Scott Co, Iowa - IAGenWeb Project








Four pictures are included with this chapter: Davenport's Block, CORNER MAIN AND SECOND STREETS, Merwin'sBlock, Publishing House of LUSE, LANE & CO.,and NICKOLLS BLOCK.  To view please go to the Main pageof the Scott county site and click on Pictures/Documents.


W. L.CARROLL, in Grigg's Block. - Mr. Carroll hasdesigned some of the finest public and private structures in the city, amongwhich are Iowa College, Engine House, Grigg's Block, Haviland's and H. H.Smith's residences, School Houses in Districts 4 and 7; besides a host of Schooland Court Houses, Churches, and Private Dwellings in various parts of theCountry.  His claims to superiority are scarcely questioned in the West.

J. L. COCHRANE.-Among Mr. Cochrane's best effortsare Metropolitan Hall; Lambrite's residence; St. Luke's church, superintended bySquires; and Willard Barrows' residence.

OCTAVE ROBERTS.-Nickolls' Block.



"Philadelphia Bakery,"  SCHRICKER &MATTHES.-Brady street, between Front and Second streets.

"Union Bakery," J. METZGER.-No. 18Second street.-Capital, $3,000.  Raw Material per year, $6,000.  Valuemanufactures per year, $10,000.  Established 1854.

D. MOORE.- 20 Front st.-Capital, $5,000. Raw material per year, $8,000.  Established 1842.  This was thefirst one of the sort, of note, established in Davenport.  The old housewas lately burned, but is being rebuilt.

F. ZAHRRER.-149 Fourth street.-Five hands.

W. PAPE'S "Pacific Bakery.-Harrison street.

There are several amaller Bakeries in town, not enumerated.



JONES, CHAPIN & CO.-Corner Fifth and Fillmorestreets.-Employ twenty hands, and turns out from 1000 to 1200 per week.

J. M. D. BURROWS.-On Telegraph Road.-Twenty-eightmen turn out about 75,000 flour barrels per year, besides a large amount of porkcooperage.

WILSON, PERRY & CO.-Corner of Bridge Avenueand Front streets.-Run a twelve horse power engine.  Employs fifteen totwenty hands at $3 per diem.  Capital $5,000.  Use in raw material peryear $20,000.  Value of manufactures per year $35,000.  Established1857.

There are three other Cooper Shops in the city besides theforegoing, and also one patent Wash-Tub and a Chair Factory.



H. A. KENT.-Alley opposite Post Office.-Acarriage shop attached by John Murphey.

Some dozen shops in town.



MOORE & GARRETT.-43 Brady street.-Capital$1,500.  Raw material per year $3,500.  Product $10,000. Established 1854.

F. H. GRIGGS & CO.-25 Brady street.-Capital$1,500.  Value of raw material per year $3,500.  Product $10,000. Employ ten hands at the aggregate cost of $3,500 per annum.  Mr.Griggs deserves honorable mention for the use he has made of his capital. He has invested it liberally in city improvements, among which are somefine brick buildings, known as "Griggs Block."  His investmentshave all tended to build up and ornament the city, and to contribute materiallyto its permanent prosperity.

D. B. CARLETON.-96 Brady street.
C. STAHL.-Harrison street.
T. O. RUSSELL.-Main street.
A. GALLEU.-54 Perry street.
H. FUHLENDORFF.-Main street near Second.
J. M. SELLEN.-Corner Second and Harrison streets.-Employs 14hands.
J. C. TODD.-84 Brady street.
ASHTON & FREEMAN.-Brady street, above Post Office.

FULLER & HUBBARD.-Second street, near MetropolitanBlock.-This firm has the reputation of doing as good work, and of possessing asmuch, or more enterprise in their peculiar department, than any other firm inthe West.  Their work is of the very best order, and afforded at priceswhich will compare honorably with the best Eastern establishments.

There are many other establishments of this kind in town.



MATTHIAS FRAHM.-Harrison street.-Capital, $30,000.  Useyearly 10,000 bushels Barley, and 8,000 pounds  Hops.  Brew 4,000barrels Beer, worth $36,000.  Established 1851.  The first year theestablishment brewed 150 barrels Beer, and use only some 350 bushels Barley. It is one of the largest Brewerier in this State.

DR. T. DEEIS.-Main street, above seventh.

THOS. B. CARTER'S Ale and Porter Breeery.-Near East Davenport.


BAKER & CLARK.-Harrison street, between seventh and eightstreets.-Capital $3,000.  Employ twenty men.  Made 130,000 last year,worth $9,200.  Use Hall & Adams Press, a decided improvement on the oldsystem.  Intend to double their operations this year.

There are three yards in the western part of the town, in rearof J. M. D. Burrows' residence, and employ from fifty to sixty hands.

JNO. ROCKE.-Gaines street.-Made 140,000 last year.  Twentyhands.

HARVEY LEONARD commenced making Bricks in Davenport, in June1837, made about 300,000; in 1838 made about 500,000; in 1839 made about500,000; in 1840 made about 800,000; in 1841 made about 500,000; in 1842 madeabout 500,000; in 1843 made about 100,000; in 1844 made about 200,000; in 1845made about 200,000; in 1846 made about 500,000; in 1847 made about 600,000; in1848 made about 600,000; in 1849 made about 600,000; in 1850 made about300,000.-LEONARD & HERBERT in 1851 made about 1,400,000; in 1852 made about1,500,000; in 1853 made about 1,500,000.-LEONARD in 1854 made about 1,200,000;in 1855 made about 1,200,000.-LEONARD & HERBERT in 1856 made about1,300,000; in 1857 made about 1,800,000.-Commenced in 1838 laying brick; in1839, ELDRID & LEONARD BRICK Laying and Plastering.  1840 making,laying, and plastering.  During that period burned very nearly all the limeused in the city.  The number of hands employed ranges from six to sixty;common laborers wages by the month from twenty to thirty dollars; brick layerswages ranging from two to three dollar per day.  The first brick buildingin the city was built by Leonard, in 1858, on the corner of third and Mainstreets; the second brick building (the Catholic church) built by Adam, John,and Joseph Noel.  During the first six years of the time Mr. Leonard didall the brick work done in the city, among which were the Court House, Jail,LeClaire House, and Macklot and Webb's dwellings.  Leonard & Herbert'sbrick yard is now situated on James McIntosh's land, west of Scott street andnorth of eight street, within the city limits.

H. DELFS.-Fourteen men.  Makes about 90,000 per year.


D. T. YOUNG.-Second street, above Rock Island street.-Capital$6,000.  Value of manufactures per year $12,000.  Employs fifteen menat $10 to $15 per week.

JOHN A. NIRRAU.-Corner Fourth and Gaines sts.-Value ofmanufactures per year $4,000.

DAVIS, BRO. & FRASER.-On Perry street above Fourth.-Thisfirm, although lately come to Davenport, have established a wide reputation forexcellence in their craft; particularly in the difficult department ofstair-building, in which they have no rivals.  All are parctical andexcellent draughtsmen, and possess in connection with their practical skill, inwood-work a through scientific knowledge of architecture.  One of the bestspecimens of their work may be seen in a counter at the Banking House of Messrs.Hill, Allen & Co., which is by far the best specimen of fine workmanship inthe West.

JAMES CRAWFORD.-Corner Iowa and Second street.

E. T. & E. L. JOHNSON.-Second street, between Rock Islandand Perry.

ORNDORF BROTHERS.-Carpenters and Builders, on Main streetbetween Fifth and Sixth.

JACOB KENTON.-On Main street, in rear of Judge Grant's Block.

J. RUMBOLD, JR.-On alley rear of Congregational church.

I. N. FIELD & SANDERS.-On Perry street, between Second andThird sts.-  This firm have done some very fine Jobs, one of which is thecounter in Jacoby's Drug Store.

COATES & PATCHEN.-Alley between Fifth and Sixth, and betweenBrady and Perry streets.

JOHN HAWLEY.-Corner Main and Park streets.

W.S. COLLINS.-Opposite Trinity Church, Rock Island street.

F. H. MCCLELLAND.-Corner Rock Island and Second streets.

JOHN HORNBY.-On Bluffs, Sixth street, between Main and Bradystreets.

G. W. HALL.-Third street, between Ripley and Scott streets.

P. X. FITZPATRICK.-Near Jail, on Fifth street.

H. & J. GUNDAKER.-On Iowa street, between Second and Thirdstreets.

N. SQUIRES.-Oldest Builder in Davenport, and Superintendent ofSt. Luke's Church.

NOEL & MARGET.-Corner Harrison and Front streets.

J. B. DAVIS.-Sixth street, between Rock Island and Perrystreets.

L. R. ALLEN.-Boards at "Pennsylvania House."


ANDREWS & BURR.-Fourth street, between Brady andPerry.-large first class eastern establishment, with heavy branch establishmenton Second street, between Rock Island and Iowa streets.

G. HAGER & Co.-Third street near Harrison.-Capital $7,000. Employ twelve hands at $1.50 per diem.  Raw material per year $1,000. Value of product $10,000.

SADDLER & HORSEMAN.-Corner Gaines and Front streets.

A. & G. WOEBER.-Corner Harrison and Third streets.-Among thebest, if not the best, workmen in the West in every department of their trade. Their work will bear comparison with the finest ever truned out fromeastern workshops.  Capital $8,000.  Eighteen hands, at $1.50 per day. Produced last year $40,000.  Established 1854.

KRUSE & ECKHARDT.-Corner Second and Gaines streets.

GOOS & LEISNER.-Gaines street, north of Third.

SCHMIDT & RODLER.-Second street, near Scott.

RHODE & FINKE.-Harrison street, below Second.

C. STELTING.-Scott street, near Second.


H. HAAK & Co.- Second street between Harrison andRipley.

NICHOLAS KUHEN.-34 Second street, and also one corner Main andSecond streets.-manufactures $12,000 worth per year.

JEFREY & CARMICHAEL.-42 Second street - Manufacture yearly1,200,000 Cigars, at $25 per thousand.  Brand 50,000 papers SmokingTobacco, and brand 5,000 cases Chewing Tobacco a year.

KASTEN.-Main street, between Front and Second.

There are many other shops in town, of whom spance will notallow us to particularize.


DR. C. PIERRUCCI.-60 Brady street.

E. BAILY.-86 Brady street.


ADAMS-Photographist, Ambrotypist, and Daguerrean, on Bradystreet near Third.-This is one of the best establishments west of Buffalo. Mr. Adams Photographed the Portraits for this work.  They speak forthemselves.

TAYLOR'S GALLERY.-Davenport's Block.

W. A. NESBIT.-Corner of Brady and Second streets.-Sphereotypistand Daguerrean.

SCHULER'S DAGUERREAN ROOMS.-On Main street, next to Nickolls'Block.


CHAS. GOODRICH, Dental Surgeon.-On Brady st., two doors belowThird.-Dr. Goodrich has taken high rank in his profession as a careful andskilful operator.  He has undergone the test of many years experience, andhas in all cases, thus far, proved himself superior in all matters relating tooperative Dentistry.

JAMES MORROW.-On Fourth st., near Main.-Dr. Morrow is of aninventive mind, artistic in his taste, and prepared to execute everything in asuperior manner.


R. D. MYERS.-On Second street near Perry street.

C. H. BARTLETT.-Corner Brady and Fourth streets.


FRANCIS JACOBY.-Corner Perry and Fourth streets.-Mr. Jacoby hasone of the finest Drug Stores in town, and the elegant external and internalcharacter of his establishment, together with a skilful Prescriptionist,indicates fully the fact, that his arrangements are all of a superior order.

TAYLOR & BALLORD.-LeClaire Block.

W. W. MCCAMMON & Co., "Union Drug Store."-On Bradystreet, between Second and Third.-This is a first class establishment, and isunder the superintendence of R. Reger, whose ripe skill in putting upprescriptions is the result of long and close experience.


ALLISON & MCBRIDE.-On Second street, next to Cook &Sargent's Bank.

DITZEN & CO.-97 Second street.


J. M. D. BURROWS, "Albion Mills."-Corner Front andPerry sts.-Engine 140 horse power.  Established in 1847, and commencedJanuary 1848, with a capacity of manufacturing 1200 barrels per week.  In1855 it was remodied and rebuilt, with a capacity of turning out 2500 barrelsper week.  Manufactured the past year 80,000 barrels flour, at an averagevalue of $4.50 per barrel.  Hiram Johnson, head miller.

D. A. BURROWS.-On River, foot of Mound st.-Engine sixty horsepower.  Capital $65,000.  Raw material per year $300.000.  Employtwenty-eight hands at $1.50 per day.

GILLET, GREEN & Co.-Front street below Ripley.-Capital$16,000.  Grind per year 50,000 bushels.  Established 1854.  Twoengines, sixty horse power.

GRAHAM & KEPNER.-On River, foot of Mound street.-Enginefifty horse power.  Ten hands.  Cost of wheat, coal, barrels, hands,&c., per year $99, 300.  Turn out 30,000 barrels flour per year,$120,000.  Value of bran, shorts, &c., $13,000.

"HAWKEYE MILLS," by Jacob Weaver.-Corner Perry andThird streets.-Engine twenty horse power.  Capital $6,000.  Turn out200 barrels a week.


JOHN COLLINS.-Front street, east of Perry.-Engine ten horsepower.  Capital $9,000.  Raw material per year $20,000.  Value ofmanufactures per year $40,000.  Eighteen hands, at $1.50 to $2.50 per day.

KNOSTMAN, TIMKE & Co.-Corner Housel and Secondstreets.-Engine six horse power.  Capital $3,000.  Raw material peryear $6,000.  Employ seven hands at $1 to $1.50 per day.  Building,three rooms, and contemplate enlarging soon.  All of the firm are practicalmechanics.

WM. CAMPBELL, Cabinet and Jobbing Shop.-In alley opposite PostOffice.

J. B. RICHES, Prospect Turning Shop.-Gaines street, corner ofSeventh.-Engine six horse power.

P. P. SUMONS.-On River, near foot of Bridge Avenue.-Manfactures"Excelsior Mattress Material."  Engine ten horse power.

JOHN WIERUM, Turning Shop.-Gaines street, between Third andFourth.-Engine fifteen horse power.

J. K. MILLS & Co.-Corner Farnam and Third streets.-Employforty men.  Wages per year $22,000, at $1.75 per day, per hand. Capital $40,000.  Value of furniture per year, $16,000.  Planing,$7,700.  Sash, blinds, and doors, $11,000.  Job work, $2,800. Total value of manufactures, per year, $37,000.  Engine twenty-fivehorse power.  Their Agencies at Iowa City and Rock Island, sell also alarge amount flooring, siding, and other lumber.  Machinery, one enginelathe, three turning lathes, one scroll saw, moulding machines, three plowers,sticking machine, split saw, six circular saws, two tenanting saws; twomorticing, two boring, and one dovetailing machine; screw cutter and turningmachine.

MCNEIL & Bro.-Corner Second and Perry streets.


JULIUS KOCH.-Harrison street.

M. H. HEIDENHEIMER.-11 Main street.


A. B. ALSTON.-Davenport Block, Second street.

C. W. VERDER.-Second street, near Brady.


"Davenort Steam Gas and Lead Pipe Works, and BrassFoundry," by P. MERWIN.-81 and 83 Perry street.-Gas and Steam Fitting,Plumbing, &c., in all its various branches; Brass Goods of every descriptionmanufactured to order.  Also, on hand and ready to be just put up at shortnotice, Chandaliers, Pendants, Shower Baths, Wash Basins, Brackets, GlassGlobes, Bath Tubs, Water Tanks, &c.  The attention of Machinists,Engine, and Boiler Builders, is invited to the large assortment of Brass andIron Fitting constantly on hand, such as Safety Valves, Steam Guages, WaterGuages, Guage Cocks, Globe Valves, Oil Valves, Heaters, Boiler Pumps, Oil Cups,Regulator Valves, Check Valves, Whistles, &c.  Wrought Iron Pipe andFittings supplied to the trade on reasonable terms.-Mr. Merwin deserveshonorable notice for the enterprise he has exhibited.  He is but a youngman, has invested in a fine brick building, and furnished it as noticed above. This establishment is the only one of the kind in the State, and is in allrespects of a high character.

F. B. ABBOTT, Machine Shop, and manufacturer of Carter's PatentOscillating Engine Pumps.-LeClaire street, near Third.-Double engine, six horsepower.  Capital $15,000.  Mostly a Repairing and Jobbing Shop.

"Excelsior Agricultural Works, and Machine Shop." JOHN HERMAN.-Gaines street, between Third and Fourth sts.-Capital $1,000. Manufactures Agricultural Implements principally.  Mowing and ReapingMachines, Straw and Stalk Cutters, Corn Shellers, &c.

DAVIS, WATSON & Co., "Washington MachineWorks."-Corner Third street, near Railroad Bridge.-Capital $25,000. Raw material used per year, $16,000.  Manufactures $40,000. Employ twenty hands, at $2 per day.  Engine twenty-four horse power. Pitts' Patent Thrashing Machine, turn out two to three per week.

JOHN ANNABLE & SON, Screw Bolt Manufactory.-LeClaire st.,near Third.-Make from 2000 to 3000 Bolts per day, besides Jobbing. Business for last year $2,000.   Not much capital required inthe business.

JEMME, DONNELLY & LEA, "Davenport IronWorks."-Rock Island street, near Second.-Engine twenty horse power. Do a large business in heavy machinery and house building castings. Capital $18,000.  Raw material per year $15,000.  Value ofmanufacturies, per year.  $100,000.  Employ fifty-five hands. Established 1856.  Attached to the establishment are a BlacksmithShop, Brass Foundry, and Pattern Shop.  One of the heaviest establishmentsof the kind in the State.

S. MILLER, Machine, Jobbing, and Repairing Shop.-Gaines st.,near Second.

TOWNSEND, SMITH & Co.-Fourth street, opposite CatholicCemetery.-Engine eight horse power.  Make Oscillating Engines, &c.

"Mississippi & Missouri Railroad Locomotive Works andCar Factory."-At Railroad Depot.-Engine sixty horse power.  A.Kimball, Foreman of Machine Works; M. Wright, Foreman of Smithry; and S. W.Remer, Foreman of Car Works.  Capital $54,000.  Raw material, peryear, $10,000.  Established 1856.

"LeClaire Machine Works," corner Front and Scottstreets.-This is the oldest Foundry in town; was built by LeClaire &Davenport in 1851, and owned by them until 1856, when it was bought by Mr.Donahue, its present proprietor.  The Machine Shop is leased by Townsend,Hays & Co., while the Foundry is carried on by Mr. Donahue.  Capital$50,000.  Forty hands at $30,000 per annum.  Manufactures per year$150,000.  Raw material per year $30,000.  Engine thirty horse power.

W. SKINNER & Co., "Davenport Plow Factory."-CornerRock Island and Third streets.-Engine twenty horse power.  Thisestablishment was started in 1846 by John Bechtel, better known as "HonestJohn."  It is now the largest establishment in the State, and hasestablished a wide reputation for the superiority of its workmanship, and theexcellence of many improvements introduced by the inventive genius of Mr.Skinner.  He has made many remarkable and decided improvements in his lineof business.  Capital $25,000.  Raw material, per annum, $20,000. Value of manufactures, per year, $45,000.  Thirty hands, at $2 perday.  Made last year, 3,500 Plows, 200 Cultivators, 200 double and singleShovel Plows, Harrows Horse-rakes, &c.

J. WHITSON & Co., "Massillion MachineWorks."-Front st., near Farnam.  Engine 20 horse power.  Makersof Massillon Threshing Machines, &c.


PARKER & SPEARING.-13 Second street, opposite LeClaireRow.-Forty horses, with proportionate number of vehicles.  Run twoOmnibusses and one four horse Hack to DeWitt to connect C. I. & N. R. R. This is by far the largest Livery establishment in the city, and possessesaccommodations in its line of the very first character.  They have some ofthe finest carriages, sleighs, and the most elegant turnouts in the West. It is a pleasure to notice the fact, that their efforts to obtainexcellence in their department are fully apprciated by the public, as is evincedin the amount of business done by them.

HIGH & Co.-Harrison street, next to Scott House.-Twenty-fivehorses and other accommodations to match.  The Messrs. High & Co. haveheretofore deservedly reaped a large amount of public patronage, from the fact,that they never fail in their efforts to give satisfaction.  Their"rigs" are unexceptionable, and their drivers the ne plus ultraof the Jehu-ic stamp.  For a tramp or a hunting tour across the gloriousprairie-contry back of our city, there is no better companion, bon vivant,or careful driver, than either of the gentlemen of the firm, as the author'sexperience can testify.

H. SMITH.-Alley opposite Post Office.-Twenty horses.

THOMSON & HILL.-55 Second street.-Fifteen horses, threecarriages, six buggies, and two riding horses.

J. J. SOMERS & Co.-Main street, between Third andFourth.-Six horses, two open and two top buggies, and one carriage.

J. H. CAMP & Co.-Harrison street, between Second andThird.-Fourteen horses, and eight carriages.

There is also a Livery and Sale stable in the Alley in rear ofLeClaire House, besides one other stable in town.

This business is perhaps one of the best paying in the West. Prices range from three to five dollars per day, for single horse andcarriage, without drivers; and six to ten dollars with driver.  Doubleteams are from five to ten dollars per day, with or without driver


S. T. ALLEN, Saw Mill with Lath Machine.-Corner Warren and Frontsts.-Engine forty horse power.  Lately burned down.

BURNELL, GILLET & Co., Saw Mill, Sash Door, and BlindFactory, with Lath and Shingle Machine attached.-Corner Scott and Frontstreets.-Two engines, one-hundred horse power.  Capital $125,000. Manufacture yearly 6,000,000 feet Lumber, 3,000,000 Lath, 4,000,000Shingles, at a total value of $160,000.  Doors, Sash, and Blinds, per year,$15,000.  Employ ninety hands, at an average of $1.65 per day. Established 1850.  Machinery, two upright and two rotary saws; cansaw 50,000 feet per day, of twelve hours.

CANNON & FRENCH, Saw and Plaining Mill, Sash, Door, andBlind Factory.-On River near Myrtle street.-Engine eighty horse power. Capital $75,000.  Employ eighty hands, three Salesmen, and oneBookkeeper.  Real Estate $50,000.  Cost of logs for past year(4,014,770 feet,) $43,635.  Labor for year, $18,000.  Value of productfrom April 4th, 1857, to December 19th, 1857, $91,045.  Sales for past year$112,202.88.  Manufactured from April 4th, '57, to December 19th, 1857,1,721,100 Lath; sawed Shingles, 1,019,500; shaved Shingles, 695,000; Picketssawed, 25,400.  Machinery, one Muley, one Rotary, one Lathing, and one SlabSaw; Shingle Machine; Norcross' Patent Planing Mill, for dressing Flooring; oneSiding Saw, and Farwis' Patent Planing Mill for two inch lumber.

COTES & DAVIES, Lumber Dealers and manufacturers of Sash,Doors, Blinds, and dressed Lumber.-Corner Harrison and Fourthstreets.-Established 1851.  Capital $75,000.  Thirty hands, at $1.50per day.  Value of product for 1857, $61,715.28.  Sale of lumber, sameyear, $112,286.25.  Engine twenty-five horse power.

N. KENDALL & Co., Saw Mill and Lath Machine.-Corner Frontand Warren streets.-Engine thirty horse power.  Capital $50,000.  Rawmaterial used per year, $40,000.  Value of manufactures $70,000. Labor $11,000.  Thirty-five hands.

RENWICK & SON, SAW MILL, with Lath, Shingle, and StaveMachines attached.-On River above Railroad Bridge.-Engine forty horse power. Capital $50,000.  Raw material, per year, $25,000.  Thirtyhands, at $1.25 per day.  Manufacture per year 3,000,000 feet Lumber,2,000,000 Lath, 2,000,000 Shingles, 1,000,000 barrel staves, 1,000,000 barrelheads.  machinery, nine Saws, one Heading Machine, one Jointing Machine, onStave Machine, one Shingle Machine.  Established 1854.  Use no fuelbut saw dust.  Value of product per year $60,000.

SAMUEL STANCHFIELD, Saw and Plaining Mill, lath and ShingleFactory.-Main street, East Davenport.-Capital $20,000.  Sawed last year2,500,000 feet, valued $20,000.  Has a Planing Mill attached.

S. FULLER'S Lumber Yard.-Corner Iowa and Fourth sts.-Capital$10,000.  Aggregate sales of sawed Lumber, per year, $25,000. Established 1856.


JOHN DAVIS.-Perry street, north of Second.

B. WATHAN.-Main street, near Second.

W. H. GUTHRIE.-Main street, between Front and Second.-MakesMantles, Cemetry wrok, such as Monuments, Grave Stones, Cenotaphes, Spires,Tablets, &c., in the best style of the art.  Mr. Guthrie's work hasdeservedly given him a wide reputation throughout the West.  Employs sixmen.


MRS. JONES.-Corner Second and Brady.

WELLAN & BAKER.-Corner Brady and Second, over Crampton'sStore.

MR. TYLER.-No. 6, Forrest Block.

A. A. CRAMPTON.-Corner Brady and Second streets.

E. A. MOORE.-No. 19 Second Street.

MRS. R. RENWICK.-No. 90 Brady street.


H. S. FINLEY.-On Second street, west end of the city.-Mr. Finleycommenced this business in 1839, and after Herculean efforts has succeeded inestablishing one of the finest and largest nurseries in the West.


JOHN ZIMMERMAN.-Sixth street, between Iowa and LeClairestreets.-First class establishment, and only one in city.  Just completed asplendid instrument for A. LeClaire, at a cost of $1,000.


LUSE, LANE & Co.-No. 55 Perry street.-The only BookPublishing House in the State.  Capital $30,000.  Business for lastyear, $28,000.  Employ 20 to 25 hands; viz.:  in Bindery twelve,Composing Room five, Press Room three, Store three.  The size of thisestablishment, and its enterprise in having pioneered book-publishing in Iowa,deserves a particular notice.  They own and occupy a building, threestories, twenty feet front by ninety-six deep.  Their Press Room isfurnished with a Chronometer Engine of two horse power, one Medium Hoe Press,one Adams Press, one Adams Card Press, and two Hand Presses.  The ComposingRoom contains 412 founts of Type, 260 of which are placed in a Revolving Rack, amost ingenious and room-saving invention by Mr. CHESTER BARNEY, the Foreman ofthe Printing Office.  The Bindery has two Standing Presses, (made by S. O.Shorey, of Davenport,) two Hikock's Ruling Machines, one Paging Machine, sevenHand Presses, and one Stabbing Machine.-They have published during the past yearthe Debates of the Constitutional Convention, in two large sized oct. volumes of600 pages each, and also the Iowa Form Book; besides a multitude of Blank Booksfor nearly every County in the State, and for many of adjacent States. They have ample facilities for doing every kind of work as well and cheapas it can be done East.  A large Store Room is on the lower floor, amplysupplied with Stationery, Law Blanks, and in short everything pertaining to thebusiness.  Established 1854.

SANDERS & BRO., Gazette Office.  See article on"Press."

JOHN JOHNS, JR., & Co., News Office.  Seearticle on "Press."

RICHARDSON & WEST, Democrat Office.  See articleon "Press."

LISCHER & Co., Der Demokrat.  See article on"Press."


E. S. MOORE.-Third street near Ripley.

RUFUS WRIGHT.-Post Office Building, up stairs.-Mr. Wright hasdone much to confer honor upon himself apart from excellence in his SignPainting.  He is a fine artist, and has executed some Portraits andLandscapes of high excellence.  Among his best works are a magnificent viewof Davenport, (now being lithographed,) the "Banished Lord," "Rest at Eve,"  and the "Lost Children." Mr. Wright is still a young man, and possesses a most promising future.

A. D. JEWELL, House, Sign, and Ornamental Painter.-Third street,one door east of Brady.

C. D. GLIME.-Third street, near Brady.

COOK & HOPKINS.-Main street, back of LeClaire House.

WILLARD, dealer in Sash, Doors and Blinds, and Sign and HousePainter.-Corner Second and Harrison streets.


E. ARNDT & RUEME.-Foot of Ainsworth street.

H. RUGGS.-On Second, near Ainsworth street.-$8,000 per annum.

THOMAS WINKLESS.-On River, foot of Bridge Avenue.

JOHN C. MATTHES.-On River, below City Cemetry.-$25,000 perannum.  Employs five men.


JOHN F. MILLER.-Second street, near Gaines.-Manufactures300 bottles per day.


R. H. PARKS & Co.-Metropolitan Block.

J. S. DRAKE & Co., dealers in Clothing and Gents' FurnishingGoods.-22 West Second street.

T. S. GILBERT, Draper and Tailor.-5 Franklin Block.

R. KRAUSE & Co.-McManus' Block, Second street.-Employs sixmen.

N. HUSEN.-119 Second street.

F. SCHNABEL.-Harrison street.

P. L. CONE.-Employs nine men.

LATIMER.-Corner Brady and Third streets.

MRS. STODDART.-32 Perry street.


H. WINCH.-On Rockingham Road.-$10,000 per year. Only one in town.


SMITH & REMINGTON.-39 Second street.-Capital $3,000. Raw Material per year $10,000.  This firm has done an increasingbusiness for the year past, nearly doubling, notwithstanding the hardness of thetimes.

GRAHAM & EARLY.-22 Front street.-Manufacture $5,000 worthper annum.

BRUNNER & CASSEL.-67 Harrison street.-manufacturers of SmokeStacks, Mill and Engine Machinery, and general Tin Jobbery.

WICKERSHAM & WILLIAMS.-4 Burrows' Block.-Capital $5,000. Product per year $12,000.


I. HALL.-Brady street, near Third.-Only one in town, andeminently fitted for the position.


JOHN BETTS.-Second street, between Rock Island and Third.

L. WAEPFNER.-Second street.

J. LEDERMEIER.-Third street.


ANTOINE ITEN.-Corner Front and Brown streets.-1000barrels per annum.


A. C. BILLON & Co.- 8 LeClaire Row.

W. R. LINDSEY.-Brady street.-Engraver, Repairer, &c.

J. GREVSMUEHL.-Second street, near Harrison.

WALLACE & INGALLS, dealers in Musical Instruments, Watches,&c.-24 Second street.

WM. EFFEY.-Second street, near Ripley.

H. LANGMACK.-Second street, between Main and Harrison.

R. & J. NELSON.-60 Brady street.

Appropriate to the present article is the Report of the Board ofTrade, made at the close of 1857, which sums up the various matters of business,expressed in detail by the foregoing.


The footings in some of the principal branches of trade for theyear ending December 31st, 1857, show an aggregate for the business in the sameof $14,435,812.24.  Of this amount $8,539,744.28 has been Banking andExchange; $2,628,602.57 sales of Merchandise; $1,158,000.00 sales of Grain andProvisions: $353,000.00 sales of Consignments and Forwarding; $751,030.00Manufacturing not estimated in sales; $450,029.00 Freight and Cartage;$555,406.39 Lumber, Doors, Sash, &c.

The Banking department shows an aggregate of $6,616,737.34 forExchange, and $1,923,006.94 for Discounts.

The sales of Merchandise, together with the stock on hand, showas follows:

                                                               SALES                        STOCKS

AgiculturalImplements,..........................................$ 25,000.00                          $      12,000.00

Boots andShoes......................................................   72,000.00                                   34,000.00

Books, Wall Paper,etc...........................................     34,000.00                                  12,000.00

Bakery, Confectionery,etc....................................        8,000.00                                    3,000.00

Clothing,.................................................................   164,700.00                                  61,000.00

DryGoods,............................................................   600,902.57                                 164,500.00

Furniture, Matresses,Carpeting............................      89,000.00                                  44,300.00

Groceries,...............................................................   771,800.00                                 163,000.00

Hardware, Iron, andNails,.....................................   264,500.00                                 120,500.00

Hats, Caps, andFur,..............................................       34,000.00                                  14,000.00

Jewelry, Watches,etc............................................        27,000.00                                   18,500.00

Leather and SaddleryHardware,............................        87,000.00                                   24,200.00

Milinery,................................................................        42,000.00                                   12,700.00

Drugs, Paints, Oils,etc..........................................         70,000.00                                  35,300.00

Queensware,..........................................................          25,000.00                                 18,000.00

Stoves, House Furnishing,etc..............................        125,000.00                                  44,000.00

AssortedMerchandise,.........................................       116,200.00                                   16,700.00

Tobacco andCigars,..............................................          59,000.00                                  14,000.00

Wines andLiquors,...............................................        113,500.00                                     7,000.00


                   Total Stock onHand,...............................................................                    $818,700.00

Owing to the monetary difficulties, which came down upon us sosuddenly in October, there has been a falling off in all branches of trade. In no department have the figures been so affected as in the Banking. During sixty of the last ninety days, Exchange has not been procurable atany price, or under any circumstances, except in very small sums. Notwithstanding this, our local business has suffered far less diminutionthan was at first apprehended.

With an encouraging activity in their affairs and operations,our merchants have slowly, but steadily, met their Liabilities at home andabroad, with a manifestation of promptness that, under the circumstances, hasreceived the hearty approbation of their correspondents, and preserved intactthe high standing they have previously maintained.

Careful inquiries have developed the fact beyond dispute that,during the last few months, we have had important accessions to our trade, fromvarious sections of the country hitherto tributary to other points.  It ispresuming very little to say, that the acquaintances thus formed, cannot butresult mutually advantageous.  Whether the first introduction was theresult of purely superior inducements in stock and prices, which our merchantsare ever ready to offer, or more directly the effect of the locval currency,that has been so exclusively the agent of our transactions, is not left fordecision here, and indeed it is no matter, having gained so much of a point, itonly remains to retain it.

The high price of exchange has operated more manifestly upon thestocks of grocers, in the articles of coffee, sugar, and molasses, and hasmaintained the price of these articles, at quotations much above the ordinarymargin between this and Eastern and Southern markets.  The indicationsbeing favorable for a speedy equalization of funds, we may reasonably hope foran improvement in these articles, and a corresponding increase of sales of thesame.

The estimates of Grain and Provisions exhibit as follows:


Bushels Wheat

Bushels Barley    34,000  13,000
Barrels Flour  175,800 879,000
Tons shipped stuff, etc.    8,640 129,600
Bushels Potatoes   20,000    5,000
Bushels Onions   25,000  12,500
Barrels Pork    3,500  52,000
Tierces Bacon    1,280  32,000

Of the wheat received druing the comprised period, there was manufacturedinto flour eight hundred and seveny-nine thousand bushels.

The number of Hogs packed at this point was thirteen thousand.

The estimated value for the same, after allowing for the wheat, etc.,manufactured, is $1,158,000.

The Commission and Forwarding Business, with an aggregate of $353,000, showsan advance of freight and charges of $150,000.

The following list of different branches of manufacture shows for

Agricultural Implements$ 49,000
Boots and Shoes  20,000
Book binding, Printing, etc. 108,000
Bakeries and Confectionary  25,000
Clothing  28,000
Carriages, Wagons, etc.  87,000
Furniture and Matrasses, etc,  67,000
Plows, Castings, and Iron Work 205,000
Paints, Oils, etc,   4,000
Stove Furnishing, etc.  10,000
Cooperage 105,130
Lumber, Sash, etc. 235,154
Flour, Feed, etc. 957,000
Hog Product 113,715
Sundry Manufacutres  32,909

In no year have the crops of the coutnry been more abundant than the present,yet owing to the great falling off in price, as compared with the former years,the receipts have fallen far short of the amount due.  During the earlymonths of the year, prices ranged at a point that offered great inducements tothe producer, and large quantitles of seed were planted.

The exuberant crop, with a falling off in demand, followed by the finacialtroubles, created such a sudden and heavy diminution of price, as to inducegrowers of grains to sell no more than they were compelled to do.

The opening year, however, offering no assurance of an improvement, there hasbeen an increased disposition to sell, and consequently a marked improvement inreceipts.

There are few points in the West where the manufacture of flour is morelargely engaged in.

The value of this department alone approximated one million dollars, whilethe brands of the different mills enjoy an enviable reputation in foreignmarkets.

The crop of barley promised a great abundance, but the result of heavy rainsat the period of early harvest was a bitter disappointment and loss to thefarmers, and a greatly deteriorated quality of grain.  Much of thegathering has been grown or dampened, so that the prices have ranged from thelow quotation of twenty cents per  bushel to fifty cents per bushel.

In common with other sections of the country, there has been an extensivedisease among Neoshannock potatoes.  Pinkeyes appearing the most healthy,have been most sought after.  Large quantitles have been exported, butstimulated by the excessive prices of last spring, the crop was heavy. There are many held in the country, in the hopes of advanced prices uponthe resumption of navigation in the spring.

An important and distinctive feature in our list of productions, is theculture of onions.  The annual crop is largely in excess of any other pointin the West, and indeed enters creditably into competition with the greatdistrict of Wethersfield, so long famous for onions.  In no soil is thecrop grown more easily, profitabley, or satisfactorily.  The average pricefor the year has been fifty cents per bushel, with a total receipt oftwenty-five thousand bushels.  The shipments have been liberal with a fairstock on hand.

The Hog crop at this point has never assumed the importance that hascharacterized the same at other places of some less size.  Operations havebeen confined to a few dealers, so that competition has never been sufficient toraise prices, or invite a supply exceeding the demand.  There is no Statebetter adapted for the raising of stock and culture of the necessary food thanour own.  Fertile, well watered, with almost limitless extent of naturalpasstures, and a soil responding generously to the rudest advances ofcultivation, but a few years will elapse before we will assume tha importance inthis particular we are eminently qualified to maintain;  It is but littleto anticipate that the superiority of our position and advantages will largelyidentify us with such a result and make this city an extensive depot ofprovisions.

The Commission and Forwarding Business, which this year shows an aggregate ofover one-third of a million, is rapidly increasing in importance.  As theMississippi and Missouri Railroad is extended, so will our products increase,and the same, whether seeking an Eastern or Southern market, must, ontranshipment here, give employment to a large amount of labor and means.


The solid growth and importance of a city is admitted by allpolitical economists to be based upon the manufacturing interest containedtherein-and while we are deficient in none of the elements necessary for thegrowth and success of a great mart, it is mostly upon our unequalled facilitiesfor manufactures that our anticipations of the future are based.

Favored as we are by nature in our location, with every advantage for theconvenient association of the different agencies required in the transformationof raw material into the necessaries of society, it requires only the mostcasual observation to discern our future importance; scarcely one strangerpasses without being impressed with this great fact, while to those who givemere attention to the subject, favorable results geometrically increase.

Already we have attained importance; already we have arrested and givenemployment to capital seeking profitable investments.  The success that hasattended efforts already begun, connected with the facility of furnishing theraw material-be it Lead from our own borders, Copper from Superior, Iron fromMissouri, Lumber from Wisconsin or Michigan, Hard Wood from Indiana, Cotton fromSouhern States, all of which can be brought to our door without reshipment,added to Coal for fuel from meadows and fields whereon we raise abundantsupplies of food for the thousands whose labor is transforming the crudematerials we gather-cannot fail to favorably attract the attention of thecapitalist and citizen, and incude to a citizenship among us, a portion of thebest talent and energy of the country.  Already are we conceded thesuperiority of manufacturing facilities, and already is a wide area of territorydependent upon us for those supplies we can more economically produce thanimport.  Every mile of Railroad that is completed to the West, as well asevery acre of raw prairie that is broken for cultivation, increases ourmanufacturing importance; in no age has the march of emigration been more rapidand continual, and in no case has a larger percentage of population accumulatedthan in our own State; legitimate causes produce legitimate results.  Nocity has had a more rapid, vigorous, and continued improvement than our own, andno improvement has been founded upon a more permanent basis, viz:-manufacures.

There is scarcely a branch of this class of industry that might not beentered into successfully.  Mills, machine shops, etc., are alreadyestablished, yet there can be duplicated and the supply not exceed the demand. Cotton and woolen mills, paper manufacturers, foundries, shops foragricultural implements, and all the various kinds of handicraft will meet awelcome and a support upon the occasion of their advent.

Here the expense of living is moderate, and the price of real estate governedby its value for actual use; for the proprietor, unequalled sites of residencepresent themselves, while the mechanic and laborer can find abundant places fora home, at terms to suit the most limited means; for the purposes of business nocity has a site superior, while few can equal our own.

The estimate for Lumber, shows the following:

The receipts have been in feet22,212,216
The number of Lath received and manufactured 6,795,103
The number Shingles received and manufactured 5,204,750
The number Pickets manufactured    31,463

Of the receipts fourteen million seven hundred and seventy-five thousand twohundred and sixteen feet have been by river, and seven million four hundred andthirty-eight thousand feet by railroad.

The amount of freight and charges paid here for the year have been$450,029.00.  Of this the amount of railroad charge, was $401,470.00. And the amount of river charges was $48,559.00.

The aggregate exports and imports for the same time have been, as nearly ascan be ascertained, ninety-three thousand six hundred and eighty-three tons. Of this amount forty thousand five hundred and eigthy-four tons areexports, and fifty-three thousand and ninety-nine tons imports.  Of theexports thirty-four thousand one hundred and fifty-seven tons were by railroad,and six thousand four hundred and twenty-seven by river.  Of the importsforty-seven thousand and twenty-nine tons were by railroad, and six thousand andseventy tons by river.  Total river tonnage, twelve thousand four hundredand ninety seven.  Total railroad tonnage, eighty-one thousand one hundredand eighty-six.

The whole number of steamboat arrivals and departures have been one thousandfive hundred and eighty seven.  Of this number nine hundred and sixty havebeen boats running to this point exclusively, and six hundred and twenty-seventransient boats.

The number of boats that have passed the railroad bridge is one thousand andsixty-seven; and the number of rafts six hundred.  The number of collisionsof boats with the bridge has been twenty five; of which eight sustained injury,and seventeen sustained no injury.  The nunber of rafts colliding with thebridge has been thirty; of which about two-thirds sustained injury, andone-third no injury.  In no case was the injury sustained serious, with theexception of a few rafts.

The river opened on Thursday, February 26th, the ice moving slightly. It again became gorged on the 28th, and remained stationary until March25th, when it again broke loose, and permitted boats to reach the landing. The first boat of the season was the Fire Canoe, and half an hour laterthe Conewago.  The first boat that passed the birdge was the Conewago,bound up; and the last boat the Cremonia on the 23th of December, bound down. On the 25th of March the terry commenced regular trips for the season.

Up to the time of closing this report, the river has not frozen over at thispoint.

The first raft passed down the 18th of March, and the last one the 18th ofNovember.

Of the rafts passing down the bridge more than one-half were manufacturedlumber.

It is a matter of interest to note the comparative magnitude of the river andrailroad business of the city, and the statements assume greater interest, inconnection with the strong influence that has been exerred for the removal ofthis important connection between great Eastern and Western overlandthoroughfares.

St. Louis, with a greatly prep underating river over railroad business,attributes to this bridge, the greatest injury her business has received. The admission calls attention to the fact, that an immense interest hasfound a more favorable and porfitable accommodation that before; an interestthat is daily increasing, and if not as present, soon will become of greaterimportance than the inconveniences preseniel to any opposing interest.  Inthis view, and aside from any local benefits that may accure, it would seem toany but the most selfish prejudice, a retrogressive policy that would distrub sogreat a general good.

There has been received her during the year by railroad:

Lumber, in feet7,438,000
Railroad, iron, ton    1,593
Coal, tons   13,095
Oats, bussels   33,843
Barley, bushels    4,688
Corn, bushels  75,834
Wheat, bushels 183,297
Pork, lbs 832,385
Pork, bbls     3,956
Machinery, lb 183,436
Barrels of Flour    4,410
Wool, lbs   18,306

Of the above the entire estimates for Lumber, Shingles, Railroad Iron, Coal,and Corn were received by the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad.  And theentire amount of Wheat, Pork, Flour, and Wool, was received by the Mississippiand Missouri Railroad.  The remainder was received as follows:  ByChicago and Rock Island Railroad, Oats 29,380 bushels, Barley 2,316 bushels. By Mississippi and Missouri Railroad, Oats 4,463 bushels, Barley 2,372bushels.

In addition to this there has been passed over the Mississippi and MissouriRailroad:

Barrels of Flour 29,302
Bushels of Potatoes   2,996
Bushels of Oats   4,830
Bushels of Corn 46,258
Bushels of Wheat235,217
Pounds of Wool 25,416

The total number of pounds passed over this road, for the year, has been onehundred and thirty million six hundred and ninety-five thousand five hundred andsixty-six pounds.

While the receipts by river have been large and interesting, no reliablerecords of the different articles exist upon which tables can be founded. The amount of Lumber received in feet has been fourteen million sevenhundred and seventy-five thousand two hundred and sixteen.

Bushels Wheat80,072        57,936       94,008
Bushels Barley18,388         2,279       20,667
Barrels Flour19,819       86,509     106,319
Tons Coal          5,647         5,647
Feet Lumber 9,00016,039,11216,049,112
Shingles  5,890,000  5,890,000

In addition to the above, there has been shipped from this port as follows:

Bushels Onions18,520
Bushels Barley16,372
Bushels Corn Meal  1,400
Bushels Oats     376
Tons Ship Stuff     976
Barrels Lard     297
Packages Butter     138
Tierces Bacon 1,280
Barrels Pork 1,372
Hides 1,713
Wagons and Carriages       26
Barrels Fruit       32
Packages Furniture     961
Packages Merchandise  1,565
Packages Groceries    860
Packages Queensware       63
Packages Hardware     659
Packages Plows     567
Packages Agricultural Implements     520
Bundles Sash      90
Pork Barrels      254
Sack Seeds      100
Sack Wool        11
Bales Gunnies      291

                                                                                     I. P. COATES,

                                                                        Secretary of Board of Trade.

DAVENPORT, IOWA, January 1st, 1858

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