Transcribed by Sue Broadbooks, July 27, 2024
The Morning Democrat
Davenport, Iowa
Wed, Sep 03, 1862
Page 1EXEMPTIONS. - Three hundred and forty-seven have already claimed exemption from draft, most of them pretending to be aliens. Shame on them.
THE RIGHT STRIPE - While the crowd of aliens and invalids were surging against Commissioner Thompson's door yesterday forenoon, it pleased us to see a patriotic Irishman, mounted upon a box on the other side of the street, using all the words and eloquence in his power to restrain his countrymen from pleading exemption. More particularly did he declaim against those who had lived here for years; who has left the British kingdom to get rid of its tyranny and op- pression, but who were now skulking behind the folds of the British flag, and claiming protection from the hand that has oppressed them and their forefathers for almost centuries. We were pleased to notice that the words of the speaker were not wholly ineffective. No true hearted, whole souled Irishmen is ever going to cling to John Bull's coat tails in this emergency. The true Irish heart scorns and loaths such unmanliness.
A woman too - a good old patriotic Irish mother, also took the stand and denounced those who shrunk from the standard of true manhood in thus claiming what they had in their hearts abjured and sworn to hate forever. All honor to her and may her name be revered.
Let us state, however, that it is not the Irishmen alone that are claiming exemption, by no means. Of all nationalities, who are begging to be let alone, the Irish name is the most scarce on the Commissioner's books. They, as a clase, are too loyal, too manly and too much attached to the institutions of this Government, whether they have got their papers or not. Let them stand firm to etch prínciples and the nation will have still greater reasons to be proud of them.
MESSES EDITORS - In these perilous times of our country's history, I think it appropriate to furnish you the amended copy of a note from a citizen who believes himself to be exempt by law from the draft, yet will not avail himself of it, but says that if the lot falls on him he will do his part to sustain the old flag. Would there were more such, for the past two days has shown me they are sadly needed, and that men are only too anxious to excuse rather than waive a privilege given by law.
Respectfully Yours,
Commissioner for draft.DAVENPORT, September 2.
Hon. John W. Thompson, Commissioner, &c:
DEAR SIR - By virtue of an order of the U 8. District Court made on the 5th day of October, 1858, I was appointed a Commissioner of the Court, which in my opinion exempts me from service as one of the militia of the State of Iowa.I hereby waive my exemption, and in this bour of my country's peril and danger, acknowledge my liability and duty to serve her when called upon.
Respectfully Yours,
GEORGE H. PARKER.~* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Page created July 27, 2024
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