Seney, Iowa, History "in the old news"

The Decade of the 1880s


LeMars Sentinel, March 1, 1883


The snow plow on the St. Paul road going south yesterday morning struck
five head of cattle belonging to S. Reeves.  One was tore to pieces, two
was injured too much to be of any service and other two are badly
injured but will perhaps recover.

The first of March is nearly here when our neighborhood will be all a
bustle, all land leases expire on that day and tenants all change about
to new homes.

LeMars Sentinel, Febr. 20, 1884


February 19:--Trade in merchandise was good the past week, but little
was done in produce and stock.  Farmers who have any grain on hand seem inclined to hold for higher prices.

LeMars Sentinel, May 25, 1886

SENEY: (Special Correspondence)

The ladies of the M.E. church have effected a permanent organization of their aid society under the title of the Seney M.E. Ladies Mite Society. The following officers have been elected. President, Mrs. Stephen Reeves; Vice President, Mrs. E. Lancaster; Secretary, Mrs. T.J. Reeves, and Treasurer, Miss Belle Smith. The membership fee is ten cents a month. The meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month and everybody is invited to attend. The first meeting netted the society about $5 which is very encouraging and we wish the ladies abundant success in this new venture to secure funds for their church.


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