Page County, Iowa obituaries
transcribed by Pat O'Dell

Johannes, Louisa - An extremely sad circumstance is recorded in the death of Mrs. Louisa Johannes, of Mt. Etna, la., a patient at the State Hospital, who passed away at that institution last Thursday. Mrs. Johannes was a young women in her early thirties. She had been married twice. Four children were born to her first union. Afterwards she married Mr. Johannes who was the father of six children, he, too, having been married twice. Mrs. Johannes became insane and was brought to the State Hospital here May 31, 1915. Last Thursday death came to the relief of the poor disordered mind. The remains were taken to her home at Mt Etna for burial.   PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Mar 1, 1917

Mrs L.H. Johannes, resident of Mt Etna vicinity, died Thursday, February 22, 1917, at the hospital in Clarinda. The body was taken to Creston and the funeral was held there at the German Evangelical church Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev J. Ernest Birkner. The body was laid to rest in Graceland cemetery, in Creston. Louisa Krueger was born in Germany April 29, 1884. She was married to L.H. Johannes some years ago and she is survived by her husband and four children, also her parents, Mr and Mrs William Krueger of Creston. ADAMS COUNTY FREE PRESS, Corning, Iowa, Mar 7, 1917

Jones, Edwin T. -

Edwin T. Jones was born in Richmond Ind., Nov. 5,1853. and died in the hospital at St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 23, 1909, aged 55 years, 9 months, 18 days. After leaving the schools in Clarinda he learned the printers trade and worked on our city papers for several years and then on the Iowa State Register and Omaha Bee. While at Clarinda he worked with A. B. Robinson now editor of the Democrat. He then entered the employ of the American ExpressCo and then the Adams Express Co. and for many years had some of the longest and most important routes operated by these two organizations. He was considered one of the best route messengers in the west and the routes that he had are proof of that fact. He was a genial, social man and was loved and esteemed by all who knew him. He was very energetic and overworked himself, and his health had been failing for several years. His home was in Kansas City. He leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his death,and two brothers and two sisters, and all today mourn the loss of a dear one.   His Ioving wife, who now mourns the loss of a devoted husband, is the oldest sister of our fellow townsman, R. B. Hite, who in company with her son Charlie accompained the remains to Clarinda, where they were laid to rest in our beautiful cemetery. The funeral services were held from the residence of his brother, J. D. Jones, on north 15th street, at 10 a. m. Wednesday, services being conducted by Rev. J. W. Able. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Aug 26, 1909

Mrs J H. Hatfield of Atchison Kas. who was called to this city to attend the funeral of her brother, Ed Jones has been visiting the last week with old time friends. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Sep 2, 1909

Edwin T. Jones was born in Richmond,   Indiana,   November 5th, 1853, and died in the hospital at St. Joe, Missouri,  August 23d,   1909, aged 55 years,  9 months and 18 days. After leaving the  schools in Clarinda, he learned the printer's trade and worked on our city papers for several years with A.  B.   Robinson,   editor of the Page  County   Democrat.    He then went to Des Moines and worked on the
State Register.    After that he entered the employ of the American Express Co., and then the Adams Express Co.,   and for many years had some of the longest and most important routes operated by these two great organizations.   He was considered one of the best route messengers in the west, and the routes that he had are proof of the fact.   He was a genial, social man, and was loved and esteemed by all who knew him.   He was energetic and overworked himself, and his health has been failing for several years. His home was in Kansas City.   He leaves a wife and two sons to mourn his loss, besides two brothers and two sisters, and all today mourn the loss of a loved one.   His wife is the oldest sister of
our fellow townsman, R. B. Hite, who in company with his son Charley, accompanied the remains to Clarinda, where they were laid to rest in our beautiful cemetery.   The funeral services were held from the residence of his brother, J. D. Jones, on north 15th street,  at 10 a. m. Wednesday morning,  being conducted by Rev. J.. W. Abel. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Aug 26, 1909       



Jones, Ethel McClafflin -

Mrs. Augustus Cutler received the news on Thursday that her granddaughter, Ethel McClafflin Jones had died that day in Des Moines, where they had been attending Highland Park college.   She had been in poor health for some time. The body was brought here on Friday and the funeral services were held Saturday at 1:30 p.m., at the Methodist Episcopal church of which she was a member.   Rev. J. W. Rink preaching the funeral sermon.   The body was laid away in the Snow Hill cemetery. Her father and mother have been dead for several years.    She leaves one sister, Bessie, who lives in Coin. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 1, 1917

Ethel McClafflin Jones - Mrs Augusta Cutter received the news Thursday that her grand daughter, Mrs Ethel McClafflin Jones had died that day in Des Moines from a complication of diseases. She had been in poor health for some time. The body was brought to Coin on Friday over the Burlington arriving here on the 2:30 train and taken to the home of Mrs Cutter, where her sister, Bessie McCafflin also lives. The funeral was held at the M.E. church on Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. The funeral sermon by the pastor, Rev Rink. The body was laid to rest in the Snow Hill Cemetery. Her parents are both dead and she had lived with her grandmother for many yers. She was in school at Highlnad Park, when taken sick. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 1, 1917


Jones, Fay -

The death of Miss Fay Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jones of near Conway, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Preston of Clarinda, is announced.   The "following obituary is copied from the  Clearfield Enterprise:
"Fay Jones, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jones, was born near Yorktown, la, May 12, 1899, and departed this life on Jan. 23, 1919, age 19 years 8 months and 11 days. She lived with her parents in Page county until 10 years old, then the family moved to Decatur county, where they lived eight years, and moved to Taylor county in the year 1919, and have since made their home near Conway. Fay was sick only a few days. The influenza and pneumonia made her condition at once very serious and after all that medical aid and careful nursing could do for her, she answered the call of death. Indeed death seems to bring a sorrow we cannot bear, and especially when one so young is called from us, but it is a consolation to know that the Master is too good to be unkind to us and too wise to make a mistake. Fay had lived a good and consistent Christian life, and always enjoyed the service of church. She leaves to mourn their loss her twin brother, two sisters and three small brothers, her father and mother, and a host of friends. Funeral services were held last Sunday afternoon at her home north of Conway, Rev F.N. Redlinger officiating, and J. Ralph Crew of Clearfield directing undertaker. Interment was made in Conway cemetery. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 6, 1919


Jones, Flem

Flem Jones a colored man who has lived for a number of years in the neighborhood of the Barron junk yards, died on the 12fth. of this month and was burried in the local cemetery, Saturday. Mr. Jones was 49 years old and has lived in city since the close of the war. He was a good man to attend to his own business, and was faithful to his friends whenever he had an opportunity to return a favor. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Oct 20, 1910


Jones, Garrett Robert -

Garrett R. Jones,
A former resident of Page county, Garrett R. Jones, who with his family at one time lived at Franklin Grove, in Pierce township, four miles north of Essex, died at Waitsburg, Wash., recently. Mr. Jones was the father of Mrs. S. J. McCord of Clarinda, who was at her father's home at the time of his death. Her mother, Mrs. Jones, is an invalid, and requires the attention of her daughter, Mrs. McCord, who fortunately can be with her at this time. In the Waitsburg (Washington) Times of Jan. 21 was the following in regard to the death of Mr. Jones:
"A long, useful and well spent life came to its close when Garrett R. Jones, a well known citizen of this city breathed his last Saturday afternoon, Jan. 15, at the age of 80 years 9 months and 6 days. G. R. Jones had been in failing health for some years and for the past few months his physical strength failed quite rapidly, although his mental faculties seemed to remain with him to the very last. The end came not unexpected by his family and more intimate friends.   Garrett Robert Jones was born in Stuben county, N. Y., on April 9, 1835.   He moved with his parents to Jay county, Ind., at the age of ten years.   On Nov. 11, 1858, he was married to Cynthia J. Woten, the widow who survives him.   In the year 1861 Mr. and Mrs. Jones moved to Minnesota, and then to Page county, la., in 1864, where they continued to reside until 1902, when the family moved to this state.   Most of the time since 1902 Mr. and Mrs. Jones have lived in this city, where they have made  many warm  friends.    Mr. Jones was the father of five children, the two youngest of which preceded him into the vast eternity.   Those remaining to miss him and mourn for him are his beloved wife, Mrs. C. J. Jones,   his daughters, Mrs. Cora Robertson, of this city; Mrs. Mary E. McCord, of Iowa, and his son LeRoy,  of Nebraska,  as well as other relatives.   Two of the children, Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. McCord, were able to be present at the funeral.  The son was here
a short time ago. The funeral took place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the home, Main street, Rev. R. C. Harding, pastor of the Christian church, preaching the excellent funeral sermon. Mr. Jones has been an active member of this church for many years. Interment was in the city cemetery." CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 3, 1916


Jones, J. [H.C. Little's cousin]

H. C. Little and   wife   went to Burlington Junction, Thursday, to attend the funeral of   Mr Little's cousin, .J. Jones. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Mar 3, 1910


Jones, J.A.

Mr. J. A. Jones died at the home of his mother, Mrs. Katherine Scott, in East Clarinda, Nov. 24, 1916 of bronchial pneumonia after an illness of but a few days.
Mr. Jones was born in Indiana July 25, 1862, being 54 years and 4 months old at his death.
With his mother he came to Iowa in 1876. He was married to Miss Dora Robbins in 1889. To this union, several children were born, all dying in infancy but one son, Charles who has now attained to young manhood. Mr. Jones had three half brothers, Charles and Ed Scott of this city, and Claude Scott of Waterloo. He also had a brother who died when small pox was so bad in this part of the country in 1881 and 82, and a sister, Mrs. M. O. Updyke.
Mr. Jones had been a trusted employee of Swift & Co. for fifteen or sixteen years.
The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at one o'clock from the Christian church, conducted by Rev. Snodgrass. Interment was in the Clarinda cemetery. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 30, 1916

J. A. Jones died at his home in Clarinda, Friday, Nov. 24, 1916, and was buried Sunday, Nov. 26, the funeral services being held at the Christian church at 1 o'clock p.m., conducted by the Rev. R. C. Snodgrass. The deceased was born in Indiana, July 25, 1862. He is survived by one son. Mr. Jones was employed for a number of years in the local Swift & Company plant. Previous to that he was a newsboy on railroad trains. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 30, 1916



Jones, J.C., Mrs -

Mrs. J. C. Jones, a sister of Mrs. F B Pennington of this city, died at her home in Bedford, Saturday, May
27, of Bright's disease. She was 61 years old. Mrs. Pennington was with her at the time of her death. Mr.
Pennington went over to Bedford, Sunday. The funeral was held Monday.   The burial was at Bedford. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Jun 1, 1916


Jones, John -

John Jones, a young colorod man, died Saturday from consumption. His had been a checkered career and there is little wonder at his early demise. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Apr 13, 1905

Mr. John Jones, colored, died Sunday morning, after years of suffering from consumption. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the African M. E. church in east Clarinda, the funeral sermon being preached by the minister of that church. Mr. Jones leaves a wife but no children to mourn his death. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Apr 11, 1905

Jones, John D. -

The funeral of John D. Jones was held Friday afternoon,   Nov. 28th, from the family residence on N. Fifteenth street, conducted by the Methodist pastor, Rev. M. M. Cable. Music was rendered by Mrs. J. G. Scroggs, Mrs. Myrtle Nies, Claude Annan and Chas. Keeran.   The pallbearers were Fred N. Tomlinson, J. L. Brown, M. R. Ansbach, H. F. Hitchcock, M. C. McVay and J. T. Harrell. At the grave Clarinda Lodge No. 109 I. O. O. F. gave the full ritualistic ceremony, and members of Warren Post No. 11 G. A. R. acted as an escort.   Those from out of town present   at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Schall and Mr. and Mrs. John Dearborn of Red Oak.   Following is in part the obituary read by the pastor at the funeral: "John Davis Jones was born in Richmond Wayne county,   Ind., Dec. 23, 1844, and died at his home in Clarinda, Iowa, Nov. 28, 1917, aged 72 years, 11 months and 5 days. He came with his parents to Iowa in 1868, settling in Clarinda, where he continued to make his home until his death, being always proud of his home town and a constant booster for it. He was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Hinchman, Nov. 23, 1869, at Rushville, Ind, and to this union were born two children, Harry F., a merchant of our town, and Mrs. Blanche Gruver, residing in San Francisco, Calif., who, with his widow are left to mourn the loss of a loving husband and a kind, indulgent father. He also leaves one grandson, John William Gruver, and one sister, Mrs. Mary J. Hatfield of Kansas City, Mo., who was not permitted to be present at the funeral on account of advanced age   and failing health.  He was a carpenter by trade, painstaking and energetic and many buildings in Clarinda are monuments to his skill and good judgment. He continued his work with unfaltering zeal until failing health, compelled him to retire from active service. He was a life long member of the Methodist Episcopal church, serving on its officiary for many years and teaching in the Sabbath school.   He was a charter member of Warren post, No. 11 G. A. E.and served for many years [----] fourth Indiana infantry at the out break of the Civir war. He was the president of the Page County Mutual Aid and Benevolent association for several years and a member of the Odd Fellows who always loved the order and remained faithful to his trust. In the earlier times before undertaking was the science that it is today, his was the loving service to care for the sick and prepare the dead for burial and he has, without doubt, cared for more of his fellowmen in this way than any other man in Clarinda, cheerfully going at any hour to serve. He organized and for many years served as the chief of our city volunteer fire department. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Dec 6, 1917

John D. Jones.
Brief mention was made in The Journal of last week concerning the death of John D. Jones, one of Clarinda's most highly esteemed citizens. The funeral was held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the family home on North Fifteenth street. A large number of friends were in attendance to pay a tribute of respect to his memory. The officiating minister was Rev. M. M. Cable, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church. The singers were Mrs. J. G. Scroggs, Mrs. Myrtle B. Nies, Claude Annan and Charles Keeran. The hymns they sung were "Come Ye Disconsolate," "One Sweetly Solemn Thought," and "Asleep in Jesus." The pallbearers were F. N. Tomlinson, J. L. Brown, M. R. Ansbach, H. F. Hitchcock, M. C. McVay and J. T. Harrell. The full ritualistic funeral service of the Odd Fellows fraternity was given at the grave by Clarinda lodge, No. 109. Warren post, No. 11, G. A. R., acted as escort for the remains of their Comrade Jones. Rev. M. M; Cable read the following obituary at the funeral.
"John Davis Jones was born in Richmond, Wayne county, Ind., Dec. 23, 1844, and died at his home in Clarinda, Iowa, Nov. 28, 1917. aged 72 years 11 months, and 5 days. He came with his parents to Iowa in 1868, settling in Clarinda, where he continued to make his home until his death, being always proud of his home town and a constant booster for it. He was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Hinchman, Nov. 23, 1869, at Rushville, Ind., and to this union were born two children, Harry F., a merchant of our town, and Mrs. Blanche Gruver, residing in San Francisco, Calif., who, with the widow are left to mourn the loss of a loving husband and a kind indulgent father. He also leaves one grandson, John William Gruver, and one sister, Mrs. Mary J. Hatfield of Kansas City, Mo., who was not permitted to be present at the funeral on account of advanced age and failing health. He was a carpenter by trade, painstaking and energetic and many buildings in Clarinda are monuments to his skill and good judgment. He continued his work with unfaltering zeal until failing health compelled him to retire from active service. Het was a life long member of the Methodist Episcopal church, serving on its officiary for many years and teaching in the Sabbath school. He was a charter member of Warren post, No. 11, G. A. R. and served for many years as its commander, having enlisted in Company I, One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Indiana infantry at the outbreak of the Civil war. He was the president of the Page County Mutual Aid and Benevolent association for several years and a member of the Odd Fellows who always loved the order and remained faithful to his trust. In the earlier times before undertaking was the science that it is today, his was the loving service to care for the sick and prepare the dead for burial and he has, without doubt, cared for more of his fellowmen in this way than any other man in Clarinda, cheerfully going at any hour to serve. He organized and for many years served as the chief of our city volunteer fire department without remuneration or reward. Of a naturally sunny disposition, friend to everybody, he made and held a wide circle of true friends, who, today, with the family, mourn the loss of a husband, father, friend and true Christian brother. Another old settler has departed, a sunny face will be missed, another true soldier; has been mustered out of service here and into the grand army of the redeemed."    CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Dec 6, 1917               

One of Clarinda's best and most highly respected citizens, John D. Jones, died at his home in this city, Wednesday morning, Nov. 28, 1917, after a long siege of failing health. He is survived by his wife, a son and a daughter, the son, Harry F. Jones, living in Clarinda. The funeral will be Friday afternoon, Nov. 30, at 2 o'clock, from the family home. Mr. Jones was an old resident of Clarinda; was a soldier in the Union army and at the time of his death a member of Warren post. No. 11, G. A. R., a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, of Clarinda lodge, No. 109, I. O. O. F., and president of the Page County Mutual Aid and Benevolent association. He formerly was chief of the Clarinda Fire department. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 29, 1917

John D. Jones passed to his well earned reward at 6:30 Wednesday morning, Nov. 28th, at the age of nearly 73 years. The funeral is to be held this Friday afternoon, at 2:30, from his late residence on N. Fifteenth street, being in charge of the I. O. O. F. organization, assisted by the G. A. R., Mr. Jones having been an honored member of both orders.
For several months Mr. Jones has been failing. Sunday he took a turn for the worse. Many citizens will remember John Jones as fire chief in Clarinda, during the times when firelines had to be formed from the wells to the burning edifice, and fighting a fire was a real fight. He was a carpenter by trade, and built many of the houses in Clarinda. For many years he was Deputy Sheriff of Page county. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 29, 1917

John D. Jones, aged 73 years, pased away at 6:30 Wednesday morning. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 from the residence on North Fifteenth street, and will be conducted by the I. O. O. F lodge assisted by the G. A. R.
Mr. Jones lives in Clarinda for many years, an energetic, progressive citizen, and was at one time Deputy Sheriff of Page county, and, was also a member of Clarinda's fire department, He served in Co. 1., 124th Indiana Infantry, in the Civil war. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 29, 1917




Jones, Juddie Hite -

Mrs. Juddie Jones
The funeral of Mrs. Juddie Jones was held Wednesday afternoon, April 24th, from the residence of her brother R. B. Hite, in Clarinda, the services being conducted by the Presbyterian pastor, Rev. David Curry, the burial being in the family lot in Clarinda cemetery.
The death of Mrs. Juddie Jones occurred April 21st, from Bright's disease while living at the home of her son, Charles K. Jones, in Little Rock, Ark., where she has been making her home. The remains were brought first to Kansas City, where her son, Roy B. Jones, has his home, and where deceased lived for many years and has many friends. The remains were then brought to Clarinda.
Juddie Hite was born May 9th, 1852, in Ottumwa, la. Coming to Clarinda with her parents while a girl, she was brought up here, and was married to Edwin T. Jones, who at the time was a printer, who at that time .was a printer on the Clarinda Herald, but later became engaged in the railroad business, which took the family from Clarinda, moving first to St. Joseph, and later to Kansas City, where the husband passed away, being brought to Clarinda for burial.
Besides the two sons above named, Mrs. Jones has one brother R. B. Hite of Clarinda, and one sister, Mrs. Chas. R. Patterson of Birmingham, Ala. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, always loyal to home and country. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Apr 25, 1918

Mrs. Ed T. Jones, formerly of this city, died at her home in Little Rock, Ark., Sunday April 21, 1918, at the home of her youngest son, Charles K. Jones. She was sixty-six years of age. The remains were brought to Clarinda where funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the home of her brother, R. B. Hite, in this city. Besides her sons, Roy B. Jones, of Kansas City, Mo., and Charles K. Jones, both of whom were present at the funeral, she leaves a sister, Mrs. Flora Patterson, of Birmingham, Ala. The services here were conducted by Rev. D. S. Curry. Interment was in Clarinda cemetery, beside the grave of her husband, who was buried here nine years ago. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Apr 18, 1918




Jones, Laura Stewart - Mrs. Laura Stewart   Jones was born in Clarinda, Sept. 3rd, 1870 and died at her home, November 4th, 1918, at 6 o'clock.  She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband, Joseph Jones, a mother, daughter, two sisters, two brothers and a host of friends. She was a member of the A. M. E. Church for over twenty years.   She was a faithful worker, a good christian, and always willing to do something for the up lift of Christianity.     Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. R. B. Manley   and interment was made at the city cemetery. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 7, 1918

Mrs. Laura Jones, wife of Joe E. Jones, died at her home on East Lincoln street Monday evening. The services were conducted by Rev. R. B. Manley at the Clarinda cemetery at 2 p. m. yesterday afternoon. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 7, 1918


Jones, Lem, Mrs [Sidney S.]

Mrs. Lem Jones died Monday morning at the family home in East Clarinda. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon and interment at Oak Grove cemetery. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Jun 11, 1914

Jones, Mary Patience - Mary Patience Jones was born west of Clarinda; October, 28, 1876. At thirteen years of age she joined the Second Baptist church of Clarinda, and was a faithful worker as long as she belonged to it. She attended the rural school until advanced in her studies, and then attended the C. E. I., and received a certificate. She then went in search of a school, first to Omaha and while there she united with the Mt. Pisgah church in order to carry out her Christain duties, and was a faithful member and worker while there. She decided to go south, however, and readily found work in Stewartville, Mo. She, found, however, that she would have to attend the Lincoln Institute, owned and controlled by colored people, before she would be recognized as teacher in Missouri. So she at once started for there, on January 1,1900, to enter upon her first term. Before the expiration of that month her ability was so highly appreciated that she was appointed leader of the church choir, the church membership being five hundred. She taught a Sunday school class in the absence of Prof. Reynolds, and did such excellent work that she was given permanent charge of the class, which later won a banner in a bible contest, through her efforts. She also was appointed assistant matron in the institute. In this capacity she performed active work at different times. A photograph now at Park's gallery shows her in charge of the graduating class, as assistant matron. She was a faithful worker in everything she undertook, was bright in thought, and never forgot her Christian duties. In the last days of her life she called for prayer from the members of her household and friends and led the prayers herself. The family of Miss Jones wish to sincerely thank the kind friends who tendered sympathy and assistance in their bereavement, CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, May 18, 1900     

Deceased, Miss Mary Patience Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Jones, (colored) died at their home west of Clarinda, last night at a late hour. She was aged 23 years. Consumption was the cause of her death. Funeral services will be held from the Second Baptist church, of which she was a faithful member, tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. Mendenhall. Miss Jones' death is a peculiarly sad one. Her parents had spared no efforts or expense to fit her for useful work in life. She was a graduate of the Clarinda high school, had attended the C. E. I., and last fall went to Jefferson City, Mo., to attend college there, to fit herself for teaching among her race in the south. After being there a few weeks she was taken sick with pneumonia, and was brought home to linger until the death angel called her last night. Miss Mary was a talented young lady, and one who had many admirable qualities. Her death will be a great loss to all her friends, as well as to her family, because she gave promise of becoming a leader as well as a teacher among her people; Her parents and family have the sympathy of all their friends in their sorrow. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, May 8, 1900


Jones, Mary Boyd Young, wife of Jesse -

Mrs. Mary Jones died at her home in north Clarinda, May 2, 1907, in the 78 year of her age. She was born in Green County, Pa., where she was married to Jesse L. Jones and four children were born to them. For a number of years she has been a resident of this city, following the death of her husband. She was a member of the Baptist church, and the funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. Stickel, assisted by Rev. Abel of the M. E. church, at 2:30 Saturday afternoon. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, May 9, 1907

Mary Boyd Young was born September 10, 1829, in Green county, Pennsylvania, and died at her home in Clarinda, May 2, 1907. When twenty-nine years old she married Jesse L. Jones. To this union four children were born, which were: Jesse L., who died in infancy, James L., of Sheridan, Wyo.; Elenor F., who remained with her mother, a kind and loving helper in her old age, filling the place of both husband and daughter as best she could. She also leaves her youngest son, John P., of Fremont, Nebr. who was here in time to see her alive.
Mrs. Jones was a kind, loving mother not only to her own children but also to five step-children. She has also been as a mother to her grandson. Willie Jones, and of late to her granddaughter, Mabel Jones. She was converted at the age of fifteen, uniting with the Baptist church in her early home. She remained loyal to the church of her choice, although deprived of its services for many years on account of poor health. She lived an exemplary Christian life, doing good to all with whom she came in contact. Grandma Jones will be greatly missed among her neighbors and friends.
Funeral services were held at the house Saturday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. W. H. Stickel, assisted by Rev. Abel. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, May 7, 1907


Jones, Mr -

Mrs. A. J. Marley was called to her old home in Indiana a few days ago by the serious illness of her step-father, Mr. Jones, who died Friday and was buried Saturday. Mrs. Marley will remain at the old home for a few weeks to visit with relatives.

CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Mar 19, 1907


Jones, O.S. -

J. B. Phillips received a telegram from his daughter, Mrs. O. S. Jones, of Prescott, Ark., Monday, bearing the sad news of the death of her husband that morning.  She will be well remembered by our young people in this city as Miss Bessie Phillips, and all deeply sympathise with her.  Mr. Jones was not known here, she having been living with her aunt in that city where he was married. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Dec 25, 1902


Jones, Susan [---] Banks -

Susan Jones, who died at Clarinda, Iowa, February 17, 1906, was born at Harrisburg, Ky., in 1841. In 1856 she moved to Andrew county, Missouri, where she was married to Ryle Banks. Two children were born to them, James Banks, who has long since preceded ber to the better land, and Robert Banks, who is now residing in Clarinda, Ia. In 1865 she moved to Iowa, where she was married to Robert Jones. To them were born eight children; Mrs. Martha Reeves, living at Chicago; Mrs. Eva Johnson and Mr. Henry Jones, at Kirksville; Mrs. Maude Jones, of Omaha; Mrs. Matilda Lee and Messrs. George and Joe Jones, of Clarinda, la. She leaves a husband, eight children aud fifteen grandchildren to mourn their loss. She joined the Baptist church in 1869 and in 1872 she entered the A. M. E. church at Clarinda, la., and was a faithful Cnristian until her death. A precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is stilled; A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 20, 1906


Jones, Thomas Gordon, Dr -

Dr. Thomas Gordon Jones has been dangerously sick for some time at his home west of the city. But he says he is going to live as long as he can see another colored person. P. S.-The notable old colored man passed away early this morning. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 1, 1912

Thomas Gordon Jones passed away last night at the home of his son, Allen, in this city. Obituary next week. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 1, 1912


Jones, Vania -

Vania Jones, a colored girl, aged seventeen, died Tuesday at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Parker, at 1007 east Grant street. The funeral was held this morning at the Second Baptist church. Burial at the Covenanter church. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Apr 4, 1912


Jordan, Caroline Rebecca -

Caroline Rebecca Jordon was bora in Indiana on the 15th day of March, 1845, and died in this city on Nov. 11, 1914, at 4:30 P. M. at the age of 69 years, 7 months and 28 days. Funeral was held at the home on Nov. 15th, and the enerment made in the Clarinda cemetery. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 19, 1914

Mrs. W. S. Jordan died yesterday at the home of her son, Arthur Jordan, in East Clarinda after a protracted illness from a complication of diseases. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Nov 12, 1914


Jordan, Phoebe Morrow Martin -

Blood poisoning from infection from the opening of a pimple on her face with a pin caused the death of Mrs. Morrow Martin, wife of Rev. W. H. Jordan, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Shenandoah, Friday, Aug. 29, 1919, at the Hand hospital in that city. The husband and four children survive her. Her maiden name was Martin. She was born at Vinton, Iowa, Nov. 23, 1869. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon. Burial was in the Shenandoah cemetery. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Sep 4, 1919


Jordan, Walter M -

Baby Jordan.

Walter M. Jorden came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jorden the 26th day of July last year died August 24. The fond parents have only the sweet memory darling child who dropped out like the slipping of a blossom from a rose. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Sep 1, 1910


Jordan, William S. - Wiliam S, Jordan, am, old resident of Clarinda, and former county auditor, who recently moved to Arkansas, died there at Cotter Monday, Jan. 29th, 1912, aged 69 years, 11 months and 28 days. The body was brought in last night, met at the station by a delegation from the G. A. R. Funeral this afternoon at the Christian church, conducted by Rev. Wm. Stevenson. Obituary next week. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 1, 1912

W. S. Jordan died Monday at his new home at Cotter, Ark., from blood poison. The remains were brought to this city yesterday and the funeral held at 2:30 today from the Christian church by the G. A. R. Post taking part in the ceremonies. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Feb 1, 1912


Josephson, S.J., Mrs - Friday, July 21, 1916, occurred the death of Mrs. S. J. Josephson, at the age of 62 years, 8 months and 9 days. She had been ill for several weeks, but was a patient sufferer. Besides the husband and ten children she leaves to mourn two sisters, Mrs. Grant Johnson of Stanton and Mrs. Albin J. Johnson of Omaha, and one brother, Frank Levine of Stanton. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, July 23, at 1:30 at the home and at 2 o'clock at the Mission church, services conducted by Rev. Foreman of Fremont and Rev. Alexson of Red Oak. Interment was had in the Essex cemetery. PAGE COUNTY DEMOCRAT, Clarinda, Iowa, Aug 3, 1916


Journey, Joseph C. -

Joseph C. Journey, a descendant of English ancestors, was born in Perry county, Ohio, September 21, 1833. In 1854 he was married to Samaria Keyser. To this union were born five children, Martha A. Couch, of Phillipsburg, Kans.; Viola J. Good, of Curtis, Nebr.; Pearlie C. Spunaugle, of Clarinda, Iowa; Benoni B. Journey, of Shambaugh, Iowa; and Forney Journey, who was drowned when he was nine years old.
On August 7th, 1862, he enlisted in Co. D, 75th Illinois volunteer infantry. He was appointed corporal and participated in the battles of Perryville and Stone River and a number of skirmishes. He served nearly three years, was mustered out at Nashville, and honorably discharged at Chicago, July 1st, 1865. Broken in health, he then returned to his family in Mercer county, Oho.
In 1869 he removed to Page county, Iowa, where he lived until his death. His wife died in 1878. He was a man of liberal views, and a diligent student of the Bible. Through all his life, he bore a brave and honorable part in its labors and was held in high esteem by all who knew: him. He fell asleep in Jesus, September 1, 1912, at the age of 78 years, 11 months and 11 days. Death occurred at the home of his son in Shambaugh, Iowa. He leaves three daughters, one son, two brothers and a host of friends to mourn their loss.
By His request, the funeral was conducted by Rev. C. W. Boston, held at the Methodist Episcopal church, September 22d, at two o'clock. The text from which the sermon, was preached, Luke 13:24, was selected by himself before he died. The hymns "Asleep in Jesus,", "Nearer My God to Thee," "How Firm a Foundation," and "There is a Land of Pure Delight" were selected by his family as they were hymns he loved to hear sung, while living.
Uncle Joe, as he was familiarly called, will be missed from our community, as he was a good citizen, interested in the welfare of his neighbors and of a jovial disposition. He was buried in the Davis school house cemetery.

CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Sep 12, 1912


Journey, William T. -


William T Journey was born in Highland County, Ohio in November, 1922 and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Amanda Griffith, September 10, 1910 [This date should be September 22, 1910].  He was married to Miss Francis Miller in 1840.  She departed this life in 1848; was married again to Miss Elizabeth Keckler, in 1950, and she departed this life in 1951; was again married to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Hamm, in 1852, who survives him; also three brothers, one sister.  He was the father of thirteen children, six preceding him to the spirit world.  Thos living are Mrs. Elizabeth Vanaway of Nebraska, Amanda Griffith of near Clarinda, Mrs. Mary Beery of Idaho, Mrs. Martha VanSandt, Joseph and Solomon of Nebraska, and Peter Journey of Kansas; also has thirty-one grand children and two great grand children, besides a hosst of relatives and friends.  Funeral services were held at the Mennonite Church, Friday, September 23, conducted by Rev C. G. Cox, and interment was the Butler Cemetery.  Journey was converted and joined the River Brethren church when quite young, but wa a member of the Mennonite church at the time of his death.

William T. Journey.
The subject of this sketch was born in November 1822, in Highland county, Ohio, and died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Amanda Griffith, living southeast of Clarinda, on September 22, 1910.
Mr. Journey was thrice married. In 1840 he was married to Miss Frances Miller who died eight years later. In 1850 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Keckler who died the following year, then in 1852 he was married to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Hamm who still survives him. He was the father of thirteen children, six of whom have preceded him to the spirit world. There remains three brothers and one sister and 7 children together with Mrs Journey to mourn the loss.
The children are: Mrs. Elizabeth VanWay, Mrs. Amanda Griffith, Mrs. Mary Beery, of Idaho, Joseph and Soloman Journey and Mrs. Martha VanSandt, of Nebraska, and Peter Journey of Kansas. There are 37 grand children, 19 great grandĀ­children and 2 great great, grandchildren, and a host of other relatives and friends.
The deceased was early converted to the church of the River Brethren, and later to the Menonite faith. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Sep 29, 1910

William T. Journey.
This morning, about the hour of 5:45 William T. Journey who has lived near Shambaugh for many years died after a long illness. The funeral will be held tomorrow at the Butler church. An extended obituary will appear next week. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Sep 22, 1910

Joy, --- mother of Mrs J.M. York - Mrs. J. M. York and sons, Benny and Bert, left Monday evening for Dorchester. Neb., being called there by the sudden death of Mrs, York's mother. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Sep 30, 1904


Joy, Reuben -

Reuben Joy died at Blanchard May 20, 1919, age 87 years. Surviving him are two daughters, Mrs. B. C. Collins and Mrs. Ella Lamar of Blanchard, and a son, John Joy, of St. Joseph, Mo.

CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Jun 5, 1919


Joy, Reuben, Mrs -

Mrs Reuben Joy who has been very poorly the past several months, died at her home Friday evening after a serious illness of a few weeks.
Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. H. C. Parker, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of which she was a member. Interment was in the Blanchard cemetery. She and Mr. Joy were among the early settlers of this place and was over eighty-one years old at the time of her death. She leaves a husband and four children, Mrs. Ella Lamar, Mrs. Collins and John Joy of this place and Mrs. Howard Hannah of Sidney, la., to mourn their loss, besides relatives and many friends. CLARINDA JOURNAL, Clarinda, Iowa, Jan 20, 1916


Joy, Samuel -

Mrs. Ida York returned home Monday from Nebraska, where she had been called by the death of her father, Mr. Samuel Joy. CLARINDA HERALD, Clarinda, Iowa, Jun 20, 1912