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CHAPTER XX Fifty years ago, at the close of the Black Hawk war, Gen. Scott, assisted by some of his principal officers, in consequence of cholera upon the island, met with representatives of the Sac and Fox tribes of Indians, upon the site of the present city of Davenport, for the purpose of making a treaty with them. By that treaty a section of land was reserved, and by the Indians given to Antoine Le Claire. That reserve now comprises a portion of Davenport.
The location of the city is a beautiful one, and the early travelers up and down the Mississippi often stopped to admire it. Long before the country was settled it attracted public attention, and the scenery in and around what now constitutes the city is thus described by a traveler: "At the foot of the Upper Rapids is one of the most picturesque scenes that we recollect to have beheld. On the western side, a series of slopes are seen rising one above another for a considerable distance, until the background is terminated by a chain of beautifully rounded hills, over the whole of which trees are thinly scattered. On the other side of the river is a broad flat plain of rich alluvion, several miles in length, and more that a mile in breadth, and terminated by a range of wooded hills. On this prarie is a small village of the Sac and Fox Indians, composed of rude lodges, scattered carelessly about. In the front of the landscape, and presenting its most prominent feature, is Rock Island, the western shore of which is washed by the main current of the Mississippi, while the eastern side is separated from the main land by a narrow channel, which is fordable at low water. The southern point of the island is elevated about 40 feet above the ordinary level of the river, and is supported by a perpendicular parapet of rock. Here stands Fort Armstrong, a strong and very neat work, garrisoned by two companies of United States troops; and here will be one of the most desirable sites for a town on the Upper Mississippi. Rock River, which enters the Mississippi a few miles below the island, is a rapid stream, which may be easily rendered navigable, and which affords abundant water-power for the propulsion of any kind of machinery. The whole of this region is fruitful, healthful, and agreeable to the eye."
George B. Sargent, in a little work entitled "Notes on Iowa," published in 1848, in copying the foregoing adds: "It is interesting to mark the changes that have taken place since the above description was written. On the western side, with the beautifully rounded hills in the background, now stands Davenport. On the
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other side, which was then occupied by the Sac and Fox village, is now the flourishing town of Rock Island, in Illinois. Fort Armstrong is abandoned and in ruins. All along the banks of the river are seen the marks of civilization and improvement. But though the scenery has lost some of its wildness, it retains its original characteristic, and has gained many pleasant features. The towns of Rock Island and Davenport, the old fort with its deserted block-houses, the Mississippi, winding gracefully above and below, Rock River branching off through the woods, the forest-covered island, the high wooded bluffs, and the rich, green praries of Illinois, form a picture, which, for beauty, variety and extent, can hardly be surpassed.
The healthfulness and beauty of the situation, together with the facilities for hunting and fishing in its neighborhood, have made the place the fashionable resort during the summer months of large numbers of people from St. Louis and other Southern cities. It has hitherto been more noted on this account than as a place of trade; but the business of the town is now rapidly on the increase. There are several flourishing stores, and two large flouring mills have been erected in the past year, one which is already in operation. Most of the houses are substantially built of brick. The hotel and court-house are large and handsome buildings."
Newhall, in 1841, thus writes in regard to Davenport: "This town was laid out in 1835-'6, on a reserve belonging to Antoine Le Claire, Esq. It is the seat of justice for Scott County, and is situated nearly opposite to the lower end of Rock Island, on a handsome elevation, with a beautiful range of sloping hills in its rear. It is about 350 miles above St. Louis, by water, 80 miles above Burlington, and 95 below Dubuque. The town of Stephenson, on the opposite shore, with the glittering dome of its court-house, on the mouth of the Rock River a few miles below, the picturesque and antiquated fortifications of Rock Island, with its beautiful villa,* the charming residence of Le Claire, the magnificent hotel overlooking the white cottages of Davenport, and the adjacent village of Rockingham-all form a combination of picturesque beauty seldom if ever surpassed. I have approached this point from all its bearings, and whether viewed from river or bluff, it is like a beauteous picture varied in all its lights and shades. I well remember the first and lasting impression it produced upon my feelings; it was on a bright, sunny morning in August, in the year 1836; the sun was fast dispelling the glittering dews, and every drooping flower was lifting its smiling crest; on the Iowa shore might be seen occasionally a gaily painted warrior of the Sacs and Foxes riding along the heights, his painted form partially exposed to view as his scarlet blanket waved to the breeze, his light feathers and gaudy trappings being admirable contrast with the verdure-
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clad hills; then did I feel the utter incompetency to describe so beautiful a scene; then could I have invoked the pencil of the painter, or the pen of the poet.
"The distant reader may be skeptical concerning this high-wrought description. At this I marvel not. The author is aware of the difficulty of conveying entirely correct ideas of a region to those who have never traveled beyond the threshold of home; especially in delineating this (in common parlance)land of the 'sqatters;' as if, forsooth, the land of song, of Arcadian groves, and shady bowers, must needs be in sunny Italy, or classic Greece.
"I will, however, add the corroborating testimony of one or two graphic writers, to convince the reader that nature here has been lavish of her beauties as well as her bounties." 'The country around Rock Island is, in our opinion, the most charming that the eye ever beheld. Rock Island is, of itself, one of the greatest natural beauties on the Mississippi. The "old fort," not to speak of its military association, is, in truth, an object on which he eye delights to dwell. The flourishing town of Stephenson, upon the Illinois shore, adds greatly to the attractions of the scene; and Davenport, with its extended plains, its sloping lawns, and wooded bluffs, completes one of the most perfect pictures that ever delighted the eyes of man. The interior of the territory is rich, beautiful, and productive from end to end. Enterprising and industrious farmers may flock in from all quarters, and find a rich reward for moderate toil. The interior is healthy, and every section of land admits of easy cultivation."
"A correspondent of the New York Star, a gentleman of much taste, writing from Rock Island, says:
"'There are some bright spots in this rude world which exceed our most sanguine expectations, and this is one of them.
"'In beauty of the surrounding scenery, both on the Upper Mississippi and the Crystal Rock, I have found imaged all the charms I had pictured in my youthful imagination while reading a description of the happy valley in Rasselas, but which I never expected to see in the world of reality. The Father of Waters is a giant even here, 350 miles above St. Louis; it is estimated to be over a mile and a quarter wide, and is 100 miles below Dubuque, and about 500 miles below the head of navigation, at the Falls of St. Anthony."'
THE BEGINNING The claim upon which the city of Davenport was first laid out was made in 1833, and was contended for by a Dr. Spencer and Mr. McCloud. The matter was finally settled by Antoine LeClaire buying them both out, giving them for the quarter section $150. In 1835 Mr. Le Claire sold his "reserve" to a company which was formed for the purpose of purchasing and laying out a town site. The company thus formed was composed of Major William Gordon, Antoine Le Claire, George Davenport, Major
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Thomas Smith, Alexander McGregor, Levi S. Colton, Philip Hambaugh, and Captain James May. In the spring of 1836 the site was surveyed and laid out by Maj. Gordon, United States Surveyor, and one of the stockholders. The spot selected included the area bounded on the east by Harrison street, on the north by Seventh, west by Warren, and south by the river. It included 36 blocks, and six half-blocks, the latter being the portions lying adjacent to Warren, on the west.
The cost of the entire site was $2,000, or $250 per share, - a price which now would purchase but a very indifferent building lot in the least valued part of it. In May the lots were offered at auction. A steamboat came up from St. Louis laden with passengers to attend the sale, and remained at the levee during its continuance, in order to afford the conveniences of lodging, edibles, and the not less essential item of drinkables. The sale continued two days, but owing to the fact that the titles were simply such as were included in a squatter's claim, and purchasers fearful that such were not particularly good, only some 50 or 60 lots were sold, and these mostly to St. Louis speculators. The lots brought from $300 to $600 each, a smaller sum than the proprietors calculated upon. The remaining portion of the site was then divided among the proprietors.*
*Davenport, Past and Present
The immigration this year was but small, only some half-dozen families coming in.
The first hotel or tavern was put up this year, and opened by Edward Powers, and is still standing on the corner of Front street and Ripley. It was put up by Messrs. Davenport and LeClaire, and was called "Davenport Hotel,"--in honor of the "city." The first saloon was also started this year by an old sea captain, John Litch. It was a log house, and stood on Front street. It was long a favorite resort for the politician and those who felt the necessity of using a "little wine for the stomach's sake and their often infirmities." The captain did not always live up to the letter of the law, and the matter of license was probably contrary to his convictions of right, as he was on more than one occasion taken in hand by the Board of County Commissioners.
In October, 1836, James McIntosh opened a small stock of goods in a log house, built by A. LeClaire, on the corner of Ripley and Third streets. In December following, D. C. Eldridge also opened a large stock of goods, and claims to be the first to keep a general assortment, with the intention of making it a business.
In the fall of 1836 a son was born unto Levi S. Colton, the first birth in the new village. The first female child born was a daughter of D. C. Eldridge, in the spring of 1837.
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INCORPORATION The town of Davenport was incorporated by the Legislature in the winter of 1838-'9, and the first election for township officers was held April 1, 1839. Rodolphus Bennett was elected Mayor; Frazer Wilson, Recorder; and Dr. A. C. Donaldson, D. C. Eldridge, John Forrest, Thomas Dillon and John Litch, Trustees. The town council held its first meeting April 20. James M. Bowling was appointed Treasurer; William Nichols, Street Commissioner; and W. H. Patton, Marshal.
In 1843 a new charter was granted the town, which was used without amendment until 1850, when it was amended, and in 1851 repealed by the passage and adoption of a new city charter. This charter has been amended from time to time to suit the convenience of the inhabitants, or to grant or take from it some privilege. From 1839 to 1881 the following named have served in the offices and for the time mentioned:
LIST OF OFFICERS FROM THE DATE OF THE FIRST CHARTER TO THE PRESENT TIME. 1839 - Mayor, Rodolphus Bennett; Recorder, Frazier Wilson; Treasurer, James M. Bowling; Marshal, George Colt.
1840 - Mayor, John H. Thorington; Recorder, Frazier Wilson; Treasurer, James M. Bowling; Marshal, William B. Watts.
1841 - Mayor, Jonathan W. Parker; Recorder, John Pope; Treasurer, James M. Bowling; Marshal, William B. Watts.
1842 - Mayor, Harvey Leonard; Recorder, J.W. Parker; Treasurer, James M. Bowling; Marshal, Gilbert B. McKown.
1843 - (New charter granted.)- Mayor, James Thorington; Clerk, Jonathan W. Parker; Treasurer, John D. Evans; Marshall, Jared N. Snow.
1844 - Mayor, James Thorington; Clerk, Levi Davis; Treasurer, John D. Evans; Marshall, Jared N. Snow.
1845 - Mayor, James Thorington; Clerk, John Pope; Treasurer, John D. Evans; Marshal, Samuel Lyter.
1846 - Mayor, James Thorington; Clerk, John Pope; Treasurer, John D. Evans; Marshal, Samuel Lyter.
1847 - Mayor, James M. Bowling; Clerk, James Thorington; Treasurer, ________; Marshal, John D. Evans.
1848 - Mayor, James M. Bowling; Clerk, James Thorington; Treasurer, John D. Evans; Marshall, Samuel Parker.
1849 - Mayor, Jonathan Parker; Clerk, James Thorington; Treasurer, John D. Evans; Marshal, Lockwood J. Center.
1850 - (Charter amended) - Mayor, James IIall; Clerk, James Thorington; Treasurer, John D. Evans, Marshal, L.J. Center.
1851 - (New Charter) - Mayor, Charles Weston; Clerk, A.F. Mast; Marshal, Patrick Courtney; Treasurer, L.B. Collamer;
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Aldermen, First Ward, Adam Weigand, Harvey Leonard; Second Ward, Egbt. S. Barrows, Nathaniel Squires; Third Ward, Ebenezer Cook, Hiram Price.
1852 - Mayor, John Jordan; Clerk, A.F. Mast; Marshal, Samuel Parker; Treasurer, William VanTuyl; Aldermen, First Ward, Harvey Leonard, Adam Weigand; Second Ward, Nathaniel Squires, John P. Cook; Third Ward, Hiram Price, John Bechtel.
1853 - Mayor, John A. Boyd; Clerk, Richard K. Allen; Marshal, Samuel Parker; Treasurer, Jessamine Drake; Aldermen; First Ward, Adam Weigand, John Weeks; Second Ward, John P. Cook, Joseph Kingerlee; Third Ward, Hiram Price, William Gray.
1854 - Mayor, James Grant; Clerk, B.B. Woodward; Marshal, L.J. Center; Treasurer, L.B. Collamer; Aldermen; First Ward, H. Wilhelm, G.G. Arndt; Second Ward, Chas. J.H. Eyser, E.A. Gerdtzen; Third Ward, B. Atkinson, D.P. McKown; Fourth Ward, Henry H. Smith, Ebenezer Cook; Fifth Ward, William Burris, A.A. McLoskey.
1855 - Mayor, Enos Tichenor; Clerk, B.B. Woodward; Marshal, Samuel Parker; Treasurer, William Van Tuyl; Aldermen, First Ward, G.G. Arndt, Gilbert C.R. Mitchell; Second Ward, E.A. Gerdtzen, Charles J.H. Eyser; Third Ward, D.P. McKown, Austin Corbin; Fourth Ward, Ebenezer Cook, Hiram Price; Fifth Ward, Anthony A. McLosky, Alfred H. Owens; Sixth Ward, Joseph Lambrite, Samuel Sadoris.
1856 - Mayor, G.C.R. Mitchell; Clerk, Wm. Hall; Treasurer, Samuel Sylvester; Marshal, John H. Taylor; Aldermen, First Ward, James O'Brien, John Schuett; Second Ward, C.J.H. Eyser, Aug. Smallfield; Third Ward, James M. Bowling, Austin Corbin; Fourth Ward, Hiram Price, John Forrest; Fifth Ward, W.S. Kinsey, S.R. Barkley; Sixth Ward, Samuel Sadoris, Joseph Lambrite.
1857 - Mayor, Geo. B. Sargent; Marshal, H.W. Mitchell; Clerk, E. Peck; Treasurer, Samuel Sylvester; Aldermen, First Ward, J.M. Cannon, Edward Jennings; Second Ward, H. Ramming, Theo. Guelich; Third Ward, J.M. Bowling, Austin Corbin; Fourth Ward, John Forrest, J.C. Washburne; Fifth Ward, James O'Brien, Geo. E. Hubbell, vice A. Le Claire, resigned; Sixth Ward, Wm. Guy, Isaac H. Sears.
1858 - Mayor, Ebenezer Cook; Marshal, John Bechtel; Treasurer, Lorenzo Schricker; Clerk, Hallet Kilbourn; Aldermen, First Ward, John M. Cannon, L.P. Coates; Second Ward, Theo. Guelich, Henry Ramming; Third Ward, Austin Corbin, James Mackintosh; Fourth Ward, Thomas H. Morley, John C. Washburne; Fifth Ward, Geo. E. Hubbell, James O'Brien; Sixth Ward, Robt. Christie, Isaac H. Sears.
1859 - Mayor, Ebenezer Cook (part term), Hiram Price (part term); Clerk, L.C. Burwell; Treasurer, L. Schricker; Marshal, John Bechtel; Police Magistrate, John Johns, Jr.; Aldermen,
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J.H. Holmes, G.P. Anderson, First Ward; H. Ramming, H.H. Anderson, Second Ward; J.P. Coates, J. McIntosh, and S. Saddores, Third Ward; H.B. Evans, T.H. Morley, Fourth Ward; J.A. Le Claire, J.O'Brien, Fifth Ward; C.A. Haviland, Robert Christie, Sixth Ward.
1860 - Mayor, James B. Cladwell, Clerk, H. Mittelbuscher; Treasurer, W.A. Remington; Marshal, O.S. McNeil; Police Magistrate, John Johns; Aldermen, H. Weinert, H.S. Finley, First Ward; T. Guelich, B. Peters, Second Ward; C.S. Ells, H. Ramming, Third Ward; Thomas Morley, H.B. Evans, Fourth Ward; J.O'Brien, J.A. Le Claire, Fifth Ward; J. Coulthart, C.A. Haviland, Sixth Ward.
1861 - Mayor, George H. French; Clerk, H. Mittelbuscher; Treasurer, W.A. Remington; Marshal, O.S. McNeil; Police Magistrate, John Johns; Aldermen, John Schmidt, H. Weinert, Ch. Kauffman (part of term), First Ward; T. Guelich, B. Peters, Second Ward; Marsh Noe, H. Ramming (part term), Wm. Glasman (part term), Third Ward; P.J. Gillett, G.L. Davenport, Fourth Ward; J.A. LeClaire, J.C. Parker, Fifth Ward; Wm. Renwick. J. Coulthart, Sixth Ward.
1862 - Mayor, George H. French; Clerk, Thos. Dermandy (part term), H. Mittelbuscher (part term); Treasurer, John H. Morton; Marshal, H. Leonard; Police Magistrate, D.H. Wheeler; Aldermen, S.G. Mitchell, John Schmidt (part term), Edward Jennings, (balance term), First Ward; Francis Ochs, Wm. Glasman, Second Ward; Henry Lambach (part term), John Wunderlich (balance term), Marsh Noe, Third Ward; G.W. McCarn, Geo. L. Davenport, Fourth Ward; Victor Hunt, J.A. Le Claire (part term), W. Kelly (balance term), Fifth Ward; James Cunningham, Wm. Renwick, Sixth Ward.
1863 - Mayor, John E. Henry; Clerk, H. Mittelbuscher; Treasurer, John H. Morton; Marshal, F.W. Means; Police Magistrate, D.H. Wheeler; Aldermen, Samuel Hirschl, S.G. Mitchell, First Ward; Ernst Claussen, Francis Ochs (part term), H.H. Andressen, (balance term), Second Ward; Marsh Noe, J. Wunderlich, Third Ward; George Davenport, George W. McCarn, Fourth Ward; Victor Hunt, W.G. Jones, Fifth Ward; J. Coulthart, James Cunningham, Sixth Ward.
1864 - Mayor, Robert Lowry; Clerk, Charles Kauffman; Treasurer, W.A. Remington; Marshal, Wm. Pool; Police Magistrate, H. D. Wheeler; Aldermen, G.M. Mathes, Samuel Hirschl, First Ward; H.H. Andressen, J. Claussen ( part term), E. Tegeler (part term), Second Ward; Henry A. Runge, Marsh Noe, Third Ward; John Hornly, George L. Davenport, Fourth Ward; M.E. Davis, W.G. Jones, Fifth Ward; M.K. Parks, J. Coulthart, Sixth Ward.
1865 - Mayor, John L. Davies; Clerk, C. Kauffman (part term), A.C. Billon (balance term); Treasurer, W.A. Remington; Marshal, Wm. Pool; Police Magistrate, C.G. Blood; Aldermen, C. H. Lage, G.M. Mathes, First Ward; H.H. Andressen, Carl. Tegeler,
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Second Ward; H.H. Runge, T.W. McClelland (part term), Marsh Noe, Third Ward; F.W. Crampton, John Hornly (part term), John S. Seymour (balance term), Fourth Ward; W.G. Jones, M.C. Davis, Fifth Ward; J. Coulthart, H. Shiley, Sixth Ward.
1866 - Mayor, John L. Davis; Clerk, D.B. Nash; Treasurer, W.A. Remington; Marshal, Wm. Pool; Police Magistrate, C.G. Blood; Aldermen, C.H. Lage, G.M. Mathes, First Ward; H.H. Andressen, N. Kuhnen, Second Ward; A Warnebold, Marsh Noe, Third Ward; John S. Seymour, O.S. McNeil, Fourth Ward; M.C. Davis, W.G. Jones, Fifth Ward; J. Coulthart, J.M. Frizzell, Sixth Ward.
1867 - Mayor, M. Donohue; Clerk, John Lillis; Treasurer, Otto Klug; Marshal, J.W. Moore, W.T. Dittoe; Aldermen, G.M. Mathes, A.J. Littig, First Ward; H.H. Andressen, E. Claussen, Second Ward; N. Kuhen, P.B. Harding, Third Ward; J.S. Seymour, O.S. McNeil, Fourth Ward; M.E. Davis, Thos. Dermody, Fifth Ward; F. Cunningham, J.M. Frizzell, Sixth Ward.
1868 - Mayor, M. Donohue; Clerk, John Lillis; Treasurer, Otto Klug; Marshal, J. Kauffman; Police Magistrate, W.T. Dittoe; Aldermen, G.M. Mathes, A.F. Littig, First Ward; E. Claussen, Christ Krnse, Second Ward; P.B. Harding, H.A. Runge, Third Ward; O.S. McNeil, S.P. Bryant, Fourth Ward; Thomas Dermody, J.C. Conklin, Fifth Ward; J. Cunningham, J.M. Frizzell, Sixth Ward.
1869 - Mayor, James Renwick; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, W.A. Remington; Marshal, J. Kauffman; Police Magistrate, Bleik Peters; Aldermen, G.M. Mathes, John Tude, First Ward; Christ Kruse, H.F. Laverenz, Second Ward; H.A. Runge, Henry Hoch, Third Ward; S.P. Bryant, L.T. Eads, Fourth Ward; R. Gavin, T.W. McClelland, Fifth Ward; J.M. Frizzell, G.S. Shaw, Sixth Ward.
1870 - Mayor, J.M. Lyter; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, W.A. Remington; Marshal, J. Kauffman; Police Magistrate, Bleik Peters; Aldermen, John Tude, Ed. J. Jennings, First Ward; H.F. Laverenz, J.F. Miller, Second Ward; Henry Hoch, J.K. McCosh, Third Ward; L.T. Eads, J.N. Crawford, Fourth Ward; John Lillis, J.M. Dalzell, Fifth Ward; G.S. Shaw, Wallington Scott, Sixth Ward.
1871 - Mayor, John C. Bills; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, Ch. Tuerring; Marshal, J.A. Le Claire; Police Magistrate, Bleik Peters; Aldermen, Ed. J. Jennings, A. Woeber, First Ward; J.F. Miller, H.F. Laverenz, Second Ward; F.K. McCosh, Louis Feid, Third Ward; J.N. Crawford, E.E. Cook, Fourth Ward; J.M. Dalzell, E.B. Baldwin, Fifth Ward; W. Scott, G.S. Shaw, Sixth Ward.
1872 - Mayor, A.H. Bennett; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, Charles Tuerring; Marshal, J.A. Le Claire; Police Magistrate, Bleik Peters; Aldermen, A. Woeber, Henry Abel, First Ward; H.F. Laverenz, H. Lischer, Second Ward; Louis Feid, H.A.
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Purge, Third Ward; C.H. Frost, C.C. Cock, Fourth Ward; E.B. Baldwin, T.T. Dow, Fifth Ward; G.S. Shaw, W. Scott, Sixth Ward.
1873 - Mayor, J.H. Murphy; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, Charles Tuerring; Marshal, J.A. Le Claire; Police Magistrate, John Kauffman; Aldermen, Ed. J. Jennings, H. Abel, First Ward; H. Lischer, Otto Klug, Second Ward; H.A. Runge, C.H. Ficke, Third Ward; C.C. Cock, T.W. McClelland, Fourth Ward; T.T. Dow, Wm. Braithwaite, E. Grace resigned, Fifth Ward; L.H. Sears, G.S. Shaw, Sixth Ward.
1874 - Mayor, J.W. Stewart; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, Charles Tuerring; Marshal, J.A. Le Claire; Police Magistrate, John Kauffman; Aldermen, Ed. J. Jennings, C. Foster, First Ward; Otto Klug, H. Lischer, Second Ward; C.H. Ficke, Chas. Priester, Third Ward; T.W. McClelland resigned, J.E. Stevenson, W.F. Skinner, Fourth Ward; Wm. Braithwaite, T.T. Dow, Fifth Ward; G.S. Shaw, I.H. Sears, Sixth Ward.
1875 - Mayor, Roderick Rose; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, Chas. Tuerring; Marshal, Ed. J. Jennings; Policee Magistrate, John Kauffman; Aldermen, O. Foster, Thos. Scott, First Ward; Otto Klug, H. Lischer, Second Ward; Chas. Priester, C.H. Ficke, Third Ward; W.J. Skinner, J.E. Stevenson, Fourth Ward; T.T. Dow, J.L. Hebert, Fifth Ward; L.H. Sears, D. Stanchfield, Sixth Ward.
1876 - Mayor, Roderick Rose; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, C. Tuerring; Marshal, Ed. J. Jennings; Police Magistrate, John Kauffman; Aldermen, C. Foster, Thos. Scott, First Ward; Otto Klug, H.F. Laverenz, Second Ward; C.F. Knappe, C.H. Fiske, Third Ward; W.J. Skinner, J.E. Stevenson, Fourth Ward; Jos. Hebert, T.T. Dow, Fifth Ward; D.N. Richardson, Daniel Stanchfield, Sixth Ward.
1877 - Mayor, T.T. Dun [Correction submitted by Les Niemi 1/31/2002: "Mayor should read as T.T. Dow"]; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, Rudolph Priester; Marshal, Ed. J. Jennings; Police Magistrate, C.G. Blood; Aldermen, C. Foster, Thos. Scott, First Ward; Otto Klug, H.F. Laverenz, Second Ward; C.F. Knappe, Martin Kunkel, Third Ward; W.J. Skinner, W.L. Marks, Fourth Ward; A. Burdick, W.G. Jones, Fifth Ward; I.H. Sears, D.N. Richardson, Sixth Ward.
1878 - Mayor, John W. Thompson; Clerk, J.G. Tuerk; Treasurer, Rudolph Priester; Marshal, Lonis Feid; Police Magistrate, C.G. Blood; Aldermen, C. Foster, Thos.Scott, First Ward; Otto Klug, John Spetzer, Second Ward; Martin Kunkel, Leo Schumacher, Third Ward; M.L. Marks, O.S. McNeil, Fourth Ward; M.V. Gannon, A. Burdick, Fifth Ward; John Whitaker, L.H. Sears, Sixth Ward.
1879 - Mayor, Jerrie Murphy; Clerk, John Mc Stein; Treasurer, R. Priester; Marshal, Theo. Martins; Police Magistrate, John Kauffman; Aldermen, C.Foster, Henry Lamp, First Ward; Otto
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Klug, John Spitzen, Second Ward; Martin Kunkel, Leo Schumacher, Third Ward; O.S. McNeil, A.P. Doe, Fourth Ward; M.V. Gannon, James Dooley, Fifth Ward; J. Babcock, John Whitaker, Sixth Ward.
1880 - Mayor, Roderick Rose; Clerk, John McStein; Treasurer, R. Priester; Marshal, Theo. Martins; Police Magistrate, John Kauffman; Aldermen, Wm. O. Schmidt, Henry Lamp, First Ward; Otto Klug, Fritz Vulstedt, Second Ward; Martin Kunkel, Wm. Claussen, Third Ward; A.W. Cantwell, A.P. Doe, Fourth Ward; James Dooley, F.H. Hancock, Fifth Ward; John Whitaker, E.J. Babcock, Sixth Ward.
1881 - Mayor, John E. Henry; Clerk, John McStein; Treasurer, R. Priester; Marshal, Theo. Martins; Police Magistrate, Bernard Finger; Aldermen, Wm. O. Schmidt, N. Kramback, First Ward; Fritz Volstedt, F.G. Claussen, Second Ward; Wm. Claussen, Henry Karwarth, Third Ward; A.W. Cantwell, John Hoyt, Fourth Ward; F.H. Hancock, G.R. Marvin, Fifth Ward; John Whitaker, W.F. Fidlar, Sixth Ward.
THE POSTOFFICE The first postoffice established in this neighborhood was on the island, Col. Davenport being the first postmaster. This was in 1824. Previous to this, during the occupancy of the island by Government troops, the mails came in at very irregular intervals, by military manipulation, once a year or oftener, as supplies or reinforcements were sent in. When Col. Davenport was appointed the nearest office was at the little town of Atlas, on the Illinois River, about three miles from its mouth. It was between this point and the island, about 300 miles distant, that the mail- carriers, either on foot or horseback, made trips once a month. A few years later the nearest postoffice was at Clarksville, Mo., 245 miles away; then the service got up as far as Hannibal, 208 miles, and a little later to Quincy, 183 miles. Between the island and Quincy the mail service was performed by Rev. Peter Williams, a Methodist minister. A local writer says of him: "Meager as to education, but chuck full of zeal, he faithfully served Uncle Sam and his Divine Master at the same time, delivering his mail and his rousing old backwoods Methodist sermons at the same time. Despite the well-known text upon the subject, he did serve two masters, and did it well. Parson Peter's loftiest efforts were reserved for the sinful men of sanguinary war who peopled Fort Armstrong. At that point, of a Sunday, in his plain, ungrammatical style, did the venerable old man thunder forth the gospel with most earnest vehemence. He was a Methodist, with the bark on, and he took no pains to conceal it. He was the pioneer Methodist of these parts, probably the first preacher of any denomination among the white men in this vicinity."
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The route from Quincy to the island was suspended in 1829 or 1830, and the island mail came in by way of Chicago and Galena, by horseback from the latter place until about 1835, when it commenced coming by vehicle by way of Dixon, and it kept coming by that route until the advent of the steam horse. In 1838 there were several mail routes into this vicinity, bringing mail about half the days of the week.
Col. Davenport was in possession of the office several years before he was properly sworn in. Judge Irwin, of the U.S. Supreme Court, by chance visited the island and administered the long-neglected oath of office. Mr. Davenport was postmaster on the island until Nov. 25, 1834, when his charge was turned over to Miles Conway, at Farnamsburg, now Rock Island.
Davenport was the first point in Scott County endowed with postal honors, Antoine LeClaire receiving a commission as the first postmaster, April 19, 1836. He received his mail from the Stephenson (now Rock Island) office, and brought the the letters there from his coat-tail pocket. It is said the first quarter's commission netted Mr. LeClaire an actual income of 75 cents!
In December, 1836, D.C. Eldridge opened a store in a little log house down on the corner of Front and Ripley streets, and Mr. Le Claire made him his deputy, and gave him charge of the office. The duties of this office were not yet burdensome, though provisions were made for bringing the mail over in a mail bag. Mr. Eldridge closed out his store in a year or two, and in the summer of 1838 built a little one-story brick house on the corner of Third and Brady streets, for his future residence, and just east of it, upon the same lot, erected the little brick office for a postoffice. It was not much of a building, and would but poorly accommodate the business of to-day. But it was a neat little affair, and really a great improvement in its day. There was plenty of room for the neat little array of boxes, and for two or three city magnates to sit and talk awhile with the agreeable and chatty postmaster. It was the first expressly built postoffice building in Davenport, and the last. From a well-written article by D.N. Richardson, the following extract is taken: "Mr. Eldridge ended his service as deputy in February, 1838, and was now commander-in-chief of the department, receiving his commission through the influence of Gen. George W. Jones, of Dubuque, then delegate in Congress for Wisconsin Territory. Mr. Eldridge had formed the acquaintance of the General in 1835, while moving into this country, and afterward met him at Burlington, in 1837, while the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature was there in session, before which body he was a candidate for further Congressional honors. Mr. Eldridge was a Whig and the General a Democrat, but politics didn't amount to much on the border in those days, and if it did it didn't make any difference in this case. The General took a liking to Mr. Eldridge and got him the position, which he held, with but a single recess, for more than a dozen years. "The postoffice remained in
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the little brick office for nearly two years, but in 1840 was removed to the White Hall tavern, but then newly erected upon the site now occupied by the Democrat building, Mr. Eldridge being its host. The postoffice was kept in the bar-room of the White Hall for little more than a year, when Mr. Eldridge retired from hotel-keeping and established a handsome and spacious reading-room in the basement of Le Claire house. The postoffice was removed into the reading-room and there remained until 1843, when a little frame bakery down on Main street was fitted up for its occupancy, and the reading-room abandoned to other less literary uses. "Here Mr. Eldridge kept his office until the inauguration of James K. Polk as President, in March, 1845, soon after which the office was handed over to John Forest, the village justice. In the same building did Squire Forest hold his court and handle the mail during the entire Polk administration. He informs us that he was unfortunate in his official career, in that about the time he entered upon his duty, the rate of postage was reduced from 25, 18 3/4 and 12 1/2 cents per letter to 10 and 5 cents, which interference on the part of the Government in favor of letter-writing masses for a while very seriously curtailed his percentage, which was no higher under the new arrangement than under the old. This trouble was but temporary, however, for under the reduced postage system the mail bags became much more weighty after awhile, and the receipts got to be quite satisfactory before his office term had expired. He remained postmaster until the summer of 1849, when Gen. Taylor, having assumed the Presidential chair, executed a commission to the former incumbent, and D.C. Eldridge again became postmaster. Upon taking hold of the office that gentleman removed it to Second street, into a new brick store building. He had bought out two drug stores just before, on of Dr. John F., now Judge Dillon, and another of Alfred Sanders, editor of the Gazette, and consolidated the pills and pestles in the aforesaid new two-story brick. So the drugs and mail matter were both dealt out over the same counter.
This new postoffice location made trouble. It was away out in the country, the bulk of the city being between Main and Ripley streets. The people wanted very much to know what the mischief he was carting the postoffice away up to Princeton for? They wanted their mail, and they didn't want to hunt all over the prairies for it, either! Petitions were circulated, numerously signed, and forwarded to Washington, where the grievances of the people were taken under advisement. The Department called on Mr. Eldridge for an example of his sudden movement toward the lead mines. The worthy official responded by saying that he had sought to serve the intersects of the Department by removing the office from a rickety old frame to a substantial brick, and the entire distance between the old postoffice and the new was but about 500 feet by actual tape-line measure, and he believed it to be his duty to keep it there. So the Government thought, and so the difficulty ended.
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"The office remained there. In November, 1852, was Gen. Frank Pierce chosen President. Mr. Eldridge wanted to spend the winter in Cincinnati, and concluded to give up the office, knowing that a change would probably be made in the spring, so he forwarded his resignation in favor of William Van Tuyl, a well known Democrat, then as now a resident of Davenport. Mr. Van Tuyl was duly appointed postmaster, and continued in the office in the same place until the following spring, when the Pierce administration came into power.
"The record is now brought down to the spring of 1853, at which time Davenport had a population of about 3,000, and was on the eve of rapid increase. The Pierce administration had assumed the reins of government. While the people of Davenport had no reason to find fault with the manner in which Postmaster Van Tuyl had conducted the affairs of his office, the Democrats did object to the manner of his appointment. There were other aspirants to the position in the field, among whom were A.F. Mast, T.D. Eagal, editor of the Democratic Banner, Richard Shields and Gilbert Mc Kown, who with their backers vigorously disputed the right of Mr. Eldridge, the former incumbent and a Whig, to dictate as to which of the probably hungry and certainly expectant Democracy should enjoy the spoils of the glorious Democratic victory.
"The general disquiet culminated in an appeal to Gen. George W. Jones, still a member of Congress from this State, who, not wishing to take the postal bull by the horns, directed, as there were several candidates in the field, the choice of the Democracy be indicated by ballot. So they met at the court-house one quiet spring morning and voted - as usual. After a ballot or two Mr. Eagal withdrew his name in favor of Mr. Mast, who was the fortunate candidate. His name was sent forward and in due time his commission arrived. Mr. Van Tuyl, being of the opinion that his position would be sustained, did not go to the caucus, and so lost his office.
" Mr. Mast assumed control of the office and held it for eight years. Its location remained on Second street, near Brady, about three months, during which time he put up a new postoffice building on the corner of the alley on Brady, below Second street, which room becoming too small was deserted in 1855 for more commodious quarters further up Brady street.
"When Mr. Mast entered the office, Davenport was just becoming a point of importance. The Chicago & Rock Island Railroad was approaching completion; seven four-horse mail coaches of Frink & Walker's line left this place daily for various Western points. The Western mail arrived by way of Muscatine, at mid-night, and about the office on the arrival and departure of the mails there was that noise and bustle, rattling of coach wheels, prancing of horses, cracking of whips, and slinging of mail bags that will never be seen again. In those days, and until 1861, the postoffice boxes, now the property of the Department, belonged to the postmaster, together with all their proceeds. This income, to-
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gether with the usual percentage of 40 per cent on mail matter, amounted to about $800 the first year; increased to $3,300 in 1856 and 1857, and then under pressure of the panic subsided to $2,000 a year, in the later part of his official term. With the exception of a few months at the beginning, Richard Smotham was with him the entire term; and during the flush times spoken of, three clerks were employed. The opening of the mails on Sunday mornings in those times afforded a rare sight, the 'general delivery' patrons being numerous and anxious. Taking place in line as they arrived, the 'rear sergeant' generally found himself well nigh out of sight at the postoffice. At that time the Davenport postoffice was only one of three postoffices in the United States that had a surplus over expenses. The room, which was originally about 50 feet deep, was extended some 30 feet farther back by tearing away the partition and taking in what was then the city marshal's office.
"In the spring of 1861, President Lincoln having been inaugurated, Charles H. Eldridge, having distanced all competitors, who were neither few nor far between, was commissioned to take the office. The city had grown during Mr. Mast's term to a place of 15,000 when Mr. Eldridge went into the office. The war broke out about that time and postal matters became very important. The business of the office swelled rapidly again. Mr. Eldridge remained in charge until April 1, 1864, when his resignation was accepted, and Edward Russell, head clerk in the office, was appointed in his stead. Again the office was found to be too small, and was removed to its present location, in the fall of 1864.
"President Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, and Andrew Johnson reigned in his stead, and many were the official heads that tumbled into the gutter in those days. On the first of December in that year, Gen. Add. H. Sanders, the eighth postmaster of Davenport, presented A.J.'s commission and took Mr. Russell's place. Mr. Russell had really been removed on the 5th of October preceeding, but by reason of a sturdy fight carried on by Mr. Price, then in Congress, the 'taking off' was delayed until December.
"Mr. Russell retired in good order to the editorial room of the Gazette, of which paper he had been for some time editor-in-chief, and among quills, ink, paste-pot and scissors, bided his time until he should be able to ring the official neck of his official enemy. Gen. Grant was elected President in 1868, and in May, 1869, the coveted hour came; the gutter swapped heads, and Mr. Russell assumed control and holds until the present time.
"Davenport has been a postal point 38 [now 45] years, and has had eight different postmasters: Antoine Le Claire, D.C. Eldridge, John Forest, William Van Tuyl, A.F. Mast, C.H. Eldridge, Edward Russell and Add. H. Sanders. The aspirants have been numerous; verily their bones whiten in the political burying grounds. Of the successful ones, but one has passed from earth, or Davenport. Great changes have taken place since Antoine Le Claire and his successor, D.C. Eldridge, brought the
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Davenport mails over from Stephenson in their hats or coat-tail pockets. Then the first quarter's salary amounted to less than a dollar; probably less than 50 letters were handled. Now they come in daily by the thousand. The position is a lucrative one. Then for several years the postmaster was wont to deliver letters to his patrons as he met them on the street; now he sends forth squads of men in uniform to scatter the heavy mails throughout the city. But recently the crowd assembled at mail openings, and the people who called at the postoffice during each day numbered in the thousands. Now under the free delivery system it has dwindled down to a mere shadow of its former self. Time was when the principal number of letters were mailed at 25 cents, prepayment optional. Now you may write four pages and send it for three cents, or order $10,000 worth of goods on a postal card. But a few years ago sending money by mail was extra hazardous; now by systems of registration and postal orders, you may transmit all you are worth in a short time and with perfect safety. Mail coming is no longer anxiously looked for; it is coming all the time, morning, noon and night. Mr. Eldridge tells us that time was when it was a great financial question how to take out a 25-cent letter. Money was painfully scarce, and often he delivered them on credit, taking pay in farm and garden produce, day's work, and barter generally.