The following biographical details are of people who had a career on the Mississippi river, were related to someone who was identified with the river, or died in the river.

Biographical Name Index
********** A **********
 Allen, William

********** B **********
 Bailey, J.W.
 Barnes, Dennis
 Bissick, E.
 Breen, John
 Buisson, Joe
 Burrow, Vetal

********** C **********
 Carr, David

********** D **********
 Davidson, Archie
 Davidson, P.S.
 Dawley, A.L.
 Day, L.A.
 Dorrance, D.F.

********** E **********
 Elliott, John

********** F **********

********** G **********
 Goldsmith, Frank

********** H **********
 Hanley, Dennis
 Hanley, Daniel R.
 Hanley, John
 Hawthorn, Tansy
 Hight, Washington

 Holsapple, Dole
 Holsapple, W.D.

********** I **********

********** J **********

********** K **********

********** L **********
 Lancaster, E.J.
 Lancaster, George O.
 Lancaster, H.E.
 Long, Joe N.
 Long, Newt

********** M **********
 Manwaring, Joseph
 Martin, Peter
 Mikesell, Addison Maxwell

********** N **********

********** O **********

********** P **********

********** Q **********

********** R **********

********** S **********
 Servis, E.
 Shannon, Robert
 Smith, Fuller
 Smith, Orrin
 Stedman, James

********** T **********
 Tromley, Charlie
 Twiezel, Henry
 Twiezel, Joseph

********** U **********

********** V **********
 Van Sant, S.R.
 Vogel, Charles

********** W **********

********** Z **********