Pictures included with this chapter are:  Fountain in Central Park  - Soldier's Monument, Davenport - Main Building, Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home - Clarissa C. Cook Home For The Friendless.

From the fact that Dr. Emerson, who owned "Dred" Scott, the slave whose name gives the title to one of the most famous and momentous decisions ever handed down by the United States supreme court, lived in Davenport and practiced his profession here, and also it being a matter of history that "Old John Brown" came to Davenport at one time and laid in a supply of provisions for his followers, makes any mention of these historic characters of more than the ordinary interest and for that reason newspaper extracts relating to them are here presented, one written by William A. Meese, of Moline, Illinois, and the other by Warren Teele, the latter appearing in the Half Century number of the Democrat.


"Dred Scott was a owned by Dr. John Emerson, a surgeon in the United States army, and in the year 1834 Scott came with the doctor from Missouri to Fort Armstrong on Rock island, Illinois, where the doctor was stationed.  Scott remained at Fort Armstrong until May, 1836, when he went with the doctor to Fort Snelling (in Minnesota) where he married Harriet, a slave of his master, and had two children.  Slavery was illegal in both places - in Illinois by its constitution; in Minnesota (Louisiana Purchase) by the Missouri Compromise.

"In 1838 Scott was taken to Jefferson Barracks, a military post at St. Louis, and here an action was brought in the circuit court of the state by Scott to test the question of his freedom.  The St. Louis court held that Scott's residence on free soil had made him free.  The case was appealed to the supreme court of Missouri, which court reversed the decision of the St. Louis circuit court and held that Scott was a slave.  In the meantime Dr. Enerson had sold Dred and his family to John F. A. Sanford of New York, and suit was brought against Sanford in the United States court for Scott's freedom.  The case was tried at St. Louis on May 15, 1854, before the court and a jury, and the latter found that 'Dred Scott was a slave, the lawful property of the defendant.'  A new trial was refused and Scott carried his case to the supreme court of the United States.  The final decision in the Dred Scott case was the longest and, up to that period, the most interesting one ever given by the supreme court of the United States.  The substance of the dicision was as follows:

"Scott was not made free by being taken to Rock Island in the state of Illinois.  As Scott was a slave when taken into the state by his owner, and was there held as such, and brought back into Missouri in that character, his status, as free or slave, depended on the laws of Missouri, and not of Illinois.  He and his family were not free, but were, by the laws of Missouri, the property of the defendant.'  This decision by Roger B. Taney only helped to fan the flames, and the free-soil, native American and anti-slavery democrats of the north now took more aggressive steps toward the abolition of the slave trade."


While Dr. John Emerson was serving his country as surgeon to the garrison at Fort Armstrong the tide of immigration set strongly to the newly opened Black Hawk Purchase and carried him across the river to Davenport, his assignment as surgeon allowing him some little latitude of action.  Here he built a substantial brick residence which still standing is numbered as 219 on East Second street.  A view of this relic of early days appears in this work.  From the signs generously plastered thereon it can be surmised that in this lowly condition it is a warehouse of the Iowa Telephone Company.  While at Fort Armstrong Dr. Emerson entered a claim on the banks of the river, next east and adjoining the claim taken up by George L. Davenport, the first claim entered upon in the Black Hawk Purchase.  Upon this claim Dr. Emerson built a shack and installed therein his slave Dred Scott to occupy and make good all rights of a claimmaker.  'At that time this region was in the territory of Michigan.  Later, July 4, 1836, it became Wisconsin.  Upon this Davenport residence, or rather, stay in Bettendorf, Scott in his famous suit for freedom predicated residence in Michigan and Wisconsin, free territory.  When the Fort Armstrong garrison was transferred to Fort Snelling, Dr. Emerson accompanied the troops.  Later he came to Davenport, sold his claim for one thousand dollars, and returned to St. Paul, taking Dred with him.  This strengthened Dred's case later by a stay in Minnesota.  When Dr. Emerson died his remains were buried in Antoine LeClaire's cemetery where LeClaire street crosses Sixth.  After the bodies here buried had been removed to St. Mary's churchyard and the City cemetery in West Davenport this location became the site of the fine old residence of our historian, Willard Barrows.

In the Gazette of date May 4, 1843, was published the following professional card:  "Dr. John Emerson offers his professional services to the citizens of Davenport and surrounding country.  He may be found at present at the LeClaire House."  In the issue of the same paper which appeared on the evening of January 4, 1844, was this notice:  "Died-On the evening of December 28, 1843, John Emerson, M. D., aged forty years, late surgeon in the army of the United States."


"There was a great celebration of the 4th of July here in 1858," says Warren Teele, "most of the business houses of the town were closed and the people generally turned out to the picnic.  I was with Dalzell then, on the corner of Second and Perry.  I did not care to celebrate, and so I stayed at the store through the morning, though Dalzell urged me to close up and go out for a good time.  At last I said I would close at noon, one or two other houses having kept open till then, and I was waiting through the last few minutes before the hour of twelve when a stranger came in.  He was a well built man, with heavy beard and hair, quaint and old-fashioned in style, and very gray.  'Has thee any sidemeat?' he asked as I came to meet him.  'No,' I said, 'we are just out of sidemeat; but we have some very fine shoulders.'  'I did not ask thee for shoulders; I asked thee for sidemeat,' he said, not in an irritated tone, but steadily and composedly as though merely setting me right when I was wrong.  I was anxious to save the sale for somebody, if I could not for my own house, so I said, 'Wait, I think I can take you to a man who will sell you all the sidemeat you want, if you will come with me.'  He did not say a word, but was ready to go, so I locked the store and led him as fast as we could walk-I was afraid we should find the place closed-half a block south on Perry and then a block west through the alley to Burr & Swift's store, which stood just across the alley from the present station of the interurban road.  We were in time, and the sidemeat was satisfactory.  After it the stranger bought flour and other provisions, in all a bill of over $400, and paid the cash.  He went around the corner of Front street, toward Burrows & Prettyman's mill, and came back with a covered conestoga wagon; an immense big thing, with the high bed flaring forward and back like the ends of a scow, and the whole interior hooded under the cover.  He loaded in his provisions and drove away, saying not a word more than was necessary.  It was months later that we learned-Burr and Swift and I-that our customer was old John Brown, the liberator.,  He had the bottom of that wagon bed full of guns and pikes then, and he was on his way out to his rendezvous at Springdale.

"The raid, capture, trial and execution of John Brown made a tremendous sensation here, where the great mass of the people sympathized with him.  The escape of one of the Coppocs, Springdale boys who were in his desperate little band at Harper's Ferry, gave great satisfaction here, and delighted me very much, for I was a John Brown man.  Eli Adams kept a bookstore on Brady street where the trunk store is now, between Second and Third.  One day Eli slipped me quietly upstairs, and there was Coppoc.  I know that at least one other man beside myself was admitted to see him, and I know that he was kept there at least four days.  The detectives and United States marshals were raking the country for him, and were right here in Davenport when he was hidden there; but they never got on his trail, and he got away.  The story of his escape from Harper's Ferry, and his wayfaring all the way to this city, is most thrilling, as it has been given in one of the magazines of thirty years ago, or more.  He was escorted out of Davenport and on to safety.  I do not remember his face so well, but his old leader had a physiognomy and a bearing that impressed me deeply, so that I shall never forget him, just as he looked.  I may add that the clue that brought the detectives to Davenport on Coppoc's scent was the address, 'Burr & Swift, Davenport, Iowa,' on a box found among the effects of John Brown that were captured at Harper's Ferry."


In coming to Davenport Barclay Coppoc was coming among friends he had made while serving as clerk in local stores.  After evading the extradition papers of Governor Wise of Virginia this young man enlisted in the war for the union and early in the struggle fell a victim to Missouri bushwhackers.  He was killed with other soldiers in the wreck of a train which went through a bridge which had been weakened by incediary fire.

Colonel Wm. Penn Clark, formerly of Davenport, wrote a letter to the Des Moines Register in which he tells of a trip he made in March, 1859, from West Liberty to Davenport with John Brown and party who were taking twelve slaves captured in Missouri to freedom.  A freight car containing the slaves was attached to the train and placed directly back of the engine.  In this car were Brown and others of his adherents, all strongly armed.  Kagi, the writer and orator of the Brown movement, accompanied Col. Clark into a passenger coach to keep an eye on a man who had threatened to reveal to the United States officers the character of the freight in the car attached to the train when the train should reach Davenport.  It was the purpose of Clark and Kagi to overawe and keep this man quiet during the short stay the train made in this city.  Col. Clark says in his letter, "And this we did.  Kagi was thoroughly armed, as were all the white men with Brown, and the party could not have been arrested without bloodshed.  The conductor of the passenger train was a man named Jones, an Englishman, who, I believe, is dead.  He was in sympathy with the movement, and who knew how anxious I was to get the fugitives safely out of Iowa.  From a window of the old Burtis House I watched the train crossing the bridge over the Mississippi and felt greatly relieved when the train started on its journey to Chicago, where the were safely landed the next morning."

While the train stopped here Laurel Summers, United States marshal with a strong posse searched the passenger cars, but did not examine the freight car on the rear of the train.  At Chicago Allan Pinkerton, the famous detective, conducted the slaves to a waiting car which took them safely to Canada.


John Brown, who declared and honestly believed himself chosen of the Lord to strike the shackles from the southern slave, was hanged on the gallows at Charlestown, near Harper's Ferry, Virginia, on the 2d day of December, 1859, as a penalty for his misguided attempt to cause an uprising of the blacks in the vicinity of Harper's Ferry, where he and his small band of followers had forcibly taken possession of the United States arsenal.  This event caused a furor of excitement in the south and events that made for internecine strife and the bloodiest civil war on record were hastened at a furious speed toward Fort Sumter, where the shot was fired that echoed its baleful significance throughout the hills and vales of Christendom.  The walls of Fort Sumter were battered by the rebel guns at Charleston, South Carolina, by the would-be assassins of the Union on the morning of April 12, 1861, and in twenty-four hours thereafter new of the world-momentous action had reached every accessible corner of the United States.  In the south the portentous message was generally received with boisterous demonstrations of joy and the belief on the part of the masses that the day would soon come for their deliverance from the "northern yoke" and that their "peculiar institution" was to be perpetuated under the constitution and laws of a new confederacy of states.  In the north a different feeling possessed the people.  The firing on Fort Sumter was looked upon with anger and sadness, and the determination was at once formed to uphold the integrity of the Union and the perpetuity of its institutions.  It was then that Abraham Lincoln began his great work of preserving the Union.


On the 16th of April, four days following the assault on Fort Sumter, Governor Samuel J. Kirkwood, of Iowa, received the following telegram from Simon Cameron, secretary of war:

"Call made on you by tonight's mail for one regiment of militia for immediate service."

That very day the governor proclaimed to the people of Iowa that the nation was imperiled and invoked the aid of every loyal citizen in the state.  The telegram above alluded to was received at Davenport.  The governor was then residing at Iowa City, but there was no telegraphic communication in those days between the two cities.

It was important that the dispatch should reach the eyes of the governor at once and General Vandever, then a civilian, volunteered to take the message to Iowa City.  The governor was found on his farm outside the city by the self-appointed messenger, dressed in homespun and working in the field.  Reading the dispatch Governor Kirkwood expressed extreme suprise and exclaimed:  "Why, the president wants a whole regiment of men!  Do you suppose I can raise so many as that, Mr. Vandever?"  When ten Iowa regiments were offered a few days later the question was answered.


President Lincoln announced, April 15, 1861, that the execution of the laws of the union had been obstructed in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas by "combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by law."  He called out the militia to the number of 75,000.  Seeing that the insurgents had not dispersed in the states named and that the inhabitants of Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee had joined them, he issued this proclamation, August 16, 1861:

"Whereas, on the 15th day of April, 1861, the president of the United Staes, in view of an insurrection against laws, constitution and government of the United States, which has broken out within the states of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, and in pursuance of the provisions of the act entitled, 'An act to provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel invasionsm and to repeal the act now in force for that purpose,' approved February 28, 1795, did call forth the militia to suppress said insurrection and cause the laws of the Union to be duly executed and the insurgents having failed to disperse by the time directed by the president; and whereas such insurrection has since broken out and yet exists within the states of Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkansas; and whereas, the insurgents in all the said states claim to act under the authority thereof, and such claim is not disclaimed or repudiated by the persons exercising the functions of government in such state or states, or in the part or parts thereof in which combinations exist, nor has any such insurrection been suppressed by said states:

"Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States, in pursuance of an act of congress approved July 13, 1861, do hereby declare that the inhabitants of the said states of Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Florida (except the inhabitants of that part of Virginia lying west of the Alleghany Mountains, and of such other parts of that state and the other states hereinbefore named as may maintain a loyal adhesion to the Union and the constitution or may be from time to time occupied and controlled by the forces of the United States engaged in the dispersion of said insurgents), are in a state of insurrection against the United States; and that all commercial intercourse between the same and the inhabitants thereof, with the exceptions aforesaid, and the citizens of other states and other parts of the United States, is unlawful, and will remain unlawful until such insurrection shall cease or has been suppressed; that all goods and chattels, wares and merchandisem coming from any of said states with the exception aforesaid, into other parts of the United States, without the special license and permission of the president, through the secretary of the treasury, or proceeding to any said states, with the exceptions aforesaid, by land or water, together with the vessel or vehicle conveying the same or conveying persons to or from said states, with said exceptions, will be forfeited to the United States; and that from and after fifteen days from the issuing of this proclamation, all ships and vessels belonging in whole or in part to any citizen or inhabitant of any of said states with said exceptions found at sea or in any port of the United States will be forfeited to the United States, and I hereby enjoin upon all district attorneys, marshals and officers of the revenue and of the military and naval forces of the United States, to be vigilant in the execution of said act, and in the enforcement of the penalties and forfeitures imposed or declared by it; leaving any party who may think himself aggrived thereby to his application to the secretary of the treasury for the remission of any penalty of forteiture, which the said secretary is authorized by law to grant if, in his judgment, the special circumstances in any case shall require such remission.

"In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.

"Done at the City of Washington, this sixteenth day of August, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independence of the United States of America the eighty-sixth year.

                                                                                                                "Abraham Lincoln."


"Whether in the prompitude of her responses to the calls made on her by the general government, in the courage and constancy of her soldiery in the filed," said Colonel A. P. Wood, of Dubuque, upon one occasion, "or in the wisdom and efficiency with which her civil administration was conducted during the trying period covered by the war of the rebillion, Iowas proved herself the peer of any loyal state.  The proclamation of her governor, Samuel J. Kirkwood, responsive to that of the president calling for volunteers to comprise her first regiment, was issued on the fourth day after the fall of Sumter.  At the end of only a single week men enough were reported to be in quarters (mostly in the vicinity of their own homes) to fill the regiment.  These, however, were hardly more than a tithe of the number who had been offered by company commanders for acceptance under the president's call.  So urgent were these offers that the governor requested on the 24th of April permission to organize an additional regiment.  While awaiting the answer to this request he conditionally accepted a sufficient number of companies to compose two additional regiments.  In a short time he was notified that both of these would be accepted.  Soon after the completion of the second and third regiments, which was near the close of May, the adjutant general of the state reported that upward of 170 companies had been tendered to the governor to serve against the enemies of the Union.

"Much difficulty and considerable delay occurred in fitting these regiments for the field.  For the First infantry a complete outfit-not uniform-of clothing was extemporized-principally by the volunteered labor of loyal women in the different towns, from material of various colors and qualities obtained within the limits of the state.  The same was done in part for the Second infantry.  Meantime an extra session of the general assembly had been called by the governor to convene on May 15th.  With but little delay that body authorized a loan of $800,000 to meet the extraordinary expenses incurred and to be incurred by the executive department in consequence of the new emergency.  A wealthy merchant of the state-Ex-Governor Merrill, then a resident of McGregor-immediately took from the governor a contract to supply a complete outfit of clothing for the three regiments organized, agreeing to receive, should the governor so elect, his pay therefor in state bonds at par.  This contract he executed to the letter, and a portion of the clothing, which was manufactured in Boston to his order, was delivered at Keokuk, the place at which the troops had rendezvoused, in exactly one month from the day on which the contract had been entered into.  The remainder arrived only a few days later.  This clothing was delivered to the regiments, but was subsequently condemned by the government for the reason that its color was gray, and blue had been adopted as the color to be worn by national troops.


"The state, while engaged in efforts to discharge her duty in connection with the common emergency, was compelled to make separate and large provision for the security of her own borders.  On the south she was threatened with invasion by the secessionists of Missouri, while on the west and northwest there was danger of incursuions by bands of hostile Indians now freed from the usual restraint imposed by garrisons of regular troops at the frontier posts.  For border defense the governor was authorized to raise two regiments of infantry, a squadron-not less than five companies- of cavalry, and a battalion-not less than three companies- of artillery.  Only mounted troops were enlisted, however, for this service; but in times of special danger, or when calls were made by the Unionists of northern Missouri against their disloyal enemies, large numbers of militia on foot turned out (often) and remained in the field until the necessity for their service had passed.

"The first order for the Iowa volunteers to move to the field was received June 13th.  It was issued by General Lyon, then commanding the United States forces in Missouri.  The First and Second infantry immediately embarked in steamboats and moved to Hannibal.  Some two weeks later the Third infantry was ordered to the same point.  These three, together with many others of the earlier organized Iowa regiments, rendered their first field service in Missouri.  The First infantry formed a part of the little army with which General Lyon moved on Springfield and fought the bloody battle of Wilson's Creek.  It received unqualified praise for its gallant bearing on the field.  In the following month (September) the Third Iowa with very slight support fought with honor the sanguinary engagement of Blue Mills landing; and in November the Seventh Iowa, as a part of a force commanded by General Grant, greatly distinguished itself in the battle of Belmont, where it poured out its blood like water-losing more than half of the men it took into action.  The initial operations in which the battles referred to took place were followed by the more important movements led by General Curtis of this state and other commanders, which resulted in defeating the armies defending the chief strategic lines held by the confederates in Kentucky, Missouri, Tennessee and Arkansas, and compelling their withdrawal from much of the territory previously controlled by them in those states.  In these and many other movements down to the grand culminating campaign by which Vicksburg was captured and the confederacy permanently severed on the line of the Mississippi river, Iowa troops took a part in steadily increasing numbers.  In the investment and siege of Vicksburg the state was represented by thirty regiments and two batteries, in addition to which eight regiments and one battery were employed on the outposts of the besieging army.  The brilliancy of their exploits on the many fields where they served won for them the highest meed of praise both in military and civil circles.  Multiplied were the terms in which expression was given to this sentiment, but these words of one of the journals of a neighboring state-'The Iowa troops have been heroes among heroes'-embodies the spirit of all.


"In the veteran re-enlistments that distinguished the closing months of 1863 above all other periods of re-enlistments for the nationa armies, the Iowa three years' men who were relatively more numerous than those of any other state, were prompt to set the example of volunteering for another of equal length, thereby adding many thousands to the great army of those who gave this renewed and practical assurance that the cause of the Union should not be left without defenders.  In all the important movements of 1864 and 1865 by which the confederacy was penetrated in every quarter and its military power finally overthrown, the Iowa troops took part.  Their drumbeat was heard on the banks of every great river of the south, from the Potomac to the Rio Grande, and everywhere they rendered the same faithful and devoted service, maintaining on all occasions their wonted reputation for valor in the field and endurance on the march.

"Two Iowa three-year cavalry regiments were employed during their whole term of service in the operations that were in progress from 1863 to 1866 against the hostile Indians of the western plains.  A portion of these men were among the last of the volunteer troops mustered out of service.  The state also supplied a considerable number of men to the navy who took part in most of the naval operations prosecuted against the confederate power on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts and the rivers of the west.

"The people of Iowa were early and constant workers in the sanitary field, and by their liberal gifts and personal efforts for the benefit of the soldiery placed their state in the front rank of those who became distinguished for their exhibitions of patriotic benevolence during the period covered by the war.  Agents appointed by the governor were stationed at points convenient for rendering assistance to the sick and needy soldiers of the state, while others were employed in visiting from time to time hospitals, camps and armies in the field, and doing whatever the circumstances rendered possible for the health and comfort of such of the Iowa soldiery as might be found there.

"At the beginning of the war the population of Iowa included about 150,000 men, presumably liable to military service.  The state raised for general service thirty-nine regiments of infantry, nine regiments of cavalry, and four companies of artillery, composed of three years' men, one regiment of infantry composed of three months' men, and four regiments and one battalion of infantry composed of 100 days' men.  The original enlistments in these various organizations including 1,727 men raised by draft, numbered a little more than 69,000.  The re-enlistments, including upward of 7,000 veterans, numbered very nearly 8,000.  The enlistments in the reuglar army and navy, and organizations of other states will, if added, raise the total to upward of 80,000.  The number of men who under special enlistments and as militia took part at different times in the operations on the exposed borders of the state was probably as many as 5,000.



"Iowa paid no bounty on account of the men she placed in the field.  In some instances toward the close of the war, bounty to a comparatively small amount was paid by cities and towns.  On only one occasion, that of the call of July 18, 1864, was a draft made in Iowa.  This did not occur on account of her proper liability, as established by previous ruling of the war departments to supply men under that call, but grew out of the great necessity that there existed for raising men.  The government insisted on temporarily setting aside in part the former rule of settlements and enforcing a draft in all cases where subdistricts in any of the states should be found deficient in their supply of men.  In no instance was Iowa, as a whole, found to be indebted to the general government for men on a settlement of her quota account."


The news of the surrender of Fort Sumter was received in Davenport on Monday, April 16, causing the most intense excitement.  The Gazette and Democrat united in issuing an "extra" giving an account of the affair.  A great crowd gathered in front of the Gazette office and impatiently awaited the publication, while the steamer, "W. L. Ewing" laid nearly two hours at the wharf awaiting the issue before proceeding on her trip.  A public meeting was called for LeClaire hall Tuesday evening, and amost enthusiastic crowd assembled in pursuance of the call, filling the hall to overflowing.  During the whole meeting, which continued until a late hour, the feeling was one of irrepressible enthusiasm.  The speakers were, Attorney Genreal Nourse, of Des Moines; Gov. Kirkwood, Hon. William Vandever, Hon. James J. Lindley, Hon.  Jacob Butler, Judge Booth, Judge Dillon, Dr. Keith and Rev. Mr. Collier.  Mayor French was chairman of the meeting and Add. H. Sanders and D. N. Richardson, secretaries.  Gov. Kirkwood said that he had been called out of a sick bed at home by a messenger, who said that dispatches were awaiting him from the president.  He could not find them in Iowa City, and thinking that they might have been received in Davenport and forwarded to Des Moines, he came here to find out so as to lose no time, knowing that the people were eager to have him do his duty.  He said that he would not call together the legislature as it would involve great expense and considerable delay, and he thought he could get along without them.  At all events he would take the responsibility to trying.  The enlistment and starting away of the regiment would probably involve about $10,000 expense, but he would raise this sum, and at once, if he had to pledge every dollar of his own property.  He would see that the expenses were paid till the regiment was handed over to the government.

John Collins, H. Ramming, D. E. Ture, William T. Clark and John N. Rogers were appointed a committee on resolutions and reported the following:

"Resolved.  That in the existing state of things in our country, in which the citizens of a section have arryed themselves in open and armed rebellion against the federal government, every true lover of his country is imperatively called upon to rally around the standard of the Union, and to do all that in him lies to maintain its just authority against the assaults of treason from whatever quarter.

"Resolved, That we, the citizens of Davenport, gratefully acknowledging our indebtedness to the union of these states for whatever we, in common with our fellow countrymen, possess, if honor abroad is prosperity at home, do hereby pledge to that union in this its hour of peril and disaster, our steadfast and unalterable loyalty and support.

"Resolved, That as the maintenance of law is the prime object and first duty of every government, we will to the utmost of our ability sustain the efforts of the Federal administration to enforce the laws of the land, and to put down resistance to the same; and that we will indignantly frown upon any attempt to throw obstacles in its path, or to detract from its just authority from whatever source arising."

Scott county was represented in almost every regiment from the state that went into the service.  It this connection is compiled from the adjutant-general's report a list of men from this county, and when possible short sketches of the various regiments.  The record is an honorable one.


The first regiment in which Scott county was represented was the First Iowa infantry.  Company G was composed entirely of men from this county.  The following comprises the list of men from the county:  quartermaster, Theodore Guelich; Company G, captain, August Wentz; lieutenants, Theodore Guelich, Johannes Ahlefeldt; sergeants, Ernst Claussen, Louis Schoen, Frank Ditman, Charles H. Stuehmer; corporals, William S. McKenzie, Gustav A. Koch, Claus Rohwer, John F. Doerscher; musicians, Theodore Rutenbeck, August Anzorge; privates, Ernst Arp, Heinrich Averbeck, Hans Asbahr, Charles Altman, Christian Benedix, Heinrich W. Baasch, Pete Becker, Hans I. Brammer, Detlef I. Brammer, Christian Barche, James B. Caldwell, Fritz Dose, William V. Dreskey, Johannes Eggers, Peter Einfeldt, Anton I. Enderle, Joseph I. Enderle, Andrew Fellentreter, Friedrich Friedholdt, Charles Feistkorn, Christian Fey, Julius F. Fescher, George Gradest, August Giescke, Fritz Hess, Heinr Heilmeulberg, Johannes Hansen, Seivert Jurgensen, Heinrich Karstens, William Keil, August Kohlbry, Christian Kortum, Alexander Kellmen, Ferdinand W. Koch, Fritz Kreibaum, Johann Luthen, Marz Lutze, Heinrich Massow, Emil Magnus, Carl Matthes, Ormilius Meisner, Johnann I. Murbach, Jens Mattheisen, Claus H. Moeller, August Neire, Edward Nissen, Hans Juazen Hehm, Heinrich Niemann, Claus F. Paulsen, Jacob Plaff, Fred I. Prien, Henry Pahl, Johann H. Peters, Johann H. Popp, Chris I. Petersen, Fritz I. Petersen, Johann I. Petersen, Bernard Rheinhardt, Fried Roddewig, Henrich Rosburg, Hans Rahn, Hans Reimers, Henrich Rohde, August Rohlf, Hans Schlunz, Henry Selken, Henrich Seivers, William H. Spohr, Heinr Stoltenberg, Yast Schroepfer, Carl Sickle, Louis Schuepel, Theodore Sloanaker, Auust Steffen, Franz Stitzzer, Juergen Tank, August Timm, Conrad Tadewald, Hans I. Voss, Christian I. Voss, Heinrich Wright, Friedriech Wegner.

Company H of the First regiment also contained one man from Scott county, John Hoffman.

This regiment was enlisted for three months and was mustered in under the first call of the president.  It participated in the battle of Wilson's Creek, August 10, 1861, and lost a number of killed and wounded.  It was mustered out of service August 25, 1861, at St. Louis, having served from May 14, 1861.


Scott county was well represented in the Second Iowa infantry, which was mustered into service for three years, or during the war.  The following comprise the names of those from Scott county; sergeant major, William Campbell; commissary sergeant, John M. Jones; drum major, Jules Merdith; Company B, captain, Robert M. Littler; lieutenants, John G. Huntington, John Flanagan; sergeants, Samuel H. Foster, Frank M. Suiter, Oliver C. Lewis, Peter H. Riley, William Morrow, Bryan Farrell, William Johnson, Victor M. Bartell, Austin F. Stonebraker, Robert E. Farr; corporals, Benjamin F. Franks, William Morrow, Albert Barnes, Peter Riley, William M. Johnson, Charles W. Hines, William M. Dalzell, Robert M. Lytle, William C. Russell, Peter Heckett, William Farnesworth, Garfield S. Page, George Mennig, Abraham H. Clark, John S. Patton, Andrew W. Nichols, Robert E. Farr, Fred Bartlet; privates, George W. Atwood, James Burley, Fredrick Bartlett, James Buckwalter, Albert A. Barnes, Jacob Bertschie, Milton B. Chase, David S. Condron, John K. Cooper, James Cowgill, John Calvert, Samuel Clossin, William R. Dodd, Orris E. Dike, Robert S. Dodds, Redford Dennis, Timothy Foley, Robert H. Flavell, William Guthrie, Frank M. Gray, A. D. Huff, James B. Hassler, David S. Hammaker, Morris Hammaker, William Humphreysville, Peter Hecker, David L. Hammond, James M. Jones, William M. Johnson, Benjamin Patton Kelley, Frank Kessler, Edward Kennedy, Robert M. Lytle, John Linden, John H. Marple, Dominie Miclot, George Minnig, John McCool, Jeremiah Murphy, William H. Miller, James W. Miller, Frank McDuff, Thomas Morrow, John McCrellas, William McCrellas, John McCutcheon, Samuel L. Niles, George Norris, John Pace, S. Garfield Pagem James W. Page, A. Jackson Quinn, Edward Smith Read, George Rosenberry, George K. Spencer, A. F. Stonebraker, Elijah Stone, John P. Scott, Stephen H. Spencer, William L. Smith, David Scott, A. McCoy Smith, Martin Smith, George W. Scott, James H. Tracy, Orlando R. Talmage, Samuel Todd, Moses thomson, Mark L. Thomson, Thomas J. Wallace, Jacob Weary, George R. Whitman, Lyman Whitney, Levi White, Lionel A. Worth, James Williams, William Sours.

Additional enlistments:  William Babe, Julius Crummer, Abner Curry, Joseph H. Davis, George H. Davis, Arthur Draucker, Silas Eckenroad, Albert Hough, William H. Greyon, Z. H. Howe, H. Harden, Joseph Haleman, Thomas G. Kelley, James E. Miller, E. P. Morgan, James Pender, Henry H. Post, H. B. Park, George Parkenson, William C. Russell, Joseph W. Razey, John Rools, Albert W. Scott, William H. Stephens, W. G. Stark, Benjamin F. White, John W. Wilson, A. N. Clark, W. H. Forgner, H. Draucker, Claus Klint, Isaac C. Nichols, Clark, J. Luse, Frederick Pump.

Company C, captains, J. DeWitt Brewster, Jonathan S. Slaymaker, William F. Holmes; lieutenants, Jonathan S. Slaymaker, William F. Holmes, George F. Hall, Henry C. McNeil; sergeants, Theodore Maitheny, George F. Hall, Loren W. Pierce, Henry C. McNeil, Jacob Speed, Jr., Henry Doolittle, William G. J. Piepgrass, William M. Campbell, George S. Burchill, N. A. Haldeman; corporals, William M. Campbell, William G. J. Piepgrass, George S. Burchill, James C. Urie, William P. Wade, Henry B. Doolittle, Martin L. Minor, Edward Humphrey, David J. Brown, James perry, John T. Bell, Charles E. Curran, Garius Pingrey, Richard Gear;  musician, Timothy Cannon; wagoner, Samuel F. Cowdrey; privates, Edwin C. Ackerman, James H. Ackerman, Henry M. Austin, Charles F. Beck, John W. Blunt, Thomas Brattain, Cyrus I. Briggs, Henry C. Bartleson, John W. Blanchard, A. H. Chapman, Henry Dramer, Charles E. Durran, Orlando Donaldson, George B. Cayton, John W. Downs, Hiram P. Earhart, William R. Fisken, Charles Fleury, John G. Greenawalt, Richard Gear, William S. Gray, George H. Hildreth, Charles W. Hildreth, T. M. D. Harvey, Geroge W. Howell, William Hutchinson, Newton A. Haldeman, Enos Hottel, Frederick Herbert, Adam E. Hooghkerk, Bartus Hinger, Thomas L. Johnson, Chris G. Krummel, Truman Lamond, John W. Matthews, John T. Miller, James W. Morrison, Charles N. Moulton, Martin L. Minor, Edward Knapp, Henry Smith, William H. Mazill, Alanson Mills, James C. Masell, Joseph G. Orrill, James Perry, Samuel Piersol, Edward Peterson, Charles D. Rogers, Andrew J. Ross, Charles G. Rowan, Edward Schoonmaker, George A. Smith, Samuel Shaw, Stephen Spelletich, George H. Tyler, James C. Urie, Jacob Vandusen, William P. Wade, John H. Watson, Henry C. Wheeler.

Company A contained Arnold J. Sender and John A. Green.


Adjutant, Albert A. Barnes; Company B, captain, Albert A. Barnes; Lieutenant, Peter H. Heckert; sergeants, Joseph H. Davis, Adolph Stenmitz, Henry H. Port, John McCool; corporals, Andrew M. Smith, George H. Davis; muscian, William Babe; privates, Harlow Ackerman, Edwin C. Ackerman, William Rufus Ames, Samuel C. Clossin, Julius Crummer, Michael Donehue, Silas Echenroad, John A. Green, S. David Hammond, Hendman Hardin, Claus Klendt, Arnold J. Luder, Alexander Lawther, John McCluchin, James E. Miller, Charles B. Miller, George Norris, George Parkinson, Frederick Pump, John Rollo, Joseph W. Rozey, Henry Rozey, Albert W. Scott, John P. Scott, William G. Stark, Samuel Todd, George Todd, Henry P. Wilson, Jacob J. Wall, John Westly, Elbert F. Willey.

Company C. captain, William G. J. Piepgrass; sergant, Charles Fleury; corporals, James Cunningham, Richard Gear; musician, Charles D. Rogers; privates, Patrick Burns, John F. Cook, William Campbell, Charles E. Curran, Robert Drummond, James R. Donaldson, George H. Durham, William Drummond, William Hutchinson, James McCoy, Henry Smith, Alanson Mills.

In Company H were privates Upton B. Edwards, Benjamin Edwards and Albert Polley.  In Company K were privates Finley M. Armstrong, George W. Cornelius and Haviland Stewart.

The following promotions were made of men from this county:  William Campbell, from sergeant major to adjutant; Robert M. Littler, from captain to major and brevet lieutenant colonel; Frank M. Suiter, from sergeant to second and first lieutenant and captain; Oliver C. Lewis, from sergeant to second and first lieutenant, captain and major; Peter H. Riley, from sergeant to second lieutenant; John S. Slaymaker, from first lieutenant to captain; William F. Holmes, from second to first lieutenant and captain; Alfred Bing, from private to second and first lieutenant; George F. Hall, from sergeant to second and first lieutenant; Henry C. McNeil, from sergeant to second lieutenant; Albert A. Barnes, from sergeant to first lieutenant; Peter Hickert, from sergeant to second lieutenant and captain; William G. J. Piepgrass, from sergeant to captain.

The officers and men of this regiment that did not reenlist as veterans were mustered out in April, May and June, 1864.  The regiment was in many of the hard fought battles of the war and reflected honor upon officers and men and the state which they represented.


Scott county was represented in this regiment by men in several of its companies as will be seen by reference to the following names:  chaplains, Cyrus G. Vanderveer, William Paston; commissary sergeant, Francis E. Yearick; Company A, privates, Delos Alger, William P. Ballard, Charles P. Davison, Elsbree M. Goodwillm Fletcher C. Boyd.

Company B, captain, Frank A. Cleveland; lieutenants, Miles P. Benton, Enos Tichenor, Jr.; sergeants, Edward Young, John D. Tichenor, William McMoth, James Moore, B. Franklin Graig; corporals, Francis LeClaire, Nelson J. Gardner, John S. Christian, Thomas H. Holmes, Fred P. Rellnering, William J. Chriswell, Luther J. McCulloch, John Q. Page, William Peasley, William Platts, John Newton Purcell, Christopher Quinn, John C. Roger, Charles M. Robinson, John A. Rowan, Henry Sauerman, James E. Thompson, Josephus Wagoner, John Whitsell.

Recruits to Company B, Charles Ackerman, Boge Boyenes, Henrich Claussen, Gabrel Feldpausch, George Graverm Fritz Grimm, Andrew Jackson, Blasins Kauth, Wilhelm Kester, Bennett Lewellen, Joseph Laycock, Edward Moeller, Christian Muhl, Nicholas Matzen, John Stetel, Johans Stuhr.


Veterans, captain, James Moore; lieutenant, Frederick P. Kettenring; sergeant, James N. Gardner; corporals, Orlando Fluke, Amos Merritt, Thomas Harris; privates, John P. Adams, Charles Belenberg, James Donahue, Richard L. Gallatin, William Goulder, Simon Gutbrode, Samuel Heckman, Mathew Hender, Ferdinand Haak, Alfred Larue, Christian Lemberg, Pierre Manhoven, William Platts, Walter E. Rust, Henry Sauerman, Joseph Steober, John Thede, Samuel Taylor, Charles Witte, John Weir.

Company C-Privates, Norman Hulsiffer, John D. Roberts; veterans, Henry Chaney, Orville S. Fluke, Griffin Moore, Richard N. Nicherson, James Spier, Joseph S. Kelley.

Company F-A. Linton, John Miller, John Kelley.

Company G-Frank M. Boyer, Alonzo McKinsey, Thomas Wilson, John K. Fisher, John A. Kirkpatrick.

Company I-Walter H. Record, Michael J. Kelly, James Mulligan, James O-Riley, Michael Shee, Harvey Wallace, George Wilson.

The following named were promoted:  Niles P. Benton from first lieutenant to captain; James Moore, from sergeant to first lieutenant and captain; Fred P. Kettenring from sergeant to second and first lieutenant, captain and brevet major, United States volunteers; James N. Gardner, from sergeant to first lieutenant and brevet captain.


The Eighth Iowa infantry was mustered into the service September 23, 1861.  It was soon sent to the front and took part in several engagements during its first year of service.  From the report of Colonel Geddes of the part of the regiment in the batle of Shiloh the following is taken:

"About 8 o'clock on the morning of the 6th, I ordered the regiment under arms, and formed line of battle in front.  At this time the firing on our advance line had become general and it appeared to me evident that we were being attacked in force by the rebel general.  After remaining under arms for about half an hour, during which time I had ordered the baggage belonging to the regiment to be loaded on the wagons, and an extra supply of ammunition to be issued to the men, I was ordered by Colonel Sweeney, Fifty-second Illinois brigade commander, to proceed to the front.

"On arriving at our advance line, I was ordered by Colonel Sweeney to take my position on the left of the brigade to which I was attached, for the purpose of protecting a battery immediately in front.  Here the regiment remained about one hour, exposed to a severe fire from artillery of shell and grape, killing and wounding several of my men.  About 11 o'clock I was ordered by Colonel Sweeney, through his aid, Lieutenant McCullough, of the Eighth Iowa, to leave my position and take ground on my left and front.

"This change of position brought my regiment on the extreme right of General Pretiss' division, and left of General Smith's, the latter being the division to which my regiment belonged.  I was thus entirely detached from my brigade, nor did I receive any order from my brigade or division commander during the remainder of that day.  On arriving at the point I was ordered to defend, I found my regiment in line of battle with my center resting on a road leading from Corinth to Pittsburg Landing, and at right angles to my line.  Here I immediately engaged a battalion of the enemy, and after a severe conflict of nearly an hour's duration, in which I lost many of my men, the enemy was driven back with heavy loss.  At this time Captain Hogin, Company F, was shot dead, and Captain Palmer, Company H, severely wounded.  In this desperate struggle my regiment lost 100 men in killed and wounded.

"The conspicuous gallantry and coolness of my company commanders, Captains Cleveland, Stubbs and Benson on the left, Captains McCormic and Bell in the center, Captains Kelsey, Geddes and Lieutenant Muhs on the right, by reserving the fire of their respective companies until the proper time for its delivery with effect, and the determined courage of my men, saved the battery from capture, and I had the satisfaction of sending the guns in safety to the rear.  In this attack I was wounded in the leg and Major Andrews severely in the head, and I do here take pleasure in acknowledging the courage and coolness displayed by my field officers,  Lieutenant Colonel J. C. Ferguson and Major J. Andrews, and the able assistance rendered by them on that occasion.


"About 3:00 o'clock p. m., all communication with the river ceased, and it became evident to me that the enemy were turning the right and left flanks of our army and were rapidly closing behind us.  I could at this time have retreated and most likely would have saved my command from being captured had I, at this time, been ordered back, but I received no such order and I considered it my duty to hold the position I was assigned to defend at all hazards.

"General Prentiss' division having been thrown back from the original line, I changed front by my left flank, conforming to his movement, and at right angles with my former base, which was immediately occupied and retained for some time by the Fourteenth Iowa, Colonel Shaw.  In this position I ordered my regiment to charge a battalion of the enemy, I think the Fourth Mississippi, which was done, in good order, completely routing them.  We were now attacked on three sides by the rebel force, which was closing fast around us.  The shells from our gunboats in their transit severing the limbs of the trees hurled them on our ranks.  To prevent annihilation it became absolutely necessary to leave a position which my regiment had held for nearly ten consecutive hours of severe fighting, successfully resisting and driving back the enemy in every attempt to take the position I was ordered to hold and defend, with a loss of men near 200 killed and wounded, so ordered my regiment to retire.  On retiring about 300 yards I found a division of the rebels under General Polk, thrown completely across my line of retreat.  I perceived that further resistance was useless, as we were now completely surrounded.  Myself and the major portion of my command were captured at 6:00 o'clock p. m. and I claim the honor for my regiment of being the last to leave the advance line of our army on the battlefield of Shiloh, on Sunday, April 6, 1862."


The Eighth took part in the campaign in Mississippi in 1863, the following account of which was given by Colonel Geddes:

"On the 2d of May, 1863, my regiment was ordered to leave Duckport, Louisiana, with the division to which it was attached, namely, the Third division, Fifteenth Army corps, under the command of Brigadier General J. M. Tuttle, and march to Hard Times Landing, opposite Grand Gulf, Mississippi, sixty miles distant.

"On the 7th of May it crossed the river with the advance of the army and took up the line or march toward Jackson, Mississippi.  It took part in the storming of that place on the 14th of May, and assisted in the destruction of railroads in the vicinity.  Ordered from Jackson on the 16th of May, by forced marches, it followed on the rebel retreat from Champion's Hill to their entrenchments at Vicksburg, assisted in the charge made on the rebel works on the 22d and operated with the army of investment for thiry-four days, during which time it assisted in clearing obstructions, making roads, constructing field works, mounting guns and projecting approaches to within twenty yards of the rebel works, under an almost incessant fire.

"On the 22d of June it was ordered to operate on our line of circumvallation under command of Major General W. T. Sherman, where it remained until the surrender of Vicksburg.  It was ordered on the 4th of July to join the expeditionary army under Major General Sherman, was sent in pursuit of the rebel force commanded by General Johnston and was present during the seven days' siege of Jackson, and final occupation of that city, which took place on the 17th of July, 1863.

"After the evacuation of Jackson by the rebels the regiment composed part of a force under Major General Frederick Steel, which was ordered to Brandon, Mississippi, and was attached to a brigade under my command that engaged the enemy for two hours, repulsing them with loss and capturing Brandon.

"It also assisted in destroying the Meridian railroad fifteen miles east of Jackson and finally on the 23d of July, 1863, retired with the expeditionary army to its present position on the right bank of Big Black river, fifteen miles from Vicksburg.

"From the 2d of May to the 25th of July the regiment, without tents or transportation, marched over 300 miles, engaged the enemy at Vicksburg, twice at Jackson and at Brandon, and although during the operations of this ever memorable campaign both the officers and men of the regiment suffered much exposure and hardships of a very trying character, they endured all without a murmur and with a fortitude which elicited on several occasions the unreserved commendation of the commanding general."

The regiments participated in many campaigns and battles, including a fight with Forrest at Memphis, August 21, 1864.  The last principal engagement was the capture of Spanish Fort, Alabama, April 8, 1865.  It was mustered out at the close of the war with due honors.


Company E-privates, William Spencer, John R. Buckman, George Creaks; lieutenants, James Martin, Ebenezer McCullough; veterans, George Cush, James Martin.

Company H-privates, Ithamar L. Cochran, Edward Fawcette, Charles H. Mock, Charles J. Fitchner, Frank L. Kerr, Jasper W. Shoemaker.

In Company F were privates Joseph C. Purvis and Robert A. Tedford.  In Company G was private James W. Smith.  In Company K was Sergeant Andrew P. Fitch.  Unassigned were Robert Denning, Silas Webb, Charles Carey, Sylvester Willis, Socrates T. Lafley and Jackson Hyatt.


Lieutenant colonel, Milton M. Price; major, George M. Van Hoesen; adjutant, W. T. Clark; quartermaster, Horatio G. Barnes.  Company E-captain, George M. Van Hoesen; lieutenants, Stephen Purdy, Andrew J. Finch, Paul Renshorf, Napoleon W. Pavey; sergeants, Thomas J. Graham, James Winans, Napoleon W. Pavey, Thomas Mounts, Nelson L. Post, John Forsythe, Andrew J. Finch; corporals, John Melton, James Rudd, James H. Work, Andrew Finch, Peter B. Dobbins, William Stokes, Eli Melton; musician, James Bryan; wagoner, James Gartland; privates, William Ammond, Frederick Brog, William Benshoof, Anderson Burnett, Henry Bowman, Otto F. Blunck, Thomas Barrett, James Brown, George Bigelow, Nelson Brown, Edwin Clark, Thomas Dean, Henry Ernst, Charles Emeigh, John Ellsworth, Emery Fish, Jasper Forsyth, Edward Flanagan, John Flanagan, Andrew J. Finch, Jonathan Gallagher, Solomon Knapp, William Klinefelter, Thomas Kelly, William Lewis, George McKinstry, Thomas Moore, George Mooney, George Merna, James McGuire, David C. Oliver, Jesse R. Pratt, Francis Pentith, Henry Price, Noah Peasly, Thomas B. Piersol, Napoleon W. Pavey, George C. Rowe, Nicholas Rook, William Shirk, James Swin, Daniel D. Thompson, James A. Thompson, Jacob Wisecarver, Alexander Work, James H. Work, James Winans, James S. Warner, James Ward.  Additional enlistments:  Nicholas Carners, Daniel Shook, Benjamin Wells.

Company E, veterans:  Capt. Andrew J. Finch, Lieutenants Napoleon W. Pavey, William Shirk; sergeants, John Jorsyth, Thomas B. Piersol; corporals, William Lewis, William Ammond, Charles Emeigh; privates, George Bigelow, Thomas Barrett, John Flanagan, Solmon Knapp, George Mooney, Jesse R. Pratt, Nelson L. Post, Nicholas Rusch, William Stokes, Daniel Shook, James Swin and James Ward.

In Company F were William Carleton and Daniel C. Dawley; in Company H was John F. Dial, and in Company I, Albert Scott and James Coates.

In the line of promotions were George M. Van Hoesen, from captain to major; William T. Clark, from lieutenant to captain, major, colonel and brevet brigadier-general; Andrew J. Finch, from sergeant to first lieutenant and captain; William A. Shirk, from sergeant to first lieutenant and captain; Stephen Purdy, from first lieutenant to quartermaster; Thomas J. Graham, from sergeant to first lieutenant; Napoleon W. Pavey, from sergeant to second and first lieutenants; John Forsyth, from sergeant to first lieutenant.

The Thirteenth regiment of Iowa Veteran volunteer infantry was mustered out of service at Louisville, Kentucky, July 21, 1865, after an honorable career in which they distinguished themselves in many battles and campaigns.


The Thirteenth regiment Iowa infantry was mustered into the United States service in October, 1861, for three years or during the war, and was at once ordered to the front.  It took part in the battle of Shiloh as will be seen from the following report of Colonel Crocker:

"Early on the morning of the 6th the alarm was given and heavy firing in the distance indicated that our camp was attacked.  The regiment was formed in front of its color line, its full force consisting of 717 men, rank and file.  It was at once ordered to form on the left of the Second brigade and proceeded to that position at a double quick and was then formed in line of battle in a skirt of woods bordering on an open field to the left of a battery.  Here it remained for some time inactive while the enemy's guns were playing on our battery.  In the meantime a large force of the enemy's infantry were filing around the open field in front of our line, protected by the woods and in the direction of our battery, opening a heavy fire of musketry on the infantry stationed on our right and charging upon the battery, the infantry and battery to the right having given away.  At this time we, as indeed all of our troops in the immediate vicinity of the battery, were thrown into great confusion and retired in disorder.  Having retreated to the distance of 100 to 200 yards we succeeded in rallying and forming a good line, the Eighth and Eighteenth Illinois volunteers on our left, and having fronted to the enemy held our positions there under a continual fire of cannon and musketry until after 12:00 o'clock, when we were ordered to retire and take up a new position.  This we did in good order and without confusion.  Here having formed a new line, we maintained it under incessant fire until 4:30 o'clock, p. m., the men conducting themselves with great gallantry and coolness, and doing great execution on the enemy, repelling charge after charge and driving them back with great loss.  At 4:30 o'clock we were again ordered to fall back.  In obeying this order we became mixed up with a great number of regiments falling back in confusion, so that our line was broken and the regiment separated, rendering it very difficult to collect it; but finally having succeeded in forming and being separated from the brigade we atached ourselves to the division commanded by Colonel Tuttle, of the Second Iowa volunteers, and formed with his division in front of the encampment of the Fourteenth, Second and Seventh Iowa volunteers, where we sustained a heavy fire from the enemy's battery until dark, and then remained during the night on our arms.  During the day we were under fire of the enemy for ten hours and sustained a loss of twenty-three killed and 130 wounded.

"On the morning of the 7th we were ordered to continue with Colonel Tuttle's division and to follow up and support our forces that were attacking and driving back the enemy.  We followed them up closely, moving to support the batteries until the enemy was routed, after which we were ordered to return to the encampment that we had left on Sunday morning, where we arrived at 8:00 o'clock p. m.  Our total loss in the action of the 6th and 7th was:  killed, 24; wounded, 139; missing, 9; total, 172.  The men for the most part behaved with great gallantry.  All the officers exhibited the greatest bravery and coolness, and I call special attention to the gallant conduct of my field officers, Lieutenant-Colonel Price and Major Shane, who were both wounded in the action of the 6th, and acknowledge my great obligations to my adjutant, Lieutenant Wilson, who during the entire action exhibited the highest qualities of a soldier."


On the 21st of July, 1864, an engagement was had before Atlanta.  The following is the account of the affair given by Major Walker:

"At 8:00 o'clock a. m. the regiment was in position in front of the brigade with the Fifteenth Iowa infantry on its left, and supported by the Sixteenth Iowa infantry; its front was protected by temporary works thrown up on the night of the 20th.

"At about 8:00 o'clock, a. m. I received orders from Colonel John Shane, commanding brigade, to advance at once on the double-quick to the front, to assist Brigadier-General Force, commanding a brigade in the Third Division, Seventeenth army corps, who was fighting for the possession of a high hill in his front and to the left of his regiment.  The men seized their arms and sprang promptly over the works, advancing in good order to the crest of a hill less than 100 yards from the enemy's works, in the face of a heavy fire.  Here I was ordered to halt and held the position, exposed to a very destructive fire of musketry, grape and canister, until the enemy having withdrawn to their works, and General Force having gained possession of the hill.  I was ordered to retire to the position I originally occupied, which was done steadily and without confusion.

"Although the men had no previous notice of the advance there was no disorder; being made, too, over an open field with no protection.  I regret to say that though the engagement lasted by thirty minutes the loss in officers and men was severe; seventeen enlisted men killed and four officers and seventy-seven enlisted men wounded.  The regiment also participated on actions before Atlanta, July 27th and 28th."


Company A, captain, Isaac W. Talmage; lieutenants, Hugo Hoffbauer, William T. Dittoe; sergeants, William T. Dittoe, Waldo Gardner, Daniel Remington, William Guion, Michael McManus, James M. Vanduzer, Christian Litscher, Samuel Lecock, David Palmer, K. W. Kinkaid, Daniel Russell, Benjamin P. Lancaster, Jacob Veit, Leonard Lavender; musicians, Oliver White, John Agans; wagoner,, Horace D. Squyers; privates, Napoleon Areundo, James Baldwin, Henreich Baughman, Joseph Clark, Isaac H. Collins, Antonio Dapron, Owen Dougherty, Peter Drennon, Conrad Dorst, William A. Davenport, Patrick Farrell, Timothy Farrell, William I. Frazier, Richard Fitzgerald, Peter Garity, John B. Goman, Benjamon Hamson, Peter Henry, John Hire, William Hyland, Jefferson W. Knapp, Leonard Lavender, Bernhard Litscher, John Lynch, William M. Leslie, Henry S. Moore, John C. Miller, David Morrison, John McIntyre, Francis McKean, Samuel McCloud, Evert G. Nesbitt, Matthias G. Pinneo, William H. Pace, Hans Paustian, William F. Ruick, Hans Reimas, Alfred Roseman, William Stewart, David Sloper, John Shaback, John E. Sank, Peter D. Schmidt, Hans Sievers, Fayette Slaughter, R. B. Shoemaker, Charles Sweeney, John Voglebach; recruits, Charles Bergheim, John Bergheim, Henry Berghim, Lyman Booth, John Hoffman, John Harvey, Daniel Mowen, Charles A. McLoskey, John Pinneo, Christian Schlegel, George Turner, John Voglebach, Henry Clay Wolsey:  veterans, William Hershberger, George W. Basley.

Company B contained Sergeant J. L. Scott and privates Thomas S. Curttright, A. J. Barrett, George L. Everstine, Joseph R. Leyle, John Maywood and George Campbell. Company E. contained Sewell Butler and John W. Lay.  Company G contained privates Alexander Cheney, Leander F. Hastings, Henry Hass, Andrew H. Harcett, Francis Kline, Robert Taylor and William S. Bailey.

The promotions among Scott county men were Hugo Hoffbauer, from first lieutenant to captain:  Wiliam T. Dittoe, from sergeant to second lieutenant; George Pemberton, from first lieutenant to captain.

The Fourteenth regiment was mustered into the United States service in November, 1861, and mustered out of service at Davenport, November 16, 1864.  The veterans and recruits for this regiment were consolidated into two companies and called the "Residuary Battalion of the Fourteenth Infantry," which companies were mustered out at Davenport, May 13, 1865.


Lieutenant-colonel, Addison H. Sanders; adjutant, George E. McCosh; sergeant-major, Henry Lefeldt; Company A, privates, Edward Cassler, George W. Clayburg, Thomas Duggins, William S. Franum, Peter Hughs, Jacob C. Highly, Thomas Millsap, Franklin Milton, Jeremiah Nolan, Frederick Osborn, Oliver P. Rogers, Levi Shadle, William Shields, Samuel C. Stanley, Denis Sullivan, Edward Todd, Royal B. Whitney, Charles L. Whitnell; veterans-corporal, George W. Claybaugh; privates, Edward Cassley, Caleb S. Jordan, Frederick C. Osborn, Lemuel Stanley, John Franum, Royal B. Whitney, William Crawford, Jesse Getty, Josiah Osborn:  Company B-captain, David Stuhr; lieutenants, Lewis Bunde, Frederick Wiedemann; sergeants, Henry Lefeldt, John Claussen, Joseph Fisher, Fred Schwerdtfeger, John Nelson; corporals, Johann Witt, Jochim Arp, Fritz Sanger, Hans F. Hartman, Adolph Golbrecht, Henry Moller, Sieverd Jurgensen, Ludwig Lubbe; musicians, Rudolph Grinoner, Otto Mielok, Henry Rix; privates, Peter Aye, Jochim Book, Hans Brammer, John Begun, Theodore Bergman, Jochim Bielefeldt, John Blooker, John Bahr, Jurgen Blooker, Christian Begun, Fritz Capicas, Claus Dammann, Christian Dormann, Nicholaus Dose, John Dieckmann, John Eggers, Wilhelm Ehlers, John Frackman, Johann Fremke, Henry Fullert, Hinrich Girkin, August Gottbrecht, Carl Beoble, Phillipp Harberger, Christian Hartkip, Frederich Hartkip, Erich Henning, Hans Holck, Marx Henson, Nich Hildebrandt, Hans F. Hamann, Heinrich Jacobs, Jacob Jacobson, Claus Jaussen, Jochim Kuhl, Wilhelm Kiel, Marx Martz, Ernst Muller, Jurgen Norden, John Neben, Carl Ohrt, Niss Paulsen, Eggert Puck, Frederick Peterson, Jacob Prussing, Johann Rickenberg, Johann Reimer, Andreas Sohmelyle, Fritz Silvester.  Fritz Schlosser.  Detlef Scheel, Johann Schwartz, Peter Schluter, August Schulz, Henry Voss, August Wichmann, George Wendel, Urs Weber, Carl Wendt, Frederick Wilkin, Asmus Wolf, Charles Weissmann, Theodore Westphal, Ludwig Wriedt, Henry Wolter; additional enlistments.  Wilhelm Hamdorf, Johann Siems, Hinrich Weise; Company B-veterans-captain, Henry Leefeldt; lieutenant,  Frederick Weidemann; sergeants, Jasper A. Fischer, Johann Witt; corporals, Frederick Schwerdtfeger, Han F. Hartmann, Fritz Sanger, Sievered Juergensen, Ludwig Lubbe, Peter Aye; privates, Juergen Blocker, Claus Dammann, Ernst Mueller, Frederick Peterson, Johann Rickenburg, Andreas Schmelzle, Conrad Vogel, Asmus Wolf, Paul Schumaker; Company C-corporals, Peter Blanchard, George B. Boemer, Alfred B. Cox, Josiah T. Herbert, George W. Hickson, Henry L. Sixbury, R. M. J. Tallman; additional enlistments, George  A. Averill, Frederic E. Cheney, Somon Kughn, William McGinnis, James G. Moore, William H. H. Moore, William McLaughlin, Thomas E. Price, John Shadle, William Shook; Company D-sergeants, James W. Willard, William G. Fearing, Joseph S. McHarg, Joseph V. West, Gideon Maple, Harry H. Bowling; privates, Benjamin Anderson, William A. Bird, Harry H. Bowling, George W. Chase, Franklin Faring, John L. Hager, Ninin Lindsey, Abraham Myers, Samuel Newburn, George W. Snively, Henry P. Webster, Joseph V. West; Company D-veterans-sergeabts, James W. Willard, William G. Fearing; privates, Benjamin Anderson, Edward D. Langdon, Daniel Maddeb, Abraham Myers; Company F-captain, Edward S. Fraser; corporal, Samuel Duffin; privates, James H. Ackerman, William Patterson; veterans, John Drew, Absalom D. Emes, David Mossholder, George H. Olinger, William Patterson, Patrick Rourk; Company G-sergeant, August Timm; corporals, Henry Hoffman, George B. Quick; privates, Augustus Hartman, Edward Arndt, Anton Bruesch, Jacob Egger, Benedict Gradea, Henry Hoffmerener, Francis Hoppe, Frederick Koehle, Jacob Lehmann, Wilhelm Otto, Joseph Schumacher, Edward Steinmann, Henry Timm; Company G-veterans-lieutenant, August Timm; sergeant, Peter Becker; privates, Jacob Egger, Henry Timm, August Hartman, Henry Lorenz; Company I-corporal, George W. Keith; privates, Patrick Dugan, James Carter, John Gilligan, John T. Nass, Frank Rowen; veterans, Patrick Dugan, James Carter, John Gilligan, George W. Keith, Herbert A. Shaw, Thomas Shuey; Company K-lieutenants, Eleck Weingartner, Samuel Duffin; sergeant, John T. Davis; corporal, Joseph Enderle; privates, Christ Barden, Karl Graak, Henry Hilbert, Adolph Knocke, Charles Nye, John Knocke, Karl Matthes, Anton Nunlist, Richard Phelan, Nicholas T. Sieh, Claus Struve, Henry Wilkard, Christian Barche; Company K-veterans-lieutenants, Eleck Weingartner, Samuel Duffin; sergeant, John T. Davis; privates, Joseph Enderle, John Knocke, John Martin, Henry Bulda, Karl Matthes, Richard Phelan, August Schneider.

Company E contained J. A. Davis, Patrick Moran and Orlando Mattison, privates, and the following unassigned veterans:  William Crawford, Zachariah C. McClury, George H. Otinzer, John Sheser, William W. Simons, Frank Thompson and Christopher Teidman.

The promotions were Addison H. Sanders, from lieutenant-colonel to colonel and brevet brigadier-general; Henry Leefeldt, from sergant major to second lieutenant and captain; John Claussen, from sergeant to second lieutenant and captain; Frederick Wiedemann, from second to first lieutenant; Frederick Schwerdtfeger, from sergeant to second lieutenant; William G. Fearing, from sergeant to captain; August Timm, from sergeant to second lieutenant and captain; Eleck Weingartner, from sergeant to first lieutenant; John T. Davis, from sergeant to first lieutenant; Samuel Duffin, sergeant to second lieutenant.  The Sixteenth regiment was mustered out at Louisville, Kentucky, July 19, 1865.


The Sixteenth Regiment Iowa Infantry Volunteers left Davenport March 20, 1862, was engaged in the battle of Shiloh, April 6th and 7th, meeting with heavy loss; took part in the siege of Corinth, camped at Corinth from its evacuation till July 28th; marched to Bolivar, Tennessee; made a reconnoissance to Summerville, August 23d, returning to Bolivar on the 26th; left September 11th for Corinth, and thence was sent out to reconnoiter the position and forces of the enemy at Iuka, September 17, returning to Brownsville; were ordered to Jacinto, Mississippi, where they joined Rosecrans' command.  The regiment again marched on Iuka, was engaged in the battle of Iuka, September 19, 1862.  The regiment again arrived at Corinth October 2d; was engaged in the two days' battle of Corinth, October 3d and 4th, and pursuit of the enemy to Ripley; returned to Corinth on the 11th; was in camp till November 2d; marched to Grand Junction, camped till November 28th; marched to Holly Springs, passing through the town; arrived in front of the enemy's fortified position on the Tallahatchie river on the 29th.  The enemy was forced from its position November 30th.  The regiment crossed the river December 2d and went into camp; was engaged in guarding and building the railroad bridge across the river; marched to the south of Oxford, Mississippi, on the 19th; returned to Holly Springs on the 21st; in camp till December 29th.  Marched to Memphis, embarked on transports for Young's Point; arrived on the 24th and remained till the 29th; moved to Lake Providence, Louisiana, where the regiment remained till April 21st.  Returning to Milliken's Bend, marched by way of Richmond, Louisiana, to Grand Gulf, thence to Vicksburg; was engaged in the operations against the latter place May 22d.  The regiment was in the expedition to Mechanicsburg under General Blair; returned to Vicksburg, June 1st; engaged in the siege until the 23d; marched to Black river; guarded the crossing till the fall of Vicksburg; had a sharp engagement with the enemy July 4, 1863; part of the regiment having crossed the river and driven the enemy from his position on the opposite bank.  July 12th was ordered to reinforce General Sherman at Jackson and bring up an ammunition train.

Jo. Johnson having evacuated Jackson, the army returned to Vicksburg July 28th; camped near Vicksburg till the 6th of August.  The regiment was engaged in the march to Monroe, Louisiana.  Returning to Vicksburg, remained in camp till the third day of February, 1864, when they started on the Meridian campaign.  After a march across the entire state of Mississippi, returned to Vicksburg March 4, 1864; left Vicksburg March 17th on veteran furlough.  The regiment again started from Davenport, Iowa, May 3d; arrived at Clifton, Tennessee, about the middle of May; marched to Huntsville, Alabama, arriving at the latter place May 22d; marched to Decatur, Alabama; thence across the mountains to Rome, Georgia, where they arrived on the 5th day of June.  Starting agian the next morning, joined the main army under Sherman, near Acworth, on the 10th; arrived in front of Kenesaw mountain on the 11th; had a sharp engagement with the enemy June 15th; the regiment was engaged in the attack on Kenesaw mountain June 27th, meeting with heavy loss.  The regiment was under the enemy's fire from June 14th to July 2d; moved from left to right of the line, meeting the army again July 4th; had another sharp engagement, driving the enemy.  On the 5th the Sixteenth again had the advance, driving the enemy from his fortified position and across Nick-a-jack creek; were under fire of the enemy until the 16th day of July, when the rebels were compelled to cross the Chattahoochee; the regiment was then marched to Rossville, where it crossed the Chattahoochee river and pushed on for Atlanta; was engaged in the battles of July 20th and 21st, meeting with heavy losses in killed and wounded and receiving General McPherson's special compliments.  July 22d, when Hood made his famous charge that opened the battle of Atlanta, the Sixteenth Iowa, flanked in the right by the Eleventh, on the left by the Fifteenth, with the Thirteenth Iowa in the rear, all forming "the old Iowa brigade," was at the main point when the charge was made.  The Sixteenth captured more of the enemy than it had men in its ranks, but was eventually surrounded and captured in turn and taken to Andersonville.  But in a short time, being exchanged, they rejoined the army under Sherman.  The regiment was increased by recruits and started from Atlanta, November 15th; marched to Savannah, before which place it arrived December 10th; after much hard marching, skirmishing, etc., drove the enemy behind their fortifications.

At Savannah this regiment was the first to seize the Savannah & Charleston railroad, and under directions of Brigadier-General Belknap commenced destroying the same; was engaged in the siege till the evacuation of the city; marched to the suburbs of the city and went into camp on the 21st, where it remained getting ready for the next campaign.  After a review of the entire army by General Sherman, the Sixteenth was put in motion January 6, 1865, for Beaufort, South Carolina; marched against Pocataligo January 15th, the Seventeenth corps (to which the Sixteenth belonged) driving the enemy out of his strongly fortified position; remained here at Pocataligo until the 28th, when the new campaign commenced.

Marching to Rivers bridge, on the Salkahatchie, met the enemy strongly fortified.  At this point the Salkahatchie forms an almost impenetrable swamp about two miles wide, which was waded by the Fourth division, Seventeenth army corps, on the 3d of February, 1865; drove the enemy from their position; continued the march, driving the enemy before them, capturing every place which they attempted to hold, and after encountering many hardships, privations and dangers, arrived at Goldsboro on the 22d of March, 1865.  Remaining at Goldsboro, North Carolina, until the 10th of April, the regiment was again on the march in search of the enemy.  Pushing forward the command entered Raleigh on the 16th; camped till the 2d of May.

The war being brought to a close, the command marched for Washington, where it took part in the grand review, may 24th; left Washington June 7th and arrived at Louisville June 12th.

During the period embraced herein, the regiment suffered severly in killed, died of wounds received, or of disease contracted in the line of duty.  It may truly be said of the Sixteenth, it was always at the front, oftener, perhaps, under order than it wanted to be, but never in battle or march did it fail in the performance of its whole duty.


Lietenant-colonel, Joseph B. Leake; quartermaster-sergeant, Patrick Gaffney; hospital steward, Lockwood J. Center; fife major, John DeLong.  Company C-captain, Mark L. Tomson; lieutenants, Oliver Harrison, Robert M. Lytle; sergeants, John P. Conner, William Hewes, Andrew L. Grace, Thomas Murry, Josephus F. Jacobs, Warren A. Oliver; corporals, Charles O. Blanchard, John V. Walker, William Watson, Thomas B. Winet, James H. Hale, Elisha M. Hummell, William Murry, Robert LeMarinel; musicians, Henry Woodford, Thomas Preston; wagoner, John C. Moore; privates, James L. Armel, Andres J. Blackman, Williard Baker, Frederick Berger, James F. Barrett, James A. Bentley, Edward Brannock, John W. Bell, Robert Chriswell, James Clapp, Thomas Cooper, William H. Curtis, Michael Conner, Nathan Davies, Joseph Davies, William R. Danforth, John Desney, Jasper Dow, Joseph Elder, Samuel French, Frank C. Grace, Leonard A. Greenleaf, Joseph Goerlich, Adam Hartzell, Gustave Haekling, Seneca Hurd, Andrew M. Hanlon, Martin Hanson, Rufus Pinkerton, Zebulon M. Pike, John Port, Oliff Peterson, Judson C. Stacy, William H. Stacy, James L. Sharlow, John Shannon, Edward M. Stanley, Stephen Sanders, A. R. Stringham, Lewis Underholt, John M. Van Duzen, Henry C. Wallace, John E. White, George Whitsell, John Wyman, James H. Wilson, Lyman L. Whitney; companies unkown, John Appleton, Daniel R. Calder, Samuel Caldwell, Christopher Cook, Sylvester Huss, Thomas Leonard, Franklin Lindley, G. C. W. Longworth, Loren L. Mann, Preston Mann, James McCormic, William H. Osborn, John P. Risley.


Company C-privates, Beecher B. Cochran, Daniel N. Howell, Hohn Hogan, John B. Hamann, Frederick Kock, Ezra Seamen.  Company D-privates, Thos. Leonard, John P. Risley, Jonathan Carter, William Carter, John B. Case, Michael T. Carter, Calvin Craig, John S. Congleton, John Delay, Hans Fohrmann, Robert L. Gooden, William Gray, Abraham Mulford, Isaac Morrison, Samuel L. Rodgers, Charles Sparks, John C. Ulam.  Company E-privates, Daniel R. Calder, Christopher Cook, Egbert Hill, Franklin Kindley, Daniel Moloy, William H. Osborn, Michael Timothy, Simpson H. Williams; companies unknown, Edwin Blackman, Edward Cunningham, Michael Carter, John P. Graw, William H. Guion, Henry C. Graham, John Hamilton, William H. Jones, David Little, William McCutcheon.  William S. Schemerhorn, Andrew Thompson, William H. Wells.

In Company H was James McCormick, and in Company K John Voutine.

Scott county was well represented in the Twentieth infantry, as will be seen by reference  to the foregoing names.  The promotions were as follows:  Joseph B. Leake, captain to lieutenant-colonel; Robert M Lytle, second to first lieutenant; William M. Johnson, sergeant to second lieutenant; Charles E. Squires, second to first lieutenant and captain; George W. Thompson, second to first lieutenant and captain; Thomas F. Allen, sergeant to second lieutenant; Edward E. Davis, second to first lieutenant and captain; Mendon F. Weller, sergeant to first lieutenant; Martin Rhomberg, sergeant to second lieutenant; Charles Altman, first lieutenant to captain; Frederick E. Starck, sergeant-major to first lieutenant; George A. Bennett, sergeant to second lieutenant; John W. Moore, sergeant to second lieutenant; Henry B. Doolittle, sergeant to captain; William J. Steele, sergeant to second and first lieutenant; Lyman L. Whitney, sergeant to second and first lieutenant; Joseph D. Barnes, sergeant to first lieutenant; Patrick Gaffney, sergeant to second lieutenant.  The Twentieth Regiment of Iowa volunteer infantry was mustered out of the service of the United States at Mobile, Alabama, July 8, 1865.


Company A-privates, Alfred Cousins, Franklin Cousins, George Wagoner.  Company H-privates, George W. Collamer, Samuel Bouslot, Alanson McLaughlin, Sydenham Morgan.  Company F-veterans-privates, William Blackman, Frederick Costan, Samuel P. Driskell.  Company G-veterans-privates, George Cauthhorn, Patrick Dolan.


Company K-captain, James G. Crane; sergeant, Linus H. Miller; corporals, Philo B. Littlejohn, John S. Dawson, Sidney M. Eddy; musicians, Charles Pickens, Stephen H. Hands; wagoner, Joseph T. Sibley; privates, Benjamin Bowers, Adam Booth, Peter D. Bannigan, Theodore Bergamon, William Crouse, Henry Gan, John Hart, Henry Highley, Philip Michael, Patrick Martin, Walter Powell, August Piper, John Starkjohn, Johann Seigling, Stephen Vanfleet, George Ware, John Saengling.


Colonel, Stephen H. Henderson; lieutenant-colonel, Henry Egbert; surgeon, James Irwin; com. sergeant, Louis H. Fluke.  Company I-captain, Alphonso H. Brooks; lieutenants, James A. Ryan, Henry W. Bennett; sergeants, William Hazleton, William Foster, Solon H. Fidlar, Charles F. Wineman, Howard  M. Smith; corporals, Myron C. Pope, Will Blackman, Henry B. Jamison, Samuel R. J. Hoyt, Charles Bielenberg, Alexander Reid, Hiram Medley, Joseph P. Egal, Charles A. Atkinson; musicians, Peter Karst, Ivan D. Busch; wagoner, Archer Perry; privates, Frank M. Bradshaw, Henry Chaney, Ludwig Cabel, John F. Dial, Arthur O. Dickinson, William W. L. Dubois, Perkins L. Dow, E. H. Eddy, John Evans, George A. Fench, Theodore W. Fearing, Peter Fiekert, Levi Fenno, William Ed. Fowler, John C. Grier, Simon B. Grier, C. F. Hanemann, Joseph F. Harris, John V. Hoffman, M. V. B. Hogarty, William T. R. Humphrey, Nathaniel G. Hunter, Henry Haupt, Charles A. Illion, George W. Jamison, Andrew Jackson, William N. Johnson, Absalom B. Kelley, Kirk W. Kingsley, Adolph Krein, Joseph Koch, William K. Lindsay, John Lovell, Henderson Manners, William D. Middleton, Henry McDonald, Lawes McGregor, Lafayette Mitchell, Griffin Moore, Marion Morgan, Ed. D. Neidick, Richard N. Nickerson, Carl Peterson, Albert Read, Alexander Reid, Deidrich Regennitter, James H. Parks Robison, Joseph H. Royer, Charles T. Ryan, James Rown, Jeremiah Shuey, Samuel S. Smith, William A. Soderstrum, Franklin W. Stratman, George G. Squires, James Spear, John W. Tallman, William Tompkin, Nicholas Vonder Fecht, Luther Van Vliel, Amos Woeber, William F. White, Andrew J. Woodside, Benjamin Phelps.  Company K-captain, Thomas Wilson; lieutenants, John Ackley, James H. G. Wilson; sergeants, John Collins, Jacob C. Morgan, William Green, Samuel R. Lemmon, Lyman S. Peck; corporals, John H. Wilson, William H. Barbour, John H. Dart, Jr., James F. Shaff, William P. Tiffany, John A. Rowan, Lorenzo D. Cary, George W. Foster, Charles P. Beard, Arthur Twaddell, Henry Bode, Robert M. Cooper; musicians, William W. Parker, Fred P. Sackett; wagoner, Frederick Cooper; privates, John Adamson, William H. Anderson, James Augustine, Henry Bode, William Beohmler, John E. Barrett, Thomas Burns, John Broson, Charles P. Beard, Samuel Cartee, Jonathan R. Cartee, Timothy F. Cain, William Caldwell, Leonidas Creamer, Robert M. Cooper, Aisel Day, Francis W. Denne, Charles F. Doolittle, Oliver M. Evans, Joseph M. Ford, George H. Golding, Charles H.Groff, Alfred Gray, Frederick A. Hein, Henry Hanks, Lars Isaacson, John E. Jones, Meigs Kibbey, Alonzo D. Kanpp, Sylvester Kinney, Henry Kreoger, Robert F. Love, William Litz, Edward G. Medford, Robert H. McLoskey, Mace Morris, John McGuire, James McCan, Perrie H. McIntosh, John McClelland, John McAffee, Hermann Mueller, Sanford Mott, Robert Myerhoff, Stephen Messer, John I. Nelson, George Odenhimer, Johan Peters, Arthur Quigley, Andrew R. Rambo, David Rohm, Samuel L. C. Rhodes, Wakeman Sanders, Stephen H. Sanders, Joseph Scherer, Fred A. Small, Rheinhold Schwenke, Arthur Twaddle, Alexander Tilton, Theodore Todd, John H. Tucker, James Williams, Josiah A. Wilbur, Daniel Webster, George Ware, Thomas H. B. Yates, Mathias Zabel.

In Company D was Corporal Frank C. Grace; in Company F, privates Seth B. Frisbie and Daniel E. Jones; and in Company G, private Alexander Haley.


Company B-Nichols Adams, Philip H. Bray, David S. Nullock, Samuel Barr, Hohn M. Chase, Michael Cunningham, George Rouse, William G. Tate, Oscar G. Williams.  Company F-Warren H. Clark, Enoch Goodwin, Stephen Hook, A. Hollingsworth, Benjamin Hollingsworth, James L. Mathews, Bryan O'Connor.  Company I.-farriers, George L. Richardson, Thomas Schadt; privates, Franklin Burnett, Martin S. Cisco, James A. Cisco, Milton Lilie, L. B. Manwaring, Daniel W. Mason, Henry C. Potter.  Company M-sergeant, Geo. McDowall; Milo D. Crawford, John Douglas, Thomas Gammill, Charles Hibber, Samuel A. Johnson, Jeremiah Kilmer, Abraham Murry, George McClintock, Henry J. Stoops, George W. Stoops, Joseph Stamper; recruits unassigned, Moses H. Amend, John L. Braden, William K. Brottorff, Philip H. Bray, Silas D. Crawford, John Cooper, Warren H. Chase, Ephraim J. Davis, Oliver H. Donnell, Francis A. Dory, William D. Earle, Albert Greeley, Joseph C. Harris, Edward Hite, Levi Hendricks, Cornelius S. Johnson, Joseph Jackson, Benjamin F. Leach, John Leacy, William Lewis, Benjamin T. Monroe, John Cook, James M. Calder, Eugene T. Mullen, James H. Phelps, Jerod C. Palmer, William H. Reiley, Robert Rundell, George Reminton, William E. Street, Americus C. Smith, Edmon Seeves, Walter A. Smith, Ed. C. Tompson, William Williams, Thomas Williams, R, A. Williams, Robert B. Baker, John A. Wallace, Charles E. Moss, William O. Burns, H. H. Huchins, Michael Casey, James Williams.

In Company A, Scott county was represented by private Alexander Osburn:  in Company E, by privates Chandler W. Ellsworth and William D. Earhart:  in Company H by Sergeant David K. Webster.


Adjutants, Gustavus Schnitger, Joseph H. Freeman; sergeants, Henry B. Ludlow, Melville B. C. True; hospital steward, Arthur H. Needham; bugler, John E. Williamson; surgeons, Robert J. Hunter, Thomas H. Jacobs, Walter H. Durand; band leader, Clement Brennan; musician, Nelson Macomber; Company C, captain, Henry Egbert; lieutenants, Joseph H. Freeman, Michael Conner, Benjamin F. Stiles; sergeants, Benjamin F. Stiles, Henry Babcock, John N. Davis, Henry B. Ludlow, Nathan J. McKelvey, Ezra Cronkleton, Samuel Spencer, Isaac Gilmore, Seth Hartzel, George R. Wick, Edwin E. Goddard; corporals, Moreau Carroll, Nelson Lovel, Dana O. Whitman, Edwin H. Hobart, Rudolph Snyder, Michael Trucks, Wash B. Leamer; wagoner, David Thomas; saddler Joseph S. Petts; buglers, Nelson Macomber, William Shaw, Alfred Wells, Delos Phelps; farriers, Walter M. Durand, John Parks, Truman B. Kelley; privates, James B. Armstrong, George W. Baker, Henry Babcock, Hugh Bares, Isaac D. Bard, Charles Becherer, William H. Carey, Marshal H. Dillon, Franklin Follett, Alexis M. Freeland, Henry Fuher, Adolphys E. Farley, John Fanning, James Gordon, John A. M. Hall, William R, Hyghes, Robert J. Hewriter, Joseph H. Hilbert, Thomas H. Jacobs, James Kizer, Hugh Kelsey, Ernst G. Kline, Ebenezer King, Wash. B. Leamer, Nelson Lovel, Sanford E. Lincoln, Alfred Linton, John Loftis, James S. Mason, Edwin D. Mason, Sidney Melton, Eugene P. Murray, Frederick Myall, Henry Milken, Daniel K. Mitchell, Henry McGee, Nathan J. McKelvey, Alvin McElvane, Delos Phelps, William Post, Henry Rea, Joel S. Stevebs, Charles Schlagel, Joseph L. Steel, Fidel Schlunt, Daniel Snyder, Rydolph Snyder, James Scales, William Shaw, Henry B. Ludlow, Michael Trucks, George Tann, John A. Wolfe, Lucius H. Wolfe, George R. Wicks, Thomas M. Wilds, John C. Welch; additional enlistments, William T. Connor, George F. Dunn, Joseph Glover, Samuel Kewett, usher M. Kesley, Ichabod Kilpatrick, James Livingston, Isaac Watson, John C. Church, James W. Davidson, William Gordon, Jamrs Gordon, Martin Hogan, William A. Jones, James Mann, Henry Melchard, James Middlemus, William A. Pope, John Parks, Francis Ross, James W. Safely, Marvin L. Simmons, John I. Wade, William Scarff, John Finley, James Taylor, Erastus W. Bennett, Henry Grace, William H. Hickson, James Porter, Thompson Murry, Henry Price, Edward Penry, William H. Simmons, Parmelee D. Strong, Daniel W. Ulam, Levi Wood, Lucian G. Winey; Company C, veterans-captain, Benjamin F. Stiles; lieutenants, Michael Connor, Henry L. Babcock; sergeants, Isaac Gilmore, Dana P. Whitman; corporals, Rudolph Snyder, Nelson Lovel, Michael Trucks; saddler, James S. Mason; privates, Isaac D. Bard, Hugh Bares, Charles Becherer, Moreau Carroll, John C. Church, Henry Fuhes, Samuel Hewit, John A. M. Hall, Edwin H. Hobert, Usher M. Kelsey, I. G. Kilpatrick, James Livingston, Sanford E. Lincoln, Edwin D. Mason, James Mann, James Middlemus, William Post, James W. Safely, Marvin L. Simmons, Alfred Wells, Isaac N. Watson; Company E-captains, Frank A. Kendrick, Gustave Schnitger; lieutenants, Anton Scherer, James P. Metcalf; sergeants, Hezekiah G. Dwire, Augustus Crone, Hiram H. Gardner, John Ackley, Perry L. Reed, Andrew J. Pierce, Augustus Crone, John Borchex, John W. Jennings, Nicholas Musfeldt, William Alrich; corporals, John Stouffer, William H. Alrich, Theodore Philloud, Arthur H. Needham, Frederich Potman, George Harbison.  Warner Behrens, Augustus Sharp, Nicholas Musfeldt, John Branch, John Ackley, Louis W. Coleman, Ferdinand Doflar, Frank Pilloud, John F. Fletcher, Jonathan Melvin, Charles Reese, Anderson S. Robinson; buglers, Herman F. Bonorden, Lorenz Miller, John E. Williamson, William Dunderdale; farriers, Frederick Potman, John Stouffer, Michael Schmidt, James Tarncrow; saddlers, George Stellar, Ezekiel L. Roberts, George Ruge; wagoner, Alexander C. Best; privates, John W. Arnold, Hiram Blackman, Henry Boerk, William Budde, Jacob Brockman, John Branch, John Bald, Alexander C. Best, William Bahl, Joseph Beike, Paul Champenois, Christian Clodt, William Dunderdale, Albert Downey, Thomas H. Davis, Charles Deadrick, Charles Eckhart, G. William Foster, Gustave Frederick, Elwood Finley, Daniel B. Ferguson, Thomas Faxon, Hiram Gardner, Truman Gilbert, Samuel A. Grant, George Hayward, Charles Hass, Isaiah Harman, John Hendrick, Henry Klughen, Henry Kirk, Daedlif L. Lamberge, George Little, John Libbig, George Loring, Thomas Leggett, Hans Lillinthal, Lorenz Miller, Nicholas Musfeldt, Peter Mumm, John P. D. Patterson, Peter Peters, Theodore Pilloud, Frank Pilloud, James A. Paden, Anderson F. Robinson, Adolph Ritz, John Ruckenberge, George Ruge, L. Roberts, Henry Schuning, Hans Stoltenberg, Andreas Seno, George Stellar, Charles Swein, Adolph Schroeder, August Schroeder, Thomas Smith, C. Scherchel, John Walker, Martin Wood; additional enlistments, Frank Bahl, Arthur Bogue, Henry Buck, Louis W. Colemann, John F. Felchner, Urias Harmann, James Dougherty, Henry Hener, Adam Hellman, Christopher Kulbert, George Luders, Peter Mumm, William C. Mordan, James McDonald, Asa Strubel, Peter Steffen, David L. Upson., John Ward, Christian Cruse, Emil Huckstaedt, Abner Hendrickson, Andrew Lineham, Joseph Linderman, William L. Livingston, Earnest F. Pruss, William Ruge, Michael Schmidt, John E. Williamson, William J. A. Fey, Peter Brekner, James Ruby, Lewis Gebhart, John Hassler, Lewis Drewing, Henry Dressen, Henry Lowe, Joseph I. McAlarney, Hans H. Moeller, Sebastian Scherer, Louis Haslar, James Riley, Henry Bahl, Young Dougherty, John Fedick, Frederick Mohlman, John Schluntz, John Priess, John Schroeder, Charles Schluter, Claus Tiedman, John W. Jennings; Company E, veterans-captain, Gustave Schnitger; lieutenants, James F. Metcalf, Augustus Crone; sergeants, John Brochers, John W. Jennings; corporals, Claus Hass, John F. Felchner, William Ruge, John Rechenberger; bugler, Henry Kluglein; privates, Perer Brehner, Henry Boerk, William Budde, Christian Clodt, Young Dougherty, Ferinand Doflar, William H. A. Fey, Gustave Fredericks, Elwood Finley, John Hendricks, John Lubbe, Peter Peters, John Schlunts, Henry Schuening, George Stellar, Charles Schlueter, Claus Tiedemann, Edmora P. Foster, Henry E. Gilbert, Christopher Gilbert, Leonard L. Heberling, Thomas Johnson, Nehemiah Zeigler, Dan C. Edkerman, Cyrus N. Earl, John W. Freeland, James W. Glass, Edward C. Grant, Samuel M. Gibson, Isaac H. Watson, Wilson H. Shaw, Tompson F. Murry, James W. Morrison, John D. McAlarny, Jos. S. Petts, George P. Russell, Adolph Reitz, John Williams, Thomas Walker, Jacob Hawk, Josiah Hawk, Samuel Hewett, Ichabod Kilpatrick, Usher M. Kelsey, James Livingston, Edward Penry, John Schlaus, William H. Yeerin, William M. Barr; Company G-privates, James M. Brady, John C. Bridge, Thaddeus O. Chase, Miles Ferry, John Hall, Sylvester Kresner, John Hancock; unassigned recruits, Charles H. Budd, Erasuts Bennett, Josias Japp, John D. Bingford, Leander L. Chapman, William Ryan, John W. Conley.

In Company A were Captain William B. Brunton, Sergeant Amasa Kinnan and privates Thomas Stewart and James C. McNeil.  Company B-privates, John Connor, W. L. Tireman, Chruch Meigs, and David Hicks; in Company F, Sergeant H. G. Dwire and privares James W. English and Peter C. Frame; in Company Hm privares David F. Louper and Nicholas Fabricus; in Company I, privates William H. Record, William J. Dale and Thomas Kenley; in Company K, Lieutenant Perry L. Reed and privates Adam Frimwood and James Telfair; in Company L, Corporal Thomas Dulin and privates Orrin Brown, Frank B. Byland and Urban Chapman; and in Company M, privates John A. Smith, Melvin McMurry, Thomas H. Jacobs and William Oscar Hunter.

The Second cavalry had a large number of representatives from Scott county and the promotions made were as follows:  Frank A. Kendrick, captain to major; Gustavus Schnitger, second lieutenant, captain and major; Henry B. Ludlow, quartermaster-sergeant to quartermaster; William B. Brunton, sergeant to second and first lieutenant and captain; Benjamin F. Stiles, sergeant to second lieutenant and captain; Henry C. Babcock, sergeant to second lieutenant and captain; Michael Connor, second to first lieutenant; Isaac Gilmore, sergeant to first lieutenant; Michael Trucks, sergeant to second lieutenant; Augustus Crone, sergeant to second lieutenant; Hezekiah G. Dwire, sergeant to second lieutenant; Perry L. Reed, sergeant to second lieutenant.


Company I-second lieutenant, Frazier W. Arnim; privates, Clark Brant, John C. Boldt, John Bald, Christian Barebe, John Courtney, William E. Cook, William A. Edwards, Joachim Fahrenking, Paul Frederick, Ambrose Fralech, Joseph Florine, Frank Hibler, Casper Hellmuth, Gottfield Hanson, George Hill, William Kelso, John C. Mersh, Lewis Mein, John J. Nett, Earnest F. A. Pruss, Jacob Pracher, Joachim Rolls, William Schuritz, Amos A. Whitney, William Clampet, Patrick Murphy.  John C. Crumrin and ______ Patterson enlisted in Company E.


Company A-captain, John Gallegan; sergeant, Henry Soedt; corporals, Scott Stevens, Gerhard Kleinhessling; teamster, Perry Moss; farrier, Frederick Wendt; saddler, Edward Callendine; privates, William P. Ballard, Henry Blunk, Patrick Bain, Philip F. Boyd, Thomas W. Baughman, Francis Butler, Jesse Davis, Niss Ingerson, Nathaniel Johnson, Hiram Jenks, Henry Kochler, Ludwic Lorenzen, John Moll, John Meyer, William S. McKenzie, Frederick Phillips, Andrew Seno; veterans, Henry A. Hopson, Thomas L. Reese.  Company E-Joseph T. Bren, William E. Cullers, Henry W. Finch, James M. Frank, Orin Dake, John Stephens, George Bachelor, Isaiah Pinkerton, William Peterson, John Wallace; company unknown, William Brown, Myron Bryson, Albert R. Bay, William Conway, Charles Edwards, Frederick Fellman, William McGinnis, Walter E. Truax, William J. Teague, Thomas R. Wamby.

In Company C was private Frank Howard; in Company D, William Coatney; in Company G, Thomas Carlington; in Company H, John H. Fisher and Frank Gottslie; in Company I, Laurence Cassidy, Michael Dedy, James Call, Peter G. Henningson, James Miller and Lemuel Miller; in Company L, Clinton Clark, Michael O'Donnell and John Wilson; and in Company M, Corporal James McGuire, George C. Wright and Thomas Carlington.


Company C-trumpeter, George C. Hamlin; privates, Robert Alexander, Eli John Lancaster, Taber C. Hart.  Company E-lieutenant, Charles F. Anderson; privates, Herman Allen, Thomas A. D. Costillo, William England, Henry Henning, William C. Myers, William C. Johnson.  Company L-sergeant, Francis A. Nitsky; privates, William M. Lucas, Philip Coop, Walter Delano.  Company M-trumpeter, William W. Scott; privates, William Blood, Charles Rosenfeldt, Henry C. Wharton, Augustine Kremer, George Rook.  In Company D was Henry Hammann; F, James M. Gray; K, Thomas Mead and Henry Wincell.


Surgeon, Edwin Kirkup; quartermaster, Jesse J. Grant.  Company B-lieutenant, Hugh T. Holmes; corporal, Greenlee Wilson; privates, Thomas Brophy, Oren Dickinson, John Davis, William C. Greenlee, Charles Hale, William Kelly, John Luther, Phillip Parte, Mitchel H. Russell, Samuel Schmenkey, William H. Shaw, James Syms, Andy Smith, Josiah Stratten, William B. Williams.

In Company A were John Blake and Eben B. Wellman; C. John Hagerty; D, Israel Crouse and John P. Stevenson; E. David Potts; G, Thomas Shropshire and John Spalley; H, Nathan J. Lamer; I, Charles W. Hagen; K, David Pelton and Ernest L. Kraemer; and in Company M. George Alton, Melven E. McMurry, Jeremiah Payne, Michael Higgins, James A. Reynolds and George W. Stennett.

The promotions were Hugh Thomas Holmes, corporal to second lieutenant and captain; John Hagerty, quartermaster-sergeant to second lieutenant.


Company A-sergeants, Joseph A. Scott, Henry Stuard; corporals, Augustus Bradley, Noah Lawson; drummer, Charles L. Gifford; privates, Solomon K. Banks, Samuel Daniels, Henry Davenport, James Judson, Thomas Henderdon, Henry Henning, John Jackson, Jefferson McKnight, David Mosley, Thomas Riddle; additional enlistments, Peter Anderson, Moses Bush, Jacob Green, John Harris, Nat Henry; James Kinslow, William Walker, William White, Philip Woods, Hnery Wakfield, Henry Walker.

Company C contained privates Henry Green and James Parker; Company D, sergeant William Hamilton and Alfred Johnson.


Company I-captain, Johannes Ahelfeldt; lieutenants, Robert Henne, Anthony Steffen; sergeants, Ernst Arp, John Kaufmann, Adolphus Lotz, Peter Luebking, Claus Rohwer; corporals, Augustave Giesecke, Karl Haagen, John Seiverse; privates, Eugene Ausborn, Claus Behrens, John Behrens, Henry Bant, George L. Beyer, William Catle, Philip Dott, Ludwig Glien, John Gosch, William Groenwald, Hans Harder, Charles Hoffbaur, Hans Jaeger, Andreas Karste, Theodore Krause, Ernst Kruse, Charles Kuntze, John Luethen, Augustus Martens, Edward Meyers, Hans Niemann, Charles Pestel, Casper Peterson, John Ramm, Frederick Schlapkohl, Henry Schlapkohl, Philip Schlapp, Benedict Schluenz, John Schlueter, Peter Schmidt, Ernst Siebold, Charles Siekel, Frank Stisser, John Stulhr, Christian Voss, Henry Weise, Hans Wulf, Henry Wunder.


Company F-sergeants, Henry Hempel, Hermann Rohde, Lorenz Fischer; corporals, Henry Clausen, Herman Witte; privates, John Bauer, Edward Bsoch, Frederick Bock, Joachim Bolt, Henry Behrens, Eggert Berlin, John Boyer, Henry Dickermann, Otto Detlef, Johannes Eggers, Claus Ehlers, Henry Gerds, Frederick Grimm, Jeus Haulsen, Christian Jupp, G. Kochler, Henry Kundt, Mark Kroeger, Frederick Kruse, Claus Pahl, Henry Pahl, Christian Peterson, Henry Pries, F. Raabe, Martin Rupp, Frederick Schroeder, Otto Schulte, Charles Theoming, Henry Warrensold.


In many regiments not included in the preceding there were representatives from Scott county.  These are given in the following list:

Third infantry:  In this regiment were privates Robert Clarke, George Harris, August Mauser, Joseph F. Parkhurst, companies unknown.

Fourth infantry:  This included John Galligan, lieutenant-colonel; and privates Jacob Geddes, Wirt Kempton, W. O. McCordm Eli Robinson, George A. Tubble, Beattee E. Johnson, John Laughlin, William A. Phifer and Leopold Sanders, companies unknown.  Among the additional enlistments were James M. Moore, John I. Webb an James M. Wilson.

Seventh infantry:  This included Augustus Wentz, lieutenant colonel; and privates Joseph M. Randolph, of Company E; Eli H. Harlan, of Company K; and Peter A. Esmole and John A. Smith, companies unknown.

Ninth infantry:  In this was private Charles Vivion, company unknown.

Tenth infantry:  Nicholas Perczel, colonel; privates Oliver Huntley, William H. Stinson and Albert Tomlinson, of Company E, and Sergeant T. A. Sloanaker and Corporal Torris T. Scott.

Twelfth infantry:  This included William McManus, of Company A; Jacob Graham and Ira Swain of Company E, and James B. McGill, of Company H.

Fifteenth infantry:  Company A contained privates William Hershberger, James H. King, John Miller and George Knight.  Company F contained Byron Rumsey.

Eighteenth infantry:  This contained privates Otis T. Stewart, of Company E; Edward Bultin, of Company K; and veterans Ammon H. Damon, John C. Hilbert and Frederick Hesse, of Company A.

Nineteenth infantry:  This contained Eugene F. Clewell, of Company E, and George W. Orr, company unknown.

Twenty-second infantry:  This contained privates Alfred P. King, of Company B; Jonas Denney and Thomas R. Loyd, of Company G, and Peter S. Berry, James Conley and Philip Pitt, companies unknown.

Twenty-fourth infantry:  In this John Witherwax, assistant surgeon, and George S. Kizer, private of Company C.

Twenty-fifth infantry:  In Company D, veterans, of this regiment were Geo. P. Conrad, William W. Dudley, Ely Denny, Jacob Hecker, John Luxemberger, Henry Riss and John Wilkin.

Thirty-first infantry:  Company A contained Franklin Herron; Company B. W. W. Harter; Company C. James H. Ackerman; Company G, veterans, Harvey Emerson and Charles L. Kinniston.

Thirty-third infantry:  This contained veterans George W. Shee, Company C, and William J. Bowers, Company E.

Thirty-fourth infantry:  Company G contained Philip Roseman.

Thirty-fifth infantry:  Private J. O. Valarnghan, Company E; Captain John Flanagan, Company H; veteran Alpheus W. Clough, Company A, and veterans August Falk, Robert Hawk and William Hertzog, company unknown, were in this regiment.

Thirty-ninth infantry:  In Company I were Dennis Shea and James J. Thorp.  In Company K was Curtis J. Bales.

Fortieth infantry:  In this were private Henry Whitcomb, Company I; veteran Samuel Snith, Company K, and veterans Daniel Gorman and Francis Hardy, company unknown.

Forty-sixth infantry:  In this regiment Scott county was represented by William R. Dodd.

Forty-eighth infantry:  In this were William T. Hayes, adjutant; Sergeant B. Webster, Company B; Private John H. Clark, Company C, and Corporal John Wilkins, Company D.

Fourth cavalry:  In Company A was Monroe M. Childs; in Company B, John Ireland; in Company E, John Spencer; in Company F, Edward Jones and Andrew Y. Thompson; in Company G, Alfred D. Bullard, John H. Clark, James B. Kenyon, William Moore and James M. Moss; in Company L. Jonathan Cranshaw; in Company M, John McRoberts.

Fifth cavalry:  Company F of this regiment contained Christian Fischer, Henry Franke, Charles Franke, John Thomas, Christian Litscher, John T. Neht, Florian Seidel and Sidney Gipson.

Seventh cavalry:  This regiment contained John A. Grey, saddler sergeant; Second Lieutenant Benjamin K. Roberts, and privates George Gardner, Augustus Herkert, John A. Grey and James Stevens of Company A; Privates James Maher, William H, Ward and Patrick Winn of Company B; Privates Jerome B. Ingle and Alexander Thomas of Company D; privates Daniel H. Clark and George Hamilton of Company E; Sergeant John H. Wellman, Corporal Wallace R, Turner, and Privates Thomas Adamson, Hiram D. Barney, Robert S. Hazen, Daniel Keeth, Ira L. Hammer and Henry Vankirk of Company G; Corporal William L. Dodge, Farrier Ezekiel Weihrich, and Privates Jesse W. Duvall, William Stine and Charles G. Woodward of Company H; Private Thomas Anery of Company F, Privates Q. H. Brown and James Dugan of Company M, and Privates John Bolton, Alexander Conaway, William B. McCready, Silas W. Stewart, James W. Smith and Edward Thompson of companies unknown.

Light artillery:  In the First battery was P. W. Starkweather; second, Thomas J. Clark; fourth, Henry Snyder, William H. Forney, Cornelius Peterson, William H. Smith and Joseph Page.

Thirteenth Illinois infantry:  Company B contained Charles L. Fessler, John Henry, Henry Hansen, James Moore, Arthur Patterson and Thomas Randall; Company D, Oliver J. Cook, Orville B. Hazen and Mathew McCullough; and Company H, Albert H. Sidney; all privates.

Sixteenth Illinois infantry:  Company H, private, Henry Ranzow.

Seventeenth Illinois infantry:  Company E, private, John P. Stibold; and Company H, private, George Collins.

Thirty-seventh Illinois infantry:  Company A, privates, Joseph C. Atkinson, Lemon G. Chilis, Charles Doyle, Cyrus Earhart, Samuel D. Hedges, Lewis F. Meyers and John Baglan; and Company H, privates, Peter Harrison and William McGinnis.

Forty-second Illinois infantry:  Company G, private, George E. Wilson.

Forty-third Illinois infantry:  Company E, Sergeant Heinrich Rhode and Privates Nicholas Bornholdt, Heinrich Kohberg, Henry Otto, Hans Rohwer, Tim Rohweder and Andreas Lima.

Forty-fourth Illinois infantry:  Company K, Pliodore Howe, Henry Howe, Gustavus Howe, Charles Leppy, Samuel Moore, Jacob Strasser, John Schultz and John Schippeld; Company D, Franz Stimer, and Company K, Benjamin Green-all privates.

Sixty-fifth Illinois infantry:  Company B, Thomas Houghton and Ira M. Dayton, privates.

Sixty-sixth Illinois infantry:  Company C, John P. Draper; and Company I, Alexander Campbell, Reuben G. Foster, William Sibolt, Otis E. Mason, Isaac P. Schooley and Ellis V. Van Epas, privates.

Eighty-third Illinois infantry:  Company C, private, John W. Green.

One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Illinois infantry:  Company A, private, William C. McManney; and Company B, James H. Fish, William H. Steven and Joseph L. Heywood, privates.

Fourth Illinois cavalry:  Company M, George S. Franks and Andrew Johnson, privates.

Seventh Illinois cavalry:  Band, Henry G. Smith.

Ninth Illinois cavalry:  Company D, Joseph Hickson, private.

Twelfth Illinois cavalry:  Company E, private, L. C. Logue.

Fifty-ninth Illinois Veteran infantry:  Company K, private, Joseph Hines.

First Nabraska cavalry:  Company G, Joseph Blanch, private.


We subjoin a list of those from Scott county who perished in defense of the Union:  Lieutenant-Colonel Augustus Wentz, killed in battle at Belmont, Missouri, November 7, 1861; Major William A. Walker, killed in battle near Atlanta, Georgia, July 22, 1864; Quartermaster Jesse J. Grant, died at Benton Barracks, Missouri, April 19, 1864; Captain Miles P. Benton, died at home April 8, 1863; Captain Jonathan Slaymaker, killed in battle at Fort Donelson, February 15, 1862; Lieutenant Enos Tichenor, killed in battle at Corinth, Mississippi, October 3, 1862; Lieutenant Elia Taylor, died at Cassville, Missouri, October 25, 1862; Lieutenant William J. Steel, died at Carrollton, Louisiana, August 19, 1863: Lieutenant Harrison Oliver, killed in battle at Prairie Grove; Lieutenant Samuel Diffin, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, and died at Rome, Georgia, August 22, 1864; Lieutenant John G. Huntington, killed in battle at Corinth, Mississippi, October 3, 1862; Lieutenant Hezekiah G. Dwire, killed in action near West Point, Mississippi, February 20, 1864; James B. Armstrong, died May 10th of wounds received at battle of Farmington May 9, 1862; Delos Alger, killed April 8, 1865, at Spanish Fort, Alabama, while in action; Francis M. Boyer, killed April 8, 1865, at Spanish Fort, in action; Hiram Blackman, died at St. Louis, January 12, 1862; Warner Berherns, died at Davenport, October 18, 1861; Orren R. Brown, died January 5, 1864, at Colliersville, Tennessee; John Boyer, died at Jackson, July 18th; Franklin Byland, killed November 3, 1863, at Colliersville, Tennessee; Philip F. Boyd, died May 24, 1863, at Fort Cook, Dakota; Peter Berry, died February 13, 1864, at Helena, Arkansas; Augustus Bradley, died December 17, 1863, at Benton Barracks, Missouri; Joseph T. Bren, died April 19, 1865, at Sioux City; John Baner, killed at Fourteen Mile Creek, May 12, 1862; Henry Brock, died September 9, 1863, at Carrollton, Louisiana; Charles E. Benedict, died November 2, 1862, at Ford's Farm, Arkansas; Matthew Brophy, killed July 8, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi; James F. Barrett, died July 10, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi; John L. Bell, died February 21, 1864, at New Orleans, Louisiana; Harry H. Bowling, killed at Millen, Georgia, December 3, 1864; Heinrich Bauchman, died June 9, 1863, at Cairo, Illinois; Henry Bowman, died September 11, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi; James Burley, died at Keokuk, April 23, 1862; Victor N. Bartell, died at St. Louis, Missouri, December 4, 1861; J. W. Blanchard, died in regimental hospital at St. Louis, September 26, 1861; Charles F. Beck, died in Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, March 2, 1862; John R. Buckman, killed April 6, 1862, in battle at Shiloh; Thomas Brattain, died in general hospital at St. Louis, Missouri, January 21, 1862; George Croad, killed April 6, 1862; at Shiloh, Tennessee, in battle; John S. Christian, died at St. Louis, April 29, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh; John Calvert, died at LeClaire, April 10, 1862; James A. Cisco, died November 1, 1863, at Little Rock, Arkansas; Orville P. Carpenter, died at Springfield, Missouri, November 22, 1862; Clinton Clark, died January 2, 1863, at Davenport; Eugene F. Clewell, died September 5, 1865, at New Orleans; Frederick Costan, died August 15, 1864, at Rome, Georgia; William F. Culbertson, died February 28, 1863, at Fayetteville, Arkansas, of wounds; Richard Carnes, killed December 7, 1862, at Prairie Grove, Arkansas, in battle; James E. Clapp, died July 23, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi; Alexander Cheny, died July 10, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh; Edwin Clark, died June, 1862, at Monterey, Mississippi; William Dunderdale, died at St. Louis, June 19, 1862, from wounds received at Farmington May 9th; Henry Davenport, died April 13, 1864, at Helena, Arkansas; Samuel P. Driskell, died August 25, 1864, at Andersonville, Georgia; William Richard Dilworth, died February 28, 1863, at Camp Bliss, Missouri; James A. Davis, died February 1, 1863, at Jackson, Tennessee; William R. Danford, died at Elkhorn Tavern, Arkansas, November 24, 1862; Nicholas Dose, died September 10, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi; William A. Davenport, died August 5, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; Thomas P. Dean, died January 11, 1862,  at Jefferson City, Missouri; James G. Dow, died at Memphis, Tennessee, October 25, 1863; John W. Downs, killed in battle at Corinth, Mississippi, October 4, 1862; Robert S. Dodds, died at Pleasant Valley, July 8, 1862; William F. Earhart, died January 7, 1865, at Little Rock, Arkansas; Benjamin Edwards, died September 18, 1864, at Marietta, Georgia; Henry Ernst, died October 4, 1862, at Jackson, Mississippi; Peter C. Frame, died March 11, 1863, at Davenport; Nicholas Fabricus, died August 6, 1865, at Huntsville, Alabama; John Flanagan, died March 10, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; Charles I. Fitchner, died February 11, 1862, at California, Missouri; Edwin E. Goddard, died March 28, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; Frederick Grimm, died November 23, 1862; James A. Gray, killed June 20, 1864, at Powder Springs, Georgia; Henry Green, died April 2, 1865; William Graham, died August 28, 1862, at New Orleans, Louisiana; Joseph Goerlick, died June 15, 1864, at Aransas Pass, Texas; William Guthrie, killed February 15, 1862, at Fort Donelson, Tennessee; August Gottbeoht, died September 5, 1864, at Rome, Georgia, of wounds; Richard Gear, killed July 28, 1864, at Atlanta, Georgia; Karl Graak, killed at Shiloh; Fritz Grimm, killed April 8, 1865, at Spanish Fort, Alabama, in battle; Joseph J. Hilburt, died at St. Louis, Jamuary 12, 1862; J. Howard, died at Memphis, Tennessee, March 20, 1863; Godfrey Hansey, died May 22, 1864, at Little Rock, Arkansas; Casper Hellmuth, died January 6, 1864, at Devall's Bluffs, Arkansas; William Oscar Hunter, died October 2, 1862, at Davenport; William Hamilton, died July 24, 1865, at Little Rock, Arkansas; John Hancock, died July 11, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; Alexander M. Henderson, died August 17, 1862, at Springfield, Missouri; Walter J. L. Hunt, died December 14, 1862, at Fayetteville, Arkansas, of wounds;  Joseph F. Heath, died September 12, 1863, on steamer "Metropolitan"; Marx Henson, died August 14, 1864, at Andersonville prison; Hans F. Hamann, killed July 20, 1864, at Nick-a-jack Creek, Georgia, in battle; Enos Hottel, died October 20, 1863, at Memphis, Tennessee; Newton A. Halderman, died May 15, 1862, at St. Louis, Missouri; Bartus Hinger, died in general hospital at Cairo, October 25, 1861; John W. Hoge, killed at Shiloh; John P. Hale, died at Sedalia, Mississippi, November 20, 1861; George W. Howell, killed at battle of Fort Donelson, February 15, 1862; John Ireland, killed October 16, 1863, at Brownsville, Mississippi; John Jackson, died November 19, 1864, at Helena, Arkansas; James G. Jack, died on steamer "City of Memphis" July 10, 1863; Josephus Jacobs, died September 4, 1863, at Carrollton, Louisiana; Heinrich Jacobs, died September 10, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi; James Kizer, died at St. Louis, January 3, 1862; Earnest F. Kramer, drowned in White river, Arkansas, August 12, 1864; Gerhard Kleinhesslinz, drowned near Fort Randall, Dakota, in the Missouri river, June 15, 1863; Ebenezer King, died August 22, 1864, at Andersonville, Georgia; Andreas Karste, died in Samaritan hospital, St. Louis, October 13, 1863; Kimes, died November 20, 1862, at Prairie Grove, Arkansas; John Knoche, killed June 27, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain, Gerogia; Claus Kuhl, died at St. Louis, June 6, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh; Joseph S. Kelley, died February 19, 1865, at Rock Island, Illinois; Edwin Kelly, died July 12, 1863, at Corinth, Mississippi; Chris. G. Krummel, died May 11, 1862; Hans Lillienthall, died May 30, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; George Lunders, died October 24, 1864, at Menphis, Tennessee; Aaron P. Lambert, died October 27, 1863, at Springfield, Missouri; Jacob Lehman, died March 20, 1865, at Goldsboro, North Catolina; Joseph R. Leyle, killed April 9, 1864, at Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, in battle; Leonard Lavender, died September 11, 1863, at Columbus, Kentucky; David Mosely, died August 22, 1864, at Helena, Arkansas; Sydenham W. Morgan, killed in battle of Arkansas Post, January 11,1863; Frederick G. Myall, killed in battle of Okolona, Mississippi, February 22, 1864; James Martin, killed at Kenesaw Mountain, Georgia, June 15, 1864, in battle; Jefferson McKight, died March 11, 1864, at Helena, Arkansas; Thomas B. Miles, killed December 7, 1862, in battle at Prairie Grove, Arkansas; Charles McCormick, died August 23, 1863, on hospital steamer; William H. McMahan, died March 3, 1863, at Ozark, Missouri; Thomas Murry, died August 3, 1863, at Memphis, Tennessee; Richard McKenney, died March 13, 1863, at Springfield, Missouri; John Magill, drowned on the passage to St. Louis; John Meenig, killed December 7, 1862, at Prairie Grove, Arkansas, in battle; William Murray, died December 29, at Fayetteville, Arkansas, of wounds; James W. Miller, died December 25, 1861, at St. Louis, Missouri; Otto Mielok, died near Corinth, July 10, 1862; Henry R. Moore, died February 11, 1863, at Davenport; Donald McDonald, died November 8, 1861, at St Louis, Missouri; John Melton, killed in the battle at Shiloh; James C. Mansell, died at Corinth, Mississippi, October 5, 1862; Martin L. Minor, died January 1, 1863, at Cincinnati, Ohio; Ebenezer McCullough, died August 3, 1862, at Corinth, Mississippi; John F. Nass, died May 21, 1862, at Corinth, Mississippi; James Nilson, died October 26, 1861; John Neben, died at Corinth, November 26, 1862; Hans Juery Nehm, killed in battle August 10th at Wilson Creek, Missouri; David C. Oliver, wounded at Shiloh and died at Monterey, June 1, 1862; Joseph Pollock, died at Cassville, Missouri, November 4, 1862; Eggert Puck, died near Corinth, June 11, 1862; Dios Phelps, died March 16, 1863, at Germantown, Tennessee; Johan Peters, died at Memphis, Tennessee, July 7, 1864; Walter Powell, died September 23, 1863, at Alton, Illinois; Thomas Preston, drowned in the Mississippi river, September 7, 1864, accidentally; Mathias D. Pines, died May 19, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; Hans Paustain, died October 2, 1863, at Columbus, Ohio; Francis Pentith, died June 14, 1862, at Corinth, Mississippi; Francis Peasley, died December 12, 1861, at St. Louis, Missouri; David D. Palmer, died at Memphis, Tennessee, July 23, 1864; Garfield S. Page, killed at Fort Donelson, February 15, 1862; Henry Pries, died October 10, 1862; James Perry, killed October, 1863, while on an expedition with First Alabama cavalry; Edward Peterson, killed in battle at Fort Donelson, February, 1862; Christopher Quinn, died April, 1862, of wounds; Lewis Reeps, died at Oswego Springs, Arkansas, October 31, 1862; Robert S. Ralston, died November 28, 1862;  Hiram Reynolds, reported dead November 25, 1862; Springfield, Missouri; Johann Reimers, died near Corinth, June 16, 1862; James Rudd, died at Memphis, Tennessee; William C. Russell, killed in battle at Chickamauga, Tennessee, September 20, 1863; Chas. M. Robinson, died March 8, 1862, at Sedalia, Missouri; John D. Roberts, died September 11, 1865, at Tuskegee, Alabama; Augustus Sharp, died at St. Louis, February 3, 1862; Francis M. Steel, killed in battle at Prairie Grove, December 7, 1862; Hans Stoltenberg, died at Jefferson Barracks, July 27, 1862; Adolph Schroeder, died at Corinth, October 20, 1862; Charles Schlegel, died August 25, 1864, at Colliersville, Tennessee; James Syms, died at St. Louis, Missouri, April 15, 1864; Joseph A. Scott, died April 12, 1864, at Helena, Arkansas; Stephen Steffen, died October 24, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; Georg W. Snively, died November 7, 1864, at Millen, Georgia, of starvation while a prisoner of war; Levi Statton, died at Springfield, Missouri, December 23, 1862; Christian Shuman, died August 18, 1863, at St. Louis Missouri; Joseph A. Scott, died April 12, 1864, at Helena, Arkansas; Ezra Seaman, died August 28, 1863, at Carrollton, Louisiana; Daniel M. Sullivan, killed at battle of Prairie Grove; John J. Sissell, died at Springfield, Missouri, Decenber 3, 1862; Otis T. Stewart, died November 22, 1862, at Springfield, Missouri; Ben. H. Sturdevant, died at Rolla, Missouri, September 16, 1862; Johann Schwartz, died at Camp No. 2, near Shiloh, April 22, 1862; August Schulz, died at Davenport, Iowa, May 25, 1862; Denis Sullivan, died at Davenport in Camp McClellan; William Shield, died in hospital at Jackson, Tennessee, October 3, 1862; Fritz Schlosser, died July 18, 1862, near Corinth, Mississippi; John Shadle, died August 16, 1864, at Andersonville prison; Peter D. Schmidt, died May 13, 1864, of wounds at Memphis, Tennessee; Basil Seymour, killed October 4, 1862, at Corinth, Mississippi; Jonathan R. Shook, died June 21, 1862, at Keokuk; Jacob Speed, died October 25, 1862, at Cairo, Illinois; Frederick Sick, drowned March 26, 1864, at Pulaski, Tennessee; Stephen Tompson, died July 28, 1863, at Port Hudson, Louisiana; John A. Tisdale, died June 20, 1864, at New Orleans, Louisiana; Robert Taylor, died at Cincinnati, July 11, 1862, of wounds received at Shiloh; James A. Tompson, died in February, 1863, at Jackson, Tennessee; Robert A. Tedford, died August 1, 1864, at Atlanta, Georgia; Moses Thompson, died at home, August, 1861; Oscar G. Williams, killed September 27, 1868, at Centralia, Missouri, murdered by guerrillas; John A. Wolf, died August 6, 1864, at Andersonville, Georgia; Henry Wunder, died at Rolla, Missouri, March 13, 1863; Henry Weise, died at Milliken's Bend, Louisiana, July 2, 1863; Lucian H. Wolf, died April 14, 1864, at Memphis, Tennessee; Hans Wulf, killed in action before Vicksburg; George R. Wicks, died at Corinth, October 28, 1862; Martin Wood, died at New Madrid, April 10, 1862; Silas Williams, died October 5, 1863, at New Orleans, Louisiana; Joseph V. West, killed September 19, 1862, at Iuka, Mississippi, in battle; Frederick Wilkin, died near Corinth, June 13, 1862; Charles L. Whitnell, killed at Shiloh; Christian D. Wulf, died July 18, 1864, at Rome, Georgia; Alexander Work, died July 22, 1864, at Atlanta, Georgia, of wounds; August Wichman, died August 28, 1863, at Vicksburg, Mississippi; James Work, died at Camp Denison, Ohio, April 26, 1862; James H. Ward, died April 28, 1862, at Savannah, Tennessee, of wounds; Heinrich Wright, died of wounds; Henry C. Wheeler, drowned in Mississippi river, August 16, 1861.


The following amusing account of the return of the 24th Iowa Volunteess from the front to Davenport to be mustered out, appeared in the "Annals of Iowa" in April, 1895:  "It appears that the regiment had reached Chicago at 11:00 o'clock at night, supperless, but when it became a question between going after something to eat or stealing a train then in waiting for the Twenty-second Iowa and getting off at once, supper was not considered for a moment.  But it did seem a little trying, upon arriving in Davenport about 9:00 o'clock next forenoon, without breakfast, as a matter of course, to be drawn up the first thing to listen to speeches of welcome from two or three of the warm-hearted Iowans, residents there.  The occasion was somewhat inspiring.  Here stood the survivors of the 1,000 men who in answer to their country's call had left their state three years before and now returned in triumph with 'glory and scars,' holding aloft the banner under which their comrades died and which had by them been borne with honor on may bloody fields.  Little wonder that Davenport orators wished to 'improve the opportunity.'  But never, methinks, was eloquence so sadly handicapped.  Colonel Wright made a response, the brevity of which testified to his appreciation of the situation, and then away we went to Camp McClellan-only to find that not only was there no breakfast there but no rations.  Then the colonel made another speech, brief but emphatic, when he started to the city to stir someone up, in virtue of which we managed to break our long fast, sometime in the afternoon."


The following appeared in the Keokuk Journal in May, 1861:  "A crowd gathered along Main street yesterday evening to witness some extraordinary performances of Capt. Bob Littler's State Guards, Company B, of the Second Regiment.  Up and down Main and down other streets, around squares and back again for three miles, without halt or slack, this company ran in double quick time last evening, and this, too, after a squad drill of four hours during the day, besides a long company parade.  Toward the last of the double quck one of the men picked up the drummer, put him on his shoulder, and so marched along, apparently without incumbrance.  After all this drilling the company halted on main street and built a pyramid, three men high and consisting of twenty men in all.  Then six men forned a lock step, three abreast, with two men laid across their shoulders.  One man stood on top of them and so they marched for a square or so, and after this, executed a double quick drill, the whole performnance being entirely voluntary.  The members of this company in age average twenty-five years; in height, five feet and seven and a half inches; in weight, one hundred and sixty pounds, and composed mostly of raftsmen and firemen.  In muscular exercise they challange the worst.  They may almost be called a company of gymnasts and athletes.  Some of their performances are actually astonishing.  Captain Littler was himself chief engineer of the fire department and local editor of the Daily Gazette of Davenport for six years, and perhaps a part of his present power of muscle came from so much of that needless running after items which must be tried to be appreciated.  If their pluck be equal to their muscle (and no one who sees them can doubt it) this company will make mighty men of war and we wish them and their gallant captain every success in the world."

When Captain Wentz's company was organized in 1861 at the first call for a regiment by Governor Kirkwood, there were no uniforms for the newly made soldiers.  The ladies of Davenport came to the rescue and made for the members of Captain Wentz's company the uniforms they wore when they left the city for the front.  They probably were not so well fitting and so natty looking as those now in vogue in the United States army, and for that reason the members of a Dubuque military organization poked fun at Captain Wentz's boys and their home-made blouses.  Subsequently the good ladies of Dubuque made for their soldier boys new uniforms and Franc B. Wilkie wrote for his home paper the following intensely humorous description of the Dubuque Grays' military togs.


"The uniforms are all on.  They are admirable fits, all of them, except say eighty or 100 of them.  I now speak of the Grays.  The majority of the boys are able to get their pantaloons from the floor by buttoning the waist-bands around their necks.  Others accomplish this desirable result by bringing the waist-bands tight up under the arms and rolling them up six or eight inches at the bottom.  To be sure, this is a little inconvenient in some respects.  A fellow has to take off his belt, then his coat, and then ascend one story before he can reach his pockets, and after reaching them they are so deep that one has to take the pants off entirely before he can reach the bottom.  Each pocket will hold a shirt, blanket and even the wearer himself, if at any time he finds such a retreat necessary.  And the coats fit beautifully-almost, in fact, as well as the pants.  To be sure, half of them are two feet too large around the waist and almost as much too small around the chest, but then these two drawbacks admirably offset each other.  In the case of fifteen or twenty of them, the tip of the collar is but a trifle above the small of the wearer's back, and in the case of about as many more the same article is a few inches above the head of its owner.  The same collar, also, in some cases terminates beneath each ear of the wearer and in many others it sweeps way around in magnificent curves, forming a vast basin whose rim is yards distant from the neck of the possessor, and the sleeves, too, have here and there a fault.  Some are so tight under the arms that they lift one up as if he were swinging upon a couple of ropes that passed under his armpits.  Others strike boldly out and do not terminate their voluminous course till at a distance of several inches beyond the tips of his fingers, whole others conclude their journey after marching an inch or two below the elbows.  With these few exceptions the coats and pantaloons fit magnificently, and are admired as being the finest in the reginment."


At the time of the dedication of the Soldiers' monument which is located on Main street between Trinity cathedral and the high school July 4, 1881, Davenport in company with all the United States was in the shadow of sorrow caused by the assassination of President Garfield.  In the column which marched to the scene of dedication were military and civic orders.  The Scott County Veterans' association had ninety-seven men in line, representing fifty-seven regiments and ten states.  There were military companies from Davenport, Rock Island, and Muscatine, also detachments from the Knights of Pythias and Turngemeinde.

The  statue surmounting the column was unveiled by Mrs. Foster, widow of the lamented Major Foster of the Eleventh Iowa, and her two daughters.  The oration was by Gen. J. B. Leake.  United States district attorney, of Chicago, formerly a citizen of Davenport.

In this oration, a most eloquent one, Scott county's part in the war for the Union was most fittingly and feelingly dwelt upon.  Said General Leake:  "Under the call for 75,000 men Iowa's share of three month's men was one regiment.  In this county three companies contended for the honor of entering that regiment.  Our German fellow citizens obtained that distinction and Capt. August Wentz marched the first company out of our county to the theater of war.  He afterward as lieutenant colonel of the Seventh regiment of infantry laid down his life at the battle of Belmont.  The other two companies under the command of Robert M. Littler and J. DeWitt Brewster went into the Second regiment of infantry, followed soon by Capt. Egbert's company in the Second regiment of cavalry, and then by many others.

"The number of men liable to military duty in the county was ascertained by reports of the assessors of the various townships making a canvass as directed by a law passed at the extra session of the general assembly held May 1861, to be 4,117.  O that entire number there voluntarily enlisted during the war about two-thirds of the entire number liable to duty in the county.  Almost every family made sacrifices at the altar of country.  During the whole war there was not a battle of importance in which men from Scott county did not have a part.  They participated in the long march, the wearing siege; they pined away in suffering in every southern prison; they left their dead in every soldiers' cemetery.  And now after so many years, we, their fellow citizens, and many of us their companions-in-arms, have the precious privilege of bearing testimony to their virtues and leaving in enduring form for future generations a record of their patriotic sacrifice."


The association of veterans mentioned above was organized in 1865 antedating the Grand Army of the Republic by a year and was created for much the same purposes, and was administered in the same spirit.  Unlike the Grand Army there was neither ritual nor secret work.  At a meeting of Scott county soldiers held June 29, 1865, at the court house, Dr. J. M. Witherwax and Lieut. H. M. McNeil, secretary, a committee appointed at a previous meeting reported:  "Having in view the good of the soldier, and believing there are no ties beyond the ties of blood so strong as those that are formed amid the hardshops and dangers of a soldier's life, and for the purpose of strengthening those ties and keeping our memories refreshed we would recommend that the soldiers of Scott county enter into an organization with that view, the first principles of which should be to extend the right hand of fellowship to all soldiers who have battled for thier country, universal rights and the freedom of all mankind.

"That our wounded and disabled brothers shall be the objects of our special care and consideration, and show them their sacrifices have not been made in vain, nor that we are ungrateful for their valuable services.

"And while we remember the living we should not forget the dead, and in no way can we better cherish their memories than by endeavoring to heal the heart wounds of their families and friends left behind, some of whom are destitute and needing the aid and sympathy of all patriots as well as soldiers.

"Such being our views, we believe that this society can be made the instrument of much good by endeavoring to restrain the wayward, holding up the hands of the weak, and satisfied only when we know the wounded and disabled are cared for and the widow and orphan of the fallen have received at our hands what is justly their due.

"We would also recommend that the matter of politics be kept entirely aloof from this organization and that all members shall have full privilege to exercise the elective franchise in accordance with their best convictions."

The report was signed by the committee, Messrs. Henry Egbert, C. Barney, J. G. G. Cavendish, N. N. Tyner, and George E. McCosh.

Adjournment was taken to July 1st when a constitution was adopted and the name of the organization decided upon-"The Old Soldiers' Association of Scott County, Iowa."  The officers elected were:  General Add. H. Sanders, president; Dr. J. M. Witherwax, vice president; Lieut. N. N. Tyner, secretary; Lieut. J. G. G. Cavendish, treasurer; E. R. Ames, sergeant at arms.  The executive committee comprised Lieut. Col. Henry Egbert, Lieut. H. S. McNeil, and Lieut. H. W. Bennett.


Any mention of the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' Home, brief or extended, must begin with reference to Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer, the Keokuk woman whom Governor Kirkwood commissioned state sanitary agent and who during the long years of the Civil war was constantly engaged in works of mercy in the hospitals at the front.  In a personal letter under date of 1888 she speaks of the movement for the care of soldiers' orphans:  "I matured the plan during the Mississippi river campaign which culminated in the surrender of Vicksburg in July, 1863.  It was in the hospital where I was surrounded by men facing death, whose one anxiety was for their children, that the thought came to me, and many a dying soldier was comforted by the assurance that I would undertake the enterprise."

The actual founding of the homes for the care of the children of the brave men of Iowa who had laid down their lives for their country came about through the state sanitary organization which worked through local aid societies in collecting and distributing supplies for the soldiers, supplies which exceeded a half million dollars in value.

At a meeting of the Soldiers' Aid society held at Iowa City, September 23, 1863, attended by Mrs. Wittenmeyer, the care of children orphaned by the war was discussed, and a call published for a meeting of the people of Iowa at Muscatine, October 5, 1863.  Among the signatures appended to this call were of Mesdames D. T. Newcomb and O. W. Leslie of Davenport.  At this Muscatine convention there was a good and representative attendance from all portions of the state.  Resolutions were passed that an asylum for children made fatherless by the war be established, and an organization effected to carry out the resolution.  The following officers were elected for the society thus founded:  Governor W. M. Stone, president; Miss Mary Kibben, Mt. Pleasant, recording secretary; Miss Mary Shelton, later Mrs. C. L. Poor, Burlington, corresponding secretary; Mrs. N. H. Brainard, Iowa City, treasurer; the board of trustees included; Mrs. Annie Wittenmeyer, of Keokuk; Mrs. C. Ben Darwin, Davenport, Mrs. D. T. Newcomb, Davenport; Mrs. L. B. Stevens, and Messrs. O. Faville, E. H. Williams, T S. Parvin, M. Shields, Caleb Baldwin, C. C. Cole, Isaac Pemberton and C. Henderson.

The first meeting of the trustees was held in Des Moines, February 14, 1864, at which time and place arrangements were made for raising the necessary funds for the enterprise, although the impetuous Mrs. Wittenmeyer had anticipated this action by several months having issued an appeal for the orphans to the people of the state on Thanksgiving day of 1863.  At the March meeting of the trustees Mr. Howell of Keokuk was authorized to lease a building, procure furnishings and solicit funds.  In June Davenport contibuted $600 to the expense fund.  The same month at another trustees' meeting a committee was appointed to open a home.  The movement gained in popularity throughout the state.

The special committee of the trustees reported July 13, 1864, that a large brick building had been secured at Lawrence, Van Buren county, and that it was in condition to receive the children who were in need of shelter and in three weeks from that time twenty-one children were there domiciled.  The first matron was Mrs. E. M. Elliott of Washington.

The movement for the care of soldiers' orphans gathered enthusiasm as the months went by.  Ingersoll, the war historian, says:  "There has never been any one work in the state that has convened so many people in large and enthusiastic assemblies, filled so many churches and halls, thrilled so many hearts, awakened so much emotion, suffused with tears so many eyes, commanded such great liberality, or enlisted so many great minds as the Soldiers' Orphans' home."  The soldiers in the field deeply touched by these efforts for the children of their brothers in arms contributed more than $45,000.

In addition to the home near Farmington another was opened at Cedar Falls where the soldiers' orphans living in the northern portion of the state were cared for to the nunber of more than 100 the first year.  Early in 1865 there was suggestion made that the orphans' home at Lawrence could with advantage be moved to Davenport.  In May there was a public meeting at the Presbyterian church in which the interests of the orphans were considered with liberal subscriptions.  In October of 1865 another meeting was held in LeClaire's hall and subscriptions to the fund amounting to $5,200 were made.


The steamer Keithsburg arrived from Keokuk, November 16, 1865, having on board 150 orphans of Iowa soldiers.  Previous to their arrival the comparatively new barracks of Camp Kinsman on the present site of the home had been made ready for their reception.  The barracks contained beds, bedding and much other equipment that could be utilized and the home was furnished by the liberal contribution of patriotic citizens of Davenport, the amount running into the thousands of dollars.  Upon the arrival of the boat breakfast was served in the Christian chapel, now Hibernian hall, on Brady street near Fifth street by the sympathetic ladies of the city.  Afterward the party went to Camp Kinsman and the Davenport branch of the institution was established.  Mrs. Wittenmeyer consented to remain at the home as matron and this insured the perfect success of the enterprise.  M. B. Cochran of Iowa City was made superintendent.

The first superintendent of the home while it was at Farmington was named Parvin.  This was a temporary arrngement and he was soon succeeded by Rufus Hubbard who was superintendenet until the removal of the home to Davenport in 1865.

In 1867 Superintendent Cochran and Matron Wittenmeyer resigned and were succeeded by Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Pierce of Fairfield as superintendent and matron.  Mr. Pierce resigned in 1886 and was succeeded by Gen. E. C. Litchfield who served less than eleven months.  Mr. Pierce was recalled and managed the home for eleven months.  Principal John R. Bowman was called from School No. 1 to the superintendency and served two years.  He was followed by Dr. W. E. Whitney who resigned in 1893 and was followed by J. H. Lukens of Muscatine who served two years relinquishing the position to M. T. Gass who held it until his death in May, 1904.   H. W. Kellogg was acting superintendent until June 8th of that year when Frank J. Sessions took charge of the largest family in Iowa.


The eleventh general assembly in 1866 acted favorably upon the petitions presented looking to change in management of the Soldiers' Orphans' home.  First established by what was virtually a private corporation and later splendidly maintained as a benevolent institution the time seemed ripe for the home to be numbered among the recognized state institutions supported by taxation.  This was done, and an act passed by which it came under the support and control of the state.  The legislature named a board of trustees consisting of one member from the state at large, and one from each congressional district.  An appropriation of $25,000 was voted and provision made for a tax levy.  The main institution was located at Davenport with branches at Cedar Falls and Glenwood.  At this time the number of children in these three homes numbered 864.  In 1875 the homes were consolidated into one institution at Davenport.

From the time when the care of soldiers' orphans was assumed by the state the Davenport institution grew and prospered.  Better buildings replaced the whitewashed barracks, and all features of the army camp were obliterated.  Handsome structures of pressed brick came into existence, administration building, cottages, hospital, laundry, machine shop, tailor shop, schools.  The state gave loving care and guardianship to the children of those who proved themselves "the bravest of the brave" and trusted their little ones to the keeping of those who survived the struggle.

The home has been visited by disastrous fires-one in July, 1886, and again the next year when lightening consumed the main building with a loss of $50,000.  The handsome chapel which serves as an assembly hall when it is desired to call all the children together was finished an dedicated in April, 1901.  In this chapel is located the handsome $3,000 pipe organ, gift of Governor Larrabee, a member of the State Board of Control at the time this body was established to manage and conduct all state institutions of a benevolent and corrective character.


As the orphans of the soldiers of the war of the rebellion grew to manhood and womanhood with the flight of time this institution was utilized for the care of the poor children of the state, the little people who have poor homes or none at all, the children who would otherwise have no place of refuge other than the county poor farms, children in danger from evil surroundings and influence.  Here they are gathered from broken homes-the number in 1910 exceeding 500, fed, warmed and clothed, given instruction in a school unsurpassed anywhere for curriculum or instruction, given healthful work on a farm of many acres, trained in habits of industry, thrift and all that makes for good citizenship, and when old enough are placed on good homes where they will have the level American chance to which all children of Iowa are entitled.

Life at the home is regular and well ordered.  The children are well treated, happy and fond of those who have them in charge.  There is a library of well selected juvenile literature and there is a systematic effort to provide for them as much amusement as possible.  Back in war days Muscatine inaugurated the custom of providing Christmas cheer in the shape of presents, a tree, a Santa Claus, etc.  This good example was followed by other communities.  The small people of the home are never far out of the minds of the people of Davenport and many treats have been arranged for them by the citizens.

The name of the institution has not been changed since post-bellum days and it is still the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans' home, although the title is hardly appropriate these days, and it is to be hoped it will never be.  The state collects from the county whence a child comes for its support, and no better investment do the ninety-nine counties of Iowa make than this investment in humanity.

The institution of officered by a selected corps of efficient and devoted employes, and is under the charge of Frank J. Sessions, superintendent for the State Board of Control.