submitted by: Julia Johnson -

[Clark, Helen Jennie Foster]

Clarinda Herald Journal

March 1973

Mrs Clark born near New Market

New Market burial service was held Monday for Mrs Helen [Jennie] Clark, 83, who died Friday at the Shenandoah hospital. She was born near New Market May 26, 1889, to Richard L [ewis] and Delia Clark Foster, and lived for many years in Dakota and then Shenandoah.

On April 15, 1909, she was married to [William] Herbert Clark. To this union, a son Herbert Clark, Jr, was born who died at the age of 15 months. Her husband also preceded her in death.

[Buch, Matilda Schmieding]

Clarinda Herald Journal

March 1973

Mrs Buch at West Heights

Funeral services for Mrs Mathilda [Matilda] Buch, 91, of Clarinda will be held at 10:30 am, Saturday at St John Lutheran Church, with Pastor Carl Lueker officiating. Burial will be in the Immanuel Cemetery.

A family prayer service will be held at 10:15 am at the church. Casket bearers will be Vernon and Elmer Baumgarten, Donald, Erwin, Raymond and Darwin Buch. The organist will be Mrs Leland Herzberg. At the register book will be Florence Wagoner. Ushers will be Alfred Sump and Melvin Freudenburg.

She died Wednesday morning at the West Heights Manor where she had been since November of 1969.

She was born Dec 21, 1881, at Malcolm, Neb, the daughter of Mr and Mrs William Schmieding. She was baptized and confirmed at the Trinity Lutheran Church at Malcom. She lived at Malcolm and Lincoln, Nebraska before her marriage to Henry [George] Buch on Sept 19,1927 at Malcom. Mr Buch died in December of 1961.

She is survived by three stepsons, Edward, Henry and Martin Buch, all of Clarinda; one brother, Martin Schmieding of Lincoln, Neb, and one sister, Mrs Eleanora Krogmanand of Clarinda.

Memorials may be directed to the Lutheran Hour.

Lavelle Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


[Loudon, Raymond Adam "Ray"]

Clarinda Herald Journal

October 1973

Ray A Loudon well-known farmer

Ray [mond] A [dam] Loudon, 73, of rural Blanchard died Tuesday morning at Municipal Hospital where he had been admitted the day before. He had been in poor health for some time.

Funeral   services   for   Mr Loudon were held this Thursday afternoon at the United Presbyterian Church at College Springs with Rev W D Martin in charge. Joe McKinley was soloist and Bessie Whigham organist. Wilma Whigham and Ruth Whigham were at the register.  Flowers bearers   were   Irene   Stimson, Elizabeth Slough and Nancy Whigham. Ushers were Edgar Copeland, Luther Compton and Bill Whipp.

Honorary bearers were Fred Stimson, William Slough Sr, Maurice Whigham, John Cabeen, Harold Horel and Clark Peery. Casket bearers were Paul, Don, Bill and Dan McComb, Wallace and Roger Loudon. Burial was in the Maple Hill cemetery with Walker Funeral Home in charge of services.

Mr Loudon is survived by his wife of the home and one son, Robert D Loudon of Afton, and one grandson. Ralph [William] Loudon of Boone is a brother.

Mr Loudon was born Nov 5, 1899, near Blanchard, the son of William B [oyle] and Rose McFarland Loudon. On Aug 15, 1923, he was married to Myrtle Douthirt who survives.

Mr Loudon was a well-known farmer of the area having lived between Blanchard and College Springs all his life. He was a member of Lions Club at College Springs.


[Anderson, John H.]

Clarinda Herald Journal


John Anderson services Tuesday

John H Anderson, 54, husband of the former Ruth [Ann] Pfander, died Saturday at Council Bluffs and services were held Tuesday at Council Bluffs.

He was co-owner of the Twin City Bowl and a native of Mills County. His wife, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pfander of Burlington Junction, was born in Clarinda. They had a son and three daughters.

[Hull, Clarence R.]

Clarinda Herald Journal

August 1973

Clarence Hull services held

Funeral services were held Tuesday at St John Lutheran Church for Clarence [R.] Hull, 88, of Westboro, Mo, who died Aug 11 at the Fairfax, Mo., hospital.

Rev John Chandler officiated at the services, with burial in St John cemetery.

Mr. Hull was a retired farmer and long-time resident of the Westboro area. He was a member of St John Lutheran Church.

Survivors include his wife Mabelle; two sons, Dale of Westboro and Phillip of Tarkio; a daughter, Mrs. Phillis Kemper of Shenandoah; four sisters, Mrs. Ella Larson of Red Oak, Mrs. Anna Lind of Omaha, Mrs. Hilda Hanson of Wahoo, Neb, and Mrs. Marie Spong of Des Moines, and eight grandchildren.

[Jackson, Gladys Henderson]

Clarinda Herald Journal

August 1973

Mrs. Henderson former resident

Mrs. Gladys Henderson Jackson of Banning, Cal, died Aug 25, [1973] according to news to Clarinda friends from her sister, Mrs. Fern Weber of Los Angeles. The sisters were graduated from Clarinda schools in 1906, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. A F Henderson, their father being an early real estate man in Clarinda. Mrs. Jackson has two nieces and a nephew.

[Kenagy, Robert Keith]

Clarinda Herald Journal

May   1973

Keith Kenagy was Braddyville mayor     

Funeral services for [Robert] Keith Kenagy, 75, former mayor of Braddyville, will be held at 2 pm, Saturday, at the Lavelle Funeral Home in Clarinda, with Rev Carl Cummings officiating.

Burial will be in the Braddyville Cemetery. Pallbearers will be his five sons and one grandson, Kenneth, Merlin, Ronald, Dwight and Dale Kenagy and Gary Hull. He died Wednesday night [May 23, 1973] at the Fairfax Community Hospital in Fairfax, Mo. His illness has caused him to give up his active work and community service in June 1969.

He was born Nov 12, 1897 at Yorktown, the son of Mr. and Mrs. [Samuel] Harry Kenagy [Emily Borthwick]. He attended the United Presbyterian Church at Yorktown as a young man. He attended Long Branch rural elementary school, and graduated from high school at College Springs.

He served in the armed Forces during WW I. He was married to Velma Martin on April 29,1920 at Churdan.

They lived in Page County until 1933 when they moved to the Elmo and Clearmont area, moving to Braddyville in 1962. During his service as mayor 1964-69, Braddyville built the waterworks, the city hall and new fire station.

He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife in June of 1971 and one brother.

He    is    survived   by    five daughters, Mrs. Lowell (Kathryn) Hull   of   Elmo, Mrs.   Richard (Dorothy) Ferguson   of   Des Moines, Iowa, Mrs.    Larry (Esther) Carlson of Blanchard, Mrs. Jack (Carol) Patterson of Littleton, Colorado, Mrs.   Glen    (Sharon) Blume of Spencer, and five sons, Kenneth of Caldwell, Ida, Dale of Aberdeen, Wash, Dwight of Sioux City, Merlin of Tarkio, Mo., and   Ronald   of    Braddyville.

He has 22 grandchildren, six great - grandchildren. Sisters are Mrs. Leonard (Lydia) Reeves of Opal, S D, Mrs. Lois [Theresa] McCullough, of Des Moines, Miss Rosaltha Kenagy of Yaounde, Cameroon, Africa, Miss Mary [Eloise] Kenagy of Omaha, Neb, and   brothers, Bruce [Borthwick] of Berthoud, Colo., [William] Lloyd of Huntington   Valley, Penn   and John of rural Clarinda.

Memorials may be directed to the Cancer Fund and may be left at the Funeral Home.

The    family    will    receive relatives and friends from 7:30 till 9 pm Friday at the Lavelle Funeral Home.

[Wyckoff, Nettie Jane McLean]

Clarinda Herald Journal

November 1973

Mrs C W Wyckoff active in community affairs

Funeral services for Mrs C [rayton] W [Donald] (Nettie) [Jane] Wyckoff, 92, of College Springs, will be held at 2 pm Friday at the College Springs United Presbyterian Church, with Rev W D Martin officiating.

Burial will be at College Springs. Casket bearers will be Ross Macrander, Ernest Borthwick, Frank Kirkham, Perry Farquhar, Wayne Garrett and Durward Jackson. Music will be furnished by Mrs Lowell Anderson and Joe McKinley, accompanied by Mrs Clarence Whigham. At the register books will be Mrs Lisle Farquhar and Mrs Ross Macrander. In charge of the flowers will be Mrs Perry Farquhar and Mrs Harold Mitchell. The ushers will be Bill Whipp and John Kenagy.

Mrs Wyckoff died Tuesday night [November 13, 1973] at West Heights Manor Nursing Home after being a resident there since August.

She was born March 19, 1881, near College Springs, the daughter of Robert and Margaret McClarnon McLean. She was graduated from Amity College and taught school in the rural area.

She was married to Dr Crayton [Donald] Wyckoff on July 12, 1909. He was a dentist in College Springs for many years. He died on Dec 29, 1952.

She   was   interested   in   her community, and especially the youth. She served on the Page County Welfare Board 24 years and received a citation for her interest in the welfare of the citizens of Iowa. She was a Girl Reserve counselor for many years.

She was active in all sections of the church from her youth to her senior years, playing the organ, sponsoring youth groups, working in the women's organizations and Sunday school. She was a member of the College Springs United Presbyterian Church.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband and her son Robert, on Oct 9, 1962, and one brother, [William] Clark McLean.

She is survived by her daughter-in-law, Mrs James (Frances) Burton of Potomac, Md, and her grandson, William of Portland, Ore, and Robert of Annapolis, Md, her sister-in-law Mrs Nell McLean of Pella, and nieces and nephews.

Lavelle Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements

[Allison, Forrest Ernest]

Clarinda Herald Journal

July 1973

Allison former city employee

NEW MARKET — Forrest E [rnest] Allison, former city employee of Clarinda, died June 27 [1973] in La Mesa, Calif. He had been ill since December with cancer.

Funeral services were to be June 30 and burial in San Diego.

He was born north of New Market on March 27,1910, the son of Mr and Mrs W[illiam] C [lifford] Allison. Forrest attended school in New Market and Junior College in Clarinda. He was a graduate of University of Iowa.

In the late 1920's, he was in charge of Clarinda's filter plant, and was manager of the swimming pool. During his tenure at the pool, Clarinda gained high recognition for sponsoring four-state Midwest Swimming Association meets, and the local swimmers were among the strongest in the entire area, due to the instruction of divers as well as swimmers given by Allison.

While in Clarinda he was married to Gladys Bracksiek of Keystone. They lived in Clarinda, and New Market, also Ohio and California.

He is survived by his wife, two daughters Mrs Kay O'Day and Mrs Janice Mahoney of San Diego, Calif. His aged mother, Jennie Allison is in a nursing home and two brothers are Orlin of Miami, Fla and Ralph of Sacramento, Calif and two sisters Mrs Leila Haeger of Tucson, Ariz and Carol Mauldin of Redlands, Calif. He has four grandchildren.

Mrs Laura Mankle and Lawrence Allison of New Market are his aunt and uncle. He was active in the Lutheran Church in La Mesa.

[Eitzen, Settie Meyer]

Clarinda Herald Journal

July 1973

Services Thursday for Mrs Eitzen

Funeral services for Mrs William (Settie) Eitzen, 84, who died Sunday at Hand Hospital in Shenandoah will be held at 2 pm Thursday at Trinity Lutheran Church. The Rev Donald Mann will officiate with burial in Elm wood Cemetery in Coin.

Mrs Eitzen, who lived in rural Coin, is survived by two sons, Vincent [Jacob] of Sylmar, Calif, and Forrest of Shenandoah; a daughter, Mrs June [Irene] Trujillo of Rowland Heights, Calif; a brother, William Meyer of College Springs; two sisters, Mrs Emil (Minnie) Sunderman of Clarinda and Mrs Lizzie Eitzen of Shenandoah; four grandchildren and one great-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her husband William [Jacob], a son Orval and a sister.

A memorial for Mrs Eitzen has been established at the Trinity Lutheran Church.

The family will receive friends from 6:30 to 8:30 pm Wednesday at Hackett Funeral Home, Shenandoah.

[McIntyre, Fred Grafft]

Clarinda Herald Journal

Nov 1973

Services Friday for Fred McIntyre

Funeral services for Fred [Grafft] Mclntyre, 79, of College Springs will be held at 2 pm Friday at the United Presbyterian Church in College Springs, with Rev W D Martin officiating. Burial will be in College Springs.

Mr Mclntyre died Tuesday night at West Heights Manor after being a patient there since Nov 10.

He was born Dec 25, 1893, near Braddyville, the son of John and Sarah Grafft Mclntyre. He was married to Lois E Mcintosh, Feb 2, 1915. He farmed for a number of years and in 1947 the family moved to College Springs after which he became self-employed. For 37 years he was part-time employee for the Clarinda Sales Co.

In March of 1972 he suffered a stroke from which he never fully recovered.

He was a member of the United Presbyterian Church in College Springs, serving as trustee and head usher.

He is survived by his wife, Lois, two sons, Donald E and John R of Scottsdale, Ariz, five granddaughters. Two sisters are Mrs Will (Stella) Phipps of Clarinda and Mrs Clarence (Nellie) Blum of Omaha, Neb, and two brothers, Elvin of Sumner, Wash, and Raymond of Sioux Falls, S D.

Memorials may be directed to the United Presbyterian Church in College Springs.

The family will receive friends from 7:30 to 9 pm this Thursday at the Lavelle Funeral Home in Clarinda.      

[May, Gertrude Welch]

Clarinda Herald Journal

July 1973

Services Friday for Mrs Earl May

Funeral services for Mrs Earl E [rnest] (Gertrude) [Welch] May, 80, widow of the late founder of May Seed Co in Shenandoah, are to be held Friday following the tragic death by fire Monday at her summer home on Echo Lake near Mercer, Wis.

Fire broke out early in the downstairs while Mrs. May, Mrs. Edna Buntz and Mrs. Myrtle Welda, Shenandoah residents, were asleep.  Because of Mrs. May's arthritic condition, she was unable to get from the home, the visitors, who were asleep upstairs, being able to escape.  Her body was found near her bedroom door as though she had made an attempt to find her way out. Authorities ruled smoke inhalation as the cause of death.

The service is to be at the Shenandoah Congregational Church at 2 pm Friday with the Rev. Ed Cox officiating.

[Ingram, Hiram Preston]

Clarinda Herald Journal

July 1973

Hiram Ingram services held

SHAMBAUGH — Hiram [Preston] Ingram, 77, of Council Bluffs was brought to Clarinda for burial and graveside services this Thursday. He died Monday at a Council Bluffs hospital, having been hospitalized since Friday.

Born in Clearmont, Mo he had resided 30 years in Council Bluffs, and was a retired warehouseman for the International Harvester Co.

Survivors include his wife, Esther, in Council Bluffs; five daughters, Mrs Geraldine Jared of Minneapolis, Minn, Mrs Dorothy Rankin of St Louis, Mrs Marilyn Kiehl of Palm Springs, Cal, Mrs Ruth Neuhold of Lamar, Colo, and Mrs Sharyl De Moss of Lincoln, Neb; three sons, Harold Ingram of Paul, Ida, Donald Ingram of New Ulm, Minn and Maurice Ingram of El Paso, Tex; 15 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Thursday in Council Bluffs. The Rev Richard Brown of Norfolk, Neb, officiated.

[Adams, Tracy Ann]

Clarinda Herald Journal

Thursday     July 12, 1973

Services for Adams infant

Services were held Monday in Red Oak for Tracy Ann Adams, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Terry Adams. The child died shortly after birth July 6 at the Red Oak hospital.

Besides her parents, her survivors are grandparents Mr and Mrs Otto Adams of Red Oak and Mr and Mrs Roy Graham of Nodaway, and great - grandparents Ray Adams of Villisca, Mr and Mrs Vance McPike of New Market and Mrs Bertha Graham of Hepburn.

[Graham, Emma Jane Knighton]

Clarinda Herald Journal

October 1973

Hopkins burial for Mrs Graham

Mrs Emma J [ane Knighton] Graham, 93, of New Market died Friday at the Maryville hospital where she had been taken a short time prior. Her burial was Saturday in the Hopkins, Mo, cemetery   after services at the Shum Novinger Funeral Home in Bedford with Rev Ollie Odle officiating.  Her husband, James M [cDonald], is deceased.  Her granddaughter is Mrs. Helen Roy of Basehor, Kan.

[Mcintosh, Roy H.]

Clarinda Herald Journal

August 1973

Mcintosh formerly lived at Blanchard

Roy (Jack) Mcintosh, 51, former oil station operator at Blanchard, died Sunday [August 19, 1973] at the Bethany, Mo, hospital following a serious illness of a week.

He had been in poor health for several years, and had a heart attack while at work in the lumberyard at Bethany. Services were from Christian Church of Ridgeway, Mo, of which he was a member, and burial at Lloyd Cemetery.

Roy [H.] was born Jan 15, 1922, son of Emma [Melvina Crawford] and Jack [Andrew Jackson] Mcintosh, living three miles south of College Springs all his boyhood. He   attended Mt Tabor   rural school and Elmo high school. After his fatherÕs death he and his mother moved to Blanchard

In March of 1950, he was married to Ila June Bridge of Mt Mariah, Mo. They moved to Newton, Ia and in 1954 moved to south of Ridgeway, Mo, to a farm.

Children are Jerry Wayne and Deborah Kay. His father, mother, two sisters and two brothers preceded him in death. He is survived by his wife and two children at home, a sister, Mrs Will (Elizabeth) Slough of Blanchard, Ia, two nephews and two nieces.

[Knapple, James Garrison]

Clarinda Herald Journal

October 1973

Services pending

Arrangements are pending at Shum - Novinger Funeral home in Bedford for James G [arrison] Knap [p] le, 30, who   died   last   week   [September 27, 1973] in Norman, Okla. He was the son of Mr and Mrs Jerome Osborne. George Knap[p]le of Weston, Mo, is a brother and Rosemary Behrmann of Shenandoah is a sister.

Services are tentatively made for Tuesday, the body being met at   Omaha this Monday.   Carl Cummings, Bedford minister, will officiate   and   burial   in Hopkins cemetery.

[Note:  Source of death date:  Obituary, Bedford Times-Press, October 11, 1973]


[Neudick, Larry]

Clarinda Herald Journal

July 1973

Neudick former W Clarinda resident

Graveside services will be held at 3 pm Tuesday in Clarinda for Larry Neudick, 38, of Norfolk, Neb, who died last week of gunshot wounds.

He was born in Clarinda and was a former resident.

 He was the son of Ralph and Arda Brooks Neudick. Grandmothers are Blanche Brooks and Mrs Myrtle Kelley.

[Note: The last name is spelled Neudeck in the Social Security Death Index.]


[Williams, Charles Wesley]

Clarinda Herald Journal

August 1973

Charles Williams died after illness

Funeral services for Charles [Wesley] Williams, 83, are being held Friday at 10 am at the United Presbyterian Church in Coin following his extended illness and his death Tuesday at 11:10 pm at his home on West Main Street in Coin.

Several of the family have been here in recent days, and Eldon Ely, his stepson, and wife were expected to fly in from Puyallup, Wash. The Rev Walter Miller of Shenandoah will officiate at the funeral, and burial will be in Snow Hill Cemetery northwest of Coin. Hackett Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

His wife, Mattie, survives him. His first wife was the former Gertrude Whitmore.

His children are Vern Williams, Ivan Williams and Mrs Paul (Ruth) Jackson, of Coin; Frank Williams of Klamath Falls, Ore; step-daughters, Mrs Ivan (Ruth) Nelson of Donnellson, and Mrs Paul (Lois) Emery of Olalla, Wash; stepsons, Eldon Ely of Puyallup, Wash, and Lowell Ely of Braddyville, 12 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren.

Brothers are William Williams, Ashton, Ida, and Herbert Williams of Bellflower, Mo, and four sisters, Mrs Georgia Tate of Montgomery City, Mo; Mrs Stacey (Ida) Copenhaver of Aurora, Mo; Mrs George (Elizabeth) Dunbar, Middletown, Mo, and Mrs Alpha Reynolds of Conway.

[Mason, Mary Cox]

Clarinda Herald Journal

May 1973

Mrs Mason former Clarinda resident

Mrs Mary Cox Mason, 66, who lived in Clarinda 1941-51, died May 1 at Hibbing, Minn, following a short illness. Memorial services are being held May 5 at Lupton Funeral Home, University City, Mo, with burial in the family plot at Grinnell, Ia.

Mrs Mason was born in Ellsworth, Ia, on March 28, 1906. She was graduated from Grinnell College in 1927, and later secured master degree at St Louis, Mo, and was counselor in high school. After residence in Clarinda, she was 20 years at University City, Mo.

Her daughter is Mrs Charles S Vesel of 2906 2nd Ave West, at Hibbing. She has two grandchildren. 

[Reed, Fred Ernest]

Clarinda Herald Journal

April 1973

Reed life-long county resident

Fred E [rnest] Reed, 87, a life-long resident of Page County, died Monday at the Hand Community hospital in Shenandoah after an illness of about a year.

Services were held this Thursday afternoon at the Hackett Funeral Home in Shenandoah with Rev David Stout, pastor of the First Christian Church, officiating.

Survivors include two daughters, Mary and Ruth Reed of Benton Harbor, Mich; a sister, Eva Reed of Shenandoah; a brother, Clarence of Sioux Falls, S D, and three granddaughters.

Preceding him in death were his wife Emma [Jewitt], a daughter, a sister, two brothers and his parents.

A memorial is being established at the church in Shenandoah.

[Adams, Francis Lester]

Clarinda Herald Journal

July 1973

Adams services held at Gravity

Services for Francis L [ester] Adams, 84, were held Sunday from the Christian Church at Gravity following his death July 10 [1973] at the Veterans Hospital in Omaha.

He had been a service station operator in Gravity, and more recently was of New Market. He was born near New Market Oct 5, 1888. During World War I, he served with the 307th Cavalry, stationed at Jefferson Barracks at St Louis, Mo, and at Del Rio, Tex. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge and American Legion.

Rev Carl Cummings and Pastor George Carman were in charge of the services, with Moore - Rutledge Post of Gravity having the military rites and Sunlight Lodge AF&AM conducting the Masonic grave service. Burial was in Memory Cemetery at New Market.