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There is one picture included with this Chapter, MOUNT IDAFEMALE COLLEGE.  To view the picture please go to the Scott county mainpage and click on Davenport Past and Present and go to the Picture Index forthis book.


The State of Iowa possesses a liberal Educational system -having obtained from Congress a grant of five hundred thousand acres of land,whose proceeds are devoted entirely to the support of Common and AcademicSchools.  While the State has taken such a high postition in theencouragement of Education, Davenport is nowise behind.  Schools are amplein number, and first in character; and this is equally applicable to bothpublic and private institutions.  The buildings belonging to the publicschools are almost without exception, costly and commodious structures, whichcombine at once elegance, consideration of health and convenience. 


SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2. - There are in this District nine hundredand seventy-six children entitled to school privledges, and an averageattendance of two hundred and fifty.

The District was organized 1853, and the same year a stone housewas erected corner of Perry and Seventh streets, at a cost of eight thousanddollars.  It is two stories in height, with a basement residence for thePrincipal, and will comfortably accomodate five hundred scholars.

The school is graded - having Private, Intermediate, and GrammarSchool Departments.  There are included in the branches taught, besidesthat common, Higher Mathematics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, Physiology,History, Drawing, Book Keeping, &c.

J.H. Bowers, Principal; Miss Sarah Bradley, Assistant in GrammarSchool; Miss Julia Humphrey, Intermediate Department; Misses Mary Slater andElizabeth Bowers, Primary Department.

SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 17. - District organized, and brick schoolhouse sufficient for ninety scholars - erected in 1855 - on Sixteenth street,between Main and Harrison street.  There are now in the District threehundred and ninety-three school children.

This winter the school-house accomodations were found to beentirely insufficient, and three schools were, therefore opened as follows:

First School - (in brick school house,) average attendance, onehundred and twenty.  Frank M'Clellan, Teacher; Miss A.M. Lindsley,Assistant.

Second School - On Brady street, north of Locust.  Averageattendance, forty-nine.  Peter Van Ornam, Teacher.

Third School - Corner of Rock Island and Locust street.  Averageattendance, thirty.  Miss E.J. Kelly, Teacher.

SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 5. - This District returns three hundred andthree school children, with ninety as the average attendance.

There is a fine two story stone school-house, forty bytwenty-five feet, and capable of accomodating about one hundred and twentyscholars; corner of Second and Pine streets; it was erected in 1855, andenlarged in 1857 - cost about three thousand dollars.  The District wasorganized in 1850.  J.B. Coates, Teacher; Miss A.W. Reed, Assistant.

This District embraces the Third street West End settlement, andextends beyond the city limits.

SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 7. - Organized in 1850.  There are nowtwelve hundred school children, with an average attendance in the public schoolof three hundred and eighty.  In 1857, a large, and handsome brickschool-house, 42 by 62 feet, and three stories, (with grounds for calisthenicexercises attached,) was erected at a cost of about sixteen thousand dollars;corner of Warren and Sixth streets.

The school is thoroughly graded, and in addition to commonstudies, embraces all the higher branches of a complete English education.

A.S. Kissell, Principal; Miss M.A. Scofield, Assistant inGrammar School; Miss M.M. Townley, Secondary Department; Miss Helen Lusk,Secondary Department; Miss M.M. Lyon, first Assistant in Primary Department;Miss Sarah E. Washburn, and Miss C.E. Williams, Primary Department.

SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 10. - Organized in 1854.  Children inDistrict, two hundred and thirty-seven; average attendance, sixty-eight.

There is a respectable frame school-house, capable ofaccomodating eighty scholars, on Main street, west of Mound, (East Davenport.)

A.M. Geiger, Teacher; Miss Cornelia M'Carn, Assistant.




GERMAN AND ENGLISH SCHOOL. - Established in 1857, in the St.Kunigunda Catholic Church; has sixty scholars.  Henry Koehler, Teacher.

CATHOLIC SCHOOL. - Large two story frame school-house on ChurchSquare, rear of St. Anthony's Church, erected in 1856; which was, however, onlyan addition to other school buildings near at hand.  This school was firstopened in 1839, by Rev. J.A.M. Pelamourgues.  There are now aboutforty-seven scholars in attendance.

Rev. J.A.M. Pelamourgues, Principal; J.D. Smith, and Mrs.Sullivan, Assistants in Male Department.

Eight Sisters conduct the Female Department.

GERMAN SCHOOL. - Brick school-house, corner of Warren and Fourthstreets.  Established in 1853; sixty-two scholars.  John H. True,Teacher.

SELECT SCHOOLS. - L.C. Burwell, in Grigg's Hall block -thirty-two scholars.

Miss Byron, in For st's block - fifteen scholars.

Misses Lyon & Munn, corner Perry and Fifth streets -thirty-five scholars.

Misses Severance & Bennett, in Bailey's Hall.

Mrs. Stevens, on Main street, above Eighth - eighteen scholars.

W. Wier, on Main street, opposite Catholic church - twelvescholars.

Mrs. N. Crockett, Young's block, Brady street - twenty scholars.

GERMAN AND AMERICAN INSTITUTE - On Scott street, between Thirdand Fourth.  W. Riepe and Louise Riepe, teachers, - thirty scholars.  Ladiesand Boys' Departments.

DAVENPORT COMMERCIAL COLLEGE - In Jacoby's new building, cornerof Third and Perry streets.  The course embraces Double Entry Book-keeping,as applicable to every branch of Trade, viz: Wholesale, Retail, Forwarding andCommission, Banking, Steam Boating, Joint Stock and Compound Company Business,both individual and Partnership, and as comprehensive as at any similarInstitution in the United States.

Commercial Calculations and Correspondence form a part of thecourse, together with a course of Lectures on Commercial Law, by an ablelecturer.  There is in connection with the Institution, and under theimmediate supervision of the Principals, a Ladies Department, in whichBook-keeping and Penmanship will be thoroughly taught.  Every facility willbe afforded to pupils to enable them to complete the course in the shortestpossible time.  J.C. Lopez, Principal; W.H. Pratt, Assistant Principal.

MOUNT IDA FEMALE COLLEGE. - This Institution was organized inDavenport, and commenced its first Session on the 7th day of September, 1857,under the direction of  Rev. M. McKendree Tooke, A.M., and Lady, throughwhose instrumentality the "Mount Ida College Association" has recentlybeen organized, and under whose auspices this College is placed.

The principal object of this Association is the promotion of thehigher educational interests of the Young Ladies of the West.

The unfinished building, formerly designed as the "LadiesCollege," which was commenced and prosecuted with commendable energy for atime, by Mr. T.H. Codding, has recently been purchased, and is now being fittedup in the most approved style of Eastern Colleges.  The Boarding Hall, (nowneatly finished.) and dormitories, are sufficiently commodious to accommodateone hundred Young Ladies as boarders.  The Session Rooms have just beenfurnished with the nicest styles of Boston furniture, diagonally arranged, andthe three commodious parlors have been neatly prepared, grained, carpeted, andfurnished with new and elegant pianos, &c., for the accommodation of theMusical and Ornamental Department.

The building itself, is a substantial brick edifice, fourstories high, and when enlarged and completed, as now designed, with two wings,each fronting the river on Third street thirty-five feet, and extendingnorthward, parallel with Bridge and College avenues, eighty feet, making in alla front one hundred and thirty feet by eighty, rear, and finished withappropriate embellishments, verandahs, observatory &c., with groundsbeautifully laid out, and newly fenced - will cost, it is thought, inclusive ofthe beautiful plat of four acres of ground upon which it is situated, betweenseventy-five and one hundred thousand dollars, and will accommodate from threeto five hundred students.

The College is situated on a delightful eminence in the easternpart of the city, surrounded by a beautiful grove, overlooking the main part ofthe city of  Davenport, with her sister cities of Rock Island and Moline infull view, and commands a most enchanting view of the celebrated "Father ofWaters" for a distance of nearly sixteen miles, with its life-like steamerspassing and repassing almost every hour.

This combines most charmingly for educational purposes, all theadvantages both of country and city location, and in general healthfulness,purity of moral atmosphere, sublimity and beauty of scenery, is not excelled, itis thought, by that of any similar Institution of this nation.  The centralpostition also of this enterprise, will always render it easy of access from allpoints of compass - from North and South, by the palace-like Packets upon theMississippi: and from east and west, by the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad,which crosses the Mississippi upon the magnificent Railroad Bridge near FortArmstrong, in full view of the College edifice, and the Mississippi and MissouriRailroad passing on Westward through the interior of Iowa, intersected byvarious railroad branches.

Four Departments are established in this Institution, viz:

1.  A Model School for Misses.

2.  An Academic Department, preparatory to entering theCollegiate.

3.  A Collegiate Department, embracing substantially theScientific and Classical course recently established for Female Colleges, by aConvention of Presidents of Colleges held at Cincinnati, Ohio.

4.  A Musical and Ornamental Department.

This college being incorporated with the highest collegiatepowers, full and formal Diplomas conferring appropriate literary degrees, areawarded to those Young Ladies who sustain a satisfactory examination in theprescribed course of study, or such other branches as may by the Faculty andCurators be deemed equivalent.

FACULTY. - Rev. M. McKendree Tooke, A.M., President, Prof. ofIntellectual and Moral Science, and Belles Lettres.

Rev. D.R. Carrier, A.M., Prof. of Ancient Languages andMathematics.

Mrs. L.P. Tooke, M. P. L., Adj. Prin., Prof. of ModernLanguages, and Ornamental Branches.

Mrs. D.R. Carrier, M.P.L., Teacher of Natural Science and higherEnglish branches.

Miss Matie J. Tooke, Teacher of Vocal and Instrumental Music.

Mrs. Mary A. Soule, Assistant Teacher in Academic and ModelSchool Department.

Miss Lucia A. Crandall, Assistant Teacher on Piano Forte andGuitar.

Rev. Justus Soule, Steward, and Financial Agent.

A large and intelligent Board of Council and Visitors, have beenselected from this and adjacent cities.  The following gentlemen have beenalready chosen as Directors or Curators in the College Association:

Col. Adrian H. Davenport, of LeClaire; George McCullough, Esq.,of Iowa City; Hon. Judge Cook, Willard Barrows, Esq., Prof. J. Dial, and Rev.M.M. Tooke, of Davenport.

Additional Directors are hereafter to be chosen in thisAssociation.




While it is true that the improvement of our city, and thedevelopment of the county are important and desirable, yet they are not moreimportant than the improvment of the minds and morals of our children.  Andalthough the attention of many of our Western people has been largely centeredupon trade and speculation, and the development of the physical resources of thecountry, yet the time has now come when our citizens are beginning to recognizetheir responsibility in reference to the proper education of their children. Large and commodious buildings have been erected in this city, for theadvancement of our public schools.  A college for young gentlemen has alsobeen established in this city, by the Congregational Church, and efforts are nowbeing made for the establishment of a first class Female College also in thisplace, to which we shall refer in the sequel.  That "woman is theornament of the palace, and the sunshine of the cabin" in every countrywhere she is properly educated, is a truth generally conceded.  And if itbe true that society in all its forms, is to a large extent dependent upon andindebted to the influence of woman for its elevation and success, howappropriate in anticipating the interests of society in the future, that we nowencourage the proper education of the Young Ladies of our country.  

We have no hesitation in affirming, that a thorough education isthe richest patrimony that parents can possibly confer upon their daughters. Andwhat we mean by a thorough education is not merely to enable them to read,write, and cipher a little, as we thought quite sufficient for our grandmothersin olden times, not a little smattering in a few of the more fashionableaccomplishments merely, nor is it to become mere "book worms," andlook down with polite horror upon the appropriate duties of the "truewoman" in domestic life, but a solid, thorough, and usefuleducatin of body, mind, and heart, such as will fit them for thesober realities and high responsibilities of life.  Such an education willbe to them emphatically a fortune in person, which they can never lose,but which will raise them to positions of honor, influence, and usefulness inthe midst of the most elevated state of society.  Let me whisper in everyparent's ear, and suggest to him that "it will pay," thus toeducate his daughter.  Suppose you look at this subject a moment in thelight sumply of pecuniary gain - of mere dollars and cents - (the only sensethrough which many are capable of seeing with cleanness in this age ofspeculation and investment)  Suppose that daughter of thine should bethrown out upon her own resources for a livelihood.  Under suchcircumstances, with ordinary capacity of mind, and health of body, she couldearn say one hundred dollars a year at ordinary service without an education. But with a thorough education, as an accomplished Instructor, she can earnfrom three to five hundred dollars a year.  Subtracting the one hundred sayfrom four hundred, we have an annual income to be credited to education of threehundred dollars.  Now suppose it costs to educate that daughter, in tuitionbooks, and extra expenses, exclusive of board, (for these she must have whethershe attends school or not,) say four hundred dollars.  We have then anannual income upon the capital actually invested in her education ofseventy-five per cent - a much better interest you see than is realized on mostbank or railroad stock in these days!  Besides, this is a permanent andimperishable investment.  Ordinary investments in the mere perishable may"take to themselves wings and fly away," but this we believe will notonly be permanent and available here in this life, but to some good extent whenthis mortal shall put on immortality.  But may we not come to fathers andbrothers on this subject with a nobler motive for the education of theirdaughters and sisters, than the assurance that it "will pay" indollars and cents?  Can you in the pride and manliness of your hearts, lookupon those beloved family jewels, sparkling even in their uncultivatedbeauty, and deny them this heaven-sent boon?  Nay! would you not rather useyour influence to polish those "gems of immortality," and fit them notonly to shine as lights in the world below, but as radiant and still brightningstars in the coronet of Angels and of God, in brighter worlds on high!

Pause a moment, and gaze upon the nature of mind itself.  Seethose powers of thought - of genius - those towering susceptibilities and loftyaspirations of soul longing for activity, yearning for appropriate exercise anddevelopment - and will you lend your influence to cripple their energies? orwill you allow them to become stultified or dwarfed by inactivity orneglect in youth?  How many painful regrets have been scattered along thepathway of thousands, in after years, because of such early neglects!  Supposeyou give that blooming daughter a farm, or thousands in bank stock,instead of an education, she will feel and lament her deficiencies andinferiority as long as she lives, and regret in vain that a large portion ofthat dowery had not been expended in her education, which would have been worthmore to her than ten thousand times the same amount of earthly treasures.

Looking away from the benefits which the subjects of femaleeducation themselves shall realize, to the influence which female refinementwould exert upon the young men of our country, in stimulating them togreater mental activity and laudable emulation, we find a prominent reason forits promotion.  Besides it would obviate the necessity of our educated sonsof promise becoming associated with companions of no mental culture, whosetastes and peculiarities much almost necessarily produce disparity andalienation of feeling between them, destructive of domestic peace and happiness,and promotive of drunkenness and dissipation.  Already is it intimated thatbecause of a want of opportunity for mental culture on the part of the youngladies of the West the young men, in a similar ratio, are relaxing their mentalenergies, and but few are aspiring to graduation in any of our colleges.  Bethis as it may, the masses of our citizens in this rich and fertile country aredestined to be wealthy, and ere long these noble bluffs and beautiful prairieswill be dotted over with lovely mansions and palatial dwellings, and to becomethe regulators, the ornaments, the "sunshine," the "joy," ofthese mansions and places, the daughters of the West should be enlightened andrefined.  Indeed, all the circumstances of this beautiful West, and of theage in which we live, require the constant elevation of the female mind.  Ournew States are now demanding thousands of teachers for our primary schools. And as in the older States, the larger proportion of the education of ouryouth has been most honorably conducted by females, so also must the daughtersof the West be trained for this great work if we would ever properly educate themasses.

The progressive character of the age in which we liverequires a more thorough education of the female mind among us.  Theeducation of the past will not answer for the future, and those who would keepup with the world's progress, and help to mould its character, and hasten andconsumate its brightness, by the ushering in of that auspicious period, longechoed by ancient Prophets, when "Wisdom and knowledge shall be thestability of our times, and strength of salvation," must encourage theeducators of the race.

The signs of the times are beckoning onward the determined, theenergetic, the noble spirited daughters of the West to higher attainments. The wealth of the country is rapidly increasing, educational institutionsare being multiplied among us - expenses are diminished - parents are waking upto the importance of female education, and will do anything in their power toencourage and aid a beloved daughter longing for improvement, and struggling foran education.  Mount Ida Female College, recently organized in this place,an account of which we have just given, is destined at no distant day, we trust,to become not only the Queen of the "Queen City," but the Queen of theWest itself, and constitute an efficient instrumentality in the accomplishmentof this great and glorious work.  And it is hoped that all our citizens,friendly to the cause of female education in the West, will in some substantialmanner bid her "God speed" in this labor of love.


Febuary 5th, 1858, a number of ladies met at the residence ofCharles E. Putnam, Esq., and organized the "Ladies' Education Society, ofDavenport, Iowa."  Art. 1, of their Constitution reads as follows: "This association shall be called 'The Ladies' Education Society,'the object of which shall be to assist promising and suitable young ladies inobtaining an Education."  Mrs. R. Christie, President; Mrs. S.Burwell, Vice President; Mrs. Dr. Shelton, Secretary; Mrs. Chas. E. Putnam,Treasuress.  There is also a Board of thirteen Directresses.


The first movements toward the establishment of a College inIowa, according to what is known as the "New England plan" - the planof Harvard, Yale, Brown, Bowdoin, Dartmouth, Amherst, &c., &c., - weremade in the years 1841-'4.  In the Spring of 1844, a called meeting washeld at Denmark, Lee county.  Those who attended it were principallyCongregational and Presbyterian ministers, and christians of thosedenominations, with some others.  The first plan was to secure a townshipof land, and College colony.  A gentleman in Kesauqua offered a tract inBuchanan county, with a water power on the Wapsipinecon River for the purpose. A committee (Rev. J. A. Reed, of Fairfield, Seth Richards, Esq., ofBentonsport, and Jonas Houghton, Esq., of Farmington,) were appointed to examinelocations.  This committee called a meeting in April, 1844, to report. Thirteen persons were present, who then formed the "Iowa CollegeAssociation."  The committee made a favorable report, an agent wasappointed to collect funds in the East, with which to enter the land, andcertain regulations were adopted.  At the East, however, the agent wasdiscouraged, and prevented from collecting funds, and this part of the plan wasgiven up in accordance with the suggestions of a meeting of friends of WesternEducation, held in the city of Boston, May 28 and 29, 1844.  It was decidedfirst to get a location, when the institution itself could commence operations,and then attempt to secure an endowment.  After several meetings, it wasconcluded (1846) to locate at Davenport; "provided the citizens would raise$1500 for buildings, and furnish certain specified grounds for a site." At a meeting held Jan. 20, 1847, it was voted, notwithstanding theconditions were not fully complied with, to commence operations at Davenport,with the understanding that the subscriptions should be increased as much aspossible.  The members of the Association had pledged themselves to"raise $100 each" in the State, and "through private friends inthe East."  Some of them made great efforts and sacrifices to do this. Christian ladies, living in different parts of the State, did nobly in thework.  With these funds, and those secured in the town, the first buildingwas erected, (near Western Avenue, between Sixth and Seventh streets - now theresidence of S. S. Gillet, Esq.)  It was a small one story brick edifice,with a plain cupola.  About this time twelve trustees were elected by theAssociation, two of them residents of Davenport.  The trustees wereincorporated under the Statute, June 4, 1847.  The threatened deficiency inthe funds was provided for at a meeting of the original "CollegeAssociation," and "trustees" held conjointly that day, by aresolution binding those present to pay the same within one year from date,"porvided the amount does not exceed $600," (not an inconsiderable sumat that stage of the history of the Territory.)  The Institution was openedNovember, 1848, with one teacher, Rev. Prof. Ripley.  The first collegeClass was formed in 1850.  Since that time instruction has been sustained,though much interrupted in 1844-'5, by the abandonment of the old site, onaccount of the contemplated cutting of streets through it.

Seven young men have graduated with the degree of Bachelor ofArts, the first class of two in the year 1854.  The Institution generallyhas about a hundred students - of whom ten are in the College proper.  Duringthe last year young ladies have been admitted to the advanced classes.  Abouttwenty have been in attendance.

Candidates for admission to the Freshman Class must be fourteenyears of age, present adequate testimonials of good moral character, and sustaina satisfactory examination in English Grammar, Geography, Arithmetic, Algebra,(through Simple Equations,) Latin Grammar, Caesar's Commentaries, Cicero'sSelect Orations, Virgil, Greek Grammar, and the Anabasis - or their equivalents.

The stated times for the examination of candidates are - the daybefore the close of the Summer Term, and the day before the commencement of theFall Term.

Candidates for admission to advanced standing, in addition tothe above, must sustain an examination in those studies to which the class theypropose to enter has attended; and if from another College, a certificate oftheir good standing in the same must be presented to the Faculty.

The studies pursued in the College proper are those required inthe first Institutions of the East.  An elevated grade of scholarship isaimed at, rather than the securing of the attendance of large numbers.  theinstructors are all liberally educated men, of first rate competency andexperience in their profession.

The new site - of ten acres - between Brady and Harrisonstreets, above Tenth - was purchased in March, 1854 - and the Boarding Houseerected thereon that year.  The present College edifice was erected in1855, at a cost of $22,000.  W. L. Carroll, architect.  It crowns thehighest point of land in the city limits, and commands an extensive view of theriver, the neighboring region of Illinois, and the country for miles back ofDavenport.  Travelers pronounced the prospect from the observatoryunsurpassed.  The building itself is one of the finest structures in theState.

It is built of limestone; three stories high, with a basement;and contains a large room for the use of the Preparatory and EnglishDepartments, which, for the present, will also be used for a Chapel; aLaboratory; rooms for Library, Cabinet, Apparatus, Literary Societies, andRecitations; and in the third story, twelve rooms for Students.

With these enlarged facilities for Educational purposes at theircommand, the Trustees of the College are confident in the expectation that theycan fully meet the wants of our rapidly increasing population, and furnish, onour own soil, at a reasonable expense, the means of a thorough and completeEducation.

The Library of the College contains upwards of 1800 volumes, andis open to all the Departments.

The Chrestomathian Society has also a Library of its own, ofsome 500 volumes; for most of which they are indebted to recent donations fromtheir friends.

The Apparatus is sufficient to illustrate the principles ofNatural Philosophy, Chemistry and Astronomy.

Collections have been made in Mineralogy, Zoology, and Botany.

Commencement is held on Wednesday, the last day of the thirdterm.  (In 1858, on Wednesday, July 14.)  There are three Collegeterms in the year, two of thirteen, and one of fourteen weeks.

The goverment of the College is intended to secure the bestmoral influence.  Besides the daily religious exercises for all, thestudents from abroad are expected to attend some place of religious worship onthe Sabbath, designated by their parents or guardians.

The Institution is not under the control of any religiousdenomination, but of its own board of trustees.  They are as follows:

Rev. Asa Turner, Denmark; Rev. John C. Holbrook, Dubuque; Rev.Julius A. Reed, Davenport; Rev. Harvey Adams, Farmington; Rev. Alden B. Robbins,Muscatine; Rev. Ephram Adams, Dacorah; Rev. William Salter, Burlington; Rev. O.Emerson, Dewitt; H. Q. Jennison, Esq., Muscatine; James McManus, Esq.,Davenport; Charles Atkinson, Esq., Moline; Rev. J. B. Grinnell, Grinnell; Rev.J. Guernsey, Dubuque; F. H. Stone, Esq., Muscatine; Joseph Lambrite, Esq.,Davenport; Jacob Butler, Esq., Muscatine; Gen. Geo. B. Sargent, Davenport; Rev.Geo. F. Magoun, Davenport.

The officers of the Board are - Rev. A. B. Robbins, President;Rev. Geo. F. Magoun, Clerk; Joseph Lambrite, Esq., Treasurer; Rev. Julius A.Reed, Financial Agent; Prof. H. L. Bullen, Librarian.

FACULTY.-Rev. Erastus Ripley, Carter Professor of AncientLanguages; Rev. H. L. Bullen, Professor Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; D.S. Sheldon, M. A., Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science; Rev. D. Lane, M.A., Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy.

The partial endowment of the College has been obtained fromcharitable persons in this and other States.  Peley W. Carter, Esq., ofWaterbury, Connecticut, gave, in 1853, $5,000 towards the ClassicalProfessorship.  One other professorship is partially endowed.  Abenevolent gentleman in the State contemplates the endowment of Chairs ofPractical Science.  Within the last year, Hon. Geo. B. Sargent hasestablished a medal fund, from which one gold and two silver medals are awarded- for scholarship - in the manner designated by the donor - each commencement.

The prospects of the Institution have been much impaired of lateby the proposed extension of one of the streets of the city through the centreof its beautiful grounds.  If carried out, this plan will oblige a secondremoval to some site not liable to encroachment.

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