submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Fastenau, Rudolph J.]

Clarinda Herald Journal

Thursday    December 6, 1973

Fastenau former Clarinda resident

Former Clarinda resident Rudolph J Fastenau died Nov 29 [1973] following a heart attack.

Services were held at Faith Lutheran Church Dec 3 with officiating Pastor Edgar Schmidt. Burial was at Lincoln Memorial Park Cemetery.

Pallbearers were six grandsons Carl, Gary, Edward Werner, Michael, Randall and Charles Fastenau.

The son of the late Mr and Mrs John [Rennig] Fastenau [Julia A. Sierp], he was born June 19, 1903, near   Clarinda.   He graduated from Clarinda High School in 1922. He was married to Stella Nothwehr Dec 30, 1925, who preceded him in death Sept 24, this year. They lived here until 1944.

Survivors include three sons Arden of Aurora, Colo, Leo of Detroit, Mich, Lowell of Lincoln, one daughter, Mrs Ruth Werner, of Northglenn, Colo, brothers Arnold and Rennig of Clarinda, Eldo of Corning, sisters, Mrs Margaret Sunderman of Sidney, Neb, and Ina Copeland of Thousand Palms, Cal, and 14 grandchildren.

Attending funeral services for Rudolph Fastenau in Lincoln, Neb, from this area were Mr and Mrs Arnold Fastenau, Mr and Mrs Rennig Fastenau, Mr and Mrs Eldo Fastenau, Florence Nothwehr, Mr and Mrs Charlie Schilb, Mr and Mrs Walter Nothwehr, Mr and Mrs Carl Flotho, Mrs Ivan Otte, Mr and Mrs Arlo Sunderman. Other relatives came from Sidney, Neb, Ft Dodge, Ia, Colorado and Michigan.


[Puthuff, Myrta Ruth Miller]

Clarinda Herald Journal

March 1973

Mrs Puthuff OES member 66 years

 BLANCHARD - Mrs Myrta [Ruth Miller] Puthuff, 96, oldest resident of Blanchard, died Sunday at the Hamburg hospital. She had been a patient there since Feb 14 and had been bedfast the last two years following a fall and hip fracture.

Services were Wednesday from the Blanchard United Methodist Church, the Rev Richard Russell officiating.  Burial was   in   the Blanchard Cemetery.

Mrs Puthuff is survived by one daughter, Mrs Reba Tinnell of Blanchard, who has cared for her mother, also four grandchildren and eighteen great grandchildren. She had been a member of the Christian Church at Blanchard and a member of Twin Knots chapter 275, Order of the Eastern Star, for 66 years.

[Darmer, Bennett C.]

Clarinda Herald Journal

March 1973

Bennett Darmer worked at AAHI

Bennett C Darmer, 71, of Medical Lake, Wash, died Tuesday. He was a former resident of Clarinda, having worked at MHI.

Funeral services will be held at 1:30 pm Monday at Walker Funeral Home with burial in the Clarinda Cemetery. The body will arrive in Clarinda Friday night.

He was born Oct 17, 1901, at Perry. On Aug 3, 1941, he was married to Hazel Kent Myers at Hopkins, Mo. For 20 years they have lived in Wash.

Survivors besides his wife of the home are three sisters; Mrs Letha Morrow and Mrs Clara Shelton of Perry, Okla, Miss Fern Darmer of Tulsa, Okla, and a brother, W T Darmer of Perry, Okla.

[Folkner, Fern Foster]

Clarinda Herald Journal

July 1973

Mrs Fern Folkner former resident

Mrs Fern (Foster) Folkner, 77, died July 21 [1973] at Modesto, Cal, according to news received by friends here. She was the daughter of the late Charles Foster, Page County sheriff in early years. She had returned to Clarinda for reunions held by Omega Tau, a group who formed a society in high school. She is the cousin of Mrs Florence Huddle. Her brothers are Glen Foster of Oklahoma City, Porter Foster of Boise, Idaho. A sister is Mrs Gertrude Whittaker of San Francisco, Cal.


[Smith, Tammy Sue]

Clarinda Herald Journal


Smith's infant daughter died

Tammy Sue Smith, infant daughter of Thomas and Judith Strand Smith was stillborn Saturday afternoon at Municipal Hospital.

Besides her parents she is survived by a brother and sister, Michael Leroy and Michelle Lynn of the home, and grandparents, Mr and Mrs James Duncan of Omaha.

Graveside services will be at 2 pm Tuesday at Memory cemetery at New Market. Walker Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.  

[Knox, Ona Loy Warden]

Clarinda Herald Journal

June 1973

Mrs Ona Knox died at hospital

Mrs Ona [Loy Warden] Knox, 78, of rural Clarinda died shortly before noon this Monday at the Municipal Hospital where she had been a patient for about three weeks.

Services are pending at the Lavelle Funeral Home and at the Methodist church in Yorktown.

Survivors include two sons, LeRoy Warden of Englewood, Colo, and Robert of Yorktown, a sister, Mrs Earl [Henry] Annan [Nina Loy] of Yorktown, eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.

[Gregg, Clarence T.]

Clarinda Herald Journal

October 1973

Graveside services for Clarence Gregg

Graveside services at the Clarinda Cemetery are scheduled for 4 pm Friday for Clarence [T.] Gregg. The body will be brought here from Slater, where services will be held earlier in the day. Rev Lester Greenwood is in charge of the graveside rites.

[Thompson, Wayne]

Clarinda Herald Journal


IWCC student killed in one-car accident  

A student at Iowa Western Community College in Clarinda was killed early Sunday morning in a one-car accident near Audubon.

Wayne Thompson, 18, of Independence, Mo, died instantly after the car in which he was riding apparently went out of control and rolled over in a ditch on a paved county road about nine miles northwest of Audubon.

The car was owned by Gregory Edwards, 19, of Gray, who escaped serious injury, investigating officials said.

Services will be at 10 am Wednesday at the Carson Funeral Home in Independence. Visitation will be from 7 to 9 pm Tuesday.

[Roberts, Esther, Mrs.]

Clarinda Herald Journal

August 1973

Mrs Anna Smith's mother died

Mrs Edwin (Esther) Roberts, 67, of Grant City, Mo, died Aug 29 [1973] at a hospital in Albany, Mo.

Survivors include her husband, Edwin Roberts, one daughter, Mrs Anna Catherine Smith of Clarinda, one son, Edwin L Roberts of Tarkio.

She was a member of the United Methodist Church in Grant City. Services are Friday August 31 at 2 pm at the Andrews Funeral Home in Grant City conducted by Rev John Thompson. Burial will be in the Grant City Cemetery.

[Leitch, Addison]

Clarinda Herald Journal

September 1973

Dr Leitch taught adult ed here

Services were held Wednesday for Dr Addison Leitch, 65, who died Monday at Hamilton, Mass. He is former president of Tarkio College, instructor in Iowa Western adult education classes and prominent in work with the United Presbyterian Church prior to leaving Tarkio in 1969.


[Daub, Arthur]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April 1973

Receives word of brother's death

GRAVITY — Mrs Roland Reed received news Saturday of the death of her   brother, Arthur Daub, 50, at the Hospital at Creston. He had been ill for a year, forced   to   give   up   his employment at Wellman Dynamics.

Services were held Monday. Graveside military services were conducted by the Creston Veterans of Foreign Wars post before interment at Greenlawn Cemetery at Afton. 

His wife, the former Shirley Mae Dansburg, and four children survive him. His mother is Mrs Florence Mae Christensen of Creston.

[Almquist, Merrill Robert]

Clarinda Herald Journal

June 1973


Merrill Robert Almquist was the fourth of six children born to Elmer and Mabel Almquist on the home place north of Essex, Iowa on September 27, 1925.

At an early age he became a member of the Swedish Covenant Church at Essex.

On November 23, 1945 Merrill was united in marriage with Maralee Matheny. On November 12, 1946 one daughter Jenell Karen was born.

Following their marriage they farmed in the Essex area. In 1953 they moved to Coin where they made their home until moving to Northboro in 1971.

While living at Coin they became members of the United Presbyterian Church where he was an active member until his passing on June 12, 1973.

He is survived by his wife Maralee, daughter Jenell and her husband David Anderson, one grandson Lee, one granddaughter Lori, his parents Elmer and Mabel Almquist. Also surviving is one brother, four sisters and a number of other relatives and many friends.

Services for Mr Almquist were held June 15 at the United Methodist Church in Coin with the Rev W D Martin officiating. Interment was in Essex cemetery, Hackett Funeral Home in charge and casket bearers were Quentin Gibson, Merald Hein, Alex Hogg, LaMott Klepinger, Robert Olenius, Byron Scotton.

Caring for the flowers were Mrs Alex Hogg. Mrs LaMott Klepinger. Mrs Robert Olenius, Mrs Byron Scotton; the music by Mr and Mrs William Mannasmith; at memory register Mrs Robert Anderson, Mrs Quentin Gibson; ushers were Ray Brownlee, Sheldon Jones.

[Fishell, Mabel Edith Anderson Mace]

Clarinda Herald Journal

September 1973


Mabel Edith Anderson Fishell, daughter of Herman and Anna Anderson was born at Yorktown, Iowa on January 5,1894 and departed this life September 14, 1973 at Clarinda, Iowa at the age of 79 years and 8 months. She   was   reared   in   the   Yorktown vicinity and attended school there. She later lived in the Hopkins and Lamar, Missouri and Clarinda and New Market, Iowa areas.

In September 1911 she was united in marriage to Preston P [rior] Mace. To this union five children were born.

On June 25, 1946 she was united in marriage to Leonard W [arren] Fishell. She was preceded in death by her mother   and    father    and    a    granddaughter.

She   was   a   member   of   the   First Methodist church, Yorktown, Iowa. She is survived by her five children; Mrs Eddie (Darlene) Cords of Mankato, Minn, Mrs G E (Wilda) Crippen of Vancouver, BC Canada, Gene Mace of Castle Rock, Wash, Dale Mace of Lincoln, Nebr, and Mrs Edwin (Dorothy) Whitehill of Bedford, Iowa; three stepchildren, Mrs    Orville    (Carolyn) Rawlings of Bennington, Nebr, Mrs Robert (Dorothe) Shanno of Phoenix, Ariz, and Leonard Fishell Jr, also of Phoenix, Ariz; 12 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.

She will be greatly missed by all who loved her and knew her. Funeral services were conducted at the Walker Funeral Home on Monday, September 17, 1973 with the Rev Charles Bissinger officiating. Music was provided by Maynard Burch and Mr and Mrs Gilbert Burch. Casket bearers were George Annan, Melvin Annan, Donald Hutchison, Arthur Hutchison, Verrell Moore, and Orville Rawlings.

Interment was at Polsley Cemetery, Yorktown, Iowa.

[Anderson, Dorothy Boylan]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April 1973


NORTHBORO, April 24 — Mrs Dorothy Boylan Anderson, 60, of Phoenix, Ariz, died April 11 after a long illness. She was born at Tecumseh, Neb, and was a graduate of Northboro High School. She was preceded in death by a daughter, Charlene, and survived by a daughter, Mrs Sharon Leonard of Phoenix, a son, Edwin Anderson of Newtown, Pa, and a sister, Mrs Hazel Mackoy of Northboro. The family has arranged memorial to the TB  & Respiratory Disease Association.

[Rucker, Lee]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April 1973

Rucker former Clarinda resident

Lee Rucker, 45, formerly of Clarinda, died in Shenandoah April 23 of an apparent heart attack.

Funeral services were at the Buntz-Tawzer Chapel in Shenandoah with burial at the Old Memory cemetery near New Market.

Survivors include his wife, Kathy, and four daughters; three brothers, Lowell and Bob of Clarinda, Keith of Denver, Colo, and two sisters, Pat Macrander of Ashland, Nebr, and Betty Waltermeyer of Fremont, Neb.

A brother Don and his father Clarence preceded him in death.

[Muller, Arthur]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April 1973

Arthur Muller died at Omaha

Arthur Muller, 64, died this Monday in Omaha where he had been hospitalized recently.

Services are to be held Saturday at 2 pm at the St Paul Lutheran Church in Yorktown with Pastor Gary Arp officiating.

Mr Muller was born near Yorktown on Sept 11, 1908, and farmed in that area until beginning work with Pioneer Mutual Insurance Company five years ago. The family home was at 700 North 16th.

He was married to Wilma Sump on Feb 16, 1935, and they had four children, Duane and Mrs Lowell (Donna) Barr, both of Clarinda, Robert of Lincoln, Neb, and John of Corning.

He is also survived by three brothers, Walter of rural Clarinda, and Herbert and Francis of Coin, and three sisters, Mrs Norman (Martha) Carlson and Mrs Dorothy Sump, both of Clarinda, and Mrs Carl (Ada) Mueller of Cedar Falls. Lavelle Funeral Home is in charge of the services.

A family prayer service will be held at the funeral home at 7:30 pm Friday.           

[McClarnon, Michaelyn “Mickie” Bloom]

Clarinda Herald Journal

Monday     April 30, 1973

Services Sunday for Mrs McClarnon    

Funeral services for Mrs Michaelyn McClarnon, 27, of Braddyville, were held Sunday afternoon at the Lavelle Funeral Home, with Rev Clarence Landis officiating.

Burial was in the Shearer Cemetery at Braddyville. She died early Friday [April 27, 1973] morning, after an illness of a year with cancer.

Vocalists were Maynard and Gilbert Burch, accompanied by Mrs Gilbert Burch. Casket bearers were John Kenagy Jr, David B Anderson, Tom Livengood, Ronald Kenagy, Myron Blair and Lowell Ely. At the register books were Mrs David Anderson and Mrs Glen Mackey. In charge of flowers were Mrs Ronald Kenagy and Mrs John Yaple.

She was born Sept 13, 1945, at Shenandoah, the daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bloom. She attended school at College Springs, graduating from high school in 1963. She was married to Howard [Donald] McClarnon on June 27, 1964, at College Springs. They lived at Ames, until 1968 when they moved to the present home east of Braddyville.

She was a member of the United Methodist Church in Braddyville.

She was preceded in death by her two grandfathers.

Survivors include her husband, Howard, three sons, Kevin, David [Kyle] and Matthew [Kraig], all at home, her parents, Mr and Mrs Bloom and one sister, Shirley Jo, all of Braddyville, one brother, [Kenneth] Lynn Bloom of Clarinda, and two grandmothers, Mrs Clyde Bloom of Northboro, and Mrs Otis Lair of College Springs.

[Cook, Nora Edith Lark]

Clarinda Herald Journal

March 1973

Coin woman's mother dies in Washington

COIN, Mar 28 - Mrs Charlene Redinger received word that her mother, Mrs Nora [Edith Lark] Cook of Ellensburg, Wash, died Monday [March 26, 1973].


[Eberly, Carrie Elizabeth Ross]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April 30, 1973

Mrs Eberly died after long illness

Funeral services for Mrs Carrie E [lizabeth] Eberly, 84, of Clarinda will be held at 2 pm Tuesday at Walker Funeral Home. She died at her home Sunday morning [April 29,1973] after a long illness.

She was born April 4, 1889, at Waynesboro, Pa, the daughter of William and Mary Ziegler Ross. On June 8,1905, she was married to Andrew Eberly who preceded her in death in 1969.

Mrs Eberly is survived by six children: Mrs Owen (Marie) Thompson. Mrs Pauline Wilcoxson, Mrs Edith Wallace, Mrs Herbert (Lutie) Myers, and William Eberly all of Clarinda, and Roy Eberly of Ogilvie, Minn. Twenty grandchildren, 66 great grandchildren and eight great -great - grandchildren also survive.

Rev Dean Gillespie will officiate at the service. Singers will be Rev and Mrs Eddie Fidler, with Doris Sebeniecher organist. Casket bearers will be Harold Thompson, Gerald Eberly Terry Eberly, Merl Eberly, Ray Thompson and Paul Wilcoxson. Burial will be in the Butler Cemetery south of Shambaugh.

[Snodderly, Clara Avis Skinner]

Clarinda Herald Journal


Mrs Snodderly burial at C S

Funeral service for Mrs J [ohn] Fred (Clara [Avis]) Snodderly, 89, was held Wednesday at the Elmo Christian Church and burial in the College Springs cemetery following her death Monday in a hospital at Merriam, Kans.

She was born Oct 6, 1883, at Oregon, the daughter of the late Calvin and Kathryn Short Skinner. On April 18,1903, she was married at Yorktown.

Her husband preceded her in death Oct 1, 1958. She is survived by two daughters and two sons.

[Gust, Albert H.]

Clarinda Herald Journal

September 1973

Services held for Albert Gust

Albert H Gust, 68, died Saturday afternoon [September 22, 1973] at Municipal Hospital following a long illness.

He was born Sept 7, 1905, at Joplin, Mo, the son of Louis and Clara Faulstich Gust. He was married to Hulda Peterson who died Feb 23, 1973.

Mr Gust had retired from the Iowa Power and Light Co where he was employed for many years. He was a member of St John Lutheran Church.

Funeral services were held this Monday afternoon at St John Lutheran Church with Pastor Carl Lueker officiating. Mrs Leland Herzberg was organist. Casket bearers were Amos Eshelman, Jack Stamps, Don Maxwell, Walter Bartels, Alfred Sump and Ken Klaasmeyer. Ushers were Merle Goecker and Arnold Meyer. Florence Wagoner and Lucille Blume were in charge of the register.

Burial was in the Clarinda cemetery with Walker Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.

Mr Gust is survived by two daughters: Mrs Harold LeRoy  (Carolyn) Foster of Clarinda and Mrs Paul (Mildred) Discher of Marshalltown, six grandchildren, four brothers, Otto Gust of Blanchard, Fred Gust and Bernard Gust of Yakima, Wash, and Rudolph Gust of Kirkland, Wash.

[Sheridan, Doris Koehler]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April 1973

Mrs Sheridan was graduate of CJS

Mrs James (Doris) Sheridan, 42, daughter of Mrs O W Koehler of Clarinda, died Monday at Janesville, Wis, and funeral services and burial will be in that city Friday.

She was born Sept 22, 1930, in St Louis, Mo, and spent much of her early life in Clarinda, graduating from Clarinda Junior College in 1951. In September of that year she joined the WAVES, discharged in May of 1953 with a seaman rank.

She was married in 1953 to James Sheridan, and they lived in Newport, R I, San Diego and San Francisco, Cal, before, moving to Jamesville in 1967. She was active in several civic and other organizations.

Survivors, besides her mother, include her husband, a son Edward [John], stationed with the Navy in Long Beach, Cal, two daughters, Bridget and Nancy [Kay] of the home, and three sisters, Mrs Izetta Castillo of Elmo, Mo, Mrs Frank Gay of Omaha, and Mrs Patrick Laughlin of Redlands, Cal.

Services will be held at St Patrick's Church with burial in Mt Olivet cemetery.

[Clark, Amos Carl]

Clarinda Herald Journal

September 1973

Verlin Clark's father died

Amos Carl Clark, 80, father of Verlin Clark of Clarinda, died Friday at a Shenandoah hospital.

He is survived by three other sons, Lloyd Clark, Lebanon, Elvin Clark, Phoenix, Ariz, and Kenneth Clark, Shenandoah; two brothers, two sisters; 11 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

Funeral services were Monday in Shenandoah, graveside services at the Luteston Cemetery in Sheridan, Mo.

[Smith, Helen Minerva Henry]

Clarinda Herald Journal

November 1973

Mrs George Smith former Clarindan

Funeral services for Mrs George [Dunlap] (Helen) [Minerva Henry] Smith, 69, were being held this Monday at Reinbeck, following her death Thursday evening at a Reinbeck hospital. She had been ill for about eight weeks with malignancy.

The Smiths left Clarinda in the early 1940's, Mr Smith having been a partner in the H & S Hardware and Mrs Smith very active   in   church   and   music circles. She was director of the choir at Trinity United Presbyterian Church.

The couple has visited occasionally in Clarinda during the years that they farmed   near Reinbeck. They were here at the golden wedding of the J W Will Andersons in 1972, the couples having wedding dates together.

Clarinda friends were unable to attend the services at Reinbeck because of illness. Burial was at the Reinbeck cemetery.

The Smiths have two children, Mrs Carl  (Miriam) Webber of Santa   Ana, Cal, and   Douglas Smith of San Jose, Cal. Mr Smith survives his wife.

[Kenney, Ruth Mae Kincheloe]

Clarinda Herald Journal

November 1973

Mrs Tom Kenney Page County native

Funeral services for Mrs Tom  (Ruth) Kenney, a native of Page County, were held this Monday morning at Linwood, N J. She did not waken from her sleep Nov 8 [1973].

She grew up in Page County, daughter of Mr and Mrs J [ohn] H [arst] and [Martha] Alice Cox Kincheloe. Her sisters are Miss Reba Kincheloe of Clarinda and Mrs Monnie Higginbotham of Iowa City, and brothers Eldridge and Roy Kincheloe of Clarinda. Her husband survives her at Linwood. She was married to Tom E Kinney on April 18,1932, and they moved to New Jersey in 1955.