Scott Co, Iowa - IAGenWeb Project
Henry Thode Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Thode, Linke, Goss, Langfeldt, Garstang.
Henry Thode, who worked his way upward from a humble beginning and gave proof inhis life that success is the outcome of clear judgment, experience andindefatigable energy rather than the result of fortunate circumstances orpropitious environment, was born in Neustadt, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany,February 15, 1828. In his youthful days he learned the wagon maker's trade,which he followed in his native country until he came to America in 1852.Crossing the Atlantic on one of the old-time sailing vessels, he landed at NewOrleans on the 3d of October and made his way northward to Iowa. At Rock Islandhe secured employment, there working at his trade for a year. On the expirationof that period he came to Davenport where he opened a wagon maker's shop andconducted business on his own account. For a time after his arrival he was inpartnership with a Mr. Linke in the ownership and conduct of a blacksmith shopon Harrison street, continuing in the business for eight years. Heafterward formed a partnership with his father-in-law, Mr. Goss, who was a wagonmaker by trade and came to this country from Holstein, Germany, in 1851, at theage of fifty-five years. He entered the wholesale liquor business in 1866, inconnection with Mr. Langfeldt, on West Second street, under the firm name ofLangfeldt, Thode & Company. The partnership was dissolved in 1874 and Mr.Thode continued to carry on business in that line until his death.
On the 28th of October, 1854, was celebrated the marriage of Henry Thode andMiss Augusta Goss. Her father died many years ago but his wife lived until about1893, when she passed away at the venerable age of ninety-one years. Unto Mr.and Mrs. Thode were born eleven children, eight of whom yet live, named beingnow the wife of H. J. Garstang. The death of Mr. Thode occurred October 18,1893, after a residence in Davenport of about forty years. He was also anhonorary member of the Schuetzen Society. He was much interested in the Germanschools of Davenport and in his fellow countrymen, whom he assisted in manyways. His life stood to them as an example of patriotic American citizenship andof enterprise and energy in business affairs, for the success he achieved inlife was attributable entirely to his own labors.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannAdolphPetersen Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Petersen, Rose, Jebens, Westphal.
The simple narration of the incidents in the early life of Adolph Petersen andthe struggles which disciplined him into usefulness in this community add to theweight of testimony that the stamp of leadership among men cannot be obscured byuntoward circumstances nor obliterated by the marks of hardship. He is a nativeof Struxdorf-Anglen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, where he was born November 22,1858. His father was principal teacher in the school of the village, and when hedied circumstances caused the emigration to America of the widow and her fivechildren in 1872. While in New York, on the very threshold of the new world ofopportunity, the little family met with disaster, the loss of all their means bytheft, and they reached Davenport with no resources whatever.
Upon Adoph, the eldest of the four brothers, then twelve years old, devolved theresponsibility of contributing as liberally as possible to the support of hiswidowed mother and the younger children. His first work was in a sash and doorfactory and from there he went on a farm, doing plowman's work before he wasfourteen. Back into town he came and worked as a painter and as handy boy ingrocery stores. His education was forwarded as circumstances permitted. For oneand a half terms he attended the public night school conducted by PrincipalRoderick Rose, afterward mayor of Davenport. The next chapter of his life hasits setting in a printing office, where he engaged as inky devil and nimblefooted carrier in 1876. Here he seemed to feel that he had discovered hiscalling and life work and learned the printer's trade in its various branches,taking up as a consequence newspaper work, particularly on the German press.
In July, 1884, he founded his own paper, the Iowa Reform. Soon after he wasjoined in partnership by his brother Gerhard and this business arrangement hascontinued to the present time. The Reform was at first a weekly paper but laterwas given semi-weekly publication, and as such has been published regularly withgrowing favor. In 1909 occurred the twenty-fifth anniversary of the firstappearance of this sterling German paper, the Iowa Reform. A splendid silverjubilee illustrated edition was issued to mark the occasion and this edition,going into thousands of homes, was greatly complimented and appreciated.
From its beginning until the present time Adolph Petersen has been manager ofthe newspaper enterprise. In the editorial and technical departments he hasenjoyed the expert assistance of his brother Gerhard and also John Jebens, whohas been associated with him for more than twenty years, August Westphal, andothers.
Adolph Petersen has borne an important part in planning new enterprises for thewelfare of Davenport and in forwarding them to success. His activity for publicmeasures has had a wider scope than that bounded by corporation lines. It hasbeen natural that the German portion of the community should have the majorportion of his labor and his solicitude, and for the German people, especiallyof this region of his adopted country, he has toiled indefatigably andintelligently.
These efforts have been recognized in good measure. He is at this timepresident-first speaker-of the great Davenport Turngemeinde, also president ofthe German-American Press Association of the West, an organization covering thestates of Iowa, Illinois, south Dakota and Nebraska, and in 1910 holding itsannual convention in Omaha.
Adolph Petersen, a loyal and patriotic American, has found nothing inconsistentin cherishing a deep love for the land of his birth and an abiding admirationfor her spirit, her traditions and her language. In his editorial writings hehas steadily advised parents of German birth or descent to teach the noblemother tongue to their children, that their heritage in all that is best in theland beyond the sea be not lost to them.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannEdward Freund Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Freund, Banscher, Rogge, Clause.
Prominent in farming and dairying circles is Edward Freund, who owns andoperates a farm of one hundred and nine acres of land in Davenport township, andalso has another tract of forty-two acres in the same township, and also hasanother tract of forty-two acres in the same township. He was born on a farmnear his present home, September 9, 1875, the youngest in a family of eightchildren, whose parents were Peter and Maggie Freund, natives of Germany. Thefather was about twenty-five years of age when he came to the new world, and hearrived in Davenport with but twenty-five cents in his pocket. Immediateemployment was a necessity and for a time he worked at anything that would yieldhim an honest living, while later he operated rented land for a time. Eventuallyhe purchased eighty acres in Pleasant Valley township, on which he erected ahouse and made it his home until 1876. He then disposed of that property aninvested his money in the farm which is now owned by the son. On this placestood a dilapidated house and barn, which in due time were replaced by moresubstantial buildings. He also placed the fields under a good state ofcultivation and devoted his energies to farming throughout the remainder of hisdays. Prior to coming to the new world, however, he had worked at theshoemaker's trade and had also served his country as a soldier in the army. Hewas a communicant of the Catholic church in Davenport and died in that faithFebruary 19, 1897, when seventy-two years of age, while his wife, surviving foronly about two years, passed away May 1, 1899, when sixty-eight years old. Theirsons and daughters are as follows: George and J. A., both of Scott county;Frances, the wife of Mathew Banscher, a resident of Carroll county, this state;Ignatius, of Scott county; Joseph, who has departed this life; Albert, ofPleasant Valley township; Katherine, the deceased wife of P. L. Rogge, also ofScott county; and Edward, whose name introduces this record.
The last named was but a year old when his parents removed from the farm onwhich his birth occurred to the place which is now in his possession. At theusual age he entered the district schools, and during the periods of vacationhis time was employed in the usual manner of farm lads. He has spent his entirelife on his present farm and after the death of the father assisted the motherin the management and operation of the place. Soon after the death of the latterhe wedded Miss Elizabeth Clause, of Scott county, their marriage beingcelebrated June 22, 1899. Two sons grace their union, Elden Edward and HerbertJohn.
Mr. Freund devotes the greater portion of the farm to the cultivation of cropsbut he reserves some of the land for pasturage, as he keeps a number of cows fordairy purposes. He is enterprising in his work and displays sound judgment inthe management of his business affairs. He is a communicant of the Catholicchurch. Having spent his entire life in Davenport township, he is one of itsbest known and most highly respected citizens.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannRudolph Schuett Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Schuett, Meier, Bein.
Scott county numbers among its native sons Rudolph Schuett, a representative andprogressive farmer, whose birth here occurred on the 5th of March, 1873, on thefarm which is still his home. He is a son of Theodore and Anna (Meier) Schuett,who were both born in Schleswig-Holstein, the former on the 18th of January,1848, and the latter on the 30th of December, 1850. Coming to America in 1867 insearch of better business opportunities than were offered in Germany, the fathermade his way at once to Scott county, Iowa, where he purchased a farm upon whichhe continued to reside until 1906, when he retired from the active duties ofbusiness life and removed to Davenport, where he is now living retired in theenjoyment of well earned rest. He took an active part in community affairs,holding the office of trustee of Blue Grass township for some time and laterserving as township clerk for a number of years.
In the district schools near his home Rudolph Schuett acquired his education,and when not engaged with his text-books was busily at work in the fields, earlybecoming familiar with the tasks that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. Amidthe wholesome scenes and environment of rural life he was reared to manhood,learning lessons concerning the value of industry, integrity and perseverance.With the exception of four years, during which time he was employed as a farmhand in Scott county, and the year 1899, when he was engaged in the creamerybusiness in Boone county, his entire life has been spent on his present farm. In1906, when his father retried from active business duties, he took charge of thehomestead and has since directed his efforts toward its further development andcultivation. It is a very well improved property, consisting of eighty acres,and the soil, naturally rich and fertile, yields abundant golden harvests inresponse to the care and l!
abor bestowed upon it. Progressive and up-to-date in all of his methods, Mr.Schuett has made a close study of agriculture and has been most successful inthis line of activity, so that he is now ranked among the prosperous andsubstantial farmers of the community. In connection with his general farmingpursuits he makes a specialty of raising Poland China hogs, and this branch ofhis business is proving a profitable source of revenue.
Mr. Schuett laid the foundation for a happy home life own in his marriage, onthe 28th of November, 1906, to Miss Fannie Bein, a daughter of Henry Bein, ofScott county, who is now deceased. This union has been blessed by one child,Zella, who is the light and life of the household. Democratic in his politicalallegiance, Mr. Schuett is now serving as township clerk, which position he hasfilled for the past three years. Early trained to habits of industry, economyand integrity, the success which he today enjoys is well merited and comes asthe reward of well directed efforts and intelligently applied labor. His liferecord is well known to the citizens of Blue Grass township, where he has spentpractically his entire life, and the fact that many of his best friends arethose who have known him from boyhood is an indication that his actions haveever been guided by the principles of honorable and upright manhood, and hissalient characteristics have been such!
as to inspire the confidence, respect and good will of his fellowmen.Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann
Frank Holm Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Holm, Baurose, Plamback, Soechtig.
Frank Holm, the recorder for Scott county, was born in Davenport, December 15,1864, a descendant of sturdy German parents. His father, Theodore Holm, was bornin Hamburg, Germany, but came to Davenport in 1856, where he pursued his tradeas a decorator. He had gained a proficiency in this line of work in the land ofhis birth and was accounted one of the most artistic as well as successful menhere. He was also a musician, and when the Civil war broke out, on the 1st ofAugust, 1861, he volunteered and served in the regimental band of theForty-fourth Illinois Infantry, until September, 1862, when he was discharged Asthe war was not yet over, he reenlisted, being assigned to one of the hospitalcorps for a time. It was as a citizen of Davenport, however, that he will belongest remembered, for he was ever actuated by a large measure of publicspirit. He was one of the active members of the original hook and ladder companyand in the late '50s was one of orga!
nizers of the Davenport German theater, so that in his death the city lost oneof her valued and respected citizens. He married Miss Caroline Baurose, who wasalso of German nativity but came to Davenport with her parents in 1846 when shewas only two years old. The family landed in New Orleans and ascended theMississippi river to this city, where Louis Baurose, her father, foundemployment at his trade of a stone-mason. Like Mr. Holm he was one of theoriginal volunteers of the fire department of Davenport. Unto Theodore Holm andhis wife were born four children: Frank, the subject of this review; Mamie, nowMrs. Plamback, of Omaha; Ludovig, who died in infancy; and Louise, who is athome.
Frank Holm, who has proved himself worthy of every responsibility assigned tohim, attended the public schools of Davenport, and after he had completed theprescribed course of study began his commercial career. He was associated firstwith the Petersen Dry Goods Company, in the minor position of cash boy, butthrough diligence and application rapidly rose in their esteem until at the endof the six years he spent with them he held the position of salesman. He thenentered the employ of the Wadsworth Wholesale Dry Goods Company, with whom heremained eleven years, at the end of that time returning to his former for thesecond time for about eight years, when, in 1906, he was elected on thedemocratic ticket to the office of county recorder. He had always been active inpolitical matters from his young manhood, although he had not previouslyreceived any indication of the confidence his fellow voters placed in hisjudgment, his ability and his integrity.
In 1896 Mr. Holm was united in marriage to Miss Emma Soechtig, a native of southBend, Indiana, and unto them has been born one daughter, Thelma, whose birthoccurred January 7, 1902. Mr. Holm belongs to several of the German and otherorganizations of a fraternal and social character in Davenport, among whosemembers he is very popular. Indeed his genial personality, and his willingnessto exert himself in assisting others, united with his wide business experience,make him a most efficient official.
Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann
James A. Hanley Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Hanley, O'Shaunessy, Davisson.
There has been no esoteric phase in the life record of James A. Hanley, who hasalways resided in Scott county, his history, therefore, being a familiar one tohis fellow citizens, who instinctively accord him respect and honor for what hehas accomplished. It is often under the stimulus of opposition and the pressureof adversity that the best and strongest in man is brought out and developed-atruth which finds exemplification in the life of Mr. Hanley, who, thrown uponhis own resources at an early age, is today one of the successful and ablemembers of the Davenport bar, capable of crossing swords in forensic combat withthe most learned members of the profession.
Mr. Hanley was born in Le Claire, this county, on the 8th of March, 1863, and isthe fifth son and sixth child of Dennis and Bridget (O'Shaunessy) Hanley,natives of Ireland, where they spent their youth and were married. They thendetermined to seek their fortune in the new world and on crossing the Atlanticestablished their home in Le Claire. The father was a laboring man, diligent andindustrious, but his death occurred on Christmas day of 1869, when his son Jameswas but six years of age. Two children had been added to the family after thebirth of our subject, but the daughter died in infancy. The support of thefamily of seven sons and one daughter then devolved upon the mother, who was anoble-hearted, self-denying woman, her whole ambition being to rear her sons tobe good men, well qualified for life's work. She considered no sacrifice on herpart too great if it would promote the happiness or welfare of her children. Shelived to see her ambition gr!
atified for all became successful and respected men. Four of her children,Thomas B., James A., William H. and Kate E. became school teachers. Later ThomasB. became a prominent attorney, settling in Tipton, Iowa, where he practices asa member of the firm of Wolf & Hanley. He has served as mayor of Tipton andis recognized as a leading lawyer of that place. Dennis Hanley, Jr., engaged inboat-building until his death in 1878. Daniel R. and Michael L. took upsteamboating and became licensed engineers and successful business men. WilliamH. turned his attention to the profession of law and has attained a gratifyingposition as a member of the bar of Dubuque, Iowa.
The mother taught her children to be self-reliant, reliable and trustworthy,also frugal and industrious. She encouraged thrift and economy by taking care ofthe wages of her sons as they were able to start out in life and supportthemselves. James A. Hanley pursued his early education in the schools of LeClaire and when in his fourteenth year began earning his own livelihood,becoming cook on a raft boat on the river at what would seem ridiculously lowwages at the present time. The working season lasted seven months each year andfrom his earnings he saved enough to enable him to attend the country schoolsthree months each year. He won gradual advancement until he became clerk on oneof the river boats and the utilization which he made of his opportunities forpromoting his knowledge enabled him at the age of eighteen years to secure ateacher's certificate. He then engaged in teaching through the winter months inthe district schools, while in the summer seasons he was upon the river untiltwenty-two years of age, when he left the river and matriculated in AmesAgricultural College, his scanty earning being supplemented by a sum of moneywhich he borrowed from his mother. He left that institution at the end of a yearon account of his limited financial resources, but was eager to obtain aneducation and prepare for a professional career, and in September, 1886, began atwo years' law course in the State University of Iowa, which granted him hisdiploma on the 19th of June, 1888. This admitted him to practice in the stateand federal courts. Up to this time his had been a very laborious life but hisambition had sustained him.
On completing his law course Mr. Hanley returned to Le Claire, where he arrivedwith a single dollar in his pocket, while his indebtedness to his motheramounted to two hundred and fifty dollars. He immediately opened an office andbegan practice, applying himself most diligently to the legal work that wasentrusted to him. Realizing the necessity for thorough preparation, which henever failed to give, he won recognition in the courts as an able, earnestlawyer, whose reasoning was sound and whose application of legal principles wascorrect. Feeling that his efforts were circumscribed by the narrow confines ofthe village, in April, 1891, he removed to Davenport, where he has since madesteady progress in his chosen profession. One of the local papers said of him:"The habits inculcated by a good mother have given him a business, socialand moral stamina which is the best possible foundation for his life work.Honest, trustworthy and ever with a deep respect !
for the law and an eye single to his clients' interests he has won the goodopinions of his fellow members of the bar and of the public, and is frequentlyconsulted by the former and unhesitatingly trusted by the latter." WhileMr. Hanley still continues in general practice his attention is largely confinedto civil business and mainly to office work.
Mr. Hanley has also gained a notable place in political circles, not by reasonof the fact that he has been active as an officer seeker but owning to hisstalwart advocacy of principles in which he firmly believes. He has deliveredmany campaign addresses and is a popular speaker, whose arguments carry weightand whose statements are a clear exposition of the issues of the campaigns. In1903 he was elected alderman at large for a term of two years and in 1892 wasappointed the president of the commission on insanity of Scott county, in whichposition he still continues. He has never allowed office holding, however, tointerfere with his practice. To this he gives his attention very largely but isalso known in financial circles as a director of the Citizens Trust &Savings Bank.
On the 14th of December, 1892, Mr. Hanley was married to Miss Ida B. Davisson, anative of Michigan, and they have two daughters, Bernace and Eloise. The familyfind their chief enjoyment in their home and their greatest happiness in thesociety of each other. Mr. Hanley belongs to the Commercial Club and is wellknown in fraternal circles as a Knight of Pythias and an Elk. He also belongs tothe Modern Brotherhood of America. In manner he is genial, with a pleasant wordand smile for everyone, and his social qualities have made him deservedlypopular. He is never too busy to be cordial or too cordial to be busy and is, infact, a man of well balanced character and interests, whose struggles and trialsin earlier years have given him force and determination, enabling him tocorrectly judge of life's values.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannLouisP. Best Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Best, Brunjes, Ockershausen, Heck, Krause.The promotion which follows skilled labor and close application brought Louis P. Best to a position where upon him devolved administrative direction and executive control in connection with a number of the most important industrial and financial enterprises of Davenport. His abilities, at all times adequate to the demands made upon him to so direct interests with which he was concerned as to win most substantial results, and at length by reason of the success to which he attained he was enabled to put aside business cares and is now practically retired. He is, however, still financially interested in some enterprises in which he was formerly a member, with active voice in management.
He was born in Germany on the 7th of April, 1848, and acquired his education largely in the schools of Stuttgart and Berlin. Coming to the United States in 1869 as a young man of twenty-one years, he landed at New York, where he spent five years, being first employed as a chemist with the Brunjes & Ockershausen Sugar Refining company, while subsequently he was identified with the importing business. In 1874 he made his way to Davenport, being called to this city to take charge of the works of the Glucose Manufacturing Company. He then bought an interest in the business and, increasing his holdings therein, was for a considerable period one of the chief stockholders. In an official capacity he was active in its management and control, taking important part in formulating the policy and plans whereby the business became one of the leading enterprises of eastern Iowa. When he became connected therewith the business was in its infancy but was reorganized in the fall of 1874, Mr. Best acting as general manager from that time until his retirement, on the 1st of January, 1898.
To his knowledge and skill as a chemist were added excellent executive ability and keen discrimination. As his powers became recognized Mr. Best's cooperation was sought along various other lines and at one time he was president of the Davenport Machinery and Foundry Company, of which he is still a director. He is also a member of the Bettendorf Axle Company and served as its treasurer until obliged to resign that position on account of ill health, after which he traveled in Europe for two years, being greatly benefited by his sojourn abroad. While connected with the glucose trade he built a new glucose factory at Granite City, Illinois, which he afterward sold. He was formerly interested in the Hawkeye Electric Company and was a director of the Citizens National Bank. While Mr. Best established his place as one of the foremost representatives of business interests in Davenport, he did not fail to heed the call of citizenship and, in fact, has taken active part in furthering many progressive public projects. For six years he served on the school board and for four years was its president, in which connection he was active in holding to a high standard the system of public instruction in the city, bringing to bear in the discharge of his duties the same businesslike qualities which have characterized his conduct of individual interests.
In 1871 Mr. Best was united in marriage to Miss Louise Heck, the wedding being celebrated in London, England. Their only child, Rudolph, resides in Fort Scott, Kansas. For his second wife Mr. Best chose Miss Krause and to them have been born a son and daughter, Louis and Margaret. The family residence is situated on Ripley street and the evidences of cultured and refined taste, as well as of wealth, make it most attractive to the many friends of the family. The wise use of time, talents and opportunity has brought Mr. Best to his present enviable position with a name that has remained untarnished through all the years of his connection with commercial interests.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannHenry Goettsch Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J.Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Goettsch, Peterson, Feldham, MartinAmong the native sons of Scott county who are seeking their fortunes in the tilling of the soil is Henry Goettsch, whose birth occurred in Davenport on the 8th of March, 1858. His parents are Jochim and Bertha Goettsch, both natives of Germany, where the former was born on the 19th of October, 1838. He came to the United States when about eight years of age with his parents, who landed at New Orleans and made their way direct to Scott county, within the borders of which their remaining days were passed. The father was for many years engaged in the occupation of farming and today owns a valuable property of one hundred and sixty acres in Cleona township, although he is now living retired and resides in davenport with his wife. He is the father of four children, of whom our subject is the eldest, the others being: Theodore, a resident of Durant; Laura, the wife of Frank Peterson; and Clara, who lives with her parents.
Henry Goettsch was brought to Cleona township when but two years of age and acquired his education in the district schools of that township, being reared to manhood upon his father's farm. Amid the wholesome scenes and environment of rural life he early acquired habits of industry, perseverance and integrity-habits which formed an excellent foundation stone upon which to build his business career-and in the work of the home fields gained thorough and practical experience in farming which proved of much benefit to him when he entered the business world on his own account.
Agricultural pursuits have ever claimed his attention and that he has been successful in this line of activity is indicated by his present high standing in agricultural circles, where he is recognized as a substantial, progressive and representative business man. He is the owner of the farm upon which he now makes his home, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres of valuable land which adjoins the county line and constitutes the northwest quarter of section 19. He also owns another quarter section in Farmington township, Cedar county, about one mile from his home place, which is operated by a tenant and returns good annual rental. On the home farm he carries on general farming and is systematic and methodical in his methods, while everything about the place indicates that he is in close touch with themodern spirit of progress which is manifest in agricultural lines.
Mr. Goettsch laid the foundation for a happy home life of his own in his marriage, on the 19th of February, 1886, to Miss Caroline Feldham, who was born near Racine, Wisconsin, on the 25th of February, 1864, and with her parents came to Iowa in 1865. She is a daughter of Martin and Caroline (Martin) Feldham, both natives of Germany, the former having passed away in1900 when eighty-one years of age, while the latter survives and makes her home in Durant. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Goettsch have been born nine children: Ella, Caroline, Albert, Emil, Lulu, Rosa, Bertha, Vera and Viola. With the exception of the eldest, who is now the wife of Charles Schneckloth, of Durant, all are yet unmarried and make their home under the parental roof, the family circle remaining unbroken by the hand of death.
Mr. Goettsch exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the democratic party but has never sought nor desired public office for himself. He is well known throughout the community where his entire life has been spent and has gained the unqualified respect, confidence and good will of all with whom he has been associated, for his life has ever been actuated by high and honorable principles and in his relations with his fellowmen he displays substantial qualities and a kindly and just spirit.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannCharles M. Robertson Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Robertson, Murray, McKenzie, Cameron, Price, Baker, Brownlee
Charles M. Robertson, who carries on general farming in Sheridan township, wherehe is the owner of eighty acres of fine farm land lying on section 1, about twomiles northeast of Eldridge, is numbered among Iowa's native sons, his birthhaving occurred at Long Grove, November 1, 1872. His parents were William D. andMargaret O. (Murray) Robertson, who were among the earliest settlers of thiscounty. They were both natives of Scotland, the father born January 12, 1844. Hewas brought to the United States in June, 1853, by his parents, William andMarion (McKenzie) Robertson, and his two sisters were also of the party. WilliamRobertson was a tailor by trade and followed that business in Scotland, butafter coming to the United States gave his attention to general agriculturalpursuits. It was in the year 1849 that he severed the connections that bound himto Great Britain and sailed for New Orleans, whence he made his way up the riverto Scott county. He took up his abode in Winfield township, near Long Grove,where he purchased eighty acres of prairie land. It was wild and unimproved, nota furrow having been turned or a stick of timber cut thereon. He at once beganto cultivate the land but lived with relatives until the family came in 1853.They, too, landed at New Orleans and at once proceeded to Long Grove. LaterWilliam Robertson built a house and both he and his wife resided on the oldhomestead until called to their final rest, his death occurring August 9, 1889,when he was eighty-three years of age, while his wife passed away in 1889, atthe age of seventy-nine years, her birth having occurred in 1810. As time passedon Mr. Robertson added to his original holdings but later sold much of his land.He twice entered land from the government and at the time of his death had aboutone hundred and eighty acres. In his business affairs he was practical and wasrecognized throughout the community as a man of unfaltering industry andperseverance. He served as a school director in Winfield township and also asroad supervisor and was faithful to every trust reposed in him. While inScotland he held membership in the Presbyterian church but in this countryattended the Christian church at Long Grove. His family numbered three children:Marion S., living in Scott county; William D.; and Jane C., the widow of JamesCameron, who was city plumbing inspector of Davenport.
The second of the family William D. Robertson, was the father of Charles M.Robertson and was but nine years of age when he became a resident of Scottcounty. He had previously attended school in his native country and he continuedhis education at Long Grove. Reared to the occupation of farming, he made it hislife work and remained with his parents up to the time of his marriage in 1870,when he removed to a farm of eighty acres in Winfield township. There he liveduntil his retirement from active business life in 1906. His three remainingyears were spent in the enjoyment of well earned rest and on the 7th of May,1909, his death occurred. He had ever been a stalwart champion of education andserved as a school director. In fact, he always stood for progress andimprovement along many lines and his influence could ever be counted upon tofavor the best interests of the community. His wife came to the United Statesabout 1850 with her parents, Charles and Barbara Murray, who also cast in theirlot with the pioneer residents of Scott county. Mrs. Robertson survived herhusband for only a few months, passing away July 12, 1909. There were threechildren in the family, but William W., the second in order of birth, died inSeptember, 1902, at the age of twenty-seven years. The youngest, John K., isstill living on the old homestead.
Charles M. Robertson, the eldest of the family, has always made his home inScott county and attended school at Long Grove, dividing his time between theduties of the schoolroom, the pleasures of the playground and the work of thehome fields. When he put aside his text-books he concentrated his energies uponthe farm work and continued with his father until his marriage, which wascelebrated on the 19th of February, 1902, the lady of his choice being MissDaisy May Price, a daughter of Nathaniel and Catherine (Baker) Price. Her fatherwas born in England, February 6, 1841, and came to the United States when ayoung man, settling in Scott county. He was a gardener and followed that pursuitin Davenport township. His wife, who was born in England, August 12, 1847, diedNovember 12, 1903. She had come to Scott county with her parents in her girlhooddays. By her marriage she became the mother of three children: Sarah, deceased;Mrs. Robertson; and Edward Nathaniel, at home.
Following their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Robertson removed to their present farm onsection 1, Sheridan township, purchasing the property from R. K. Brownlee. Hehas since made some improvements upon it and is busily engaged in tilling thesoil, which responds generously to the care and cultivation which he bestowsupon it. He thus annually harvests good crops and is meeting with continuedsuccess in his chosen work.
Mr. Robertson is a member of the Woodmen of the World of Long Grove and has heldoffice in that order and also in the Odd Fellows lodge of Long Grove. Hisfriends find him cordial and courteous and he enjoys the high esteem of thosewho know him. The attractiveness of Scott county as a place of residence isindicated in the fact that many of her native sons remain within her borders.Mr. Robertson has ever felt that he could find no better opportunities in otherparts of the country than in the rich farming section of Iowa, and, devoting hisattention to general agricultural pursuits, he is now winning a substantialreward for his labors.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannCharles S. Simpson Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Simpson, Martin, Ross, Hayner, Shepperd, Gross, Schweine, Smith,Gamble, Park, Headley, Bammer, Hose, Schutter, Wilson, Shirk, Michael, Gault.
Charles S. Simpson, while maintaining his residence in Davenport, is well knownas the president of the Le Claire Savings Bank at Le Claire, Iowa. He was bornin Miami county, Ohio, near the city of Troy, January 1, 1856, and comes of afamily of Scotch ancestry founded in America by his great-grand father, who,leaving the land of hills and heather, sailed for the new world and became oneof the early settlers of Miami county, Ohio. He entered land near Troy and C. S.Simpson still owns eighty acres of the original tract and has the old parchmentdeed signed by James Monroe, then president of the United States. BenjaminSimpson, the grandfather, and David W. Simpson, the father of our subject, wereboth born on the old homestead in Ohio and in the same locality occurred thebirth of Fannie Martin, who became the wife of David W. Simpson. She died in1899, at the age of sixty-five years, and is still survived by her husband, whoyet makes his home in Troy, Ohi!
o, where he was born May 17, 1831. They were the parents of six children: Olidia,now the wife of Frank Ross, of Dayton, Ohio; Charles S.; Laura, the wife ofWilliam Hayner, of Detroit; Samuel, of Dayton; Amanda; and Ida, the wife of R.T. Shepperd, of Hamilton, Ohio.
Charles S. Simpson acquired his education in the public schools of Troy and whenhe put aside his text-books engaged in the nursery business, which his fatherand his grandfather had previously followed. Later he devoted his attention toagricultural pursuits and in 1894 came to Scott county, Iowa, where he has sincemade his home.
It was on the 20th of November of that year that Mr. Simpson was married to MissAmelia Gross, a daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Schweine) Gross, of Le Claire.Her father was born January 26, 1824 at Alsace on the Rhine, at that time aprovince of France. Coming to America in 1851, he located in Le Claire, Iowa,and the following year married Miss Margaret Schweine, by whom he had sevenchildren, but only two of the number are now living: Mrs. Nelson M. Smith, of LeClaire; and Charles S. Simpson, of Davenport. Mr. Gross was a cabinetmaker bytrade and for over twenty years was engaged in the furniture and undertakingbusiness in Le Claire, selling out two years prior to his death, which occurredMarch 16, 1888. He had made his home in Le Claire for thirty-seven years and washonored and respected by all who knew him. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have beenborn two children but Charles A. died in early life. The living son is AlbertG., who was born October 8, 1898. Mr. Simpson is a native of Le Claire.
Mr. Simpson was one of the organizers of the Le Claire Savings Bank, which wasestablished in 1901 with about thirty stockholders, the capital stock of tenthousand dollars being all taken by people of that locality. C. S. Simpson waselected president, with Dr. Gamble as vice president and J. E. Park as cashier.On the board of directors, in addition to the officers, were W. P. Headley, N.M. Smith, S.E. Bammer, R. Hose, F. F. Schutter and John Wilson. The presentofficers are: C. S. Simpson, president; T. C. Michael, cashier; and H. T. Gault,assistant cashier.
Mr. Simpson is a member of the Odd Fellows society of Troy, Ohio, and hasattained the thirty-second degree in the York Rite. He served as alderman of LeClaire for eleven years during the fifteen years of his residence there, beingelected on the republican ticket. He has always been an earnest republican withfirm faith in the principles of the party and in all matters of citizenship hetakes a progressive stand, believing that the best interests of good governmentare conserved thereby. In his life he exemplifies the spirit of opportunities,knowing that he must be ever alert and enterprising in this age wherecompetition is great. He is seeking success along carefully defined lines oflabor and has made the Le Claire Bank one of the safe and substantial financialinstitutions of the county.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannGustavH. Postel
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Postel, Bruhn, Brandt, Radlef, Van Dorn.
Farming has constituted the life work of Gustav H. Postel, who is now the ownerof a good tract of two hundred acres in Winfield township. He brought to hiswork the sterling qualities of the German race-industry and economy-when as ayouth of sixteen he started out in this country to earn his livelihood, and itis to those qualities that he largely owes the success that has attended hisundertakings. He was born in Holstein, Germany, June 20, 1853, a son of Franzand Minnie Postel, also natives of the fatherland, where the father was engagedin farming. He came to the United States with a part of his family in 1869, andthe lst years of his life were spent in Scott county.
Gustav H. Postel came to America a few months before his father, and on landingin New York came direct to Scott county, Iowa, where a brother was living. Hewas able and eager to work and after his arrival lost no time in securingemployment, working for two years as a farm hand. Then he rented land in Cleonatownship, which he operated for twelve years, at the end of which time hiscircumstances justified his investing in real estate. Accordingly he purchasedfrom John Bruhn what was known as the old August Brandt farm and it has remainedhis home to the present. In the intervening years, however, he has made manyimprovements which have greatly changed the appearance of the place, for he hascleared away considerable timber, has tiled his fields, put up buildings for theshelter of grain and stock and done other things to make it a model farm of thetwentieth century. Nor did he neglect the soil, but through careful andsystematic cultivation he has brought!
it to a high state of productiveness. In consequence he annually gathersand markets rich harvests, which bring him large returns for his labor.
At Davenport, on the 27th of February, 1877, was celebrated the marriage of Mr.Postel and Miss Mary Barker, a daughter of John and Sophia Barker, a daughter ofJohn and Sophia Barker, and they have become the parents of four children,namely: Alvina, now the wife of William Radlef, of Eldridge; Clara, the wife ofChris Van Dorn, of Eldridge; Theresa, at home; and Gustav, also at home. Mrs.Postel was born in Buffalo, New York, and her parents were among the earlysettlers of Walcott, Iowa.
Mr. Postel deserves great credit for what he has accomplished, for he came tothis country a poor boy with nothing to aid him in the battle of life in a newcountry, where even the language was strange to him, save the power andwillingness to work. The large farm which is now his, therefore, shows the youthof today what may be accomplished by pluck, industry and perseverance.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannHenrySteffen Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.Surnames: Steffen, Lamp, Herbst.
Henry Steffen was born in Scott county, July 14, 1867, and has paid thecounty the highest compliment within his power by always remaining within itsborders. He is the son of Claus and Silke (Lamp) Steffen, who came to thiscountry in 1866 and were soon afterward married here. The father came intopossession of a tract of one hundred and twenty-two acres on section 31, AllensGrove township. The young couple prospered through their industry and goodmanagement and three sons, of whom Henry Steffen is the eldest, were born toinherit America's freedom and opportunity. When the subject of this sketch wasonly about twelve years of age he was unfortunate enough to lose his father andhe began at once to share the burdens which had fallen with unusual weight uponthe shoulders of the mother. Together they continued the improvement of thefarm, which is today a valuable and highly developed piece of property. In 1904the mother ended a courageous and useful life at the age of sixty-five years.The other sons are William, living in Chicago, and Gustaf, who is at presentlocated in South Dakota.
Henry Steffen makes his residence upon the family homestead, where he engages ingeneral farming and has the good fortune to prove himself adapted to hiscalling. In 1902 he laid the foundation of a happy domestic life by his marriageto Miss Alfreda Herbst, like her husband a native of Scott county, born March 4,1879, and also like him of German parentage, her father being Frederick Herbst,a blacksmith whose native land was Germany. They have three children: Viola, andtwins named Herbert and Harry.
The bone and sinew of any civilization is found in its agricultural element andHenry Steffen is a representative of this element, being thrifty, progressiveand active in his furtherance of the general good of the community, to which heis particularly attached by reason of a life-long residence.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannPeter Soenke Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Soenke, Rohwer, Schlicting, Illian, Schuett, Gollinghorst, Haller,Puck.
Peter Soenke, now deceased, was numbered among those representative Americancitizens who claim Germany as the place of their nativity but who in Americafind opportunity for advancement and progress along business lines. Born inSchleswig-Holstein on the 19th of February, 1834, he was a son of Hans andChristina Soenke, both natives of that province, the former born on the 10th ofAugust, 1803, and the latter on the 14th of August, 1802. In 1853 the familycame to America, landing at New Orleans, from which place they made their waynorthward to Iowa, locating in Scott county. The father carried on agriculturalpursuits in Blue Grass township in the capacity of renter for a number of years,after which he purchased a farm upon which he continued to reside until hisdemise, which occurred on the 5th of August, 1884.
Peter Soenke acquired his education in the schools of his native country andremained a resident of the fatherland until the removal of the family to theUnited States, when he was about nineteen years of age. After his arrival inScott county he assisted his father in his agricultural pursuits until 1859,when he went to California and spent nearly six years prospecting for gold. Inthe meantime he located a claim which he later sold, and after returning toScott county in 1865 purchased a farm in Blue Grass township which hadpreviously been owned by his father and which is now in the possession of PeterF. Soenke. There he continued to carry on general farming for a number of years,and in this line of activity became very successful, at the time of his deathowning a valuable farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Scott county and atract of similar size in Muscatine county, all under a high state ofcultivation. He was one of the organizers of the Mutual !
Fire Insurance Company of German Householders and at the time of his demise wasone of the trustees of that company.
On the 17th of December, 1867, Mr. Soenke was united in marriage to MissCatherine Rohwer, a daughter of Jurgen Rohwer, a native of Schleswig-Holstein,Germany, and unto this union were born nine children, namely: Hans William, whomarried Clara Schlichting and is a prosperous agriculturist of Blue Grasstownship, where he owns two farms and is also a stockholder in the Blue GrassSavings Bank; Peter F. Soenke, born on the 29th of March, 1873, who married EmmaF. Illian, a daughter of William F. Illian, of Scott county, and who is now theowner of the original Soenke farm, where he makes his home, being also astockholder in the Blue Grass Savings Bank, a part owner of a creamery in Claycounty, Iowa, and a member of the Knights of Pythias lodge at Walcott; GeorgeF., who married Olga Schuett, a daughter of Theodore Schuett, of Scott county,and owns a farm of one hundred and sixty acres just south of Walcott; Carl H.,who married Agnes Gollinghorst and is engaged in agricultural pursuits inMuscatine county; Ernest E., who married Hertha Haller and resides in Davenport;Fred H., who makes his home with his mother on what is known as Locust streetroad near Davenport; Anna C., the wife of Louis Puck, of Davenport township;Emma C., who wedded Albert Illian, of Blue Grass; and one who died in infancy.
In his fraternal relations Mr. Soenke was member of Scott Lodge, No. 37, I. O.O. F., of Davenport, while politically his views were in accord with theprinciples of the democratic party. He was at one time township trustee of BlueGrass township and for several years served as school director, the cause ofeducation finding in him a warm champion. He passed to his final rest on the10th of February, 1892, and with his death Blue Grass township lost one of itsrepresentative and valued citizens who had ever been thoroughly identified withits interests and who, during the period of his residence within its borders,had gained an extensive circle of warm friends who entertained for him thehighest regard and esteem because of his many excellent traits of character.
Transcribed by Elaine RathmannPeter Feddersen Biography
From "Vol. 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer-S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Surnames: Feddersen, Hendricksen, Thea, Von Doehren, Fuhlendorf.
Peter Feddersen, who owns one hundred and twenty acres of rich farm land inDavenport township and a handsome town residence on Vine street, Davenport, inwhich he is now living in retirement, is one of the older German settlers ofScott county. He was born in the province of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany,December 5, 1828, a son of Peter and Katherina (Hendricksen) Feddersen. Theformer was engaged in agricultural pursuits in the old country and, like hiswife, spent his entire life there.
Peter Feddersen was reared and educated in the land of his birth and assistedhis father in the operation of the farm until he entered the German army. Hetook part in the Holstein war with Denmark from 1848 to 1850 and later servedthree years in the Danish army, returning to agricultural pursuits at theexpiration of that period. In 1857, on one of the first steamers, he and threefriends came to America. About sixteen days were consumed in crossing the ocean,and they landed at New York, whence they came directly to Davenport, the tripacross the country requiring a month in those days. He and his friend, PeterHendricksen, remained in the city but the other two went west.
For two summers Mr. Feddersen worked as a farm hand and then I conjunction withanother bought one hundred and sixty acres of prairie land in Liberty township.The two men put up a frame house and operated the place for two years, the wifeof Mr. Feddersen's partner keeping house for them. Then the land was divided andafter Mr. Feddersen's marriage he built a house upon the eighty acres which washis share, in which he and his wife lived for nine years subsequent. During thattime, as he found opportunity, he purchased one hundred and sixty acres more. Inhis endeavor to get ahead he overworked, so that he was compelled on account ofhealth to give up farming. Accordingly he sold his property in Liberty townshipand removed to the city. He bought first a residence on Eight and Warrenstreets, in which he lived for five years, when he sold it and bought WashingtonGarden, where he lived until 1885 and then removed to his present property onVine street. In 1885 he erected the fine large residence he has since occupied.
On the 9th of November, 1859, Mr. Feddersen was united in marriage to MissKatherine Dora Thea, a daughter of John Thea, who lived and died in Germany. Mr.and Mrs. Feddersen have had three children. Kate made her home with her fatherand died November 9, 1909. Peter, president of the Davenport Malting & GrainCompany, married Miss Elizabeth Von Doehren, and they have two sons, Richard andEdgar. Mary became the wife of P. B. Fuhlendorf and lives in Davenport with herfather. Mrs. Feddersen died March 8, 1898, at the age of sixty-six years. Shecame to Davenport when twenty-six years old and the subsequent forty years werepassed in Scott county.
Mr. Feddersen is a member of the Old German Settlers Society and a stock holderin the German Savings Bank, the Iowa National Bank and in the Davenport Malting& Grain Company. A man of laudable ambition, he is now one of thesubstantial citizens of the city and county. He spared no effort to accomplishhis desires even to the detriment of his own health.
Transcribed by Elaine Rathmann"From Vol 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer - S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago.
Milton R. Parkhurst, in former years a merchant of Davenport, belongs to thatclass of prominent, enterprising and far-sighted business men to whom thecommercial upbuilding of the city is rightly attributed. Throughout his entirelife he has been identified with manufacturing and mercantile interests in thiscounty.
He was born at Le Claire, Iowa, a son of Waldo and Liddie Emeline (Russell)Parkhurst, who were among the early settlers of that place. The father was bornat Milford, Massachusetts, September 28, 1812, attended the school there but atan early age was compelled to put aside his text-books because of his father'sdeath, whereby there devolved upon him the necessity of aiding in support of thefamily. He went to New York city when very young and there secured a situationas clerk in a dry-goods store, which constituted his business training. In 1838he came to the middle west, making his way to the territory of Iowa, and afterlooking over the field to some extent settled at Le Claire, where he opened ageneral store. He there conducted a successful mercantile enterprise for overforty years and in early days he did quite a business in killing hogs andshopping the pork down the Mississippi river by steamer to St. Louis. He was,moreover, one of the leading men of the town, active and efficient in promotingthe various interests which were of vital significance to the community. He helda number of offices, serving as justice of the peace for several years, actingas postmaster during the '50s and serving as a member and trustee of the schoolboard for a number of years. He belonged to the Independent Order of Odd Fellowsand to the Presbyterian church of Le Claire and this sought to promote thefraternal and Christian spirit of the community. In 1881 he retired from activebusiness life and removed to Davenport, where he made his home with his twochildren until his death, on the 21st of March, 1881. His wife was born at SodusPoint, New York, in 1820. Her father, Nehemiah Russell, came west about 1840 andsettled on a farm in Clinton county, Iowa, just across the line from Scottcounty. Ther parents of Milton R. Parkhurst were married in Clinton county in1841. Mrs. Parkhurst had been one of the early school teachers of Scott county,having taught first in Pleasant Valley township and later at Le Claire. She wasa lady of strong intellectual development and of many attractivecharacteristics. She died December 14, 1890, and is still survived by her twochildren, Milton R. and Mary E., both of whom are now residents of Davenport.
Milton R. Parkhurst attended school at Le Claire and later continued his studiesin Cornell College at Mount Vernon, Iowa. He then returned to Le Claire andtaught school for a number of years. Later he was employed as bookkeeper by a LeClaire firm but, embracing every opportunity for advancement in business lines,he subsequently became a stockholder and secretary of the Le Claire Milling& Manufacturing Company. He was also engaged in the river business for anumber of years and then, seeking the broader field of labor offered by thecity, he came to Davenport in 1874. In East Davenport he established a retailgrocery business, which he conducted successfully for about thirty hears, afterwhich he was in the same line of business on Brady street for two years and thensold out. The passing years had chronicled his success, which increasing as timepassed on, had made him one of the men of affluence of the business interests.His judgment is sound, his insight keen, and the success which has attended hisefforts has been the logical result of intelligently directed thrift andenterprise.
Mr. Parkhurst aside from commercial connections has been prominent in thecommunity. He was four times elected alderman from the sixth ward on therepublican ticket and supported many reforms and progressive measures while amember of the council. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity, in which he wastaken the degrees of the lodge, chapter, commandery and Mystic Shrine. He isalso a member of the Congregational church, in which he has held a number ofoffices, including that of deacon, trustee and member of the board.
His sister, Mary E. Parkhurst, also a native of Le Claire, attended school thereand afterward engaged successfully in teaching for a number of years at schoolNo. 1 in Le Claire township, at Princeton and in the town of Le Claire. She cameto Davenport in 1880 and was of great assistance to her brother in his business.She also had charge of the Blue Grass, Downey, Lone Tree and Zion Baptistchurches as pastor and was also assistant pastor of the Temple Baptist church ofSeattle, Washington, from October, 1908, until April, 1909. Rev. George RobertCairns being pastor. At present she is assistant pastor of the Calvary Baptishchurch of Davenport, Iowa. She is also an interesting writer both in prose andpoetry and has contributed many articles to the local papers regarding churchwork and eastern travels, and was also the author of the sketch of Le Claire,which was recently published in the Davenport Democrat for the Half CenturyDemocrat.
Transcribed by Deborah Clough Gerischer"From Vol 2 History of Davenport and Scott county" by Harry E.Downer - S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago
Zebulon Henry Wicks, whose identification with the Davenport Woolen Mills astraveling representative brought him a wide acquaintance, was highly esteemedwherever known for the possession of those sterling traits of character whichconstitute the chief forces in honorable manhood. He was born in Bristol,England, September 22, 1828. His father, Dr. Zebulon Wicks, gave his attentionto the practice of medicine and after the arrival of his son and namesake inthis country, he crossed the Atlantic and established his home at Morristown,Ohio. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Letitia Lashley, was also a nativeof England.
Reared in a home surrounded by culture and affluence, Zebulon H. Wicks wasafforded liberal educational advantages, supplementing his early instruction bystudy at St. Mellow, France. He took a very active part in politics in hisnative land and assisted in putting Charles Reed in parliament. He waspreeminently a man of affairs and one who wielded a wide influence. His interestin America led him to come to the new world on a visit in 1873, and he was sopleased with the country that he decided to remain and established his home inDavenport. He immediately became connected with the Davenport Woolen Mills,first as bookkeeper and later as traveling salesman. In that connection he didvaluable service for the enterprise throughout his remaining days. He was notonly a business man of keen discernment and undaunted enterprise, but possessedgenial, friendly qualities which made him very popular with the many patronswhom he secured.
At St. Catherine's, Hampshire, England, in 1853, Mr. Wicks was married to MissTheresa Burden, a daughter of Robert and Nancy (Hartnell) Burden, of Hampshire.Her father was a landowner and also a Methodist preacher, proclaiming the gospelin a small chapel, of which he was the owner. In the family of Mr. and Mrs.Wicks were ten children, of whom five are now living: Mrs. Theresa L. Godwin;Alfred H., a resident of Detroit; Sidney H., who is living in St. Paul,Minnesota; Archibald, a resident of Murphysboro, Illinois; and Clarence H., whois employed on Government Island here.
Mr. Wicks' study of the political issues, situation and conditions of the countyled him to give stalwart allegiance to the republican party. He was active anddevoted member of the Baptist church, a public-spirited citizen, and a patron ofvarious benevolent institutions which Davenport maintains. Fraternally he wasconnected with the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Royal Arch Masons. Aman of broad and liberal culture, he placed correct valuation upon life and itsopportunities. His career was marked by continuous progress and characterized bythe esteem which was uniformly tendered him to the time of his death, whichoccurred February 17, 1896.
Transcribed by Deborah Clough Gerischer"From Vol 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer - S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago
Among the older citizens of Davenport who have retired from the active pursuitsof business must be numbered Robert M. Abbott, who was for many years prominentas a grain and produce merchant. He is a descendant of one of the earliestfamilies to settle in America. The first of his name to cross the ocean wereGeorge and Hannah (Chandler) Abbott, who settled in this country in 1640. Theywere natives of Yorkshire and Puritans in their religious faith and uponreaching Massachusetts located in Andover, where their house was a garrisonduring the early Indian troubles. Indeed, George Abbott became one of theimportant members of the little colony in those days and a monument was erectedin his memory as its recorded in the annals of Andover. His son William marriedElizabeth Geary, from whom was descended Philip Abbott, who was born April 3,1699. He married Abigail Bickford and died in 1748, having been a participant inthe struggles of the colonists. His son John enjoyed the distiction of havingerected the first dwelling house in Wilkes Barre, Luzerne county Pennsylvania.It was erected in 1769 and was standing until 1812. There he was killed duringthe Indian troubles. He wedded Alice Fuller and of their union was born StephenAbbott, the grandfather of our subject. He served in the war of the revolutionand after its close returned to the estate his father had procured, where hefollowed the vocation of a farmer. He married Abigail Searls, July 14, 1799, andof their union was born John Abbott, the father of our subject. His birthoccurred at the opening of the nineteenth century. Like his father he was afarmer and as he gained a success in his life's work he became a financier andman prominent in his locality. He married Hannah Courtright in early manhood anddied November 23, 1860.
Robert M. Abbott, having as his heritage the record of ancestors who had becomeprominent in Wiles Barre, was born in that city, June 17, 1837. He received hisearly education in the place of his birth, which remained his home for severalyears after the death of his father. He engaged in agriculture, in which heattained proficiency, and about 1865 came to Iowa, locating in Davenport. Herehe became connected with the grain business but after two years embarked in thehardware business, in which he remained for some time with Mr. Collamer. He thenreturned to the grain and produce business, to which he gave his attention untiladvancing years and a large competence suggested to him the feasibility ofretiring from active life. During the years in which he was engaged inmercantile pursuits he evinced a keen appreciation of the value of grain and theoperations upon the stock market, but, while he was never at a loss to profit byopportunity for bettering himself, the record of his dealings was never marredby any act which he might desire to keep hidden. His home is now at 1026 Bradystreet, where guests are made welcome and hospitably entertained.
On the 29th of December, 1864, Mr. Abbott was united in marriage to MissCaroline Courtright. Like her husband she is a descendant of colonial ancestors.In the annals of Harlem the first member of the family bore the name ofSebastian Van Kortryck. He had come to this country from West Flanders, Holland,his people having gone there from Belgium in the seventeenth century. He was aman of wealth and social position and his descendants became prominent in theNew Amsterdam colony. His son was known as Jan Bastian Van Kortryck, who in thecourse of years was the father of Hendrick Jans Van Kortryck. His son Corneliuswedded Christiana Rosencrans, and of their union was born Benjamin Courtright,the great-grandfather of Mrs. Abbott. He married Catherine Cuddebeck, and oftheir union was born John Courtright. He married Alice Abbott, nee Fuller, andbecame the father of Cornelius Courtright, the father of Mrs. Abbott. He in turnmarried Harriet Bailey, among whose children was Caroline Courtright, who onDecember 29, 1864, married Mr. Abbott and became the mother of three children.John Howard, was long known as one of the best young men in Davenport, where hewas engaged in different pursuits. Recently, however, he has taken up hisresidence in Kansas City, where he is now engaged in the real estate business.Carrie Helene makes her home with her parents. She belongs to the Colonial Damesand takes an active part in the affairs of the society, while Mrs. Abbottbelongs to the daughters of the American Revolution and also to the ColonialDames. Robert Bruce is now in St. Paul, where for the past ten years he has beenconnected with a large department store.
Mr. Abbott has always been prominent in the public affairs of Davenport and manyof the improvements of the city are the result of his suggestion or active work.In consequence he enjoys a large reputation besides the satisfaction of knowingthat his sons profit by his example and are well advanced along the road touseful and successful lives.
Transcribed by Deborah Clough Gerischer"From Vol 2 History of Davenport and Scott County" by Harry E.Downer - S. J. Clarke Publishing Co. 1910 Chicago
Emanuel Phillip Adler, as president of the Lee Newspaper Syndicate, representsthat spirit of organization and coordination of forces that constitutes one ofthe most forceful and vital elements in the business life of the times. It isbut another expression of the truth of the old adage that "in union thereis strength," for with combined interests the expenditure of time, laborand material is reduced to a minimum in the accomplishment of maximum results.Bending his efforts to administrative direction and executive control as head ofthe Lee Newspaper Syndicate, Mr. Adler has justified his adoption of theprinting business as a life work, for in this field he had advanced from ahumble position to one of leadership. He was born in Chicago, Illinois,September 30 1872, and was taken to Ottumwa, Iowa, by his parents, P. E. andBertha Adler, in 1874. His youthful days were therefore passed in this state,and in Ottumwa he pursued his education in the common schools to the age offourteen years, when he began learning the printer's trade. He afterward secureda position in a Chicago newspaper office as "sub" when seventeen yearsof age, and later, returning to Ottumwa he secured a position as printer on theOttumwas Courier. In 1894 he was given a trial as "cub" reporter onthe Courier and proving his worth was promoted from time to time servingsuccessively in the position of editor, managing editor and business manager. In1900 A. W. Lee, publisher of the Courier, purchased the Davenport Times andestablished the Lee Newspaper Syndicate, and in January, 1901, Mr. Adler wassent to Davenport as publishier of the Times. The policy which he inaugurated inits management made it one of the profitable journals of the state and theevidence of business ability which he thus displayed led to his election to thepresidency of the syndicate upon the death of Mr. Lee in 1907. Five daily papersconstitute this syndicate: the Davenport Times; the Ottumwa Courier; theMuscatine Journal; the LaCross Tribune; and the Hannibal Courier-Post.
Mr. Adler's activities extend to political circles, wherein his labors havelargely advanced the interests of the republican party in Iowa. He was madestate central committeeman from the second district, was chosen secretary of thecommittee and given charge of the press bureau in the Taft campaign. Topractical politics he brings the results of business experience and that wisedirection of forces which have been salient elements in the general movementtoward placing the republican party in Iowa beyond the pale of possiblediminution of power.
On the 5th of February, 1902, occurred the marriage of Mr. Adler to Miss LenaRothschild, a daughter of the late David R. Rothschild, president of theRothschild Grain Company. Their only son, Phillip David Adler, is now a lad ofsix years. Mr. Adler's social nature finds expression in his membership in theBenevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Arsenal Golf Club, the Outing andRock Island Clubs - associations which also indicate the nature of hisrecreation. Moreover, he is prominent in the Davenport Commercial Club, servingas its vice president and as a member of its board of directors. He is active inall projects looking to the development of the city along many lines of generalimprovement and has done much in promoting desired results.Transcribed by Deborah Clough Gerischer