St. Peter Evangelical Lutheran Church OF Ocheyedan
This church was organized and a parsonage built in 1901. The presiding
pastor is E. Fiene, who is also principal of the parochial school. The
trustees are C. E. Miller, A. Menkens and V. Walther. The vestrymen are
John Rusche, Herman Wassmann and August Arends and C. E. Miller. Mr.
Miller is president and Mr. Arends secretary. The church has twenty-two
voting members and one hundred and ten communicating members.
The preaching is in German every Sabbath with the exception that once in
every two months the sermon is in English. The pastor is the principal
and teacher of the school of about twenty-five pupils. The course of
study includes the Lutheran religion, bible history, German language and
common school branches. The church and school are supported by
From the 1914 Past
and Present of O'Brien and Osceola Counties
Osceola County Iowa Genealogy - The IAGenWeb Project