The Harris Centennial
Harris --The past 100 Years

Early Telephone
Page 55-56

Remember the Early Phone Operators?

Otto F. Unz, a druggist by profession, came to Harris from southern Iowa in 1901, and for a few years conducted a drug store here.

In 1904, he established the Harris Telephone Exchange in the building now the residence of Mrs. Charles Gordon.

It was privately owned and operated by Mr. Unz, serving the town of Harris as well as eight well patronized country lines, embracing over 60 miles of well equipped system.

Telephone operators or “Centrals” in those early days, not only took care of the local calls, but also gave out correct time, location of fires and much other useful information.  Some of these “Centrals” and assistants will be remembered as: Mr. and Mrs. Unz, Mabel Weimer, Cecelia Barnes, Maye Screeden, Gladys Wilson, Ethel Morgan, Dolly and Irene Weimer, Dolly Fuller, Viola Keifer, Isabel McNeil, Bernice, Lola and Maude Maher, Lena Williams, Esther Woodworth and Georgia Parks.

In about 1921, the telephone lines and poles were taken down and new underground cable was installed, which improved the appearance of the town very much.

Mr. Unz sold out and left Harris in about 1924.  A couple of changes of ownership took place in the next few years; then the present owners, Central Iowa Telephone Company, took over.

-Written by Dan Watters and Gilbert Jones

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