Scott Co, Iowa IAGenWeb Project

"From History of Scott County, Iowa 1882 Chicago:  Interstate Publishing Co."


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The first school-house erected in Davenport was in 1838.

The growth of the city for several years prior to 1858 was very great, while the accommodations for the instruction of the rising generation was very limited.  To better meet the wants of the city in this direction steps were taken to organize the city into a school district and thoroughly grade the public schools.

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Within the limits of the city and adjacent territory heretofore there had been six school districts. These remained the same, though the number designating each was changed. J.M. Frizzell represented No. 1 in the first board: W. T. Clark, No. 2;* II. Lambach, No. 3: T. H. Codding, No. 4: w. L. Cook, No. 5; S. G. Mitchell, No. 6.

At the time of the reorganization of the city schools the country was being affected by the financial panic which began the year previous, and which extended throughout the whole country. This embarrassed the Board of Directors very materially, but they entered into the work with a zeal and determination to raise the public schools to the first position.

The office of city superintendent of schools was created and A. S. Kissell was elected to that position. The board established an intermediate school preliminary to the establishment of a high school.

There were small school buildings in Districts No. 1. 4, 5 and 6, and a large stone building in No. 2, on corner Perry and Seventh streets and a large brick building in No. 3, on corner of Sixth and Walnut.

In 1859 the school law was amended providing for the election of three directors, who in connection with the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer should constitute the School Board. At the first election three directors were chosen, one of whom should hold his office for one year, one for two years and one for three years; and annually thereafter one director should be elected to fill the vacancy of the one whose term would expire. At this first election A. S. Maxwell was elected President; E. Peck, Vice-President; Thomas J. Saunders, Secretary; George H. French, Treasurer; Directors, J. W. Frizzell, one year; Robert Means, two years (Mr. Means resigned and J. Grant was elected to fill vacancy; Ignatius Langer, three years.

*Resigned, and John Collins elected to fill vacancy.

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Valuation of property and amount of taxes levied for school purposes:

Years Valuation of Property in the District Teacher's Fund
No. of Mills
Contingent Fund
No. of Mills
School House Fund
No. of Mills
Total Number of Mills Amount of Tax Levied
1869 4,458,480 6 2 2 10 $ 44, 584.80
1870 4,187,330 6 2 2 10 $ 41,873.30
1871 3,967,523 7 3 5 15 $ 59, 513.46
1872 3,955,823 9 4 5 18 $ 71,224.81
1873 3,956,285 13 4 …. 17 $ 67,260.59
1874 4,007,337 12 5 6 23 $ 92,173.28
1875 4,699,170 9 3 1/2 4 1/2 17 $ 79,891.81
1876 4,640,340 8 3/4 3 1/4 …. 12 $ 55,684.08
1877 4,555,890 8 3/4 3 1/4 …. 12 $ 54,670.68
1878 4,590,251 8 3/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 14 $ 64,263,50
1879 4,382,127 8 3/4 2 1/4 2 13 $ 56,967.65
1880 4,270,895 8 1/2 1 1/2 …. 10 $ 42,708.95
1881 4,425,236 10 2 …. 12 $ 53.102.84

Years Number between 5 and 21 years of age No. Enrolled Over-aged Attendance Teachers employed Salaries paid Teachers Cost per Pupil
1869 6,643 3,436 1,967 53 $ 31,925.00 $ 16.23
1870 7,420 3,556 2,106 59 34,858.88 $ 16.55
1871 7,441 3,697 2,321 52 42,563.00 $ 18.33
1872 7,521 4,019 2,340 77 47,968.42 $ 20.50
1873 7,842 3,991 2,530 80 49,636.00 $ 19.74
1874 8,065 4,096 2,727 82 50,585.79 $ 18.54
1875 8,280 4,435 2,905 88 52,913.37 $ 18.21
1876 8,506 4,284 2,924 91 55,794.50 $ 19.07
1877 8,770 4,474 3,139 92 55,405.15 $ 17.64
1878 8,888 4,509 3,270 94 57,671.93 $ 17.63
1879 9,097 4,558 3,354 96 56,021.00 $ 16.70
1880 9,245 4,497 3,268 95 54,511.25 $ 16.70
1881 9,309 4,558 3,176 93 53,123.40 $ 16.70


The city is now well supplied with good buildings, though the demand is constantly on the increase, as the city increased in population.  There are now 12 school buildings, one of which is stone, two frame and nine brick.  Prior to the year 1866 the city was illy …

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… supplied with buildings, and the accommodations at that time were insufficient to meet the wants of the pupils who desired to attend.  Since that time much has been done to supply the demand.

The school building in District No. 1, East Davenport, was erected in 1865-'6, and an addition built in 1874.  It is of brick, having several recitation and school-rooms, with the necessary closets and halls, and is valued at $34,000.

District No. 2 has a large stone building, erected in 1853-'4, and dedicated to school purposes, Sept. 30, 1854, with such ceremonies as were suitable for the occasion, including speeches by several leading citizens.  An addition was built to it in 1870, making it a very large and convenient building, having several recitation and school rooms.  The property is now valued at $33,000, and is situated at the corner of Seventh and Perry streets.

District No. 3 has a brick building situated corner of Sixth and Warren streets, erected in 1856-'7.  Being too small to accommodate the number of pupils desirons of admission, an addition was built in 1870, which added greatly to the convenience of both teachers and pupils.  The building and grounds are valued at $30,000.

District No. 4 has within its limits two buildings, both located in the same neighborhood, corner of Main and Locust streets, and both of which are of brick, with a total valuation of $30,000.  One of the buildings was erected in 1857 and the other in 1865-'6.

District No. 5 has a fine brick building, located on West Third street, which was erected in 1867-'8 and which, together with the grounds, is valued at $45,000.

District No. 6 has a frame building, erected prior to 1858, and which has had two additons made to it, one in 1866 and the other in 1871.  The value of the building and grounds is $7,000.

District No. 7 has also a frame building, erected in 1868, at a cost of $2,500.

District No. 8 has a brick building, erected in 1871, at a cost of $25,000.  It is situated corner of Fourth and Ripley streets.

District No. 10, possesses a good brick building, erected in 1878, at a cost of $21,000.

The old high-school building was erected in 1854, and used for some years as a Baptist church.  In 1865 it was purchased of the Baptists and remodeled.  It is situated at the corner of Sixth and Main streets.  The building and grounds are estimated at $5,000.

The new high-school building, situated on the block bounded by Rock Island and Iowa, and Seventh and Eighth streets, is the most imposing school edifice in the city.  It was erected in 1874, and together with the grounds is valued at $65,000.


From the Davenport Daily Gazette, Nov. 1, 1877)

It is now impossible to fix the precise date at which the first effort to establish a public library in the city of Davenport was …

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… made, but it is known that, as early as 1853-'4 a few public spirited citizens, by donations of books and a few dollars, succeeded in getting together what may be termed the nucleus of the present library.  At about the same time a few mechanics and working men also made an effort looking to the establishment of a library and reading-room and were partially succssful, but were soon absorbed by the earlier organization.  No particulars as to the especial objects or rules of either of these associations, or of the rooms, if any, occupied by their library, can now be ascertained, and the subject does not seem to have assumed responsible form until early in 1857, when the donation by Geo. B. Sargent, Esq., to the Young Men's Library Association of $500, to be used in the purchase of books as a contribution toward a public library accessible to every respectable resident of the city of Davenport or vicinity, at a charge not exceeding $3 per annum was announced.  With this impetus, the Young Men's Library Association seems to have been quite popular and in flourishing condition during the next year or two, but the evil days came upon it in the general crash of 1857 - '59 and in the latter year the books and other properties were boxed up and placed in storage in the cellar of what is now the First National Bank building.  From this they were however rescued in a few months and transferred to suitable rooms on Perry street, corner of Third, and again made accessible to the public.  At this time the catalogue named about 1,500 volumes.  About this time the Young Men's Associated Congress, a sort of debating society, composed of young attorneys, physicians, etc., had been successfully organized, and after some negotiation as to the details, it was decided to place the library in the hands of a union of the two societies, under the name of the "Davenport Library Association," on the general basis of the terms of General Sargent's donation.

During the ensuing 13 years, 1860 to 1873, the new association encountered the usual varying fortunes of life with a downward tendency, until in the winter of 1873-'74 its condition seemed to promise only a speedy dissolution. Just at this crisis it was proposed to place the management entirely under the care of a board of ladies, and in April, 1874, the following Board of Directors was duly elected and installed:  President, Mrs. A. P. Dillon; Vice-President, Mrs. Wm. Renwick; Treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Wadsworth; Secretary, Mrs. J. F. Barnard; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. G. M. Ballou; Lecture Committee, Mrs. W. F. Peck and Mrs. J. T. Lane; Library Committee, Mrs. H. M. Martin, Mrs. Lounsbury and Mrs. D. S. True.  With this new era the library assumed a more appropriate and influential standing.  During 1874-'76 as rapidly as possible new books were purchased and the department of periodical literature largely added to.  At the present time, November, 1877, the entire number of books contained in this library is in the vicinity of 7,000.

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It only remains to be said that the most important event in the library's history occurred in July, 1877.  Mrs. Clarissa C. Cook at this time made public her intention to carry out the wish of her deceased husband, the late Hon. Ebenezer Cook, to aid the library.

This aid from Mrs. Cook subsequently took the form of erecting a suitable building at a cost of $13,000 upon a lot purchased with the proceeds of individual donations for that purpose, and in May, 1878, the library was moved into its new home thus permanently secured to it, and the rental of the surplus offices and rooms also secured to it an income sufficient to meet the ordinary expenses of the institution.  In accordance with the stipulations of Mrs. Cook's donation, the title and control of the funds and real property of the association is vested in a board of nine trustees, composed of five ladies and four gentlemen.  The management of the library proper is, however, controlled by a boad of officials annually elected by the members of the association.  The annual dues are now set at $2 from members and subscribers and the attendance and good influence of the library are constantly increasing.

By C. S. Watkins

Among the public and private institutions of Davenport there is none to which the citizens point with more pride and respect than to Mercy Hospital.

The hospital was opened Dec. 8, 1868, under an arrangement between Scott County and the "Sisters," that the county advance $2,000 (to be used in fitting up the building, then vacant, owned by the "Sisters") for five years without interest.  Ten insane paupers were, on the above date, at once transferred from the poor house to the new hospital, the authorities guaranteeing that there should constantly be at least that number of county patients thus in the care of the Sisters.  A ward for the care and treatment of general cases of illness or accident was also established.  The entire control and discipline of the hospital was held by the Sisters, though constant inspection and visitation by the county officials was provided for.  From this humble beginning the institution has steadily grown, until, a recent description says, "the present grounds cover 20 acres; the buildings are, First, the main building, a very large massive brick, four stories high, and about 150 x 60 feet; this contains the general sick wards, in which we found about 50 patients, all seemingly well pleased with their accommodations and treatment.  The chapel, dispensary, dining and reception rooms are also in…>/p>

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… this building.  Second, the building for insane, two stories high and about 40 x 60, well provided with sleeping and bath rooms, large halls, etc.; this now has about 90 (insane) inmates.  A large space out of doors is enclosed for exercise and airing courts.  Third, another two-story building, used as a Catholic orphan asylum; this is a branch especially under the care of the Sisters.  A city and county pest-house is situated in a secluded outlet 60 or 80 rods distant from the other buildings.  This pest-house has all the appliances needed to make it especially adapted to its purpose, and is undoutedly as well arranged as any building of this class in any part of the country.  The remaining buildings pertain to the general purposes of the institution, as ice-houses, store-houses, etc.  The location is adjoining the city limits, and distant about two miles from the postoffice and court-house.  The grounds are well shaded and have abundance of water from wells on the premises, neither the public water nor gas system have yet extended their mains to the hospital, though annually getting nearer to it.  The physicians of Davenport have been of invaluable aid to the hospital from its beginning.  They immediately organized a system of (gratuitous) visitations, which is still maintained, by a board of three physicians and three surgeons, active, and two consulting surgeons.  And advanced medical student, selected by this board, remains at the hospital and has his rooms and meals there without charge.  I have only to add that from the beginning the institution has had the entire confidence of our citizens, and its wonderful success, which is due to the admirable management and personal services of the "Sisters" is a sufficient demonstration of the superiority of the system.

By Prof. W. H. Pratt

On the evening of Dec. 14, 1867, four persons met in a small real estate agency office in Davenport, and agreed and pledged themselves to each other and to the community, that their efforts, feeble as they might be, and must be, should be united and directed toward the acquirement and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and that the limited means at their command should be used to the best of their knowledge and ability, to awaken an interest in such studies, to unite the influence of those who were already interested, to encourage scientific research and scientific reading, and to promote the introduction of practical scientific instruction in the public schools.  In this attempt they were merely taking the initiatory steps, relying upon the co-operation of others of equal earnestness and greater ability, who should join in the good work and carry it forward.

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During several years previous this matter had been discussed from time to time between Mr. Barler, Alfred Sanders, Mr. Riepe, Prof. D. S. Sheldon, Dr. Parry, Mr. Tiffany and myself, and perhaps some others whom I do not now recall, with the rather vague determination of doing something sometime, and a full conviction that something ought to be done by united effort.

We had been gradually forming private geological and natural history collections, those of Prof. Sheldon being the principal ones.  With a rich field for study collection of specimens in the several branches of natural history; situated in a flourishing city, surrounded by a rapidly increasing population, and at a time when a growing interest in scientific subjects was everywhere manifested; it seemed as if some more might and ought to be accomplished than had been or would be by such scattered and desultory action, and there was encouragement in the work already done.  We were, of course, entirely unaware of the rich mine of archaeological treasures hidden almost at our feet, as scarcely any attention had at that time been given to the subject in this region, and comparatively little elsewhere.

Prof. Sheldon had scoured the woods and fields and explored the rivers and ponds in a very assiduous and successful search for plants, insects and shells, and by example, advice and instruction had been gradually and faithfully sowing the seeds of scientific progress and promoting scientific culture.  Mr. Alfred Sanders had during several years made large collections in the same lines, and had then recently retired from business, and determined to devote his time largely to scientific pursuits, and was much engaged in the study of systematic geology especially.  Mr. Barler had become an assiduous and perserving collector and student.

Mr. Riepe, always a naturalist in his tastes and habits, was constantly finding something new and interesting, and leading the attention of his pupils and friends in the direction of natural knowledge, and chiefly through my acquaintance with him, and through his influence, my attention was turned that way more than ever before.  He and I, with sometimes one or two others, and usually some of our children, spent many a pleasant, and I believe profitable, day on a private picnic upon Credit Island, or over at Rock River, enjoyed our dinner with fresh hot coffee made on the spot, by the side of a little fire in the woods, even on a chill November day, as well as a keen appetite and absence of conventionalities would enable us to do.  These explorations always resulted in some desirable additions to our cabinets, and though often fatigued with our burdens we always returned refreshed in spirit and renewed in zeal.  Many specimens found on these excursions are now in the museum.

Dr. Parry had long since acquired a high reputation as a thoroughly scientific botanist, and untiring explorer, and remarkably successful collector, and Mr. Tiffany was delving among the rocks with all the zeal of a new convert.

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Such was about the condition in matters of scientific research here in 1865-'66.  None of us being very sanguine in our expectations of building up a society of much strength or rapid growth, it was still thought that a scientific club or small association in some form might be established, which would afford an opportunity for comparison of observations and interchange of ideas, and by uniting our collections we might form a nucleus for a museum which should ultimately become of some general interest and benefit to the community, by stimulating research and adding something to the sum of human knowledge, and possibly, in time, an institution which should be creditable to our city.

The untimely death of Mr. Sanders and the loss of his talent, experience and influence before any definite action had been taken, was a serious drawback and discouragement, and doubtless somewhat delayed action in the matter, and Dr. Parry's absence most of the time was a further difficulty.  But we realized that the formation of mere private collections was of comparatively trifling importance, having very little influence upon the community, and if pursued with no higher object, rather encouraging, perhaps, a spirit of selfishness or exclusiveness, each being led to work more for his own than for the general good.  Personal proprietorship is rather antagonistic to a liberal public spirit and true interest in the increase and diffusion of knowledge.

In the spring of 1867, while spending a few weeks at Ottawa, Ill., I became acquainted with Dr. John Paul and Dr. L. N. Dimmock, now of Santa Barbara, Cal., and some other leading members of the Ottawa Academy of Natural Science, an institution which had then a name but no local habitation.  They had, however, some good working members who had already in their locality awakened a fresh interest in scientific subjects, and a prospect of soon establishing the society in good rooms, and by uniting their private collections, which were of considerable value, making a very good beginning in the building up of a museum.  By thier example and advice we were encouraged to attempt something more systematic than we had at first thought of venturing.

Mr. L. T. Eads having become interested in the subject, joined in our consultations and offered the use of his real estate office in Postoffice Block, southeast corner of Third and Perry streets, for our cabinets and meetings, as long as it would answer these purposes.

It was probably mainly due to Mr. Barler's energy and enthusiasm that decided action was taken at this particular time, and so on Saturday evening, Dec. 7, 1867, Mr. Barler, Mr. Eads and myself met by appointment at Mr. Eads's office to consult upon the ways and means, the possibilities and probabilites, and as to what we would dare to undertake, thinking that its success might depend somewhat upon the character of the first movement made.  We had been unable to enlist men of means in the enterprise; we had no direct assurances of aid from any source; we knew that in a …

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… majority of cases where such a project was attempted, the interest died out after a short time, and the enterprise failed for what of internal energy and persistence, and outside recognition and support.  We determined to procure a copy of the constitution of the Ottawa Academy, and to call a meeting of those interested on the next Saturday evening.  We did not venture to advertise the meeting, however, fearing that too much might be expected at the beginning, but invited personally those whom we knew to be desirous of joining in co-operative work.  Druing the week R. Paul promptly complied with my request, and sent us the copy of their constitution and by-laws, and on Saturday evening Dec. 14, 1867, we found "present, Messrs. Barler, Eads, Tiffany and Pratt."  Mr. Sanders was deceased, Dr. Parry absent at the far West, Prof. Sheldon in poor health, and Mr. Riepe could not attend that evening though he was present at the next meeting and regularly thereafter.

It was then decided to proceed to the organization of an association without further delay, and this was done then and there, by the adoption of the form of constitution and by-laws of the Ottawa Academy, and by the election of officers for six months.  Some embarrassment was experienced in filling up the board of 10 trustees required by the constitution, but the full number were chosen, subject to the acceptance of the position by those who were not present.  They all accepted, however, except one Mr. C. S. Ellis, and his place was filled after a resonable time by the election of Hon. John L. Davies.  After about six weeks the following encourageing notices, which I give verbutim et literatim, appeared in the daily papers, viz., in Gazette, Jan. 24, 1868:


An organization has just been completed which takes the somewhat ambitious title of the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences.  Its object is the collection and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and we understand that special attention will be paid by this society to the geology of our State.  Specimens of the various fauna and flora of the coal formations will be gathered into cabinets, which the members will endeavor to make as complete as possible a beginning of which cabinets have been made.  Peat will also occupy a prominent place in their inquiries for information; in fact, all scientific subjects will claim a share of their attention.  We wish the society prosperity, as well as a long existence.  The officers are:  President, S. Sheldon, of Griswold College; Vice-President, A. N. Barler; Secretary, W. H. Pratt; Treasurer, L. T. Eads.  The Library Association has offered the new society a habitation in its room, we learn.

The Davenport Democrat, Jan. 23, 1868:


A society bearing the above name has been organized in this city for the purpose of disseminating useful knowledge and inves- …

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… tigating subjects of a scientific character.  The officers of the society are at present:  President, Prof. D. S. Sheldon, of Griswold College; Vice-President, A. N. Barler; Secretary, W. H. Pratt; Treasurer, L. T. Eads.  In addition to these there is a board of 10 turstees.  The society has one large cabinet filled with natural curiosities, and specimens enough to fill another which is now being constructed.  The specimens consist of a large variety of river shells- some 75 kinds - mineral productions, geodes fern fossils, coal blooms, and various other geological curiosities.  Also antiquities and rare articles.  The headquarters of the society are now in Mr. L. T. Eads' office, where the cabinet and its contents can be seen.  An invitation has been extended by its members to share quarters with the Library Association, and it is likely that the invitation will be accepted, as more room will be needed as soon as the other cabinet is finished.  The principal object of the siciety is to make geology a specialty, and to that end the coal and peat beds are to receive a due share of its attention.  The gathering of valuabel specimens will be continued, and new cabinets provided as occasion requires.  Donations of curiosities, antiquities, books, etc., are respectfully solicited.

We are glad to notice that a movement of this kind has been inaugurated by our citizens.  It is a step taken in the right direction, a move worthy of all commendation, and we sincerely hope that those who have made the beginning will see the project grow to the extent it deserves.  Cabinets filled with geological and mineralogical specimens, gathered for the most part in our own State, and open for public inspection, will incite inquiry and promote research, and the cause of science must naturally prosper when its votaries increase in number and intelligence.  Success to the Davenport Academy of Natural Sciences.

As soon as possible one case for specimens was procured - the old larger case now in the back room - made by one of the first members who joined after the organization, and a considerable number and variety of specimens, contributed by Messrs. Barler, Tiffany, Eads, Sheldon, Riepe and myself.  I find in my diary on Jan. 18, 1868:  "Carried specimens from home and put them up at the Academy all day."  Mrs. Alfred Sanders also contributed a large collection of minerals, fossils and recent shells which alone occupied the second cabinet case we procured, and others soon began to hand in such specimens as they happened to have.

We were proud on the occasion of the receipt of the first donation from abroad, which was that of a collection of crinoids, now in our collection, from Mr. Enoch May, of Burlington, Jan. 18, 1868.  These were sent in response to our notice of his election as an honorary member.  We were rather free if not hasty in our distribution of such "honors" at first while as yet we were receiving rather than conferring honor by such connections.  Our notifications were, however, usually very well received and kindly responded to.

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The first lot of specimens received in response to our propositions for exchange, was a collection of marine shells, sponges, etc., from the Portland, Me., Natural History Society. We still have the specimens but have outlived the institution.

Our first appearance before the public was upon the occasion of a lecture delivered before the academy by Prof. Hinricks, of the Iowa State University, at the German Theater, on the 15th of February, 1868, on the subject of "Pantogen; or, the Element of Elements."  It was well attended and well received and we "thanked God and took courage."

The first paper read in academy meeting was on May 1, 1868, by W. H. Pratt, on "The Relation of the Outer World to Our Senses."

Our meetings were held at Mr. Eads' office until a liberal offer was received from the Young Men's Library Association to give the use of a portion of its room, northeast corner of Brady and Second streets, free of rent.  The offer was accepted and I find in my diary, March 21, 1868:  "Began to remove specimens from Mr. Eads's office to Library rooms"  and the meeting on April 8, 1868, was the first held there.  The old case, being of an odd size and form, was left.

Our first enterprise out of the routine contemplated in the original plan was the purchase from Mr. Thomas Lighton, of Rock Island, of a telescope, made by him, for the sum of $100, which was raised by subscription.  The instrument is still with us, in good order and has been the source of much pleasure and some benefit.

During the summer of 1869, preparations were made for securing photographs during the progress of the total eclipse of the sun, which was to occur on the 7th of August.  This project was carried into effect with quite as good results as could reasonably have been expected with such limited skill and appliances as were at our command.  Twenty pretty fair photographs were made.  We were much disappointed in the failure to obtain a nagative during the time of totality, not being aware at that time of what we afterward learned, that it was necessarily totally out of the question in any case, being sumply impossible to take one during the short time.  63 seconds of totality.

The meetings were held quite regularly at the library room for three years, with an average atttendance of about eight members, and usually considerable interest was manifested, though sometimes the meetings were rather thin.  For example:  On June 2, 1869, only James Thompson and myself were present, but the business had to be done or lie over one month, with poor prospects of a larger meeting next time, as it was difficult to secure a good attendance during the heated term.  The constitution prescribed no quorum for the transaction of business, and we thought it best to proceed and dispose of it at once.  Small as was this meeting in numbers, yet estimating it by results, it was the greatest meeting the academy ever held.  The original minutes read as follows: …

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Very few members present.  Mr. Thompson was called to the chair.  Minutes of last meeting read and adopted.  Mr. Thompson reported donation of some glacier scratched by Mr. Fejervary.  The propositon to amend the by-laws by substituting the last Friday for the first Wednesday of each month for the date of monthly meetings was then taken up and unanimously adopted.  Miss Dr. Irish having withdrawn her name on account of leaving the city, the other names proposed for membership, viz., Mrs. Charles E. Putnam, J. D. Putnam, and Henry Hourtillotte were then balloted for and unanimously elected.  Academy adjourned to Friday evening, 25th inst.

Here the secretary was obliged to "cast the vote of the meeting" as nobody else was there to vote.  We little realized then what we had done.  We "builded better than we knew."  The time for meeting then fixed has never since been changed.  Mr. Tourtillotte died a year or two after.  The other two lived to do good work for the academy.  J. D. Putnam died in December of 1881.  If it had not been for them the academy would not now be what it is.  Mrs. Putnam was the first lady elected to regular membership.  Mrs. M. A. Sanders was the first lady elected as honorary member, Jan. 4, 1868, afterward transferred with the rest to the list of corresponding members upon a change of the constitution, and since became an active regular member.  John Hume was the first regular member elected, Jan. 4, 1868.

In the fall of 1872 some changes in the arrangements of the library and their time of meeting rendered it inconvenient for us to hold our meetings there, and by the kindness of Messrs. Putnam & Rogers their commodious law offices was our place of meeting from Nov. 29, 1872, until the next May.  On May 30, 1873, the regular meeting was held in Dr. Hazen's office.  On July 15, 1873, the academy rented a small room in the rear of Mr. Eads' office, second story, south side of Third street, next door east of the bank, on the southeast corner of Brady and Third, which we occupied until April 1, 1874, at $6 per month.  This was the first rent paid by the academy.  The room not being ready for occupancy, our regular meeting, July 25, was held in Mr. Eads's office, front room of the same place.  Referring again to my diary I find, Monday, Aug. 4:  "Moved the specimens out of Mr. Eads's office into our academy room this afternoon.  This was the old case and its contents which had never been taken from Perry street to the library.  On July 28 I find:  "Worked at the academy room, moving the books in and arranging them as before in the cases."  Our trustees meeting was held there that evening, and the first regular meeting there on Aug. 20, by a little kerosene lamp, which some of us may remember.

March 31, 1874, the diary says:  "Commenced carrying our academy things to Odd Fellows Building."  This room we rented from that date at $75 a year.  On our removal we brought only the …

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… original wide case, two of the regular six-foot cases, three of the closed botanical cases, and the old narrow book-case, formerly belonging to the Workingmen's Library Association.  All of these and twice as many more since added, are now in our west room, and all in this room - 10 large cases - have been added during the three and a half years of our residence.  This room was not half filled, more cases were soon needed, and by a special effort, principally on the part of some lady members and friends, "a ladies' furnishing fund" was raised, which soon provided several cases, matting for the floor, curtains, etc.  

At the trustees meeting, Sept. 18, 1875, it was decided to rent an additional room in the rear of this at $50 a year, which we did from Sept. 1 of that year, and occupied both rooms till they were filled to overflowing.  We are compelled to enlarge our borders and are happy in the prospect.  Several attempts have been made, and with at first some apparent prospect of success, to unite the academy and other associations of kindred aims and interests in an association building, but have each time failed from want of funds, as those who possessed the means, without which it could not be accomplished, did not step to the front.  The failure was, possibly, a blessing in disguise to all the parties concerned, as each will go on independently, and their several views and interests may be less likely to conflict than if more closely connected.  The first steps for a new building on the lot donated by Mrs. Newcomb began in 1877.  Only a portion of the original plan of building has been carried out.  This was erected in 1877, and on the first day of January, 1878, the academy moved in.  It is now stronger than ever before, and has the finest collection of mound relics in the world.  The presidents, since 1877, have been as follows:  Dr. Farquason, 1878; Mary L. D. Putnam, 1879; W. H. Pratt, 1880; J. D. Putnam, 1881; C. H. Preston, 1882.


This charity was established under the will of Mrs. Clarissa C. Cook, of Davenport.  She died in February, 1879, and her will was proved in the Circuit Court of Scott Co., Iowa, in June, 1879, and J. Wilson Dewey and John F. Dillon nominated as executors by the will, qualified as such executors.  By the 11th paragraph of this will Mrs. Cook, gave to John F. Dillon, Edward E. Cook, Daniel B. Shelley and Ira Cook, $50,000 in trust, providing that "They shall cause themselves, with four ladies to be selected by themselves, residing in the city of Davenport and County of Scott, to become incorporated under the laws of the State of Iowa **** under the name and style of 'Clarissa C. Cook's Home for the Friendless,' the object and purpose of said corporation being to provide a home for destitute and indigent females."

The same paragraph also devised, for same purpose, 15 acres of land in the west end of the city of Davenport, directing that the north five acres of the tract should always be used for the purposes of the home to be erected thereon.  The will directed that about $25,000 be expended for erecting the building.

The 50th paragraph of the will provides that one-half of the residuary estate of Mrs. Cook should also be taken by the Home.

On the 14th of June, 1880, the trustees and the four ladies selected by them, viz.:  Mrs. Agnes French, Miss Harriet Rogers, Mrs. Mary E. Wing and Mrs. Clarie B. Bills formed a corporation as directed.  These parties, with Mr. F. H. Griggs as treasurer, and ex officio a manager, formed the Board of Managers.  The first officers were Miss M. E. Wing, President; Mrs. Harriet Rogers, Vice-President; D. B. Shelley, Secretary; and F. H. Griggs, Treasurer.

Some time was required to determine the selection of a plan for the building, but finally the plan prepared by E. C. Gardner, architect, of Springfield, Mass., was adopted.

In May, 1881, Hon. John F. Dillon resigned as a manager, and N. Fejervary, of Davenport, was elected to fill the vacancy.

In June, 1881, the contract for erecting the building according to the plans and specifications of architect E. C. Gardner, was let for $19,500.

Mr. Fejervary, Mr. Shelley and Mrs. Wing were appointed as a building committee, and selected Mr. Victor Hunt as superintendent of the work.

At the meeting of the board for election of officers in June, 1881, the same officers were re-elected, except Mr. Shelley, who desired to be relieved from duties of secretary, and E. E. Cook was elected as secretary.

The building is now (March, 1882) well advanced, and will be ready for occupancy not later than July, 1882.

The share of the residuary estate coming to the Home from Mrs. Cook's estate is estimated to be worth over $65,000, in addition to the $50,000 and 15 acres of land given by the 11th paragraph of the will.

Rules and regulations for the admission and government of inmates have been adopted by the board, and before the completion of  the Home will be published in pamphlet form.  One of the original trustees and managers, Mr. Daniel B. Shelley, died on the 21st of March, 1882.

Transcribed by: Laura H. Rathmann

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