Iowa State Gazeteer and Business Directory

LE CLAIRE. On the Mississippi river in Scott county, opposite Port Byron, Ill., its shipping point by rail on the R. & S. div. C.M. & St P. Ry. Steamboats also carry a large amount of freight to and from this point. There are here 4 churches, Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Christian., also a graded school of 4 departments with 5 teachers. Limie and building stone comprise the chief shipments. Population, 1, 060. Steamboats daily to Davenport; round trip 75c. Mail, daily. D.V. Dawley, postmaster.

Arnold John W, jeweler.
Barter Henry L, publr LeClaire Pilot.
Becker Wm, general store.
Black Wm J, livery.
Blackburn Thomas, blacksmith.
Buckman John W, jsutice of peace.
Burd Richard, hotel propr.
Carr David, barber.
Clark C L, lime.
Coates Rev R W (Meth. Episcopal).
Davenport James H, grocer.
Davenport John, saloon.
Davison A N, agent Keokuk Northern Line Packet Co.
De Armond J A, physician.
Disney Charles P, coal and lumber.
Disney Mrs Mary E, millner.
Dodds Thomas J, harnessmaker.
Dorrence Delos, grease.
Edwards R A, wagonmaker.
Gamble James, physician.
Graham Charles F, shoemaker.
Headley Walter P, general store.
Henderson George W, saloon.
Hessman C J, saloon.
Holsapper E T, hotel propr.
Johnson J D, lawyer.
Kattenbracker Charles, machinist.
Kyler & Jones, live stock.
Laycock Wm, justice of peace.
McCoffey & Disney, coal.
McCoy John H, hardware.
Martindale Rev J P (Christian).
Meyer Frederick, grocer.
Newton John & Son, blacksmiths.
Pireny H L, physicians.
Rathman Andrew, saloon.
Rathman Ernst, meat market.
Schworm F P, grocer.
Schworm Louis & Sons, boots and shoes.
Smith & Scandrett, flour mill.
Stone Andrew, meat market.
Strobeen H, saw-mill.
Twiesel Max, tailor.
Van Duzer James, confectioner.
Van Hine __, boat builder.
Van Sant J W & Son, boats.
Whitaker Wm H, druggist.
Wrage Henry, boots and shoes.
?aber Joseph, grocer.
?aber Wm, harnessmaker.

Page updated April 11, 2024

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