Scott Co, Iowa - IAGenWeb Project








Judge Weston was born May, 1811, in Washington county,New York.  He was the youngest son of Hon. Roswell Weston, Judge in theCourt of Common Pleas.  The subject of our biography graduated at an earlyage at the Rennsalaer Institute, of Troy, and, in 1832, commenced reading lawunder his father and Gen. Orville Clark - who were then in partnership.  Heremained with them some two years, and then transferred his studies to theoffice of Hon. Esek Cowen - who was afterwards one of the Justices of thesupreme Court of the State.

Several of the highest lawyers of the day were cotemporary withJudge Weston at the time - Hon. Mark Skinner, now of Chicago, and Nicholas Hill,Jr., of Albany, New York, studying in the same office, and Hon. Daniel Ullman,and Hon. Ed. Sandford, being admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court in thesame class of examination in 1836.

Judge Weston engaged for nearly a year, after his admission, inpracticing law in his father's office, and then through the representations ofsome proprietors of the "Half Breed Tract," who resided in New York,he was induced to start for the West.  The glowing enthusiasm of the ownersof the "Half Breed Tract," was, however, lost in his case, for,instead of proceeding thither' he went to Burlington.  He reached thatplace in December, 1837, having crossed the country in the first stage (owned bythe well-known Frink,) that ever went through from Chicago.  Hisadvent in Iowa was not as pleasant as it is now, when Steam Ferry Boats havesupplanted shaky flat-boats, and precarious "dug-outs."  TheMississippi was crowded with floating ice, and he nearly lost his life incrossing - he, however, succeeded, but more dead than alive.

He entered the small hotel, and after warming himself, andrecovering a living amount of energy, he surveyed the company present. There were a couple of gentlemen who attracted his attention - one was arather loose, undandified young man, with a particularly large head, and stackof hair, each member of which rose erect in proud independence of the others. His companion was a rather sharp-looking individual, and was armed cap-a.pie,in stout old homespun, of true Vermont origin.  Both were young men-andeither would have attracted considerable attention in Broadway.  JudgeWeston received an introduction; the first was Mr. Grimes, and the other Mr.Starr.  Mr. Grimes, better known as Jas. W. Grimes, has since been Governorof Iowa, and is now United States Senator, while Mr. Starr is one of the firstlawyers in the West.  These were Judge Weston's first acquaintances west ofthe River, and both illustrated admirabley the fact, that "appearances aredeceiving."

He commenced the practice of law in Burlington, and continued soto do for a year or more, alternating his legal duties with trips into the backcountry for the purposes of health, adventure, or excitement.  On one ofthese occasions, himself, and H. W. Starr, were spending a short time with JerrySmith, a well known indian trader of that time.  While there, Black Hawkand his son arrived, and pitched their tents in the vicinity.  He was verysociable, but most religious in his dislike of his rival, Keokuk.  Starr,in order to test his feelings, said to the old chief:  "Keokukoc-qua-nish-a-shin?"  ("Keokuk is a good man, is henot?")  Rising, with fury, in his eyes, and all his bitterdisappointments crowding his memory and bolstering up his wrath, the old Bravethundered out, "Keokuk car-win, nish-a-shin!" ("Keokuk is NOT a good man!)  It is impossible to render inEnglish the full and emphatic meaning contained in either question or reply, butmore especially so in case of the latter.

Judge Weston was with W. B. Conway during his sickness anddeath; and soon after the occurrence of that deplorable event, he was appointedFiscal Agent for the Territory, and exercised the duties of the Secretary of theTerritory, in place of Mr. Conway.

In 1838, he was appointed Judge Advocate General, by Gov. Lucas,with the title of Colonel.

In 1839, by the death of incumbent Van Alen, he was appointedUnited States Attorney for the Territory, by Mr. Van Buren, which office he helduntil 1843.

In 1840, he removed to Davenport, and purchased a quartersection of land, which he afterward increased to a farm of several hundredacres.  He was not, however, signally successful as a farmer - it generallycosting him a third more to raise his own beef, butter, and wheat, than it wouldto have paid the cash for them.  He, therefore, abandoned the pursuit ofAgricultural prominence under such difficulities, married, and moved into thecity, wher he has since resided.

He was elected Mayor in 1851, and County Judge in 1857, whichoffice he at present fills, in a manner at once satisfactory to hisconstituents, and honorable to the ermine.  It may be added that none morethan himself are suaviter in modo, and hence the difficult relations ofhis office are always preserved in a manner that leaves none other thanpleasurable impressions - however inharmonious or antagonistic be the influenceswith which he may have to deal.

He is now in the enjoyment of an honorable independence, hasfine tastes and means for their gratification.  His progenitors are notedfor longevigty - his father being now eighty-seven - and he himself willprobably extend the term of his life and enjoyment to an equal extent. That such may be the case, not one will otherwise wish, as his urbanity,genial sympathies, and classic tastes, have acquired for him the friendship andrespect of all who know him.


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