& Act'g Q.M.G. and Act'g as P.M.G,
to Hon. William M. Stone,
Governor of State of Iowa
Jan. 1,1867 Vol II
Des Moines: F W Palmer State Printer
These entries were extracted from an Appendix entitled "Casualties Among Enlisted Men" in the above book. Extracted only those line items which took place in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa and then sorted alphabetically. "Casualties" in this case means the man was either transferred, discharged or died at Davenport, Iowa. Each line item contains rank, name, whether disc (discharged) or trans (transferred) or died, date, remarks, and unit.
Pvt Abercrombie, Harrison disc 12/16/1864 wound to left side 32nd Inf-Co D |
Corp Ackerson, William H died 4/7/1864 disability 38th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Akin, James H died 11/12/1862 of disease 28th Inf-Co G |
Corp Alderman, Isaac N disc 6/21/1865 disability 32nd Inf-Co K |
Sgt Allyn, William M disc 10/4/1864 wound to left foot 27th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Amack, Robert W died 12/1/1862 of pneumonia 39th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Anderson, Eli disc 11/24/1864 disability 27th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Anderson, Salvador S disc 1/9/1865 disability 35th Inf-Co A |
1st Sgt Ansley, Thomas died 12/24/1862 typhoid fever 39th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Antrim, Nox died 2/11/1864 disease 21st Inf-Co A |
Pvt Asheline, George disc 11/1/1863 wound to right knee 27th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Atkins, Frederick W disc 8/14/1863 disability 24th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Bagley, James W died 9/20/1864 of typhoid fever 44th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Ball, Aaron died 11/9/1862 of measles 39th Inf-Co I |
Sgt Barker, John H disc 10/5/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co E |
Pvt Barnet, James H disc 5/26/1865 wound to left knee 28th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Barnhill, William disc 6/2/1863 unknown 31st Inf-Co H |
Pvt Barrett, Joseph L disc 4/14/1865 disease 27th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Barron, Francis disc 12/8/1864 disability 3rd Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Barton, Joseph N disc 1/20/1865 wound to ankle 28th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Beam, William O disc 11/25/1863 wounds to left hip & rt. cheek 21st Inf-Co H |
Pvt Beaty, Charles disc 5/13/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Beltz, Daniel J disc 12/24/1863 disability 28th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Benedict, Levi disc 9/14/1863 wounds 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Bennett, Evalza disc 7/22/1864 disability 20th Inf-Co D |
Sgt Benson, Salon T disc 10/8/1864 arm amputated 32nd Inf-Co F |
Pvt Binegar, George W disc 1/10/1865 wound to right shoulder 28th Inf-Co C |
Sgt Bissell, Fayette B disc 4/21/1863 disability 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Blunk, Amos L disc 11/1/1864 wounds 32nd Inf-Co D |
Pvt Boone, Morgan disc 8/13/1863 disability 27th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Borders, Harvey disc 1/21/1863 disability 39th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Bowen, William H disc 5/26/1865 disability 32nd Inf-Co C |
Pvt Boyce, Nicholas disc 6/2/1865 disability 22nd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Brackney, Elias died 9/26/1864 unknown 47th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Brenner, Daniel disc 3/9/1863 arm shot off accidently 39th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Briny, James L disc 5/10/1864 disability 20th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Brisben, Daniel L disc 1/20/1865 chronic diarrhea 27th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Brown, George O disc 5/25/1864 disability 32nd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Brown, John A disc 5/26/1865 wound to knee 28th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Brown, Thompson G disc 4/11/1864 disability 20th Inf-Co G |
Corp Bryant, Bruce A disc 5/10/1864 disability 32nd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Bulger, James disc 12/27/1863 disability 26th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Burger, Philip disc 11/24/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co D |
Sgt Butter, James disc 10/5/1864 disability 32nd Inf-Co G |
Corp Cain, Anthony drowned 10/20/1862 at LeClaire 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Cardwell, Pleasant disc 12/26/1865 wounds to both feet 21st Inf-Co H |
Pvt Caswell, David G disc 4/20/1865 disability 27th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Ceis, Daniel disc 12/19/1863 disability 28th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Chambers, Thomas L disc 1/28/1864 disability 24th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Chambers, William S disc 4/14/1865 disability 35th Inf-Co A |
1st Sgt Chandler, George C disc 8/10/1863 disability 24th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Chandler, Thomas R disc 1/21/1865 wound to rt. leg and thigh 24th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Clemens, Solomon disc 12/6/1863 disability 40th Inf-Co E |
Corp Clement, John disc 4/14/1865 wound to side 28th Inf-Co G |
Sgt Cobb, Farnsworth disc 5/2/1865 wound to leg 24th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Coill, John W disc 1/21/1863 disability 39th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Coles, William M trans 5/1/1864 Invalid Corps 20th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Collins, William H disc 8/8/1864 disability 24th Inf-Co B |
Wagoner Conrad, David D disc 1/18/1864 disability 21st Inf-Co K |
Pvt Conroy, Patrick J died 12/28/1864 wound to back 28th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Cook, Christopher disc 10/9/1862 disability 20th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Cook, William disc 5/20/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co E |
Pvt Cook, William H disc 1/25/1864 disability 20th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Coonrod, John died 12/14/1862 of measles 39th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Cordell, Alfred disc 5/26/1865 wound to neck 27th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Cornill, James disc 1/5/1865 disability 21st Inf-Co I |
Pvt Cowing, Josephus disc 12/23/1863 unknown 31st Inf-Co B |
Pvt Crisman, Sanford A disc 2/16/1864 wounds to thigh and right leg 24th Inf-Co B |
Corporal Cummins, Jacob C disc 5/29/1865 disability 20th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Curtis, David G disc 5/24/1863 disability 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Curtis, Frank disc 1/12/1864 disability 33rd Inf-Co A |
Sgt Curtiss, Joshua T disc 6/29/1865 disability 33rd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Dailey, James T died 3/31/1865 disease 22nd Inf-Co C |
Pvt Dannett, Tobias disc 5/2/1865 disability 26th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Davenport, John C disc 1/22/1863 disability 37th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Davis, Thomas T disc 3/20/1865 disability 30th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Demander, George A disc unknown wounds 32nd Inf-Co H |
Pvt Detsall, Lewis disc 7/17/1864 wounds 29th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Dillon, William C disc 12/8/1863 unknown 35th Inf-Co K |
Corp Divinell, Byron trans 6/29/1863 to Invalid Corps 35th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Dodt, Christian disc 1/20/1865 unknown 22nd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Donaldson, Thomas J disc 1/25/1865 disability 22nd Inf-Co E |
Pvt Donavan, John disc 11/24/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co D |
Corp Drake, Francis L died 6/15/1864 unknown 44th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Duncan, John W disc 5/16/1865 disability 29th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Dure, John C disc 12/6/1863 disability 28th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Easterly, Albert N disc 10/15/1864 wounds 24th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Eatherton, Samuel A disc 1/13/1865 disability 24th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Eddy, Levi H disc 6/27/1865 disability 27th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Eldridge, George disc 2/9/1865 disability 31st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Ely, David H disc 5/2/1865 wounds-lost right arm 21st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Evans, Edward M disc 6/21/1865 right leg amputated 28th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Evans, Jeremiah disc 3/28/1865 disability 35th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Evans, Joseph D disc 9/25/1863 wound to right leg 28th Inf-Co C |
Corp Ewing, Wilson A disc 11/10/1863 disability 35th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Farmer, Silas F disc 2/9/1865 unknown 28th Inf-Co C |
1st Corp Fawcett, Thomas B disc 5/31/1865 wound to left arm 24th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Fisher, William E disc 2/22/1864 disability 32nd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Fletcher, James disc 1/5/1865 wound to arm 24th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Fonnier, Lorrant disc 6/13/1864 disability 20th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Foster, George W disc 5/12/1863 disability 39th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Fox, Joseph disc 4/11/1865 wounds-both feet and arm 21st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Franks, George W disc 5/23/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Friend, Samuel disc 1/5/1865 wound to leg 28th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Fry, John disc 9/23/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Fugit, Isaac P died 11/30/1862 of pneumonia 39th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Fuller, Alonzo G disc 1/11/1865 disability 24th Inf-Co F |
Sgt Gabriel, Elias disc 1/5/1865 wound to jaw 24th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Gillmore, Alfred B died 2/18/1865 of disease 30th Inf-Co C |
Corp Giltner, John disc 5/26/1865 wounds to left leg 22nd Inf-Co E |
Pvt Goodrich, Ezra disc 1/25/1865 wound to leg 24th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Goon, Elias disc 1/30/1863 disability 40th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Gowdy, David died 12/24/1863 of lung fever 39th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Grandon, Isaac disc 9/5/1863 disability 32nd Inf-Co H |
Pvt Greybill, Harmon disc 11/9/1863 disability 21st Inf-Co G |
Corp Griffin, Loyal disc 5/15/1865 wounds 32nd Inf-Co F |
Pvt Guild, William died 12/13/1864 chronic diarrhea 35th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Hamblin, William F died 3/7/1864 of disease 34th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Hammett, James M disc 5/2/1865 wound to right leg 28th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Hanna, Henry D disc 11/24/1864 disability 27th Inf-Co E |
Corp Hanna, Stephen disc 1/9/1865 disability 35th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Hartman, Orlando S disc 5/25/1864 disability 24th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Haun, Samuel F trans 9/3/1863 To Invalid Corps 29th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Hawk, Elias disc 1/5/1865 wounds 28th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Hawthorn, David P disc 1/25/1865 wound to right arm 24th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Hayne, Napoleon B died 9/22/1864 unknown 47th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Hays, Samuel disc 6/20/1865 disability 27th Inf-Co G |
Corp Heck, John disc 1/5/1865 wound to hand 21st Inf-Co K |
Pvt Henderson, David M died 3/12/1865 of pnuemonia 32nd Inf-Co E |
Pvt Hendrickson, Samuel U disc 8/18/1864 disability 38th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Hennis, Benjamin F died 2/2/1864 typhoid pneumonia 4th Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Hicks, William died 9/23/1864 unknown 47th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Hicock, Charles disc 5/30/1865 unknown 27th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Higgins, Aaron disc 4/11/1865 disability 28th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Hillhouse, William disc 12/16/1864 wound to left breast 28th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Hiltebrand, David disc 2/24/1865 disability 39th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Hirschbuller, John disc 3/20/1865 chronic diarrhea 27th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Hite, Jacob disc 7/4/1864 wound to left thigh 28th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Hobert, Charles W disc 11/26/1863 disability 22nd Inf-Co C |
Pvt Hollingworth, William L disc 1/20/1865 wound to thigh and rt. hip 28th Inf-Co D |
Sgt Holmes, William disc 12/10/1863 disability 26th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Houts, John C disc 8/19/1863 disability 28th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Howdeshell, Jacob R trans 9/13/1863 To Invalid Corps 27th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Hudson, Josiah B died 3/20/1864 of disease 26th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Huff, Nathan disc 12/8/1864 disability 28th Inf-Co D |
Corp Hughes, Joshua B disc 1/25/1865 wounds 22nd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Hummer, Christian disc 5/29/1865 wounds to face and back 24th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Humphrey, Silas P disc 3/18/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Hux, John disc 12/4/1863 disability 33rd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Irwin, Henry died 4/1/1865 of disease 35th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Jamieson, William A disc 12/8/1864 disability 20th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Johnson, John C disc 9/25/1864 disability 38th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Jones, Charles disc 4/7/1863 unknown 27th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Jones, Elam R disc 3/28/1865 disability 40th Inf-Co D |
1st Sgt Jones, George A disc 11/22/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co H |
Pvt Jones, John died 4/7/1864 unknown 2nd Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Jones, William R died 2/18/1863 of pneumonia 1st Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Justin, George A disc 8/1/1863 disability 20th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Kain, Henry disc 5/29/1865 wounds to leg 23rd Inf-Co K |
Pvt Kelley, James S disc 7/5/1865 wound to left thigh 35th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Kennicott, George F W disc 8/5/1863 disability 31st Inf-Co D |
Pvt Kent, James P disc 9/5/1864 disability 32nd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Kerns, John W disc 2/12/1864 disability 21st Inf-Co I |
Pvt Kibler, George disc 4/29/1865 unknown 21st Inf-Co F |
Pvt King,Jared R disc unknown unknown 31st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Kinyon, Sanford disc 9/27/1863 disability 38th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Kortz, James M disc 5/27/1865 unknown 39th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Kuhlmann, Henry disc 1/5/1865 wounds to left arm and foot 27th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Lambert, Ivory D disc 10/20/1863 disability 31st Inf-Co K |
Pvt Lambert, John H disc 8/17/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Lane, Smith disc 7/15/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Lanning, Daniel S disc 1/25/1865 wound to thigh 28th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Large, Patrick died 11/19/1862 of disease 39th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Laycock, Joseph disc 10/10/1863 disability 28th Inf-Co H |
Pvt LeMarinell, Robert disc 3/7/1864 disability 20th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Leversee, Charles disc 9/5/1863 disability 3rd Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Lichteberger, Josiah disc 11/24/1863 disability 24th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Lloyd, John disc 8/11/1865 wound to back 28th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Long, Hiram R disc 4/3/1863 disability 31st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Lunnon, George disc 5/29/1865 wounds-leg amputated 22nd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Macklin, Angelo disc 1/5/1865 wounds 22nd Inf-Co E |
Pvt Maddy, James W disc 9-1864 disability 28th Inf-Co H |
Corp Mahannah, Clark disc 6/13/1864 wounds to head and foot 28th Inf-Co I |
Sgt Marquand, Charles disc 10/14/1863 disability 35th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Marsh, Henry A disc 4/20/1865 disability 32nd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Martin, Peter died 7/2/1864 of chronic diarrhea 1st Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Mather, Ebenezer disc 4/11/1865 wound to back 40th Inf-Co E |
Pvt McClure, David died 11/9/1862 of measles 31st Inf-Co G |
Pvt McCoy, George disc 2/24/1865 disability 37th Inf-Co A |
Pvt McCoy, Milton T disc 5/26/1865 wound to leg 24th Inf-Co F |
Pvt McCudden, John disc unknown disability 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt McDaniel, David A disc 2/24/1865 wound to leg 24th Inf-Co K |
Sgt McDuff, William S disc 4/20/1865 wound to right hip 28th Inf-Co D |
Pvt McGrady, James disc 10/4/1864 disability 27th Inf-Co E |
Pvt McIntosh, William W disc 10/6/1864 disability 32nd Inf-Co F |
Pvt McKenna, Henry disc 7/29/1864 disability 40th Inf-Co D |
Pvt McKinley, Randolph disc 4/20/1864 wounds to left leg 23rd Inf-Co K |
Pvt McVey, Nathaniel disc 10/5/1864 wound to left hand 28th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Meads, John E disc 6/29/1865 unknown 22nd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Miles, Forest M disc 4/14/1865 wounds to rt foot 23rd Inf-Co K |
Pvt Miller, Richard disc 12/16/1864 disability 40th Inf-Co C |
Corp Miller, Samuel B disc 3/23/1865 disability 24th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Minkler, George disc 4/4/1863 unknown 27th Inf-Co F |
Corp Mockmore, Charles M disc 1/25/1865 wound to breast 35th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Moffit, Henry disc 11/25/1863 disability 21st Inf-Co I |
Pvt Monahan, John disc 1/22/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Monthorp, William disc 5/17/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Moore, Samuel disc 5/24/1865 disability 37th Inf-Co A |
Corp More, Elmore disc 6/23/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Morton, Ezra D disc 10/5/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Moveracker, Cassius died 11/29/1862 of measles 32nd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Muhnd, Frederick disc 3/26/1864 disability 27th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Murray, William D disc 10/24/1863 disability 27th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Myers, Godfrey died 11/4/1862 of fever 2nd Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Nelson, Julius disc 7/5/1865 disability 27th Inf-Co B |
Musician Newman, Thomas B disc 5/23/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co A |
Pvt Nicholls, Frederick K disc 5/27/1865 disability 23rd Inf-Co K |
Drummer Nichols, Thomas R disc 5/21/1863 disability 39th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Nickle, Adam died 2/24/1864 disease 24th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Niles, Ransom S disc 10/8/1864 disability 38th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Norcott, Alanson disc 9/25/1864 disability 37th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Overpeck, Lewis disc 11/10/1863 disability 26th Inf-Co C |
Corp Palmer, Francis disc 9/18/1863 disability 21st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Park, Daniel G disc 10/4/1864 disability 35th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Parks, George W disc 1/5/1865 wounds to foot and wrist 28th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Paschal, George C disc 3/23/1863 disability 25th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Paschal, James disc 2/6/1864 disability 37th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Pasonrick, Joseph disc 10/5/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Patrick, Joseph I died 11/18/1862 of disease 28th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Perry, John disc 1/21/1863 disability 39th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Pierce, Samuel H disc 12/8/1864 disability 3rd Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Pvt Pittman, John S disc 1/5/1865 wound to leg 24th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Poppino, George W disc 1/20/1865 wound to leg 28th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Powers, Theodore B disc 1/21/1863 disability 39th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Quick, James disc 4/11/1863 disability 33rd Inf-Co B |
Fife Major Ralston, Robert C Jr disc 6/25/1864 right leg amputated 26th Inf-Non-commissioned |
Pvt Reeder, Albert J disc 2/15/1863 disability 24th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Reynolds, Elijah B disc 5/6/1864 disability 3rd Battery-Lt.Artillery |
Corp Rice, David E died 9/19/1864 of typhoid 47th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Richardson, Reuben disc 7/16/1864 disability 35th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Riley, George A disc 8/23/1863 disability 20th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Rittgers, John H died 9/15/1864 unknown 44th Inf-Co H |
Sgt Robbins, John H died 3/20/1864 of disease 27th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Robison, Robert H disc 1/25/1865 disability 23rd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Rowe, James K.P. disc 1/13/1865 wound to right leg 21st Inf-Co H |
Sgt Runyon, Andrew H disc 12/8/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Runyon, Harmon disc 6/13/1864 disability 38th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Sanders, Marion disc 6/11/1863 disability 28th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Schafer, Charles disc 5/18/1865 unknown 27th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Schimek, John disc 5/27/1865 disability 27th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Schlichting, Christian died 10/25/1863 chronic diarrhea 20th Inf-Co C |
Sgt Scurlock, Jasper disc 6/7/1865 unknown 32nd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Shay, John disc 12/3/1863 disability 21st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Shelly, Martin disc 4/14/1865 foot amputated 28th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Shepheard, Samuel disc 11/5/1863 disability 33rd Inf-Co F |
Pvt Sherman, Dan disc 3/18/1863 unknown 27th Inf-Co F |
Pvt Shuey, Robert G disc 11/23/1863 wounds to rt. foot,back,hip 21st Inf-Co H |
Pvt Shutt, Julius disc 4/14/1865 dysentery 20th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Simpson, John C disc 4/22/1863 disability 31st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Simpson, William B died 11/2/1862 of measles 31st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Skinner, Francis died 6/18/1863 of disease 38th Inf-Co E |
Corp Sloan, Ebenezer B disc unknown disability 38th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Smith, Abram F disc 5/26/1865 disability 35th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Smith, Daniel R died 11/8/1862 unknown 39th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Smith, David M disc 1/20/1864 disability 21st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Smith, James A disc 1/25/1865 unknown 22nd Inf-Co A |
Pvt Smith, Loren W died 1864 of disease 26th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Smith, Rudolph disc 2/25/1865 wound to right arm 23rd Inf-Co K |
Pvt Smith, Stephen R disc 6/13/1865 disability 31st Inf-Co B |
Pvt Smith, William disc 11/24/1864 disability 35th Inf-Co A |
Pvt Soesbe, William disc 4/11/1865 disability 24th Inf-Co B |
Sgt Spangler, William H disc 9/1/1863 disability 21st Inf-Co G |
Sgt Spurrier, Francis M disc 11/24/1864 wound to foot 32nd Inf-Co D |
Pvt St Clair, William disc 12/17/1863 wound to left thigh 28th Inf-Co D |
Pvt St Peters, Alexander disc 12/21/1863 disability 40th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Steffey, John disc 11/21/1863 disability 28th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Sterrett, George T disc 8/11/1863 disability 35th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Stickle, Boyd died 12/13/1862 unknown 39th Inf-Co A |
Sgt Stockman, David A disc 10/4/1864 disability 40th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Stowe, Hiram B disc 3/30/1865 disability 21st Inf-Co I |
Pvt Sturm, John disc 2/24/1865 wounds to l. shoulder&l. thigh 23rd Inf-Co K |
Pvt Swett, Leroy disc 1/5/1865 disability 35th Inf-Co A |
Corp Tansey, William P disc 1/1/1865 wound to left ankle 24th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Taylor, Curtis died 11/18/1862 of measles 31st Inf-Co D |
Pvt Tharp, John disc 9/20/1864 disability 27th Inf-Co B |
Corp Thompson, William A disc 12/8/1864 wound to right arm 40th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Thornton, F Williams disc 5/29/1865 wound to elbow 28th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Thorp, James J disc 3/9/1863 disability 39th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Todd, George S disc 4/10/1865 disability 24th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Toliver, John H died 11/26/1862 of pnuemonia 39th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Tomlin, George disc 2/2/1864 disability-left arm 22nd Inf-Co B |
Pvt Toms, John disc 12/17/1863 disability 21st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Trivetts, Daniel disc 2/9/1865 wound to groin 24th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Updike, William H disc 1/5/1865 wound to jaw 24th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Vanpelt, James N disc 1/30/1865 wounds to head and leg 22nd Inf-Co D |
Pvt Vanschoick, Edward disc 4/14/1865 unknown 31st Inf-Co D |
Pvt VanTassell, John W disc 4/15/1863 disability 26th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Walker, John W disc 12/28/1863 disability 35th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Walls, Harvey F died 5/13/1864 unknown 34th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Walters, Rudolph died 3/17/1863 disability unassigned recruit |
Pvt Ward, Ranzeweed disc 8/1/1863 disability 31st Inf-Co A |
Sgt Warren, Washington J disc 1/25/1865 disability 22nd Inf-Co E |
Corp Warrick, Austin C disc 1/20/1865 disability 32nd Inf-Co D |
Pvt Watermann, Henry disc 6/20/1865 wounds to left arm and side 27th Inf-Co D |
Corp Waters, Edwin C died 3/11/1864 of disease 38th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Weber, Frederick disc 4/4/1864 disability 35th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Webster, Byron D disc 12/16/1864 left leg fracture 24th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Welsh, John disc 10/17/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co G |
Pvt Wheelock, Harrison T disc 11/23/1863 disability 26th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Whitaker, Wilson H disc 2/11/1863 disability 20th Inf-Co E |
1st Sgt White, Charles K disc 4/20/1865 disability 32nd Inf-Co C |
Pvt Whitehead, Austin disc 1/5/1865 wound to arm 28th Inf-Co K |
Pvt Whiting, Samuel M died 8/12/1863 disability 20th Inf-Co I |
Pvt Wierden, Peter disc 10/15/1864 disability 31st Inf-Co F |
Pvt Wilhelm, Samuel disc 11/11/1863 disability 37th Inf-Co B |
Pvt Wilkinson, Willard W disc 1/5/1865 wound to left hip 28th Inf-Co D |
Pvt Williams, Isaac disc 4/18/1865 chronic diarrhea 21st Inf-Co H |
Pvt Wilson, Jeremiah disc 1/5/1865 wound to hip 28th Inf-Co E |
Pvt Wingert, James disc 12/10/1864 disability 24th Inf-Co C |
Pvt Witherton, Samuel T disc 8/11/1863 disability 21st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Wolfe, Andrew J disc 4/13/1864 disability 21st Inf-Co G |
Pvt Wood, George E disc 7/28/1864 disability 26th Inf-Co I |
Sgt Worth, William W died 1/31/1863 of lung fever 39th Inf-Co H |
Pvt Wyatt, Cyrus disc 2/24/1865 disability 32nd Inf-Co H |
Pvt Yaworski, Joseph disc 7/25/1864 disability 21st Inf-Co K |
Corp Zeck, Jonathon G died 11/30/1863 unknown 31st Inf-Co G |