Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
The Congregation
about 1880
To see a larger image, a close-up of the congregation, and a list of
the names of those in the photo, proceed to the Next Page... |
The Baptist Council Bluffs Church was organized on August 2, 1856, at
the school house in Rockford Township, near Loveland, in Pottawattamie
County, by seven charter members, viz., Elder John Case, W. A. Reel,
Sarah Reel, Sarah Deal, Josiah
Another photo of the
Church and Congregation at Loveland, Iowa. |
Skelton, Sintha Mace, and Arnnith Jones. The presbytery appointed Elder
John Case, moderator and Brother Hardin Jones, clerk. The name of the
church was to be called Council Bluffs Church. The church continued to
meet at the school, or in homes, until May 1864, when they built a new
church building on ground donated by Brother Hardin Jones. In 1865 the
church sent delegates to be admitted into the Western Association of
Iowa, and in 1871 the church hosted the association. In 1877 the church
entered the Missouri Valley Association, which was formed that year, by
churches lettered out of the Western Association. Council Bluffs Church
gradually grew in number, and in 1931 reported 112 members in the
statistics of the Missouri Valley Association.
Ministers who were ordained by the church
include: Elders William L. Jones (1865); Isaac Skelton (1877); Joseph
Moss (1889); J. M. Arledge (1898); Edward M. Keeney (1905); William M.
Jones (1910); Edgar Carter (1922); William T. Branson; Thomas Pile
(1954); and John T. Anderson (1978).
Other ministers who served the Council
Bluffs Church include Elders John Case, Tom Jenkins, Preston Doty, H.
B. Willoughby, John Q. Jones, Edmon Latham, Mastin Doty, J. W. Syester,
B. F. Butler, Leslie Henry, C. V. Smith, John T. Anderson, Kenneth
Clevenger, and Kobee Trueblood.
Abbott, Acra, Adams, Aldredge, Alumbaugh,
Anderson, Arledge, Bay, Birch, Blakely, Boston, Branson, Brayton,
Bridges, Brown, Bunch, Burch, Butler, Cammel, Campbell, Carmichael,
Carter, Case, Cerben, Clark, Cobb, Coffman, Combs, Comer, Cox,
Crawford, Crogham, Crowder, Curtis, Deal, Denton, Doty, Dulaney,
Duncle, Durant, Durman, Earnhardt, Epperson, Fouts, Frazier, Fry, Frye,
Gardner, Gilmore, Golden, Goodwin, Green, Hager, Harris, Hatcher,
Hathaway, Hazlip, Hendrix, Henry, Hiles, Hill, Hinkle, Homes, Hopper,
Horton, Hoy, Hume, Jackson, Jeffery, Jenkins, Jones, Keeney, Lakely,
Lamb, Landreth, Latham, Logan, Loyd, Lucas, Mace, Mason, Mattox,
McKnight, McMullen, Millard, Morrison, Moss, Motsler, Mullenix, Myers,
O'Neal, Owens, Parker, Paulson, Payne, Pew, Pile, Place, Points,
Prophet, Ray, Reel, Rhoden, Ridpath, Roberts, Roden, Rodman, Salter,
Sarr, Sayles, Selvey, Shoemaker, Showalter, Skelton, Smith, Sorick,
Spencer, Stout, Suthers, Sutton, Thomas, Trout, Walker, Watts, White,
Williams, Willoby, Wilson, Wingate, Woods, Wright, Wyett.
Manuscript records of the Council Bluffs
Church; Minutes of the Missouri Valley Association; Photographs of the
Council Bluffs Church; obituaries of members in church periodicals.
USGENWEB: This information is provided with the permission of Elder
Robert Webb of the Primitive Baptist Church Library at Carthage,
Illinois, November 2002. Also note that many of the members of the
above families are buried at the Jones Cemetery, the Branson Cemetery,
and the Crescent Cemetery in Pottawattamie County, Iowa.