Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 2, 1873

     There has been an increase in the number of cholera cases in the city,
and very many who were attacked are again upon the streets. There is nothing to be feared from cholera or cholera morbus if it is only taken in time. A physician informed us to-day that there is no reason why a single person should die of the complaint. Let each and everybody be particular as to the food they eat, provide themselves with a cholera preventive, and in case of an attack, immediately attend to the first stages, and the cholera loses all its terrors. In each and every case proving fatal, the cause has been indiscretion and neglect. Let this prove a warning. The list of dead now numbers about twelve. To those mentioned before we append the following fatal cases.
     Last night, at a boarding house near the bridge, a man named Burns died
of the cholera. He was taken with diarrhoea yesterday; neglected it, got worse rapidly, and in an hour was in collapse. He came to Davenport from Monmouth, Ills. and was about thirty-five years old. His body was buried this morning. At the same house a boy, whose name we did not learn, was taken with cholera this morning, and soon went into frightful convulsions. At ten o'clock, he was in a hopeless condition. This case and that of Burns are said to have been the worst cases of cholera yet known here.
     On Iowa street, near Second, Lottie Manning, a little girl five years of age, died of cholera last night, after a few hours of sickness. The funeral occurred this morning.
     A daughter of Miles Hoye, at the corner of Rock Island and Third street, died of cholera early this morning. Yesterday afternoon she was taken sick and continued to grow worse until death put an end to her sufferings. She was working at the cigar-making trade, and was seventeen years of age. She was a good and industrious girl and her loss is deeply felt by her family and friends.
     At a saloon on Second street, near the Bridge, a man named Lorenzen died of the cholera during last night. He had been sick for a long time with diarrhoea, and most persistently neglected to cure himself. He paid the penalty with his life. He was a German by birth and was about sixty-five years of age. The body was buried this morning.
     To this list may be added the name of Mrs. Drumgoole, whose decease is noted elsewhere.
     Mr. R.M. Prettyman, reported sick with the cholera, is suffering from a very serious attack of bilious fever. He is getting better to-day.
     We visited one house near the bridge this afternoon, in which there were three persons dying with the cholera. One child had died yesterday and to-day the mother and two children were seized.
     This afternoon at two o'clock, Mr. Henry Raff, of the firm of Raff, Cock & Co., died of cholera. He was seized with the complaint at eight o'clock this morning and in spite of the strenuous endeavors of physicians, it resulted fatally. Mr. Raff was about forty years of age. and was foreman of the agricultural implement warehouse of which his firm were the proprietors. He was a first class mechanic, a citizen of genuine worth, and a sterling and upright business man. The scourge has stricken down a man whom the city could ill afford to lose, and his firm has lost a pillar of strength. He leaves a family to mourn his sudden end.
     Will the cholera death-roll lengthen or grow shorter within the next twenty four hours? We know not.


Yesterday afternoon at six o'clock occurred the death of Mrs. Mary Drumgoole a resident of this city since 1850. She was nearly forty-six years of age, and had been a widow since 1856. She leaves three children, two daughters, both married, and a son. Mrs. Drumgoole was taken with cholera yesterday morning at three o'clock and neglect to call a physician hastened her death.

John Deere, the first mechanic to use steel in the manufacture of plows, is Mayor of Moline, which city he may be said to have founded, having established a plow shop there twenty-six years ago, which has gradually grown to be the most important manufactory in the West.

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 3, 1873

     There is but little now to report in the way of cholera news to-day. We hear of a number of new cases and we also learn of several deaths this morning. We are warranted in saying that the prospects fo not look nearly so dubious as yesterday for the dying out of the complaint. There were one or two deaths in the region of Flat Iron Square this morning and these
fatalities can be traced, in early every instance, to the drinking of impure water. Well water, below the bluff, is generally very impure, and in some instances poisonous; and, when taken into the system, creates sickness as a matter of course. We hope in a day or two to record the freeing of the city from the unwelcome visit of the cholera.
     The Council Committee, Alds. Sears, McClelland and Jennings, appointed last month to attend to putting the city in a better sanitary condition, this morning secured the use of the old Supreme Court rooms in Grant's block, for a temporary city hospital, while the present cholera season lasts. The rooms will be immediately fitted up, and any strangers or others taken with sickness can be removed there, where they will receive every attention. This action of the committee is a very commendable one.
     We are informed that the cause of the death of Miss Mary Hoye was not cholera, but consumption, also that she was 21 years of age, and that her occupation was not cigar-making.      This afternoon we have been making careful inquiries as to results of the cholera in the city, and we find the number of deaths within the past twelve hours does not fall short of twelve. One undertaker, Morse Ho?es, buried six persons to-day, and had application for services which he could not attend to.
     Among the deaths occurring last night and to-day are teh following:
Leismander Viele, a middle-aged man living on Harrison street, who leaves family; Wm. Wagner, a fireman, who boarded on LeClaire street, near Fourth; Mrs. Van Duzen and two grandchildren, three dead in the same house, on the corner of Iowa and Second streets; Frank Nelson, adopted son of Mr. Hanigan; a man named John Kelley; and an adopted daughter of Theodore Potter.
     The city authorities have taken energetic and prompt measures to day to hold the cholera in check, and the good result of their labors will soon be seen.

     Editor Democrat- Dear Sir- We must admit that there is some cholera in this city, but the worst is over. There are more persons worried over the rumors that thoughtless persons circulate about the ravages of the disease than there need be. And many are led to think any little ailment they may have are the first symptoms and the fear generally increases until their systems are wholly opened to admit any kind of disease.
     As a preventative I would advise a little caution in eating, and a trip to our Fair Grounds, every day, where enough can be seen to occupy the minds and improve the inclings generally.
     There are on exhibition some of the finest stock in the state, swine, trotters, cattle &c., agricultural implements, splendid poultry show, and shows of various kinds.
     As a firend I say to all, go to the Fair, keep your minds on things you see there, have a good laugh and chat with your friends and the cholera won't hurt you.

     All steamers arriving here to-day displayed flags at half mast in token of respect to the memory of the late R.M. Prettyman. We understand that in St. Louis, and all other points on the river, wherever the sad news was known, flags on all the steamers of the Packet Company were half-masted. Mr. Prettyman was known to every Upper Mississippi river man, and they all respected and loved the old gentleman. We believe that the was the oldest steamboat agent on the Upper River; before the Northern Line Company was organized he was agent here for the boat lines that then existed and he has represented the Northern Line Company ever since its organization. The simple testimonial  of half-masting the flags was a most appropriate one, and one which we are glad to record.

     Our young friend J.Lovell Cavendish, has gone from the midst of the great army of the unmarried. He was united in marriage, last evening, to Miss Bell Fischer. The ceremony occurred at the residence of J.T. Donahoo, Esq., Rev. A.B. Kendig, of Cedar Rapids, performing the ceremony. We wish the young people all the happiness and prosperity.

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 4, 1873

The Ravages of the Scourge in Davenport- Measures Taken to Check It.

     Whether the dreaded pestilence now present in our city is increasing or diminishing, we are not prepared to-day to state, although we stated yesterday, that in our opinion the scourge was abating. The welcome rain of last night, and the energetic measures to check the disease, taken by the city authorities, will perhaps have a tendency to do much good. The fatal cases occurring since last issue have been numerous.
     Last evening at six o'clock, John H. Limberger, bar tender at the saloon of Jenne & Co., on Third street, died of the cholera. He was taken sick on Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, and continued in great pain until his death. Limberger came her from Hannibal, Mo., about a year ago, was a cutter by trade; was about fifty-four years of age; and had no relatives or friends in Davenport. The corpse was buried last night at midnight.
     Jos. Hartzberg, a mechanic employed by the C.R.I & P. Company in Rock Island, died of cholera last night. This is the first case occurring in that place, the Union says.
     Mrs. Glenn, wife of Laurens Glenn, living near Flat Iron Square, died of the cholera last night, and was buried at St. Marguerite's Cemetery, this morning. She was about thirty-five years of age. Her child was very sick at the time of her death; it was taken from the house to be removed to the hospital,and the poor creature died on the way.
     Yesterday we published the death of John Kelley. To-day we announce that his son, a promising young man, is in his grave.
     In Flat Iron Square since Monday there have been seven deaths from cholera. In the square adjoining there have been fourteen deaths in the same time.
     In the Le Claire House, on Second street, near the bridge, there have been four deaths since yesterday. Two of them were and two children. Another child died this morning.
     In a small house near the corner of Flat Iron Square was a family of three- husband, wife and child. On Monday they were all well; to-day they
are all in their graves.
     Flat Iron Square is a good place to breed disease. The filth is allowed to accumulate and rot; the houses are dirty; the water bad. To-day and yesterday the city authorities disinfected the place with about twenty barrels of lime and kept tar burning. Most of the houses have been disinfected, and the poor inmates are either dead or have removed to a better facility.
   The temporary City hospital is under full headway, and at noon to-day
there were six or seven sick people there, receiving proper care and attention. To-day a number of people were removed from Flat Iron Square, and as persons were taken sick in such localities, they wre immediately removed to the hospital.
     Officers have been busy today in notifying property holders and others to disinfect the alleys, by-ways, and other filthy places throughout the city. In nearly every case the orders have been obeyed. The proclamation of the Mayor, published last evening, showing people that it is the determination of the authorities to rigidly enforce the health ordinance.
     We published daily ghastly facts- and facts only- in relation to the cholera. Let the people be warned by us- not alarmed. Remember the cholera is not contagious and not epidemic. It can be cured in its first stages. It need never be had by anybody if proper care and protection are exercised.

     IMPURE WELLS- As impure water is one of the greatest causes of cholera, the following plan for purifying the water in wells may be of use:      "Hang in a well supported by a string, a coarse canvas bag, with three or four good sized limestones and one or two lumps of charcoal in it. Have a string long enough to nearly reach the bottom of the well. In a week or two take out the charcoal, throw back the limestone into the well with five pounds of soft coal. Put a round or square wooden shoot up at the back of the pump for free ventilation. If the pump is out of dorrs, put a "tee" on
top; if under cover, a fine wire gauze will do."

     Hon. Hiram Price has sold his splendid farm of three hundred and sixty-two acres in Cleona township to Joachim Gottsch, the price paid being $16,652. As part consideration, Joachim Gottsch transfers to Hiram Price one hundred and forty acres in Hickory Grove township, for $8,400. The popular real estate firm of John Ochs & Son negotiated the contract.

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 6, 1873

     The pestilence has not yet died out in our city, and we are of the opinion that there is an increased number of cases. The complaint has found most of its victims so far among the lower classes in localities where water is impure, where the air is tainted with disease, and the alleys and yards are filthy and filled with corruption. Among this class the cholera still claims victims.
     Last night a man named William McGee, living on Iowa street, between Second and Third streets, died of the cholera. He was taken with diarrhoea several days ago, which he neglected. He got very much worse yesterday, and died at eight o'clock last evening. The body had to be interred as soon as possible and was taken to the cemetery at midnight. McGee came here from Maquoketa, was a plasterer by trade, and had been working at the Burtis Hotel. He was a middle aged man, and leaves a wife.
     At a boarding house on Third street, near LeClaire street, two brothers, named Ernst and Chris. Peterson, wre taken sick yesterday morning with the cholera, and both died in the afternoon. They wre buried at the same time, the funeral taking place at seven o'clock last evening. They were Swedes by birth, both young men, and neither married, nor having friends in this country.
     At a house on Iowa street, near Second, Mrs. Western died last evening of cholera. In the same house two children have also died within the past twenty-four hours.
     Mrs. Hannigan, wife of Thomas Hannigan, living near LeClaire street, was buried yesterday morning.
   From yesterday morning and until eight o'clock this morning, Morse Boies, the undertaker, has attended to nine funerals, all cholera cases.      The City Hospital has been the means of great good already, but now it will be the means of still greater good, for to-day the Sisters of Mercy, who are continually going about doing good, took charge of the hospital. The patients, under the tender and watchful care of the good Sisters, will be saved if a cure is possible.
     Yesterday a man named Ole Anderson, died of the cholera, and was buried. Upon his coffin is an inscription which gives the particulars of his death. These we will not allude to here, but suffice it to say that he offered up his life a sacrifice to others, watching the sick, he took the complaint and died.
     In conclusion, we again caution our readers, that they may be very careful in their persons, their living rooms, their outbuildings, and yards; the epidemic is spreading and nothing but the greatest cleanliness and personal care will secure our city from the direct effects. The disease has now entered the most thickly inhabited part of the German quarter and the cool weather will naturally cause the closing of windows, doors, etc. Where many people are living together, the breathing of impure air is a pregnant evil and the most open ventilation is advisable. Prevention is not only better than cure, but the only absolute escape from death in cholera times. So let sobriety, restricted use of fruit and vegetables, moderate eating, strict personal cleanliness, courage, and a small indulgence in red wine or good astringent and tonic liquors, secure us from the ravages of the epidemic among us.

Davenport, Sept. 5th, 6 p.m.

Four new cases were reported since morning. One of them that of Mrs.
Western, on Iowa street, who had since died, leaving three helpless
children. The children were taken to Mercy Hospital, the neighbors refusing
to receive them and Mr. Western being unable to care for them.

No new cases reported in Flat Iron Square.

Mr.Fred Parker was engaged to hold himself in readiness with his express
wagon at all times, subject to the orders of physicians or the Board.

Adjourned, Sept. 5th.

     Only one new case was reported since last evening.
     Messers. Preston and Lischer were appointed a committee to engage two cooks for the hospital.
     Mayor Murphy and Alderman Sears were empowered to obtain a suitable place for a temporary hospital.
     Several nuisances were reported and measures taken to abate the same.
     Measures were taken to send Mr. Glenn and his three children to their relatives in New York, he being entirely destitute and his father and mother
having died, leaving no one to take care of the children.

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 8, 1873

     If the reports are true, and judging from the facts as we learn them, there has been no decrease in the ravages of the cholera in this city since Saturday.
     In the region of Flat Iron Square the disease has pretty well died out, and this morning we understand there is but one case there; that a woman, who is recovering.
     Last night, about nine o'clock, a man named Henry Blackson, watchman on the Island end of the slough bridge, was taken sick with the cholera. He continued sick until four o'clock this morning, when he died. The body was buried this morning from the late residence of the deceased on Iowa street. He was a middle aged man and a widower.
     Down on Ainsworth street, in West Davenport, last night, died a man named Charles Kickler. He had been suffering for some time with the diaarhoea, which finally resulted in cholera, and caused his death. He was a Swede by birth and forty-eight years old.
     A man named Bonner died on the steamer Rock Island, on Saturday, on the upward trip of that steamer when it was near Dubuque. His disease was cholera.
     Mrs. McCrellis, wife of Mr. McCrellis, baker at Rule & Jack's, died of the cholera during the night, and was buried today.
     One of the saddest incidents that has yet occurred in connection with the cholera here, is the sudden death of Mr. and Mrs. Cook, an old couple, who lived on the south side of Third street, opposite the Pennsylvania House. On Friday afternoon Mrs. Cook went out to DeWitt to see some relatives. When she started she was quite sick, and upon arriving at DeWitt was dangerously ill. Intelligence of her sickness was conveyed to her husband here, and on Sunday he took the train for DeWitt. He also was sick- unable to travel- and the journey, short as it was ,brought him very much lower. When he got to DeWitt, Mrs. Cook was dead. He himself continued to sink until death ended his sufferings and his life, he dying a few hours after arriving. The old couple, dying thus together, were buried together at DeWitt early on Sunday morning. Mr. Cook was well known in this city; he was a native of Connecticut, and was one of the oldest residents of Davenport. He was about sixty-five years of age.

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 9, 1873

     The scourge hat has been so prevalent in Davenport during the past two weeks is now rapidly decreasing, and the number of cholera cases now under treatment is not half as large as it was a week ago. There have been few fatal cases within the past twenty four hours, and the number for the next twenty-four will be still smaller. We are glad to record this fact- glad to know that the pestilence has abated and is dying out, and that we will not have to present a daily list of victims.
     The visit of the cholera here has caused much suffering, much sorrow, and many tears. It has carried away several most respectable citizens; and has struck down young and old, rich and poor. The poor denizens of the lower districts have had to do battle with the destroyer- when the conflict was a terribly unequal one. The cholera death roll is a ghastly one- longer, very much longer, than any of our readers can imagine. The number of bodies buried by the city authorities has not yet been announced, but it is a very large one, and reaches not very far from two score. It is a short time we will give a correct statement of the number of deaths of cholera, and then our citizens can judge for themselves whether this has "ony been a cholera scare."
     But glad are we that the terrible visitor is departing;  mournful are we that the list of victims is such a long one. Our Board of Health, the Mayor and Sanitary Committee of the council, are deserving of great praise and credit for the prompt and energetic steps taken to check the progress of the cholera. Had it not been for them the ravages of the scourge would have been dreadful.
     There is still a large number of cases of cholera under treatment in
this city; some that will prove fatal, others that will soon be well. Latest reports from all quarters of the city show that there are few, if any, new cases. This is hopeful. Whether the cholera will renew its ravages or not, remains to be seen, but, by the looks of things now, we should judge that it has departed for good.
     Last Wednesday, Mr. _______ Graville, employed at the railroad car shops in this city, went out to Durant, with his wife, to escape the cholera. Only a few hours after his arrival there, he was taken with the cholera, and he died on Thursday. His wife returned to the city, a widow.
     John May, one of the oldest residents of this city, died at Mercy Hospital, last night of cholera. He had been living at the hospital for several months past, his infirmities forbidding his living alone. Mr. May was about sixty-five years of age, and had lived in Davenport over twenty-five years. His funeral occurred to day.
     There were two deaths on Iowa street during the night, one a woman and the other a child. Both buried to-day.

Davenport, Sept 8

     Board met at 8 o'clock P.M.- same members present as at morning session.
     Dr. Cantwell reported but one case left in old hospital, and but one case taken to the new hospital. He also stated that but five deaths had occurred in the old hospital, and every one of these was in a hopeless condition when brought there. The people who had been brought in before collapse, and some even in the last stages of collapse, had recovered. Mrs. Diagle, who is convalescent, si to be taken to the poor house being in indigent circumstances.
     Mr. Gifford presented the following reports from city physicians:
     Dr. Grant- No new cases to-day. Am treating two cases- one a child on Third and Rock Island streets, and the other a young man on Second and Rock Island streets.
     Dr. Bell.- No new cases to-day. Have treated five in all.
     Dr. Maxwell- No new cases since 12 o'clock Sunday night. Have treated eighteen cases in all, and had six deaths. Previous to Sunday night the cholera had abated for two days; but have since seven cases that have assumed a form that will require careful nursing and treating at the place where taken, without moving at all, if possible.
     Dr. J.W.H. Baker- Have seen seven well marked cases in all- the first one being Mr. Raff. Have seen one new case to-day, on Seventh street, between Farnam and LeClaire streets.
     Dr. Tomson- One marked case on Iowa street, between Second and Third- John Foster. No new cases to-day. have several cases of diarrhea, who are yielding to treatment, and have not gone on to a state of collapse.
     Dr. Farquardson.- No new cases to-day. Have seen but two cases, one Mr. Stoner, at the Hospital, and Mrs. O'Brien, ?th and Fillmore.
     Dr. Middleton- He had six marked cases which he had treated. Four of the six were children; two are now living and thinks they will recover. All the cases located in the vicinity of Iowa and Second except one on Fifth and Brady. The two under treatment are near the new hospital. Regards the recovery of these last, as indicating that the disease is, in individual cases, milder.
     Dr. Cantwell- Has three new cases on hand doing well. No new cases to-day. In the hospital five have recovered. One admitted to the new
hospital to-day.
     Dr. Peck- Have had only of marked cases, nine. Three are on hand, one of these was taken Sunday night. One may prove fatal; the others are convalescent.
     Dr. J.F. Baker- No new cases to-day. Has had four well marked cases in all outside the hospital.
     Dr. Olshaurn- Has not had a single case of Asiatic cholera.
     Dr. Schlegel- Has had no cases of genuine cholera.
     Dr. Kurtz- Has had two cases of real cholera.
     The new hospital will be vacated to-day as there is very little use for it, and it is thought that the cases which may arise now can be as well treated at the places where taken.
     Board adjourned till 8 o'clock this morning.

Davenport Democrat
Davenport, Scott, Iowa
Sep 12, 1873

The following is a list of persons admitted to the cholera hospital in this
city, commencing September 8 and ending September 10:

     Sept. 3- John Jenkins, recovered Sept. 4, and assisted in nursing the sick until Sept. 6, and was again taken sick in the afternoon of that day, and died of cholera in four hours.
     Sept. 4- Charles Erichan, died of cholera Sept. 5, was in a state of collapse when he came to hospital.
     Sept. 4- Child of Lewis Reasoner, died in six hours after entering hospital; child was nursed by its father and mother.
     Sept. 5- Peter Wilson; was in collapse when he entered and died Sept. 6.
     Sept. 5- Kate Wilson (wife of the above) died Sept. 8.
     Sept. 5- John Glenn; was in collapse when he entered and died in five hours.
     Sept. 5- Ole Anderson; was nursing the sick and was taken with cholera and died in five or six hours.
     Sept. 6- Laura Wilson (sister of Peter Wilson) had apparently recovered from cholera, but died from congestion of the lungs on the evening of September 8th.
     Sept. 6- Edward Sheer, was in collapse when he came to the hospital and died in three hours.
     Sept. 6- John J. McGuire, came to the hospital in the morning and recovered so as to be discharged in the evening.
     Sept. 6- Hugh Jones, died in two hours.
     Sept. 7- Peter Hansen, died the same day.
     Sept. 7- Peter Hart, was in collapse when he came to the hospital, and died in eight hours.
     Sept. 8- John Connell, was very low when he entered the hospital. Is now convalescent.
     Sept. 9- Sarah Eldridge, has been constantly engaged in her efforts to relieve the sick and administer to their wants during four days and nights. Being over come with fatigue and loss of sleep, she was taken with cholera, but is now in a fair way to recover.
     Sept. 6- Christian Eumark was in collapse when he came to the hospital, and died in about four hours.
     Sept. 10- Robert Callahan, mild form, is rapidly recovering.
     Eight of these cases were seen by other physicians before entering the hospital. Six of the nurses besides those mentioned above, were taken with diarrhoea, but all recovered.

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