Jackson Township

From; Reflections 1855-1980
     Named after "Old Hickory" Jackson, former president of the United States.  The first settlement in Sack county was made in Jackson township in the early 1850's.  It was created as one of the first townshihps in the county, the date being 1856.  The history of the township is almost the same as the history of Sac City.

    Sac City was named in honor of the tribe of Sac Indians.  The Sac and Fox indians were in possession of this land at the time of the Louisiana Purchase.
     The name "Sauk" and "Sac" were used indiscriminately and interchangeably.  The words were derived from the Indian word "Osakwugi" meaning "people of the yellow earth".  So far as we know, the name has never been changed.

The following notes were taken within Jackson Township in 1855 by Adam Sherrill, deputy surveyor.
     This township contains a few marshes and some them are good for grass.  The surface is mostly rolling.  soil first and second rate.   No timber except in groves along Coon Creek and is chiefly bur, red and jack oak, elm and soft maple.  Coon Creek enters the township in Section 3 and runs a southerly course through the township.  There are several improvements within the township.
