Coon Valley Township

From: Reflections 1855-1980 
     It was named for the Coon river which runs through the southwest corner.  It was organized in 1877.  In 1882 a cream station was established at the place called Pettis about six miles southeast of Sac City.  When the creamery burned in December 1901 the town was abandoned.
     The first record of land buying in Coon Valley was an 80 acres in section 16 bought by James Basler in 1868 at $1.50 per acre, with a down payment of $40.00 and ten years to pay the balance.
     Some of the first settlers were D.W. Belt who lived in section 32; and Henry Freisener, who settled on a 40 in section section 15 in 1869, on the place later occupied by Percy Slacks.
     The first school were those in district No. 4.  when the Marion county clan came with their 25 children the school house was moved to its present location.
     In the earlier days the mail was brought to Coon Valley folks by the stage line which ran from Newell to Carroll through Sac City.  Most of the mail for the community was left at the Butter schoolhouse on the Spicer farm.
