1880 History of Polk County

Biographies - Des Moines

E. E. Ainsworth

AINSWORTH, E. E. - Was born in Burlington, Vermont, August 15, 1839. His youth was spent on a farm, where he remained until 1860, when he removed to Macoupin county, Illinois. While residing in Macoupin county he was engaged in the insurance business. In 1863 he was appointed military store-keeper of the Army of the Potomac, which position he held for one year. In 1864 he was employed in the mustering office at Brattleboro, Vermont, in which position, he remained till the close of the war. He removed to Iowa in the fall of 1866, and located in Des Moines. The business in which he engaged upon settling in this city was that of the agricultural implement trade. This business he has successfully followed for nearly fifteen years, and has by energy and fair dealing established a large business and an enviable business reputation. The firm name is that of Ainsworth & Bonbright, and their place of business is on Court Avenue, near the river.

Source: "The History of Polk County, Iowa" published by the Union Historical Company, Birdsall, Williams & Co. 1880, pp. 761-762.

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