Scott Co, Iowa - IAGenWeb Project







The following pictures are included with this chapter:  TheBurtis House and The Scott House.  To view these pictures pleasego to the Scott County, Iowa main page and click on Picture/Documents sections.



Located on corner of Iowa and Fifth streets.-Dr. J. J. Burtis,Proprietor.

This house is by far the best Hotel in the West, and in deedcontradiction is challenged, when it is asserted, that the "BurtisHouse" for elegance, accommodation, beauty of structure, and in all itsdetails, is inferior to no House in the United States.  For this lastreason a particular description will not be deemed amiss, and will furthermorefully evidence the assertion of its superiority.

The "Burtis House" is a simple Dining Room, surroundedon three sides by Parlors, Halls, Bedrooms, Closets, &c., rising to theheight of five stories, including basement.  The whole structure is 118feet on Fifth street, and 109 feet on Iowa street.  The Dining Room is 39by 81 feet, supported by iron columns, and magnificently frescoed by Messrs.Patterson & Hildebrand.

In the Basement there is the Engine Room, containing an engineof thirty-five horse power, which, in connection with one of Worthington'spumps, forces the water to a tank in the fifth story, from which, in hot andcold jets it is distributed to every Hall in the house.  The boiler in thisroom was made by Walworth, Hubbard & Co., of Chicago.  The boiler,steam and gas fitting, and plumbing, was made by Mr. Merwin of this city. There are also upon this floor a Laundry Room, veined by steam pipes; aRestaurant, Billiard Room, Bar Room, Smoking Room, Barber Shop, Bath Room, andthree Store Rooms, together with a multiplicity of smaller rooms, closets,&c., unnecessary to mention.

On the first floor is found the Rotunda, a marble-floored,lofty, and roomy arrangement, with trumpets, bells, &c., beautifullyfrescoed, together with three imposing stair cases, leading respectively to theLadies, Gents, and other rooms above.  It communicates by wide Halls withthe Ladies and Gents' Parlors on this floor, with external entrances, and withthe stairways above alluded to.  Upon this floor are also the Dining Room(by far the most splendid specimen of architectural beaurty in the West,) Reading Room, Ladies Parlors with folding doors, Wash and Private rooms,the latter projected in all particulars similar to those of St. Nicholas Hotel,New York City.

Passing from this floor to the second, by either of thebeautifully constructed staircases, one is compelled to admire the work of Mr.Walker, one of the best Stairway Builders in the West.  On the second floorare Parlors, with bedrooms attached.  Linen closets, suits of bed-rooms andparlors attached for the use of several families.  The servants rooms aredetached from other parts of the house, and like every other room in the house,are well warmed and ventilated.  Each room is warmed by steam, and cookingis done by the same means.  Every room is lofty, and from most of themmagnificent views of Bluff or river scenery are obtainable.  The DiningRoom, occupying as it does the centre of the house, is lighted from front, rearand skylight.  Its being located in the precise spot it is, makes it a vastimprovement over everything else of the kind.  The Rotunda is in allrespects a fine specimen of design and finish, and successfully challengescomparison.

There are 150 sleeping rooms in the house; basement 18 rooms;first floor 18, exclusive of the Rotunda; and the remainder of the rooms aredistributed on the floors above.  The House inself is on the Railroad, andbut a few steps from the Depot, thus saving to travelers the expense of Omnibusbill.

In concluding the notice of the "Burtis House," it isbut justice to the excellence of the parties to state, that the head builder isMr. Wm. Poole; the plasterers Messrs. Rambo & Crimp; J. H. Morton, Painter;John Hillar, Stone Mason; McManus & Wilkinson, Brick Masons; the marbleflooring by Ed. Wathan; and the Iron Castings by Jamme, Donnelly & Lea. The whole superstructure was designed by Dr. Burtis, assisted in part byMessrs. Underwood & Cochrane, and "last, but not least," by Mr.Carroll.

In regard to Dr. Burtis but little need be said-as former Lesseeof "LeClaire House," and of the house in Lexington, Mo., he gained areputation for management in the Hotel business, which no eulogy can heighten. There is but a small share of western travel for a few years back, thathas not been indebted to Dr. Burtis for those gentlemanly and hospitableattentions that tend so much to lessen the discomforts of travel, and toameliorate the hardships of absence from home.

The Furniture, which is of the very best quality, was furnishedin New York.  Mattrasses, Linen, Bedding, Carpet, &c., of A. T.Stewart; Table Fruniture from Haughout & Co., 488 Broadway, New York; andthe other articles from various other establishments.

The whole house is lighted by Gas, and in every respect superiorto any other in the United States.

To omit adding that Dr. Burtis possesses as his assistant FrankKendrick, would be to leave unsaid one of the most valuable facts in regard tothe "Burtis House."  To all who know him, nothing need be said,in regard to his qualifications-to others it need merely be said, that he is-agentleman.



This House is so well known to the traveling community, that anynotice of it is almost superflusous.  It was built in 1839, at a cost of$35,000, by Antoine LeClaire, and was at the time a marvel of beauty andmagnitude; and was not excelled anywhere in the Mississippi Valley.  It wasfor a time Davenport proper,-inasmuch as it was the rallying point for allresidents of the city, and during the Summer was a resort for visitors from St.Louis and other southern cities, who came here with their families to ruralize,hunt, escape warm weather and yellow fever.

It was first taken by Mr. Hulse, then Chapman, next Miller, thenDr. Burtis, (the present proprietor of the late finished Burtis House,) and isnow kept by Messrs. Batteman, Seits & Schuyler.

The arrivals for the past year have averaged thirty-five perday, and the average of regular boarders has been about seventy.



On Third Street, between Rock Island and Perry streets.

This House, now a very popular one, has undergone someremarkable transformations.  It was originally a Nunnery, then a dwelling,a third rate hotel, and finally under the enterprising management of its presentproprietor, A. H. Cole, Esq., it has assumed the proportions, comforts, andappurtenances of a first-class House.  Number of borders forty-five. Number of rooms sixty.



C. Davis, Proprietor.

This House on the corner of Iowa and Fourth streets, has latelybeen largely increased in size.  It is built of stone and its dimensionsare sixty-four feet front, one hundred and thirty feet deep and five stories inheight, and contains one hundred and two rooms.  Number of boarders onehundred and twenty.  It has one of the best wells attached to it in thecity, being cut through solid rock to the depth of 150 feet, at a cost of$1,000.  The gentlemanly proprietor, Mr. Davis, is a veteran in thebusiness, and has long been identified with the business of Hotel Keeping inDavenport.  He is one of the oldest settlers, and deservedly enjoys a largeamount of public patronage.  Attached to the basement is a Billiard andRefreshment Saloon.



William Anderson, Proprietor.-76 Second street.



Corner Third and Iowa streets.-Benj. Denton, Proprietor.

Size fifty-seven by sixty-four.  Forty rooms, andaccommodation for one hundred boarders.  This popular house is kept onTemperance priciples,-has a barbar-shop attached.  Mr. Denton is fromPoughkeepsie, N. Y., and is deservedly liked by his many friends.



E. L. Lindley, Proprietor.-68 Second street.



William Egbert, Proprietor.-Rock Island, between Fifth andSixth streets.



J. K. Rhodes, Proprietor.-On Harrison street, between Frontand Second.  Sixteen rooms.  Boarders average forty.



F. Steiner, Proprietor.-Corner Main and Front streets. Sixteen rooms.  Can accommodate thirty boarders.



Second street, between Main and Harrison.-W. Davis,Proprietor.  Sixteen rooms.  Can accommodate twenty-five boarders.



Jas. Merritt, Proprietor.-Main street between Second andThird.  Twelve rooms.  Average fifteen boarders.



F. Haisch, Proprietor.-Front street, between Harrison andMain.  Sixteen rooms.  Average thirty boarders.



Jos. Luderscher, Proprietor.-On Front street, between Main andBrady.  Eighteen rooms.  Average thirty boarders.



Corner Second street and Washington Square.



Corner Harrison and Front streets.-J. J. Humphrey, Proprietor.

Size 50 by 100 feet, four stories high, one hundred rooms. Average sixty boarders.  This house has one of the finest locationsin the city.  It fronts the River and commands a view of Rock Island City,the Island, Fort Armstrong, Mississippi Bridge, and a long stretch of beautifulscenery up and down the River.  It is the nearest point to the SteamboatLanding, and possesses in its elegant structure, fine view, excellentaccommodation, and worthy landlord, high claims to the patronage of the public. Board $1.50 per day for transient, and $6.00 to $8.00 per week forpermanent boarders.

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