspondent from Warren county in this State, informs us that Whitebreast Township, in that county, has furnished one hundred and twenty volunteers for the war. We are of the opinion that Whitebreast is the banner township of the Union.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ From the 2d Cavalry.
Camp at Rienzi Miss.,
Sept 13, 1862Editor of Gazette:--We are now encamped in the woods at New Rienzi without company tents, and precious little to eat except what we can arrest, found running loose within our lines, such as pigs, goats, sheep &c., more commonly known in the army as slow deer; a very fair substitute in place of any thing better. The reason of our being short of provisions is, that it is deemed unsafe to bring or keep on hand any quantity of commissary stores at this place, for Price is reported to have sent word several times that the intended to dine at Rienzi on certain occasions, and we being well aware he has not much to eat at home, fear our share would come up minus after his lean host has once satisfied their rapacious appetites. We keep on hand, however, a more substantial food for him, which we will issue in double ration if he shows his head. There are now at Rienzi five regiments, 3 of infantry and 2 cavalry (2d Iowa and 7th Kansas) all of which are under command of Col. Duboise. The health of our regiment is excellent, there being only a few in the hospital. Our hospital I now at Corinth, and the sick have recently been sent there; they are doing well, being well cared for. The weather is still quite hot, but a change is evidently approaching; the nights are becoming quite cool. We feel as if we "have seen the elephant," and have out-generaled the climate, if we haven't the rebels, and as fall weather is approaching we feel no more fear of malignant diseases than we should at home. Our fruit season is now nearly passed, and we shall all have to bid farewell to luxuries, such as pies and dumplings, which for some time have graced our rustic tables; but "Uncle Sam" must send us some of his new onions and potatoes, and we will try and be content therewith until fruit season comes again. Last night a beautiful shower of rain fell, which was welcomed by all, notwithstanding many of the boys felt the efficiency of it by way of a sound "ducking;" they being without tents and having little protections from the showers, except what they derived from the trees and their talmas.* Twenty-four of our wagons loaded with tents, officers baggage &c, were sent to or near Corinth yesterday; it being supposable they would be safer there than at this place, also rendering a hasty retreat less troublesome, provided we be forced to make one. Our pickets now extend in every direction from this place, and are very carefully and strongly posted. Reconnoitering parties are continually out and find a few rebels, but no great force has yet been seen near this, and we have but little idea of the force advancing. Two companies were out to-day and reported seeing quite a number a short distance this side of Boonville, 6 or 8 miles from this place. We are waiting anxiously for them, being assured they can't easily surprise us, for our regiment is in the saddle half expecting to climb into it.
I was told of quite a little joke to-day, at the expense of the 2d Iowa. It has been very apparent during the fruit season, that we have had rather the best of the infantry. As they were in the back ground, we in front got all the good fruit-they what they could catch, it being at our option whether we let them outside our lines or not. They were yesterday indulging in the "ardent," and one of them drank the following toast: "Success and long life to our western army, except that d-d 2d Iowa Cavalry, for they are always ahead of us, and leave nothing behind." I'll wager a shilling though that they will always be glad to have us in front when "rebs" are about, for if we don't leave much to eat behind, we usually keep the rebels back, while the infantry are lounging in camp.
With our best wishes for the good people of Iowa. I am yours, &c., Union.
*Talma-a large hooded cape or cloak.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Acts of the Special Session.
The following is a synopsis of the most important enactments of the late Special Session of the State Legislature:
1. The law published in the Gazette of last Saturday authorizing the electors of this State now in the military service of the United States to vote at the next general election.
2. A law legalizing the county bounties voted by County Supervisors to men enlisting in their respective counties, and authorizing the levy of a special tax to meet the same.
3. An amendment of the law enacted at the last regular session, which provided that the property of all Iowa volunteers not above the rank of Captain, should be exempt from levy and sale during the time they remain in the service. The law now applies to all our soldiers, of whatever rank.
4. A law placing ten thousand dollars at the disposal of the Governor, to be used for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers, and placing twenty thousand dollars more in the hands of the Census Board to be drawn upon by our Governor when ever they shall deem it necessary for the public good.
5. a law authorizing the Governor to equip a force of not less than five hundred mounted men to operate on the northern frontier against the Indians, be paid as regular soldiers, and be kept in the service as long as the public exigencies may require.
Also, the passage of a law organizing one company of mounted men in each county on the southern border, part of which shall keep a continual scout along the line, and prevent any guerrilla incursions-those only being paid who do service.
The Assembly indefinitely postponed a proposition to exempt from military duty, Quakers, and others conscientiously opposed to bearing arms.
Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Wednesday Morning
Of the Scott County Agricultural Society
Greatest Collection of Stock ever shown in this State.
Second Day.Yesterday opened clear and bright as on Monday, promising another fine day. The morning was improved to brig up a large number of entries I the different departments, the places allotted to each filling up rapidly. Towards noon the sky became overcast, and in the afternoon the rain commenced to fall and continued most of the remainder of the day. This of, course, had a serious effect on the attendance, which was nevertheless good under the circumstances.
The entries yesterday were very heavy, more so than on the previous day, and a great amount of stock was added to the already splendid collection. A number of horses were brought in yesterday. Among the animals on exhibition are a pair of iron grays, owned by Mr. J. Dimick, of Rock Island, entered as matched carriage horses. A team of Black Hawks, from Illinois, one from Henry county, the other from Whiteside, 5 and 6 years old, respectively, are in for the same premium.
Cattle.-Mr. John Whitsett, of Mercer Co., Ill., brought in yesterday 16 head of Durhams, all good and well appearing animals. Stephen Bauden, of this city, has a two-year old bull, short horn. Iowa Chieftain, a very fine animal. J. N. Washbon, Cedar co., has eight head of Devons; a good collection of that excellent breed of cattle. Mr. Washbon has done a great deal in the way of improving stock, having been among the first to import the best breeds into the county.
A gentleman from Philadelphia, who is conversant in such matters, stated yesterday that he has never seen, at any fair in the East, a better show of cattle than those now on exhibition on our fair grounds. Sheep.-Mr. Whitsett shows 8 head of Durham Southdown sheep, from Mercer Co., Ill. Mr. Washbon has 30 head of the same breed. These Southdowns are all fine stock. Swine.-James McEwen has a splendid Chester White boar and sow.
Poultry.-In poultry there is a good collection, though not a very large variety.-Judge Grant has 12 coops of game fowls. Mr. Ira M. Gifford has 1 coop of game fowls, and 1 of bantams. Miss Naomi Thoington has a coop of white bantams. R. Stevenson, T. Brown, and R. Rambo, have each a coop of game fowls.
Flowers.-Mrs. Grumich and Mr. Westfall have very large collections of flowers, some of them very rare and beautiful.-Messrs. W. P. Campbell and John Evans have also small lots of flowers. Fruit.-In fruit, the show is not as large as last year. We miss a number of those who were here then, although we see some new faces, too.
Mr. John Evans shows 42 varieties of apples, 10 of pears, 7 of grapes, besides elderberries, barberries, currants, crab apples, monthly raspberries, which bear every month till frost comes, &c. S. S. Blackman has 62 kinds of apples.
Mr. E. K. Rugg, of Iowa city has 5 kinds of grapes, and samples of mammoth strawberries and gooseberries, &c in alcohol. Alexander Grant has about 25 varieties of apples and 2 of pears. Thos. Hibbard, 1 of pears.
G. B. Hawley has 43 varieties of apples, 4 of grapes, 2 of pears, 2 of Siberian crabs, plums and Missouri currants. This is Mr. Hawley's first exhibition; he will have this year 300 bushels of apples from his orchard.
David Miller, of Princeton, has 32 kinds of apples, from an orchard 3 or 4 years old. He has 600 trees yielding 40 or 50 bushels.
Mr. Enoch Meed has 69 kinds of apples, 2 of Siberian crab-apples. His orchard is about 20 years old.
Mr. D. B. Shaw has 47 kinds of apples.
Farm and Dairy Products.-The show of vegetables is not very large, though there are some very fine specimens. There are some beautiful potatoes, besides squashes, beans, &c. Mr. Evans has potatoes and beans; Dr. Brown a bushel of sweet potatoes; E. Mead, muskmelons, China tomatoes, (a new variety) and Scarlet egg plant. D. B. Shaw a lot of green tobacco.
Pantry Stores.-We were unable to ascertain the owners of most of the articles in this class, some of which are worthy of great credit, especially a superior article of honey. A girl named Bridget Sullivan, has half a dozen loaves of as good bread as any one would want to eat. Mrs. Mead also has some good butter, cheese, boiled ham, Sorghum syrup, canned fruits, catsup, flour, wine from grapes, currants, rhubarb, strawberry, raspberry, &c., hard and soft soap.
Manufactures.-Here we have the usual show, perhaps larger than usual. C. Deere, of Moline, has 9 of his celebrated plows. C. Krum, of this city, has 10 plows, 2 cultivators, and 2 harrows. L. S. Viele has 1 threshing machine, 1 sugar mill, Smith's corn-planter, from Peoria, W. A. Woods' self-raking mower and reaper. Hunter and Davenport have a fanning-mill and a cultivator.-Davis, Watson & Co. have 1 power corn-sheller, 1 hand-sheller, 1 threshing machine and horse power, and 1 fanning-mill. Michael Donahue has thresher and horse-power.
Mr. R. Thomas, of Harrison County, O., has a new wooden pump, calculated, by overcoming friction, to raise water forty feet as easily as the ordinary pumps do twenty feet. Cummings & Swallow's clothes-wringer, a very simple contrivance for the purpose indicated, is exhibited. Mr. W. A. Nourse exhibits a similar machine. Both of these are such labor savers that they ought to be generally introduced.
Mr. M. K. Lewis of Poweshiek co., has an improved combination wagon break, a very ingenious contrivance, by which the wheel can be completely checked. The inventor claims for it simplicity and effectiveness. It was patented last April.
Geo. W. Smiley and Hills & Washburn brought some of their superb stoves yesterday.
Woeber & Co., of this city, show a handsome carriage of their own manufacture; and Clark & Hoyt some of their superb specimens of Eastern work.
Collins & Skeel have several articles of furniture of their own manufacture, all admirable specimens of workmanship; among them a bureau with elegantly carved standard, library, upholstery, and other chairs, etc.
Domestic Arts and Manufactures.-In this department Mr. Joseph Albright, of East Davenport, has 2 pieces of rag carpet; Mrs. Mossman, a couple of quilts; Mrs. Armstrong, chair-seat, and Mrs. Carter sofa cushion, of raised worsted work; Miss Sarah Barrows and elaborate shell-work frame around a painting on velvet; Mrs. Donnell, a lot of children's dresses, etc. Besides these, there was a piece of flannel, several quilts and counterpanes, rugs,, skeins of year, mittens and socks, lamp mat, silk and muslin embroidery, tidies, shirts, &c. Mrs. Leroy Dodge has a tidy knit in colors, exhibiting a good deal of labor in its manufacture.
Miscellaneous.-W. C. Warriner has two cases of shoes.
Wm. Wagener, of Moline, has one or two of his ingenious sewing machines, a new improvement, and one we think destined to be popular.
D. P. White has four of Wheeler & Wilson's far-famed machines, elegantly finished. Mr. H. G. Welnert of this city, exhibits fine specimens of his manufacture of leather at the Davenport tannery, calf, kip, and harness, a splendid article, and as good as they make anywhere.
Mr. Willard Barrows shows a table top of Iowa marble, a very pretty article.
Mr. N. Kuhnen, shows a well filled case of fancy pipes, &c tobacco and cigars.
Clark & Hoyt, tow melodeons, of Vermont manufacture.
Plowing Match.-At 10 o'clock came off the plowing match. The premium in the senior class was awarded to Mr. James Grieve; in the junior, for best by young man under 21, to Wm. McCutcheon; and in the same class, for best under 16, to Murray Johnson. The work was well done, and the plowmen showed they were masters of their art.
Trotting.-In the afternoon came the first of the trotting, being the prize of $20 for the fastest trotting horse raised in Scott county, and $10 for the second. For this purpose Mr. Garrett Donaldson entered a sorrel mare, Jane Oakley, 8 years old; Mr. J. H. Haight, a dark bay gelding, Barney, 6 years old; Mr. C. Stacey, Whitefoot, 5 years old; and R. Burt, Green Mountain Morgan, 5 years old. The purse was won with little effort by Barney in two straight heats, distancing the Morgan the first heat, and the mare the second. Time, 3:24 and 3:26. Whitefoot came in a good second both heats. Both Barney and Whitefoot were raised by Mr. Stacey, the present owner of the latter, and they are both promising animals.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Wednesday Morning
September 24, 1862THE WAR NEWS
Rebel Loss at Iuka 261 Killed-
Ours less than 100.
Bragg Demands Surrender Of Louisville.
He Doesn't Get It!Special to the N.Y. Tribune
Washington, Sept. 22.A reconnoitering party, under command of Maj. Deems, of Sibley's staff was pushed beyond Chantildi yesterday. Thirty-nine stragglers were taken prisoners and paroled. No pickets of the enemy were to be seen. A quantity of rebel knapsacks, camp equipage, and a large silk rebel flag, which bore evidence of service, belonging to the Beauregard Rifles, were also captured. Twelve hundred of our wounded arrived here by railroad, form Frederick, to-day. There are now fully, 2,000 in the city, the capitol and new hospitals being crowded. Room will be made for at least 2,000 more.
Yesterday 100 wagon loads of sanitary stores and provisions were sent to Frederick for the relief of the wounded.
Special Dispatch to the Herald.
Washington, Sept. 22.It is stated on good authority that Burnside was offered the command of the army of the Potomac, but in declining the honor, he asserted the pre-eminent fitness of McClellan for the position.
It is supposed that the wound received by Richardson through the shoulder and breast will prove fatal. The wound of Dana is below the knee, and from a musket ball.
Gen. W. H. French, and his son William, reported wounded, are well, uninjured and on duty.
The Battle at Iuka
Seven Iowa Regiments Engaged.
Adjt. Laurence KilledThe Fifth, Tenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Iowa regiments were attached to Rosencrans' army at the fight at Iuka. Loss of the four regiments, one hundred and fifty killed and wounded. Col. Chamber, of the Sixteenth Iowa, wounded in right shoulder. His Adjutant, Laurence, was killed. The Eleventh, Thirteenth, and Fifteenth Iowa regiments, were also engaged. Loss is very slight. The Iowa regiments did most of the fighting. -- C. C. Cadble
It will soon be seen from the above that while seven Iowa regiments participated in the fight, but four of them bore the brunt of the battle; the 11th, 13th and 15th being only slightly engaged. Lieutenant George Laurence, Adjutant of the 16th, killed in this fight, was formerly a member of company E, First Iowa; at the time of his enlistment in that regiment at Burlington, he was 24 years of age; he was a native of Canada. Previous to his promotion to the adjutancy; he was First Lieut. of company E, 16th regiment. He was highly esteemed among his comrades as a true man and a brave soldier.
We are still in doubt as to whether Col. Chambers is a prisoner or not. We had hoped to have received a dispatch giving full lists of the wounded and killed, but go to press without.
From the 2d Cavalry
On the 3d of September, the regiment was ordered to march on the 4th to Boonville, with 4 days rations. The regiment had a few days previously moved from their camp outside the entrenchments into the town, as also the 2d Michigan and 7th Kansas, forming the brigade.
On the night of the 4th, three regiments of infantry, including the 2d Iowa Infantry, left for Kentucky, and on the 5th, the 2d Michigan left the brigade and started for Louisville, Ky.; thus taking away the most efficient regiments in this army, (except the 2d Iowa); and also Col. Sheridan, acting Brigadier.
While the regiment lay in the woods at Booneville, watching for an advancing foe, on Sunday the 7th, Gen Granger left, and during the day, a new Colonel somebody, took command. I went to the regiment that afternoon with …
Tuesday, Sept. 9th.-Col. Hatch returned with the regiment safe and sound to camp, and then up again went the tents of the 2d cavalry; and perhaps somebody found somebody had been scared, and nobody hurt. All the rations had been sent to Corinth and our regiment not being able to transport ten days rations, "on a run," had returned them there; and a return train having delayed its coming, rations were short, and would have been shorter had it not been for several herds of goats which had been picking about in perfect security, until this particular season of the year caused great mortality among them In the great "hurly burly," the rail road from this place to Booneville was destroyed to prevent Price running his army in some night on a hand car.
The men and horses of our regiment are very much exhausted from constant fatigue. We have had no forage for ten days, except as we foraged upon the country.-Some squadrons have been on picket six nights in succession, and some officers on duty eight nights out of nine in succession.
Yesterday morning, at one o'clock, the regiment left camp with supporting infantry and artillery, to capture a body of rebel cavalry near Booneville. Arriving at Boonville at day-break, they found that the enemy had "left the day before," &c.
To-day col. Hatch had brought into camp the rebel Lieuts. Wilson and Deboit, who were wounded in the fight of July 1st, near Booneville. To-morrow Colonel Hatch returns with them under a flag of truce, perhaps to visit Gen. Price, &c They are as full of secesh as the Devil is of lies, though respectable looking. Their intelligence may be inferred from a remark of one of them to me, "That the Southern Confederacy were fighting for Freedom," &c. I reckoned, then, I had better quit.
The 1st of September Sergeant Meade and private J. C. Scripture, of company I, returned a Lieutenant to Col. Faulkner at Ripley, under a flag of truce. As they were to start to return again the next morning, they told Sergeant Meade that he could return, but they would have to keep his man a few days, but not to be alarmed about him. He has not yet returned.
As to our regiment, except that commission, we are all right, and ready to stay here, go to the Gulf, to Virginia, or if ordered, even to "fall back to a new base of operations."
Well, we have heard from the army of Virginia, and what do we think? It is not military to "tell anything," but I have heard some so presumptuous as to ask, "Have we no Generals?"
I remain peacefully Yours, -- DiffFrom Camp Kirkwood.
Camp Kirkwood, Sept. 20th, '62Editor of Gazette: Agreeable to request, I embrace the present opportunity to contribute my mite for the benefit of the patrons of your paper. We are now being initiated into the mysteries of camp life, and while some are complaining of the strictness of orders and discipline of the camp, others are well pleased. And while there are some that cannot stand the fatigue of a soldier, there are some with whom it well agrees. At present there is considerable sickness in camp, owing to change of life and habits, and partially to the low damp ground upon which our camp is situated. The frequent showers and sudden changes of weather have been hard on those who are nor have been unused to exposure; but most of the men think that as soon as we get a little seasoned, we shall stand it first rate. There has been but one death since we came into camp. The men are getting along finely on drill, and since our uniforms were furnished they present a fine appearance, and look almost like veterans.
The officers are all well liked, especially our Colonel, Milo Smith, who goes around among the men like a father, and is looked upon as nearly akin to us all.
We had a very pleasant time at Camanche, at the county fair, on Thursday the 18th inst. , and while there were presented with a splendid banner from the society. There were also two sword presented at that time, one to Capt. Johnson, and the other to Lieut. McDill. The presentations were accompanied with appropriate speeches and responses. The regiment met with great applause from the spectators, as did also the band, which under the instruction of Albert Linton, drum major, is progressing finely.
We have been looking daily and hourly for the pay-master, Capt. Hendershott, and report says he is to be here next week; we hope it is so, for the boys are getting somewhat impatient, as the Colonel has promised that when we are mustered into service and paid off he will give us furloughs, so that we can go home and settle up our affairs. There are a few in the regiment who refuse to be mustered into service and are now in the guard house, but I think a few days will bring them to terms.
-- Do Know
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Thursday Morning
September 25, 1862Ninth Annual Fair
Of the Scott County Agricultural Society
Third Day.If the Directors of the Fair had previously made arrangements for the kind of weather they wanted, they could not have obtained any better than that of yesterday. The fall of rain the day before, which it was feared, would prove disastrous to the he Fair, was really beneficial. It cooled the air, which was clear and bracing in the morning and made everybody feel good, and laid what little dust was disposed to rise; and at an early hour the crowds began to pour into the grounds and throng around the different articles on exhibition. The crowd in attendance in the afternoon was quite large, bigger, we are informed by those who were there, than at the Chicago horse fair any day during the first week. The receipts for admission reached $600; this is exclusive of the amounts received at the entrance to the track and at the Secretary's office for entries.
Among the stranger present, were Mr. Wm. Duane Wilson, Secretary of the State Agricultural college; Mr. Corbitt, of the Prairie Farmer, Chicago; Mr. Frank Eichelberger, of the Muscatine Journal; Mr. G. H. Hobbs, of the Geneseo Republic; Mr. Charles Buford, of Rock Island, at one time a leading stock-raiser in Kentucky. Geneseo had a delegation of about two hundred people, and other towns around were also represented, more or less.
The entries still continued during yesterday, there being additions in most of the departments.
Among stock not previously mentioned, we noticed nine head of fine Devon cattle; among them a cow imported from England by R. W. Sanford, of Vermont, called July Flower 2d, 9 years old; another, Victoria 2d, 6 years old, has taken several prizes heretofore. They belonged to C. T. Bent, of Iowa City.
There have been large additions to the poultry since Tuesday morning, making the present the greatest display of the kind ever witnessed in the county. Mr. J. I Guill, corner of Rock Island and Second streets, has nine cops of superior breeds, including 5 Spanish fowls; 3 Hamburg, one of them imported from England; 4 Golden Poland, 2 black do; 3 Brahmas, from the stock of Dr. Bennett, formerly of New Hampshire, and now of Polk City, Iowa; 8 Silver-laced Bantams; 11 Gold-laced Seabright do; 7 African do; 5 white Dorkings; 4 gray do.
Mr. L. W. Clemens, of Pleasant valley, has 3 Brahmas, 4 months old, quite large and handsome. Mr. J. L. Yantis has half a dozen Brahmas. There are several other coops of chickens, besides turkeys, ducks, &c.
In farm products, Mr. Clemens has a bushel of Illinois premium corn; this variety, Mr. C. claims, yields 10 bushels more to the acre than any other. He has also a bushel of Globe onions, a large, handsome article, the seed of which was brought from Connecticut.
Mr. John Donnell has a bushel of Carter potatoes, which are perfect beauties. Specimens of large cabbages, pumpkins, squashes, wheat, corn, potatoes, beets, hops, onion seed, gophers' scalps, &c, are abundant.
In pantry stores there have been numerous additions. Bent & Tabor, of Iowa City, have a lot of superior honey and a bee hive. Wm. H. Applegate, of LeClaire, exhibits Sherwood's patent self-binder, much improved over last year.
W. C. Brunson, shows two of his cider and wine mills, improved from last year, being made larger and metal substituted for wood in portions of the machinery. The mill includes grinder and press. J. G. Shorey has some of his superior log pumps, which are obtaining for themselves an excellent reputation wherever they have been erected.
Messrs. Hageboeck display some of their superior lithography; Mr. Pratt several specimens of his wonderful penmanship. There are no ambrotypes or photographs on exhibition-an unaccountable omission, when such excellent pictures are taken in this city.
There are two or three collections of paintings on exhibition, which call forth universal admiration. Mrs. Bratt shows 4 exquisite portraits and a number of landscapes, all exhibiting the elevated taste and skill of the artist. Mrs. Metzger has 10 paintings, one a portrait, a view of the falls of Minnehaha, a mill scene in Switzerland, the birthplace of Jenny Lind, &c. Mr. Moore has an ideal painting, the first of a series of four, entitled Youth. A portrait from Rock Island elicits much attention.
Mr. T. Winkless shows a case of birds, 36 in number; also a fallow deer's head, from Lord Leigh's Stoneleigh Abbey, Warwickshire, England.
The awarding committees got to work yesterday examining the various articles in their respective departments. The awards will be made this evening or to-morrow morning.
The Premiums-Trotting
The first work of the day on the track was the contest for the premium of $25 for the horse trotting or pacing a mile nearest to 3:30. For this there were four entries, viz: J. S. Simpson's Hirondelle; F. Jansen's Black Tiger; honest Abe, belonging to H. Farnam, of Moline; and Paddy whack, belonging to Vance Posten, of Camden, Ill. Hirondelle won the purse; time, 3:30. Black Tiger made the mile in 3:34, Honest Abe, 3: 14, and Paddywhack, 3:58.
Next came the trial for the similar premium for the horse making the mile nearest three minutes. For this there were eight entries, viz: J. H. Haight's Barney, 6 years old; Wild Hornet, 8 years old, and G. S. Warbler, 9 years, belonging to G. W. Conner, of Muscatine; H. Farnam's Honest Abe, S. M. Minnehaha, owned by A. D. Carson, of Galesburg, Ill.; E. Jansen's Black Tiger; Green Mountain Jack; and J. S. Simpson's Nelly Bird, 4 years. This was won by Barney; time 3:02. The time of the others respectively was: Wild Hornet, 3:04; Nelly Bird, 3:05; Honest Abe, 3:08; Minehaha, Black Tiger and Green Mountain Jack, each, 3:09; and Warbler, 3:18
To-day, the examination of cattle and trial of roadsters will be finished up this morning, and the purse for the fastest team will be decided.
In the afternoon comes the great trot for $75, for the fastest trotting stallion, at one o'clock. After that, the horses will be pretty much finished up.
A train of fifteen cars left for the West last night, which will be in this morning, and a big crowd is expected from both the main road and the branch. The train will start on its return at 6 P.M.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Important Orders from Gen. Pope
The Frontier to be ProtectedAdjutant General Baker has received orders from Gen. Pope, through Gen. Elliott, chief of staff, to dispatch six companies of infantry to Jackson county, Minnesota, without delay. The officer placed in command of these troops is to select such points as will best afford protection to the people, and at the same time allow concentration fro defense in case of attack; and he is there to prepare quarters for the shelter and protection of the force at his disposal. These troops are to be provide with provisions and ammunition sufficient to last one month after their arrival. The officer in command is to report to the headquarters of the Department, at St. Paul, immediately after selecting his positions, the most practicable mail and wagon road by which supplies and communications can reach him. Stores, forage, fuel, &c are to be procured as near to the locality s possible, and is to be provided by the Adjutant General, together with transportation, arms, &c.
It will be seen that the execution of this order will provide the very best possible means of security to the Iowa frontier. The troops will be in the service of the United States and though placed in Minnesota, where State troops could not be taken, they will be as a wall of steel to Emmett, Dickinson, and adjoining counties. With the company of cavalry already mustered into the United States service at Sioux City and now fully equipped, and the arms provided for the home guards, our frontier will be well secured.
Gen. Baker has not yet decided whether to take the six companies from the 26th or 27th regiments, probably the former. Not having any fixed ammunition at command, Gen. B. will be compelled to furnish such as can be had-powder, lead and caps. No time will be lost in getting these troops to the field of operations, and the settlers who have abandoned their homes in terror may be assured of security. Gen. Pope has also issued instructions to Capt. Hendershott to do all in his power to facilitate the mustering and equipping these troops.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ A Valuable Cabinet.-One of the chief attractions at the Industrial Hall at the County Fair, is the large collection of coins exhibited by Alfred Sanders, Esq., late editor and proprietor of the Gazette. This embraces one of the largest collections of silver coins in the United States. The range of date is quite wide; some dating back 500 years B. C., with samples of Roman and Grecian coins from Alexander the Great, 330 B. C., to the Christian era, and extending through modern Europe, terminating in our own country in 1862. There are also a large number of medals, embracing these conferred by England upon her soldiery, during the Crimean war. There can be no doubt as to the genuineness of the dates and character of these coins, since Mr. Sanders has been particularly careful in the selection, and has obtained them from sources of undoubted credibility. Desiring to make still farther additions to this collection, Mr. S. will gladly receive coins of rare dates from those wishing to dispose of them.
The cabinet in which the coins are exhibited was made by Mr. Huot, and is a fine specimen of workmanship.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Found Drowned.-the body of Louis Kirkpatrick, the little boy whose disappearance was noticed last week, was found a few days ago about 15 miles below town, where it had been washed ashore, by Fred Henderson, Fernando Wooden, and Wm. D. Viele. The body was buried when the child's brother heard of it, went down and had the body disinterred, but it was so much decomposed that he only recognized it by a ring on the finger, and as it could not be brought home it was reinterred. The child, it is supposed, wandered over the Island on the Henry Clay, the day the 21st regiment was here, and attempted to come over the bridge after dark, as a man met a boy there, who said his name was Kirkpatrick, and it is thought he fell in. The family of the deceased desire to return thanks to those who have assisted them in their efforts to find the child, and also to those who took care of the body when they found it.
At Oshkosh, Wis., on Tuesday morning, Sept. 23, by Rev. Mr. Keenan, Mr. Cornelius McCabe, of Le Claire, Iowa, and Miss Mary Haben, of the former place.
In Blue Grass, Sept. 24th Jonas H., son of E. T. and Sarah H. Gadd, aged 5 months and 17 days. The funeral will leave the house at 9 A. M., to-day, 25th, and arrive at Oakdale Cemetery about 12 o'clock. The friends are invited to attend.
The Daily Gazette
Davenport, Iowa
Monday Morning
September 29, 1862From the 2d Cavalry
Camp at Corinth, Miss.
September 23, 1862Editors Gazette:--I give you hastily a few items of news from this vicinity. The trains with all stores, equipage, &c, of some forty regiments are in 'Corrall' at his place and are intended to be used in barricading the town should an attack be made on this point. For a week past there has been a general movement of troops; Gen. Rosencrans' division is moving to the northeast from Rienzi to attack Price's army at Iuka, on flank and rear, while Grant's went from Corinth directly eastward to meet him in front.
On Saturday, the 20th Price being at Iuka, Gen. Rosencrans had come up, and expected Grant's division to make an attack in front at 2 p.m. About 10 a.m. the 5th Iowa, Rosencrans' division, commenced driving in the rebel pickets, and at 4 p.m. an attack was made on Price's army. The troops behaved splendidly. The 5th Iowa was in the thickest of the fight. The rebels fought with bravery and determination, but could not avail against the gallant 'Yankee boys.' The rebels charged on an Ohio battery, killing all the horses but 5, and succeeded in capturing the guns, only 20 of the men remaining unhurt. The 5th Iowa in turn, charged the rebels and retook the battery. The 5th were in the centre and were very much cut up; one company going in with forty-five men and coming out with only ten; I could not get the letter of the company. The 17th, 10th, and 16th were also in the fight; Col. Chambers is reported missing.
On Saturday the 2d Iowa cavalry came across Falkner's cavalry in the rear of Price's army drawn up in line of battle. The 2d dismounted, and the rebels poured in a volley, when the 2d opened and they took to their heels leaving five killed and four mortally wounded. The 2d pursued capturing ten prisoners. Price finding he could not withstand the assaults of the 'mud sills' gave way, leaving the field in our possession. Our loss was seventy-five killed on the field, and about three hundred wounded. The rebel loss was one thousand killed and wounded. Sunday morning the 21st, the 2d cavalry pursued the retreating rebels harassing their rear and taking prisoners. After passing over a rise of ground the 'rebs' had formed in line, and after col. Hatch, and the head of the column had passed the ridge, opened with a volley of musketry and a shower of grape from a masked battery. Capt. Kendrick of company E, had his sabre bent double by a cannon shot, and Captain Egbert had his horse shot under him; the captain was injured internally by his horse falling and is now in the hospital at Iuka. Nelson Lovell of Co. C, was wounded in the neck severely. Henry Melchord, of Co. C, in the shoulder; and John Shaffer of Co. A, wounded in the shoulder, slightly; these were the only casualties to our regiment. The 2d then fell back over the ridge and formed in line of battle and were soon joined by some sharp shooters and a battery, when the 'rebs' got up and 'dusted.' Price was making for Kentucky, intending to cross the Tennessee river at Eastport, but Gen. Rosencrans was too close after him. Price was expecting, and was prepared for an attack from Grant's army, but was not aware of Gen. Rosencrans' close proximity. He had felled trees, and placed obstructions in the roads which detained Gen. Grant's division and rendered it impossible for him co-operate in the attack. As it is, Price has been badly whipped and is skedaddling southward.
There are rumors of a fight at Bolivar, forty miles west, yesterday; no particulars.
Corinth is being well fortified, and 'king cotton' is being turned to good account in the operation.
Captain Gilbert has been promoted to Chief of Cavalry on Gen. Rosecran's staff; an admirable selection. I am going to the regiment to-day and may learn further particulars, if so I will communicate them. In haste, -- Diff.
P.S. Col Chambers is reported in the hospital at Iuka, wounded. The rebels left twelve guns at Iuka, being in too much of a hurry to remove them. Col. Hatch for efficient services, has been placed in command of the cavalry brigade, than whom none is more worthy. -- Diff.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Thrilling Incident and Hairbreadth Escape.-A correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat, writing from Benton Barracks, says:
"A case of miraculous preservation came to my notice a few days since in the person of Captain B. F. Crail, of company F, 3d Iowa cavalry, who, in one of the recent skirmishes with Porter's guerrillas, had a ball pass through his cap, in uncomfortable proximity to his head; another cut a hole through his cravat. In a later skirmish near Santa Fe, Missouri, a bullet struck him in the right breast and was removed soon after. While in the same engagement another bullet struck him on the other side, over the heart, passed down and lodged in the stomach, where it has remained until day before yesterday, when it was extracted by Dr. McGugin, the gentlemanly and efficient surgeon in charge of the convalescent hospital in Benton Barracks.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ List of the Wounded Iowa Soldiers in the Battle at Iuka, Mississippi
Office of Davenport Gazette,
Sept. 27th, 10 o'clock A.M.Mr. F. O. Parker arrived in this city this morning, direct from Corinth, having left there on Thursday morning. Through the kindness of Mr. P. we have received from Col. I. M. Gifford, the following full report of the wounded among the Iowa regiments at the battle of Iuka:
Fifth Iowa
Company A. - Nelson Alexander, Wilson E. Thurston, H. Bitter, N. C. Henk, M. F. Regal, T. G. Tubbs, John W. Kasad, Sam'l H. Olinger, W. A. E. Lisdell, R. A. Tatnall, J. webb, Jackson D. Mitchell, C. Hinesley, J. R. Fabers.
Co. B. - Lieut. J. S. Mattiers, corporal W. Gamble, S. M. Louderback, J. P. Banks, G. f. Work, J. McChrocky, W. Hunnel, J. Vanuta Wm. A. Rice, W. C. Hausafus, J. Bordon, W. B. Wallace, Henry Scott.
Co. C. - Sergt. M. Campbell, N. T. Orr, H. Roberts, John Albaugh, John Butler, Orril George, S. Thompson, J. S. Ashbirn, J. P. Stephens, J. R. Smith, G. W. Palmer, J. M. Stevens.
Co. D. - Capt. Wm. Mooney, Lt. Jarvis, Sergt. John E. Pawe, Sergt. Harman A. Jones, H. Paton, A. B. Wiles, W. H. Hartman, Wamer B. Barrett, James Reynolds, W. Woodward, Jacob Sipe, J. W. Johnson, L. E. Strong, S. Mills.
Co. E. - Elijah Chichister, W. Baughman, W. Bunce, A. B. Lewis, W. H. Brown.
Co. F. - Sergt. James Refrew, Corp. Raison, P. Laffer, Corp. H. B. Sanders, W. Chahort, P. D. Miner, Geo. B. Tipton, Chas. Goss, John Hall, H. D. Glanson, R. McClenham, J. H. Rollam, J. E. Woods, O. W. A. State, Chas. Gano, W. L. Switzer.
Co. G. - Lieut. Samuel S. Sample, Henry V. Fisher, J. M. Miskmin, A. Campbell, G. Jenkins, John Whiteman, J. M. Kellogg, Keirson Miles.
Co. H. - Wm. Knapp, J. P. Shoulton, Joel Brown, M. W. Shane, Benj. Penn, Jacob T. Overturf, H. Shelton, H. Voss, M. D. Hughes.
Co. I. - W. A. Brackey, Chas. P. Reed, Wm. W. Stovens, Wm. Shuler, W. G. Worden S. H. Snaderson, Henry P. Marvin.
Co. K. - W. Lytle, J. M. Smith, A. Sall, L. Shryock, M. Shindler, J. Henley, W. C. Renebart, Jno. Renehart.
Sixteenth Iowa
Col. Chambers, wounded.Co. A. - Geo. Miller, Sergt, I. N. Lawrence, E. L. Gordon, Michael Conley, Ed. Cassily, C. B. Harris, H. Manahan, Henry Horn.
Co. B. - corp. Joachim Arp, Corp. Hans F. Hartmann.
Co. D. - Lt. Robt. Alcorn, Corp. David Candy, T. McNealy, L. Horton.
Co. E. - Sergt. J. S. Gillespie, F. A. Forbes, J. Stinemetz, Henry Gipe.
Co. F. - Sergt. M. R. Laird, Ed. Wilcon, J. M. Barnes, J. M. Grove, Michael McGowan, W. C. Welsh.
Co. G. - Corp. G. B. Quick, A. Peick.
Co. I. - Lt. H. D. Williams, Corp. Isaac C. Munger.
Co. K. - J. Deel, H. Karstens, W. Deferc, D. Ligurn.
Seventeenth Iowa
Co. A. - H. A. Mills.
Co. B. - George Dandy.
Co. C. - Capt. S. M. Archer, G. N. Baldwin, J. T. Jackson.
Co. D. - K. Smith, J. Hood, R. Bromer.
Co. E. - Ben H. Shavler, Richard E. Williams, Ira E. Leury, W. D. Fisher, A. W. Reemer, Wilton M. Godley, John S. Parkhurst.
Co. F. - Milton J. Richardson, J. Cline, Chas. Chase.
Co. G. - Thos. Stewart, Jesse Lee, S. Gard, S. B. Duncan.
Co. H. - Sergt. Andrew M. Vance, Sylvester H. C. Grubb.
Co. I. - J. J. Koolbeck.
Co. K. - J. F. Fulbertson, Hugh White.
Second Iowa Cavalry
Co. C. - Nelson Lovel.
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