Scott Co, Iowa - IAGenWeb Project







Financial Condition of County-Militia-TerritorialCouncil-Meetings-Town of Davenport Organized-Growth of Village-Naviagation ofRock River-First Church-Subscribers-Fire Department-Original TemperanceSociety-Schools-Death of W. B. Conway-Resolutions.

It may be a matter of curiosity to many to know the expenses andreceipts, in detail, of the County, during the first year of its existence. The following is the statement for the year ending January, 1839:



For licenses to merchants and pedlars,$120.75
For licenses to tavern keepers,    74.75
For licenses to ferry keepers,     23.00
Fine against Boile & McConnel for selling goods without a license,     10.00
Tax on John Wilson's ferry charter,     20.00
From collector of taxes, on account of tax list of 1838,    249.03


Expenses of meeting of Commissioners, including pay of Commissioners,Clerk, Sheriff, and rent of rooms,$138.00
Expenses of laying out new roads,  166.75
Assessing,    56.25
Book and stationary for use of County,    26.52
Expenses of five elections,  231.35
Expenses District Court, October Term,  115.63
Extra services of Clerk,    37.50
Expenses of copies of road law, ferry law, &c.,      9.50

The tax list for 1838, was eight hundred ninety-one dollars forty cents, ofwhich only some two hundred forty-nine dollars three cents had been collected. If all had been, there would have remained to the County a balance ofthree hundred fifty-eight dollars forty cents.

This statement will give the reader a very fair idea of the financialcondition of the County at that time.

An act having been passed by the Territorial Legislature to organize anddiscipline the Militia of the Territory, Gov. Lucas, in June, issued a generalorder dividing the Territory into Military districts.  The counties ofScott, Cedar, and Linn, formed the first regiment, and a part of the secondbrigade, and were included in the third General Division.  John H.Sullivan, of Scott county, was appointed one of the Aids-de-Camp to theCommander-in-Chief.  Only one drill was ever had here, which will benoticed in its proper place.

The first session of the Territorial Legislature was by no means harmonious. The Governor endeavored to check the expenditures of the Legislature,which was resented by the latter; and a resolution was passed, in which theyassert that the Governor "is not incested with advisatory or restrainingpowers over the Legislature, further than the disapproval of bills, memorials,and resolutions, presented for his signature."  A committee, also,consisting of James W. Grimes, C. Swan, Laurel Summers, and Hawkins Taylor,reported that the Governor had no right to veto certain bills of expenditurepassed by the Legislature.

This Report created considerable excitement, and meetings were heldeverywhere to take action upon it.  One was held at the house of Col. T. C.Eads, in Parkhurst, at which Gov. Lucas was cordially upheld, his patriotismeulogised, and his statesmanship, virtues, and private life, unequivocallylauded and endorsed.

The following appointments were made by the Legislature and Governor forScott county: Willard Barrows, Notary Public; Ebenezer Cook, Judge of Probate;Adrian H. Davenport, Sheriff; Isaac A. Hedges, and John Porter, Justices ofPeace for Scott county.

The town of Davenport was incorporated by this Legislature.  The firstelection for township officers was held April first.  Rodolphus Bennett waselected Mayor, Frazer Wilson Recorder, and Dr. A. C. Donaldson, D. C. Eldredge,John Forrest, Thomas Dillon, and Capt. John Litch, Trustees.

The river opened February twenty-eight.  There was during this winter,scarcely any snow, and the whole season was more like Spring than aught else. Business opened briskly this Spring, as the following from the Aprilnumber of the Sun shows:  "Since the opening of navigation ourlovely little village has been thronged with travelers and emigrants.  Thetide of emigration is so great to this place, that it is almost impossible toprocure houses to accommodate them; although our carpenters are busily engagedin putting up houses, yet still, they are filled as fast as erected, and thedemand appears to increase.  The demand is so great that it requires six oreight houses to be completed weekly to supply the wants of emigrants. Forty or fifty losts have been sold the past week.  Our wharves, orrather our shores, are crowed with families and merchandize.  Our farmershave sowed their spring-wheat, oats, and flax, and our prairies are in manyplaces covered with a mantle of green, bespangled with the most beautifulflowers!"

These facts, for people in Pennsylvania, New York, and the New EnglandStates, are full of interest.  such a time, as early in April, Easternfarmers are scarcely, if ever, free from snow-banks and chilling winds, acontrast which shows the immense superiority of Iowa in geniality.

The steamboat arrivals were from one to seven each day.

The Town Council held its first Session April twentieth.  James M.Boling was appointed Treasurer, Wm. Nichols Street Commissioner, and W. H.Patten Marshal.

An advertisement, in April, states that the light draught keel-boat, G. M.Searl, will start from Stephenson, and go up rock River to Rockford.  Itneed scarcely be added that boats do not now ascend this stream.

A company was organized about this time, which was called the "RockRiver and Mississippi Steam Navigation Company."  Their object isindicated in the name.  Daniel G. Gornsey, G. C. R. Mitchell, and SylvesterTalcott, were Directors, Antoine LeClaire Treasurer, and Geo. Myers, Secretary. Although most of these gentlemen have now a sufficiency of the world'sgoods, it is not probable that they made a very large share by the navigation ofRock River.

The extensive pineries of Wisconsin began to send their products to Davenportthis year by way of rafts - and brought from thirty dollars to thirty-fivedollars per thousand feet.

At the third meeting of the Town Council, in May, Dr. Donaldson resigned hisseat, and Andrew F. Russel was appointed to fill the vacancy.  On motion,it was Resolved, That the temporary seal of this Council be an Americantwenty-five cent peice.

On the twenty-third of May, St. Anthony's Church was dedicated by Rt. Rev.Bishop Loras, of Dubuque, assisted by very Rev. S. Muzzuchelli.  TheCatholic Advocate thus speaks of the matter, after highly complimentingthe beauty of the place:

"Mr. Antoine LeClaire, a wealthy Frenchman, and a zealous and exemplaryChristian, in partnership with Mr. Davenport, has generously granted to theCatholic Congregation, in the very center of the town, a whole square, includingten lots, in the middle of which he has built, partly at his own expense, a finebrick Church, with a schoolroom attached. *  *  *  *  Inorder to lay in Davenport a lasting foundation for the Catholic religion, ourBishop has purchased half a square for a hospital, and several other lots forpurposes of the same kind. *   *   *   *

*  The Church has St. Peter for its primary, and St. Anthony for itssecondary patron."

The Rev. Mr. Pelamourgues, who first assumed charge of the Church, stillretains it.

As this was the first Church erected in Davenport, it may not beuninteresting to publish the list of subscribers, and other matters connectedwith its foundation:

"At a meeting of the Catholics of Davenport and vicinity, held on thefirst day of December, 1839, for the purpose of regulating the Church accountsof said town, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

1.  Resolved, That a Board of three Trustees be regularly electedby the Congregation, to open a subscription, collect its amounts, and pay allstanding debts incurred for the purchase of the ground and for the building ofSt. Anthony's Church of Davenport.

2.  Resolved, That the Trustees be elected for the term of threeyears, and that after said period, a new election of Trustees shall be made.

3.  Resolved, That the Rev. John A. Pelamourgues, AntoineLeClaire, and Geo. L. Davenport, be the Trustees of the Catholic Congregationnof Davenport and vicinity, for the purpose and time above mentioned.

                                                   SAMUEL MUZZUCHELLI, Secretary







Antoine LeClaire   $2500.00$3500.00
Bishop M. Loras       150.00    150.00
Rev. S. Muzzuchelli         50.00      20.00
Rev. J. A. M. Pelamourgues         50.00      22.00
Nathaniel Mitchell         20.00      20.00
G. C. R. Mitchell         20.00      20.00
Adam Noel         25.00 
John Noel         25.00 
George L. Davenport         25.00 
George Meyers         25.00 
David Barry         25.00 
Richard Shial         25.00 
C. Harold         25.00 
W. B. Watts         20.00     10.00
Otho G. M'Lain         15.00 
Michael Riley         15.00 
Narcisse Yerten         25.00 
James O'Kelly         10.00 
Patrick Fox         10.00 
Thomas O'Kelly         10.00 
Patrick Carrol         10.00 
Alexis LeClaire         10.00      10.00
David LeClaire         10.00      10.00
James Lindsey         10.00 
James Wicks           8.00        3.00
Harvey Sturdevant           5.00 
Patrick Hogan           5.00 
Louis G. Trudeau           5.00 
John Brossard           5.00 
John Trucks         15.00 




Mrs. Margaret LeClaire         25.00      10.00
Mrs. Conway         15.00      15.00
Mrs. Ruth Trucks         10.00      10.00
Mrs. Annie Finch           5.00 
Miss Felicite LeClaire           5.00 
___ Mary Trucks           5.00 
___ Mary Long           5.00 
___ Matilda Long           5.00 
___ Mary Finch           1.00 
Sarah Ann Lindsey           5.00 




A Lot 320 feet square in the town of Davenport$2500.00
Brick for building the Church    827.00
Lumber and Shingles    843.25
Hardware    167.60
Glass, putty, paints, oil painting, and glazing    206.00
Mason work    488.00
Carpenter work    589.00
Plastering    263.50
A bell    102.00
Sundry articles for the Altar    107.00
Three Stoves      45.75
Fuel, and two days labor      14.00


LeClaire's Second Addition was laid out in May.  It extended from Bradystreet, and included sixteen blocks of ten lots each.  Some sixty lots weresold the first week, on all of which the purchasers bound themselves to erectdwellings in time, varying from six to twelve months.

The District Court held its second session in May.  But little businesswas done, and there was not, we are told, a "single indictment against aresident of Scott county."  Good for the morals of our worthypredecessors.

In the August election of this year, there were three tickets put innomination.  One from Davenport, another at Rockingham, and a third calledthe Union ticket.  The Rockingham faction elected their Representatives -Laurel Summers and J. M. Robertson - two out of the three County Commissioners;Treasurer, Ira Cook; Assessor, and most of the lesser officers.  Davenportelected A. F. Russel, Surveyor, and J. Work, County Commissioner.

The Davenport Ticket for Representatives were G. C. R. Mitchell and AbnerBeard.  The election turned mainly upon the County seat difficulty; and itis seen that Rockingham this time was ahead.  This was owing to a unionwith the town of LeClaire; - the latter place being induced to work againstDavenport, in order to, at some future time, secure a division of the county,with LeClaire as County Seat.  To assist in bringing this about was theprice paid by Rockingham to LeClaire for its assistance - and most egregiouslywere our up-river friends of LeClaire humbugged by this promise.

The level established by the town Council, from which all grades were to betaken, was the "south door sill" of Antoine LeClaire's store on Frontstreet.  When anything was reported as being so much above or below level,it was understood to mean simply so much above or below the said door sill. The same meeting organized the first Fire Department.  This consistedin obliging every man inhabiting a house to have in his possession twofire-buckets, and to use them in case of a fire.

The original Temperance Society made its appearance about this time. The Rev. Mr. Turner claims its paternity.  He lectured twice sopowerfully, that his total abstinance pledge received fifty-six signatures atonce.  The Mayor, Mr. Bennett, was its first President, upon itsorganization, August sixth.  It commenced with some eighty members.

A "Female Seminary" was opened in September by the Misses O'Hara. The "Davenport Forum" also made its debut about thistime.  The "Rock Island Seminary" was also in existence at thistime, under the care of Rev. M. Hummer.  A common school was also openedabout the same time by a Mr. Blood.

About the first of October, or thereabouts, a steam ferry boat was startedbetween this place and Stephenson by John Wilson.  It was a smallinstitution, comparatively, but was infinitely superior to the flat boats whichhad hitherto labored between the two places.

November sixth was a dark day in the calendar of events - for it marked asone upon which the gifted Wm B. Conway, Secretary of the Territory,departed from his sphere of usefulness, and from the presence of friends andadmirers, "to return no more."  He died at Burlington, and hisbody was received here on the ninth, by a Committee appointed for the purpose,and was conveyed to St. Anthony's Church, where the solemn services for the deadwere performed by the Rev. Father Pelamorgues.  A meeting was held on themorning of the ninth, whose proceedings are given in full:

PUBLIC MEETING. - At a meeting of the citizens of Davenport, convened atDavenport Hotel on Saturday, Nov. 9, 1839, to testify their respect for thememory of William B. Conway deceased, late Secretary of the Territory of Iowa,T. S. Hoge was called to the chair, and G. C. R. Mitchell appointed Secretary.

On motion, it was ordered that John H. Thorington, Thomas S. Hoge, Duncan C.Eldredge, Ira Cook, G. C. R. Mitchell, Richard Pearce, Antoine Le Claire andJohn Owens, be appointed a Committee to make the necessary arrangements for thefuneral of the deceased, and also to draft and report resolutions expressive ofthe sense of this meeting.

The committee having retired for a short time reported the followingresolutions which were unanimously adopted.

Resolved, That this meeting has heard with the most profound regret ofthe death of William B. Conway, Esq. late Secretary of the Territory of Iowa. Possessing a mind richly cultivated and improved, a disposition amiableand kind, he was generous and hospitable; of manners the most bland andcourteous, respected, honored and beloved by all who knew him.  We feelthat in his death this neighborhood has lost its brightest ornament and theTerritory one of its ablest and most worthy officers and highly valued citizens.

2.  Resolved,  That this meeting sincerely condole with thefamily of the deceased, in their severe and deep affliction, and pray that Hewho tempers the blast to the shorn lamb, may support and protect them.

3.  Resolved,  That as a mark of respect for the memory ofthe deceased, we will wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

4.  Resolved,  That the proceedings of this meeting besigned by the chairman and Secretary, and the Iowa Sun and other papersthroughout the Territory be requested to publish the same.

5.  Resolved,  That Antoine LeClaire and G. C. R. Mitchellbe and they are hereby appointed a committee to deliver a copy of theproceedings of this meeting to the respected Widow of the deceased.

                                               TH. S. HOGE, Chairman.

G. C. R. Mitchell, Secretary.

On the eleventh, a meeting of the Bar of the Territory of Iowa was held atBurlington to testify respect to the memory of the deceased, and the followingwas their expression.

"A distressing dispensation of Providence having deprived us of thesociety of one of our body, whom, during his residence among us, we had learnedwarmly to esteem, we feel called upon to express our deep regret for hisuntimely death, and of the estimation which his amiable and excellent qualitiesuniversally commanded.  Therefore -

Resolved,  That our brother, the late William B. Conway, had, byhis amiable manners, unexceptionable deportment, as a member of the Bar, greatlyendeared himself to his associates, the members of the Bar, of the Territory,generally.

Resolved,  That by his death the Bar has been deprived of an ablemember, the Territory of a faithful officer and valuable citizen, ourselves of adevoted friend, and his wife and child of their only protector.

Resolved,  That we take this method of expressing our deep regretat his untimely death, and of our condolence with the relatives of the deceased,and of bearing testimony to his many virtues.

Resolved,  That we testify our respect for the memory of ourdeceased brother by wearing the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.

Resolved,  That David Rorer, Esq., present these resolutions tothe Supreme Court of the Territory for the purpose of having them entered on therecord of the Court.

                                                        CHARLES MASON, Chairman.

WM. J. A. BRADFORD, Secretary.

Burlington, Nov. 11, 1839

A paint shop, by Riddle & Morton, a wagon shop, by S. P. Whitney, and adrug store, by C. Lesslie, were opened this year, and were the "first"of each kind.  Four churches were also organized - Congregational,Disciple, Baptist, and Catholic.


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