President Kohl Investment Corporation & Blackhawk Hotels Co; b South Bend, Ind Jan 13, 1903; s of F Henry Wurzer-Katherine Vanderhoof; ed Detroit Mich HS; Notre Dame U, BA 1925; m Margaret Eleanore Kohl July 27, 1929 Davenport; s Henry Kohl; d Mary Elizabeth . Suzanne Louise, Margaret Katherine; 1926-31 mgr trading dept Nicol Ford Co, mbrs of New York Stock Exchange; Detroit Mich; 1931 trustee Henry C Kohl est, Davenport; 1933- pres Blackhawk Hotels Co, Davenport; Comm Chest bd mbr; C of C; Davenport Country Club; Rock Island Arsenal Golf Club; Outing Club; mbr Town Club; Cath Ch; Dem; off Kohl Bldg; res 505 Riverview Terrace, Bettendorf.
This bio was extracted from the "Who's Who in Iowa," by Iowa Press Association, Des Moines: Iowa Press Association, 1940, pg. 1108.