Patron's Directory from the Illustrated Historical Atlas
of the State of Iowa 1875
by A.T. Andreas

City of Davenport

Name Business Nativity Came to Iowa
Aberle, John B. Baker and Confectioner Wurtemburg, Germany 1868
Academy of Immaculate Conception Founded, 1859 by Sisters of Charity, B.V.M.    
Ackley, John Attorney at Law Geneva, NY 1855
Ackley, Wm. A. Passenger Conductor C.R.I. & P.R.R. Blair Co. PA 1854
Albrecht, Otto & Co. Cigar Manufacturers, established, 1854    
Alston, A.S. Wholesale Dealer in Millinery Newark, NJ 1855
Andresen, H.H. Treasurer, German Savings Bank Holstein, Germany 1855
Arnold Bros. Dealers Fancy Goods and Notions, established, 1872    
Aschermann, Conrad Grocer, established, 1857    
Ashmore, Wm. Salesman Suffolk Co. Canada 1868
Atkinson, J.A. See Jones, Jordan & Co. Belmont Co. OH 1863
Aye, John, Washington Park Holstein, Germany 1858
Babcock & Snider Insurance Agents    
Babcock, E.J. Insurance Agent Franklin Co. VT 1869
Baderan, Christ Printer Holstein, Germany 1868
Baker J.W.H. Physician & Surgeon Cheshire Co. NH 1855
Balch, F.A. Dealer Lime, Cement, Coal Concord, VT 1857
Balch, Frazer & Co. Dealers Lime, Cement, Coal    
Balch, George Dealer Lime, Cement, Coal Lunenburgh, VT 1857
Ballou, George H. Journalist Lockport, NY 1858
Bank 1st National Banking    
Bank Citizens National Banking    
Bank Davenport National Banking    
Bank German Savings Banking    
Barnard, J.F. Lumber Dealer Prince Edward Isle 1866
Bartemeier, John Tailor and Dealer in Clothing, established, 1853    
Bartemeyer & Son Wholesale and Retail Grocer, established, 1863    
Baustian,W. Agent for Zeller's Billiard Tables, established, 1867    
Beattle, H.P. Merchant Miller Detroit, MI 1871
Bell & Kelly Physicians    
Bell, J. Physician Hamilton Co. OH 1840
Benson, H.H. See Rose & Benson Louisa Co. IA 1839
Berg, Henry Gunsmith Holstein, Germany 1853
Berg, Wm. Schutzen Park Holstein, Germany 1865
Bergfeld, Frederick Saloon Keeper Prussia 1856
Berryhill, John H. President Third St. Railway Co. Philadelphia, PA 1864
Berwald, John Dealer Books and Stationery Davenport, IA 1852
Biller, Leonhard Dealer Dry Goods and Notions, established, 1863    
Bills & Block Attorneys at Law    
Bills, John C. See Bills & Block Wyoming Co. NY 1856
Binder, Wm. Saloon Keeper Wurtemburg, Germany 1853
Bissell, W.P. Dealers in hardware Oneida Co. NY 1866
Block, Herman See Bills & Block Luxemburg, Germany 1858
Blodgett, J.C. See Chandler & Blodgett Gorham, NY 1874
Bluedoor, C.O. Saloon Keeper Holstein, Germany 1856
Boehl, J.C. Dry Goods and Notions Holstein, Germany 1857
Boles, M. Undertaker Beaver Co. PA 1855
Borland, W.C. Clerk C.R.I. & P.R.R. Co. Iowa City, IA 1857
Borm, H. Saloon Keeper Holstein, Germany 1848
Bowling, James M. Retired Winchester, VA 1836
Brady, Edwin W. Manufacturer Wooden Shades Alleghany Co. PA 1849
Brandes, E.A. Grocer Hanover, Germany 1873
Brandt, C.C.F. Tobacconist, established, 1866    
Brandt, Henry Grocer Holstein, Germany 1853
Bremer, H. Cooper Prussia, German 1854
Brockmann, John D. Grocer Holstein, Germany 1865
Brown & Son Abstract and Real Estate Office    
Brown, Campbell & Gould Attorneys and Counselors at Law, established, 1874    
Brown, J.J. Felt Pitch, and Gravel Roofing Morris Co. NJ 1856
Brown, L.H. See Brown & Son St. Joseph Co. IN 1864
Brown, L.J. See Brown & Son Wayne Co. NY 1864
Bruhn, Wm. Clerk Davenport, IA 1856
Bruning, L. See Cook, Richman & Bruning Minden, Prussia 1863
Brus, John H. Proprietor Germania House, established, 1871    
Buck, L.J. Drover Prussia, German 1857
Burmeister, Ernst Butcher Holstein, Germany 1867
Burr, Joshua Grocer, established, 1856    
Cable, G.W. Coal Dealer Athens Co. OH 1856
Cable, H. & G.W. Lumber and Coal Dealers, established, 1865    
Cameron, W.S. Hats, Caps and Latest Styles of Gents Furnishing Goods, established, 1872    
Camp, J.H. See Davis & Camp Durham, CT 1857
Carleton & Huckins Mnfrs. Boots & Shoes    
Carleton, D.B. Mnfr. Boots & Shoes Orange Co. VT 1855
Chandler & Blodgett Mnfrs. Pumps and Hand Fire Engines    
Chandler, Aaron Mnfr Pumps and Hand Fire Engines Guernsey Co. OH 1865
ChapIN Elias C. Business Mgr. & Treasurer, Dav. Gazette Co. Cuyahoga Co. OH 1865
Churchill, Daniel Real Estate Dealer Otsego Co. NY 1848
Clark, Frank H. Attorney at Law Oneida Co. NY 1857
Clayton & Sontag Plumbers and Gas Fitters, established, 1870    
Clayton, Robt. C. Plumber and Gas Fitter London, England 1870
Coffeen, Henry Clerk Vermillion Co. IN 1848
Coffin & Henry Land Agents    
Congdon, R.D. Attorney at Law Poughkeepsie, NY 1854
Congrove, Rev. H. Pastor, St. Marguerites R. Cath. Church Williamsport, PA 1845
Cook, E.B. Lime and Stone, Davenport, IA 1848
Cook, E.E. Attorney at Law Scott Co. IA 1843
Cook, Ebenezer Attorney at Law Whitestown, NY 1835
Cook, Richman & Bruning Attorneys at Law    
Cruys, C. Shirt Manufacturer, established, 1863    
Cummins, Isaac Lightning Rod Agent Delaware Co. PA 1855
Cutter & Co. Dealers Dry Goods    
Cutter A.F. Jr. Dealer Dry Goods Chicago, IL 1865
Davenport Business College and Telegraph Institute Commercial Education    
Davenport Democrat Daily and Weekly, established, 1855    
Davenport Der Demokrat Daily and Weekly, established, 1856    
Davenport Gas Light Co. Gas and Coke Mfr.    
Davenport Gazette Daily and Weekly, established, 1854    
Davenport High School, J.B. Young Principal    
Davenport Times Weekly, established, 1874    
Davenport West'n Weekly Weekly, established, 1871    
Davenport, George L. Retired Rock Island, IL 1834
Davenport, Jos. A. & Co. Wholesale and Retail Dlr. Foreign & Domestic Fruits and Oysters    
Davies, J.L. & Son Lumber Mfrs., organized, 1851    
Davies, John Meredith Agent for Dunn & Co. Wales, England 1872
Davies, L.S. Lumber Mfr. Davenport, IA 1842
Davis & Camp Props. National Marble Works, established, 1854    
Davis, Frank C. Mfr. of Agricultural Implements Davenport, IA 1860
Davis, J.W. National Marble Works Cadiz, OH 1854
Davis, John S. Mfr. of Agricultural Implements Glassborough, NJ 1856
Davis, Levi, Printer Montgomery Co. OH 1841
Davis, Lewis H. Mfr. of Agricultural Implements Cincinnati, OH 1856
Day, E.A. Stationery & Blank Book Mfr. Salem, MA 1865
Day, Egbert & Fidlar Stationery & Blank Book Mfrs.    
Dietz & Sebellen Steam Dye and Cleansing Works, established, 1875    
Ditzen, H. Druggist and Apothecary, established, 1852    
Dohrmann, Henry Dealer Leather and Hides, established, 1862    
Donahue, M. LeClaire Iron Works Glasgow, Scotland 1854
Donnecke, Wm. Bakery and Eating Home Saxony, Germany 1857
Dosh, J.P. and L.P. Attorneys and Short Hand Reporters New Scotland NY 1856
Drew, J.L. Land Commissioner C.R.I. & P.R.R.    
Eckerman, E.A. House & Sign Painter, established, 1863    
Eckhardt & Co. Burchers Holstein, Germany 1871
Eckhardt, Charles Grocer Holstein, Germany 1851
Eckhardt, D. Butcher, established, 1864    
Eddy, S.M. Cooper Rutland, VT 1859
Egbert, H. See Day, Egbert & Fidlar    
Egbert, Wm. P. Photographer Union Co. PA 1850
Eggers & Kunkel Dealers in hardware, established, 1856    
Eldridge, C.H. Prop. Davenport Times Cincinnati, OH 1836
Eldridge, D.C. Insurance Broker, Gloucester Co. NJ 1835
Eldridge, J.M. Real Estate Agent Haddonfield, NJ 1845
Eldridge, M.L. Prop. Davenport Times Davenport, IA 1845
Ely, David H. Telegraph Operator Palmyra, NY 1853
Emeis & Co. Dealers Drugs and Chemicals, established, 1873    
England John See Vollstedt & England Holstein, Germany 1861
Evans, Val See Mason & Evans Scarsboro, England 1867
Fejervary, Nicholas Capitalist Hungary 1853
Fidlar, W.F. See Day, Egbert & Fidlar Licking Co. OH 1859
Finch, A.J. Farmer Davenport, IA 1837
Fisher & Hebert Livery and Sale Stable, established, 1849    
Fisher, H. Proprietor Der Demokrat Bavaria, Germany 1856
Fisher, J.B. State Agent of Protection Life Ins. Co. Lorain Co. OH 1872
Fisher, S.A. See Hastings, White and Fisher Halifax, Nova Scotia 1854
Flexner, L. Artist Vienna, Austria 1871
Foderberg, J.G. Dlr Paints, Oils, Doors, Sash and Blinds Holstein, Germany 1854
Forrest, John, Retired Herkimer Co. NY 1837
Foster, W.A. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Scott Co. IA 1842
Fox, Harry Conductor C.R.I. & P.R.R. Berks Co. PA 1869
Frahm, Matthias Brewer Holstein, Germany 1848
French, L. Physician and Surgeon Broome Co. NY 1861
Fries, Caspar Wagon Mfr. and Blacksmith Prussia, German 1862
Fries, R.M. Shoemaker Prussia, German 1869
Froeschle, Leonhard Dealer Stoves and Tinware Wurtemburg, Germany 1863
Fry, James Tailor and Cutter Wellington, England 1873
Fulton, A.C. Capitalist Chester Co. PA 1842
Gabbert, Wm. H. Attorney and County Clerk Scott Co. IA 1849
Gaffney, P. House Painter Ireland, 1855
Gannon, M.V. Attorney at Law Dublin, Ireland 1867
Garrett, Hugh Boot and Shoe Mfr. and Dir. Isle of Man 1857
Gifford, Ira M. Commission Merchant New York 1853
Gilruth, T.W. Attorney at Law Columbus, OH 1851
Goettig, Christ Baker and Confectioner Hesse, Germany 1864
Goetz, Hermann, Dlr. and Mfr. Stoves and Tinware, established, 1854    
Goldsbury, James Land and Loan Agent Warwick, MA 1858
Goldschmidt, P. Undertaker and Dlr. and Mfr Furniture, established, 1855    
Good, Geo. F. Gen'l Agt. Phoenix Mut'l Life Ins. Co., established, 1851    
Goos, Hans, Dealer Sand and Cord Wood, Holstein, Germany 1854
Grabbe and Temme Imps. and Mfr. of Human Hair Goods, established, 1854    
Graham & Miner Wholesale and Retail Grocers    
Graham, Robert Wholesale and Retail Grocer Ireland 1869
Graham, Watson Dealer Coal and Lime New Lisbon, OH 1854
Grant & Smith Attorneys at Law   1838
Grant, James Attorney at Law Halifax Co. NC 1853
Grapengeter, Theo H. Cigar Maker Oldenburg, Germany  
Green & Peters Attorneys at Law   1853
Green, J.W. Attorney at Law Vernon, IN 1874
Greenbaum, E. Wholesale Dealer in Notions Westphalia, Prussia 1855
Griggs, F.H. President Citizens National Bank Boston, MA  
Griswold College Founded by Bishop Lee   1858
Haak, L.A. Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, established, 1862    
Haas, Christ Butcher Wurtemburg, Germany 1866
Haase & Bielefeldt Imps. and Dlrs. Wines and Liquors, established, 1867    
Haase, A. Restaurant and Billard Hall, established, 1869    
Hagarty, Patrick J. Grocer Dublin, Ireland 1859
Hageboeck, A. Lithographer, Engraver, Printer & Pub'r, established, 1860    
Hall, Israel Retired Halifax, VT 1839
Haneman, C.J. Hardware Dealer Holstein, Germany 1859
Haneman, Werner & Co. Hardware Dealers, established, 1870    
Hanemann, Henry Drover Davenport, IA 1850
Hanemann, Louis Drover Davenport, IA 1854
Hansen, Charles Saloon Keeper Holstein, Germany 1867
Harding, P.B. Commission Merchant Holstein, Germany 1850
Harrison & Holman Druggists    
Harrison, J.H. Druggist Carrollton, KY, 1867
Hartwell, D.H. State Agent Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. of Iowa Saratoga Co. NY 1862
Hasler, Henry Grocer, established, 1857    
Hass, Heinrich Saloon Keeper Holstein, Germany 1861
Hasse, C.F. Imp and Dlr. Wines and Liquors Holstein, Germany 1869
Hastings, F.S. Photographer and Dealer in Picture Frames Mendon, MA 1872
Hastings, George E. Dearler Gents' Furnishing Goods, established, 1874    
Hastings, White and Fisher Photographers and Dealers in Picture Frames    
Hazelton, Wm. Dealer Books and Stationery New York City, 1848
Hazen, E.H. Physician Eye and Ear Specialty Elyria, OH 1867
Heitmann, Claus Drover Holstein, Germany 1864
Hender, W. See Washburn & Hender Yorkshire, England 1857
Henry, J. Howard Attorney and Land Agent Peekskill, NY 1855
Hetzel and Schnitzer Real Estate Agents    
Hetzel, George D. Real Estate Agent Wheeling, WV, 1851
Hewitt, Wm. H. Dry Goods Dealer Shawneetown, IL, 1852
Hill & Witt Soda Water Mfr.    
Hill & Wunder Props. of Turner Halle    
Hill, Charles Mfr. and Dlr. in Furniture, established, 1854    
Hill, John Prop. of Turner Halle Prussia, German 1854
Hincher, Rudolph Restaurant and Billard Hall, established, 1854    
Hinrichs, G.H. BookKeeper Oldenburg, Germany 1871
Holman, R.B. Druggist Webster, MA 1867
Holmquest & Lindblom Merchant Tailors, established, 1871    
Hornby, John See Price and Hornby England 1850
Hosford & Nutting Hardware Dealers, established, 1870    
Hosford, E.C. Hardware Dealer Jefferson Co. NY 1856
Housman, H.J. Grocer Gelderland, Holland, 1857
Huckins, G.W. See Carleton and Huckins Stafford Co. NH 1865
Humphrey, J.J. Proprietor Scott House, established, 1854    
Jacker, H. Dlr. and Mfr. Cigars, established, 1865    
Jacobsen, Peter N. N.W.D. Turner Halle Holstein, Germany 1857
Jaeger, J.H. Grocer Holstein, Germany 1856
Jenne, E.S. & Co. Sample Room, established, 1872    
Jipp, H.H.C. Grocer and Beer Bottler Holstein, Germany 1857
Johannsen, John C. Grocer Holstein, Germany 1863
Jones, Jordan & Co. Props. Steam Spice Mills and Chemical Works and Jobbers in Teas and Fancy Grocers    
Jones, S.R. See Jones, Jordan & Co. Manchester, England 1856
Jordan, N. See Jones, Jordan & Co. Duchess Co. NY  
Kahlar, Nicholas Employee C.R.I. and P.R.R. Holstein, Germany 1856
Kaufmann, J. J.P. and Police Magistrate Baden, Germany 1855
Kehoe & Carhart Dealers Dry Goods    
Kehoe, Thomas Dealer Dry Goods Ireland 1860
Keiser, B. Farmer Holland, Germany 1868
Kelly, F.W. See Bell & Kelly Derby Line, VT 1874
Kelly, John F. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, established, 1867    
Kelly, Walter O. Grocer Kilkenny, Ireland 1840
Kent, Charles H. Land Agent Cheshire Co. NH 1857
Kerker, H.W. & G.W. Grocers, established, 1867    
Kirk and Son Planing Mill, Sash, Door & Blind Mfrs.    
Kirk, Franklin Jr. See Kirk and Son Butler Co. PA 1856
Kirk, FranklIN See Kirk and Son Butler Co. PA 1856
Klinefelter, Wm. Clifton House, established, 1873    
Knapp, J.W. Butcher Essex Co. NY 1852
Knell, C.C. Furniture Dlr. and Mfr. Knell's Reclining Chair Switzerland, Germany 1868
Koehler and Lange Brewers    
Koehler, Henry Brewer Germany 1852
Koell, Louis Dealer Groceries, Poultry, etc., established, 1871    
Koester, G.A. Grain and Produce Dealer Prussia 1850
Koester, John Hotel, established, 1856    
Kohrs, Henry Pork Packer Holstein, Germany 1854
Korn, H. Baker Prussia 1864
Krabbenhoft, J.H. Undertaker and Furniture Dealer, established, 1871    
Krause & Co. Wholesale Dealers in Clothing and Piece Goods    
Krause, R. See Krause and Co. Brunswick, Germany 1852
Kruse & Petersen Dealers Dry Goods Notions Etc., established, 1872    
Kuhlcke, A. & Bro. Dealer Stoves and Tinware, established, 1870    
Kulp, John H. Physician and Surgeon Summit Co. OH 1869
Lafrenz, Claus H. Grocer Holstein, Germany 1856
Lamp, Claus P. Iron Dealer Holstein, Germany 1848
Lamp, Hans A. Carpenter Holstein, Germany 1851
Lange, Rudolph Brewer Germany 1852
Langfeldt, Adolph Mgr. Gen'l European Pass and Exchange Office Holstein, Germany 1859
LeClaire, Antoine Retired St. Joseph Co. MI 1833
Lee, M.G. Dealer Brooms and Broom Care, New York 1866
Leemhuis, Bernhard Baker and Confectioner Prussia, German 1856
Lembrecht, Christ Wagon Mfr. Holstein, Germany 1857
Leonard, Harvey Brick Maker Warren Co. OH 1837
Lerch, A.J. & Bro. Dlrs. in Stoves & House Furn'g Goods    
Lerch, A.J. See Lerch, A.J. and Bro. Mendon, Germany 1865
Lerch, F.W. See Lerch, A.J. and Bro. Mendon, Germany 1865
Leslie, Charles Retired Dundee, Scotland 1839
Like and Riffle Groceries and Meat Market, established, 1875    
Like, Charles Groceries and Meat Market Troy, NY 1864
Lillibridge, D.R. Prop. Davenport Business College Tolland Co. CT 1868
Lillis, John Wholesale and Retail Grocer Clare, Ireland 1851
Littig, P. & Bro. Proprietors Eagle Brewery, established, 1858    
Lorton Bros. Livery Stable    
Lorton, Geo. Livery Stable Green Co. IL 1851
Lorton, Steven Livery Stable Green Co. IL 1851
Lorton, W. Livery Stable Green Co. IL 1851
Lowry, J.R. Clerk C.R.I. and P.R.R. Co. Blair Co. PA 1853
Lowry, Robert Farmer and ex-State Senator Blair Co. PA 1853
Lund & Pauli Druggists, established, 1874    
Lyter, John M. Retired Pike Co. MO 1837
Mack, E.H. & Co. Wholesale and Retail Hardware Dealers, established, 1863    
Malsak, Gottlieb Baker Wurtemburg, Germany 1852
Marsh, H. Clark Mecanical Supt. of Dav. Gazette Co. Tompkins Co. NY 1872
Martens & Kruse Grocers, established, 1874    
Martin & Co. Commission Merchants, established, 1870    
Martin & Murphy Attorneys at Law    
MartIN Chas. D. Wholesale and Retail Grocer Davenport, IA 1848
MartIN H.B. Commission Merchant Center Co. PA 1870
MartIN H.M. Attorney at Law Seneca Co. OH 1856
MartIN N.C. Wholsale and Retail Hardware Dealer Seneca Co. OH 1861
Martins, H.B. Carpenter Holstein, Germany 1867
MarvIN Geo. R. Shirt Mfr. and Steam Laundry, established, 1871    
Mason & Evans Carriage Mfrs.    
Mason, J.L. Carriage Mfr., established, 1865 Bowmanville, Canada  
Matthews, J.C. & Bro. Mfrs. Soaps, Candles and Lard Oil    
Maus, Victor Grocer Davenport, IA 1858
Maxwell, A.S. Physician Tuscarawas Co. OH 1855
May, J.W. Pennsylvania House Davenport, IA 1852
McClelland & Co. Mfrs. of Sash, Doors, Blinds    
McClelland, G.P. Mfr. of Sash, Doors, Blinds Pittsburgh, PA 1867
McClelland, T.W. Mfr. of Sash, Doors, Blinds Pittsburgh, PA 1853
McCosh & Donahue Davenport Marble Works, established, 1860    
McCosh & Donahue Wholesale Dealers Cement & Lime, established, 1867    
McGuiness, Jno. J. Merchant's Lunch, established, 1871    
Meichert, John Proprietor Merchant Hotel Holstein, Germany 1854
Meier, Chas. Grocer Mecklenberg, Germany 1856
Meisner, A. Druggist Holstein, Germany 1869
Meisner, J.H. & Co. Dealers Dry Goods and Notions, established, 1870    
Messer, Henry Plumber Scotland 1871
Meyer, C.P. Dealer Boots and Shoes Holstein, Germany 1865
Mickel, Reuben General Insurance and Loan Agent Otsego Co. NY 1855
Mickley, Albert Contractor and Carpenter Prussia, German 1853
Middleton, W.D. Physician and Surgeon Scotland 1855
Millar, S. Ralph Student, Warren Co. VA 1857
Miller J.C. Planing Mill and Sawyer Toronto, Canada 1868
Miller Severin Machine Shop Coblenz, Germany 1850
Miner, A.M. Dentist Cayuga Co. NY 1865
Miner, L.B. Wholesale and Retail Grocer Tompkins Co. NY 1864
Mitchell, N.S. Attorney at Law Davenport, IA 1853
Moeller, H.F. Cigar Boxes and Moulds, established, 1869    
Montague, A.J. Proprietor Davenport Business College Jackson Co. IA 1845
Moore & Oliver Book Publishers    
Moore, Daniel, Book Publisher Leicester, England 1835
Morgan, J.B. Dentist Erie Co. PA 1845
Moritz, A. Wholesale and Retail Clothier Prussia 1867
Morris, J.S. & Co. Dry Goods Dealers, established, 1864    
Morris, J.S. Dry Goods Dealer Channels Islands 1864
Morton, W.M. County Superintendent of Schools Mercer Co. PA 1854
Muhs, J.S. Tailor and Clothier, established, 1866    
Mumm, Juergan Capitalist Holstein, Germany 1856
Munro. Robert Carriage Manufacturer, established, 1864    
Murphy, J.H. Attorney at Law Boston, MA 1858
Murray, Thomas City Engineer and County Surveyor Scotland 1854
Myers, R.D. Dentist Jefferson Co. OH 1853
Myton, W.S. Attorney at Law Hunginton Co. PA 1864
Neidig, E.F. Trader Cleveland, OH 1859
Newcomb, Daniel T. Retired Rensselear Co. NY 1837
Niermann, Anthony Pastor R.C. Church Prussia 1858
Noth, G. & Sons Brewers    
Noth, George Brewer Baden, Germany 1869
Noth, Henry Brewer Baden, Germany 1869
Noth, John Brewer Baden, Germany 1869
Ochs, John & Son Land Agents    
Ochs, John Land Agent Wurtemburg, Germany 1854
Ochs, Lewis A. Land Agent Wurtemburg, Germany 1854
Oliver, Frank W. Book Publisher Lynn, MA 1857
Osborn, Allison Dealer Lightning Rods Hartford Co. CT 1868
Ott, Geo. Wholesale Dlr. Sash, Doors, Blinds, established, 1856    
Otto, Charles A. Mechanic, Saxony Germany 1857
Parker, Jonathan P. Retired Clarendon, VT 1842
Parkhurst, L. Farmer & Deputy Co. Treasurer Ontario Co. NY 1836
Parry, C.C. Naturalist Gloucestershire, England 1846
Paustian, Christ Carpenter Holstein, Germany 1854
Peters, B. Attorney at Law Holstein, Germany 1852
Petersen, J.H.C. Whle & Ret. Dlr. Dry Goods & Notions Germany 1860
Plath & Warnken Dealers Toys and Fancy Goods, established, 1866    
Plath, Ed, Dealer Toys and Fancy Goods Holstein, Germany 1856
Playter, H.F. Law Clerk Utrecht, Holland 1873
Pool, R.W. Commercial Salesman Green Co. PA 1867
Potter, Waldo Editor Gazette, Saratoga, NY 1871
Price & Hornby Proprietors Steam Gang Mill    
Price, R.S. See Krause & Co. Baltimore Co. MD 1851
Price, W.H. Proprietor Steam Gang Mill Davenport, IA 1847
Prien, F.J. Grocer, established, 1853    
Priester, Fer'd Saloon Keeper Germany 1854
Putnam & Rogers Attorneys at Law    
Putnam, C.E. Attorney at Law Saratoga, NY 1854
Rammelsberg & Priester Mfrs. and Dlrs in Tobacco    
Rammelsberg, H. Mfr. and Dlr in Tobacco Holstein, Germany 1861
Ranzow, Chas. F. & Son Dlr Sash, Doors, Blinds Paints & Oils, established, 1850    
Rasmussen, M.C. Scandinavian House Denmark 1865
Rath, Henry Teamster Holstein, Germany 1857
Regennitter, D. Jr. Cigar Manufacturer, established, 1868    
Reimers & Branch Dlrs in Stoves & House Furn'g Goods, established, 1866    
Renwick, James Retired Lanarkshire, Scotland 1846
Renwick, Wm. Steam Gang Saw and Planing Mill, Liverpool, England 1846
Reupke & Schwarting Millers and Mfrs. of Plain and Fancy Crackers Orange Co. VT  
Richardson, D.N. Prop. Davenport Democrat Orange Co. VT 1854
Richardson, J.J. Prop. Davenport Democrat Davenport, IA 1859
Riches, Chas. W. Teacher Muscatine Co. IA 1853
Richman, E.F. See Cook, Richman & Bruning Perry Co. OH 1845
Richman, J.S. See Cook, Richman & Bruning   1839
Richter, T. Mfr of Fine Furs   1854
Rieck, Bolte & Co. Mfrs. & Dlrs. in Gents' and Boys' Cloth'g, established, 1874 Hanover, Germany  
Ritter, Wilhelm St. Paul House Wales, England 1857
Roberts, S. Manager Western Weekly Scott Co. IA 1865
Robeson, W.P. Teacher   1854
Robison, J.H.P. Attorney and Counsellor at Law Scott Co. IA 1845
Roddewig, Fer'd Imp. and Jobber Wines and Liquors, established, 1855    
Rogers, J.N. Attorney at Law New York City, 1857
Rohlfs, M.J. Farmer and County Treasurer Holstein, Germany 1847
Rolff, August, Land Agent Holstein, Germany 1854
Rose & Linsley Attorneys at Law    
Rose, Roderick Attorney at Law and Mayor Smith's Falls, Ontario, 1858
Rothchild E. Wholesale and Retail Clothier Nordstetten, Germany 1858
Rothchild, E. & Bros. Wholesale and Retail Clothiers    
Rothchild, Isaac Wholesale and Retail Clothier Nordstetten, Germany 1862
Rothchild, Max Wholesale and Retail Clothier Nordstetten, Germany 1864
Ruch, John Pork Packer Pittsburgh, PA 1856
Ruepke, Charles H. Miller and Mfr. of Plain and Fancy Crackers Hanover, Germany 1858
Ruhl, Fred Grocer Prussia, German 1847
Ruhstadt, L. Wholesale Dealer in Notions Westphalia, Prussia 1874
Ruhstadt, S. & Co. Wholesale Dealer in Notions    
Russell, Edward Postmaster London, England 1848
Russell, James Master Mechanic D. & St. P.R.R. Arbroath, Scotland 1857
Ryan, M. Painter Tipperary, Ireland, 1859
Sauer, Christian Butcher Holstein, Germany 1865
Schaefer, J.C.H. Saloon Keeper Prussia, German 1857
Schauder, Louis Perry House, established, 1871    
Schlapkohl, Fer'd Grocer Holstein, Germany 1853
Schmidt, C. & Sons Wholesale Dlrs. Saddlery and Hardware, established, 1852    
Schmidt, Hugo Cashier Citizens National Bank Prussia 1854
Schmidt, John B. Butcher Wurtemburg, Germany 1857
Schnitger, Gustavus Real Estate Agent Prussia, German 1851
Schricker & Mueller Steam Saw and Planing Mill, established, 1851    
Schricker, J.G. Manufacturer of Candles Bavaria, Germany 1854
Schroeder & Brandt Grocers, established, 1868    
Schroeder, Henry Grocer Holstein, Germany 1857
Schueler, John Photographer, Prussia, German 1854
Schumacher, H.H. Dealer Hay and Wood Prussia, German 1852
Schumacher, J.G. Merchant Tailor New Orleans 1868
Schumacher, Leo Confectioner Switzerland 1855
Schutt & Wales Insurance and Loan Agents Germany  
Schutt, Julius Insurance and Loan Agent Hanover, Germany 1854
Schwarting, Bernhard See Reupke and Schwarting, Licking Co. OH 1864
Scott, Wellington Lumber Manufacturer Pittsburgh, PA 1853
Scott, Wm. A. Restaurant   1853
Sellen, J.M. Dlr. and Mfr. Boots and Shoes, established, 1855    
Senn, Alois Saloon Keeper Switzerland 1867
Shelley, D.B. Notary Public and Conveyancer, Oneida Co. NY 1855
Sherman, Ward B. Mgr. Iowa Dept. Life Assoc. of America Phelps, NY 1845
Shields, Joseph Proprietor Davenport Woolen Mills, established, 1862    
Sieg & Williams Dlr. Iron and Wagon Material, established, 1869    
Simon, M.C. Wholesale and Retail Dlrs. in European and Domestic Delicacies, established, 1874    
Smith, A. I. Gen'l Agent Charter Oak Life Ins. Co. Madison Co. NY 1855
Smith, Otto Attorney at Law Kiel, Prussia 1854
Smith, Robert W. Conductor C.R.I. and P.R.R. Lanark Co. Prov. Ont. 1853
Smith, S.F. Attorney at Law Boston, MA 1858
Snider, W.H. Insurance Agent Brockville, Canada 1874
Sontag, Henry, Plumber and Gas Fitter Bavaria, Germany 1866
Stephenson, D.L. Clerk Greenville, PA 1857
Stewart & White Attorneys at Law    
Stewart, Charles Dry Goods Dealer Orange Co. NY 1856
Stewart, J.W. Attorney at Law Danbury, CT 1853
Stoecks, F. Dealer Boots and Shoes, established, 1868    
Stolting & Lembrecht Wagon Manufacturers, established, 1855    
Stolting, Christ Wagon Manufacturer Prussia, German 1845
Streeper, C.S. Dry Goods Dealer, established, 1863    
Struve, J.D. Butcher Holstein, Germany 1864
Swindle, Robert J. Retired Fermangh Co. Ireland 1850
Tay, W.H. Mfr. Paper Boxes, Woburn, MA 1856
Thode, Henry Wholesale Dlr. Liquors and Wines Holstein, Germany 1852
Thompson & Risley Grocers, established, 1860    
Thomspon, John W. Attorney at Law Huntington Co. PA 1855
Tichenor, John D. Letter Carrier New Orleans, LA, 1841
Tiedemann, Theodore Saloon Keeper Holstein, Germany 1851
Timpe, August President 1st National Bank Blair Co. PA 1856
Trede, John, Proprietor Western House Holstein, Germany 1854
Uhde, Wm. & Son Jewelers and Watch Makers    
Uhde, Wm. Jeweler and Watch Maker Gaslar, Germany 1864
Ulmer, Geo. BookKeeper Switzerland 1870
Vollstedt & England Dlrs. Grain and Agricultural Implements    
Vollstedt, F. Dlr Grain and Agricultural Implements Holstein, Germany 1849
Voss, Heman Wholesale Liquor Dealer, established, 1871    
Wagener, J.M. Manufacturer of Confectionery Montgomery Co. OH 1873
Wagner, A.. Wholesale Cigar Mfr., established, 1870    
Wales, H.C. Insurance and Loan Agent St. Andrew, Canada E. 1865
Wallace, J.C. Music Dealer Guernsey Co. OH 1857
Washburn & Hender Dealers in Stoves and House Furnishing Goods, established, 1857    
Washburn, D. Dealer in Stoves and House Furnishing Goods Dutchess Co. NY 1856
Watkins, Chas. H. Retired New York City, 1855
Weiss, F. Wholesale and Retail Dlr. in Paints, Oils, Frames Etc. Holstein, Germany 1851
Wells, Ott & Tufts Gen'l Agents N.Y. Life Ins. Co.    
Weston, L.W. Dealer Boots and Shoes Ulster Co. NY 1873
Wheeler, A. Retired Dutchess Co. NY 1856
White, Edward, Saloon Keeper Holstein, Germany 1869
White, Jarvis, See Hastings, White and Fisher Whiting, VT 1874
White, Wm. K. Attorney at Law Saratoga, NY 1868
Wiedemann, M. Dealer Dry Goods and Notions, established, 1874    
Wiegand, Y. Baker Prussia, German 1874
Willmaser, F. Jeweler and Watch Maker Germany 1865
Wilson, A.D. Clerk Westmoreland, England 1847
Witt, Heming, Soda Water Manufacturer Holstein, Germany 1865
Wittig, Chas. M. Wagon Mfr. and General Blacksmith, established, 1856    
Woeber, A. Carriage Manufacturer Bavaria, Germany 1853
Woeber, Adam, Carriage Manufacturer Bavaria, Germany 1853
Woeber, G. & Bros. Carriage Manufacturers    
Woeber, G. Carriage Manufacturer Bavaria, Germany 1853
Wolff, Henry C. Proprietor Brick Yard Prussia, German 1856
WoodmanSee, Ross Secretary Gas Co. Cincinnati, OH 1872
Woodward, B.B. President Davenport National Bank Wayne Co. NY 1842
Wriedt, E.F. Stoves and Tinware Holstein, Germany 1861
Wulff, Claus, Grocer Holstein, Germany 1847
Wunder, Fred, Proprietor, Turner Halle Holstein, Germany 1865
Young, D.T. Mfr. Carriages and Spring Wagon Philadelphia, PA 1855
Zimmerman, H. Real Estate Dlr. and Auctioneer Prussia, German 1850
Zimmerman, J. Mfr. First Class Piano Fortes, established, 1854    
Zoeckler, John L. Pork Packer Wheeling, VA., 1864
Zurborg, Henry, Grocer Hanover, Germany 1864

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